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tv   Sudba Marii  RUSSIA1  March 17, 2024 4:05am-5:46am MSK

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who is your stylist? well, as if i myself, i have three more shirts there, i’ll tell you to change clothes , i thought that you were my chosen one, don’t miss the songs with all your heart, today on rtr, i would really like to work for you, we’ll start, of course, today, why do we, jerry, the bulldog, snore, what should we feed the crayfish? a hamster just died , my good one, it seems that my life is changing , what does it take to become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation, it brings people very close, maybe we’ll switch to you, come on, come on, i have love, some kind of dazzling today, in it’s hard not to fall in love with him, and if i... what,
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let’s stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healer of souls, help for noma, today on rtr. sorry if i interrupted you, but i came on business, please sit down, thank you. for a moment, i
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wanted to know maksimovna, why did you stop visiting the sick ershov, the sick ershov is now being treated by dr. kosarev, a very qualified therapist, kosarev is a qualified doctor, i agree, but yarshov lives in your area, why did you stop him? protect, it doesn't concern you, ah, does not concern, but is it because, dear colleague , that you finally heeded my warning, realized that you had exploded, realized that your method of treating this patient was harmful and decided to go into the bushes, and not because, remember, how that time on the stairs you poured contempt on me, oh , that look, i remember it now, then i kept silent, that i, an egoist,
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a reinsurance doctor who is afraid of ruining his career, needless to say, i’m not a saint, if it’s not necessary, i wasn’t born to help if it is necessary, also not to climb, maybe, maybe, i repeat, i i’m not a saint, but you’re no better, in my opinion, we are a wonderful couple, i’m even more honest, maybe i won’t indulge in experiments. but in any case, i won’t run away when my patient gets worse, worse, and worse, don’t pretend like you didn’t know this, everything else has been joined by an extremely depressed state, aggravating the paralysis, and what’s wrong with it? say, you, you love him,
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love this half-human, lisa, lisa!
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elizaveta maksimovna, how good it is that you wrote, what is it, you don’t have a face, what? with yuri sergeevich, nothing, nothing, everything the same, only worse, yes, no, no, no, i will get up, i will get up!
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mother! well, what do you say, doctor? what will i say? i'll tell you that you don't need a doctor anymore. how? everything
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is fine, anna konstantinovna. i don’t need it, that means you won’t come again, i will.
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how did you always do your hair yourself? can a lady do her hair herself, and they haven’t wanted to come to see me yet?
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but for my doctor, don’t twirl the block, i’ll burn you, so what do you say? wonderful, thank you.
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well, it’s time, yuri sergeevich, i’m afraid, i’ve never been afraid of anything in my life, but now i’m afraid, now i’m afraid. nothing, you were standing on crutches enough, get up, well, if it weren’t so formal, it’s time, honey, now i’ll get up, i said i’d get up, i said, i said, i was the only one who believed, both you and i, i’m getting up, just... go, turn away, but after all, you can fall, i’m only risking my nose, it’s not a big deal, you know
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what, play for me, don’t look back.
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i'm standing.
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look me in the eyes. fine.
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word! agouti, and in belarusian, agutsi, borrowed from the tupi language, guarani,
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spoken by a group of indian peoples of south america. the small sinker is also called the south american golden hare, although it seems to me that he looks more like a small deer, and this one is very tiny, it wasn’t difficult to catch him, why, in order to microchip, for this i was given special clothing, what are the rules here at the minsk zoo, so. now everything, oh, he’s so small, he’s still a month and a half away, a month and a half, no, he’s been gone for a while, a month, one or two somewhere, it’s clear, now i need to be here. i’m used to the hands, yes, yes, we got them in 2008, well, in my practice, this is probably the fourth birth, but this time the female is young, and for her the birth turned out to be stressful, her milk disappeared, and
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she had to feed the baby aguten, the baby was in elena ’s hands, there is everything, there is, uh-huh, they brought the chip quickly , they read everything on the spot, well, good, he behaved very well, again the fact that he was a little after all, he is accustomed to people, this is also a big plus in this job. where is his mom? mom hid? it didn’t seem to me that my mother was very worried, she was sitting in the corner looking at all this with sad eyes. i’m sure that she got used to this procedure, she already knows everything, in general she wasn’t particularly worried about his leave of absence. is he the only one she has, right? yes, they are one, maximum two raska. the
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gestation period for a female agutya is approximately? 3 or 4 months maybe, and most often breeding occurs twice a year. alexey, you examined him, yes, you looked , the boy is healthy, we can take a look, but so, i would tell you, with your permission, that what we have here, well, normal, the ribs are normal, the fatness is very good, he eats well, yes, there are ways out here no, oh, i'm not afraid. almost fell asleep in elena's arms, he was relaxed and didn't even kicks, before this i also came , fed him, weighed him, and it happened like this, you sit, pet him and he already begins to fall asleep, that is, the animal gets used to you, he feels some kind of maternal
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protection before letting the baby go mother, he needs to be weighed. after all, he is artificial; it is important to understand whether the baby is developing correctly, whether he is growing, and how this is expressed in grams. the exotarium pavilion, the most visited in the minsk zoo, would also have toucans and saimirs here. crocodiles and exotic rodents, today we came to the parrots on business, today is monday, there are no visitors, well, so that they don’t get bored, we need to cut off about 1.5 m of wire, yeah, then we can string everything on it, all the parrots that us in
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the exotarium, they arrived in the fourteenth year , they were young. and were kept in one large enclosure, they all knew each other, then they grew up and began to divide into pairs, we will measure by royal height, we will measure like this, bite here, we will make two, and this will be the third, as planned aleftins, we’ll hang a variety of vegetables and fruits on wires to make them kind of edible... and you can pierce it, it’s possible, but it’s difficult, no, you can’t pierce it like that, it’s necessary, well, let’s try to pierce it, no nothing is possible in this life, that's it, that's all , and this will be our little corn, the parrots
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are watching our efforts from the aviary, there are four of them in total, and these are two... rather unusual pairs, a soldier is looking after the blue-and-yellow girl boy on the contrary, yes, yes, interesting, there’s already love here, there’s nothing love you can’t tell, in general parrots live in their homeland in south america, often in mixed groups, they interbreed there, but this is not so often, but here it’s a funny story, of course, that each parrot chose ... a pair of a different species, that’s close , but different. hybridization for parrots, in particular for the macaw, is not uncommon, although in nature. interspecific hybrids are rare, but in captivity in zoos, this is a completely common thing, and
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this happens between completely different species of macaws, and what is most interesting is that the offspring of these interspecies marriages , let's call them that, it turns out to be quite viable, moreover, it can reproduce further, that is, give rise to second-generation hybrids, if these mixed couples have... what, well, just to be completely , it’s raining outside today, yes, and you mean that they need to be bathed, yes, well, in general, yes, it’s such a joke, but we periodically
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douse them every other day with a spray bottle. soldier's macaws live in south america from ecuador to nicaragua, blue-yellow mainly in brazil and paraguay, but their ranges overlap. in the tropical forests of these regions, rain is not uncommon, and bathing is the norm for parrots. ours even bathe like this, sometimes, while talking , time flew by unnoticed, it’s time to go to the aviary, the parrots greeted us calmly, even too calmly, somehow not like a parrot, without greeting cries, flapping their wings, strange, somehow we have them everyone is so well-mannered, they only scream when they have a feud in the morning, that’s how it is... yes, the sun comes, the sun rises, and then they sit quietly, where we knit, which means look, the carnations are sticking out, here’s one , here it is, yeah, right here, it’s great when
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someone takes responsibility for such an important decision for you, but if the serious energy of the fragile lefts is simply amazing, well, how else can you become the leading zootechnician of the zoo, by the way, the well-fed parrots also feel this pressure: let’s take the birds and i a couple of minutes break, this red-haired goat on the right in the direction named vladik, he’s special, he knows how to do a few simple things...
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and we can get started to the voiced by ulyana action plan. come here, come here, my baby, come here. let's go a little more. come
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here, don't be afraid. come here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, baby, come in. that's it, we're closing. and put a leash on him. no, no, don't follow the commands yet. even the group’s workers, and i, the engineer, all noticed that from the very beginning he was so friendly and not afraid of people. treats him absolutely calmly, he was fed a little by hand with diluted milk from a bottle, that is , he had direct contact with people several times a day, every day, you see, everyone is walking and you are walking, and oh well done, ulyana , why does he have a yellow tag on his ear, we picked him up because he is special, so we can bring him into the system, in one litter in animals, in mammals they can...
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now we will practice techniques, practice the commands that he knows how to do, there are three of them in total, the first is to ask, the second is to try, he gives, now he asks, i don’t, just wait, the third is to spin, yeah, i confess, i already i can’t wait to see all three simple skills, and vladik also wants to prove that he is a special goat, however, according to the law of the genre, we will take a break for a while. the most interesting place. pigs have long lived alongside humans, they were domesticated more than 13,000 years ago, before cats, and have penetrated almost all areas of our life, from mythology to medicine.
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by the way. it’s an interesting story, because we used to keep wild boars, but when the pig fungus happened, in general, we were left without pigs, since then we haven’t had any, that is, about 10 years, i have a feeling.
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the district was destroyed in this private sector , 19 of them were originally there, they were running in the private sector, but it is clear that they are accustomed to people, they know people and initially they were not afraid in principle, they reacted very adequately, they are quite sociable animals, well, these are some kind of pigs not of the traditional black light, well, yes, they are incomprehensible put some. black pigs are a fairly common group of breeds in the pig industry, the most famous in recent decades being the so-called black mini pigs, and mini pigs are derivatives of one of the asian pig species called vietnamese paddle bellies. black skin color is present in many other groups of breeds, in particular there is a separate breed, which is called large black, sometimes it is used for crossing
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acorns that the zoo received as part of a promotion, our zoo holds a generous harvest promotion every fall, that is we invite our residents of minsk to bring some surplus fruits, surplus vegetable gardens, including products such as acorns, in general they are very kind. is this a touching tradition? i would say that residents of minsk and its environs bring leftovers to the zoo harvest, well, this is somehow very positive, it seems to me very good, very well-fed pigs of different colors are methodically chewing, although so far only three out of nineteen, and through the bars a brown bear named nyura is watching them, although most likely she is not watching so much pigs, to which she had long
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been accustomed. as for the new people in their enclosure, i pay attention to the fact that her mother bear is getting informational enrichment, but there’s a change. what are we doing here, but i would like to have some fun, maybe, if possible, yes, maybe we can play with a ball, but the ball is not intended for her, but for the piggy basketball team, and we will definitely give it to the pigs, but a little later, i always have evidence, vesnetseva was just lucky, maybe he is a really good follower, vasnetsova, the premiere. from monday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend,
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tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, went on a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression, and russia comes and the city. boris korchevnikov’s program life and destiny lives from monday to friday on rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she is dying, promise me you will never give up mung beans, right? even if it will be very, very difficult for you, it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one can take such care of masha, but i have
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one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if she not yours, well, hello, my love, you want me to be silent, think about me... “i promise to be silent, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i know for sure that the man who was lying in the coffin, he did not look like himself himself. alexander molokov, the lawyer of one of the most famous swindlers in russia, sergei mavrodiy, makes a sensational statement, allegedly in the grave over which a monument is erected with the name of sergei mobrodi there may be a completely different person . close associates are in our studio." like students, sub-investigators and even an illegitimate son. believes does he believe that his father is alive? malakhov, on monday on rtr.
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it’s a pity to even say this out loud, but as they say, you can’t remove the words from the song, agoutis, these cute little animals , are eaten in south america, but looking at this baby, we won’t remember this anymore, like a ball of me, yes, yes, well, in your arms you should be calm for him, he’s already here, if he were running, then his arms would be relaxed, yes, yeah, that’s it, nibbler, nibbler, i’m him... elena came to the minsk zoo in 2015
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right away got into the exotarium group, her the position of an animal care worker of the fourth category, and this is practically one step up to a livestock specialist. my favorite animals. there are a lot here, very many, these are our topir, picariks, all our parrots, all without exception, rodents in particular, and of course, our cute monkeys, capuchins, saimiri and loudspeakers, in order to weigh the baby, who is just over a month old age, we will need scales, a bowl, a cloth, why, this will become clear later, i set it to zero, now, if he doesn’t run away quickly, then we’ll try to react, i’m wrapping him up, wind up, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet, quiet, thunderstorms, they seem to have occupied the niche of small
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ungulates, we know that ungulates, they jump, rush, in the case of their first reaction - this is the start, so, here are the south american rodents , who occupied their niche, they behave exactly the same way, that is, they... if they don’t like something, they either hide or immediately jump, this baby was guaranteed to jump out of the basin, so they wrapped him in a rag , how... they swaddled him so that he would be calm. average adult weight agouti is 3.5 kg, and the body length is 50 cm. the baby , carefully wrapped in a rag, without taking into account the weight of the rag and bowl, pulled 789 g, it agrees, yes, yes, yes, yes, he should weigh that much, his weight corresponds to the norm for his age, maybe even a little too high somewhere, but he is not obese. so it’s not scary, it’s good, he’s a dense, well
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-nourished, well-developing baby. in south america, agoutis are not only threatened by humans; they are hunted by jaguars, pumas, bush dogs and boa constrictors. to stay while alive, the georgians have to develop strategies and defense tactics. the first sinkers appeared in south america even before the appearance of the isthmus of panama. the smallest one. representatives of this group of tuk-tuk, chinchilla and bristly rats, as well as eight-toothed ones, weigh from 200 to 700 g. the weight of rodents such as prehensile-tailed decabrans, agoutis, southern viscachas, paqui pocaranas and maras ranges from three to 18 kg. the largest rodents are capybaras, they weigh more than 60 kg. rodents are hunted by various cats, dogs, large birds of prey and... many others defend themselves from attack by rodents
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in different ways: maras living in dry steppes flee, prehensile-tailed porcupines defend themselves with the help of quills that cover almost the entire body of the animals. capybaras find refuge in the water. they swim and dive great. most small rodents in south america, as throughout the world, tend to hide from predators in deep burrows. by the way,... little agouti doesn’t have a name, but the baby himself has one, when he was born, here oh-oh, it’s a matter of fact, for some reason it’s like that in his group called, oh-oh, oh-oh, his name is, the animal is oh-oh, great, but she generally behaved like a man calmly, and allowed himself to be caught calmly, in general he behaved very calmly in his arms, even with while stroking, it was clear that he was already closing his eyes and almost falling asleep. it’s time to let the baby goat go to his mother;
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keeping baby animals in your arms for too long, and this has been scientifically proven, does not have a very good effect on their future behavior. bye, bye, bye, oh, oh, he quickly trotted on his thin legs to his mother and sat down next to her. despite the fact that people fed him, his mother did not refuse him, she simply did not have enough milk, but she recognized her son. in its own way, the gnawing loves and takes care of him. under the strict guidance of the leading livestock specialist of the minsk zoo, i do what was planned, hang fruit and vegetable garlands. that's good. that’s it, now it needs to go there,
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yes, that’s it, yes, that’s it, it’s not going anywhere, i feel like an elementary school student, ara, apparently too, aleftina could become a good teacher, foreman, builders, the head of a logistics company, and anyone else, just not a horse breeder , i am afraid of horses, and i try to stay away from them, i am not afraid of all other animals, i... love them, i know them, i respect them very much, now we have corn, we need to hang it up, we have these metal circles, you can tie them to it, in my opinion we have already enriched them with our presence, no, they look at us with such pleasure, with interest, yes, that’s how they are, i i don’t cut their wings, yeah, it’s like they can do it if they want fly away, that's it. it’s unpleasant, yes , we’ll have it, that’s it, so there’s no need for him to fly
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, about 7 more minutes of work, we’ve got everything ready , i must say, we’ve set a luxurious table for the birds, look, here we’ve laid it for you, soldier’s macaw, we’re taking away everything unnecessary and we leave, leaving the parrots alone with garlands, corn and other food scattered around the enclosure, but the colorful birds sat and sat, even if we assume that the parrots were full, they should have become interested in new objects in the enclosure, because macaws are curious, they are magnificent manipulators disassembling into components...
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gave the birds enough time to not trust, maybe that’s the only reason, we thought to assess the situation, but they didn’t even come close to food, and meanwhile the time has come for water hygiene procedures, and they like it, they like it , but not really, so. let's jump up. it's funny that parrots continue to live in pairs, different species, but friendly. if they didn’t like this shower, they would have left, of course, but they, the couple who was closer to me, sat lower, they were generally very they took it well, but the other couple a little less, and a funny reaction, again,
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they are different types of animals, so they reacted not the way animals of the same species react, but the way animals of the same species react. it’s raining, it’s suffocating, the containers get wet, but they don’t get off their perches, they don’t intend to fly away, maybe enough, yes, it’s good already , yes, there are already droplets, they washed them, but yes, dew, dew, yes, yes, the irrigated parrots have noticeably cheered up, perhaps , soon their appetite will wake up, or maybe it has already woken up, aleftina and i are just getting in the way, shy to the birds, the job is done, yes, the job is done, they should come up, the four should disperse a little, i won’t appear there, they think they will come down and be interested, because in principle this is all familiar to them, the parrots have finally approached our beads and
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the feast began, the birds, who were patiently waiting for the right moment, attacked the corn, and carrots, and even garlic, i am very... pleased that our labors were not in vain. we are starting classes with the little boy vladik. you can call it training, you can call it training, although in this case. this is bigger reminds me of a communication game, come on, ask, ask, like this, then he will stand, no, i won’t give you anything, look , ask, raise it higher, yeah, it’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it, ah, well done, ulyana’s classes with vladik , they
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are, well, in general, of the nature of sufficiency, yes, because in principle you can do much more complex things with it, you just need to use it. ask, ah, well done, vladik is like this, like this, we can then proceed to the second command, these are hooves, what is the point, i usually sit down like this and show you, hooves, hooves, come on, once again, once again , you’re casting incorrectly, well done, you ’re a real goat, congratulations, he’s the most, apparently, smart, sociable, it seems to me that he uses modern techniques, he can theoretically be taught much more, he maybe just like a dog, he can walk around, spin, and spin, and what he can’t do, the last
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command is spin, it was the hardest for us, because well, he didn’t understand how to spin, he backed away , team about... he literally learned in a day , to dig when he gives, in my opinion, in 2 days, yes, he learned for 2 days, spin, it was the most difficult command for him, he learned it in a week, come on, spin , well done, what a vladik, well done, come on again, spin, vladik successfully fulfills the most difficult command, spin, first with ulyana, and then with me, in classes with him, the main thing is to be friendly. intrusiveness, it is impossible to do any complex tricks in such an impromptu manner, it is important to make friends here. oh, well done, you did everything, you did everything, you did everything.
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contact with an animal is very pleasant, if we talk about whether i had fun, it was very fun and pleasant for me to communicate with a wonderful, cute goat. something to do with him, so i came into contact with him, we became friends, i think, on a leash, like a faithful dog, vladik is running home to his relatives, dad is already tired of waiting, that’s it, come in, come in, little one, he ran , brothers, uncles dad met vladik without applause, he took a walk, but they didn’t, he had a tag on his... and they are a demon, but seriously, the rest are goats, of course, they are not offended that vladik is so special among them, they don’t
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know this at all, it’s time to lure out the other 16 pigs, sometimes unknown. all the most delicious things are here, but there is no doubt that it is written on his face, well, what is better warm or tasty, a well-fed pig is actually a phenomenon in general. they behaved like pigs, as expected, that is, they were looking for something to eat;
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we could not see any other behavioral features in this situation. pigs, i must say that these are such classic laboratory animals, including including - social behavior was studied on them. pigs have been used in medical experiments since the time of hippocrates, they are similar to humans in features: dental system, morphology, physiology of the kidneys and skin, eye structure and visual acuity, anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and digestion, so pigs are an ideal model animal for immunological and radiobiological studies, as well as for obtaining active antibodies. in world practice , specially bred laboratory breeds are used minipigs. in our country it is svetlogorsk. thanks to experiments with pigs , methods for treating diseases such as myocardial infarction, vascular atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers
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and skin cancer have been developed. the physiology of obesity and alcoholism was studied, experiments were conducted to study radiation damage during total gamma irradiation, as well as the effects of toxic drugs. there are more and more pigs, but less and less food. that a pig will find dirt everywhere, black pigs do not go into a puddle, they prefer by the way, please note that contrary to the saying to stay on the shore, so to speak , there are many misconceptions about these whale-hoofed animals; their intelligence is appreciated only by specialists. the intelligence of pigs is at a fairly high level. scientists note that an adult pig can be compared to a three-year-old child. in fact
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, these animals can perform simple tasks, know how to navigate mazes and can remember symbols. another bag of acorns from the pigs, grunting, they begin to vacuum up the oak fruits. they don't behave like pigs at all, they don't they push each other, don’t fight, don’t take food from each other. when they have enough space, they don't fight. well, the first reaction to a new object that unexpectedly appeared was such a reaction
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of fear, a new, naturally, object that suddenly appeared in their field of vision... definitely scared one of the pigs quite strongly, but then she again instantly switched and began to do that , what do pigs do, that is, it has become acorns, pigs, in principle, are such neurotic animals in fact, yes they can here, here yes uh even fainting occurs from some kind of stressful influences from their point of view, yes, which for other animals is nothing at all, if only such a thing existed. and he also reacts very much to the neighbor’s reaction, to the neighbor’s reaction, yes, it’s good that no one fainted at the sight of the ball, but there was no interest either, perhaps there was a bad serve. tatyana uses a different tactic, and now there is simply no reaction, no one. a seemingly unfamiliar object suddenly appeared, but then, when they realized that it did not pose any danger, they simply ignored it and
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really, don’t bother me to eat everything. i ’m not used to giving up , i throw my signature three-pointer, i almost hit the basket, but not into the goal of the guard, well, what can you say, except don’t throw pearls before swine, but they don’t react to the ball, it seems to me that their food motivation is stronger always, under any circumstances, well, we ’ll leave him anyway, he’ll lie here at night with them and be saturated with the smell, and then we’ll give him to another predator, which predator. let's see if the predator will play for how many seconds the ball will last, well, depending on which predator it is offered to. the pigs chew acorns together, grunting with their funny little snouts. why with spots? because they are the size of an old russian five-kopeck coin. by the way, pigs have an excellent sense of smell; they easily find not only truffles, but also narcotic explosives. they
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have truly penetrated into all areas of human life. not excluding gastronomic food, but personally i don’t eat pigs, they are very smart. baby oy-oh and his mother are sitting next to each other and comprehend recent events, or rather, come to their senses after a slight emotional shock. they would not need much time for this; the interference in their personal space was short-term and painless. and the blue-and-yellow soldier's macaws, balancing on ropes on logs, easily deal with our gifts. finally , we see arani as timid birds, but as active food gatherers, using all their tools: their pecks, their paws, and most importantly, their brains.
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in the evening , a female deer joined the chewing pigs. she doesn't eat the jelly, but willingly keeps company with nineteen pigs and , without knowing it, enriches their environment, and they, of course, brighten up her monotonous everyday life and temporary loneliness while waiting for a male. baby goats of all sizes and colors huddled together. vladik’s dad is the boss here, if only he were almost twice as big as the others. by the way, vladik, the only kid who took after his father, he is also light red, distinguished himself here. hello, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, that’s what it’s like
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our correspondents saw. you understand my condition, what is happening, there is no homeland, no , an enchanted place, how a modern gogol writes his village stories, why the residents’ bank was removed, and what kind of evil spirit deprived people of a picturesque river, a classic investigation by alexander karpov, the place will most likely crackle and collapse under them, but they won’t fly off. finally, well , generations, but finally, the comfort plus metro, which lines will the new trains run on, well, it’s a delight, at first you don’t know where to look, and how the cars of the latter differ the most important thing is that here you can talk without raising your voice, bearish angle, why
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would they look for an owner for a dangerous predator from the moscow region, well, it’s not the bear’s fault. what happened and why do the braves tame the clubfooted ones in general, and it was this bear that blew up the men. so , a big event for the moscow metro: the latest generation train moscow 2024 has entered underground routes. it would seem that the previous version moscow 2020 is the pinnacle of modern technology, but there is no limit to perfection, and the newest trains now run on the line where the old ones still remain trains are from the last century, and for millions of passengers this is truly long-awaited. event, the design of the trains was chosen taking into account the opinions of muscovites, we simply could not help but go to the zamoskvaretskaya line, still smelling of factory paint, the newest train
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moscow 2024 silently glides along the rails of the depot, the quietest running is one of its main advantages, different sound insulation, new frames - carts, wheels, everything is the most modern, traction motors are also new. the crews that service the trains had to learn all over again. a lot of new things equipment, you need to know a lot to service this type of rolling stock, but it is very interesting. new trains go to the zamoskvaretskaya line, only on it on salatovaya lyublinsko-dmitrovskaya the old, so-called numbered trains developed in the late eighties are still running, they don’t even have names, only numbers, soon there will be no more of them in the moscow subway. of metro trains has halved, we started with a numbered car that stands here, then we launched new , modern, world-class moscow trains 2020, today we are launching the moscow 20-24 train,
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in 2 years the moscow 26 will be released . about a million people use the moskvaretskaya line, one of the longest in the capital’s metro, every day. the cars are different from the previous version of moscow 22. the gadgets are now here in the handrails, but the most important thing is that here you can talk without raising your voice, there is no annoying tiresome noise, the new trains also have a third wider doors and all this is a completely different level of comfort, i thought there will never be new trains here, it's finally here it happened, finally, well, finally. great, good, everything is comfortable, everything is cozy, everything is civilized. a new life begins for the drivers; vladimir worked on the old trains for 10 years. it’s a delight; at first you don’t
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know where to look, because compared to the numbered squad it’s heaven and earth. here, after working a shift, you get tired in less than one lap on the license plate type. by the end of next year , more than 500 new moscow 2024 cars will enter the zamoskvoretskaya line. in a matter of days. remain until major floods in the moscow region, snow fell this year, not only is there a record amount of snow, but there is also twice as much water in it as usual, that is , there will definitely be a flood, the only question is how much trouble it will cause. there are at least 200 villages and gardening communities in the special risk zone; the highest level of danger is in dubna, istra, odentsovo and lukhovitsy. denis voskovsky has just returned from where it is still dry. employees of the istra hydroelectric complex monitor the situation on the surrounding reservoir every day; there is snow in the area of ​​special attention, every 200-300 m stop measurements, use a special ruler to measure
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the height of the snowdrifts, the samples taken will be studied in the laboratory. the amount of water in the snow this year is higher than normal. this year the snow is especially dense and heavy, 127 mm against the norm of 62, the water content was twice as high. experts began the new flood back in december, when the first forecasts of unprecedented rainfall appeared. all meteorologists' forecasts came true; the snow cover this winter exceeded a meter. monitors the situation at the hydrometeorological center. recent calculations show that the maximum flood level this spring in some areas of the moscow region may be exceeded by two, and somewhere by 4 m. in the risk zone, istra, dubna, lukhovitsy, ozyory, voskresenskaya, even odintsovo. serpukhov, kolomensky, kashirsky districts. in these regions, not only the floodplain will be flooded, but also the low areas of the floodplain, that is, the water will go beyond the limits and some economic facilities will be flooded. the regional ministry of emergency situations has already begun to train personnel and
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check equipment. waterworks employees are working in intensive mode. during during floods, it is important to prevent the simultaneous release of water at several dams at once. given the presence of such an amount of snow and , accordingly, the water that will come to us in the spring, a planned drainage of all reservoirs was carried out in the winter in order to prepare free capacity for... the water was shaking. the start of rapid ice drift is promised no earlier than the second half of march, although in the stroginsk floodplain the ice has already begun to break up. the boat is on air cushions, and every now and then it falls into ice holes. in the middle of moscow the rivers are still almost like winter, the ice thickness is even allows you to take measurements on foot. somewhere around 20-23, yes, purely 20 cm. the spring ice still holds fishermen. for days on end, they sit here with their fillies and homemade fishing rods. everyone, by the way, assures. who
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brought a box of gear for the last time this season, there a man fell through the shore, what the current flood will be like depends on many factors, primarily on how quickly the unprecedentedly large mass of dense snow will melt, and how quickly the moisture will then melt absorbed into the ground, infiltration the released water will definitely be helped by the relatively small depth of soil freezing, no more than 10 cm compared to the usual 7-8, and if in the coming weeks the temperature rises smoothly, the elements may not do any harm at all, but rather, to the top, filling the reservoir with the necessary moisture. denis voskovsky, gennady talochkin, arthur nurmukhomedov, egor vozhletsov, lika dzhiukhishvili, dmitry kansky, lead. another spring natural phenomenon is now being recorded in moscow itself. fortunately, it does not have dramatic consequences for hundreds of people on the contrary, they are waiting for moose to be seen in the most ordinary courtyards of multi-storey buildings. horned giants come out of losiny ostrov park to get food. food is easy to find in its natural habitat. but, apparently,
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animals also want to diversify their diet. residents of neighboring areas willingly feed them, and biologists are categorically against such interaction between people and moose, but why, can moose really cause harm? onnalan set off after the long-haired muscovites. lasin island national park is in your neighborhood and cases have become more frequent here. we saw moose coming out to your houses, yes, we ask you not to feed them, such an unusual request from the residents of the park inspectors. they are no longer surprised by this little guy in balashikha , the moose comes here as if it were his home , you look out the window, the moose are walking, it’s very cool, here ’s a dad walking with his child, just a few meters away there are wild animals walking, and the people themselves fed them, they usually put all sorts of cleaning , potatoes, they often come here with bags and just put garbage, but these two skiers, forgetting about caution, decided to feed the moose directly from her hands, she put me down, and at such a meeting, they say: it’s better for the specialists not
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to attract attention, on the contrary, to move away and especially not to get food. moose do not need feeding. the elk's main diet in winter now is twig food; here, just recently, the elk came and gnawed the bark from the linden tree. it is very rare to see moose in the wild, but we are very lucky now. i placed the film crew on the road so that they wouldn’t be scared by the big camera, but i myself walked a little deeper into the forest specifically so that you... show you, there’s one moose, there’s another , they’re chewing something, they see me, so i won’t come close, we leave the moose alone with nature and go to the moose biological station, they’re not afraid of us, no, they know that , that now in the winter period food is brought to them by snowmobile, contrary to the name , not only moose live at the biological station, there are three wild boars, still small ones, and a whole herd of sika deer.
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now sika deer can still be seen in all their glory with antlers, but already in april they will begin to lose them to deer and wild boars it is more difficult to get food in winter, so they are fed here, but only specialists should do this, they know the diet of wild animals, for example, flour is deadly for ungulates. cereals, corn, wheat, and oats are used for feeding in winter. also, in theory, you can use vegetables for feeding, but if you leave it in large quantities, it begins to irritate, and accordingly , animals can be harmed in the same way. this winter, a real problem arose in the neighborhood of friendship. to the buffet that's right near the entrance to the losiny ostrov national park, local residents arranged for wild boars; the insatiable pigs began to come every day, also demanding more, destroying everything around. that's it, i don't have it. it is better to remember that this is a wild animal and you should not feed it or approach it. if this is a wild boar, then... it can use its
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sharp fangs; the staff at elk island even wanted to transfer the wild boars to other reserves, but in the end they simply moved the feeders away from residential buildings into the forest. anna balan, ilya novikov, sergey minin, ilona gosiva and tatyana popova, news. in one of the villages near moscow, absolute devilry has been going on for several months now. quiet evenings on the farm turn into the noise of construction; the river embankment has become an enchanted place; instead of a recreation area, elite cottages have begun to appear there. everything is so gogalev-like and not at all by chance, the author of the mystical changes is precisely gogol, but not a writer, but a businessman, the great writer’s mother, who felt like an old-world landowner of skill... the brunt turned the life of the entire neighborhood into a nightmare and no one did anything to him can help, but our alexander karpov has already taken the unrighteous path of the new gogol , and this is serious, everyone has fairy tales, now we will be in the area where the fable crane is working, a rare
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resident of the trees marina will not only walk to the middle of the sinichka river, but also to its bank on which their modest houses are perched, this is my homeland, so this is my homeland. my parents, you understand my condition, what is happening, there is no homeland, no, this is a crematorium, yes, a terrible and wretched place, instead of the nature that was here, the landscape was completely destroyed for the children there is nowhere to walk , there is nothing left of the specially protected natural area, the river bank has been razed down to the very fences, for the sake of commercial construction, there is an apartment building behind our back...
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why did he beg us to rent out several coastal hectares to him, how in which offices did they change the purpose of the land for development , only gogol knows, according to him, everyone approved of the hearing. their residents themselves and were held in the assembly hall in each settlement, where there is evidence, but you are not asking me for evidence 331 signatures - this is a fake that the developer came up with, this dead souls that came out of nowhere, i put my signature for the park, for the resting place, gogol promised at the council of deputies, he promised a recreation area for people here, there is a protocol of this meeting, his words are written down there, here... old passport the object here is only the improvement of the embankment, here is a new one with high-rise buildings. marin residents are demanding a stop to construction. the fraud lies in the fact that the developer hired some hydrological companies that measured the river, instead of 11 km of archival data of this river
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with 20 m shorelines, they created from this river is 9 km long, the bank strips have been reduced to five, so you now see that the building is almost close to the river. why were the residents of the shore stolen? what was stolen, the shore , why was it stolen from the residents, they promised to improve it, after reporting the news about gogal’s art, the investigative committee initiated criminal cases more than once, they were closed allegedly due to the lack of damage, but here is the official response from the ministry of ecology, the damage was discovered, a calculation of the amount of damage caused to the water soil facility amounted to 1,600 rubles. a lawsuit is currently being prepared to be filed with court. one thing is unclear, how can this happen? gets away with everything, the answer was found in the classic, alas, fat people know how to manage their affairs in this world better than thin people, fat people never take indirect places, everything is straight, if they do sit somewhere, they will sit reliably firmly, so rather the place will crack and bend under them, but
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they won’t fly off. nikolai gogol, dead souls! construction does not stop even for a minute; moreover, the sale of apartments in the future village is in full swing. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead of us a very short advertisement, but you will have time to pour tea or coffee, the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr. i would really like to work for you, let's start today, of course, that we have, jerry, a bulldog, snores, what to feed the crayfish,
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a hamster just died, good, it seems my life is turning into what it needs. to become a successful veterinarian, an extreme situation brings people very close together, maybe we can use it, yeah, come on, come on, the ability to love, some kind of today is dazzling, alina, it’s hard not to fall in love with him, but if i say, let’s stop there, because it’s dangerous to go further, healers of souls, an oleaginous treat for the home, today on rtr. crimea. 10 years in my native harbor. return to russia. it all began. chronicle
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of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea. the way home. film by andrey kondrashov. today on. rtr, i don’t understand why i’m here, did you really kill my father, you tried to take my inheritance, you deceived me, why did you introduce yourself? in someone else’s name, my friend asked me to, but what a crime, right? “she is my neighbor, it was alisa who set you up, yes, i will definitely
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get to the bottom of the truth, i understand, dig, neighbor, on friday on rtr, today you are good.”
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the bed, well, look how it is located , paradoxical solutions, you can take off the mask, why are you always the only problem, tadam, it all works, if vosnetsova gets down to business, she’s always one step ahead, two, no, three, four , from monday. on rtr, this is a week in the city, the main stories,
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that happened nearby. so, another iconic facility has been returned to moscow, the druzhba sports complex, not far from the luzhniki stadium. this is an extremely unusual building, either a spaceship, or an inverted flower, a bizarre design. the complex was built for the olympics in the 1980s, in 2000 it was almost demolished, the building was so dilapidated, but the master restorers created another miracle in friendship and they are playing sports again. how is everything organized there now, who can train there? maxim oparin saw how the legendary complex begins its second life. having spread either its petals or the rays of the sun, there was never a consensus on this matter, the druzhba sports complex again acquired its usual appearance. and he looks exactly the way muscovites are used to seeing him. the reconstruction was long and difficult, all because of
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the difficult architectural solution. the main difficulty in the work was that the building is complex, all 28 petals are all different, all of different sizes, bend in several planes, so it was necessary to adjust the materials all directly here in place. inside it is a modern sports complex. in this room, for example, you can practice table volleyball. a very good hall in terms of its conditions, accordingly another additional place appears in moscow, in the center. the floor has a universal shock-absorbing coating. one of the main advantages of this gym is that there is a place for everyone, both professionals, those who are now training behind me, and amateurs like me, and there is enough space for everyone in one hall, oh, it’s big. hall for holding major competitions are designed for 3,000 spectators, but due to the transformer stands there are nine additional rows.
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by the way, it was this hall that hosted the women's volleyball tournament at the olympics in 80, which... friendship was built, like other olympic facilities, it was the construction of the century, even then everyone paid attention to the bizarre shape of the sports complex. in the universal friendship hall, which is unusual in its architectural composition, competitions in twelve sports can be held. after the legendary friendship took dozens of international competitions: rhythmic gymnastics, gantball, volleyball, boxing. i myself was lucky enough to be a child, i bought tickets at the box office, this was around 1985, i went to the stands, i watched, how...
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i enjoyed it. the builders faced an extremely difficult task: to redo everything inside, and most importantly , to almost completely replace all the materials from which the façade of the building is made, without changing its external appearance. in the end, everything worked out. this runs through the entire reconstruction of luzhniki. each new object retains the peculiarity of the previous one. place. at the luzhniki outdoor swimming pool , a large aqua complex has appeared, where you can also swim in the open air, but to do this you need to swim out onto the balconies, from there there is a beautiful view. at moscow state university. over the past few years , the famous stadium has been reborn. the large sports arena was reconstructed for the 1818 fifa world cup . then a rhythmic gymnastics center, an international sambo center, the crystal ice complex, and a new tennis palace appeared. and finally the famous friendship, and thanks to it, a new postcard plan, now also nocturnal. maxim aparin, pavel
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vitrinsky, dmitry chernikov and anastasia roif. news. in the moscow region they are looking for bear's owner right now. a real russian beast of very considerable size, in one of the city districts, after intervention from the prosecutor's office , an illegal zoo is closed, and if smaller pets, foxes, dogs and even ostriches, have already been placed on farms, in a nursery or in a rehabilitation center, then with misha, of course the name is a bear, predictably , problems arose, this is not a foster kitten, and what to do with it, in alexey knor visited the bear's corner for the first time, misha is the star of the dream equestrian center, his enclosure is always the most crowded, they feed him apples and condensed milk, treats are thrown right in the package. he will die if he eats it. children come close to the cage, ignoring safety precautions. there are clear rules in licensing requirements. there should be a squeeze enclosure, there should be another meter from the cage, and
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after a meter there should be another enclosure. in addition to the bear, the cages contain burgundy and silver foxes, arctic foxes, sika deer, and ostrich. emu contains animals, to put it mildly, in inappropriate conditions, they have no water, you see, there is brown fat, not water, just something dirty, they haven’t been changed for probably a month, the prosecutor’s office found out that the menagerie does not have a license, they demanded that it be closed, the owners we have already transferred some of the pets to a rehabilitation center, we are looking for suitable places for foxes and ostriches , it is not clear what to do with an adult bear , a problem has arisen that we will not refuse in any case, if suddenly they find... better conditions for our misha, rosprirodnadzor has been looking into this issue and didn’t find it, it’s the same you just can’t give it to someone. baloo the bear has been living in a cage near this roadside cafe for many years, despite numerous protests from animal rights activists and reports in the media. more than a month ago, a tragedy happened: a predator killed an employee who was cleaning the roof next to the enclosure, having tripped and fallen into it. was it this bear who tore the man apart?
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no, which one? i don’t know, where is the owner? me, i wasn't here. the leg quickly finds, when the cubs are born, they begin to squeak, hunger, and the dog finds them. this center is the only one in russia, where they rescue orphaned bear cubs, here they are adapted to the wild. when the kids get stronger, communication with the center’s staff stops for a year, they learn to get food on their own and completely wean themselves off humans; practically wild
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animals are released into the forest. the problem is that this method does not work with adult bears. after 2012, the main reason for the containment was logging; it is impossible to completely ban hunting, much less abandon industrial logging; in this clash between man and nature, animals are clearly losing. alexey knur, ekaterina cherushova, andrey lapedus, slona agasieva, news. and an unexpected archaeological find in the northeast of moscow. there, under a very ordinary garage, a section of the capital's first water supply was discovered. it was built... more than 200 years ago, and the structure was so reliable that after centuries its elements did not collapse. who discovered the historical artifact and what
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will happen to it now, armed with a flashlight, alexey knor went to study the find. these are the real sands of time. antique brick the gallery is more than half full. this is a very old brick, it has a very characteristic dough, there is a so-called iron ore, semi-iron ore, this is the degree. some of the sand was washed in by rain and melt water, some was dumped by the owners of this garage when they were deepening the cellar and never expected that a piece of history would be discovered right under their box. the owner of this garage said that, in principle, she was here, in her garage she saw something similar to a historical object, of course we became interested in this, and we have already attracted specialists. verdict historians, an ancient hydraulic structure. nothing more than the first water supply system in moscow of the catherine era, a diagram has been preserved where it is indicated that this is a direct piece of the gallery of the river of the egg and the gallery by wiring
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turns out to be the same bricks, they used characteristic maple-shaped bricks in the vaults, but most importantly, the water supply gallery preserved in perfect condition, at least where it can be examined. this year the ekaterina water pipeline turns 220 years old, a site that was accidentally discovered. in the garage area about 15 meters long. the vaults themselves are in excellent condition, but the gallery is covered about half with sand, you can crawl forward another 10 meters, well, then you have to dig. that's it, the arches are narrowing, you can't even crawl any further. apparently the vaults there are not in very good condition; they need to be assessed to make sure they don’t collapse. it will be possible to inspect the area only after clearing. vaapik specialists are now freeing the ancient tunnel from centuries.
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urban life and lack of clean water. a source of clean drinking water for moscow we found a large mytishche near the village. well, the most famous part of the first moscow water supply system - the rostokinsky aqueduct, is still one of the calling cards of the capital. activists hope that the found sections of the underground gallery can be preserved for history. alexey knor, yuri zabolotnikov, pavel letnikov, news. maslenitsa is no longer just around the corner, but in the yard. for several days now, moscow has been saying goodbye to winter, and saying goodbye too. just like our ancestors did many centuries ago with mass celebrations, funny tournaments, songs, dances, treats, of course, pancakes. all this has been preserved in russian culture since pre-christian, pagan times; the ritual
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of burning straw maslenitsa has reached us through the centuries in its original form. the scarecrow symbolized fertility, the old, dried up , was destroyed, and the new was reborn. for this purpose, the ashes were scattered across the fields. our igor roslavtsev met with all the muscovites in the spring. this is what happens when you combine cheburashka, a motorcycle and maslenitsa, and this is how stuntmen celebrate the holiday. what are my emotions? no, emotions, complete control, everything. not scary? no. still in the program riding on a steel ball, drifting and of course, jumping on motorcycles. we have a real russian stunt maslenitsa. it's all here. we show our brave destiny, the russian spirit. guests were also invited to participate, stunt carnival, stunt fun , am i scared, very scared, the experience
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is unforgettable, traditional fun is offered in the estate in pieces, for example, you can play on spoons, you can do it, great, i like everything very much, so positive, and of course , the celebration includes a tour. around the estate, they will talk about how its owners lived and even open the secret doors of the house. i think adults are also interested, because many parents take part in maslenitsa festivities with great pleasure and also come to us. students, for example, are foreign students who are interested in getting to know the culture. people in tsaritsino talk about the games and traditions of maslenitsa. interactive excursions are organized here. they will teach, for example, how to use a wheel to determine whether spring is coming? we caught the wheel. schoolchildren who came to the excursion is delighted, and so are their teachers. of course, at school we introduce children to different traditions and interesting holidays in our country, and children can participate
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live. in the role, and the guides also suggest that at home you can not only bake pancakes, at home you can make a maslenitsa doll from rags, an ancient doll that is made by folding small pieces of the doll, which will be a talisman for the whole year. for pancakes at the moscow seasons site, there are 29 of them in total, four in the center, revolution square, komergersky lane, tver kuznetsky bridge, the last one is the most unusual, a real pancake marathon will take place on kuznetsky most, during which the cooks will prepare a very tasty pancake. traditional treats at the venues are available in both classic and non-standard versions: beetroot, pumpkin, spinach, we make delicious ones with barbecue, various sweet, hearty ones with banana
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...we make delicious pancakes, caesar pancake, pancake with semka, with curd cheese, and guests will also enjoy master classes, concerts and competitions on tverskaya square, for example, blacksmiths will perform, we will make small horseshoes, suns, and all sorts of other small objects related to the theme of maslenitsa. maslenitsa week will last until march 17, so everyone will have time to take part in the master classes and eat their fill of pancakes. igor roslavtsev, yuri zabolotnikov, ignatiy sokolov, valery kupriya, anastasia roif. news. this glorious maslenitsa week is coming to an end. if you didn’t have time to take part in the celebration, it’s better not to delay. it was a week in the city, we will be back in exactly 7 days. see you.
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in august 1947, british india split into two independent states - india and pakistan. turn the province of punjab, formed as the northeast of pakistan - this is for the first time as a result of the very division when the punjab plain was divided into two parts, this is the most populous province of pakistan with one of the highest
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levels. welfare and center in the city of lahori, well, this is, perhaps, the main lahore pearl. here, what is not a mosque is a real work of art, it is a mosque batshahi, one of the most significant monuments of indo-islamic sacred architecture of the mughal era. but it seems that this is not why muslims from all over the world come here. it is here that there are completely unique relics, including the green turban of the prophet muhammad. the scarves are embroidered by his daughter, and even his footprint. but this is when you hear a lot, and then suddenly you see it. i would like to talk separately about the peculiarities of islam in pakistan, about why it is at the forefront in this country, fortunately
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there is one very interesting one waiting for me. companion, it's a great honor to be here, what is the correct title of your position? i am the imam of the batshahi mosque, and also the chairman of the rueta hillal committee, that is, roughly speaking, the moon observation committee. wow, moon watcher, what does that mean? muslims live according to the lunar calendar, therefore a special committee has been created that monitors the position of the luminary and...
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islam orders women to cover their heads and faces, leaving only this part of the hand open. the entire body is hidden under clothing. this is how islam expresses respect for a woman. why? you could bring dirt into a religious place with your shoes, and that is not permissible. thank you very much, thank you, my respect. it's no secret that the division of british india became the cause of one of the most protracted conflicts, the indo-pakistani conflict. i'm at the army museum in lahore, and it, inside and out, without any doubt, can inspire awe in any enemy. and now, dear tv viewers, i ask you to imagine what the pakistan-india border looks like in your opinion. well, they imagined, well, there was barbed
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wire, soldiers with machine guns, angry shepherd dogs, no matter how wrong it was, behind me. friends, the atmosphere is absolutely crazy, the feeling that you are at the most important football match, it looks like anything, a sports match, i don’t know, a concert, but not at the border, and we are on the border of pakistan and india. hi guys, hi, hi, a completely crazy feeling of just some kind of performance on the border, i’ve never seen anything like this, i’m unlikely to see it,
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i’ll probably see it. the movement is very unusual, as if they they march, but they also dance at the same time. friends, one kind commander invited me to his place to explain all the details of this show, so let’s go to him. what is this even going on here, what kind of show is this? this is a unique military parade that has been held daily since 1959. it is also unique in that during it the forces
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of two nations are united at once, and many gestures, movements, and props are used. azam, what does this parade symbolize? firstly, this is a kind of demonstration of power to the neighboring country. according to special criteria: the first criterion
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is height, at least 190 cm, yes, even higher, we have guys under 210 cm, what is important, of course, is the overall body structure, posture, strong, strong legs, smartness, after all the loads here are considerable, wow, wow, how they flaunt in front of each other, but just who will outshine whom in these gestures, as they say, i... first noticed that two soldiers from this side of pakistan and india shook hands , since the parade uses many rather aggressive gestures, movements, a handshake is a kind of reconciling symbol, a symbol of respect for each other, well, what can i say, i can only be happy for this, that all the aggression is only in gestures, and the handshake is real, this says a lot, yes, i absolutely do. i agree, speaking about aggressive gestures, i must
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emphasize that this aggression is in no way intended to show disrespect for the enemy or humiliate him. the goal is to show your own power and strength. and i look, before the show had finished, people started crossing the border again. historically and diplomatically, since this is the only land point where you can actually cross the border between pakistan and india, the migration point, by the way, is located right here behind the stadium, and this place is especially important for those whose loved ones find themselves on the opposite side, someone in india, for example, there are parents left, and it is also a place of memory. people come here to remember how their ancestors crossed this
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border when pakistan gained independence. of course, it depends on the courage of the local residents.


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