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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  March 17, 2024 4:50pm-7:00pm MSK

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aspirations for their own independent development, but this is aggravated by the fact that in the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unjust state of affairs in international affairs - they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire score is ending from europe mikhail antonov. earlier this week , chancellor scholz said he had a very good personal relationship with macron. usholtsa with macron may be good, but the german chancellor has the president of france, to put it mildly, is not very good.
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macron also said something, namely that now is not the time to be cowards, no one had any doubt that macron considers scholz a coward. the times newspaper noted that on friday, when the colleagues met in berlin, the frenchman squeezed the german's hand as if he wanted to break his fingers, and quoted the words of an anonymous person from the french delegation. when putin coughs, scholz immediately runs to look for the bunker. in general, the initial positions for the tet meeting were not very favorable, so the third to the company they called...
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one thing is clear, we support ukraine, it is also clear that we are not in a state of war with russia. the main reason for the current aggravation between germany and france was macron’s attempts to test the boundaries of the possible, to find the line beyond which they could no longer deceive themselves by not participating in the war with russia. in the frenchman's initiative to think about sending western troops, scholz sees the intention to expose germany as an outsider, and him personally as a weak, indecisive politician.
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before russia, he is the new prime minister of france. lemon reported this week that at the elysee palace, back in july last year , they began to secretly make plans for the deployment of troops in ukraine. it seems that just in order to throw them into the public field without problems, macron carried out purges in the government, replacing the former prime minister and minister of foreign affairs with a homosexual couple completely under his control, together with azhurnaya. also plausible is the information that the other day in a small circle over a glass of whiskey. macron promised to send the guys to odessa next year, but vampires need to eat somewhere. helping ukraine is in our short-term interests, because ukraine has many resources and other elements that our economy needs. on thursday, when macron gave an interview to french television channels, the journalists were unable to extract information from him on plans to send troops to ukraine, the president dodged in every possible way from specifics, saying that there are no conditions for this now, france will not and...
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is satisfied with the situation when europe is forced to shake before every state election. he wants to be a strategic architect autonomy. france, as the only owner of nuclear weapons on the continent. this automatically places him in the center of the european world. scholz has other ideas. he is afraid of trump, but he is even more afraid of participating in military adventures in which americans are not involved. this was the case with leopard tanks. their deliveries were initially conditional on washington’s consent to send its aborovites. and the same thing is happening now with taurus cruise missiles. all macron’s hints about scholz’s cowardice are precisely because of his reluctance. send missiles to ukraine. it is a long-range weapon that reaches targets at a distance of up to 500 km. this is a weapon that i consider irresponsible to use without the participation of german soldiers. i have repeated this many times. this week , germany's largest opposition party, the cdu
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, made its third attempt in 2 months to pass through parliament a resolution on the supply of taurus missiles to kiev. the reason was given by a leak of negotiations between german generals discussing the cunning procedure for transferring this. as hesitation is cowardice, german citizens are afraid of this approach. more than 60% of germans objects to the transfer of taurus complexes to kiev. a positive decision on this issue could turn into a disaster for the ruling coalition, especially in the east, in the lands of the former gdr, where the tsar wagenknecht union is popular, and the alternative for germany
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is generally going to storm power in the september elections. taurus will not help turn the tide of the war, and neither will the others. ukraine cannot win in this conflict and that even taurus will not change anything. the only thing that would change is that germany, in the eyes of russia, has definitely become would be a participant in the conflict. in the end, there were 495 votes against, only 190 in favor. scholz's landslide victory disheartened his foreign minister . burbock, who, as spiegel writes, has already begun to think through the ring supply scheme proposed by her colleague cameron at the end of last week. germany transfers the missiles to britain, and britain takes responsibility for everything that happens to them later. further elaboration of the topic is now obviously
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moving into the category of undesirable activity, at least for the near future. to according to macron, scholz may not be a brave man, but with him there are another half a thousand equally not brave men with parliamentary mandates. enough for the chancellor to feel confident next to his warlike neighbors. however, the reluctance to part with your own weapons also has a price. we will receive excess profits from russian assets frozen in europe to financially support arms purchases for ukraine. until now, germany has been very wary of the idea of ​​stealing russian money, but is now ready to compromise. macron and tusk received their compensation and went home. franco-germanic.
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guarantees that russia will never win, we will do everything to achieve our goal. judging by the level of insolence, it may seem that just a little more, and france will declare war on russia, and macron is aiming to become a hero. but you need to know macron. he doesn't play like that. macron is more interested in something else
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when he is a victim. in my opinion, macronism is dissected very accurately by the authoritative american analyst, colonel. he, like all globalist leaders in western europe, is leading us all to hell in ukraine, they see that the usa. are trying to get out of this conflict, he is also trying, but he will not succeed easily , he is doing the exact opposite in the hope that he will become the only one who makes some significant statements, then he will simply pretend that nato and its allies betrayed him. it seems that macron's long-term plan really is that he is a victim. everyone feels sorry for the lonely daredevil. and even somehow kurto. in russia, what macron says is perceived on a different scale, well, here’s how
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to treat it, for example, send something like this guys to odessa, why macron suddenly remembered odessa, why, for example, not the berezina , which became a symbol of the defeat of napoleonic army in russia, and what was so heroic about france in odessa, by the way, a couple of weeks ago we talked about how odessa for 103 days. department of france. in december 1918, french invaders captured odessa from the sea. let us remind you. here is the french cruiser merobo at the head of the french squadron in odessa. then the army of the directory of the ukrainian people's republic of simon petliura, the french presented an ultimatum. petlyura retreated. here is the unloading of french tanks in the odessa port. 1500 french troops also landed, most from the african colonies of morocco, algeria, and senegal. and here is the
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interventionist checkpoint on nikolaevsky boulevard. and then plunder grain for french ships. february-march, 1919. the headquarters of the french command was headed by general philippe danselme. under the french , social life became a little livelier. on the set of nemovo kino, vera kholodnaya shone. the interventionists were crazy about her. true, it’s already april 2, with the approach of otaman grigoriev, who went over to the side of the bolsheviks. the french announced an urgent evacuation, boarded their ships and set sail. they came like jackals and left like... what did he forget in this russian city? but macron still plays as if france, bandera’s nazi regime is taking
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under its protection, but excuse me, what is the french army now, they showed themselves poorly in africa, they bombed unarmed people in libya, nowhere else. the french weekly marianne, through the mouth of one high-ranking officer on the condition of anonymity, called the french army is an army of majorettes. don't deceive yourself. against the russians, we are like an army of mazharettes. the mazharettes are cute girls in stylized military uniforms. they appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in france as assistants to the main drummer of a military orchestra, tambour major, hence the name. for 100 years, this genre of holiday parades is quite good.
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but nevertheless, macron is trying to mislead the public and pretends that he will definitely help the kiev regime. actually, this reminds me of something. during over the past year, we have returned more than once to the wonderful story of konstantin pustovsky, the violet ray. in it , pustovsky, a graduate of the famous first kiev gymnasium, as an eyewitness describes the very beginning of the nineteenth year in kiev, 1919. the rabble of the nationalist army of simon petlyura stood in the city, but the reds were inexorably
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approaching. ustovsky about ukrainian nationalism back then. each nation has its own characteristics, its own worthy traits. but people, choking with saliva from emotion in front of their people and lacking a sense of proportion, always take these national traits to ridiculous proportions. to the point of molasses, to the point of disgust, that’s why their people have no worse enemies than quasi-patriots. petlyura tried to revive the weak ukraine, but nothing happened. this, of course, didn’t work out; after petlyura came the directory, the slack neurotic writer vinnichenko, and behind him some mossy, unknown ministers. thus began the short, frivolous rule of the directory in kiev. the people of kiev, prone, like all southern people, to irony, made the new independent government a target for
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an unheard of number of jokes. the people of kiev were especially amused by the fact that... “in the first days of petliura’s power, operetta haidomaks walked along khreshchatyk with stepladders , climbed on them, took down all the russian signs and hung up ukrainian ones instead. everything was petty, absurd, reminiscent of a bad, careless, but at times tragic vaudeville. tragic vaudeville would be reminiscent of the current bandera regime in kiev, if not for the enormous tragedy that it brought to ukraine, so the french arise, as now, as then. from the government petliura, as well as the hetman's reign, left a feeling of complete uncertainty about the future and clarity of thought. petlyura most of all hoped for the french, who occupied odessa at that time.
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soviet troops were inexorably approaching from the north. the petliurists spread rumors that...
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the year when france ingloriously prostrated itself before hitler. and why joseph stalin somehow managed without the zouaves, restoring the international status of france as a victorious power and a member of the un security council. however, let's return to kyiv from konstantin pustovsky, which resonates so much with kiev today. rumors under petliura acquired a spontaneous, almost cosmic character. a phenomenon similar to a pestilence. it was general hypnosis. these rumors have lost their direct purpose of reporting fictitious facts. rumors acquired a new essence, a different substance, as it were. they turned into a means of self-soothing, into a powerful narcotic medicine. people
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found hope for the future only in rumors. even outwardly, the people of kiev began to look like... typical of today's ukraine, macron to us will help. even the most seasoned skeptics believed everything, even to the point that ukraine would be declared one of the departments of france and for the solemn proclamation of this state act the president himself was traveling to kiev in ankara, or that the film actress vera kholodnaya gathered her army, and, like joan of arc, entered the a white horse at the head of her reckless army to the city of prilukia, where she declared herself the ukrainian empress. meanwhile, the soviet regiments were advancing, and the outcome was inevitable. but where is france? when the battle began near kiev near bravarov and darnitsa, it became clear to everyone that petliura’s case
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was lost, the order of the petliura commandant was announced in the city. this order said that... on the night of tomorrow , the command of the petliura army would launch deadly violet rays against the bolsheviks, provided to petliura by the french military authorities through the mediation of a friend of free ukraine, the french consul enno. in connection with the release of violet rays, the population of the city was ordered, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, to go down to the basements on the night of tomorrow and... walk until the morning, here it is, the saving one french violet ray, but now it feels like macron himself is emitting it from himself. by the way, did you notice the glow? and take a closer look. let's return to paustovsky. on the night of the violet ray, the city was deathly
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quiet. even the artillery fire fell silent. and the only thing that could be heard was the distant rumble of wheels. from this characteristic sound, experienced kiev residents realized that army convoys were hastily leaving the city in an unknown direction, and so it happened: in the morning the city was free from petliurists, swept out to the last specks. rumors about violet rays were started for this reason, so that they could leave at night without interference. legally, let's hope. in the meantime , mercenaries have left france for ukraine; there are fewer of them than poles, americans and georgians. the french are somewhere in seventh place in terms of numbers, but they decided to show up anyway, they killed someone, someone escaped, and death still awaits someone. the russian ministry of defense knows
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personally about everyone and scrupulously keeps records. everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts. about the mercenaries of the bandera nazi regime, elena erofeeva. the russian army fires missiles at odessa dream. in the mriya sanatorium near the black sea there is an apartment.
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and other factors that you, as a soldier, have no control over. continental america transported only 300 bayonets across the ocean, of which 1,300 died. in the states , recruiting security firms conduct unofficial mobilization, rates from $1.0 per day, location - ukraine, the candidate must have five years of military experience, a good level of proficiency in soviet and nato small arms, sobering up comes quickly. "i think this year will be the worst of the entire war, there are certain units that are running out of tanks. melodious spanish fills the ward
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of a kiev hospital where wounded soldiers are being treated; these are colombians, soldiers who have been fighting drug cartels and rebel groups for decades, replenishing the ranks of the ukrainian army, depleted by the third year of the war; out of 430 militants, every second one died in this conflict. here in colombia , a professional soldier who graduated from college does not receive more than $600, while at the same time a soldier in ukraine receives from 3 to 400 dollars, this is really economically motivating. when he went to ukraine, former canadian army officer brad stradford imagined fighting the enemy. killing russians seemed funny to him. the service life of this militant was short-lived; after six months he was liquidated. i don't really consider myself a hero, i just want to do the best i can. professional soldiers of fortune to fight in ukraine are recruited mainly through private
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military companies.
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only because they are running out of cartridges, but this is somehow ridiculous with ours the account has a clear position, now the parties are negotiating, but we are nevertheless ready for serious conversations, and we want to resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause, like... rearmament, and this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation, which the enemy wants to take over , and we know the various options that are being discussed, we know the carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come, we... we want
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i repeat, once again, to resolve all disputes and this dispute, this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this, but uh, this must be a serious conversation, ensuring security for both the opposing side, and in this case we are primarily interested in the security of russia, the russian federation, so we will proceed from this. putin takes a firm and unwavering view of the threat of escalation from the united states. at the same time , the russian president does not consider a head-on collision inevitable, but our missile are the strategic troops ready for anything? from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready; they are constantly in a state of combat readiness. this is the first,
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the second and this too. a generally recognized thing , our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad, and only we have such triads, before the americans, in fact, we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern, the entire nuclear component , in general, in terms of carriers and charges, we have approximate parity, while ours is more modern,
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they are developing all their components, and so are we, but this does not mean that, in my opinion, we are not ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow. a political system cannot claim to be democratic in every sense of the word. about how our staff correspondent, dmitry melnikov, is from the usa. american
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tragicomedy is when progress, liberalism and the new order are represented by a very old man. the candidate for a bright future , joe biden, has irrevocably become. moved, the team protects the president from any private incidents. here's a special group women with unpleasant voices are chased away by television cameras when biden, without preparation, decides to answer a couple of questions. almost 60%
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of americans are sure that world leaders do not respect joe biden, meaning china and russia. the us president was informed about the keynote interview with vladimir putin, white house press secretary karin said. this is also a warning; he also proposed peace negotiations, which ukraine and the world community, especially the united states, strongly resisted. so here's another point of negotiation. they don't strive for nuclear war, but as a nuclear superpower, they are,
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of course, ready for this, just like us. simultaneously with the interview with the russian president, cnn publishes a story: in the fall of twenty-two , moscow was preparing for a nuclear strike on ukraine. with reference to intelligence agencies, the material assures that the united states was thinking about it. nuclear warheads, this is more than the united states, but if taken together with france and britain, then we have almost parity. when we conducted joint exercises with the russians, they always wanted to end everything with a nuclear explosion, and this cannot be ignored, especially when they have so many nuclear weapons. this nuclear nervousness coincides with the release of biden's budget plan for next year. 7.3 trillion , of which 850 billion for defense, 34 billion more than last year’s military spending, including on the modernization of nuclear potential, america will spend almost 20 billion, 10 billion to counter beijing, 1.5
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billion to contain russia, hawks have already called the budget defeatist . it's just mind-boggling when you realize the seriousness of what we 're facing, and then there's the defense budget, which is absolutely not... adequate in the past, when we were fighting the threat of the cold war in the eighties, the defense budget was on average about 6% above inflation, which is about where we should be, and it is unacceptable when we see one percent growth, given what inflation is now, so we we can’t even think about catching up with china with such a budget, that is, the increase in us defense spending taking into account inflation is fictitious. in fact, we are cutting our defense budget and... you can see that russia is really serious about this war, and we are serious about it not as serious as it should be. there is no money provided for military assistance to kiev in the 25 year budget, the promised 61 billion, the latest package discussed in washington, but
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it has been locked up in congress since last year. a comforting 300 million personally from biden, which will be enough for a couple of weeks. today , the united states is announcing emergency aid to ukraine through savings. funds under previously approved pentagon contracts. the package includes ammunition shells to help ukraine hold the front line against russia's brutal attacks over the next few weeks. but i asked. - washington hints to europe, and with this they leave the negotiations. the only message we have to send to moscow is that the west is more united than ever when it comes to ukraine. this is true, despite the existing problems. on the eve of the visit to the usa.
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neither candidate is desirable to most americans. that is why the current election campaign may become the most expensive in history to get missing votes by the end of the election season, biden and trump could collectively spend more than $10 billion. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, reporting for the week from washington. this is the news of the week, next in the program. the meeting of the all-china people's council has ended in beijing. the attention to the event is enormous, because the planet depends on beijing’s decisions. so where is china heading? a new feature film based on the novel by alexander prokhanov “call sign passenger” has been released on the big screen. the military drama about donbass leaves no one indifferent. and our choice. with whom will we go through these difficult 6 years, the first results? crimea,
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10 years in my native harbor, return to russia, how it all began. chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea, the way to the homeland. film by andrey kandrashov. today on rtr.
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“i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, a good neighbor also found a room, my mother and uchim died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, someone else’s problem, mother never visited, here they took, appeared, i'm afraid that you..." you still have to come, there’s a lawyer here, she wants to talk to the investigation, but the investigation is someone else’s revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect , i’m scared, it’s a neighbor’s, it’s true, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke
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, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help , we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to properly take medicine, always support, basin macaroni and cheese. this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnyakov. on saturday on rtr. comrade
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lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to begin my duties and let’s get acquainted with the department. work. premiere on rtr, i need to examine the body, by the way, she was a good investigator, strange questions, where can i buy it here? sausage in the father-in-law, you are talking seriously now, dubious methods, veronica, you are still part -time with the dog handlers, original conclusions, everything is accurate, the elder family found an alibi, the bed, well, look how it is located. paradoxical solutions , you can take off the mask, why you always cause nothing but problems, tadam, it all works if vosnetsova gets down to business, always one step ahead, two, no, three, four, from
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monday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we have then there was a famine, here comes the grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this cereal to the shelter. says: baby, feed the dog , lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived , can only
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ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing. from monday to thursday on rtr: i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never you won’t leave masha , even if it will be very... very difficult for you , keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if she
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not yours, well, hello, darling, you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise... to be silent premiere on saturday on rtr, catch the fish, big revalika, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever thought , why do people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty ones be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can it be beneficial? be pleasant, fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any
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region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. on sunday on rtr. we have already said that today is the last day of voting in the presidential election, and we noted the high turnout of voters. of course, this characterizes the very quality of russian society. president putin, however. doesn’t think that society has become different, circumstances were such that people showed up, it was there, it just showed up and... it’s very good that we gave an opportunity for this deep russian society to express itself. i have a feeling that people have been waiting for this for a long time, that
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an ordinary person, he will be in demand by the state and b, the fate of the country depends on him, this is the feeling of an internal connection with the homeland, with the fatherland, of his importance in solving key problems - in this case, in the sphere of security, it, it... and raised to the surface the forces of the russian and other peoples of russia, this is the most important thing, to meet the demands of society. but it is also interesting that putin meets not only the needs of russian society, but the needs of the world majority. it is a fact that billions of people pin their hopes on the russian president for international justice, for the protection of human dignity, and for the protection of traditional values. how does it feel? to feel such a scale of responsibility, to tell you honestly , i don’t feel it at all, i’m just working
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in the interests of russia, in the interests of our people, and yes, i understand what you ’re talking about now, i’m ready to comment on it, but so that i somehow i felt like i was there somehow the arbiter of some world destinies, there is no such thing. believe me, even those close to me, i am simply fulfilling my duty to russia and to our people who consider russia their homeland, and as for other countries of the world, the way we are treated throughout the world is closely related to this, this is interesting, this is such a phenomenon, that’s for sure, so what’s here?
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news: on the instructions of the president, we have increased special social payments to medical workers in small villages in towns - where there
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are less than fifty thousand people, their the maximum amount for doctors will increase to 50,000 rubles. and for middle staff up to 30,000 rubles. in settlements with a population of 50 to 100,000 , support will be 29.00 and 13,000 rubles. respectively. funds will be prescribed as early as march 1; for the current month, doctors will receive them in april. in total, this will affect more than 200,000 hospital and outpatient clinic employees. also , on the initiative of the head of state, from april 1 , at least 50% of the salary funds of medical organizations will be allocated to pay the salaries of medical workers. wherein wages should remain at levels below last year. on monday , the session of the country's highest advisory body, the people's political
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consultative council, and the session of the all-china people's representative council ended in beijing , attended by about 300 delegates from all over the country, as well as china's top leadership. the main directions of development of the chinese economy for the coming years have been determined, as well as the position of the chinese empire on key issues on the international agenda, including. wan, attention of the world media to events like always, hugely, because the planet depends on beijing’s decisions, so where is china moving, a report from our staff correspondent alexander balevsky, cutting with dogs in china will not surprise anyone for a long time, but at the beijing academy of artificial intelligence it is now teaching them to think, what a revolution tun tun , the world's first prototype of a general intelligent humanoid robot with neural and...
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it sounded: the development of artificial intelligence, as well as super-high technologies in general, is now a priority task for the prc, on the path announced by the chairman of the great council of nations chinese renaissance. almost 300 people on the presidium, about 3,000 deputies in the hall. china loves scale, but the new chinese approach is no longer about quantity, but about quality and gdp growth, which china has set for itself at 5% for this year. compared to all previous records
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, it no longer seems too high. there are, however, two nuances. the entire global economy is now stagnating, and the traditional chinese trait is to downplay its abilities and capabilities so as not to reveal all its cards in advance. reporting to sidinpin to everyone chinese people, the head of the state council of the people's republic of china liqiang spoke about the successes and problems that the government faced in its first year of work under the new composition. huge debt burden, declining demand, problems in the real estate market, against the backdrop of trade disputes with the united states and sanctions that are in effect and still threatened. from this. come from beijing also when defining new ambitious goals. the chinese people have courage, wisdom, and the ability to overcome any difficulties and obstacles. china will certainly be on everyone sails to move towards a bright future of your development. sisti of the world's largest parliament is always a clear ceremonial scenario, and also a little bit of a masquerade. representatives of small nations, emphasizing their
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national identity in traditional costumes. there are also... chinese, russians. i am from the province of senjian. in the government plans , i noted for myself the development of our region, primarily tourism. domestic tourism, like all domestic consumption in china, is, of course, a driver of growth; they will continue to stimulate demand here, believing that this stabilizes the labor market, and indeed the market in general, but for chinese production, new drivers are electric vehicles, lithium batteries and solar panels, their exports grew by 30% over the year, and this is... exactly the kind of high-tech that the usa does not provide peace. biden personally called chinese electric cars spies, which are also cheaper than american and european cars. wanting to push china back, the americans are cutting it off from semiconductor technologies, persuading their allies not to supply either equipment for the production of chips or materials to china, but
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china is advancing in this area on its own, with leaps and bounds. here is one of the production ones. new high-quality productive forces mean efficient, green and intelligent and the basis is artificial intelligence, with it the efficiency is higher, with its help we can also save energy and reduce emissions. it turns out that china’s modernization is closely related to artificial intelligence. china no longer wants to be limited, let them. proud, but considered here already outdated title of the world's main factory and strives to become a world center of science and technology, this, of course, will further spur others and will revive the entire global economy, chinese growth will pull it along with it. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news of the week from china. on thursday, a new
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feature film based on the novel by alexander prokhanov “call sign passenger” was released on the big screen. the scene is donbass, where the capital’s writer goes in search of his brother-militiaman. the poignant story of the evolution and moral growth of the main character will not leave anyone indifferent. about how viewers accepted the new military drama, call sign passenger dmitry kaistra. a great patriotic movie, call sign passenger, a film about the struggle for russian land, our age-old ideals. and the future of the people , a film that tells how a russian person is suddenly imbued with a feeling of pain, war, misfortune, goes to this war, into this pain , into this misfortune to check whether he is a russian person, in every frame there is powerful cinematic realism, every a scene, stunning in detail, reflecting the truth of the trenches, which was witnessed by the first militias, our war
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correspondents, this is a picture about me, about my comrades, about... my friends and about our heroes, this film is about us, it is a must-see , i had the feeling as if i had returned back to this. i lived the time again with those militias, those defenders who came here to donbass in order to repel attacks from the kiev regime. for the first time since the beginning of the conflict in donbass, works of art of such power and such a symbolic series, a film about what is happening right now on the front line, in human souls. we really counted on so that the viewer who sees this picture, if he has any doubts about the need to start a special operation, so that he
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at least thinks about the fact that it didn’t just start like that, many have questions, why, why did we do this, why did we do this? we did, but we must put the whole history on shelves so that all of us, our entire generation, can understand. what are we doing there? i brought water. call sign passenger, a film about spiritual transformation, an ordinary person into a patriot, the remelting of an unconscious existence, high heroism. the first film that showed exactly what it all happened in siberia, in the south, in kaliningrad, in kamchatka, it is very needed. the whole country is watching the picture today: orenburg and saratov, volgograd and rostov-on- don, the audience comes out shocked, i ’ve been from there all these years. it’s all true there and really moved me to tears, i recommended it to all russians who feel responsible for their homeland, an amazing film, i think that our younger generation should definitely watch this film,
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call sign passenger, an action-packed dramatic film, but the main advantage the pictures are not visual, questions about the values ​​that the film poses to the viewer, you are in hatred, and we are in love in anger, but the truth is with us about
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and at the end of the episode we return to the main topic: the presidential elections in russia. the latest voter turnout data is now on the screen.
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polling stations in the westernmost region of the kaliningrad region will close at 21:00 moscow time. but it is already obvious that the presidential elections have taken place. well, that’s all about this for today... and why did peskov study this so carefully? globe in the kremlin? the most exciting political program of the country is about to begin. and even on
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election day, we will apparently show more than others. good evening, it's been a special week. for 3 days, russian citizens took part in the presidential elections. neither the attacks of the kiev nazis on peaceful settlements nor the attempts of terrorists to break through could prevent this. on our territory, whom they decided to intimidate, the russian people, the multinational people of russia, this has not happened, i am sure it will never happen, he said president, speaking at a meeting of the council. it is impossible to suppress russia when its main weapon, as putin said at a meeting with the winners of the competition for russian leaders, is the consolidation of society. many important statements by the head of state this week were made in an interview with our colleague dmitry kiselev, a special operation about the use of nuclear weapons and they talked about economic growth about the progress of course about the future of russia, all the details of the conversation , as always, are from pavel zarubin. good evening, of course, we now have new footage again, which... who have never seen, they are always in
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our program with you, as well as in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe. so, who came to the kremlin to, as the president said, restrain dmitry kiselev during the interview, as well as new footage of the recording of the presidential address on the elections about how putin voted. let's see. instead of strategic defeat, they are faced with powerlessness, and with powerlessness, despite the fact that they relied on the power of the all-powerful united states, that’s when they began to think, well, those who are smarter began to think that they should change some strategy towards the russian federation, these are dangerous people, by the way, because
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it is easier to fight with people... who are guided by such base principles. remember how in russia they said, well-fed, drunk and your nose is in tobacco, yes, now your nose is in cocaine, yes, well, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s easier with these people, it’s more difficult with the smart ones, they are more dangerous. footage taken after the completion of such an important interview, vladimir putin and dmitry kiselyov are still talking, although it is already two o’clock in the morning, this is how it all began. besides moment the film crew.
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and what’s hitting our curtains? where does this one go? and this one too, and this one there. during the interview, many television viewers paid attention to the lighting , how the presidential standard was illuminated, everything was prepared. somehow he was better than us before. every detail during such interviews is important. peskov looks at how everything is arranged, and then they wait for the president, attracts attention, a huge globe on which you can study, even the reliefs of mountains, they begin to study together with kiselyov, but the relaxed atmosphere here you can’t name it exactly, dmitry kiselev asks to connect the microphones already.
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to do so, but it turns out that it is still early, everything starts only closer to half past 12, a few seconds for the very last preparations, at this moment putin sees his press secretary, sees the head of vgtrk, a lightning-fast reaction, in order for you hold back. that's it, the sound is everything, guys, so at your command, the studio is ready, just a second, we can start, we can, motor, yes, almost 2 hours of communication, including, and of course, the question of the massive massacres that began that day attacks by ukrainian militants in the border regions, putin explained why right now...
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presidential elections are taking place in russia, and the situation at the front is becoming more and more difficult for kiev. the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, everyone knows this, everyone recognizes it. against the backdrop of those failures, they need to show at least something. the enemy's losses amounted to more than 200, approximately 230 people. of the eight tanks used, the enemy lost seven, of nine armored vehicles , nine, of which seven were american- made bradleys. i told you that. with people who are guided by the principles of well-fed, drunk and nose, there in the known material, then with them, it is easier to talk with them, because you can assume that what they are going to do, they will also try.
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after an operational meeting of members of the security council at our program, we were able to obtain the most important information directly from one of the participants in this meeting, the minister of defense. so, as a result of the attack on the state border, the enemy was going to reach almost belgorod and be sure to shoot video footage of the hoisting of the ukrainian flag on russian territory. on march 12, enemy forces began an active offensive in five directions of the state border. on the first day of hostilities. their irretrievable losses amounted to 230 people and eight tanks, on the second day 190 people and six tanks, and according to our information, 40 armored personnel carriers were destroyed. the enemy had no success in any of the directions. also with the help of two helicopters.
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a landing group of 30 people was sent to the enemy. they went 400 deep into russian territory, their goal, apparently, was to create some kind of bridgehead, as sergei shaigu told us, together with the border authorities behind the russian fsb, the group was blocked on three sides. an active contact battle ensued. in fact, this enemy group found itself in a real bag of fire. to stop possible escape routes, special equipment carried out remote mining behind the enemy’s back using anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. this means that the only escape route was mined. the blocked group was waiting for reinforcements, but at the time of their advance an additional group attacked it . aviation, artillery, including the tornado multiple launch rocket system, both groups were almost completely destroyed as a result. a very important nuance that we became aware of: information about possible attempts to break through the state border was received by intelligence 2 weeks before these events. in connection with this, the supreme
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commander-in-chief decided to take troops staffed by conscripts from the state border line to the second third echelon and replace them contract soldiers, volunteers and... special forces, which was done. the purpose of the ukrainian attacks, in addition to attempts to disrupt the voting process in russia, is clearly kiev’s desire to divert the attention of its own people and residents of other countries, from whom the kiev regime is trying to humiliatingly beg for money of all kinds of handouts, to divert attention from the real state of affairs on the line of military contact, where russian the armed forces confidently hold the initiative and step by step, showing...
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even if they appear on the territory of ukraine, they understand this, i said that biden is a representative of the traditional political school, this confirms, i have said many times, for us it is a matter of life and death, for them it is an improvement in their tactical position, but for us it is fate, it is a matter of life and death , we are really ready for a nuclear war, from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, this is the branch of the military that is in constant combat readiness, they are developing all their components, we are too, but this does not mean that in my opinion they are ready tomorrow they want to start this nuclear war, but they want , well, why do that, it’s ready,
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putin’s statements immediately became the main news in the usa, there the russian president is again an invisible participant in the presidential election race, and you’re also adding fuel to the fire, as... speaking, that one of the candidates is preferable for us, who is better for us, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old generation. in his final years as president, mr. trump chided the thing about me is that i sympathize with biden. he told me this in one of the conversations, you want him to win, well , excuse me, i’ll tell you how he is, this is just a direct speech, so that... sleeping joe wins, i don’t want to quote, but still, this is the president of the united states, i’ll say, he said, your address is a crazy son of a bitch, you have never addressed any leader , not only that you didn’t say anything like that, but even to...
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an adequate reaction to what was said on my part, why? because he can’t tell me: volodya, well done, thank you, you helped me a lot, we understand that what is happening there from an internal political point of view, and this reaction is absolutely adequate , which means i was right, and what i said, i said primarily for our audience, and not for the american ones, you, you...
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today this is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, each of your votes is valuable and significant, our soldiers at the front will vote, they , showing courage and heroism, defend the fatherland, participating in elections, set an example for all of us, all of us, multinational the people of russia, one big family, we are worried, we worry, we care about our native country, we want it to be prosperous, strong, free and...
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the president voted in his office in novo ogorevo, where event after event, a moment witnessed by our program, the end of a teleconference regarding the launch of new large construction projects, including even members of the government , the winners of the competition are the leaders of russia, off-screen presidential impressions soon after meeting them. i'm watching. what great fellows you all are, honestly, god grant him success in
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career, in his personal life, and in his personal life everything is not bad, he is developing a government services portal and he is experiencing everything himself, 2 years ago my wife and i applied for marriage registration through government services, she then proposed to me, you chose zaks, a talented manager , presented everything like this... she did it for him, she paid the state fee herself, which is also important, this is my support group, my little one, you were already getting ready to go to bed, well, as i watched my performance, i even i watched, i’ll be home soon, hi everyone. the regulatory framework is being formed.
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we hope to launch it by the end of the year, what ’s taking so long? well, because basically a complex fracture, difficult, but the prognosis is favorable, i hope i will soon recover
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and move forward, he had a prestigious job and a stable family life, but having received a summons. “amir, sit, sit , no, no, without hesitation, i went, my family was very worried, i am the only child of my elderly mother, my wife was left alone with three small children, with my mother, but we all coped with it, my deepest regards to you mom, thank you, of course, she made you the warrior that you are, a warrior in the broadest sense of the word, in the intellectual, in the civilian, in the military, the president announced this program.
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our weapon is the consolidation of russian society and the attitude towards the homeland that you and those people with whom you served demonstrate, this is the most important, most powerful weapon, and those people who hoped to suppress us with the help of economic sanctions, with the help of armed force , they did not take this into account and do not take it into account they can, because in order to take this into account, you need to be part of our common culture, one of the participants in the conversation said:
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our losses can increase many times over, we will be a third, fourth class country, no one will take us into account if we are ourselves we cannot protect, and the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood, a citizen comes and says: how much money do i owe you, everyone answers him with one voice: in russia there is free medicine, he says: for this too, we we say, for this too, she is now helping the residents of new regions, and earlier she was...
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she didn’t regret it, tell the guys thank you to all, you will hug them, kiss them, and from me too, and the supreme commander also conveyed to you personally thank you, just say so, just say so, russia is not at a crossroads, it is on the strategic path of its development and will not turn away from its path, and it is very good that we have given the opportunity to this deep russian society to express itself, i have a feeling that people we've been waiting for this for a long time, that... an ordinary person, he will is in demand by the country and the state and the fate of the country depends on it, and the fate of the world now largely depends on the outcome of the conflict around ukraine, hundreds of millions, billions of people on the planet are unlikely to forget what western countries did to them in recent decades, over the centuries . they parasitized other peoples, tore
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apart the unfortunate peoples of africa, they exploited latin america, they exploited. about pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire point is ending, and apparently the last act of this vampire point is in the flow blood in ukraine, where the leadership controlled by the west sends hundreds, thousands of people , probably to death, to slaughter, they simply sent them to slaughter, i once asked the chief of the general staff who makes such
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decisions on the other side, because the one who makes the decision understands that ... he sends people to certain death for they don’t understand, well , who makes the decision, why are they doing this, it’s pointless, senseless from a military point of view, i say, and who, well, i don’t know, says, probably, there’s the upper political leadership, based on political considerations that they can get additional money, citing the fact that they have some kind of bridgehead on the left bank, so why should we use weapons of mass destruction, there has never been such a need, this is how putin answered a question about insinuations in the western press , that russia allegedly could have used tactical nuclear weapons in battles in ukraine. russia, the president emphasizes, generally wanted it for many years until recently.
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collapse and economically crush demonstrates economic growth, which western countries recognize them and give a start to the construction of high -speed railways, and in general such railways exist only in china and japan, and in a financial sense, in an economic sense, in a technological sense, we are really ripe to implement this large, but necessary for our economy, project, this work begins, you once said to smear your plot.
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okay, here, okay, there are signs with their names on the chairs in advance, some sometimes leave them as a souvenir, but you as a souvenir, no, that ’s right, let it be as a souvenir, but you’re already in i collected it in my pocket as a souvenir, it is also the face of a big city, the metropolis needs to be represented with dignity. the mayor of yakutsk, who promised to make his city the best city in permafrost conditions, and this will be the standard of quality of life. for citizens in all northern cities, residents of yakutsk, have you all heard, when will this happen? by 2030, we will implement all the tasks of the master plan and by 2032 our city
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will celebrate its transformed anniversary. another leader, a very young state duma deputy, realized that it was my mission to make russia strong country, inspiring people to commit. we have our own common goals, it’s nice to hear this, you can often hear that you are young, perky, with ideas. with your views on how to change, how to improve, you get into the system, and the system is built in such a way that it , you know, rounds you out, as they say, or straightens you, on the contrary, one way or another, and one way or the other, here, if if you want to change the system side, it’s better to do it from the inside, more than a million people have gone through this system, it’s cool, it’s not a spinal system, not by calls are made, but on personal and business qualities. elevator, and he can tell you, down to specific dates, how such an elevator worked in his case, you can see in your eyes that it gives you pleasure, you
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told me then that you can see the potential in your eyes , and indeed, just a few weeks later things began to happen amazing things, the eye is a diamond, now during the conversation putin repeatedly asked whether any additional support was needed, i asked for the third time, how can i help? but it turned out to be the one a rare meeting when there was, perhaps, only one big request. pavel, you voted, of course, on the first day online. well done, pavel, what are your plans? president next week, extensive, i am confident that fsb officers will continue to adequately solve their tasks. the president
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will participate in the fsb board this week. it is clear that we should expect very important statements in connection with what is happening in the world. we need to respond to this accordingly. putin will also continue holding economic development meetings specific sectors, after the message to the federal assembly there are even more tasks. new nationals. projects, putin will also meet with his confidants, in the presidential plan, of course, meetings with members of the russian security council, when streams of information pour on your heads every day, you need to choose the main thing, it will show you more than the rest. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and we will meet with the audience after a short break, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening.
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on the eve of the elections, the enemy, as expected, went on escalation, sabotage on the border, armed forces and border services professionally perform their duty, the enemy crawls back with... losses. controlled idiots have been added to the unsuccessful actions at the border. porchaur is not just hooliganism, but a full-fledged element of terrorism. the idiots who commit such crimes must understand that the consequences will be severe. failures at the front force the west to cross all conceivable boundaries. now to replace the mediocre war with russia comes direct confrontation. quoting cato the censor,
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the president of latvia called for destruction. russia, i wonder if he knows how coton ended his life, well, just for fun, the finnish foreign minister proposes not to oppose sending troops to ukraine if the conflict worsens, and this is a woman, that is, she definitely won’t fight, under worsening, they mean our progress, the former head of mi6 admits that great britain is de facto at war with us. yeah, the head of france, poland and germany declared that they were determined to never allow russia to win. i’m not this week, this week, i’m showing avdeevka there, and the engineering troops, absolutely brilliant, that is , there is no better, better than our engineering troops in the world, it doesn’t even make sense to talk about it, but
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on this...
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there are four, four boats , well, the chinese haven’t yet, five, the chinese haven’t been able to achieve it yet, that is , in this type they haven’t succeeded yet, they explained everything to me there, the correct gyroscope, they still can’t do it, they can do mechanics, but there is no nuance, that is, there are more manufacturers of spaceships, well, this is also space, of course, it is also less explored, less explored, moreover, this is a five-story space going down. any point
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that produces a launch, and after that all conversations end, but we continue to politely calmly tell these people, listen, don’t go crazy, don’t go crazy, our people, well, i’ll tell you, how can such a people win, and you will forgive me, i am not a modern person, i have a bad attitude towards democracy, for me that it was... this is, first of all, trust in the supreme commander-in-chief, this is, if you like, an oath that is given once, and this is just a confirmation of the course, well, you said, like... a referendum, okay, we will show you a referendum, when in belgorod, a city that is now being shelled, since donetsk was shelled, people go to vote, and it’s just an endless series, here you
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are, here you are, when the turnout everywhere is such that it says, you’re trying to tell us something, no wait, against this background it’s not even...
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it won’t help, of course, it’s all extremely sad, but i want to show you one idiot , it seems to me that it’s just important that our country sees him, his last name is macron, his name is emmanuel, one of the representatives of the ukronazi media asks him, and he gives the following answer: you demand that they stop fire during the olympic games, they have to do it, it has always been like that.
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shitty guns are shelling belgorod, donetsk, your reasoning is like your missiles are flying across the crimea, you want to ask someone else for something, wait, you idiot-like pig, so that nothing will fly across paris, not from
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us, are you not, from your ukronazi friends, that you gave little, that’s why you’re a bastard who didn’t allow our athletes with our flag to attend your olympics, who didn’t open their mouths. do you dare argue that we have stopped fighting, that we have stopped liberating russian people from the ukronazis? what an idiot you are, just what an idiot you are, especially after this phrase about whether it would rule out sending troops to ukraine? did we understand correctly that you are considering the possibility of sending western french troops to ukraine. good evening and good welcome, you are sitting opposite me. you are standing, no, you rule out that you will stand up at the end of this interview, you are not going to rule out this, we are even sure that we will do it like this, so of course we will stop
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the fighting when we take paris your frog ass neatly to the dustbin of history , don’t worry, this is vladimir vladimirovich, he is polite, kind, he never says things like that: but we, evil journalists, supporters of the nuclear armageddon sect, can afford anything. oleg viktorovich, by the way, i congratulate you on a holiday, yes, everyone except the french scum, ukranazis and other bastards, sorry, good people, forgiven on sunday, yes, everyone too, forgive me, today i also have a personal holiday, exactly 10 years ago, my personal crimean epic began , the day after the referendum, it was, it was an amazing year, probably the brightest year in my life, because i saw how history was being written, i was a participant in this great process, so congratulations to all crimeans, everyone who was around then everyone present, 10 years. and now about what’s happening that you started talking about,
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you know, vladimir, you talked about quite a lot of things like that, well, dangerous, yes, well , when we say the words, macron is already saying troops, we’re leading nato to ukraine , well, in general, if you look at what is happening in the west now, such a surge of russophobia, a surge of military rhetoric, what kind of hysteria? well, she’s obviously been there for about two three or four weeks recently, starting maybe with macron’s well-known statement, and you know, i’m right the opposite reaction to this, i have such a rather optimistic feeling about what is happening, now i will try to explain to her why, here is the war party, the conditional war party in the west, which has now become more active in this way, by the way, it sounded from her... ... this thesis that if
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the russians win in ukraine, then they will definitely go further and attack this, therefore, unfortunate europe, to the question, such a simple question, why do you think so, the answer: because, because, yes, because what, so to speak, behind this statement there is nothing to say , nothing is worth anything except naked propaganda, an attempt to convince this entire european public that... this terrible putin is coming, this terrible russia is coming, which will definitely go to europe after ukraine, be afraid, therefore listen to macron. a simple question: why didn’t we start with europe? well, well, based on their logic, why didn’t we immediately break through the corridor to kaliningrad, if we really wanted to go to europe? well, there's no explanation for this, there's no explanation for this no explanation, except one, that the rise in the temperature of this military rhetoric is the task.
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towards mr. scholz, and in general macron’s position reads as a very simple position, let germany pay even more, because germany already pays a lot, more than all the other europeans, let’s push it even harder, let it give even more money, give more weapons. what you showed today is, if you like, a step back, we will bring in the troops, but still macron took a step back. from this primary position of his, well, the second reason for this hysteria, on
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my opinion is also completely obvious, because this is the final failure of the entire two-year policy, sanctions, everything that is happening in the russian economy, everything that is happening on the brix platform, which means a forty percent increase in mutual trade every year, this, of course, is a challenge this ideology of sanctions and the collapse of the russian economy, like... defeat, the idea that russia, russia will collapse from the inside, today is election day, we’re not going down, nothing is working out, it’s not working out, you know, everything is going in the opposite direction side, the trouble is that everything is going in the opposite direction, how poorly they know us , here is the root of this hysteria, but i’m not even talking about that, i’m talking about something else, look, against the background of this hysteria, against the background attempts to consolidate the western world, the opposite is happening. exactly the opposite, i now read this situation in the collective
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west as the emergence, no, not of the peace party, there the peace party is simply those forces that are practically invisible in a microscope. but they will find it, the weapons will not run out, yes, today there is a problem with the taurus, you can’t do it right after year those taurus that i would like to have on the battlefield, and, of course, with all the others, there with shells and other things, if the war party sets such a task, everything will be found, and
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money, weapons, the question is different, will it give the desired result is here... the party of common sense really has a very big question, because please pay, but for victory, weapons, please, well, give the result, is there a result, no, the question is: why, why? this party of common sense, it begins to say things that, well, from my point of view, this is how i remember, after all, i - well, this is how i’ve always dealt with europe, western germany, i’m trying to remember - words that would be some kind of analogue. among the european leaders, to what orban said the other day, orban called the european union, called it an imperialist aggressor who has humiliated hungary all his life, and then said, almost close to the quotation, the following words: that means they start wars, they reshape the world, they
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break borders, they paint everything with their light like soroncha, it’s practically... close to the text is a quote from orban, it is absolutely clear that this is a gauntlet that brussels has thrown down, he says that we don’t need to change brussels, we need to capture brussels, well, it’s clear in what sense to capture, we need to help, yes, take a vote according to taurus in the bundestag, ardent supporters of the war party voted against the supply of taurus, but they voted. against supplies, understanding all the potential consequences of this decision, in a good way, vladimir, i quote you, fear becomes such an important medicine in order to their brains were cleared, and european politicians, in my opinion, have a good, not bad, so
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to speak, basis for talking about the future structure of what is happening in europe. in the world, well, one more thing about the fact that we will never sit down at the negotiating table on russian terms, you know, it seems to me that this is very correct, in words the answer to this thesis was given by putin in his interview with dmitry kiselev, well, yes , we always say, we need conditions that will be acceptable to russia, but putin said that the most important thing for us is guarantees.
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like a great country and returned to themselves , now, well, it so happened that in the last few days i traveled a lot, was in particular in the era, and i saw how our defense industry works now, the west has no chance, because this is the question economics, you can draw any numbers
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, but this must be done, while here we are talking about a drone, everything else, these are constantly developing systems, but we have moved from the moment when, relatively speaking ... it was necessary to buy in china, we we have come to the point where we understand that we are from china too we don’t want to be dependent, the task is not to purchase a product, not to purchase components, but to find machines and produce machines. ones that will allow everything to be completely localized, for example , the barii a project there, which murmonsk saw , everything is localized here, the enemy cannot do this, now, for example, in europe there are crazy problems with gunpowder, and we have developed new technologies, allowing us to make gunpowder from the fact that we have a lot of sufficient quality, although there have always been problems with gunpowder in russia, then this part is also gone, drones, types of drones that appeared there, well, there’s a million, now there’s fiber optics, this, that, and... it’s getting more expensive, but we always produce it at prices much cheaper than the west, that is we know how to do this, and
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the degree of renewal says that why is there panic in ukraine now, they also say that now it turns out that there will be two russian drones for each fighter, i hope that someday ukrainians will start reading nikolai vasilyevich gogol, when they will read, they will understand something in russian, by the way, in any language, that is, it is better, of course, in the original language in russian, that is, they will understand the allegory, so how? helped you, that is, when this intoxication subsides from the survivors, i will not understand that the west simply deceived them and that , first of all, people are running out there, people are running out, and for what, for whom, about a cocaine addict and his masters on in the west this is a tragedy, but a very important thesis is that russia has returned, it has returned to itself, i mean literally. remark regarding macron, to unfortunately, it’s almost a common name, because in fact it’s not bad that by isolating europe informationally from us, they left
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themselves as the leadership of european states in front of their own people, and the more they say, the more they generate, well, at least bewilderment, but so there is more mistrust on the part of his own people, they actually laugh at him a lot in france, mihalovich, i’ll interrupt for a second, i won’t do it again, they just made my summary plate to show, for example. lost 491 in russia, 2462 in afghanistan, canada has lost almost three times more
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people not fighting with us in ukraine than it lost during the 20 years of war in afghanistan. great britain 453 and 360. but look at france, france, which is going to send in troops and who are not fighting with us. during the entire war. in afghanistan over 20 years, 86 people were lost, now 147 are not fighting with us . germany over 20 years of war in afghanistan - 54, now 88, nato countries over 20 years of war in afghanistan have already lost a comparable number of people, even a little more, 3,487 nato members died in 20 years in afghanistan, 4.00... 321 have already died now in 2 years, when they are trying to tell you, well, then they were nato military personnel, now no, don’t
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deceive yourself, because if we allowed ourselves to think , for example, that those germans who are now fighting in ukraine are not military personnel, then where are the criminal cases for mercenarism, which according to german laws should be initiated, because most of the dead germans did not have a second citizenship. cabins, they are looking for ways to minimize our own losses from our victory, but we should not relax here, and i still,
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speaking about internal processes, believe i remain in the point of view that everything that happens within the country is the guarantee of our victory, both on the battlefield and on international arena, therefore the economy, all the processes that take place there, the issues that we raise here, this is not to point out any weak or critical points, but precisely in order to express our position from... last year's gdp we already have a trend towards 4.6%. what is it about says that despite all the difficulties associated with the connection between monetary policy and government policy, business and government efforts are still making their way, but we must again, here we very correctly mentioned the topic of a double-circuit economy last time, yes we we live as if we have two parallel economies, an economy that is allowed to have
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benefits, there are subsidies and so on, the rest of the economy, this... is allowed to have normal conditions, the rest, which is enslaved by the central bank, liquidate this double-circuit, and we again turn to dct. why do i want to say this today, because i was very confused, i don’t know if this is connected with the potential appointment of a new government with the resignation of the government, maybe individual members of the government decided some things in the end throw in very serious ones for discussion, well, for example , the refusal is being discussed again, albeit selectively.
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throw a privatization program into discussion and even implementation, you know, this is this a very dangerous moment, in my opinion, why because it is said that we have a package of thirty. a list of thirty state-owned enterprises , quite profitable, that can be privatized, but maintaining state control, well , sell some part and receive an additional 100 billion rubles into the budget, well, everything is fine, except, as it seems to me, the first one, but 100 billion rubles - this is not a figure that can save our economy at all, secondly, with such income from the banking sector, which we said was 3 trillion rubles per year, well, you can
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eventually look for 100 billion there, if you really need it, and the main thing is different: but let’s calculate and compare the situation: 630 billion are the dividends that the state received from its participation in state-owned companies in the form of dividends , this includes sberbank of russia, sberbank, if we take a look, let’s assume, well, at least maybe not completely, but let’s assume that in these companies the other half are private investors, and by the way, often these private investors represent others states, let's put it mildly, but if the state received 630 billion and approximately an analogue figure appears in the income of private companies, then with an easy calculation one can come to the conclusion that in order to receive such an income in a year, it is necessary to invest 6-7 trillion rubles in the economy, well, this is based on a yield of 8-12%. it’s considered easy, which means we can assume that it’s considered easy to find such a return , it’s difficult to find, no, it may not be difficult to find a return, it’s difficult, when i
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just talked to the guys in the military-industrial complex, they say we have 5% for happiness now. i want to talk about friend, that this kind of investment was not made by these companies, we do not have investments of 6-7 trillion from these companies, when we talk to you about future privatization, we must understand, but wait, what, what is this connected with, such an initiative, the question arises that this is probably just not a fully developed issue, well, let’s put it this way, gently, so as not to offend anyone, why, we already have the opportunity to resolve issues of an investment nature and replenish the budget in other ways, which i’m talking about now i'll tell you. so this topic, it must be carefully weighed and i hope that we will not even, we will not even discuss it much , because today such a task is not worth it, especially in the face of the understanding that after the president’s message we have a clear addressee development of the economy, where the role of the state, with the participation of the private sector, has been defined, it’s not me, wait , i fundamentally don’t understand, but why privatization, well, they say that it will help the budget
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, here’s 100 billion rubles, than well, i... i just don’t understand the logic, but it’s good if this specific a state-owned enterprise is poorly managed, but the state can go to the market and hire a good manager , even the best in the world on the list of enterprises that are poorly managed, with you there are good ones , what are we talking about, then why, this is the question that likvanyu was asked at one time there, when they came to him and said, we need to privatize singapore airlines, he says, well, they are the best in the world , he says yes, why then are they asking, well, i can just make a guess. that either you and i don’t know something, they’ll probably tell us, or it’s due to the fact that it can be assumed that there is a certain money supply that has returned to the country today or does not find opportunities in itself, based on availability. restrictions on foreign exchange earnings, well, with the export of capital , it needs to be mastered somehow, well, here it is, let new enterprises, that’s right, there are investment issues, what are you concerned about, that the state works well and brings it, if so there will be such a question, but i
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think the price should be adequate, you know, compliance, but no price is needed, leave it, i am for privatization, if first there is re-privatization, let the subsoil be returned to the people, not only not at the declarative level, at the time when they were pumped up, i just mentioned this in connection with the fact that today... monetary policy, which we often talk about here, it, unfortunately, is still in such free floating, in contrast to the isolation from other actions of the government, so let's see what belousov is talking about, well, he expresses the general point of view of the government, that when we are talking about the need to improve the economic situation, then we must first of all, but what to do, well , increase labor productivity, we often talk about this, well, how to increase it without investing in fixed assets of production, in general, you just take robots from central asia, import... labor it is necessary to increase and for this we need to invest, when we are talking about ensuring growth in investment growth, we must accompany this growth naturally with those tax
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breaks that will stimulate private capital to invest in the economy, when we are talking about the development of non-resource exports and not even this, well, not energy, that is, another, which is due to which the budget is replenished today for the most part, well, it is even obvious that this is all being solved by improving the management of this process, again at the expense of cheap loans, unsecured loans, that is, all the tasks have been defined, and this is what the first deputy prime minister, who is entrusted with the task of dealing with these economic processes, speaks about, but what we have in return, we have ongoing inflation, and here it is surprising the fact that the central bank, having set the task of fighting inflation by increasing the discount rate, was faced with the fact that this does not affect the process, they say: we will increase the discount rate with...
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fight inflation, maybe it is necessary to fight inflation costs associated with the fact that there is just a lot missing, and this cannot be achieved due to a high discount rate, it is necessary to lower it as quickly and as sharply as possible, but we also have another topic
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related to the fact that we have an increase in the money supply increased overall compared to last year, but it is still 58%, we cannot understand that without this there will be no radical movement forward, and we are afraid, the financial bloc seems to be afraid of this, in fact, everything says: that the previous period, especially when their certain confusion led to the fact that the government was able to pump our economy with this money supply so that instead of economic devastation we received growth of almost 4.5%, but this is gdp, this suggests that today there are mechanisms that are already working, which have been established and which still do not correspond a little, again a mild expression, although i would like to make sure that they become not just a driver of growth, but real support for the same thing about...
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the elections of the president of the russian federation. on this day, the fate of the country depends on each of us. on this day we choose what the history of russia will be. not just voting, one of the most important decisions in our lives. you cannot miss a single detail, not a single detail of this extremely important day. special information channel only in election day.
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on march 17, the information channel elections 2024 and even on election day we will see more of the rest.
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is difficult, no one can take such care of masha, but i have one condition, you must never tell masha the truth, especially if she’s not yours, well, hello , my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to be silent, the premiere is on saturday. on rtr russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? former friend, tear away everything we had together, what will you have left?


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