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tv   Parad yumora  RUSSIA1  March 16, 2024 1:50pm-4:01pm MSK

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very deep in the ancient river that flowed through khersanes, now we are bringing it out, and people here will be able to immerse themselves in the font in the very waters of the ancient river in which prince vladimir was baptized. why is hersanez important to us? yes, here russia appeared, the one that later became... russia, the russian empire, survived all the cataclysms of the 20th century that exist now, and this is the birthplace of russia, chersonese is being reconstructed, we transport building materials there, we transport insulation, dry mixes, like this. that's the most
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interesting, the kind when there’s a light rain, not heavy, but drizzling, it’s for me, i remember it like that, i start thinking about the years i’ve lived, that’s how it all was. how is the reunification of crimea with russia usually called in the western or ukrainian press? as a rule, there are three terms to choose from: annexation, seizure or occupation? here are the highways of tavrida - the most important infrastructure project of the russian crimea, here is tavrida, it’s wide, it’s become generally comfortable, for me it ’s like that... driving is very pleasant, you relax,
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you don’t get tired, you can’t imagine, i i went, studied at a university to tavrida, it took 3 hours to get, uh, to simferopol, now it’s 40 minutes, now from kerch to sevastopol along tavrida is four times faster. every time i go, i say: vovochka, thank you, i don’t know if this is possible, everyone here worked, as they say, not for earnings, but for conscience, that ’s how you can say, earnings of course, but conscience comes first, and what a gorgeous bridge it is, a very beautiful sight, especially when you ’re driving along the road and looking at the railway, right? these are actually pillars like this, it’s very
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powerful building. the crimean bridge is our happiness, because it is a physical feeling of connection with the homeland. during the opening of the crimean bridge, people simply wanted to drive across it and return back, again to look at the crimean bridge. but in general , dozens of infrastructure projects have been implemented in crimea over 10 years. if all this is called occupation in the western press, then how can we call what happened here under ukraine, when during all the post-soviet years not a single infrastructure project was implemented in crimea? in 2012 my mom had a heart attack, she was admitted to the hospital, of course, let's start with the fact that the hospital itself was completely destroyed, well, just no repairs, everything was shabby, terrible.
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there was no food, i went twice a day , fed her, the doctors called, they said to do a stant, it costs 4,000 dollars, there are three serious doctors sitting there, they say, well, we either save her, or she’ll die, we collected this money, i remember that i go to the bank and transfer these 4,000 dollars to some aunt, that is, in general, well, it’s unclear to whom, they performed an operation on her, everything is fine, she lined up, it’s going by in my opinion... 4 years, this is 2016, that is, we are already in russia, she calls me and says: maryanochka, i have a pre-infarction condition, i need to have stents installed, you know, me, i’ll remember this hell everything , and i’m already feeling bad, she ’s like, i don’t need anything, they’ll do everything here, they even feed me, they even give me chicken, i’m like, i mean, well, i mean, i haven’t been to these hospitals since i was twelve, i came to the most luxurious hospital , she had an operation, well... reconstruction
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and modernization of hospitals, a new multidisciplinary clinical center in yalka, republican clinical. when we stand there and wash our hands, we think about the operation, we think about its stages, as my teacher says, the operation is done here, not here, we have increased the number of operations three times, our operations are minimal - it’s 3 hours . for a maximum of 24-27 hours we stood in operating rooms in crimea, there are a lot of things here , we introduced operations on the aortic arch, on the ascending aorta, when blood circulation in the entire body completely stops and only the head is fed separately, we have the possibility of plasma replacement
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therapy, the possibility of dialysis, blood-saving technology that allows us to save the patient’s own blood, wash it and reinfuse it to the patient himself. we own all the technologies needed for the development of cardiac surgery. there is a desire, as a doctor, to simply help as many people as possible. i am a native crimean, i was born in simferopol in the republic of crimea, i grew up here, studied here, all the work i do is for the benefit of the republic and for the benefit of our country. 10 years ago, right here place, on this very square, a new history of crimea began: this history was created with their own
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hands by activists, participants in pro-russian rallies, passionaries, people who came to this square for the sake of a dream, a dream. that crimea would finally return home and become russian again, but in crimea there were quite a lot of representatives of the right sector, there were ultras, and with weapons, there were several thousand defenders of the supreme council, the mejlis tried to squeeze out these defenders, also several thousand people, here people, nothing is happening.
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the supreme council, he tried to separate the crowd, dear friends, let’s be patient, we don’t need blood here, i still remember how he was in his black trowel, when he took on all this. no one knew exactly what political decisions were being made in moscow regarding crimea, and how far the russian government was ready to go. of course, people, dreaming that crimea would return home, imagined this return quite abstractly, that russia would come and life would change to to the best. but no one knew what they would do here russia in the next year or two, decades, what will they build, what will they create, where will this new russian crimea move? the crimean parliament,
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by an overwhelming majority of votes, made historical decisions, the first decision, to join the russian federation as a subject of the russian federation. the moment in history has come when you either do something, or you will remain in slavery forever. the second decision is to schedule a crimean referendum on march 16, 2014. the weather was not very good, there was such a wind, but there were queues, just queues. you had to be there at that moment, and you saw how...
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because we want to live better. became big, and we went to the polling station, which was located right in the renatal center, on the first floor, we
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walked, pulling our right leg behind us, because it was taken away from me after the operation, we already understood that our fate was being decided for many years, the future, the existing children, the newly born ourselves depend on this, i went into a maternity hospital in ukraine, and came out in russia, russia. russia, russia, that was it the upsurge, such a spirit, it was such a victory day in miniature, for the annexation of crimea to russia.
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yes, it was simply amazing, such a warm atmosphere, dear friends, dear residents of sevastopol, crimeans, exactly 70 years ago crimea was liberated from the nazi invaders, and the holiday is taking place against the backdrop of an absolutely historical event, the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia. we are proud, proud of your courage,
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courage, we respect how you have been through the years, this is not an easy task, but i am sure that we
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will do it all, because we are together, hugs happy holiday to you, my dears, this is what the north crimean irrigation canal looks like now, even the bottom is cracked, only sand and... with drinking water. did not work out.
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the russian engineering troops laid a pipeline from krasnodar through the kerch strait. dozens of new wells have been drilled throughout crimea. construction of a tract for the transfer of pressed water from the north to the east of the peninsula is underway. the total length of the new project is 218 km. this device is called a hydrotunnel, all the water is from the shchastensky reservoir falls on the other side of aipetri, it is more than 7 km under the mountain, the depth of which is more than a kilometer in this place, there is one.
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thanks to this tunnel, yalta will completely close its water consumption for many years to come. it is planned to provide all regions with 100% water supply. all my life i dreamed of living in crimea, but of course i didn’t
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dream that russia would move to crimea with me. i was very lucky, left, right, right, left, a very complex combination, russia came, civilization came, construction came, the novikov family, congratulations, thank you, congratulations, thank you, thank you, bala, we can definitely brag about the new airport that... was built in simfepoli. aivazovsky international airport was built in just 2 years. designed for ten million passenger traffic.
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artek was renovated; during ukraine , pieces of land were first cut off from it, and in 2009 they simply closed it. all of russia is cool. mish, happy birthday, thank you, come on, congratulations, have a nice one, thank you, this is for you alone, no, for all of you. large-scale restoration and repair of the only example of crimean tatar architecture in the world.
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khan's palace. city ​​baths, sary gyuzel , tombs, a total of 16 historical objects that have been restored to their original appearance, you know that lately crimea has been blooming, being built, crimea is blooming, but i think that one of the brightest flowers of our crimea is the cathedral mosque. we are all looking forward to the day when we can pray there to thank the lord for all his gifts. in december 2023, the first service was held in the largest cathedral mosque in eastern europe. a madrasah and library will open here soon. at that
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the place where we are now was located the destroyed building of the museum of the defense of sevastopol in the forty-one-42 years. its construction began during the soviet union, in the ninety-first year , no one seemed to need the facility, ukraine did not complete construction of it, and until 2018 it was in a deplorable state. now what we see is just, well, space. the opening of this complex will begin with the choreographic academy. there will be 15 ballet halls in the building , a secondary school, a boarding school, 250 children will already arrive there, as well as teaching staff, they will live and study here. and the windows of the boarding school overlook this buffet, the children will be happy when you get up every morning, in the window there is the sea, sun, beauty, we are building a museum complex
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and an opera and ballet theater, this is the largest cultural building in the south of russia, in principle, there is any floor here , any solution is a design one, it can almost be said to be unique, this is the complexity and interest. the depth of the pit was 25 m, almost a nine-story building, this is a unique floating console, its length is 35 m, it consists of trusses metal ones, which rise 15 m above the ground, this is a wonderful observation deck where you can drink a cup of coffee. the roof is an openwork truss made of metal structures, it weighs about 5,000 tons and is supported at only 36 points, 30 of them are ball bearings, the designers insisted that these could only be foreign supports, in the end we achieved that we were able to make them in russia . i am proud to be involved in
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the construction of facilities here in sevastopol. with regards to sevastopol, very i was surprised when they started building roads, here in crimea the roads in general were just being patched up with these pothole repairs, a road that dates back to the times of the soviet union. this is simphepol-jingkon , so it has never been repaired , sometimes we drove for days, we had to endure it, we were very tired, we have everything built, roads have been built, the lights are on, there is a 24-hour water supply, that is, life has clearly become better, two out of four are...
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not only the entire peninsula, but also 7,000 residents of the kherson region were left without tension. i said, the neighboring state was arranged a gift in quotes, then we sourced our supplies from ukraine. so you say that people live in crimea, they are waiting for ukraine there, so you turned off maternity hospitals, turned off hospitals, turned off everything, you showed your love, great, but at the same time the mood of the sevostopol crimeans was like, you’re lying , but you can’t take it, older crimeans are no strangers to living without light; under ukraine , the peninsula plunged into darkness for a week, then again they felt care and support. from the russian side, it’s when, not in words, when you see these repair the teams that came from the mainland , from all over russia, the guys who helped us survive when electricity was provided there,
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even hourly, the blockout showed what russia is, how it treats our people here, so they will wait, we will survive all this , it’s absolutely easy, but they give us water and light, as long as they don’t send us back there, you see a whole lot of fun. thank you, here in sevastopol the baloklavskaya tes and the simferopol tavricheskaya tes are reaching full capacity. today there are two more new blocks, one here and there. their common the power will double. the situation has changed dramatically. an energy bridge was built connecting crimea with the unified national energy system of russia. 10 years last crimea. was transformed visually, that is, even it began to look different, yes, we read everything here, here, unfortunately, everything was in such an eerie state, and they say
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they took out garbage by trucks, not by trucks, but by convoys of trucks, they took out garbage from here for almost years, it was simply abandoned, no money was allocated, yes, so we made such sidewalks. yes wooden, disabled people are brought in wheelchairs , and how they thank you, he says, we have lived all our lives in sevastopol, but we have never been here, never had the opportunity, well, there was no opportunity, like them, now you can drive up, i love simferopol very much, the city center transformed, i have friends from moscow, they come and say, god, how similar it is to arbat. there are plenty of playgrounds, everywhere, in courtyards, in parks, near the sea, they are freely
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accessible, they are good, we only find out in the news that a kindergarten has opened, it has opened there school, i didn’t know anything about this object before, they said so, marya vladimirovna, a new building is almost completed, it will be the sevastopol children’s art school, so get ready, we’ll go there on an excursion, accept the object, i just burst into tears, because i’m not ... i didn’t expect anything - an object of such magnitude, nor such a grandiose construction project, nor such luxurious decoration - this wonderful place, uh, my mother told me, my mother said, uh, now there is a selection process - for the art school, here is the choreography, and theater, and drawing, and
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modeling, there were no children's art schools in the region at all, the school took 363 days to build, this was my first shock. i myself chose to pursue choreography and theater. i want to be a programmer. well, maybe just today i want to become a programmer, but tomorrow i might want to become a choreographer. i like to study here and, well, i don’t want to skip at all, my main purpose here is not to destroy a child’s dream of beauty, to make sure that these children carry these years through their entire lives as the best, elections of the president of the russian federation.
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march 17, information channel, elections 2024.
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and even on election day we will see more than others.
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what brought you to my school of women's happiness? he doesn't notice me, but i want him to like me. you will transform yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal. do you help others find a husband? you have beautiful hands. that you can add more sex to the top five, don’t lose yours, and by the way, what are the men’s names, i call him mine, your girl has fallen in love, on the side, yaroslav boyka, sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool, and you yourself turned your faithful girl into a soron, now return it, they don’t know that you know, think, i’ll think.
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school of women's happiness, premiere, today on rtr. all the most important things in life are in our hands: to fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired, build a career, realize our plans, start a family, give the gift of life, pass on traditions, preserve memories. about the past and conquer new heights, in in our hands, to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for
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russia. dasha, did you hit the dog? on sunday, he has double-sided pneumothorosis, i was a surgeon who performed a thousand such operations. or maybe you will operate on the dog? you chose it yourself, oleg , he doesn’t love anyone, not even me, advice on love, anatoly rudenko, don’t say anything, let’s just sit silently, healers of souls, on sunday on rtr, we remember the songwriter mikhail pletskovsky, as it should and come back,
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she was in complete emergency state, therefore, what the builders did was a real feat of labor in terms of quality and... the history of russian sevastopol, crimea , even in many ways originates from this very place. the konstantinovskaya battery suffered during the crimean war. mikhail petrovich lazarev, who was the commander of the black sea fleet, who was at the same time the governor of sevastopol. in his favorite neoclassical style, he built a real masterpiece. city center, a lot of buildings, a wonderful... library for education officers, the city was very beautiful, made of white inkermand stone, the allies mercilessly razed all this splendor to the ground, sevastopol simply lay in ruins,
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the famous american writer mark twain came here, he then wrote that pompeii was better preserved than the russian city of sevastopol .
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after the crimean war in the 19th century in 1856, the paris peace treaty prohibited russia from keeping a fleet in the black sea. that is, crimea legally remained russian, but the importance of sivastopol as a military base and crimea, as a russian outpost on the black sea in the eastern mediterranean, of course, was lost. only 20 years later, russia unilaterally withdraws from the peace.
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remained part of the soviet union, in principle, little
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has changed in life in crimea, although the feeling of injustice among the population of crimea, which was not consulted, which no one asked, the feeling of this historical injustice remained, we are trying to ensure that it was the people who decided this issue, you see, not the session, not the party apparatus, but it was the people of crimea who decided, so we are striving and want a referendum to be held without fail. then, bearing the brunt of the pro-russian sentiments of the rebels. i give
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krim's deputy the ruble. and so the crimeans in the ninety-first year voted for the creation of the crimean republic not as part of ukraine, but as part of the soviet union. and this is the key concept that we must constantly refer to. then, through political games, after this referendum, crimea turned out to be an autonomy within ukraine. this was not accepted by the crimeans. crimea - this is some kind of separate territory, the russian spirit is always very strong here. then we lived in ukraine, all the documents were in ukrainian, this was
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problematic, there is no subject of russian literature, for example, this is from the simplest, when pushkin, this is the section of foreign literature, i tried to honestly, absolutely honestly teach and read ukrainian literature all, but besides the same taras grigorievich shevchenko, basically this is such a stream of graphomania that, to be honest, it was even embarrassing to go through it somehow, when about the first ukrainians. which was almost the first civilization in europe, we studied this absolutely seriously at school, our voter lists were translated into ukrainian at once , my father’s last name is naturally orekhov, we are not on the list, we go looking for a very long time and figure it out, finally we find out the nut in ukrainian is gorikh, so we became gorikhov, and since we live on rodnikova street, and the spring in ukrainian is dzherel, then in the voter lists we are gorikhov from dzherelnaya street. but in my passport it’s orekhova, srodnikova, how can we vote if our names are all
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garbled? in essence, we were thus deprived of the right to vote in ukraine. not a single channel broadcast information in russian. once pushkin traveled through crimea, he was fascinated by its unique beauty.
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legislation, all these were actions that were deeply illegal, but nevertheless, first the ukrainian oligarchs built villas on the shore and took the shore away from them until now, so that, of course, all sorts of... commoners would not walk here and spoil the mood of respected, serious people , then smaller business, very small, also mastered this craft, they put up a fence here , there, declared the beach private for access to it, for access to water, to the sea, to the sun, to fresh air, any person had to pay,
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only when crimea became russian, this whole immoral and completely illegal bacchanal is over. yuri gagarin and titov came here after their flights and they say that every resident of faros must have photographs with yuri gagarin. during the reconstruction, we preserved the architecture of that period as much as possible. in sanatoriums still have chandeliers from that
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period, but they are not crystal, of course, but they are glass in the style of the fifties and sixties. the entire building has been renovated from a façade perspective. works, they say, of course, that the park has been greatly transformed. foruz park is currently an open attraction, the territory is very large, and the park is state-owned, it is not privately owned. this forest was once laid out by alexander grigorievich kuznetsov, a philanthropist and a very successful entrepreneur.
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representatives of his generation. with transition to russian federation, life took the right direction, we saw what a country can do for the republic, and what a country can do for people, look, gardens and vineyards are being built here, it’s beautiful, especially in the summer, when it’s all green, that’s all vacant lots, there are peaches in the orchards here, there is a garden there, right along the road they are very tasty, yes, natural, in everything. i mean, fruits and vegetables are just incredibly tasty, i’ve gained a little weight, but it’s simply impossible not to eat this deliciousness, here in ukrainian times a rather ugly system was built extortions from business, that is, it was possible to agree not to really pay taxes, but for
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this you had to bring cash in an envelope to a certain office, and there were no rules for doing business either.
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valley. under the ukrainian government, the wine industry in crimea did not develop. all production was concentrated, as a rule, on the basis of large state-owned enterprises, many of which date back to the times of the russian empire. new world, for example. at the entrance to the plant, there is a monument to the founder of domestic winemaking, prince galitsin. in 1900 his champagne sparkled. kakkura received the grand prix of the paris exhibition, but russia missed the historical opportunity to become a wine-making soft spot in the 20th century. and only after. in 2014, the situation changed dramatically. serious investors came to crimea and began investing billions
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in breeding work and in the restoration of autochthonous varieties. thanks to government subsidies, the area of ​​new vineyards increases every year. and the law on viticulture and winemaking adopted by the state duma contributes to a multiple increase in volumes production of high-quality russian wine and the emergence of private ones. winemaker crimea becomes the main wine-producing province of the country. the vodopata river overflowed its banks. it washes away everything in its path, it’s just some kind of armakedon. i can’t imagine what would have happened if, say, there had been a flood in ukraine.
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before this new modern complex was built, there was a sports complex dynamo of ukraine, which had a fifty-meter outdoor swimming pool, a weightlifting hall, a judo wrestling hall and sambo. this is all, let's say, the soviet, ukrainian period. when i had already finished playing sports, i did not live in samferopol, but when i arrived and saw this complex, i was amazed because the place was a swimming pool. there was an empty bowl, dilapidated, what was located around a large swimming pool, it was a shopping and household complex, workshops
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, sewing, sewing, printing, and so on , the idea of ​​​​reconstructing this complex, it appeared in 2015, there are two sports schools , about 400 children, this is a sports school of the olympic reserve. by rhythmic gymnastics, and the same number, these are our athletes, in the future we will open another sambo section in the near future. previously, we did not have ice palaces at all; ice did not exist at all. now we have , we have a new, young sport - polo
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, my dad told me the idea, and i wanted, i wanted to try something new, i need to train, i really want to go out, we have a water sports complex with an area of ​​19 m2, when we came here. it was a delight, of course, we couldn’t believe our luck. previously we worked in small pools, these were the pools of spa centers, bathhouses, sports clubs, and what do you have there all the time later, i myself am from the city of debalsovo, where i started my career, i am a finalist of the russian championship of the friendship games, diana romanchenko, dpr.
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all items here are original. this large hall is like a solid
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composition, the main composition is this canvas. which must be preserved, since the fifty-ninth year the building has not been thoroughly restored, in the nineteenth year it was decided to carry out restoration, first, the building itself and the engineering systems were restored, when the builders left, they then began to restore the canvas. the equipment that stood on the slope next to the diorama was also restored. tanks that take part in the parade on may 9 in sevastopol, their engines, cabins , controls, chassis were restored, five cultural heritage sites of federal significance were restored, asphalt and curbs were dismantled, new granite paving slabs were installed, lighting was done ,
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utility networks were replaced, one of the alleys. which is now located in the center of the complex, it was created from scratch. after the reunification of crimea with russia, the cultural and historical heritage here, architectural monuments, memorable places associated with russian history, literally had to be saved. it’s clear why the ukrainian authorities treated the cultural heritage in crimea this way: well, firstly, they are from everyone...
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don’t pick out pebbles, please, khersonese, this is actually deliberate, this is our country, this is our history, which dates back more than 2.0 years, no one in our country or even abroad can boast of such a unique heritage, but here excavations in ukrainian times were carried out, dug, dug, they gave a lot of various grants, when i hear that...
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crimea is a place russian power, and sevastopol
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is the city of russian military glory, here. wonderful people, many sailors, retired sailors, military men who supported, perhaps, the russian spirit in the city, if not for them, maybe we wouldn’t be here, we propose to create in crimea, in particular in sevastopol presidential cadet school, we ask you to support this decision, there was only land, everything else appeared like in a fairy tale. home, a feeling, because this is what every teacher dreams of, i remember the moment, we were sitting when i saw these dimensions, the parade ground, my grandfather came up to me and asked, roma, are you an academic building, you know, this is something special you want to become i was a sailor, it didn’t
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take much persuasion, i was raised in a family of officers. and i think that our task is to ensure that this surprise, dream, desire does not disappear, i really like the system education, both compulsory and additional, new skills appear , i like physics, of course, probably , like any guy, physical education, we leave laxity, outside the gates of the school, i participated in the 2021 parade in moscow, on may 9 on red square we marched in two companies. the parade squad of the sevastopol,
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nakhimov naval school is an unforgettable feeling, they are the best and will be even better. surface target on the right, distance 10 cables. comrade, commander, they suggested goals for divergence. for the course 110°. to begin with, i would like to be a service commander. we understand that as a combat unit, to serve in all navies, to see the world and achieve great success in our field , this is the result. i understand that today, now, this is our hope and support. so it's wonderful to work with these kids. i consider this happiness.
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happiness, i'm sure of tomorrow, when you have a place to live, with whom the main thing is to live, someone to love, as we say, crimeans, as it were... more than crimea, there is no homeland further than crimea, what is homeland? well, for me, family, my city dear, sevastopol, everything here is so affectionate, so friendly, so hospitable, so created for man that it is impossible not to love crimea.
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what does our crimea mean in an applied sense? he is ours, why? because russia is investing huge amounts of money in the development of crimea, building, creating, or crimea is ours, because the residents of crimea once voted in a referendum for reunification with russia. yes, perhaps not everyone voted, perhaps there are still those who believe that the unification was in vain, but this is what democracy looks like: the expressed will of the majority. or crimea is ours, because russia has a historical right to it. land since the time of prince vladimir. probably the most accurate answer in this situation is: crimea is ours, because our people live here. they were always ours, during the years of the ussr,
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during the years of ukrainian power, they were ours, russians, they expected that one day crimea would return home, they dreamed about it. and only people, their faith, their beliefs, their dreams, their will, their look into the future. make this land russian, they make this land ours, only for the sake of the people, russia in 2014 took a very important step, directly openly declared to the whole world: crimea is ours!
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we can handle this, i will do everything to get you out of here. we look at the weekend, what a big deal, and kill the son of a millionaire, which means there is a mimash of this bastard, in the next 10 years, he will spend time behind bars, don’t scare him. i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, it’s the light, and my future wife, very nice, got out of here, i’m still at home, i’m also at home, when life is just completely black lane, you need to try to turn off it, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital and buy you a new bicycle, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin why are you
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looking at me like that? do you believe in the collection? are you trying to pick on me now? happiness can be given. today on rtr. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open all the boards? can we handle it? if you ask, then with a podbokh. the surname of which character from pushkin's works? everyone knows what it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, a lot and loudly says, if you answer, then with humor, i ’m chopping oak, not plucking, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches,
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good saturday evening everyone your favorite show is on the air, hello andrey, and today our studio will be filled not only with songs, but also with smiles, because, as the legendary songwriter wrote, a smile will make everyone brighter, these lines belong to mikhail pleskovsky and today songs based on his poems , friends, will sound in our program and open.
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“tender letters, i really need them, i’ll memorize them , in two winters, in two springs, i’ll serve as i should, and i’ll return, in two, in two winters, in two. in two springs i’ll serve, i
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’ll serve as i should, and i’ll return, remember , in two, in two winters, in two, in two springs, i will serve, i will serve as it should, and i will return, rustling branches, obedient outside the window, windy blue at noon, developed... winters, perhaps two springs, will be able to separate us with you, maybe two, maybe two winters, maybe two, maybe two springs, can separate, separate us from you, think about whether once two, once two winters, once twice, perhaps two springs, they will be able to separate, separate. with you
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i dream about soldiers' nights, a date is ahead, only two winters, only two springs, you don't go to the cinema with others, only two, only two winters, only two, only two springs, you're at the cinema, you're at the cinema with others don’t go in at all, there are only two, only two winters, only two, only two springs, you go to the cinema, don’t go to the cinema with others. i really need tender letters, i ’ll learn them like crazy, in two winters, in two spring, i’ll serve as i should and i’ll return, in two
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, in two winters, in two, in two springs, i’ll serve, i’ll serve as i should, and i’ll return, remember, in... two, in two winters, in two, in two springs, i’ll serve, i’ll serve as it should, and i’ll come back, in two, in two springs, i’ll serve, i’ll serve, as i should, and i’ll come back, brilliant. well done, thank you, nikolai bobrovsky from the city of inakiev, homeland, mikhail pleskovsky is with us today and the poet’s daughter, natalya, who is here with us today, says thank you, thank you
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very much, thank you, and of course, you haven’t yet was born in seventy-six, when this song appeared, but it had such a sensation that it became the song of the year, song.
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i have been singing almost since childhood, since in the city of yanakevo we hold a festival of children’s song competitions named after pletskovsky, and that is, they remember him, love him, of course, of course, they always remember him, we have a very wonderful museum in his school, where he studied, opened from
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our museum, here is plyatskovsky’s manuscript, here is such a plate with fairy tales, what a beautiful handwriting he has, yes, here i am i was very surprised, by the way. how did they give you such a valuable thing in the museum? they allowed it, and you saw, i have a lot of notebooks like this, i gave them to the museum, but my dad had very good handwriting, he was just a very literate person, he really loved to read, here i have there are a lot of these notebooks left, by the way, from one of them i learned that he was once in love with a girl natasha, he had such a poem.
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your own sweet places. greetings to you, dear friends, from the beautiful labor, industrial and mining city of yenakiev, donetsk people's republic. it was here that the songwriter mikhail spartakovich plyatskovsky was born. we are now in the very place, on the very street where the house in which mikhail spartakovich lived used to stand, and although now his house is no longer preserved in this place. but the memory of this wonderful poet always lives in the hearts of every resident of the city of yenakiev. and, of course, our town is small, but the main thing is to believe in the dream, and mikhail plyatskovsky. the main proof of this is that we are all proud of our fellow countryman and continue to sing his songs. and dad
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did you tell me something about your small homeland? yes , dad went there very often to his school, my grandmother told me, my grandmother worked there, at a candy factory, she wrapped sweets, she told me, and dad, there is a factory, in the factory, they ate the candies, as i understand it,
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and before blades of grass, the whole earth is its own, in its native places, the sun shines brighter, and the silvery voice of the brook, let them tell me that there are other lands, that there is a wall in the world. my beauty, and i love my dear places, my dear
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dear places, and i love my dear places, your own, dear, sweet places. bravo, together with vyacheslav dobrynin, mikhail poleskovsky recorded more than thirty songs, now one of them will be performed by our guests, a duet, sergey tayushev and tatyana ruzavina, and i’m calling again.
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i want to hear your familiar voice, but i haven’t had to fill it up all winter, i persistently turn the dial, the booths answer, everything is busy, everything is busy, everything is busy. everything is busy, at any time of the day, everything is busy, you can’t hear me, everything is busy, i’m sorry to lose you, everything is busy, but i’m calling again, well done! maybe the phone will suddenly give me yours
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laughter, i can easily dial the number of happiness, but how can i tell you that you are the most beautiful of all, because everything is busy for you, everything is busy, everything is busy, everything is busy. at any time of the day, everything is busy , you can’t hear me, everything is busy, i’m sorry to lose you, everything is busy, and i’m calling again, in my eyes it’s not in vain, desperate sadness, although the morning is cheerful with sun...
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everything is busy, in any time of the day, everything is busy, you can’t hear me, everything is busy, i’m sorry to lose you, everything is busy, and i’ll leave again. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, sergey anatolyevich tatyana nikolaevna for this song, you were personally acquainted with mikhail pleskovsky, of course, yes, you know, we met in 1979, it was a long time ago, it so
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happened that i was accepted in july. he’s handsome, and well, here i am older , here i am already married, unfortunately married, and that means that it turned out that i came to the recording after some time, we made the arrangement , then mikhail spartakich appeared , then i already realized that he was always present at the recording his songs with the poet, by the way, this
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rarely happened; the composer might not come, but michal spartak player will have to. he sings the right way to sing, it always happened , and you were his guests, of course, i remember it perfectly, these people are dear to me, my grandmother remembers me three times already as a little girl, i was how old, probably 16, yes, for 16 years they came to visit us, i’m fine, i remember my mother, there’s just an amazing woman standing before my eyes, we came in, they fed us right away, i was simply stunned by the color of the furniture , something amazing, this is the most fashionable color now here. powdery these are the colors like yours the suit is a little brighter, look, i haven’t seen anyone like this, they fed me right away, it means your mom suggested it, says listen , tan, let’s go with you here , there’s an exhibition nearby , they’re selling silver today, i say, you know, i somehow just still honestly speaking, i regret that i didn’t agree
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, i was just very modest, they fed me , and not yet, no, i want to give, i want to give . so desperately , mikhail pletskovsky himself burst into the life of every soviet person, forever bewitching the world with his smile and songs. about such success a simple guy from donbass and i didn't dream. his mother raised him alone, and in order to help his teenagers, he got a job
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at a newspaper. there his first poems began to appear. the rain will fall to the ground. tears , the road will beckon us into the distance in the morning, and mother’s eyes, and mother’s eyes will look after us tenderly and sternly, soon pletskovsky felt cramped in his hometown, he set off to conquer moscow, and the poet’s first song was picked up by the entire soviet union. already in the early seventies , every third girl was called lada, the soviet automobile industry released a brand of the same name cars he met her on a bench near the institute and immediately
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fell in love; soon after the wedding, the couple had their only daughter, natasha, in whom the poet doted on her soul, this is for... mikhail pletskovsky was so in demand that his name was known even abroad. on one of his work trips, he had a fateful meeting with the bulgarian justice vanga. in the year ninety, the clairvoyant herself asked to bring the poet to her. vanga predicted two fatal a’s for him. exactly one year later, her prophecy came true. first , mikhail pletskovsky’s mother died, and a day later his heart also stopped. the poet was 55 years old, wow, very young, they were buried in the same cemetery, on the tombstone they wrote a line from a song that
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has been reminding for decades that a smile will make everyone warmer, don’t forget the grudge, smile i won’t say goodbye again, i have to say goodbye . i can’t help but ask about the meeting with vanga, did dad talk about this meeting, or somehow did he take it seriously, yes, he took it seriously, he was very sick, and it seems to me that after she said this, he just stopped resisting the disease in general, he told me this on the sly , he didn’t tell my mother, but i knew it, i had already visited all possible sorcerers in russia and asked them and asked, but for some reason the sorcerer introduced him to me... lev leshchenko, now i don’t remember his last name, many years have passed, but he told me, i can’t do anything, you love your father very much, this is your karma, your dad will die, after that i
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just almost went crazy, that’s it , really, here he is at 55 years old, that’s how she told him, this is vanga, it would be better if he didn’t go there, well, but he didn’t give up until the latter, even in the hospital, he completed his fairy tale of the adventures of the grasshopper kuzi with antonov, where they released records about it. i don’t don’t want to believe, i just remember, before he died, i left the hospital, i remember, he’s standing in the window of this hospital and waving at me, i don’t want to cry to him now, and i waved to him, this was our, so to speak , last, last meeting when he was alive, and the main thing is that his mother left, and a day later he, this is also some kind of, you know, i’ll tell you more, grandmother died, father’s mother, twenty on the fifth, i married my husband, and on the twenty-sixth, my dad died, i didn’t know that he was dying, as if i knew, but... i didn’t think that he would die so quickly, i don’t know, of course it happened, i still had such a feeling, terrible, after that i even became a little like my husband somehow, you know,
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it seemed to me that because of him i was not passionate about my dad that day, well, i think that dad with me all the time in mine, so to speak, i talk to him, i also went to the grave recently, i loved him very much, my dad was the very, very, very best friend i ever had. very good family, in our house, whoever was there, here from both antonov and dobrynin, glory, glory, he could just call and say, litochka, i’m coming, she, can you make me cutlets, she says, now, now, thank you, i’ll fry , cutlets for you, and well, in general, in dad’s office near the piano there is a lot, a lot on this, the piano was not played, we had a lot, it was played with a melody, yes, well, let’s sing, what else today, and well, now we’ll sing the song that’s right now we sing in a concert, we just need it today. more simply, one of our favorites , the golden time, music by evgeniy krylatov , we dreamed of it as children, we scolded our age,
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we wish we could become older as soon as possible, another boy, and another girl, we dream about the same thing again, carefree childhood, the golden time, yours invincible , the boy is different, and the girl is different. ours are sitting, carefree childhood is a golden time, your heaps of minutes, another boy and
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another girl, how late we are, i ’ll understand late, friends, we’ll be back in a few minutes, stay with us, bravo, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, the premiere on rtr, i need to watch. body, and she, by the way, was a good tracker, strange questions, and where can you buy sausage in dough, you are talking seriously now, dubious methods, veronika pavnovna, you are still a part-time dog handler, original conclusions, everything is accurate, i found an alibi family old walls, bed, well , look how it is located, paradoxical solution, can you take off
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the mask? why are you always nothing but problems? tadam! all this works if vasnetsova gets down to business. always one step ahead? two, no, three, four. from monday. on rtr. catch a fish, big or small.
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once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr. “i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends , i found a room, a good neighbor, my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, someone else's trouble, they never visited their mother , they took them, they showed up, i'm afraid that you
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will have to come anyway." someone else's revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect , i'm scared, neighbor, really, she will definitely reveal herself, i know , on friday on rtr . we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, care and give
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warmth. and we overcome difficulties together. together we are strong. we vote for russia. love is when you look in the same direction. look, look look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well there look at the screen, look at me, it doesn’t take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for 1, 2, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie. crimea.
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10 years in my native harbor. return to russia. how it all began. chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the path to the homeland, film by andrei kondrashov on sunday on rtr. once again, good saturday evening everyone, in our program hello andrey, we remember the work of the songwriter mikhail pleskovsky and his daughter natasha is with us in this
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studio today. and now i want to invite our guest to the stage, who flew in from tel aviv. i think that if you look closely at the video on the screen, you will understand that this is the person. in the year seventy-nine , oleg bashkin woke up famous throughout the country with the song of the girl from apartment 45, once again the paper steamer docked. apartment 45, maybe she wasn’t able to solve the problem,
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how long for some reason the girl didn’t come out of the not so tired of cramming, or maybe... writes suffixes in a notebook, the girl from apartment 45, or maybe she’s writing to drink soup, the girl from apartment 45, eighth floor, window, second from the left, how many? you can let a bunny in, you’ll think, what a queen, the girl from apartment 45, you’ll think, what a queen,
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you’ll think, what a queen, girls. the girl from apartment 45, the girl from apartment 45, the girl from apartment 45, the boy is angry, there is a reason for that, not forever. he should hang out in the yard, and i hope you get a d tomorrow, girl from apartment 45, and i hope you
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get a d tomorrow, and i hope you get a d tomorrow got it, girls.
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and dad just seeing our friendship, we were talking about boys, falling in love, this is a real apartment 45, yes, but my girlfriend is there, your mom didn’t find out, dad, whose apartment is this, what’s going on, my mom, then some- then natasha, then this is the forty-fifth apartment, my dad loved my mother very much, my mother never found out anything from him, they are a very good creation, this is dedicated to whom, i don’t know, to be honest, who are you telling, you too today this is our first time visiting, but i, well, this book was already written. i was still there very small, it was some sixty, i don’t know, sixty-six or sixty-seven, but let us dedicate it to you, since no one found it, i ’m pleased, because really. this is such a simple children's poem, what a deep meaning, that everyone has
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dark, bright sides, i don’t remember him, but i grew up on his songs, composed by him, me too 2:24, and how many years have you been singing in the ensemble, hello, song, i sang for 3 years in the ensemble from seventy-seven to eighty, with arkady khoslavsky, with arkady khoslavsko, by the way, donetsk too, enakiev, makeevka, all our guys were from donetsk, how... the song got into the repertoire, you know, usually to our base, to filyovsky park, this is when i will explain to you, when the base - this is where the equipment is, where we rehearse , composers come, offer us new songs, like between tours, so they came, and slava dobrynin came, everyone came, but it was the only composer alexey mazhukov who called us vitya butom, and i was the soloist, here in white pants, in white suit, thin and long, such a nerd, that’s alexey mazhikov. lost , lost, he says, vitya, i’m sorry, oleg will sing, he said
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, no problem, i’ll sing along, i can sing along too, but he says, you’ll sing, and you know why, because the organics fit, well, the image, that boy, he guessed exactly, you were so popular in the soviet union, why did you decide to move and left the country in 90, this happened much later. happened in the nineties, the end of the nineties, because troubled times were brewing, i had children, and it was it’s very difficult, and we decided to repatriate to israel, and how long have you been in russia, 33 years, i’m sorry, please, i’m from murom, well, well, how do you like russia, by the way, i really like it, i thought, well, it’s time, oleg , as if to come back, because when we sang , this voice, we knew my voice, but we didn’t know who, and it was very interesting for me that everyone
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... join your hands, please, just like that, no one i didn’t think, i didn’t guess that this was a fate for 2 days, so now you’ll stay for another 13 years, i suggest you move with tatyana aleksanovna in 1983, when she announces a song by mikhail pletskovsky, in a popular program, attention. yuri antonov, poems
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by mikhail kletskovsky, the roof of your house, yuri antonov sings, we all rush for miracles, but there are no miracles, nothing like that earth under heaven, where is the roof of your house, where? coming to your house, and if you suddenly feel sad , then sadness does not mean anything, when you know that under the sun, there is the roof of your house, there is the roof of your house
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, any of their sorrows will disappear, all of them, just remember the blue stars on the roof of the house his own, over the roof of his house. this is a song about me, of course, invite me, i ’ll be happy to come, and then we’ll see, i’ll be happy to, and alena petrovskaya continues our evening with another song, poems by mikhail pleskovsky. queue for happiness. happiness is
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often praised to me as the most beautiful. in words , but where is the line for happiness, people, who is the last , i am behind you, people, who is the last, people, who is the last, who is the last, people, i am behind you , people, who is the last, people, who is the last, who is the last, people, i'm behind you, they tell me that happiness is in our power, it would be better if the address
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was named, ah, if only we could find a line for... happiness, people, who is the last, i am behind you , people, who is the last, people, who is the last, who is the last , people, i am behind you, people, who's the last people, who's the last? who is the last one, people, i'm behind you, here you are, i'm happy to meet you, oh, we could talk to him then, i'm taking a turn
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for happiness, people, who's the last one, i'm behind you, people, who's the last one, who's the last one, who's the last one, people , i'm behind you, people, who's the last, who's the last, who's the last, people, i'm behind you.
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well, i hope that we all have a turn, yes, we are standing, we are standing, but it appeared in my repertoire for a reason, well , about 10 years ago i really love soviet films and i accidentally watched the film cup of patience, completely by accident , and i was so
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imbued with this women’s story, and in general i take songs into my repertoire only about women’s fate, ones that can touch me, and i understand that by the end of the film i’m already sitting with... tears, this is the end movie, when this song plays, i understand that this song should be in my repertoire, but we must say that after all, mikhail bleskovsky has a huge number of children's songs, you also have a son, yes, i have a little son, and of course, now we are just at the age when 2: 2, well, let's remember the most famous children's songs by mikhail plistovskaya, 24, everyone knows this. since the seventies, not a single school lineup is complete without songs 2:24 and what they teach at school. pleskovsky was given ideas for their creation by a neighbor boy who was preparing for his first day.
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knowledge. in the elevator, she began to ask what awaited him in first class, and a few days later the familiar lines were born. let's sing ours. another hit of school holidays is a song about childhood, the poet created it together with composer yuri chichkov, words about peace and friendship were sung by a large children's choir at the song of the year in 1982. childhood is you and me, this is the name of the song by composer yuri chichkov based on the verses of mikhail pletskovsky, which opens the new year's concert.
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without his work it is impossible to imagine and children's cinema, in 74 the film "incident" was released, where the main voice of a large children's choir, seryozha paramonov, sings a song about how to properly treat animals, do not tease the dog, do not chase it. don't bother these cats , don't give a damn about the film, more than one generation of nakhimovites has grown up, the story about misha erokhin, who was preparing for a sea voyage, inspired soviet boys, especially for her mikhail pleskovsky wrote the song “do you hear the sea”, with which the guys dreamed of going around the world, my bread is washed away by the waves, and i’m at...
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the sea, your sailor, i want to become, today i’ll come to the shore again in the morning, woe, you hear , it’s hard to imagine a poet whose poems, after so many years, the whole country would know by heart, it would seem, simple children's songs, but each has a deep meaning, maybe that's why it's creative. this is known to everyone in the whole world, twice is two, four, twice is two, four, this is known
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to everyone in the whole world, twice is 24, twice is 24, not six, not five, you need to know this, twice is 24, twice is 24, not six, not seven, that's clear seven, i just saw these shots. yeah, and for a very long time i sang in viktor popov’s choir in the radio and television choir, so when the school is so cool, yes, when, when they sang all these songs, songs of the year, i was always there always behind the scenes, because this choir was always i sang songs for the songs of the year , at all sorts of concerts in the column hall , it was a great time, well, dad probably tested all the songs and also shows you, yes, dad always, when he wrote something, he always called me, mom always called us her. dad he always sang his songs, you know , it used to be good, when we went to concerts, the presenters would come out and announce,
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they don’t know that now, all some nameless songs, he comes out, sings, sings to himself, but we went out and they spoke the words of the lyricist mikhail pritskovsky, the music of some other composer, it was always clear, everyone knew whose song this was, who the composer was, and very well today. and then the thief la-la-la-la will wake up with a song, but no one will scratch and bite you, and
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no one will scratch and bite you, i won’t do any more i remember, but i remember my childhood, i actually sang childhood songs in kindergarten, i also sang in the choir, i had such a very loud voice, not really, but i’m childhood, childhood, childhood - it’s laughter and joy. all people on the big planet should always be friends, children should always laugh in a peaceful
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world. children should laugh , children should laugh, children should laugh in a peaceful world, that's where it all comes from, here's advertising, we will be back, friends children, children should laugh, children should laugh,
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you won't miss it on sunday on rtr first note: beauty, repeats with the first phrase, better is a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them face to face. profile, back of the head, business, or something, we’ve been together since first grade , we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, the crew, pull out of the car, begum, the whole crew, only on the platform let's look. good
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morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in the ordynka, in the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you fighting devil, what have you done.
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nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. what brought you to my school of female happiness. he doesn't notice me, but i want him to like me. you will transform yourself into a beautiful, confident woman. and i’ll just take you by the hand. do you help others find a husband? you have beautiful hands, what an a, you can add more sex, don’t lose yours, and by the way, what’s the man’s name? i call him mine, fell in love your girl is on the side, yaroslav boyko, i’m sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool i am, after all, you yourself
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turned your faithful dima into a mess, now you’re returning it! they don't know that you're aware, do they? think, i'll think. school of women's happiness. premiere today on rtr. good evening everyone, hello andrey on the air, we continue, friends, we continue to sing our favorite songs based on mikhail’s poems. clouds look out the school window,
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the lesson seems endless, you can hear a feather creaking slightly. and the lines fall on the piece of paper, the first love, school years, in puddles of blue, glass, ice, does not repeat, does not repeat, this never happens again. does not repeat, does not repeat , this never happens again, a song of rain, rolls like a stream
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, green winds rustle, jealousy for no reason, it’s like nothing happened yesterday, first love, snow is true, a flashing star in the sky, does not repeat, does not repeat , does not repeat.
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first love, school years, a flashing star in the sky, does not repeat, does not repeat. does not happen again, this will never happen repeats, does not repeat, never repeats
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this, never repeats this. yes, what does it do, does not repeat, does not repeat this, never, never repeats, does not repeat, does not repeat this. never, oleg semenovich, why didn’t you invite alexandra to dance, i was waiting, because i’m sitting in feelings, wait
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, the thing is that, here i am now, we sang this song, probably everyone remembered their first love, maybe not school love somewhere, but first love, it’s really extraordinary, probably, most likely not, i had one in college, and... well, but i was 16-17 years old, this first love was extraordinary, and the other person, let’s get to know you, tell us where you came to us from? i came from the city of krasnodar, where i live, i was born in the glorious city of petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, where it’s midnight, where you ended up in the ensemble of the pacific fleet, that’s right, it’s very nice to remember that many wonderful artists came to distant kamchatka, by the way, the ensemble nadezhda, here is seryozha. doesn’t remember, but he probably came as part of when igor ivanov was their soloist, and i was still serving in the army, probably yes, could you imagine the young man sitting? in the hall that
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one day you will be on the same stage svia nadezhda in the same program, no, no, of course, but with seryozha i am pleased, you know, sometimes i even somehow feel some kind of energy, we were born in the same day, oh, yes, april 9 , yes, yes, yes, but if we are talking about vocal and instrumental ensembles, let's remember the most famous songs of mikhail pletskovsky, which were written just for via, and of course, dominorchik, yes, let's, the last thing, you will receive a letter. as usual, as usual, without a soldier’s stamp, and you will read it hastily, or maybe you won’t read it, i am turning to you, not for help or kindness, i will never send a postman to your house again, i am turning to you illegally.
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with help and without kindness i will never send a pachtalion to your house again and i didn’t think further, i didn’t know then that trouble was close there was saying goodbye in a crazy mound, because you’re with another and i... the three of them rushed by in a crazy rush, and you with the other and i'm with someone else, i missed it all, with a crazy trigger, because you're with someone else, and i'm with another, well, i don’t know, friends, whether you found
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out or not, but we have at our table today an incredible man whom the whole country has lost for the last 40 years, but we managed to find him, a man whose velvety baritone sounded from everywhere in the sixties and seventies, this valentin budilin, visiting us, i feel it. prehistoric somehow, because i started when i was studying at the conservatory, there was a rather modest studio on shablovka, and there was no recording there, so today they gave me the text, i had to learn the song and to sing for real, alive, alive, of course , alive, yes, it wasn’t, that means, you can, i want to just remind the audience how you generally sounded and...
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the heights, where are you, my love, well, where are you , bravo, here in seventy-seven you are 40 years old, 40 years old, yes, now i’m 87, so listen, what i want to say, do you sing on
3:59 pm
then, in my opinion, or was there one program that wasn’t tv and they recognize you and me, that’s a little bit with a conservatory education, it embarrassed me , well, you’re so expressive, by the way , by the way, by the way, i performed for me the time was scheduled that i had no time for recording the song; i was performing in america, there is a city called las vegas, there are guests there.
4:00 pm
i started, for example, immediately again to where there is a sea of ​​​​lights, and this, and my performance was that i was telling a serious, complex fate. destiny, and i always started modestly, again to where the sea of ​​lights is, again there with my longing, listening to the violin of the lady of the inserts, i didn’t show my voice, yes, only there at the end i just took the fort, and it seemed like it was already thunder, and if at the beginning you are tired. like a fire at someone else's fire, but where is the heart that will love me, i live without kindness, wait your will, andrey, if i may,
4:01 pm
i want to say that the fact that valentin efinovich is here today, yes, is just a gift.


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