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tv   Belaya studiya  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2024 2:00am-2:41am MSK

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everyone has their own path, but the goals are common. vladimir putin held a meeting with candidates for the presidency. concern in the foreign third, american cnn, german focus and others brought the topic of the russian elections to the front page. fires and emergency situations, there are casualties in primorye, firefighters and rescuers are working in an intensive mode. you are watching the news on the russia tv channel.
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in the country's parliament, joint work to promote those ideas, the implementation of which will allow us to get closer to solving the problems facing the country, you met with a large number of people, heard people, they told you about what they expect from...
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and friendship with china, iran and the countries of the global south will complicate the life of the united states for its allies. the german focus clarifies that the unconditional victory did not come as a surprise either to western observers or to the russians themselves, thanks to whom putin feels support for his policies. in turn , turkish media note that compared to the last vote, support for the current head of state has increased by more than 10%. and bloomberg quotes ours. the president, who, after record results, emphasized that no one in history has succeeded in suppressing russia and will never succeed. rescuers found the bodies of two more people killed during shelling in the ssu, the villages of nikolaevskoye and belgorodskaya in the belgorod region. thus, the number of victims increased to four, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. earlier it was reported that in this locality... as a result of a direct
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hit by a shell on a private residential building , two were killed and four more were injured. in belgrade and its suburbs over the past 24 hours a missile attack was repeatedly announced. district and shkotovsky district. a state of emergency has been introduced there and rescue teams have been deployed. report by victoria samuseva. the weather forecast, storm and hurricane winds with gusts of up to 30 m/sec released the fiery serpent to freedom. since sunday , the khasansky natural park has been burning in primorye.
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the main migration routes of red book birds pass here. a herd of deer fell into a fire trap. the real tragedy took place on the territory of a private farm. it is located next to the land of the leopard national park. heavy the situation arose in the shkotovsky district, where six residential buildings and outbuildings burned down. the head of the region went to the territory and at an operational meeting announced the support measures that residents who have lost their housing will receive. we will pay 100,000 rubles from the regional budget. for each person who was registered there, this is for the purchase of basic necessities, clothing. that is, we will then issue a cash certificate, which means for the purchase of new housing, and such burning hectares of dead wood are the fruits of human hands, in nadezhdinsky in the area in the villages of mirny and novy , arsonists of dry grass were detained, so why are you setting fire? yes, that’s what i was waiting for by the way
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, i was waiting for nothing, but why, what goal, what goal are you pursuing, are you in a state of drunkenness, no now, a special fire regime... has already been introduced in 22 municipalities of primorye, this is a ban on visiting forests, for non-compliance with fire safety measures , citizens face large fines of up to 60,000 rubles. for legal sheets up to 2 million. victoria samuseva maria izhevskaya, vesti primorye. this is the news, we we are monitoring developments. amur entrepreneurs were offered to participate in gas and chemical production. the industrial park will be located in the village of svobodnoye; the plant has the necessary raw materials, which will significantly expand the range of plastic products. maria gumlevaya, more about the economic benefits for the region. on my right side is a gas processing plant, on my left
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is a gas chemical complex, and in the middle they plan to locate an industrial park. polymer polymer will be processed at this site products that are going to be produced at the gas chemical complex. ethylene polypropylene, on the territory of the future industrial park, potential investors will be able to locate factories and workshops for the production of various goods from plastic, guests at the newly built enterprise are told. polyethylene is precisely the derivative from which a huge number of products can be produced in the medical industry, in the household sector, the same basins, well, figuratively speaking, and various mechanical engineering. future potential evaluates the gas chemical complex. entrepreneurs operating in different fields. in addition to production, within the radius of the mcc, it is appropriate to open a small business, says roman shobanov. he develops industrial tourism in the amur region and conducts excursions to the gas station, the cosmodrome, as well as the amur gas chemical cluster enterprises. the flow of tourists during the season is huge, there are a huge
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number of buses, everyone wants tourists to eat, drink, everyone wants to stay somewhere, that is, the hotel business, the kite business, they will always be in demand here. the avangard military-patriotic center, which was built in makhovaya pad on the site of a former tank school, created about 20 sites in a vast area for the comprehensive development of amur schoolchildren. the vanguard is also developing options for attracting entrepreneurs. both territories are advantageous not only because of their geographical location, but also because of the available infrastructure, as noted by the ministry of regional development. to promote business, an investment map of russia has been created, where entrepreneurs can select available land plots and obtain information about technical markets and infrastructure from road surfaces to cellular communications. maria gumlevaya, leonid kasavan, conduct the amur region. all news is always available on
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the media platform, look in the application or on the website the news is following developments . let's start. so let's go with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, it’s very nice that you joined, you won’t regret it. elena nikolaeva, andrey petrov, together with you today. hello, andrey didn’t specifically says the date, because the eleventh day of winter, february, in most regions, but we will say, wisely, winter is angry for a reason, and
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it won’t calm down, at least in some and regions of russia, but not only here, a real ice disaster in the mountainous regions of the chinese province of shanxi, a powerful storm literally froze everything around, road signs, trees, cars, and where they were, and they all turned into bizarre ice statues, many social network users even decided that they were shown the first frames of a new disaster film, but no, this is just... the harsh march reality, the march, oh-oh-oh, well , the city reality can be extremely harsh, regardless of the weather, thousands of russians regularly face household vandalism, and at the same time it is possible to calculate, and therefore attract to the responsibility of a particular pest is not an easy task, we have had the mirror in this condition for a long time, it is impossible to remove the elevator hatch here, but what upsets ekaterina, of course, is not the fact that it is impossible to take a beautiful photo in the elevator, but the fact that a case of such vandalism in their house happens... regularly, they break a door or trash can, or leave some kind of inscription, and recently
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the fire alarm in the ceiling was seriously damaged. the alarm itself was torn out, the box was completely broken, in my opinion, even the lantern was damaged, the ceiling was damaged, all this was very unpleasant to see. perhaps an even more unpleasant picture was seen by the residents of this high-rise building in yekaterinburg on a recent morning. inscriptions and nazi symbols appeared on the façade of their house. at night some teenagers were making noise, uh-huh, well... i didn't i look out, but i don’t look, it was these teenagers who turned out to be vandals, their hooligan behavior was recorded by a video surveillance camera, now they are looking for the pests, almost all the inscriptions have been painted over, but there are thousands of similar cases of urban vandalism. russians regularly complain that windows in their houses are broken, elevators are broken, and entrances and facades are painted over. most often, experts say, this is done by teenagers from disadvantaged families or young people intoxicated, but often a vandal can hide under the guise of a benevolent old neighbor or a friendly woman from the next door. all pests are different, but they all commit serious offenses, if you can
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prove that it was this person who committed illegal acts, and record it there, call a representative of the internal affairs body, then you can insist on an administrative fine, and go to court with the goal is to compensate for the damage caused, but first the pest needs to be found, this is where: the biggest difficulty is, because such hooligans are rarely caught red-handed, so and residents, as a rule, have to correct the case of the rukvandal on their own and with their own means, adds teszh gulnara, chairman. she knows this firsthand, in their block, the facades of the houses are unknown and she paints them almost every day. this regular painting as a result of damage to facades takes up quite large sums of money from general funds, because façade paint is not cheap. to save on such things in the future, experts suggest. residents will first spend a little money, install cameras in every house, both near the elevators and on all floors, with
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a viewing angle that allows you to see what is happening on the common property in the entrance, but does not violate privacy, this significantly increases the chance of identifying the vandal, and therefore of bringing him to justice responsibility, as a preventative measure, as practice shows, having a conservator in the house works well. or security, well, in order to protect their health, many need to take medications regularly, here there are people with kidney diseases, for example, those who are on dialysis therapy complain that a drug that they vitally need has disappeared from pharmacies, we are talking about a russian drug, and such a shortage is in 588 regions, also in at least 72 regions patients, kidney patients cannot find hormonal drugs, in addition, due to the departure of many foreign pharmaceutical companies from the russian market, there is a shortage of some antibiotics, oncology drugs, and also for arthritis, diseases of the endocrine system, well, in general... difficulties with purchasing, our journalist colleagues say, about 80 drugs, well, let’s ask how it really is, our guest
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is the head of roszdravnadzor samoilov vladimirovna, good morning, well, indeed , from time to time there are reports in the media about the absence of certain drugs in pharmacies, very alarming reports, people immediately run to look for it, here is maksiklav, behind him is the real there was a hunt, kolemey, cyclosparin, why is this happening, well, yes, in fact, here you are listing drugs that... a system for marking the movement of drugs and we control the availability of drugs for almost every drug, in in any pharmacy, in any region of the country, for any reason, if any drug is missing, the ministry of health, roszdravnadzor reacts sharply, and if necessary, possible
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reasons are immediately clarified, or solving logistics issues, or solving issues regarding the production of medicines, then ... the ministry of industry and trade is involved and practically today these interruptions are still, probably, we need to say targeted, because now and for a long time they have been fighting for this, doctors can only prescribe the active substance in medicine, maybe we should return to the old scheme and have doctors prescribe the drugs. in our general opinion, prescribing medicines under the international nonproprietary name is the best option, because. then the doctor also cannot always know what drug is available in a particular pharmacy, and for each patient, the drug can also have an individual effect, and how will a person understand what he may have from some accompanying ingredients, some that additional ailments, the doctor
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probably knows better, he talked, saw what the person was still taking, the quality of the medications was proven. therefore, those side effects, those unwanted reactions, they are all spelled out in the instructions. if a doctor , assessing the use of this medicinal product or taking a medicinal product, assesses that some undesirable events go beyond the acceptable limits, here the doctor should already report the undesirable events to the health care system, to the pharmacovigilance system, and you somehow accumulate all this data for that, of course. compose a medicine, absolutely right, and just build a system of which undesirable events, which drug accumulates more, then the drug can be taken under additional control, serial control, or even changes may be made to the instructions for use, look, then there is something we can tell our viewers, don’t
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get discouraged, don’t give up, you couldn’t find a pharmacy in one or another, first of all you should probably contact us, yes, of course, they can call the roszdravnadzor hotline. they can contact the territorial body of roszdravnadzor and will definitely help, our colleagues will definitely help find the drug that is needed. thank you very much, our guest was the head of rozdravnadzor, alla samoilova, all the best to you, thank you very much, only a wizard can see all the sides of the cube at the same time, see all the sides of amazing abilities at the same time, that’s just our magical experts, amazing people, the seventh season, let’s continue be surprised at friday at 21:30 on the russia channel,
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let's start, let's go with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. one of the main objectives of the national project is healthcare and the fight against cardiovascular diseases. for modern diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, specialized centers and primary departments in hospitals are being created. free drug coverage is being expanded. all these measures have reduced the incidence of circulatory diseases. left the entrance and stopped feeling his left hand, this is how a rare disease manifested itself, oh which vasily did not even suspect all his life, the congenital threshold of the aortic valve. an acquaintance who was near me, he noticed that my speech was not connected, he himself understood that something was happening to me, incomprehensible, for the first time, that i
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could not cope with it, thanks to the acquaintance, he immediately i called an ambulance, and then the professionalism of the doctors helped... but it happens that after immediate help , a high-tech operation may be required, such is done in regional cardiovascular centers. we see how doctors at the surgut cardiocenter use the method of “radiofrequency ablation” on the patient’s heart. through a miniature puncture , surgeons insert an electrode that stimulates the focus of arrhythmia on the myocardium and relieves the patient of a dangerous pathology. we focus on
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minimally invasive technologies, this is primarily operations for cardiac arrhythmias , during x-ray surgery, this is , firstly, a quick result, safety and short hospital the same low-traumatic way, surgeons can install an artificial valve for the patient aorta or pacemaker. by the way, such spare parts for the body, as well as diagnostic and treatment equipment that are supplied to hospitals, are increasingly made in russia. new domestic drugs are also being successfully tested. these are drugs aimed at cardiac arrhythmias, preventing cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac rhythm. these are drugs aimed at helping the heart. in the event that heart failure develops, thanks to the national healthcare project, clinically the indicated drugs are now received free of charge by patients who have suffered heart attacks,
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strokes or heart surgery, almost 2 million people in total; there are 62 regional vascular centers and primary vascular departments in the country, more than 2,500 units of the latest medical equipment have been supplied to them, and primary care medicine has also been updated , the basis for the prevention of vascular diseases. without primary care. the disease can only be identified if serious complications develop, and primary care allows this to be identified through medical examination, which is called timely. however, doctors note that the best prevention is a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, limiting alcohol and not forgetting about a balanced diet; excess weight comes first among the risk factors. i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i
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will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up mash, even if you it will be very, very difficult. oh, it's hard to keep a secret, no one can do that take care of masha like you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it is not yours. well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday. on rtr: we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go,
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forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths and help find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday. on rtr,
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i found you a job, six lessons a week , three of two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there are nuances, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you’re more like... a girl in love than a teacher , she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, the first thing i do here is that three people love me, actually, i’m married, i don’t care about him, get out of here, and you now you'll leave immediately, either me or what, i didn't kill anyone, you know do you believe yourself, did you teach? on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because in them.
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beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready , explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, right a made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. now we will show you
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the footage, look carefully, perhaps this idea will give new life to typewriters that have migrated, as they say, to the dustbin of history . one englishman saw such an opportunity in this archaic mechanism and began to print pictures on a4 sheets. drawing is not fast, it requires effort, hitting the keys requires energy, but it ’s worth it, on absolutely clean paper, hammers tapping out letters and numbers, portraits , still lifes from an artist, a machinist in the collection.
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little engineers will definitely take it apart down to the smallest screw. this is the tradition, parents, of course, do not support it, but it is almost impossible to fight it. however, craftsmen from the internet seem to have found a way out of this problem. do-it-yourself mechanical toys are an ideal replacement for store-bought ones, because you can make them from improvised means, and if your child takes it apart, then it’s easy to assemble something from these spare parts new, from the same cardboard you can make just such a mechanical... athlete's hand on the horizontal bar. all these incredible works receive millions of views on the internet, because the toys move. here, for example, is a reel, soap and a toothpick, how can it even roll on its own? it turns out there is an unusual motor installed inside. let's start the rubber engine. assembling a toy can quietly turn into an unobtrusive physics lesson for
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a child. however, such crafts, it seems. even adults draw, the internet is full of mechanical toys that look more like for someone’s unrealized design ambitions, how about a tabletop escalator, here’s a tabletop swing made of cardboard wire, powered by batteries, the son and father will definitely be delighted, so that mom doesn’t be sad, we need to make something useful for her too. of course, i can’t promise a hairdryer, but a fan will definitely do. in general, mechanical toys are fun for the whole family, the success of the project depends on imagination, and also ingenuity, you can get so carried away that instead of entertainment, you create something quite useful for the household, well, i understand this, a useful mechanical toy , by the way, it will come in handy at the dacha, so, and you pedal harder there, otherwise, in my opinion , the advertising is over, right, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, just like that.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. vladimir putin held a meeting with candidates for the presidency. as part of the campaign, they actually drove the whole country, from end to end. of course, the issues vary by region, but many of the problems are common. nikolai khritonov,
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for example. spoke about what worries voters: salaries in the public sector, housing for young professionals. based on the results of the work carried out, the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation from the current meeting voiced a very specific one.
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the majority of russia and the next elections were confirmed. today, a new global majority is, in fact, already actively forming, and russia is the center of gravity of this new world politics, the system of international relations, stable, secure, balanced world architecture of the new century, all this is being formed around. ideas and approaches, so i want to say, this is truly a historic campaign, which is why the heads of state are being congratulated so warmly, they will probably
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continue to congratulate for a long time, russian troops attacked the meeting place of the commanders of the sbu and the armed forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense reports this, in addition, our unit occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction and... improved the position along the front line on avdeevsky. during the day, the enemy lost about 700 militants here. in the areas of tonenkoye, severny and berdachi, aviation carried out 50 strikes per day. according to ukrainian media, the kiev army has completely evacuated these villages. to the north-west of artyomovsk, paratroopers , supported by artillery, stormed fortified positions. and in these frames, the lancet loitering ammunition hits a ukrainian armed forces patrol boat near nikolaev. at the baltic fleet in the kaliningrad region , naval aviation pilots trained to destroy enemy drones from the air. the military coordinated several maneuvers at once, and 20 helicopters took to the skies on command. results of the teaching by konstantin
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morozov. search and rescue and attack helicopters of the baltic fleet went hunting for maritime drones. the task of one rotorcraft is to detect the target, the second is to destroy it. the k-29 can fly low on a small one. enemy drones, the pilots successfully cope with the destruction of such drones at a speed significantly higher than that of the naval ones, this was confirmed by the experience of a special military operations, the target was spotted in action, aviation automatic cannons and a four-barreled machine gun, we usually work on such tasks based on... vodka, that is, based on the primary information that is received. in addition to destroying naval drones, the asabaltic fleet worked on searching for a mock enemy submarine. after discovering the coordinates of the submarine, the crews trained to destroy the target
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using practice bombs. pilots of the k-27 helicopters of the naval aviation of the baltic fleet landed on the deck of the guard undaunted, both on the move and in the drift. all vehicles underwent full engineering control on the ground before the start of the flight. apage. regiment training is a flight-tactical exercise on a tactical background, which is held once a year. baltic fleet pilots continue to improve their skills both day and night. officers, even during exercises, try to identify the strongest in the squadron. konstantin morozov, nikolai pototsky, lead kaliningrad. don't switch. the largest swimming pool in siberia has opened. after reconstruction at the swimming facilities more than one generation of famous athletes trained on the tracks of the complex. now athletes have new opportunities, the doors are also open for visitors with disabilities from novosibirsk elizaveta
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malykh. the first minutes of work, lovers of swimming in the water from 7 am. i ’m on iphone, everything is so clean, beautiful, and light. finally, such a wonderful pool has appeared in our area, because this is also very important to me. the first guests of the updated ska pool, a different level altogether. cabins, yes, cabins, sauna there is, you can warm up after the pool, it’s very cool that athletes are given such an opportunity to train in precisely such places, we didn’t have this in our time, we always trained in simple conditions, an electronic scoreboard, a timing system, now you don’t need to calculate the result with a stopwatch, that’s all as accurately as possible. the peculiarity of the updated pool is such a mobile platform, it can divide the bowl into two parts, literally in 5 minutes, while...
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handrails, wide cabins in the locker rooms, special lifts were purchased. visitor he drives up in a wheelchair, transfers to this chair, and it turns out that the instructor, using this lift, takes him to the edge of the pool and lowers him into the pool. the building was erected practically from scratch according to the federal sports-norm-of-life project, the work was completed in record time in just a year, groups are now being recruited for training in children's and adult sections, and on march 30 major all-russian competitions will be held at ska.
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separately the canvas and the one and a half by 2.5 m frame. a small copy of christ and the sinner polenov left for the first time in almost 100 years wall museum in irkutsk. the man of light exhibition in samara was put together in just 2 weeks. the marble hall contains 76 paintings by vasily polenov from 12 museums across the country. from vladivostok to the center of russia. only four paintings decorated the walls of the shikhabalovs' mansion. all the others followed the path of the itinerants, but in the 20th century. this is a small chamber exhibition. and i want to say that she is. fits very well with the personality of vasily dmitrievich polinov,
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who did not rise to the podium, did not appeal to the broad masses, but simply, so to speak, honestly did his job landscape painter, artist, musician, by the way, the sheet music was transferred to samara from the museum of the artists' reserve in the tula region, where the polenov family nest is located to this day, the artist's earliest works came from there, the painting is sick, and this is only its version, stands apart in an outstanding colorist, after its creation he never again turned to such dark motifs. there is also a famous moscow courtyard here, however, in the painting that came to samara from the tryatyakov gallery, we see a deserted landscape, this is the original version, children, a woman with buckets and a horse will appear here only in a year. the work of vasily polenov, which he himself considered not the most serious, even apologized for it, was later recognized as a pearl of russian painting. christ towards the creation of his main canvas. polenov walked as a sinner in the gospel cycle for several decades, in search of the winter path
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of jesus, made two trips to the middle east, and made more than one hundred trips. when the work was ready, it caused a shock. god was depicted as a simple man. the painting was bought by emperor alexander ii. and he forbade taking it out of the capital. this is how smaller copies of the historical painting appeared. an exhibition dedicated to the 180th anniversary of vasily polenov will run at the art museum until mid-summer. veronika tivikova, sergey ovsyanikov, host samara. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. sorry, he sent this to your mother, your brother, already in thailand, in the donbass. about 10 years ago, i saw through the window how they beat him. i didn't intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him. it's not scary to leave. when are you expected home? in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray wife. there is still hope, call sign
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passenger, like mom, hello.


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