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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  March 16, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

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how the battle will end, taking out the saber, he took a risk, the whole of crimea, as with all its history, with all the blood shed, and this event, it really is providential in nature, russia ensures the right of russians abroad to participate in presidential elections, mainly voting abroad will take place on one day... march, for example, this will be the case in the united states, where polling stations will open in washington at the embassy, ​​as well as at the consulates general in new york and houston. voting is already underway in 51 countries, so voters could vote early in the czech republic, qatar and cyprus. in some cities, there were even queues; in order to participate in elections abroad, russian citizens must present one of the documents, a foreign passport, an internal passport, a diplomatic passport or a sailor’s passport.
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vesti is following developments in russia and abroad, stay tuned. i always have proof, you're just lucky, maybe he's really good to follow, vasnetsova, premiere on monday. on rtr. there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer, the squad is ready. explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is. 10
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million moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, bukhara done right the knife was becoming a real amulet for its owner , a secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, i would really like to work for you, we will start, of course, on sunday, what do we have, jerry, the bulldog, snores, what to feed the crayfish, a hamster just died, oh , good, my life
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is turning into hell, what does it take to become a successful veterinarian? an extreme situation really irritates people, maybe we’ll adopt it for you? come on, come on, the ability to love is somehow dazzling today, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i say that let’s stop there, because it’s too far to go dangerous, healers of souls.
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i’m getting out, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, for everyone family , today on rtr, what brought you to my school of women’s happiness, he doesn’t notice me, but i want to please him, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others find husband, you have beautiful hands, what five for you? sex can be added, don’t
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lose yours, and by the way, what is the man’s name, i call him mine, your girl fell in love on the side, yaroslav boyka. sorry, i can't answer the meeting. svetlana antonova. what a fool, after all, you yourself turned your faithful little girl into a mess. now give it back. they don't know that you are aware. think about it. i'll think about it. school of women's happiness. premiere. today on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. now about the progress of the special operation, units of the central group of troops reflected eight attacks by assault groups in the avdeevka direction. enemy losses in this
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frontline sector alone exceeded 400 mercenary fighters. one american and one british howitzer were destroyed. bradley infantry fighting vehicle made in the usa. another british spartan armored personnel carrier after. the hit of our projectile was thrown in the kramatorsk region and will now become a trophy, and these are personnel like the russian aerospace forces, using aerial bombs with a planning correction module to destroy the fortified positions of ukrainian formations in the area of ​​​​the city of chasov yar. not far from the village of gulyai pole, crews of the pion 165 self-propelled gun of the guards artillery brigade hit a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. in the chernihiv region near the village of kozilovka, it is 40 km away. from the border, an iskander strike hit a ukrainian radar station, and also inflicted fire on a cluster of militants using cluster munitions. in the amur region , preparations for the start of the fire season are in full swing; repair teams are sorting out airplane and helicopter engines,
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checking ground vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, tractors, and bulldozers. victoria's report sytenko. in the hangar at the airfield of the amur air base, scheduled repairs of flight equipment, the heart of the aircraft, are underway. in the hands of specialists, the car’s engine is painstakingly rebuilt to avoid breakdowns during the hot season. engineer stanislav bakhaev monitors the instruments at the pilot’s seat. for more than 20 years of work, he admits that he studied every detail. each one is removed individually, the instrument panels are also folded back, the instruments are unscrewed, everything is removed, taken to the laboratory, where they are checked for compliance with the parameters. and if everything is in order, everything will be left back. it slowly turns its blades nearby. specialists check the serviceability of the propellers, with the beginning of the fire season, aviation monitoring starts, from the sky they will not only look for a fire, but will help extinguish the flames, deliver equipment to firefighters where other equipment will not go. aviation technical personnel carry out
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maintenance of aircraft, that is , they are practically involved in preparation for the season, almost the entire composition, the period of maintenance is obtained, for example, a helicopter takes about a week, that is, to prepare. completely from hell to the beginning of the fire season, four an2 aircraft, two fuel assemblies and three mi-8 helicopters are being prepared here, after which the crew will conduct test flights and the machines will be allowed to work. and this is the ground equipment of the mazanovsky forestry enterprise, all-terrain vehicles, bulldozers, tractors. driver sergei naruzbaev says that during periods of fire in the forest, iron assistants had to overcome a variety of obstacles. i think the technology is passable everywhere. people are being transported from one edge to the other, well, water for them so that they don’t have to walk, because there are bodies of water are far away, i’m driving on rough roads, i’m not getting far, at the end of each fire season, the vehicles are carefully inspected again, spare parts and fluids are changed,
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mainly the chassis units that wear out the most, the tracks, etc. , if we take an all-terrain vehicle, these are tracks, rollers, but if we take it. wheeled vehicles, yes, this is , first of all, of course, suspension, axles, and so on. last year, under the ecology national project, five snow and swamp vehicles. they have already proven themselves in their work, guiding people with equipment into difficult- to-pass places. the cars are already ready for the new season. during the inspection , the numbered units were compared with the documents for this equipment. chassis and engine parts were also considered. the rapid response teams of the amur center for civil protection and fire safety are also ready. specialists have already carried out repairs and maintenance of vehicles, communications equipment, and camp equipment. by the way, this year , under the ecology national project to protect forests from the fire plans to purchase 16 more pieces
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of equipment, including all-terrain vehicles, tracked tractors, and buses for transporting people. victoria satenko, galina makushchenko, alexander vasiliev, leonid kasavan. news: amur region. participants of the world youth festival reached the arctic. guests from pakistan, indonesia, turkey and other countries in asia and africa visited the industrial site. russia received more than enough knowledge and impressions. after a week of communicating with russian stars, politicians, top officials of the state and regions, this travel is an emotional dessert. it was the first time i saw how metal was prepared, in fact, it was the first time i saw how it made something just like a volcano, yes. this is how metal is born here, the same one that is used in
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medicine, in batteries from smartphones to electric vehicles, with hundreds of applications, foreign guests completed two tasks in manchegorsk at once, enriched themselves with knowledge and spectacular photos to the envy of their compatriots. before this visit, i knew nothing at all about nikel, now i know what it is and what we can do from it produce. i was impressed by niitel's electrolysis shop, which recently underwent a deep modernization. currently, the kola mmc uses the electroextraction method to produce nitele. it made it possible to reduce the volume of emissions into the atmosphere and improve the quality of products. this is very interesting, since we do not have such large production facilities in our country, we would really like to see how certain products are actually produced. the trip to the murmansk region was included in the thematic route to live and work in russia of the world festival, to name it.
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people's book exhibition fair. this year, a large-scale cultural event is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. since its founding in 1994, the exhibition has been an important event for the publishing market, helping to strengthen connections between participants from different countries. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. vivid illustrations for literature that unites the world, national stands. from venezuela to china, two dozen participating countries in this international...
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the meaning of his life and the denial of death, it very important, russian prose is one of the main
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motives, the route of history will be led by russian-belarusian projects published within the framework of the moscow book program with the support of the capital government, from moscow to brest, a guide for children along the road of military glory and from the moscow battle to the operation bagration, a unique collection of archival materials on the divisions that liberated belarus. which we are donating free of charge, these publications will be received by libraries in moscow and minsk, and during the exhibition there will be a decade of russian books, the organizers predict that the book forum will be visited by 60,000 people. anastasia sokhovskaya, alexandra aleksandrovnits, oleg peletsky, news, minsk. earthquakes and weather in the khabarovsk territory will be monitored.


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