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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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the bbc writes that the fifth term of putin’s presidency is not only not in doubt, but more than ever, it paid the country back during the period of the special operation about the failure of attempts by ukrainian terrorists to disrupt voting in the front-line regions, a whole lawn-grit of very impressive size, the analytical text was rolled out by the washington post . according to the american propagandists there, the senseless raids of ukrainian fanatics on...border crossings, shelling of peaceful settlements, only united the residents of the region, in this bloomberg warns that with such a historic and record-breaking outcome of the elections, putin demonstrates that the fight for a multipolar world is supported, firstly, by a huge number of our citizens, well , the key thing is that putin will definitely not stop now.
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russia will not stop achieving its goals, vladimir putin said defiantly after he won a record victory in a presidential election whose outcome was a foregone conclusion. putin spoke after preliminary results from elections that ended on sunday showed that he received the support of 87.2% of voters, which gives him another 6 years as president to intensify the war in ukraine and the conflict with the west. this result significantly exceeded his previous record of 77%. in the 2018 elections . an emboldened putin is preparing for a lengthy confrontation with the west, according to five people familiar with the situation. and they ask that their names not be used because the issue is sensitive. european leaders openly warn of the risk of russian attacks on countries nato members fear the us could abandon them if donald trump becomes president again in november. co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters, artyom zhogo in our studio, hero of the dpr. commander
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of sparta, how do you evaluate the election results, the unprecedented turnout, the unprecedented result of your candidate, our candidate, you traveled to dozens of regions, this is also a unique and first experience for you, yes, for me it is indeed an experience, in some ways it is unique, well i would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate our supreme commander-in-chief on such a victory, we at night communicated, congratulated personally. my friends , colleagues, co-chairs congratulated personally, communicated, and also wanted to say big words of gratitude to all the residents of our great russia for such support of our candidate, our supreme, our president, because there really is such enthusiasm, you see the percentages show for themselves , what is the turnout, especially in the united territories, at home in donetsk, i voted on the 15th, i arrived, probably 15 minutes before the opening. polling station,
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more than 50 people had already gathered, everyone was waiting already come and cast your vote, and how they voted with a ballot remotely, no , with a ballot clearly, yes, filled it out, i was the first to throw it into the ballot box, while we were standing, before the opening we talked with people, i say, well, how is the mood, how - everything is wonderful, we have been waiting for this for 10 years, these are the words of the residents who came from neighboring houses to the polling station, and indeed... it was read in their eyes, this is not some made-up story, or bravado, this is real what happened in our regions, i can also confirm, again, say words of gratitude to all the residents of all the regions i visited, there are about 18 regions, i visited about 23 or 25 cities, i had a lot of meetings with workers of enterprises, with employees of the headquarters with employees of the foundation defender of the fatherland, there was a lot with young people. in which we
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had open communication, so to speak, a free conversation, they asked questions that interested them, i answered these questions, in these youthful eyes one could read interest, excitement and a desire to work and work, that’s how i the question was, is there any hope with our youth that something will work out for us? not hope, there is confidence, deep confidence that everything is really working out for us, everything will work, we, we have someone to hand over our country in the future. because young people are really not just the future, but the present, who are really now absorbing everything that is happening now, absorbing our actions, absorbing our directions, the vector of movement and development of our country, in the future they will project this onto further relations around the world, here i read that russia plans to attack nato countries, well, russia has never attacked anyone, on the contrary, we are only for peace, for the commonwealth, for fruitful work in terms of prosperity.
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well, there was just a really huge number of young people from different regions, they were very keenly interested in the history that was taking place, connected with our donbass, there was a separate exhibition dedicated to our donbass, they were interested in life in russia in general, the historical facts of russia, especially they were surprised by one or another fact that i had to tell them this, and you could see the surprise in their eyes, they were deprived of any alternative information due to the fact that the west...
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got them to send a message to the federal assembly, a lot was included there these wishes of our residents, our citizens, and to supplement certain departments with information, to convey information so that officials would move somewhere, that is, there would be instructions in terms of the fact that this is not the end of
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the work, the work will continue continue, and it needs to will continue to do this even further, and vladimir vladimirovich and i will continue to move in this direction so that... all those thoughts, all those desires of our citizens, our voters, come true. vladimir vladimirovich said that he does not like to promise what he cannot do, he would rather do it and show his work, in principle, i very much agree with him in this format, i probably have the same test, i agree with in the words of our supreme commander-in-chief, that we need to show our work, not to talk, not to promise, but to show and do it, and that’s what we, in principle , will do and we... in principle, in this period of time we did exactly that, we did not celebrate, we are somewhere else, well we probably spent about an hour and a half discussing how to resolve further issues, how to make sure that every citizen of our country is heard in their
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wishes and aspirations, and somehow we worked in this direction. artyom zhogo, co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters in our studio. we'll be back. in memory alexandra shirmenta. there comes an age when the fear of old age is stronger than the fear of death. i understand that in order to exist, you need to have some kind of level. i don’t have some kind of bar. and then, in addition to the bar, you also need to have a niche, civil, creative. a professional, human niche for which there is no shame. white studio, today on rtr.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, today is a big day, a big holiday, it’s been a while since we ’ve seen each other. derskie, well, you know, on he will find every cool fighter even cooler , you fell in love with them, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, then...
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speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one,
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you,
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soldier, whom you serve, former friend , tear off everything that was ours, which was together , what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchekov’s program. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. so, the german foreign minister, alena berbak, said that germany condemns elections without a choice in russia. a very valuable opinion from the granddaughter of a nazi, the author of pearl, about the 360° turn of the political course. and here's the footage izbonne, the queue at the russian consulate general was several hundred meters long.
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lord, it’s urgent that the room just learned that the german cabinet of ministers, and steinmei earlier, yes, you asked, will
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you congratulate, president steinmeier refused to congratulate putin, and so the cabinet of ministers just said, well, yes, of course we won’t congratulate, but we will cooperate with putin, please, well, somehow it’s logical, since the ambassadors there are legitimized in this way, they receive letters of credence, the question is, well, strictly speaking, election campaign, what is special about the day? yes, and maduro now has a third, well , as if he thinks so, here, but with the next one , as if we wish him good luck, he will try, maduro has such a maduro, as if, well, let’s wish him good luck, there is no other, there was an hour before , that’s it, but accordingly the problem is the following, 3 days of voting, now the biggest means of investing money was, in fact, accordingly, the turnout seemed to be ensured in many ways, it seemed to depend very much on
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the money, including, respectively, 4 + million, respectively 96% in terms of turnout, this is a very good result from an electoral point of view. seems to be this very part directly, but in the moscow agglomeration a significant part of those who voted corresponds to the decks as such, in addition, shamefully, if you look at the turnout, the moscow agglomeration and davanki are in second place, in phuket we are in first, this is not indicator, you know, we don’t compare phuket and the capital of our homeland, it’s cool there, in fact, it’s in bangkok, so it’s not on first, in khuhet on the first, that is, as if in one country in thailand. that’s what i’m all about, i ’m all about the fact that, in fact, as if , in principle, there were a lot of innovative solutions that i made in myself, plus all the turnout, what are the features of the turnout? accordingly, we have several electoral cycles , the presidential elections make sense, it is clear that there was one day of voting there, not three, but in principle, in general, what is the peculiarity, we have a gradual, that is, in general, gradually increasing turnout, respectively 64, 67, accordingly, the output seems to reach the corresponding indicators, respectively, over
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70, this is actually a high indicator, but it is typical for presidential republics and super-presidential republics, as a classic example, we are very close ... with france, in fact, well, to some extent , in france, for example, elections on average, there are really two rounds, as usual, there are more than 70%, the last two electoral cycles, by the way, the last elections there were in the twenty-second year, respectively, it was spring just after the start special operation, there was the first round , then immediately the second round, here on the box it was 70 plus, that is, in fact, a 7 percent turnout in the presidential elections, especially in a situation with the so-called social component, i remind you of the slap fight, in fact, in the second round, as if that’s why it seems to be quite characteristic, in principle. turnout in general in the world , it is like a trend to some extent, especially in high-profile elections, a classic example is portugal, a classic example is spain, but now they are resonant, yes, these are elections of a referendum type, they are considered elections of a referendum type, these are elections in which there is a prerogative, and well, well, they say differently, either a referendum, or an oath, but the point is, well, an oath there are not really options, as
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it were, but in a referendum, accordingly , yes no, as if the meaning lies in this, therefore , such figures, such a turnout, in principle , are due to the fact that... now we must consider, the question is that in fact they are different countries different districts join, that is, in fact, you can see in principle, now the data is now coming in, this also makes our elections more legitimate, they stood, they were against, they voted, that’s why we got the idea that they were against, in fact first, we will now look at the data, no, look, well, in thailand, for example, you can see it. the situation is like where are some areas, that is, where the data comes in, we are now working with them from the date, as with the very, well, direct data, but in fact, the most important thing is two things, first, you can show at least 90 results , legitimacy is important, that is, it is important for you to show that voters, even who did not find their candidate, even somehow went and were able to express their position, elections - elections are not just a story about how no matter who wins, elections are about who takes
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second place, elections are about what agenda is being passed, at one time in the election campaign, there will be trump, for example, the campaign is also known for its high level. another election is about who takes the last places, the elections are about with what percentage it takes the last places, in fact, because for the ldpr, this is actually a serious challenge, so if you look at it, this is very mild, to put it mildly , that is, the problem is the following, the problem is that , as it were, the candidate, who is, as it were, the main one, in theory he should serve, including those trends that manifest themselves in electoral voting in different regions, in general scenarios, the same situation is assumed by analogy, it’s the same in the usa, respectively, biden looks at what the results are, respectively, the electoral alignments, accordingly, let’s assume the same... the same trump, well, in gaps, and adopts his agenda for his election campaign, the same applies, for example, the situation in france, this is what we often discuss, the same as the situation in portugal, that is, in fact, elections are much more than elections, they are actually a very important opportunity to introduce your agenda, to enrich this agenda, to form a social demand for a personal decision, as i understand it, in the process of preparing the election campaign, all these
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requests, including through the infrastructure of the social front, the corresponding scheme, and the electoral headquarters were formed.
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the challenges now are absolutely clear from an economic point of view, which is why they require serious financial resources, they require a serious change in the system, the system is changing, it requires, among other things, a new idea of ​​how modern technologies of new people
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, the main reason is that people came to support, first of all, our guys who are now fighting on the front line, everyone regarded their vote as a shot towards
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the enemy, this is the first, second, support for the president and his course, this is support for a long time , this is such a civilizational choice of russia, it’s not just that now we are being shelled or something else, and out of spite we will go and say that the president is seriously supported when he... for traditional values, when he opposes the neo-colonialist course of the west, and so on, and the fact that we have now ensured this course for the next 6 years is very upsetting to our rivals, they wanted to undermine us, of course they wanted the president to have less, of course, we are all not fools here, we understand that none of they didn’t believe that they would somehow overthrow putin, but they would like there to be more...
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it’s great that the country is with them and the president now clearly knows that the country with him will act with more confidence, these are the statements , which have now begun in the west, there is some kind of illegitimacy there and so further, we absolutely don’t care about this, firstly, they will still interact with our president and talk, they still don’t have anything else, to what extent they are not yes, they don’t have any embassy, ​​maybe they will recall, nothing like that will happen, everything everything. it will be fine, most of the countries of the world are with us, that’s what kirby just said there that time turns out to be working for russia, they used to think
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that time was working for them, they had the same reasoning that he’s still fat dries up, the thin one will die, we have a big one there economics and so on, well, we are not thin, but we are young men, so to speak, or rather mature men of athletic build, like artyom vladimirovich, here is... the russian economy and so on, and they are small, and fat with diabetes, with shortness of breath, with artificial kidneys, so they won’t run a cross-country race or a marathon, time is working for us, both small and big, and victory will be ours, that’s right, let’s come back, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m ready to take up my duties and get to know you department, work for the prime minister, at rtr, i need to inspect body, and she, by the way, was a good follower, strange questions, and where can you buy
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sausage in dough, are you serious now? questionable methods. veronika palovna, are you still part-time with the dog handlers? original conclusions. that's it, exactly. i found an alibi for the elder family. bed. well, look how it's positioned. a paradoxical solution. can't take off your mask? why are you always nothing but problems? ta-dam. all this works if vosnetsov gets down to business. always one step ahead, two, no, three, four, today rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories are told, i was bold in
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a white suit. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away that i won’t allow this. you see me for the first time in my life, and you reproach me for something i have never done. ay, every woman needs female happiness. accept this as a fact. i'm a loner. i'm
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happy with everything in my life. i am essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son. an excellent topic for a dissertation. single father. do you need a nanny? yes, it is necessary, but not you if you have nothing necessary, it doesn't mean you have everything. every woman dreams of getting married. imagine, there are exceptions. if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that... no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, i thought we cleared everything up, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself. loner, on sunday on rtr. so, putin’s victory is the most eloquent
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confirmation that the citizens of russia.
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on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello. vladimir putin more than convincingly wins the past presidential elections. according to the election commission center, based on the results of counting almost all ballots, he gains more than 87% of the votes. that
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is, 76 million voters voted for him, which is 20 million more than in the last elections in 2018 and an absolute record in the entire recent history of our country. who does not look at anyone, but does what he considers necessary for the development of the country. all day long, vladimir putin has been receiving congratulations on his victory in the elections from the leaders of foreign states.
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the heads of the cis countries have already called the president, azerbaijan, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. they noted broad support for the course that putin is pursuing in domestic foreign policy, as well as a highly active one. “the source of power in the country is the russian people, and from the votes of every
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citizen of russia the unified will of the peoples of the russian federation is compiled, this is the most important.” risk their health and lives, provide the most important task of protecting our people in the so-called new, in fact historical russian territories, and in general the country as a whole.
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volunteers played a huge role in achieving this result, and putin thanks them separately. one of the participants in the conversation is planning to go to avdeevka, which is now under russian control. my team and i are going to go on a humanitarian mission. the first thing they asked. people are bread, medicine, the opportunity to vote, food, be careful, and of course, everything must be done to ensure that people. the elections also demonstrated the will, the desire of millions of people to take part in determining future of the country, this was discussed during vladimir putin’s conversation with journalists. these elections were also marked by an extremely high turnout. what is this connected with, how do you explain it? this is due to the drama of those events. through which the country is passing is connected with the fact that we are forced to defend the interests of our citizens, our people, with arms in hand, to create a future for the full, sovereign, safe development of the russian
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federation, the ordinary citizen of the country understood, understood in his heart that he is in demand, he is needed country, the future of russia depends on him, after... now to determine who will work most effectively in what position, and in order for the overall result, teamwork to be maximum, we will think about everything together, calmly, in a friendly working mode, we
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will make these decisions, there is no need to fuss, against the backdrop of the successes of the russian army, continuous shelling, including during the elections, from ukraine, the latest events in the glogorod region are associated with russian volunteers. body, you know something about this structure, there are several groups, there is the one you said, there is some kind of volunteer corps, there are also four groups. now they are being thrown like meat into assaults , meat assaults, that’s for sure, in this case , so to speak, on the state border, the enemy’s losses are very large, i don’t remember how many of them were used there, well, somewhere in my opinion up to one and a half thousand loss of about 800 people, but that’s what i would like in this s... to say, they went with arms in their hands against their
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country, against their homeland, we don’t have the death penalty, but we will always, now in the future, treat these people as those who are in a combat zone, we will assume that they are armed, all law enforcement agencies will be given instructions by name. 100% destruction was of those who climbed there to some 100 m on our
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territory, 25 tanks were destroyed during this time, in general, in the border zone the enemy concentrated a group of somewhere up to 5,000 people, not directly on the state border line, because this is in in their immediate rear, but the loss overall is about 40%, of which approximately 35% irrevocable, 25 tanks. if they like it that way, then in principle it suits us, because they attack mindlessly , it’s such a meat grinder for them, well , it’s even beneficial for us, let them try, it means there will be fewer personnel to deal with others sections of the contact line, participate in hostilities, and... in general, the initiative
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belongs entirely to the russian armed forces, in some areas our guys, their enemy, are now simply shredding their advance every day. but in any case, the question is the security of border regions is extremely pressing. bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point, when we deem it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in... in today's territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult , using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made. regarding a possible dialogue with ukraine, the press raises the issue legitimacy of the kyiv leadership. you just brilliantly extended your mandate, but zelensky did not. who will we be with? negotiating peace is a question awaiting its painstaking
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researcher, we will think about it. the more confident the russian military advances, the more nervous european elites become. french president macron said he intends to propose a ceasefire to russia during the paris olympics. i don’t know about this statement by the french president, we are ready to consider any issues, but in any situation we will always proceed from the interests russian federation.
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military personnel in ukraine, an explanation of how to use western equipment, and some other functions of this kind, well, today it is not much different from what mercenaries do, and then in... armed military personnel of nato countries are present there, we know , we hear both french speech there and english speech , there is nothing good in this, first of all for them, because they die in large numbers, but in the end it’s not our choice if someone wants
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to cover up internal political problems a little with its aggressive external rhetoric, well , this is a well-known and frequently used technique all over the world. at the same time, putin emphasizes, france could not aggravate the conflict, but take a different position, especially since the results of the elections in new regions in crimea, a fact that cannot be ignored, i in principle thought that they would be so good, significant, positive, but that they would be the way we see them today, i honestly didn’t even expect, but still it says something, firstly, it says that we are doing everything right, people are grateful to us for those decisions. which we adopted to protect them, and this is the main motivating motive for all our actions. secondly, they, of course, expect protection from us in every sense of the word, and we will do everything to ensure that these aspirations of the people who live in this territory are realized. despite the high turnout and
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the presence of observers, statements have already been heard in the west that the elections are illegitimate and not free. regarding the reaction from some. foreign states, it is expected, but what do you want them to stand up and applauded, or what? they are fighting us, and by armed means, and at the same time they will applaud those forces, not even me personally, but those forces that stand behind me, that seek to strengthen russia, its sovereignty, increase its defense capability and...
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there was no war allowed to participate in the elections, and alexei navalny died in one of the prisons during your election campaign, is this democracy, in your opinion? this is life, which means that if mr. nadezhdin did not take part in this election campaign, then this is primarily the result of his not, well, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory work in the preparation for these elections. secondly, as for mr. navalny, yes, he passed away, this is always a sad event, well , we had other cases when people in prison passed away, but didn’t this happen in the united states, it happened more than once by the way, well, i
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’ll tell you, it will be so unexpected, a few days before mr. navalny’s departure from life. uh , some colleagues told me, and no employees administration, some people there said that there is an idea to exchange mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me has not yet finished his sentence, but i said , i agree, but unfortunately, uh, what happened happened, emphasizes: in russia the elections are democratic, unlike the united states. for example, in your country, can it be considered democratic to use administrative resources for in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states,
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including through the courts, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america. we will work with whoever the voters trust, but the use of the administrative resources of the judicial system, but this has become simply a ridiculous disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic, so-called in quotation marks system, i have every reason to believe that no democracy, at least during today we... are not observing pre-election processes in some western countries, including the united states, so accept the response. in russia, the electoral system is not just democratic, but convenient; putin says several years ago there were discussions around electronic voting, but this practice is good.
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bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch, threw it in until 12:00 at night, that’s it, here’s voting, here’s democracy, questions to vladimir putin one after another, about the results, even if preliminary, tell me, this is what you dreamed of, i dreamed of a strong, independent, sovereign russia, i hope that the voting results will allow us all, together with the russian... people, to achieve these goals. vladimir putin also met with the co-chairs of the election headquarters. maryana lysenko caught a cold, but still joined the conversation via video link,
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the results are being summed up. an extraordinary, huge country, extraordinary people, the best president in the world, they will never do anything to us, no one will do anything to us, we cannot be crossed. 3 months and these last 3 days have been incredibly revealing. in how much the citizens of russia worry about the fate of their homeland, they clearly understand that now and today there was a historical choice for the future, i would like to convey to you words of gratitude from my battalion and from my guys, the battalion is waiting for commands, ready to carry out from its supreme commander in chief, thank you thank you , a big hello to the guys too, words of gratitude addressed to them, first of all, i would ask you then to summarize everything that -
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on the territory of russia, this is no longer easy, therefore, today the population has consolidated around the supreme commander-in-chief
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, who is responsible, yesterday’s elections at 90% are not a matter of laurel wine for the population, it’s a big mess with heavy responsibilities, and vladimir vladimirovich understands this, in turn, the head of the ldpr, leonid slutsky noted the clear work of the central committee in during the elections, he said that he was satisfied with his result. of course, in the spotlight of the foreign press, the american cnn is worried that moscow will not deviate from its general line, but friendship with china, iran and the countries
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global south, will complicate the lives of the united states and its allies. german focus clarifies that the unconditional victory did not come as a surprise either to western observers or to the russians themselves, thanks to whom putin feels support for his policies. in turn , the turkish media note that compared to the last vote, support. rtr: she has four children and is divorced. victor vasiliev, we made a mistake, maybe
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you will speak for yourself? polina kutepova, you haven’t worked for 10 years. look what i found. vsevolot bouldin. i'll never get used to you in my opinion. anna mikhalkova. well, this is where your personal life ends and our investigation begins. are you svasnetsovy, a good match? vosnetsova. today on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here.
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taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing. this world is worth seeing. snake caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, we have a big day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you
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know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition. forum russia, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you are more like girl in love. than the teacher , she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today with an amnesty, the first thing i do is come here lovingly, actually, i’m married, go anyway, get out of here, and you’ll get out immediately, or me or what, i didn’t kill anyone,
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believe yourself, teacher on saturday. on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. the russian armed forces attacked the meeting place of the commanders of the sbu and the armed forces of ukraine. our ministry of defense reported this. air defense systems destroyed ukrainian mi-8 helicopter. our units occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction and improved the position along the front line in... avdeevsky. during the day, the enemy lost 675 troops and five armored vehicles. in the areas of tonenky, severny and berdychi, aviation carried out 50 strikes per day. two ukrainian drone control points were also hit. and to the north-west of artyomovsk, paratroopers, supported by artillery, stormed fortified positions. in these frames, the lancet loitering munition
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hits a patrol boat in the ssu near nikolaev is 4 from the contact line, and here in the video there are dozens of units of broken ukrainian equipment on the fields of novomikhailovka, enemy sabotage groups are being destroyed. this is what the ministry of defense said about repelling attacks on the belgorod region. russian units inflicted fire defeat on a concentration of manpower and equipment of 105-120 terrestrial defense brigades and militants of the ukrainian terrorist formation rdk in the areas of popovka, lukashovka, velyka piserevka, sumy region and staritsa, kharkov region. besides, in near the village of kazinka, belgorod region, attempts to penetrate the ukrainian border were stopped. sabotage and reconnaissance groups. as a result, the enemy lost up to 150 military personnel and militants killed and wounded, two tanks, three vehicles, as well as a czech-made vampire multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle. an
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air raid siren sounds over the belgorod region, at this moment the head of the region reports this. the air defense system was activated several times during the day. according to the latest data in the village nikolskoye, as a result of a direct hit on a private house, two people were killed and four more were injured. the settlements of golovchino and borisovka are also under attack; more than ten private houses have been damaged; in the affected areas, rescuers and emergency services are conducting door-to-door visits. now the footage that we receive at these moments. mikhail mishustin holds a meeting with deputy prime ministers; first of all, at the meeting, the discussion turned to the results of the past presidential elections. how he does everything to improve the lives of citizens, to develop our country, social sphere, and the results are visible , these are new roads, and schools, hospitals, opportunities for quality
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education, self-realization, everyone sees how our regions are changing today, how the infrastructure there is being updated step by step, this voting result is a logical , obvious result of systematic work in which... all of russia today celebrates the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with their homeland. on the peninsula, the anniversary was celebrated with a car rally; huge flags. in moscow, at the exhibition in the forum at vdnkh, a festive procession was held, accompanied by a military orchestra, and a concert was held at the region’s stand for spectators.
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crimea and sevastopol have invested colossal efforts from the entire country. we see how these regions are transforming, the economy is actively developing, housing and roads are being built. over the past 10 years in crimea and sevastopol.


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