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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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in these footage of the successful hunt of our drane drivers , the moment of the defeat of the first of the four destroyed abrams in the avdeevsky direction was published for the first time. the tank is already damaged, the crew leaves the car, and then our drone arrives. the impact triggers the ejection panels, causing colorful detonation of the ammunition. abrams are already traditionally burning in berdychi in the ovdeevsky direction, and this is the outskirts of the neighboring village of stepovo. our soldiers are studying new trophies, a destroyed german leopard 2.6 tank and a pair of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. in this video, another one is destroyed bradley by fighters of the donetsk 114th brigade. the whole process is on camera. detection of armored vehicles, launch of the ptura, its flight to the target met with jubilation from the hit calculations.
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we were overwhelmed in the courtyard, if we got out, in 5 minutes there was a death, wow, the commander was dumb, his head was torn, 3,200, even the washington post writes about the monstrous losses of the armed forces of ukraine using the example of the village of makov, khmelnitsky region, the newspaper says that in a number of villages in ukraine there are practically no there were men left, the boys fled the country, died or were mobilized, military commissars.
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in 4-5 months the russians will have enough fpv to attack every soldier on the ukrainian front, and we can say that every ukrainian soldier with a 99% probability will die. these shots show the sniper work of our uav operators on the zaporozhye front, ftv drones exactly fly into enemy trenches, filmed at the same place. direction of the video from the unmanned rapid response unit, aka beaver. our uavs are giving bandera a nightmare, hitting their positions. our infantry is advancing under the cover of drones, aviation and artillery. the ministry of defense reported the release of the army russia villages peaceful zaporozhye region. in donbass, our fighters are also moving forward, continuing to advance deeper into pervomaisky. it is morally difficult, we cannot work against the enemy’s artillery, because we have a disadvantage. the white house believes that
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countless lives may be lost this year, and this, as the washington post writes, is another positive scenario, a negative collapse of the front; the situation is aggravated by the fact that ukraine is running out of anti-aircraft missiles for a number of air defense systems, the publication reports . military assistance to the kiev regime, otherwise the russians will continue will advance. the russians took avtievka in the donbass, they mainly concentrated their efforts in the east, in the donbass. ukrainians have approximately three lines of defense. the russians break through the first and try to get to the second. they take
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towns and villages, fields. and they are really advancing, slowly, but moving forward. because the ukrainians don't have the artillery shells and other tools they need to push back the russians and take back these lands, that's why it's so important to get this additional funding for ukraine, they're in it desperately need. putin's victory in the elections is another reason for europeans to seriously think about their future in a dangerous world, writes bloomberg. the agency's observer lionel laurent is intimidating eu countries not only with putin, but also with trump, who is apparently ready to return to the white house. “they say europe urgently needs to develop the military-industrial complex, produce more shells, uavs. instead, a number of european union countries, on the contrary, are reducing spending on military research, the author of the material is indignant, calling for an urgent correction of the situation in order to reduce dependence on
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washington ahead of trump's possible presidency. donald himself once again stated that he would be able to resolve the ukrainian conflict through negotiations, convincing both putin and zelensky." he would end the war immediately. his opponents clearly do not want this. democratic senator of the state of hawaii karl rhodes writes that trump is talking about complete presidential immunity. he wonders: if trump is killed under biden, is that normal? the former msnbc host goes even further. he commented on a post from biden's campaign account, harris about trump's words. what he looks like abraham lincoln; we remind you that he was shot at the ford theater in washington. in connection with which alburn wrote: there is always hope, madness. we are waiting for people to start calling for donald’s murder directly,
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without reservations about roundabout maneuvers, there are still 7.5 months before the elections, there is time. besides talking about killing trump, democrats are trying. like i'll come to your house and cut your throat. the adult film star recalls the wave of public shaming that arose after her deal with trump was revealed in 2018 non-disclosure agreement. the press stood on the threshold of our house and knocked on the door. my daughter opened it, thinking her
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friend was behind her, at that moment someone shoved a camera right in her face. what the fuck are you doing? the justice system has failed me and failed me in absolutely every way. told details about her meeting with trump. according to her, this happened at a hotel on lake taha in 2006. he did not respect any boundaries in communication. i came out of the shower and found myself just pinched, but i didn’t say no. trump denies he has had an intimate relationship with the second daniels. right now he is under investigation in new york, where he is accused of covering up the fact that he paid daniels in 2016. trump himself denies this. one of the reasons trump's lawyers asked the court to delay the investigation.
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russia has just squandered up to $211 billion to equip, deploy, maintain and sustain its imperial aggression against ukraine, the pentagon chief said. please, american senator lince graham came to kiev, well, it’s clear both his attitude and the place of his speech, so it’s clear that he talks about the russian elections, but how he evaluates them, he says: 87% is impressive, in fact, i would like
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to disagree with him, it’s not just impressive, it’s a political knockout, after that in the west , in some places, even the moscow art theater pause with just not... the cycle he showed a violation of the fundamental rules of american election procedures, which they are trying to impose on the whole world, it was donald trump who did not agree with the victory of his opponent, began to say that there were violations and so on and so forth, so he was in every possible way they are trying not to let them into the next election campaign, 34 criminal cases, there are 600 years and so on, it will work, it won’t work, whether the technology of lincoln’s assassination will be used , you and i don’t know either, but the fact is that... they want to let us in, let’s see to the presidential election campaign that took place in russia: all
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participants in the presidential election campaign agreed with the result, moreover, the president invited them to the stage, they demonstrated unity, which is very important in the situation in which our country finds itself today, then in theory, americans should be happy, these are the standards of real democracy, an election campaign has passed and the loser says: i agree that i lost, here is the winner, there is some kind of national unity, so why don’t they express their point of view here, but because they found themselves in this political knockout, they can’t help but recognize the results of the vote with such a large turnout, with such a large percentage for putin, but on the other hand , they can’t help but recognize it, because what will you do then? yesterday there was such a pause, but - as they say, who is stupider and less responsible, they came to the front row,
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well, estonia said something, yes, in the person of the prime minister, the germans played a very strange one, about estonia in tallinn, putin received 77% of the votes. well, apparently, kaya-kallas, among these voices for an obvious reason, at least the lack of russian citizenship, her voice is not there. the germans actually played some strange scene. understanding that we need to wait for a signal from washington and not go into hell ahead of the daddy, this is not only about belarus, but also about germany too, they are very behaved strangely, the journalist asks what you will call putin, which means the deputy chancellor, if you can call her that, says that this question is not relevant, she avoids answering, she says, but we don’t have any contacts, so it doesn’t matter , what we will call him, they ask the press secretary of the german foreign ministry. what you will call, we will call putin, and what you called before, putin, so, well, what
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then, so to speak, changed, no, we in russia don’t really care what they think there, we don’t care, what do they call our leader, but we, of course, as a self-respecting country, state, we want to be treated with respect, so we do not demonstrate such an approach at all, but you and i, when we discuss chancellor scholz, we are not against it. to name his position , it doesn’t bother us, well, we don’t call scholz a scholz and only sometimes call him a levernaya sausage, well, this is more like a joke, because he actually sometimes shows very serious weakness, that is, yesterday the west had big problem, mainly europeans, but the white house acted in a situation of such tratskyism, no peace, no war, we proceed from the fact that putin is the head of the russian state and so... we will continue to work, well, great, as they say, proceed from this, because once again, 87%
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is the consolidation of society, no protests , no participant in the election process who would say something, that something is wrong, there is nothing to cling to, there is absolutely nothing for them to cling to, therefore, in fact, that voting, that consolidation of society, which russia showed, it knocked out those... trump cards that the west had prepared for itself, and of course, it was preparing for non-recognition of the elections, but nothing comes of it. now a few words again about the same germans, but from the other side, from the military, we talked about the political, from the military, which means that the minister of defense of germany met with the minister of defense of poland, they met in poland, again, they discussed strange terms they use, but instead of saying supplies of something, they are coalitions of some kind all the time...
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will form, as follows from their joint statement, some kind of rapid reaction force, size 2,500 from each country, five in total, the question arises for...
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for this possible solution there cannot be no recognition by the russian president of the election results, otherwise, if you do not recognize with whom are we going to talk about what, you don’t recognize us, well, as they say, fuck you again, as in the famous soviet comedy, so this is roughly what it looks like, let
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’s listen, the war in ukraine would never have started, this. .. never happened if they would have talked to putin, i talked to him on a lot of issues, he was very attentive to ukraine, it was the apple of his eye, he would never have done this if i were president for several very serious reasons, we need to get putin and zelensky together, and i will say, you need to agree, i will tell each of them certain things that i will not voice to the whole world, but i think that i will succeed, i know putin very well and i know zelensky quite well, this is a chess game.
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is happening now, more and more americans they attribute, for example, record high mortgage rates, up to 14%, the mortgage rate in the usa, this has never happened in history, well , probably since the thirties, they connect it with arms supplies to ukraine, they connect it with weakness biden and therefore, of course, more and more ukraine appears in mr. trump’s rhetoric, and the worse the standard of living.
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although lloyd austin flew to europe and demonstrates completely different sentiments, at least at the level of rhetoric. here are his words. ladies and gentlemen, let's not lie to yourself. putin will not stop at ukraine. as president biden said, ukraine can stop putin if we stand with ukraine and give it the weapons it needs to defend itself. but, of course, no weapons. comrade lloyd austin didn't bring it with him. we'll be back. i arrived 5 minutes ago, i haven’t found the killer yet. ha ha ha. in 2 weeks we would no longer recognize her. premiere on rtr. what is your working version? we will need to visit one person from the past.
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something's wrong, what's the plan, act quickly, stand, stand. vasnetsova, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting. i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true,
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i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you ’re seeing me for the first time in my life, and you’re reproaching me for never doing anything. any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take this as a fact, i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for a dissertation, a single father, you need a nanny , yes it is necessary. yes, but not you, if you don't need anything, it doesn't mean you have everything, every woman dreams get married, imagine, there are exceptions
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, if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, loner, on sunday on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. registration by submitting online applications on the website don't miss your chance become a star, a new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights, i don’t understand why i
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’m here, really, you killed my father, you tried to take my inheritance, you deceived me, why did you... pretend to be someone else’s name, my friend asked me, and what is this crime? yes, she is my neighbor, it was alisa who set you up, yes, i will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, i understand, dig, neighbor, on friday on rtr. on the marinsky sector of the front, the russian army, after capturing the village , wedged itself into the defense of the armed forces of georgievka. the intensity of hostilities at this direction is increasing, the morale of ukrainian
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soldiers, on the contrary, is getting lower. an eloquent illustration: the mass surrender of the enemy . in the georgievka area , 18 armed forces officers immediately laid down their arms. the information was confirmed by the adviser to the head of the dpr, yangagen. the ukrainian commander made the decision to surrender in order to save the lives of his soldiers. it is characteristic that the armed forces of ukraine collectively refused the exchange. look, we received an order from our commanders to march to georgievka to reinforce those who remained there. while we were moving into the village itself, we was covered by russian artillery, as a result of which we. there were 4,200, 5,300, when we had already arrived in the village itself, it turned out that there
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seemed to be no one in particular to help, the survivors there could be counted with one finger, well, well , the decision was made to surrender, i got in touch with the russians and so we all surrendered, my entire ... platoon, we made a collective decision so that we would not be put on the list for exchange, because nothing good awaits us in ukraine, we will either be imprisoned or sent again, there is no need for us to fight for this power, minister of defense the united states went on its first foreign trip after hospitalization, flew to germany for the twentieth ramstein, to discuss assistance to zelensky. in a word, he stated that the free world will not allow kiev to be defeated, he warned that putin will not stop in ukraine, if russia wins there, then everyone will be, quote, less
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protected. therefore, the pentagon chief believes that the fight for ukraine remains one of the great causes of our time. but the us contribution to this matter is not impressive. osten spoke only about the 300 million allocated by washington dollars. there is nothing more to brag about. i am pleased to welcome everyone personally here in germany at ramstein air base. firstly, i want to thank defense minister pistorius for the warm welcome. and minister umerov and the entire ukrainian delegation for getting here. russia has spent up to $211 billion on equipping, deploying, maintaining, and maintaining combat operations against ukraine. just last week, the united states announced an additional $300 million in security assistance to ukraine. this is an emergency a measure aimed at meeting ukraine's most pressing
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air defense needs. artillery and anti-tank weapons, this is a significant contribution not only to european, but to our common security, we will all be less protected if putin gets his way, so the fight for ukraine remains one of the great causes of our time. the survival of ukraine is at stake, our entire security is at stake. ladies and gentlemen, let 's not kid ourselves. putin won't stop at ukraine, but as president biden said, ukraine can stop. it is obvious that in the conditions of a large-scale war that the west is waging against our country, voting in the presidential elections of the russian federation was essentially a vote for the supreme commander-in-chief of the russian federation , who is leading our country in this fight
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in fact... so that our country exists, for the self-survival of the country, and the west, of course, cannot in any way, of course, rejoice at this result, because even according to the election results, almost 95% voted for the political forces and candidates who firmly advocated for the preservation of the country, for the recognition of donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, and this is the unity of our country, we... the communists are satisfied with the result of nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov, and most importantly, we are satisfied with what is essentially in the message president, and this was a program document by presidential candidate putin, a number of ideas were voiced that we supported and put forward, this included accelerated industrial development, this is an issue related to the progressive scale taxation, adoption of a number of other very important decisions on the development of industry, by the way, the ongoing...
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work of the prosecutor general's office to return illegally privatized assets to the state are also very important necessary steps. we really believe that the country really needs to solve a number of serious problems. by the way, today gennady andreevich dyuganov spoke about one of the important tasks - the development of science and industry in the state duma: in general, we need to look at the return of many of our scientists who went abroad, now it turns out that the burden on them is colossal.
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his second term is ending, he can no longer be president of france, but what does he have to lose, and this, i apologize for the crank’s defeat, is actually being directed by the west, like such a mad dog, which somehow barks, barks, barks, macron barks, caravan coming, on the other hand, even the west notes and...


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