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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  March 16, 2024 12:45pm-1:51pm MSK

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well, what should i buy, well, tell me, vasya, vasya, vasya, i don’t need anything, vasya, but flowers, oh, roses, 60 pieces, oh, vasya, vasya, vasya, a piece so, to, a year, and , oh, gorgeous, so, how much are they, no, no, no, no, no, no, i don’t mind the money, as much as i have, i’ll give it to everyone, the beauty is divine, just like that, and in a week you’ll throw it away, too
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... in winter you can wear a sweater, in spring on your naked body, oh, i bought a wonderful coat, it won’t hurt his nose, it’s bad when you have money, but there’s no money to buy anything, you’ll suffer, suffer, well, tell me honestly, what about i want to, but basya, basya, basya, give yourself an electric razor, otherwise i’ve already begun to walk with you anyway, i was joking, but no... vasya, vasya, vasya, vasya, wanted to buy shuv, but this, why vasya, science got in the way, how is it vasya, that’s how they say climate change is coming, yes, the poles are changing places, and in 100 years you and i will have the heat here like in africa, huh?
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well, where, where are you in 100 years in this noise, and well, where do we love ridicule, but they dare, and why should we buy a meat grinder, well, an electric one, god, thank you, i advised you, otherwise you with your hands it’s steep, steep, steep, ah, it’s hard, i guess it’s already, yes, yes, yes, at your age even meat is harmful. yes, if you buy it, you’ll only do harm , but i’m your enemy, not your husband, oh, no, no, oh, husband, and not your enemy, why buy you, sticks, you, for nordic walking, that’s good, the doctors advise you to save , sleep, we ’ve already had people walking with these sticks half a time, limping, well, well, you can buy expensive sticks, yes, oh, yes,
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i want everyone to be jealous, for everyone around to gasp, for everyone around to be like that, oh everything, yes , so that’s it, oh, yes, and what, oh, well, another one is hobbling around with sticks , what’s there to gasp, oh, what’s vasya, i know that vasya, turn away, this is to buy underwear, vasya, vasya, this, you know, with fishnets , this silk one, so i can wear this, oh , and don’t take it off for five years, who cares, but you can show it, only to me, it turns out you gave yourself a gift, no, no, no, it’s better to buy an electric razor then, that’s 3 months, the same thing in my head, how to please, how to spend, that’s the money. yes, what about you,
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exactly, what about giving you money, oh, yes, now everyone does that, they gave you money, go buy it, what do you want, how much to give, but a thousand, 10, oh, grazing, grazing, 100, 100,000, wow, no, don’t be sorry, but will people ask you? he’ll ask, what did your husband give you for your anniversary, and so what, every time he’ll show this 100,000, yes, they’ll kill you, oh, they’ll bury you, and you won’t find anyone, and what’s more, you know what the husband will say i did it on purpose, i guessed it for the anniversary, no, no, no, no, that won’t, won’t do, won’t do, it’s better to use an electric razor.
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you will look at your husband and rejoice at what kind of husband you have, and everyone around you will be jealous, everything is around, and... funny moments happen, and since they are people of a special type, their situations are very interesting. a fan turns to a famous writer, what are you writing a novel about now? he talks about love, but how to become the heroine of your
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love story? it’s difficult to answer, if you’re talking about the novel i’m writing, it’s already there, but if it’s about ours, then my wife will be against it. you know, karen, poets are also not lagging behind, it’s not difficult to see this. one famous poet, constantly, in order to be in good shape, practiced rhyming with his family, and forced them also communicate with him in poetry. he says to his wife: so today for lunch, soup or an omelette, and then he himself became a hostage to his creativity. his wife and son, knowing how much he loved rhyme, began sending him the following text messages on his phone: buy me an izmil dress. your wife oksana, my smartphone already sucks, send me some money for a cool signature, we ’ll also switch to poetry, because no song can do without them, meet sergey
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vaitenko and the duet bayan mix.
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you see, the heart is dying, in love, in love.
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we don't care, we don't care, let's worry we, the wolf and the samoon, we have things to do in the most
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terrible hour, we are magical, i will accept it sideways, we don’t care, we don’t care. we can handle it, i’ll do everything to get you out of here, let’s see.
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as an apology, let me take you to the hospital, buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you looking at me like that, do you believe in fate, you are the one trying to bully me now, happiness is possible give, today on rtr, in two,
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vision, this is a piece of russia on every screen the planets have flown, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder on a trick. what was that on the strip? i don’t know, i think it’s a dog , exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra
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, we’ll perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony , whoever doesn’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile , we’ll succeed, i’ll be the one doing the surgery, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately , there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the third player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, persha wants to read, please read , yasha can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, the basin is hot. i poured some water on myself, makes my wife happy , i say: i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already got my things
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i collected, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, what is more difficult, to become a good person or to stay? the question is certainly interesting , both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live story: a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary films, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis.
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what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr channel planet. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sittal. hello. the second day of the presidential elections in russia, residents of all regions of the country are actively demonstrating their civic position in crowded polling stations. we came, voted, made our choice.
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and again attacks on belgorod, on the russian borderland. there are deaths, attempts to intimidate to disrupt the elections. defense minister shaigu held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. you have discovered the patriot and there are radar stations here. about the situation on the line of combat contact. the front is moving west. this is clear from the sights. in the location of the first donetsk building. 152 caliber is sent strictly west beyond avdievka, to where it is now. crimea, sevastopol and russia have been together for 10 years, there could be no other choice, what people have become, this is love, smiles, flowers, we have been living for 10 years this spring. crimean spring, anniversary , reunification, return to their native harbor. what has been done over the years and what remains to be done?
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an opera and ballet theater is being built in the center of sevastopol, such a grandiose cultural facility in the south of russia. no where else boeing has deep systemic problems, crumbles right in the air, another incident, lost part of the polish in flight, and russian maslenitsa in beijing, excellent, full of festive atmosphere, pancakes just had time to bake, the place for maslenitsa festivities in beijing was chosen, of course, a very symbolic beijing an exhibition in the outlines of which one can immediately discern the moscow vdnkh. today is the second day of voting in the russian presidential elections, the country is determining its future and course of development for at least 6 years ahead.
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polling stations are open throughout country, according to the central election commission, voter turnout on the first day was high, the flow of people is not decreasing even today, data on the progress of elections in russian regions in real time is received by the central election commission. our colleague olga mishcheryakova is working there now, she is live on air. olga, greetings, please tell me what is the latest turnout data? hello maria, really here to the information center. the latest information comes to the center of the electoral commission, and at this moment it became known 38% of voters have already made their choice, this is the morning of the second day of voting, that is, the turnout is really high, this is what the deputy chairman of the central election commission nikolai bulaev said about this, i suggest you listen, together with remote
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electronic voting with people who voted remotely, the turnout was: 38.35% . at this moment, 79% of voters voted on the federal platform, took ballots, slightly less voted, 70 electronic ballots, 79% of voters received ballots. in my opinion, this is a very high turnout. voting takes place as usual regime, but here are our compatriots living. abroad in the baltic countries and poland faced pressure with serious problems. the authorities of these countries are actually depriving them of the opportunity to take part in presidential elections. so that people can vote in kaliningrad , mobile points have been organized almost at the border. the points are all equipped, all the relevant
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technological equipment, video recording cameras in these points and premises. and of course the warm, welcoming atmosphere, it’s all there, it’s all there, safes, ballots, police officers work with us from 9 to 18 at these voting places, and there are also public observers, people come from abroad, come specifically to take part in the elections of the president of the russian federation, these are hundreds of people who. .. it is organized as it should, and in general in the large hall of the central election commission there are a lot of television cameras today, one and a half thousand journalists have received accreditation, including from abroad,
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of course it’s impossible to say how many here now simple, but perhaps dozens, not counting the news agency, the elections are the most important , the interest is enormous, and the latest, most reliable information about the voting process flows here, and at these moments windows appear on the big screen, behind the podium, in which you can see the halls or rooms of regional and... election commissions, this is a video conference with the regions, and in fact, direct inclusions, direct communication, respectively, communications of the election commission of the kaliningrad, leningrad, pskov regions, khabarovsk territory, yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug and the chukotka autonomous okrug, which, by the way, is the smallest in terms of the number of registered voters , there are only 32,705 people, but in general the elections are absolutely transparent, fair, they say that they say with one voice with... such an organization for universal video surveillance any forgery is simply impossible; every violation, although there are very few of them,
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is recorded by video cameras; and professional, but everything is under control, voting continues normally without interruptions. maria, thank you, olga, olga meshcheryakova’s film crew is monitoring the information at the central election commission. patriarch of moscow. throughout arussia , kirill also voted in the russian presidential elections; the head of the russian orthodox church gave his vote to the capital's danilov stavropial monastery, the patriarchal residence. the patriarch filled out the ballot, which was brought by a representative of the election commission, and then placed it in the ballot box. so, all over the country, the second one is in full swing election day, residents show active citizenship. a high turnout was noted in bashkiria, where people voted. already almost 40% of voters. in some municipal areas, more than half of the residents included in the lists cast their vote. in the krasnoyarsk territory , whole families come to vote.
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observers, including international ones, monitor the transparency of voting. people are actively voting in north ossetia. one of the sites operates on the territory of the ancient tower of vladikavkaz. directly opposite, colorful dances, national costumes. correspondents are monitoring the progress of elections in the regions of the country. news: olga lukyanchenko works in the donetsk republic, sarkar magomedov works in dagestan. polling stations in the donetsk people's republic are full of people, residents do not miss the opportunity to influence the future of the country. people show their civic position by putting a mark next to the name of their candidate. it is in these booths that the secrecy of voting is observed. the observance of this secrecy, the organization of elections and the so-called... the transparency of the process at polling stations is monitored representatives of six states. we were able to communicate with an observer from the republic of chile. alejandra navara shares her first
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impressions of the visit. i was actually surprised by how calmly and how massively the elections are being held, there is an atmosphere of triumph among the population, despite all the problems, despite the situation, despite the circumstances, people come in large numbers and vote for the president. the atmosphere in the areas is really relaxed. people come to fulfill their civic duty, whole working families teams. one by one, the ballots are dropped into the ballot boxes. international observers record these moments on the cameras of their mobile devices. united states representative patrick haningsen spoke about his observations regarding voter turnout. people are not afraid to come and vote - this is a historical moment for russia, for donbass, for this region. according to them, not only are they not afraid to come to the polling stations, they do it with pleasure, the emotions are positive, everyone knows that they must do their conscious choice, we came, voted, made our
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choice for the future, people will be able to vote for their candidate on sunday. olga lukyanchenko, victor voloshin, vesti donetsk, donetsk people's republic. well done, thank you for this, for now she is 90 years old, she is 87 years old. the mountain women were able to choose their president to the workers of the election commission and our film crew, with them we had to go through the entire old part of the village of kunki, built like a fortress on a steep cliff with dozens of icy steps, on which inexperienced urbanites tend to slip feet, oops, neatly, the city arrived barely in time, so as not to miss the trash can for the next turn... to such remote villages as this in itself is not easy to get, but even here in these remote villages you have to overcome another difficult route , for example, based on
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such ...
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declared voters, why didn’t they expect it? we thought that there would be more turnout on weekends on saturday and sunday. there are 1,861 polling stations and more than 1,700 voters in dagestan. the first day of elections is quite enough here and we are waiting for even more activity in weekend, so both the commissions at the polling stations themselves and the mobile groups rushing to the most remote corners of the republic continue their work. and you have to climb through such, in short, alleys. abdulla magomedov leads kunki kubachy dagestan. the russian military is also voting these days. this footage was distributed by the ministry of defense. polling stations are organized in places of deployment of formations and military units.
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ordinary soldiers can make their choice there. officers, as well as military families. line up behind the ballots queue. vladimir putin's proxies voted in the elections in donbass. they visited liberated avdiivka and yasenovataya. world chess champion sergei koryakin and musicians: alexander sklyar, peter lungstrom, and rapper rich came to one of the sites. after they put their ballots in the ballot boxes, volunteers invited them to take a quiz on...
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seven regions held a huge number of meetings and the voice of every person who wants to change their country, their proposals, their aspirations, their comments were important , candidate's proxy presidents of vladimir putin, actor and director sergei bezrukov cast his voice in irkutsk at a site equipped on the territory of one of the schools, the artist came to the city for a large
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children's festival, the audience... they put on a musical fairy tale, the little prince of the moscow provincial theater, where he plays the main character without hands role. today belgorod came under fire again, two people became victims of another terrorist attack by the kiev regime, and three more were wounded. on approach to the city, eight czech missiles were shot down. multiple launch rocket systems vampire, vladimir putin also said the day before that ukrainian militants do not disdain anything and these strikes are nothing more than a way to intimidate people and prevent them from making their choice . but all such attempts, according to the president, are doomed to complete failure. about the consequences of this morning's attack on peaceful areas of belgorod, report by alexander rivunov. broken shuttle buses, burnt out cars,
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damaged. facades and glazing at an educational institution are evidence of another blow from judging by the remaining fragments of ammunition, the ukrainian armed forces again fired from a czech-made vampire multiple rocket launcher system in the peaceful neighborhoods of belgorod. one of the shells hit here, cars caught fire, and windows and loggias in seven apartment buildings were blown out by the blast wave. the siren went off, my youngest and i went straight into the corridor, literally in the first seconds, explosions began, a rocket flew by, noise and a bright flash, not very loud, everything happened very quickly, the doors opened. the windows fell, fragments damaged facades, and the main blow fell on the entrance group of the educational institution, according to the authorities, by the way, this missile attack of the armed forces of ukraine on the regional center killed the wounded , these attacks could not have had any military purpose, they deliberately hit civilian
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objects, they wanted to intimidate the residents of the region. tonight, according to the governor of the region , a passenger car was attacked by an enemy drone in the grayvoronsk urban district, the car caught fire, but four passengers survived, the crash site is still one thing... some cars were completely burned out, the rest were badly damaged. i live nearby, i heard an explosion, ran out , looked, something was burning, uh-huh, well, i came running, the neighbors are on fire, now forensic experts and explosives experts are working on the site, examining the territory, there may be unexploded fragments of a shell, all other operational services are working on the site cities. the door-to-door tour continues. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, news!
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close guns, as well as fuel and ammunition storage, but this is not the entire list losses of ukrainian fighters, the defeat of the german 2000 in the southern group, which means the entire defeat is a plant, we see the fire of a gun, subsequent detonation. also, as a result of a precise strike with aircraft ammunition, the deployment point of the nazi formation kraken was destroyed. this particular battalion is known for its terror and reprisals , among other things.
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hence shock work, as well as counter-battery warfare. in the artyomovsk direction, our military managed to disrupt preparations for a large-scale attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the artillery of the southern group worked smoothly with using the calculation of the grad multiple launch rocket system. having received the coordinates, the fighters moved to the position with the help of drone operators who adjusted the trajectory,
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mi-35 and k-52 alligators. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles, then the crews released heat traps to escape enemy air defenses. and returned to their home airfield. more than twenty times a day, ukrainian armed forces’ targets were attacked by our mobile fpv drone crews. this is footage of their combat work in the zaporozhye direction. after an accurate hit on a militant stronghold there was no chance of survival even in shelter. to other topics. people bring flowers to the satire theater, which was headed by alexander shirvent for many years. the sad news of his death came last evening. outstanding actor. and the director was 89 years old, he devoted most of his life to the theater of satire, it is symbolic that it was there that the farewell to the artist would take place. relatives and numerous admirers of alexander anatolyevich’s talent will be able to see him off on his last journey on
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march 18. you watch the news and further on our program these are the topics: 10 years of the crimean spring. let's tell you how the peninsula has changed during this time. about another incident in the air with an airplane. boeing and the growing number of victims in the gas sector have hit the queue for humanitarian aid. more on this in a few minutes. i always have proof. vasnetsov was just lucky, maybe he’s a really good follower. vosnetsov, premiere, from monday on rtr.
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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, for anyone facilities. there is a flip side with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel
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myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so get examined. necessary for the whole family, the most important information from the most competent sources, take care of your body comprehensive, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr, i would really like to work for you, let's start, of course, on sunday, what do we have? jerry, a bulldog
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, snores, what to feed crayfish, a hamster just died, my good one, it seems my life is changing, what it takes to become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we’ll take it to you, uh-huh, let’s, come on, y me.
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feats were accomplished here every second, we put our hearts and our labor here, everyone here worked, as they say, not for... conscience, russia has come , civilization has come, construction has come, i just burst into tears , because i did not expect an object of such magnitude, nor such luxurious decoration, we understand, this is the result, because our people live here, just for the sake of the people, russia in in 2014 it was directly opened, it was declared to the whole world, crimea is ours, a film by andrei medvedev, crimea is 10 years old. we are premiering together today on rtr.
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vesti is on air and we continue the broadcast. a decision that changed life for the better for millions of people. today in crimea they celebrate anniversary of the historic referendum. exactly 10 years ago, the inhabitants of the peninsula decided to reunite with russia. the crimean spring was beautifully greeted in yalta on...
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it was actually before such global reconstructions happened and not this event that simply turned our whole lives upside down. after crimea returned to russia, we began such reconstruction here that now the buildings are no longer recognizable. the peninsula came home, a
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dream they were able to make come true. crimea, sevastopol and russia have been together for 10 years, and here these are not just words. there was no other choice. what spring has become, it’s love, smiles, flowers, everything is blooming, it’s a wonderful spring, we’ve been living this for 10 years, a lot has changed over the years, grandiose construction has begun all over crimea. but the main construction took place in the kerch strait. well, hello, handsome, crimean bridge. under the snow-white arches it takes your breath away every time, although crimean resident vasily koshin knows literally every bolt of the nineteen-kilometer structure. he is the builder of the crimean bridge, which he calls the main project of life. well, of course,
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pride. sometimes it even overflows. the crimean bridge is also a construction project of the century, because all of russia worked here. and there was equipment, cranes with such lifting capacity, which i have never seen in my construction life. now thousands of cars and dozens of trains pass from one bank to the other every day. the roads generally became the pride of the entire peninsula. almost 400 km of completely new tracks and 4,000 renovated roads. the main transport artery of tauris runs from kerch to sevastopol. now you can get home anywhere corner of crimea and new routes. continue to build. very soon the path to the sea will become much more comfortable. the new route is a southern bypass of simferopol; it is being built along the capital of the republic and other populated areas, which means that the road will take much less time. there will be no need to stop by simferopol on the way to yalta. a highway is being built to the north-west of crimea, evpatoria is peaceful. bypassing
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populated areas such as saki and yevpatoria, bypassing lake satsek sivazh. 61 km, a little more, that’s already the percentage of sales is approaching 90, in may we will finish this whole thing, good roads help the economy grow, we are actively working on the free economic zone, we have hundreds of registered enterprises that employ thousands of people, huge turnover, development is underway, crimea has a very bright future , a very big prospect, and although ukraine arranged an energy water and... massive blockade of crimea, the peninsula not only survived, but continues to develop, the capacity of the constructed tanks is enough even with a lekhva, the water issue too resolved, water stations were erected, thousands of trucks with cargo deliver goods to the peninsula every day. the trials that we faced, well, probably no subject has ever had to experience such, i mean a complete
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energy blockade, a complete water blockade, to the country in general, thank you for the fact that for 10 years in all difficult situations we were always together, we were never left alone with a problem. support from the leader, support from citizens, this is probably the most valuable thing. crimea now has a multidisciplinary medical center, whereas previously they had to undergo treatment on the mainland, today the most complex operations for crimean residents are carried out in simferopol. the construction boom also affected residential buildings, millions of square meters in 10 years. valeria and andrey bogdanov are a large family, eight sons and daughters, last year they moved into a spacious apartment, they received 160 square meters for free, support that they could not even dream of in ukrainian times. when we lived in ukraine, we didn’t count on it, i’ll say this, they even just told us that it’s unlikely, but now yes, we have housing, in which we... are very spacious, but the car is also, by the way, this is the russian federation. they are doing a lot for children in crimea, a new water sports palace, football schools
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, stadiums on the peninsula, the problem of queues in kindergartens has been completely solved , a dozen completely new schools with thousands of places have been opened, creative youth from all over russia now gather in the crimean pike perch, tavrida is open year-round meganom academy is a place where everyone can express themselves in art. it is becoming one of the cultural centers of the country. there is no such grandiose cultural site in the south of russia anywhere else. the theater is part of the future cultural cluster, which is being built on behalf of the president. not only will famous artists perform here, but a new generation of stars will study here. the choreographic academy is almost ready. each block is a separate one. prosional zone, that is, this is a dormitory, this is a boarding school, these are two blocks of general education disciplines, a separate
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fifth block with an educational theater, as well as teaching premises, and a sixth block - this is a block with ballet halls for 15 halls in total, sevastopol will also become a spiritual center, because it is here that our faith takes its origins, chersonese-tauride, the ancient city where russia was baptized, a historical and archaeological park is being built in a holy place. christianity and antiquities, which has no analogues anywhere in the world. more than 60 million tourists in 10 years have been coming to crimea for unforgettable experiences, the peninsula has something to offer: castles and palaces that have been restored, new sanatoriums and hotels, and of course, nature, beautiful at any time of the year. in march , delicate pink and white flowers bloomed against the backdrop of sea water. these are almonds, one of the symbols of the crimean spring, which has been going on for 10 years. yana shcherbatoy, andrey terentyev and maria dementyeva, conduct. crimea. today on our channel at 16:45, watch
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andrei medvedev’s documentary, crimea, 10 years. the film is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the peninsula’s return to its native harbor. ambitious government tasks, industrial scientific projects, unique architectural monuments. this is what makes up the history of crimea today. a separate part of the picture is the history of hersanes. it is the possession of this land. in all directions of special operations, assault troops are supported by artillery. the crews of mstas self-propelled guns do not give the enemy the opportunity to organize counterattacks. in the kupinsky sector, closed firing positions and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. as a result, ukrainian militants. retreated, throwing shells at the equipment. mstab howitzer crews are also in action. their task is to fortify the area and enemy armored vehicles,
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artillery and mortar batteries from the avdeevsky direction. voenkor report news, pavel prokopenko. the first is sighting, then accurate and this is not about shooting from guns, in field dart everything is like in life. whatever the target, whatever the target, it still needs to be hit. the better you hit , what... what here, the sooner it will end, everything, heavy breathing of the gunner, like this, as close as possible, we can see all the details of the real work through his eyes, the charge is full, sixty-four, the target has arrived, the barrel of the msta b howitzer rises above the horizon, camouflaged, the installation completely merges with the terrain, fire ready, shot! 152 caliber is sent strictly west beyond avdeevka, to where it now passes, which
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is rapidly moving away from donetsk. the command for repeated fire is immediately received, the effect of surprise and rate of fire. the second charge, accepted, the second charge, shot, the distance is the exact direction not for broadcast, the gunners of the first. it turns out that the further we take the sight, it means the enemy is moving away, moving away from the gun itself. the fortifications are no longer as strong as avdievsky, we are slowly dismantling them. the cellar is as gray as march donbass sky, charges and golden gunpowder, all the ammunition is new, just from the warehouse, the paint on the markings has not yet dried, an aesthetic pleasure for... that’s what the loading crew calls itself, when everything is put together , everything is neat, it’s always a pleasure to work when in your workplace everything is cultural, here are
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the full shells, the shells, full. i have them in full height, here are long-range shells, there are plenty of them here too, they are constantly brought in, we never run out of them, there is a chemist among the artillerymen, because he served in rkhbz, at the front for 10 years from the first days of the militia, a chemist from snezhnoye stood up to defend his hometown as soon as the kiev militants arrived there, we weren’t there to attack there, we weren’t the ones who went to shoot, kill, they came to us, we have children, we have families so that doesn't happen.
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in the sverdlovsk region, the fsb prevented a terrorist attack at the railway junction of the trans-siberian railway. a local resident was recruited by ukrainian military intelligence and underwent sabotage training in lvov. on instructions from kiev, he was supposed to derail a train with cargo for svo. the bandit was detained right on the spot, he was looking for a place for a terrorist attack. during the search , they found means of communication with his curators, a device for throwing trains, as well as money from the ukrainian special services. refusal. the decision to transfer the taurus cruise missile to kiev is due to the fact that this step contradicts the security interests of germany itself, the german press writes about this today. according to the toon portal, a closed briefing of the defense committee took place in the bundestag. the bundeswehr inspector general informed mps that the use of missiles taurus is a complex process, it is associated with the processing of large amounts of data. this
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requires special technical devices, which germany itself has only to a limited extent. filled the square in the center of valedolid, in spain, more than one and a half thousand toledo tractors, farmers at the rally are handing out free
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oranges against the backdrop of a record decline in demand for them, which was one of... the consequences of anti-russian sanctions. the boeing corporation continues to be plagued by a series of failures. this time on an american-made airliner during the flight, part of the fuselage skin fell off. the plane was making a domestic flight within the united states. there were 139 passengers on board, none of them were injured. brezh was found in the hull only during a post-flight inspection at the airport. this is the sixth incident with boeing this week alone. recently, the boeing 789 dreamliner suddenly lost altitude due to a technical malfunction. 50 people were injured. the problem was found on board number one of the polish president. from the usa , andrzej duda was forced to return to his homeland on a spare plane. besides that, i let me remind you that a boeing employee who reported numerous violations in the production of aircraft was recently found shot dead. against this background, the agency lowered
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the long-term rating of boeing, which it evaluates.
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attacks on our border and belgorod, why? how kiev maniacally sends its people to the mesora, why mercenaries flock to ukraine primarily from poland, america and georgia, half have already been destroyed. are there still many people interested? and our choice is who we will go through these difficult 6 years with. first results: news of the week on sunday. draw your attention, that tomorrow the news of the week will be broadcast at 19:00, at an unusual time, changes in the program, the broadcast will begin at 19:00, maslenitsa
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festivities swept the capital of china, the holiday was organized by the friendship committee with the support of the oleg derepaska foundation, thousands of residents of the middle kingdom were able to take part in traditional russian folk amusements, and of course, try the real ones. russian maslenitsa, it is also in beijing, russian maslenitsa, although a little exotic, folk fun with tug-of-war games, like a stream, i like it, excellent, completely festive atmosphere, so now in beijing they know what maslenitsa is, what they eat it with, it’s very tasty, similar to our dzyambins, but yours are completely different, very tender and for some reason not salty like ours, pancakes only had time to bake and serve , to gobble up
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, thin, delicate with condensed sour cream, some really didn’t decide right away, delicious, i don’t know yet, i have to try it, tasty, tasty, it’s about the atmosphere itself, buffoons on stilts and round dances to plunge headlong into the world.' their traditions with the inherent chinese passion turned out instantly, very quickly understood, as if if only we had the same blood, i rejoice, look how much i like to play maslenitsa games. very good. the place for maslenitsa festivities in beijing was chosen, of course, very symbolically : the beijing exhibition, in the outlines of which one can immediately guess the moscow vdnkh, an ideal point of intersection of history and two cultures, two hieroglyphs, peace, friendship, the only thing missing is the word maslenitsa. after it was celebrated in moscow. in a big way for the chinese new year , it’s time from the capital of china to get acquainted with the traditions of seeing off winter in russian, this is when the legs dance on their own, and from the stage there is a dashing cossack lyuba. i really
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love cossack songs, that’s why i put on this costume on purpose, i generally like russian history, and i know a lot about the cossacks. bottles of champagne were also opened in the cossack style with a saber. the holiday was organized by the russian-chinese friendship committee with the support of the oleg derepaska foundation. a series of cultural exchanges in the cross year of cultures of russia and china, where the songs performed by the moscow cossack choir are known by heart. how to understand your your nearest neighbor, and how to build closer friendly relations with him. it seems to me that this is easiest to do through culture, and through such bright events, where the food is spectacular and delicious, it is doubly convenient and pleasant, that is, today the first pancake is definitely no one, it seems to me, no one at all, in general, as it should be, everything was done on a grand scale, except that they didn’t burn effigies, playing with fire is prohibited in beijing, but without this , the chinese now definitely have a much greater understanding of what the broad russian soul is. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from
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beijing. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us. i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, i found a room , i’m a good neighbor, my mother and my boyfriend died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, i i'm afraid that you still have to come, there's a lawyer here, she's the investigation, she wants to talk, she's the investigation, someone else's... revenge, the accident was faked, and do you have a suspect? to me scary, neighbor, really, she will definitely open up, i know, on friday at rtr,
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls. "we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in..."
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only ours can , honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr.
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construction here we found 3 million artifacts, of which 800 thousand are museum storage, a huge museum will be designed specifically for them, the byzantine quarter will be located here, that is, the reconstruction of the city from the time of prince vladimir, that is, this is the 10th century ad, the next one is the museum of crimea and novorossiya, an amphitheater for 1200 people and a museum. its size was tens of times smaller than what it is now, the dome you see here, its diameter is 31 m, the same as that of hagia sophia in constantinople. we finally found an ancient river at very great depths that flowed through hersanes. now we
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we bring it out, and people here will be able to plunge into the font into the very waters of the ancient river in which prince vladimir was baptized. why is chersonese important to us? yes, here russia appeared, the one that later became russia, the russian empire. survived all the cataclysms of the 20th century that existed and exist now, and this is the birthplace of russia. sersones is being reconstructed, we are transporting building materials there, we are transporting insulation, dry mixes, well, this is the weather, the most interesting, the best when it’s light. the rain is not heavy, it's drizzling, it's
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for me...


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