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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  March 17, 2024 7:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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are you serious now? questionable methods. veronika pavnovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers ? original conclusions. that's it, exactly. i found an alibi family of elders. the bed, well, look how it's positioned. a paradoxical solution. can't take off your mask? why are you always the only problem? it all works if you get down to business. vasnetsova, always one step ahead, two, no, three, four, since monday. on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose family are you, soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god and went on a tour to liberate everyone. russia comes and the city lives,
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boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. evgeny petrovich, yes, i still want to return to the interview that our president gave to kiselyov this week. you see, this is hysterical. which has risen in the west, that they just haven’t said that putin is swinging a nuclear club, putin is threatening to start a nuclear war, although in principle the president said one phrase that, in military-technical terms, we are ready for war with the use of nuclear weapons. he didn’t say anything new, nothing revolutionary, these are troops of constant readiness, these are troops of constant readiness as a matter of fact.
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our triad is now in a very decent condition, i just want to remind you, just for the audience, this is a summary of what we have today: the strategic missile forces, the basis of our triad, are ready, or rather , 95% equipped with modern systems, i said about this the president, we have six types of intercontinental ballistic missiles...
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the sarmatian has been put on experimental combat duty, this year it will be fully put on combat duty, and moreover, taking into account the fact that this has already been announced by the president, i think that one or two training -combat launches will be carried out by sormat. sormat will be equipped with a hypersonic winged glide unit, avangard, which will serve as the warhead. which is not afraid of any pro system , taking into account the fact that sarmat has a declared effective range of 15.00 km, can fly like polar routes, that is, both through the north and from the south pole, naturally, through the south pole, if the americans have a missile defense system deployed there in alaska, then from the south they have practically nothing, moreover, mobile battalions... icbms yars are equipped
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with the peresvet laser complex to solve air defense and security tasks, that is, this is another qualitative leap. to equip our triad, we have a total of 376 intercontinental ballistic missiles that can carry 1,246 warheads. but we haven't mentioned it yet, no, i i’ll move on to this, well, naturally, something that i saw, naturally, that, uh, being limited now by the treaty that we suspended, but we comply with the level, naturally, they so far carry fewer warheads. naval component: two types of boats: borey a - these are boats that are equipped with intercontinental submarine-based intercontinental missiles bulava,
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there are seven such boats already in service with the fleet, there will be 12 in total, this year, so to speak, it is already being tested, there will be prince pozharsky, another borei a. eighth boat, the rest boats, in my opinion, two have been laid down, and two more will, so to speak, be laid down a little later, yasen nuclear attack submarines, which are equipped with onix anti-ship cruise missiles, caliber. onix will change; deliveries are already being made for hypersonic missiles. zircon - there are five such boats in total, this year two more will be put into service and will become part of the fleet, three are being built by sevmash, are on the piles, that is, there will be 12 in total
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, we have 100% readiness for the marine component, that is, old boats we no longer have in our composition, in the air... well, there is my favorite belgorod, yes, i apologize, yes, two, two submarines carrying autonomous underwater vehicles, well , some say a torpedo, some say just an unmanned underwater vehicle, yes, by the way , still have to for the eternal choice, sarmatian or poseidon, the people will not understand where poseidon is, no, poseidon, poseidon is a weapon, so to speak, as the americans call the vessel.
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for some reason they believe that we will have a third boat of this type, which will join the fleet in 1927, well for now ours the command did not officially announce this, but if so, then, as they say, it’s very good, the air component we have two types of aircraft, these are the tu-95 ms and the tu-60 m, um, which is now being modernized according to... under m2 in the past last year four aircraft were adopted by our aerospace forces, this year there are four more, there are two new, two modernized, but modernization is underway, it is such a complete modernization, only the airframe remains, and so the engines, avionics, electronics, everything,
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everything, everything is new , in total there will be 50-60 tu-160, tu-95 aircraft, it is planned to withdraw from...
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good trump, he has so much, i have money like a fool has candy wrappers, i can rivet these warheads, so to speak, there - i can see right there, trump is sitting and making charges out of money, yes, i have it. this is super-duper, he meant, of course, the hypersonic missile that they tested then, unsuccessfully tested, and even now, the fact that they successfully tested an air-to-ground missile, it’s still, as they say, about five makhov, this is not hypersound yet, it is near hypersound, because hypersound is from above, you need to buy a pair uhusite scientists, but when we, when we say that we have 21 magicians there or nine machs, this is hypersound. anything around five is supersonic on the verge of hypersonic. again, they planned
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to shift to thirty-six by the 30th year. the heavy bombers planned to withdraw their b1, b2 from service and, of course, replace the b-52 with the b-21 rider, purchasing 100 units by the thirtieth year. again, so far one prototype has been flown into the air, by 1930 already. well, sometimes they say, but very weakly, because from experience the -35 program, which they have been unable to bring to fruition for 10 years , will most likely be displaced, moreover, the b-52 aircraft, as i already spoke about in your program, are planned to remain in service, and modernization will be carried out accordingly, until the sixtieth year, taking into account the fact that they became part of the american air force.
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well, in any case, i want to say again that our triad is ours, but in ukraine the squad doesn’t help, we can’t hammer squads across ukraine, we, by the way, have several, we don’t have strategic nuclear weapons, in total we have four, approximately 400 warheads, of which. 2,000 non-strategic nuclear warheads, we also have them, so to speak, considering that the entire range of our missile weapons, unlike the americans, is manufactured in two versions, for example, here are our heavy bombers, x101 is the usual version, x102 is this is nuclear, iskander, and so and so, caliber and so and so, that is, we have the whole nomenclature, and the french have their atomic charges, what does the french mean. now, against this background, against this background, here in europe, here there is one, manfred werner, chairman
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of the european party in the european parliament, who said that the eu should have its own nuclear potential. macron picked up that he was ready, so to speak, to open his umbrella over europe, he remembered, they remembered about this in the sixty-first year, when dgol asked the famous question.
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immediately strike at those, so to speak, places where these nuclear weapons can be based, where some elements of the directional system will be created, this is in ukraine, but they don’t care about ukraine anyway, so what? the unfortunate ukrainians don’t understand that what is happening now is the eternal dream of the west, the slavs killing each other, so if with great joy ukraine fucks us, and we fuck ukraine, the anglo-saxons will simply fly to paris. no, evgeniy petrovich does not say he will fly here to paris, he makes it clear, no, the president said that we have all the means to hit any target on the territory of any state that crosses the red line and, how do we determine crossed, will say, oh, from somewhere appeared, now there is such a time of trade there, i believe in our intelligence, our military intelligence, even after, i believe in our intelligence, but not
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intelligence, the events in belgrade show that we knew 2 weeks in advance that they would start this disaster . we knew more, i was there on the sixteenth, the entire group was already preparing, the engineering troops were already in full force, and we must understand that they had not yet even reached our minefields and the main ones to block the lines, that is, we are still dismantling them all in the prefield , if appropriate, when we are talking about the border, because well, there is a combination of military political terms, that is, ours knew, knew ahead of time, they were perfectly prepared for the interaction between. the fsb , the army and the russian guard, that is, there , well done, there will be some, god forbid, encroachments, which means that corresponding blows will be delivered to those places that are important in advance, in advance, no, well, i just can, but what will change ? well, you can choose any other city, as macron likes, from
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the french ones, well, we are dealing with colonial a power that has a wild number of overseas territories. who is wildly impudent, behaves brazenly in relation to moldova, in relation to armenia, that is, macron positions himself as a principled enemy of russia, well, that is, macron absolutely, for us, stuck together with pieten, with hitler’s accomplice, he betrayed the memory of the french resistance, he is a traitor who betrayed that part of the history of great france and chose a shameful part of the history of france, he now associates himself with the division there.
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at benikhla, there when he was so small the little man who beat benihil all the time on the back of the head so that he would leave there, well, well, show me how he kicks out journalists, there are supervisors, i can ask you a couple of questions, thank you friends, thank you friends, thank you very much, get back to your cars,
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some cormorants are snarling, just awful, just really like murmansk cormorants, disgraceful, good. and the election of the president of the russian federation is a bird, if someone does not know the election of the president of the russian federation - this is clearly the most important political event of this season in russia and all over the world, they are taking place at a very tense moment, we know this very well, the collapse or collapse of the russian military victory plan over the russian federation, the west, forces him to press all the buttons that are available in order to put pressure on us. no, i have a certificate , i just went and voted in moscow this morning, my favorite city, besides, i went to the polling station,
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they immediately rushed to take pictures with me, and they told me: that’s what you want, i say, let me do it there are all these electronic things, i scanned my passport, everything was quick, flawless, a few seconds and i was ready, the atmosphere was amazing at masilmovskaya , i voted, the atmosphere was amazing, well, such a real holiday, right? that is , what we have today is a real battle for the electoral sovereignty of the russian federation, many countries around the world are watching its progress and results, i will now say a few words about infrastructure, influence or impact on electoral processes in the world, but i can to say that today we have no doubt that the elections will be successful and the new president will receive legitimacy and recognition for another term. intrigue, the new president will get, i agree , intrigue, never before has the tension been so great, and indeed, this will all be followed all over the world, i think that
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after this many states will begin to dismantle the instrument or machines of interference in their internal things, for example, like in niger, but the american delegation, according to tradition, came to the african country to teach him how to live with reason, and after 3 day the american military base kick. from this side, because the americans have lost the habit of respectful communication with sovereign states, so returning to - i know the victory of tony blinken, well, his assistant was there, but no, well, the great diplomat tony blinken is doing everything to destroy the last elements of the influence of the diplomatic the united states in the world, which is why the goal of election interference activities, well , formally called election monitoring for... was to influence what lawyers and international experts they call the internal external sovereignty of the state, as for the internal sovereignty of the state, if we talk about
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russia, we have always been a sovereign power at all stages of our history, that’s what concerns external sovereignty, somehow in the nineties we were drawn into this game, that external sovereignty needs recognition, but it must be confirmed and for this it is not... it is necessary to fulfill a lot of conditions that were formulated for us, and there, say, in the ninetieth year of the csce, then the meeting on security in europe, adopted such a very strange, strange decision , it’s called the copenhagen document, well, essentially it’s a declaration, where three pages are devoted to the standards of democratic elections, where in thesis form it is presented that the new democracy, the soviet union, by the way, also signed this document, of course. must be carried out in the course of the state-building process that began after this. the nineties are, in general, the period when we gave up our
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electoral sovereignty, first of all , to the united states, i remind you, ninety-third year, the united states provides grants not only for observing elections, but for organizing elections in the russian federation, for their conduct, when it turned out that in these elections, well, as we remember, mentioned already today, on... dear, in any case from the point of view of organization, an election rally in history , the sovereign of the seven gathered, probably for the very thing, that is, on april 20, they gathered in the kremlin and
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unanimously asked the russians to vote for boris nikolaevich yelesan, that’s why it was ninety-six, and well, about this, by the way, they were filmed and films, books are written about how american advisers helped influence the russian elections, in the ninety-sixth year he gave the americans a serious carblanche, another 4 years. that year, on october 7 , a special convention on the standards of democratic elections and the rights and freedoms of citizens was adopted in chisinau, in which for the first time in history a... this is
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a convention, this is a binding document, fixed election standards, principles of international election observation, characterizes the role of each of participants in the electoral process, including including international observation, in contrast to the copenhagen document, which i called in the nineties, which actually became just such a propaganda statement, but which the westerners quite quickly they theorized, so to speak, as... groups of observers who traveled, and well, mainly in eastern europe and observed the elections, immediately declared some countries to be beacons of democracy, observers were not sent to them, well, mainly the baltic countries, say, or poland, and accordingly
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all other countries were under... pressure and the chisinau convention is our global move to dismantle this machine, a huge machine, in fact, the intervention of western states, former metropolises in the affairs of sovereign, now sovereign, and former dependent states, since this convention was then overgrown with methodological recommendations for observers, statements or documents, agreements, including the interparliamentary assembly on standards. democratic elections, now we use this document is in full scale, here in the russian federation, in other countries of the world, i will note that, let’s say, in the current elections, by the way, the federal assembly and the foreign ministry did a very good job and reworked it, we invited more than a thousand, 1,100 international observers, of which there are more more than a hundred states, five interparliamentary and international organizations are present here.
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in power there is such an inner feeling that a person from the west has some kind of sacred knowledge of the highest wisdom and maybe we ’re doing everything right, yes, i’m a naturalist, that’s all right, but it hasn’t been like that for a long time, it’s just completely, that is, we need to get a label for a democratic reign, or what? we will return this page of our history, electoral sovereignty, although we began to win it back quite a long time ago, the elections of the twelfth year, i think, were decisive, when the russian federation said, then vice president biden, comrade biden, get out, so to speak, leave hence, your advice about who should be president and who should not be, we will not implement, because we verified by the country, in the sixteenth year we
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sent him away, how was he obilska?
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which countries can we really consider countries of people's power, well, it's just real , these are the countries, i, for example, love serbia very much, i do not hide my personal attitude towards the serbian people towards the leader of the country alexander vucic, who, without hesitation, calmly walks every time he wins direct elections, goes through anything, when i look, for example, macron, who is always trying to bend under himself, i can compete with these, but god forbid, and cunning methods, how they remove real competitors, or, for example, in the british elections, i spoke 100 times for irish sunuk, even his chair didn’t vote, that is, well, he’s just physically his. in reality, no one chose in germany or something, well, which german is healthy? a third choose scholz, this is generally through a filter system, because the americans did not believe that the german people , after they elected hitler, could be trusted to directly choose someone,
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the americans who do not directly choose their president, that is, which country, well, there is belarus, where , well, there are no questions at all, everything is transparent, clear, clear, no, i ’m just talking about the mechanism, that is, what? yes, i think this is the same club of states that will set new standards, including the protection of internal and external sovereignty; in general, the concept of external sovereignty is not for lawyers, it is rather for political scientists who pay attention to this diplomatic aspect:
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if the state is strong and powerful, it should internal sovereignty is sufficient to resolve all issues that are included in the concepts of sovereignty, governance, the rule of law, making final decisions about the fate of the country, we already have all this, if everyone around is trying to explain to the bear that he is a hamster, then this the problem is everyone around, not the bear, the bear will simply tear them apart, so in my opinion, sovereignty is always internal, this is always what we are about, and the fact that we are wow, now i think is clear to everyone, so let tremble, advertising, let's meet, veronica pavnovna.
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and you and vosnetsova are a good couple , mom, vosnetsova, from monday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, always... will tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeping, that’s how a child sleeps, but you shouldn’t do that i advise you, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday at rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature , well, let's look at the weekend. nuance, please love and favor , nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people ’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you
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doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, i first of all here, i’m actually married, anyway, get out of here, and you now immediately. i didn’t kill anyone, believe yourself, the teacher is on saturday... we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths and help. find out the truth, how to act in order to
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land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body; two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. about the most important thing - from monday to friday, on rtr: i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me you will never quit. well, even if it will be very
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, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it is not yours, well, hello, darling, do you want me to be silent? think about how to persuade me, i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef?
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the horde, nordinka. through the rains they keep sweet flowers, they still
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live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends. a good neighbor found a room, my mother was killed in an accident, i can’t do it, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem, my mother was never visited, they took it, they showed up, i’m afraid you’ll have to come anyway, here the lawyer wants to talk about the inheritance, it’s an investigation, it’s someone else’s revenge, the accident was faked, and do you have a suspect? i’m scared, neighbor, really, she’ll definitely
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reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr, please, well, i’m starting from the fact that was in the previous discussion, you know, over the last month i had the opportunity to communicate with a number of my very respected and competent... which in fact the opponents do not follow and do not adhere to rationality either, in particular regarding the elections, but we say all the time, we we don’t interfere in other people’s internal affairs, but what is this all about, the great power russia has the right to declare at each specific election in each country, where it is important, who it likes, who it doesn’t, with whom it will deal, with whom it will not have
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by the way, ukraine was probably the first country where the kremlin learned to work with the opposition, good and bad there, but it moved away from its classic formula of working. always with everyone, including, even in his time , shvartnadze, just because he is the official president, this is a weak position, in fact, we have serbia, yes, there is an official president, a respected person, indeed, but not always , one can explain, discuss for a long time, why, yes, occupying the position that perhaps russia would like, but there are political forces that say, we are definitely for russia according to key criteria, and this can be done in relation to any partner country, there is no problem in this, moreover, we don’t...
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he said so, but we ourselves, and if there is a president who has a different course, we will fight him, and this applies to all allies, not just because we have a president , that is, i believe that russia should absolutely follow absolutely normal logic in this sense, by the way, i liked it in this sense, how much noise she made in europe, dmitry medvedev expresses himself when he said that in the elections to the european parliament we will support those forces that advocate a normal relationship with russia.
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our candidate biden began to twitch, worry, and swear at vladimir vladimirovich again. i think if he says that i, if he says that i always thought that macron did not owe us anything, it would be even better there, so to speak, or is it even strange that you need to ask the department where he receives a salary, why does he behave this way, and so on, deprive colonel macron, yes, demoted to colonel. we are embarrassed, you see, we are very often embarrassed by the fact that no one has been embarrassed for a long time , we support this person because he stands for good relations with russia, and not because we respect the sovereign choice of such and such a people there, that’s all of course beautiful and correct, but then the politician may begin to play multi-vector, something else,
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there is a clear, understandable ally in every country - the russian party, the president with it, the head of state, the head of government with it, if everything is calm in russia, something is starting to go wrong there. he’s not pro-russian, he’s pro-hungarian, and that’s great, that’s great. in this sense, by the way, my second thesis is in that sense, by the way , karaganov says: russia began the struggle for the liberation of peoples, many people joked about this topic in the west, but in fact this is exactly the case, why did orman suddenly begin to behave this way, what is he yesterday i saw the light there, no, it’s just that in the conditions of the course russia took, which took upon itself the entire burden of the fight against the west, suddenly it became
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possible, it still doesn’t cancel it political courage, as it were, they still put pressure on him, they put pressure on him, but robert fitzo appeared behind him.
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important point 68% distrust rating for macron, that is, in fact , what he says, you don’t know what the french are saying, moreover, there was this information, there was also in
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a meeting with party leaders, almost everyone except his own party they said that what you said about the possibility of introducing troops into ukraine is complete madness, but i think this is a great idea, the main thing is that macron heads the expeditionary force, well remember how macron personally knows how to ride a white horse, well, at least on a white donkey, so that macron...
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why should they be deeply confident that they will not fight, but exactly no, they should clearly not there will be, the romanians, whom the french expelled from their country, humiliated terribly, and the romanians are ready to take on the dirtiest work, and they try to throw that dirty work, which even the romanians do not want to take themselves on, onto the shoulders of the unfortunate moldovans, who fight off this as best they can , due to the fact that they somehow got their hands on a citizen president, a romanian, who abolished the moldovan language. well, to the credit of moldova , it is necessary that even there sound voices are heard, that at least let’s not participate in this fight , because we would like all these
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weapons that comrade general said, the bastard will come quite quickly in any case, but you are so strict you ask whether i voted or where when, considering forgiveness sunday, i will confess, i did not vote, i am a citizen of the republic of belarus, but for now i should not be, in fact , it seems to me that it is the presidential elections. v russia - this is the main news, against the backdrop of all these external turmoil , the elections are a key event not only for russia, but also for the world, and the day is so, well , important, so we exchanged it here, march 17 of the ninety-first year took place a referendum on the preservation of the soviet union , here’s the question, i’m not just saying to remember, here is march 17, today is the election on march 17 of ninety-one, 33 years ago there was a referendum, here you mentioned the copenhagen one...
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i didn’t vote, but i was a pioneer, voted overwhelmingly to retain the soviet union, there at 78%, well, in belarus almost 83, 82, in my opinion, 87 voted, and so everywhere, and even in those republics, many that did not vote, these are the baltic states, moldova, armenia and georgia , then they came, but least of all, by the way, in armenia and georgia came, they came to vote, the overwhelming majority of soviet citizens voted for preservation, that is , it would seem, the west, which... proclaimed that this is democracy, it had to be guided by this decision with the further fate of the soviet union, spat on, trampled, forgotten
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and they didn’t pay any attention at all, but these... observers who are trained in these schools . the institute of professional osce has appeared, they pay them a travel allowance when they are
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long-term observers, many people take a vacation for this, because they just stupidly make money from it. excuse me, they congratulate putin, i say, these mockeries, i don’t even want to mention them, they often ask the question why these kingdoms, monarchies are preserved in the west, well , what’s the point, some confused explanations, that this is a symbol of the nation, some kind of... then historical reception, in order to deceive people, they deliberately take away the institution of a strong head of state, so find europe, in europe, a country where there is a genuine, strong head of state, who personifies
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power, personifies responsibility and right.
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this institution was led by the collective head of state, many say that the chairman was the presidium of the supreme council, the head of state, no, there was a collective head of state, either the central executive committee, or the presidium of the supreme council, but people looked at who really belonged to power, and said, this was under lenin, this was under stalin, under khrushchev, under brezhnev, regardless of what real, what real post this or
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that person occupied, therefore the presence a strong head of state, it’s like...
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our people, the people of russia, will respond to this with even greater unity. who did they decide to intimidate? russian people, multinational people of russia. this was not sure, it would never happen. another possible goal of an action of this kind is to divert the attention of its own people and the public of other countries, from whom the kiev regime is trying to humiliatingly beg for money and all kinds of handouts.
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and... what reflects our interests, and what creates the opportunity for manipulation, for attempts to finance from the outside, in general there should not be such an institution as an agent in russia, well, how can it be a person who knowingly does something, everyone knows that a foreign agent, we didn’t even introduce such an institution, we simply, in principle, declared it criminally punishable to receive foreign assistance in political, social activities, or media , simply.
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and also, in conclusion, i want to say that you showed a meeting of the security council, yesterday there was a telephone conversation between the president of belarus and the president of russia , such conversations always take place, and they briefly informed that they discussed bilateral relations, the situation in the region, in the west a lot of people are very worried , what will happen after the elections on march 17, what kind of politics will there be, do they have an apocalypse there, what is something?
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incredible will begin to the point that there is almost they won’t make any concessions, no one will make any concessions, but in general let them worry, i think there’s still a lot of interesting news waiting for them, i love it when people worry, please, yes, i want to greet you, of course, from the serbian people, our fraternal people, today there are two holidays, an orthodox holiday and a holiday of choosing a president, which will ensure stability, the victory that awaits half the world, this is the first, second, vladimir volfovich.
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because, continuing what the general said, when you listen to all this, you wonder, what is the question, that is , bearing in mind that when he was talking about this, i caught myself thinking that it’s a pity that serbia doesn’t have everything, and that we are not russia - this is not serbia, i don’t know, of course, how would it end, considering that all the wars began, of course, with us, but maybe they wouldn’t have started at all if serbia had, well... everything that you have, i spoke with the leader of serbia and we discussed how since those tragic days when the bombing of belgrade began and when alexander vuceć just for 15 minutes was late for the interview, otherwise he would have died, because the building where the interview took place was destroyed, and he said that if putin had been the leader of the country at that time, then nothing would have happened, this is exactly what everyone understands, and nothing would have happened not bombing and that would have been possible.
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there’s nothing personal about what’s happening , but it’s real, so i say, if only we were there at least once during these elections of theirs to see how it’s happening, although i know that there are arrests there, foreigners shouldn’t even be allowed there get close to the polling stations polling stations, that’s why today i’m already seeing what some american deputy secretary said there, that certain measures will be taken against the international observers who are participating in russia today, in a democratic way.
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well, yes, this is very similar to their democracy, of course, we are not afraid of this at all, let them do their job as they want, but today what was interesting to me, firstly, there were a lot of people at these elections areas, there were queues, then yesterday we were there not far from arbat and a whole generation comes there, that is, grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, and the children are so small, and i come up like this... i say: well, what about the elections? i say: yes, we are going to elect our vladimir vladimirovich, i, of course, did not want to talk about this publicly, when i joined our television, so that but it is clear that the people for...
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to create a system in which it would be much easier to receive russian, very a lot, this is very complex, any country where traditional family values ​​are strongly protected, today these are our citizens, even this is not they understand that how acute this problem
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is there in germany, there in france, this is an acute issue here, and of course i thought about saying this now, i won’t say it, but you will understand me, why i will say this now, the action of the ukrainian services, here.. .the other day i was called by the heads of our serbian special services and warned that an assassination attempt is being prepared on me, most likely there will be a car explosion , and so on, that the ukrainian special services are preparing this - in all seriousness, well , the reason is because i am the head there, well that i created a branch there, another ukraine, it’s clear this is a connection there, medvedchuk there and so on, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that in december the ukrainian ambassador sent a note to the serbian foreign ministry.
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this is unfortunately true, but you understand, due to the fact that i head one branch of one organization, but wait, but another ukraine, this is the ukraine in which i lived, in which oleg lived, that is, well, this is the ukraine, another, of which russia was not an enemy, of which serbia was not an enemy, for whom it was normal to live, exist,
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do business, alexander mikhaevich too knows ukraine well, we met there and so on, that is, this is another ukraine, that is, for me this is the ukraine, i think, i think for the ukrainian people, the one that is not completely zombified. they understand the values ​​of that ukraine, this is ukraine now , it has a patriarchal human appearance, you see , ukrainians in serbia who fled come to me and ask me just not to take pictures anywhere so that no one finds out, that is, they are afraid of their own state, they come to me for consultations for help, how to legalize, how to get residence there, visible residence there, and so on, and they are afraid of it, and they, when there were elections, all the western media on one day started this attack on me, which is understandable and... we just have a natural path with russia
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, because all the values ​​that the people of the heart are fighting for are what you are fighting for, only we are small, but we cannot seem to fight, we do not have what you have, and what the general said today. maybe it’s good that we don’t have all this, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll continue, crimea, 10 years in native gabani, return to russia, how it all began? the chronicle of events has changed. the way to the homeland, a film by andrei kandrashov, today on rtr.
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i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are, i will miss you. irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying? you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take such care, and masha, what, but i have one condition, you should never. tell masha the truth, especially if she is not yours. well, hello, my love, at least to keep me
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silent, think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent. premiere on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues in a hurry. place nuclear weapons. i already demanded it. give me back the nuclear one. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, the equipment is 80, and we have a house. olyosa. the second tank flew in scowcropian. the hero of russia will be on the tour. we are all with you, including me, let's go, this. yes, what is his image of victory for you? will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there
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are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you, comrade lieutenant colonel, i ’m ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department, work, premiere on rtr, i need to look at the body, and by the way, a good follower, strange questions, where can i buy sausage in dough? you are now seriously, dubious methods. veronika pavnovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers ? original conclusions, that's for sure! alebi found a family of elders, a bed, well, look how it is located, a paradoxical solution, you can take off the mask, why is it always from you?
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there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready! explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather, this world is worth seeing, caster smy. this is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made
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bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, well, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch, the presidential elections of the russian federation. on this day, the fate of the country depends on each of
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us. on this day we choose what the history of russia will be. not just a vote, one of. the most important decisions in our lives, we cannot miss a single detail, not a single detail of this extremely important day: a special information channel only on election day, live broadcasts from polling stations in all regions of russia, reports from the central election commission, calculation of results in real time, we closely monitor everything, there are no insignificant facts for us, we will look into the doors where... there have been other journalists, well-known political figures, activists of social movements, party leaders and the most authoritative experts will come to us. forecasts, results, conclusions, watch only on our channel. march 17, information channel elections 2024. and even on election day we will
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see more than others. our troops are confidently moving forward, bringing closer the onset of peaceful life, including in the long-suffering donbass. during a visit to avdeevka, i went with the chief of the engineering troops, lieutenant general yuri mikhailovich stavitsky, or rather, i came to visit him. and during the conversation we talked about qualitative changes in the army and how important it is to clear mines.
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we were just there, and this is the parish, yes, completely, all intact, yes, yes, nozhki ammunition, a couple of pieces left, just to show, the rest. ammunition that is unsuitable for use, plus the loads have been changed
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, something that is, now the next batch is laid there, they have completed it, something damaged them somewhere... and we destroy them with such ammunition, on command he will prepare, the sapper, what does he do, he connects the control line, uh-huh, tightens it, that’s it, checks that it’s not holding well, then presses it to turn it on, after that the sapper does everything, then commands to get ready, presses the button, lights up green, without releasing, without releasing the button, a report is made that the detonation is ready at the command of the head of the explosive work, the fire does not release this button, it is done simply. press once, that's all, attention, attention to everyone, everyone to cover, uncouple to cover, don't let anyone through, we'll understand that if there's no explosion, definitely, ready to detonate, fire.
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the engineering corps has expanded.
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where we know how, but now, in order to go forward, we also need measuring ones, we go forward, in fact, we provide assistance, ensuring movement forward, and there through the passages, getting past the barrier, constructing some kind of crossings, roads, column tracks, i always say, of course, now it has already been conquered somewhere, well, in some part, right? has changed, is resting, she is not resting, we are all starting the next stage of our activities, this is demining the territory, now, of course, there is a huge volume here,
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while anti-personnel units come across, but we are also reconnaissance, reconnaissance, reconnaissance, so that now if... here will clearly understand, we will, that there is an anti-personnel minefield here, then we will now immediately launch robots here the robots here are starting to process this whole thing, we also have an anti-tank one, we’ll see today, but now so that yes, here they are now on every meter, how much have you already filmed something today, come here, what are you doing, something today it's already been removed, that's for sure.
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you understand that it’s slow going here, but it’s not advisable to overtake it, now if we understand that there’s anti-intoxication here, then we’ll make this work easier, we ’ll immediately launch a couple of robots at once , you can already go here, but everything has already been checked here, everything is already here, i wish you good health, how long has it been today? we got it, we're finishing it off for now, is the suit comfortable? how much does 14 kg weigh, but life is more expensive, so you can drag it, of course
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we try for 8 hours, no more, yes, what is 8, 8 hours, they get up, well, yes, attention , what rank, your sergeant, handsome, i liked it, what today , so far it’s clean, everything, so far yes, i’m more lucky in this part. there are femki, but that’s further , that is, well, we’re cleaning
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it up, we’ll have to check everything around us, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all, we ’ll go now, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, so how long will it take to notice all this clean?
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the private sector is also not very damaged, so life will return here quickly, now , now the most important thing, life will return as soon as we clean up these quarkles, as soon as we just know this from life, uh, we’re just starting to clear the mines, that’s it , let’s say, here’s an elderly neighborhood in vale, well, no one came down, it was empty, they started cleaning, cleaning, cleaning everything, went, went, went, shadows with carts, people, everything, everything. standing in line when the house is fixed, everything runs there quickly, also in mariopol the same thing is the same situation, but moripol now won’t even think that there was a war, yes, your guys thought they were trained, now it’s very important to clear the edges, because this is one of the ways to defeat the enemy when he has stopped, but on the barrel, who -
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he goes to the toilet, he jumps off, he’s caught , then the very important thing is that now the sectors have developed, such important areas, especially where there are residential areas, private sectors, now we will at least understand the system, that’s how they are here, that’s their indiscriminate mining, we understand system, where the minefields are, how they stand, then we can safely work with robots , because now you can... simply lose it, that is, depending on the type of mine , the types of robot are determined, come on, where do we point it, here is an anti-tank , that means we’ll install a bmr, if it means light uranium has gone , clear the area, then sappers, this is the first stage, then the second stage we’ll clear it cleanly of metal, just of debris, but fire doesn’t help, yes, that is, we burn it out, we burn it out, just yesterday set it on fire, i didn't see
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it the germans also have a good car, also ours , this is already made by the ural carriage plant.
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and the deuce was made by kharkov, malyshevo plant, yes , that’s why they have talis on the base, yes 722, having exchanged the city of avdeev, the battle commander, commander of the engineering assault battalion, height 2 03, could have become a millionaire, would have played basketball, chosen a different profession, there were many masters of sports in hand-to-hand combat, i did this all the time, i again told voloev, well,
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something was done there.
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look at the breaker, and even here there is a contactor, they are of course obsessed with these flowers of his, even these are jockeys , but i’m not saying, there were no such people in afghanistan, there weren’t any like them, well, they were also like that at that time, they took it quite seriously, that is, the same sapper is already more than 40, but come on, he’s an afghani they started to sapure, i did more vining there , of course. well, so and so, and this is an american, yes, american grenade, also 72, nato,
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nato 762, yes, and a nato box, for a machine gun, yes. how are the relations of the locals, they say, well, it’s normal there, in those houses, that’s where they feed them, that’s where everything is, such a good attitude, like little people, now they are simply afraid to go there, many of them are timid.
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anti-tank , that is, you don’t take an anti-tank, well, there’s a city here, captain, how is it local, local with the whole, let’s say, we work, we work, we illuminate, we find various ammunition, that is, both our soviet production, and foreign ammunition, the local population as it happens, more positively, that is, people are still positive about the fact that we are performing a special operation, that is, they
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we are really sincerely happy, you can see it in the eyes, that is, people openly welcome us, we talk with them, we also communicate, but you feed them, well, yes, of course, well, plus now that the mines are cleared, they go straight home, right? well, i see, not everything is destroyed, not everything, not everything, some houses, but they survived, that is, how the enemy works, they left such surprises, sometimes it happens, but let’s say, in this area it’s rare, yes, because here i understand that if they were sitting, then when ours began to attack, they came out so successfully that they didn’t even have time to leave anything behind. we were in prepared defensive positions or not here, because we are working, let's say, in urban areas, here we only encounter those who did not work.
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let’s say, take it to a specially prepared site, bring it there , work it out there, if it’s not possible, load it with a ton, set the release accordingly, i took a training course here, if necessary, contact me, oh handsome! oh, how serious you are, or were you here, tamed battalion, from a puppy, we took her, yes from a puppy , and where did we take her on this near lugansk, come here, how many months have we been here, we’ve been working here since february 20, and you’ve been fighting for how long, they collected special releases there.
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after finishing our studies, we were all gathered , at the end of the training we arrived at the supply point in our unit already and in units, there they prepared us immediately before moving to the area of ​​​​the special operation and moved everything here, what was the first point where i went, okay yes ? let's try, that is, you are generally only completely that’s right, i’ve completely gone, i’m in the mood for an important historical place, i’ll go, we haven’t passed here yet, the road itself has been passed , that is, initially the hand is left to right, yes, yes, that is , it remains in front of the houses, these are these places, courtyards, the houses themselves, in general- then the road has been cleared, this is our twelfth brigade, it... what fulfills the tasks, provides there, so here they were able
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to select as many forces as possible, now we will withdraw them, bring them here already cleanly - those who are already doing this will clear the mines, not the first year, it turns out, young guys at first, it’s like we let them in, that is, to areas where , well, of course, well, everything is already ready for battle, yes, yes, yes, everything is correct, that is, here it is, continuation of training, yes, yes, let’s say, practice, right, right, good, you have to stretch gradually. that i myself like mining or demining demining most of all i like it more and i haven’t started mining yet i’m also 23 years old , that is, straight from school, so definitely a cadet or a regular school there was a regular school in the family someone was in the military no just did you want it? people from where? krasnodar region, here you can observe the work
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of the uran-6 demining complex. this complex is designed for demining urban, as well as mountainous and low-forest areas. he doesn’t like anti-tank, he likes a maximum of one mine at a time, and then that is, for him it is very too disadvantageous, depending on the work, well, on what kind of soil you need to work, there are three trawls, this is a flannel trawl, a cattail trawl, and also a milling trawl, we currently have milling trawls, since the soil is soft, that is, the same. there is a bulldozer blade and a mechanical treasure capable of lifting up to
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1.00 kg, or even more, from where it is controlled, the remote-controlled bus is controlled by the operator, that is, here we have an operator, one, a second operator, the width of the arrival, passage is 1.5 m, from one and a half to 1.7 m, the trolling speed is 0.5 km/h, the very speed of the machine itself is 5. yesterday here, yes, here we cleaned this, here yesterday, now we’ll still go,
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maybe something, there’s a lot of butt, there weren’t shells loose that's it, how long has this been managed? 2 years, and before that? and before that i mobilization, he joined the army, served in the assault brigade, then transferred to a minor engineer, after being wounded, no, just smart, well , they said specialized education , the engineering troops were more suitable, well, he transferred and trained, and what was the specialized education, civil engineer, but certainly. civil engineer by training, relative, what rank already, so far private, and in principle we have operators, in principle everything technical was higher than that,
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you have enough time to stop by, very rarely, there is a lot of work.
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i can handle electronics too, why not? yes, classic, how old is yours, 41, good luck , thank you, i’m not going yet until everyone leaves, take care of yourself, all the best to you, thank you, see you, that’s it, no one without us. who is heavier, who is deminerated or the same, well, in order to deminerate well, you need to deminerate well, that is, understand
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all the nuances, then the deminer will work very clearly - understand. what should he do when he sees him, because after all, he also took part in me, it will be easy, especially if these are non-standard methods, not just buried a mine there and so on, this simple and find it also, if like you saw with you, there is some kind of thing in it, understand it, figure it out, carefully remove it and have a look, we are now going to cross the detrimental line, well, look what it is, of course, here you already see - the so-called minks, which... are redly, that is, they are equipped here with already 18,000 healthy items, these are mines, shells, some kind of unexploded ammunition, let's go
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take a look, i don’t know, we haven’t seen it, but there ’s something inside there are still places for... sappers, three sappers sit there on purpose sprung seats in case of an explosion beggar here reinforced thickness not like there this is a special machine for mine clearance here the trawl is quite heavy 12 tks solid just what mariupol works yes, yes, yes , you see it yes it is solid without a gap for the track, between the tracks probably space, well, here everything is already on it , the jammer, and the destroyer is cutting, and the destroyer is cutting,
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but as soon as anyone takes it, he takes it. us, that is, the deflating system for ourselves, yes, we choose how long it can withstand you explosions, uh, one cock is designed for two
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timings, although with tanks, you’ve just started already, yes, that’s right, where you worked before, before that in nagorsk, i’m not so long ago a mechanic driver, my commander drives it more , and before that, what did you do, well, i, well, i was mobilized, as if i was a civilian, a local chelyabinsk, yes, yes, that’s right, served in what troops, tank, that is , that’s what i got, yes, that’s right, well that is , the memories come flooding back at once, yes, they worked the same on the se2ka, yes, on the se2ke, well here the base is in the nineties, that is, more comfortable.
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he’s definitely one of the best, but you can see from him that he’s calm.
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decree of the president of the russian federation to reward for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of military duty. i serve russia, i serve in russia.
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i serve russia, dear colleagues, respected comrades, once again i congratulate you all on your high state awards, and most importantly, i wish you success in yours. incredible work, for the benefit of our homeland, russia, thank you for your work, for what you do, this will remain forever for everyone, for us, the military and those civilians who will then live on the lands that you have cleared. our generation inherited a war that has never happened in history, this war is terrible, because it combines both a war with... with those who are so similar to us, but at some
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point in time betrayed the memory of their fathers and grandfathers , betrayed our traditions, not what distinguishes a person from an animal, every person is mortal, it is pointless to run from death. the only promise that life fulfills is death, but there is nothing more honor of greater happiness than dying for your homeland. but dying is easy , winning is difficult, to win, you need to think about your comrade, think about yourself, study every day and never lose your vigilance, a man is created for war, and a russian is created for victory, no matter what nationality of religion, you are
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russian warriors, you are defenders . you are warriors of light, our cause is just, victory will be ours, i congratulate you all on the high awards of your homeland, thank you for your service, that’s all, see you tomorrow. minutes remain until the publication of exit polls, the first data from polling stations. our correspondents are already in direct contact with the studio, alexey konopko from the central election commission, where the votes are being counted. evgeniy roshkov, alexey petrov, dmitry kaistra and ainur valiakhmetov are preparing to go live from four
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candidate election headquarters. he works according to his own special program at vladimir putin’s headquarters. and, as always, ready to tell viewers of the russia channel more than others. our fellow military officers will report live and show how voting took place in four new regions, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. we are waiting for reports from our own correspondents on the progress of voting abroad from italy, assia emelyanova, from india, evgenia davydov and sergei zenin from afghanistan. vladimir solovyov’s studio is also in direct contact. which already gathers guests, leading experts and political scientists. so, russia is summing up the results of the eighth presidential election in its history, which took place in a difficult environment, for example, the belgorod region voted under endless shelling. u we already have the first voting figures for russia, these are the results of exit polls,
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exit polls from polling stations, we will be able to publish them at exactly two. voting here is crowded all day long; in general, this year, for the first time in the region , several polling stations were opened in close proximity to the state border, and people who, russian citizens, now live in lithuania, latvia, estonia and germany, came there to vote in the border areas. for many of them, this was the only the opportunity to participate in the
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russian presidential elections. taking into account all those who voted, the turnout in the region at... 19:00 local time is 70%, now we have the last voter, hello, introduce yourself, why did you come to the polling station so late? hello, my name is yana, it so happened that today on sunday i was working, i had to complete one project, but i definitely calculated that i would have time to run and vote, we made it, congratulations to you, hello, we will introduce ourselves too congratulations, you are not just the last voter of the city of kaliningrad, but of the whole of russia at 20:00 the polling stations close, i... thank you marina, marina naumova from the kaliningrad region, where polling stations are closing right now and thereby completing the voting process in the presidential elections 2024. the next
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stage after voting is the counting of votes and the fastest. the obtained results of the electronic expression of the will of citizens. the central election commission will soon hold a procedure for connecting the keys. each of them is a piece of program code that was divided between custodians to prevent outside interference. you can only find out what percentage each candidate scored by connecting all the keys again. this ensures the integrity and security of electronic voting. during this campaign , residents of twenty could elect a president online. and nine regions of russia, in the vast majority of which this format had already been tested earlier during elections at other levels. these elections are in many ways for our country were special, for the first time the president of russia. chose four new regions of the donetsk and lugansk people's republic, kherson and zaporozhye regions. these are millions of voters whose sympathies could have a significant impact on the final balance. for the first time, voting lasted
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3 days, the format was worked out during elections at other levels, and the fact that citizens appreciated it was also evidenced by the high turnout. tens of millions of russians also had the opportunity to elect a president without leaving home, via the internet. online voting is another feature of this campaign: the only political party that, since the ninety-first year, has taken part in all eight presidential campaigns of the ldpr, this time was represented by the successor of vladimir zhirinovsky, leonid slutsky, for the first time as head of state, the party fought with new people represented by the leader of its duma faction , vladislav davankov. well, now we see on the clock.


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