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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 18, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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turned to me, to massfilm, maybe he saw, we, we really used models at the white tiger, but i must say that we ourselves cannot make them from steel, it’s impossible, it’s too complicated, we order them ourselves, but there are good workshops , we have craftsmen who can make any kind of models, which, apparently, this is, so to speak, in this, maybe, i don’t know, i’m not a military person, i just hope that maybe the ministry of defense , maybe sergei kuzhugedovich will hear and sort it out a question, if it is necessary to say where, who , how, because i repeat, it is quite possible that the officer turned to someone, they brushed him off there, so to speak, but i am sure that at the highest level they will quite possibly sort it out with this, in this case we are ready to provide assistance and show who , where, how they can do it, this is still for me, because i cannot answer, and i don’t want to give my last name, well, if necessary, i will help, we’ll figure it out . the fact is that there is a whole
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industry in russia that makes brilliant layouts, this is put on stream, now the guys at the front are just strange that he wrote this, now the guys at the front are bringing some ideas there to perfection, that is, for example, they are working with mock-ups of guns, with squibs with a heat signature, well , that is, so that the squall is hot, yes- yes , so that it can be read directly, and it is brought to a very high connection, maybe you will.
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knows us better, because the study of russia, the soviet union of modern russia has such a serious birth trauma, it consists in the fact that the americans, creating their science, regional studies, in general, the study of russia was mainly trusted by people from russia, there are exceptions there, well, josh kenno, for example, but in general it turned out that there was a wave of refugees from the jewish pogroms, and the first world war, the second world war now. after the collapse of the soviet union
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, people who hated russia came to american universities and began teaching or researching in research centers, they believed that their goal was to destroy, correct, correct, there was no need, they called it all differently, in as a result, they received completely one-sided views, assessments, studies, well, i talked quite a lot with my colleagues in america and i can say that they understand this problem. but when, after the ninety -first year, interest in studying russia disappeared, they simply stopped funding, after the collapse of the soviet union, mostly losers remained in science, those who could not find science rachen stalis, mcfaul, for example, the mcfauls remained, such a collective mcfaul, yes here are the remaining ones who are more successful, smarter and smarter went into the study of arab states , china, japan, international finance and
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so on, now those who were undereducated in the nineties, they should have come now and even came, as we see from makfel, yes, to government offices, but and so to speak, the result is about the same, weak, now it is obvious that there is a new wave there after the twenty-second year, ending up in american universities, or trying to end up there, in europe the same thing is happening, so i see at the university of bologna, where there are many.. .worked for years, now they come people who have exactly the same paradigm , to fight russia, and not to study it , this, by the way, is the difference from china, say, because the americans were very interested in china, they themselves went to china, studied the language, culture, and even in all these turbulent years between the first and second world war in china there were a huge number of researchers who lived, wrote, who preserved or strengthened even this program of american studies, please channy studies in america, and...
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second question, on saturday we will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the turn or reversal plane of yevgeny maksimovich primakov over newfoundland, when he, so to speak , interrupted his flight to the united states, and this is of course a significant event, but i would like to remember another turn of the plane, which also happened around this era, a little later, the plane turned around over belarus , this is the story with strobe talbot, who in june of ninety-nine was negotiating here in moscow, then this story happened, well, after all, a little background in and yes, and this is all connected with... in the nineties in the united states, such an attitude towards the understandably negative and disdainful attitude towards the russian federation has become established, and it was embodied in a formula
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that madeleine aubreau loved very much, which was repeated by primakov and others agreed to disagrees. agreed to disagree on any issues, on the bombing of iraq, on yugoslavia, on the expansion of nato to the east, but this agree-disagree can be translated differently, we don’t care about your opinion, gentlemen russians, we will stick to our line, that’s exactly it and it happened in that including at the initial stage of the conflict in yugoslavia, because yes, yevgeny maksimovich turned his plane around and returned back to russia, but... then, as it turned out, for russia’s military operation against serbia, the americans thought that they would not just give money in exchange for help, yes, or for consent , but they were not going to give him money, he
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had to find out that most likely there would be no loan, then the story develops, the bombing begins, then they, the americans, get tired of them, understand that they need to somehow... then... jump out of this case, and russia helps them again, and president yeltsin and viktor stepanovich chernomirlin held negotiations, provided the americans with a well-convenient end to the conflict for them, and part of the deal that was supposed to take place then was the story that russia was supposed to get its sector in the north kosova, then finding out stroup telbat, by the way, the man whom bill clinton called. my russia's hand, my russian hand, but in translation he saw him as such a governor-general of russia, in any case , stroup telbod himself is not particularly against this objected, so he flew to russia to negotiate with ivashov regarding the fact that russia would not receive its sector in the north of kosovo, and actually with this he flew away, when
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stroubatelbat’s plane flew over belarus, information was received that our 200... paratroopers from bosnia and herzegovina entered kosovo, occupied the airport in slatina, here began the history of the glorious history of the revival of the military revival of russia, the hero of russia, colonel general, and of course strouptelt turns the plane around for the minister of defense lands in moscow, demands meetings with yeltsin, well, yeltsin was not organized for him, meets with igor ivanov, igor ivanov calls madeline albray says: security council. strobe telbat, he is such a not very temperate person, he really loves giving interviews. immediately, by the way, after this story, well, soon, yes, in
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2001, under the republican administration, he left the government service and for 15 years led one of the oldest and one of the largest think-tanks of the american brooking institution. and here he is many times.
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here are two points that need to be especially emphasized: these were elections that emphasized and confirmed the conviction of the russian people that we are a sovereign democratic power, power comes from the people and no one, starting with the moments that i mentioned today, although of course there were other moments, symbols, yes, but russia gained sovereignty, no one from that moment on will be able to ignore us, before...
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the most striking proof of why we need to abandon the ballon system, i spoke with the coperang who commands this amazing strategist, the smartest guy, brilliantly educated, who tells me: i need to retrain and retrain all the officers who are young, they are very good guys, but the level of education has dropped so much that it’s just necessary. read an additional course , the strategic nuclear fleet is an elite of elites, well
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, that’s understandable, that is, the people who serve there, it’s simple, it’s a white bone, the pride of the country, and you understand that if we want to have everything ok, education, something needs to be fixed at the conservatory, advertising. a niche for which you are not ashamed. white studio.
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today on rtr. you know, i don't like noisy companies and parties. and i want to warn you right away, i will not allow this. you are seeing me for the first time in my life, and reproaching me for something i have never done. ay, every woman needs female happiness. take this as a fact, i am a loner, i am happy with everything in my life, i am essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son. an excellent topic for a dissertation. the father is a single father. do you need a nanny? yes, it is needed, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every one. a woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions , if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that
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no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, i thought we cleared everything up, i still don’t tell you everything about myself told , single, on sunday on rtr, please , introduction and roll call, no formation possible, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories he tells, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, choice is leaving mark anatolyevich zakharov, and it was for me, probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is yet to come? and i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true
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, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i arrived 5 minutes ago, i haven’t found the killer yet, ha ha ha, in 2 weeks we would no longer recognize her, the premiere was on rtr. what is your working version? we will need to visit one person from the past. something is wrong, what is the plan, act quickly, stand, stand! vasnetsova tomorrow on rtr , dmitry, your friend, rabinet, my, my friend rabinet, of course, joseph robinet, biden jr., every time he knows that you
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will be on air, he prepares some amazing speech for you that will be covered everything he said before is ready. who are you, the aunt on the left of me, are you the aunt, well , this is very difficult to say, i can’t , i can’t tell you this later because they are separated, yes they are really separated, by the way by the way, this is a curious thing , it’s quite a lot of wine , it’s just how divine it is, not he divided said i’m trying to understand right now
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, can we give it again ? what he had to read. what are you talking about, grandfather, well, well, this, of course , it’s getting hard, well, it’s interesting, yes , what a thing, biden is a big liberal, really, well, like the main liberal in the world, it’s an amazing time we live in, when there's a bunch words, a lot, which at one time had their own meaning, they are devalued in general and become somehow, well, i don’t know
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how to define, well, in particular, for example , liberalism, there was such a word before...
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perhaps, like yes, yes , well, in fact, this is really, in my opinion, a purely historically inevitable, objective process, that’s how i don’t know, so to speak, there were elections in ninety-one, who ryshkov opposed yeltsen there, no, who in ninety first ryshkov, dzherinovsky, derinovsky ninety-third, no, so in ninety-first nikolai ryshkov, imagine,
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imagine the situation that i definitely did not take part, that... we should have disappeared in ninety-nine, no, because we went out, it was putin who stopped this fall, of course, the west was sure that everything, of course, this is just about the role of the individual, you
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yourself and the role of the individual and the role of the people, there is a very good joke about how putin, how putin, how mom is lucky with putin, but putin is also lucky with us, but , but the essence, but the essence is this, in fact, everyone is really being judged, this, by the way, is very the american phrase that this is even american... this is an objective historical process, you can so to speak manage this process, too , the marxist was still hidden, it was revealed, you know, if you call marxism any logic, then yes, then i’m a marxist, sorry. of course, young hygielism, but how they wanted it, spontaneous marxism, yes, well, well, that’s what, well, that’s what else is important, and now let’s look at our, so to speak, non-
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partners, there are also very serious processes going on there, they all are exclusively objective in nature, here trump, biden, there it doesn’t matter who bernie sanders is, but he can get anyone now, put the most talented person, put him next to him as a guard, so to speak, this is quite an interesting thing, they were just talking about our elections, this is in almost all the media they had it, but i had one hour on the new york times website, so here’s the tablet,
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if i didn’t have to fill it up, hold it like this, like that, there were two articles next to each other, one of them, which means, accordingly, it was talking about that putin is winning the absence of an alternative, and another article , the only alternative to biden is the death of america, that is, do you understand? this is the world they live in, which means they have already entered such a phase of this objective process, beyond which there is nothing, as if everything, these are passed rubicons, it is possible that, so to speak, some opportunities will be turned away from them from this they were, but now they will have to fight it out, moreover, while blinken in korea is talking about, this is generally surprising, blinkin is talking about democracy about attractiveness of the united states, but kakuru doesn’t come up with any more, in fact, it’s already in full swing, i understand that the quote. from trump , where he spoke about a bloodbath, it was taken out of context, but in reality there will be a bloodbath, because, for example, everyone thinks that trump should imprison everyone who
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came closer to him than a kilometer there, but frankly you look, open any channel except fox news and uxmax, and you see that, in essence, they demand political repression, on the one hand, on the other hand, now it turns out that it turns out that there is a democratic commission that worked on the investigation of the events of january 6, they...
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talk about what responsibility lies on these very social networks to block harmful disinformation and simply harmful information, yeah, the third summit on democracy is dedicated to censorship , democratic is normal. what
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surprises you? and at the same time, this does not surprise me at all, i say that these two processes are going on simultaneously, which means that there will be a decision of the supreme court, i suspect what, but absolutely precisely, those people who are convening the world summit of democracy are not going to implement it, and that means this is an objective process, this democracy, which is american, it brought it a second time, it happened once already, the second time, since the constitution is strongly they didn’t change after that, with the exception of repressive amendments that they couldn’t take part there and
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islam right in the election process, which took place all week, it actually shows that the west is not just unhappy with the results of our elections, that it made titanic efforts to break down any possibility of our society and the people of our country making independent decisions, so this is the key,
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they will live in 10 years, here is our close friend, when he hears about the image of the future, he is always there tries to grab the gun, dmitry kulyukov and does it absolutely correctly, a person in general is a person and an image of the future, this is on opposite sides of the barricades, a person always lives with the canvas of the present constantly unfolding in front of him, well, that is, that’s why when we we are talking about a certain image of the future, at best
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this is. projection of the past into the very near present, that is, this is exactly this layer, but look, we don’t have philosophical schools, we have it de facto. absence, that is , everything that previously seemed to us has been reduced to some fragmentary articles, from which there is no one to further comprehend these large texts, which are anything other than squalor in the grand scheme of things, and the point is not even whether it is squalid or not, but if you write the talmud, then you understand well that god grant that they read the introductions, everything the rest is unclear to whom, there are no scientific schools, there are individual names, but no schools, no political movements.
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there has never been such a density of speeches, one after another, in which vladimir vladimirovich says, well, generally
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conceptual things, but i can say, in 2010, i had the feeling that the west sincerely believed that putin, like this, theirs, but he’s just very greedy, and he’s going to extract a pretty penny from them. in fact, this is their big problem, well, if they consider themselves divine, what do you want, but separated, but defined, according to regarding the image of the future , its illusory nature, we recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the constitution, i had to
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quote our president from vladimir solovyov, i mean vladimir sergeevich solovyov, well, i read your material, which, as vladimir solovyov said, is not modern, i will quote it's just that the idea of ​​a nation is not what it is.
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in terms of their power over russia, why are they nostalgic about democracy, they are nostalgic about russia, they really don’t understand that they are denying russia civilization identity, they don’t deny china , by the way, they understand something else, and they consider russia to be some kind of wrong offshoot of themselves, which someone spoiled, either how the mongols fought with the tatars, or the tatars with the mongols, or someone else, then the communists, they are...
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here we often call our president alexander grigorievich father, that ’s who cares what position stalin held in his time, everyone knows that there was stalin, everyone knows that this is the era of putin, and this is fundamentally important, every nation develops its own type of leadership, each nation develops its own type of legitimacy, and what we are talking about is absolutely agree, an objective process, take the latest washington post article, what is it about. says that if 10 years ago, in their
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view, 48% of the world's population lived in democracy, now - more precisely , 48% lived in authoritarianism, now they consider 71% of the world's population to be authoritarian regimes, and that in their view, authoritarian, those that they do not control, they have been for a long time they said that india is the most democratic country in the world, now... what happened there, some kind of coup, redistribution of powers, nothing strengthening its already exorbitant power, and nothing like that, it’s just that india is pursuing a sovereign policy, but a de-sovereign one, it ceases to be democratic, the devaluation of the principle of democracy is not only the devaluation of institutions, the devaluation of its representation, because well, people everywhere have become...
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we understood this from our own experience, i absolutely agree, we have enormous empirical experience attempts to live according to western rules, when you understand that the rules simply do not work, you abandon them, you begin to develop your own rules, but here it is not so far left before the formation of ideas, ideologies, if you will, state ideologies, popular ideologies, i i am sure that the mandate to vladimir putin is not only a mandate for the program that he voiced at least...
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as for the russian massacre in buchi, it is obvious that, since until this is finally established as a clear fact, it is inappropriate for me to give my estimates, stated the minister at a press conference with foreign media, responding to a request to him, as a military man , to comment on the possibility of leaving the bodies of civilians allegedly killed by the military during the organized withdrawal of military units. interesting, very interesting, now they will say that the translator was not the right one, well, this is how the truth gradually comes out, and maybe it will go the other way around, suddenly the west will suddenly tell zelensky, so it turns out you lied all over, no, well, if you lied all over, then it’s already you yourself, absolutely right, and this
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the option is always, in particular, the betrayal of those fools who decided that they could trust the west in their lives. that's all, see you tomorrow. what those whom we read and watch today read and watched, how these books and films helped them find themselves and how they can help us change. today in the white studio there is a man possessing. sense of humor and irony, theater and film actor, any, even short, appearance that is impossible to forget, be it comic verses or supporting roles, such as the inimitable pavlik from the irony of fate, his work on television, skits, parodies, a duet with mikhail derzhavin, made the entire soviet union laugh. a talented
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teacher, mentor, artistic director of the moscow academic theater of satire, people's artist alexander anatolyevich shirvin. we start in the white studio with those fairy tales, books, cartoons that made some kind of impression on you as a child, first, and you mentioned the pockmarked hen, a fairy tale, you said that as a child you were surprised why they cried, cried, until now i still can't understand what's going on there, this is a mysterious story, a mysterious story: he beat something, he didn’t break it, and then someone ran with his tail, a mouse, a mouse, yes, and it broke, the grandfather was crying, bah... before that they beat this unfortunate egg, why cry then , i have only one version that they just beat and beat to devour them from above, yes, and who is it, a mouse, yes, it dropped on the floor, i don’t want to eat it all up, i don’t want to, so they roar, that is,
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this old man, woman, who didn’t understand what to do with an egg that is different from a simple testicle, yeah, in theory it’s different as if for the better. crown, creations, two people couldn’t break one egg, you know, but you are, of course , an amazing, resourceful person, you can very accurately turn the conversation around in an interesting way on any topic, but what kind of property is this, i don’t know, you can it can be difficult to analyze yourself, but nevertheless, this is where such a sense of humor is born
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, based not on the specifics of some kind of joke, on reactions, in general, all this. 100 years, and here somehow really, even someone, in my opinion, andryusha bitov once 100 years ago he told me, when i found myself here, as you say, he says, but you ’re not tired of being resourceful all the time, i don’t get tired. and indeed this is a disgrace, it’s better to remain silent wisely, yes, than to blather, well, depending on how you blather, of course, yes, of course, sometimes you also don’t get it, yeah, well... but you get it, you understand, here it is again you definitely absolutely said that it is better to remain wisely silent than to blather, because there is also some element of quick reaction,
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there is also some element of fearlessness in general, because in order to react quickly, you need to immediately give what comes to mind, you can’t think three times, analyze, you can’t say, you’re wrong, no, this is not fearlessness, this is cowardice, yes, of course, fearlessness means remaining silent, thinking about speaking. this is to blather right away, well, it’s just paradoxical that you are doing this now, and then he thinks, why am i saying this, why, why didn’t i remain silent, the next morning i didn’t say something completely different, but in general, here you are , if we talk about fear and fearlessness, i read yours book, i find it absolutely wonderful a book, the passageways of a biography, two heroes seem to collide there, on the one hand you are the current one, on the other hand you are young.
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there is a wonderful phrase, i don’t remember where , there comes an age when the fear of old age is stronger than the fear of death, a great thing, yes, yeah, so, this correspondence, twenty-year-olds, yes, there was a fear of death, from old age even no one knew what it was, it was, yes, now, you know, a great phrase, but what is there? so you defined it very precisely and somehow in such a way that old age is an atrophy of desires, first of all,
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yes, not only trophies of desires, but trophies of atrophies of the possibility of fulfilling desires, or rather, viti and vatii are more disgusting, but so, but you are just writing about how they arise less, you think, maybe it’s not worth it, well, that is, but there are two points, it seems to me, on the one hand... you want to go eat, yes, you really want some premieres, exclusives, you know, when you’ve already gotten drunk on all this, you’ve gone there a thousand times, it becomes boring, it’s already a habit, it’s already a motor, these routes, when you’re eighty, these routes are all well-trodden, and i’m wildly jealous of people, even mine, mine, which...
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it is very rare when during a person’s lifetime, his contemporary, a young man, immediately assesses his level, the sixties were like that, here is your generation in the sixties, these were people completely divorced from the universe, the universe was... broken like this egg by this mouse, you know, when people still exist there in some intellectual circles, like me, for example, with my parents and yes, when such a person as himengui, you know, for us it was perfect like in three of those, when we read three comrades, yes, uh-huh, they drank calvados all the time, yes, yes, and we sat, it means, with this crap here, uh, student,
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yes, and we thought they were drinking kaiva? abundance, and then it turned out that it was a lousy apple vodka, because there was an aura of something, and hemingoy was a complex of something completely, a man, a hunter, a handsome man, and some other literature that was still a little translated , this novel, it’s even interesting to me, because it’s a novel about the last days of an elderly person’s life. colonel, who is going to venice to meet his beloved, he is sick, he has a bad heart, he dies in the end, and but for the last time, he wants to see her for the last time, and she is a young girl, incredibly charming, because khamengui could to write such cool women, such a half-boy with some kind of courage in his soul, for a young man what was there, absolute -
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you know, the standard of romance, such a standard. the sulphurs are just my dream, invincible, unsinkable, always winning, then they rob only the bad ones, but you called it , that’s exactly why i remembered, because you called it naive charm, in this naivety, there is also something in it, just like khamenguy’s heroes, who, of course, here we are now with a modern reader
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of houellebecq, in whom the relationship between a man and a woman is described in all absolutely... physiological details with talent, and of course, maybe it’s something like how they hold each other’s hands, what is this all about , yes, a person, an organism and that only the relationship between the sexes, at least, yes, yes, this is the general point, if it’s not at least classified to such an extent, yes, then this is a textbook, yes, we have now come to a textbook with...
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this one and he talked about scarlets and sails, greenovsky about the film, in my opinion , vasya lnovoy played this captain there, so i remember, he’s in a white shirt, vaska, young, handsome, that’s it, shoots blood on his white silk shirt, like you do, with me we charge an enema like this, we charge an enema , the artist has it in his pocket and when the director presses it, it breaks and ala and prusa and so everything, you know, if you keep pressing the enema, there will be nothing left, so it ’s very telling, these are these filibuster novels, but in comparison with what is happening
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now in a relationship with a woman. an element of mystery remains. hemmingay has in this novel, in general, he has a lot of things that we know, like such quotes from femenguey, they are just from there, in particular about what he said that they lose a woman, just as they lose their battalion because of unbearable conditions, due to an incorrect decision, and most importantly because of his own bestiality, this is a fairly well-known phrase of hemingway, it is just said by this colonel, in this novel, in general, hemingway, like many real men, is so... strong, cool, yes, he has such a very romantic attitude towards woman, well, i think that this is all because he was not a super-sex hero, this, as you know, at the theater institute, where i have been teaching for a thousand years, yes, there is such an idiotic thing, but maybe from the point of view of education
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correct, it’s called here it comes, your spill outwardly capable is finally with us yes, juliet will learn a little and... by himself, yes, that is, he is from himself, he is his own instrument, machine, and so on
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, yes, that is, for this, an actor must know himself, probably like no one else, that is to understand what it is, and what kind of material it is, that is, what kind of material i ’m dealing with, but to understand oneself, it seems to me, is actually very difficult, and that’s what it ’s all about. yes, well, you know, practically, what is 4 years of study if they talk about our very affairs, how they come now girls and boys, what is 4 years of education? it is not you who must understand, but i must, if i am a teacher and more or less understand this, i must understand what you, i must, to put it in such perfect language, here you are, i'm looking at you. then i am your master, the tunes, passages , roles begin, no, not hers, then some technical aspects begin, i’m here you say, how to understand yourself, i know that i’m not allowed to laugh,
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stage, i mean , yes, yeah, i'm allowed to smile, i'm not allowed to express my feelings stage with an open temperament, he is not charming , uh-huh, he must have a closed temperament, well, pace, this... after all, i can identify hundreds of complexes as a component in your letters, there are also such considerations, very for such a young man you, apparently you really are several times to this you return to the fact that it is very important to somehow find yourself, preserve yourself, hold on , this is the most difficult thing, yes, it’s very narrow -minded, obstinate, and on the one hand it’s very enviable, i’m very envious of people, for example , who are stubborn and closed-minded in their profession. profession, i i know a lot of wonderful actors, my friends, who simply can’t help but act , well, just, well, well, well, a pod, i don’t know,
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to voice an egg that grandfather didn’t break , you know, just to play, it’s such envy, or now i have a wonderful lady, elderly, there is rossvolsa. we have four titles in our theater, he plays in the small theater, he plays, which means that zhetinkin staged the queen of spades there, he plays at...


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