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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2024 11:20pm-2:06am MSK

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“to personally monitor the progress of the investigation into the attack on mr. armasov, well, in general, yes, hello ivan ivanich has come, but he comes before everyone else, great, quickly get him to the boss, he’s been with the prosecutor for a long time, yeah, he ran to repent, old man, no what should he repent of, it’s clear, marya sergeevna, why is he pawing me, filonov, i’ll write a report on you to the city police, nikolai petrovich, exceed your authority, that’s what i came to talk about.” van, don’t worry so much, his blood pressure has already jumped, you’re sitting there all red, calmly, and there’s ivanova.
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that you’re not feeling well, you should go home and rest up , we’re still handing over the armazovo case to someone else, that’s not a fact, ivan ivanovich, another fact, after yesterday’s tv show, ivan ivanovich is discredited, let him hand petka buevich over, let him learn to work, under with your sensitive guidance, yes, at least i’ll teach him, you know, not to sip on people under investigation, well, are you a fool or something, oh well, since you got the case. received such publicity, ivan ivanovich, i personally don’t see anything wrong in your actions, no, not i should have gone there, and even had tea , i should have called here, i just wanted, uh, in a relaxed atmosphere, to find out more, right, no, wrong, no, right, the story is complicated, i don’t really trust the testimony of our victim, maybe it wasn’t the police who beat him, but who else?
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maybe he came to his mistress, and her husband caught him there? and anyway, what was he doing in a dark alley without a car? how did he end up there? have you found out? no, i missed it. i did not consider his testimony from this side. okay, ivan ivanovich, you know, stay out of harm’s way, otherwise they won’t give us peace. okay, i'll get to work. well, mayor sergeevna is with you, we ’ll pay a visit to ruvd, let them send the car. when i was your age, i ran on foot to ruvda, that’s why you’re sitting here, viktor ivanovich, with all my deep respect for you, but i want to be a city prosecutor, that’s still not enough. viktor ivanovich, i’ll remember this. and in general,
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who came up with the idea of ​​showing all the people who had been put up to him, it’s lucky that he didn’t identify anyone, i heard right, who came up with that idea it came, well, yes, yes, so, you never know what i could blurt out from the table above, all sorts of idiots immediately rushed to do it, make a fool pray to god, he’ll break his forehead, well , actually, investigate the matter. it’s necessary, let the prosecutor’s office investigate, the cards are in your hands, just please remember, we don’t have werewolves in ruvd, no, this is a provocation, here’s the thing, yes, who cleaned up the face of an important person, but maybe he himself for advertising purposes, so let this person say it himself, that’s what he said, the police officers didn’t identify anyone, but what do you say? maybe this
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and they weren’t my guards, or they weren’t guards at all, what? and in general, it was slippery on the street. get my point, he dropped his wallet and cell phone himself. yeah, and his face was broken when he fell from his own height . right. i'll go, i still have things to do, and you finish. nikolai petrovich, are you probably going to have lunch? i would like to. hello, hello, but vanya is not there, and he’s on the road, on a theft, not far from here, and he has a telescopic examination over the phone, but he’s messing around himself, doesn’t trust anyone, give you the address where he’s at incident, come on. hello,
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hello, is vanyusha a criminologist? hello hello! lord, masha scared me, so you will be left without a criminologist, and why are they so timid, and this is after the incident on thursday, did you hear? no, well, yes, this is the police jurisdiction, not yours, in
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general, they left me alone during the robbery, everyone ran off on business, some on a door-to-door basis, some to the hospital. patient to interrogate, i’m sitting with a brush , just like now, suddenly i feel someone’s heavy gaze, i raise my eyes, and there’s a man, you know, bloodied with a crowbar in his hand , what are you, a villain, why did you come back , can you imagine, and that’s okay, so we played a staring contest with him until the operative for some reason... came back, tied him up, tied him up, now here’s one i don’t stay at the scene of the incident, so i held the district police officer, it’s getting more and more fun, by the way, what about you, what fate, i, and i wanted to ask about the phone, is this the one that
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the tv moguls took? yes, by the way, it’s strange why they threw away such an expensive phone, and why did they take it anyway, there are fingers there, fingers there is, but... the victim himself, for sure , wow, i’m not throwing words to the wind, but don’t be so upset, don’t be upset, there ’s also a wallet there, i’ll work some magic on it, maybe i’ll find something, there’s a textured surface there , relief, you need to process it properly, photograph it, vanechka, can you, mash, i know all your songs, vanya , hurry up, if only someone would say it once, vanechka, don’t rush, do it.
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well, petya, he filed everything, made an inventory, well , ivan ivanovich is giving it away, you
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interrogated so many people in 3 days, yes, i decided, bye the guards are all here at hand, you need to interrogate them, and then gather them. almost everyone has an alibi, yeah , who wrote reports at the duty station, who brought the detainees, who was personally seen by the leaders, linden, we need to check, petya, there is a list of fired people at the end, finally, it cannot be ruled out that this is... we also need witnesses look, uh-huh, the windows of a residential building overlook exactly this place, but my advice to you, don’t let ruvd do the house-to-house inspection,
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do it yourself, yourself, yes, i’ve never done this before, i can’t even imagine, in vain, the investigator must do the house-to-house inspection himself, in a case like this... moreover, yeah. “chief, it’s possible, i did it, well, as agreed , listen, tell me that we are meddling there, that now we also promptly accompany cases of official crimes, this guy has complicated my family life, wait, which one, a tv figure or a guard, who is his face broke, both of them, but you fedor, believe my experience, the matter will not end with guards.” i don’t understand, they’ll work as guards, they’ll start getting involved in the search, boss, well, what does the search have to do with it, suddenly
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you, my friend fyodor mikhailovich , in your free time from catching criminals, put on a uniform and rob honest people, and boss, why are you, i don’t even have a uniform, some kind of absurdity, i’m listening to distillers, yes, petro, i already know that you’ve gone crazy , but only over my corpse, chief, what are you doing, what did he tell you? petya has a crazy idea, to present all the apers to the victim for identification, but i told him only through my corpse, he will get a fig and butter, and not my operas, well, tell me, otherwise everything in my eyes darkened from anger. well, listen, boss, armasov's last call this day at 17:00 to a handset registered to a certain irina andreevna raevskaya , born in the seventieth year, yeah. so, do you know, boss, where she lives? where? opposite the very
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public garden where marya sergeevna and i found the phone number. marital status, hair color, eye color, everything in full. chief, should i show you a photo, or can i show you words? come on, come on, come on. this means that nothing human is alien to us. where is the picture from? yes, from that very lawn. what did marya sergeevna and i find? phone number and wallet? so the next morning, with a fresh mind , i went there and looked around this place, found this picture, when i received printouts from his phone and identified the girl, then i compared the original with the picture, are you growing up? zoya, give me the reception book! zoya, can't you hear? can you give me the reception book? i hear you! where is the magic word? quickly, the answer is wrong, okay
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, please give me the correct answer, i won’t give it, i don’t understand , firstly, why do you need her, and secondly, the prosecutor accepts her, and what couldn’t be said right away, but how i you otherwise politeness i’ll teach you so that this varnish will dry somewhere, thank you very much, everything was explained to me so well, otherwise they take money from lawyers for... and what did you advise? they said: go to the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor there is competent, he will tell you everything, and they took money for this smart advice, 300 rubles to the cashier. well, thank you again, all the best, may i? what do you want, pyotr anisich? viktor ivanovich, i would like a reception log, why? and i want to catch all the citizens who came with complaints from police officers about... oh, my dear, there are more than half of them, nothing, maybe i’ll find
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similar cases, suddenly no one recognizes these people, good job, uh-huh , well wait, i’ll finish the appointment now, okay, thank you very much, listen, i didn’t know that you were in the legal profession, well done, you made the right decision. so what, it’s enough to live on, otherwise i can help with the clientele, for example, keep in mind, i’m a picky girl, yes, but why did the opera reward you for being so picky, first of all, he’s not just an opera, he’s the boss homicide department, well, of course, this changes things, but you know, zhenya, they are all one world bastards, devil, i'll leave now, okay, i'm sorry, but the other day my client was beaten up by the cops in your area, so what?
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he has sweethearts, it seems, lives there, he left the car on the street, he went into the yard and there he received sweethearts from the cops or from his husband, he says that from the cops, listen, maybe there’s more for the chick, but no, wait. are you sure that he received it from the cops and not from his husband or mistress? listen, how do i know, i’m not an investigator, i’m a lawyer, whatever the client tells me, that’s what i believe, give me another cake, come on, anatoly nadarovich, the investigator is coming to you from the prosecutor's office, buevich, come on, invite me.
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the police, since they were in uniform, a deep thought, i ask you not to interrupt me, but not the guards, employees of other services, that ’s why the victims didn’t identify them, what are you getting at, but you need to show them all the operatives first, are you out of your mind, operatives for identification, and even with a cop, where did you
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learn from such a smart university, then employees of other services, or maybe right from... here’s a clown, everyone for identification, you can’t wait, what if someone is identified? sing, sing, you're home,
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no, on business, but what? maybe i'm sorry, i need to patrol, in what sense? you see, ulya, it’s a matter of honor for me to solve this malfeasance, the boss doesn’t care, shvitsova has a different version, the police department doesn’t want to help me, which means he doesn’t want to, you asked, they refused me operational support, and in a rude manner, so i i’ll go and patrol myself until i spot these scoundrels, sing are you crazy, they might attack you, well , that’s unlikely, firstly, i was warned from... that means i’m armed, and secondly, who, if not me, fine don’t remember it badly, if anything happens, if anything happens,
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young man, and you, you, show your documents, please, it’s you to me, now.
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well, what is there, oops, prosecutor's office, let's leave. in the third office my deputy is now receiving, and the deputy is here, this is your signature, your sanction, what kind of nonsense? how, what nonsense, this is nonsense to you, they took everything from us, that everything, yes everything, everything that was in
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the house, they took everything, they took all the money, yes, the money here is all written in rubles in dollars, where did you get it, yes, it’s your people who came with a search, took everything, they said contact the prosecutor's office, here is the prosecutor 's office, here it is written that the search was carried out by an investigator from the district prosecutor's office, uh-huh, buevich pa, viktor ivanovich, viktor ivanovich, you on the phone, just a minute, citizens, sit down, they will call you, who, yours, i'm listening, kovin, who, where are you, you son of a bitch, i’m in the hospital, well, what’s your name, it ’s still there, well, i couldn’t do it before, they just gave me a call now.
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okay, thank you, one good thing is that he’s sober, and they also ask you not to send a telephone message to the police, you’ll settle this issue yourself, and we have to send a telephone message , the hour can’t get any easier, okay, okay, now someone will come, someone, well, who, who , well, olga will come, vladimirovna, how are you feeling, well, thank god, okay, that’s it . come on, connect me with the head of the rvd. come on,
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come on. anatoly nadarovich kovin. hello toli kovin. do you know that my investigator buevich is in the hospital? no, not a hernia, i didn’t tear myself as a consequence. and on his head. like this, on your territory, okay, okay, on ours, tolya, draw your conclusions, that’s it, viktor ivanovich, i really didn’t know anything, he just that he called me, now i’ll find olga and send her to the hospital, come on, come on, zoya, you, zoya, you knew everything. does anything happen here that you don’t know, hello,
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zhenya, hello, where are you, and i’m actually on my way to see you, my husband forgot his keys at home, he’s there, or he’s disappeared somewhere, but he’s still there on the spot, he went out to the authorities for a second, listen, and i have a personal conversation with you. well, that’s great, take something for tea , excuse me, well, so what, you will return the money to us, well, how can we return it if we didn’t confiscate it, well, why not you, well, who, well it’s written here, you understand, now there is a different order.
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people came to me, one in a police uniform, the other with a certificate, and showed me this piece of paper, well, what kind of paper do i have, well, i don’t know who signs them there, we have nothing to object to you, nevertheless, if you are not under investigation, you’re not expecting a search, they at least asked if these were real law enforcement officers, and i asked, i called our local department and asked if there was such an investigator, buevich, so what do you want? ivan, it’s clear that, well, yes, they told me that there is one, please sign it, here, oh, more, more, thank you, what about me, call your husband, i have to go, well, for now, go.
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so that they don’t go to the police, but these guys did, now we’ll find out the details from my husband. can? fyodor, don’t you eat everything at once? leave something for volodya. listen, it’s bad for your winemaker to eat so much. in general, a sweet figure spoils it. yesterday he couldn’t fit through that door anymore. so that's it. if i don’t wait
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for volodya, i’ll give him the keys. don’t forget, oh, how silky it has become, and before it was like this groovy, she was independent, but now you look at everything to your husband, do you want to be like him? fyodor, you know, it seems to me that you are simply jealous of vinokurov, because your olechka is not as silky as she wants to seem, uh-huh, finally, i recognize the well-deserved criticism of our region, why are you limiting me only to the region, that’s it, we’ve warmed up. that's what, you can help the investigation, the investigation in the person of olga vladimirovna, well, i didn't put it that way, you can help the search in my person, honestly, honestly, i'll tell you i say, i need to infiltrate, but i can’t infiltrate our old antediluvian unit, spare parts fly off as it goes, that’s it, that’s it, but the floor doesn’t need to be washed.
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if you don’t, the distiller knows, you’re offending me, great, i rushed off, i won’t leave the office open, are you planning to infiltrate this, i mean, isn’t it a disgrace? hold the car, thank you, you know, sing, it’s your own fault, of course, i’m always to blame for everything, shvetsova,
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by the way, says that follow... should not participate in operational activities, but where are you going? i went check the situation. don’t lie, you said yourself that you went to catch a criminal with live bait, did you catch him? don't be so rude and sickening. petya, didn’t you tell the boss why you dragged yourself to the scene ? in terms of? well, have you talked to the boss? you said that you went to catch a criminal with live bait? very good, don't talk. what to say? well, say what , say that i went door-to-door, and there you were attacked, well, unexpectedly, yeah, there was a piano in the bushes by chance, and you didn’t say where i went? no, uh-huh, what a sneak, or something, uh-huh, only later i felt sorry for you, what if killed, spit, well, witness, you
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are warned about responsibility for giving false testimony, but you have the right not to testify against yourself. i see, yeah, so we’re writing, i’m going door-to-door. have you lost it? oh, you remember their appearance, can you describe them, well, yes, a policeman in uniform, well, that’s understandable, tall, short, fat, thin, what a face, what a face?
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well, what face? he had his hat pulled down like that, what was he doing? like this, you never took off your hat indoors? no, i didn’t take it off, but he’ll be taller than me, so strong, investigator, isn't this an id? showed, you know, he is also tall, thin , skinny, about forty years old, so he’s not an investigator or something, alas, they immediately demanded to hand over the money, well, yes, they said that there was a case of counterfeit coins, and that the investigation found out that we received a large sum from them, and you really received a large sum from someone, well, yes, we sold the car, and today i have to give money for a new car, we are talking about them... who are these police investigators so they can do it faster analysis, they promised by the morning, because at two i need to be with the money, of course, of course,
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so bye bye money, as you precisely formulated. oh, excuse me, listen , yes, what is this, well, how are you walking, you have to look where you are, excuse me, please, excuse me, ira, ira, ira, uh, uh, raevskaya, ira raevskaya, 306 school, yeah, listen. you and i studied together until the third grade, oh, ira, i was in love with you, i don’t remember you, so, you ’re in a hurry, you’re in a hurry, i’ll give you a lift , i have a car, please, okay, let’s go, please!
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what a surprise, my wife came to check whether i was working or playing the fool, i brought you the keys, oh my dear, thank you, actually, i
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didn’t come only because i was bored , that’s why too, i didn’t understand, volodya, i brought it for you operational information, do you know? that according to the law on operational intelligence activities, it is prohibited to recruit lawyers, and i am fulfilling my civic duty, yes, you better tell me where my jacket is, well, don’t get distracted, i don’t understand, after all, well, kurochkin went to infiltrate somewhere, took mine volodya didn’t understand the car and your jacket, did he hypnotize you or what? yes, don’t sing too fast! that’s it, i’ll be fired, why should you be fired, you were attacked, no one is insured, so what? i know, people have been unhappy with me for a long time, who? yes, that’s it, and boss shveytsov
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, city, now there’s an excellent reason to throw me out, it really only just dawned on you that you’ve lost your id, well, of course, they’re asking me here, are you really an investigator, i... “i dialed the boss, i don’t remember what i said anymore, i have a headache it hurts, everything hurts, such a cute investigator, oh, i’m not for you, dear, here. patients give gifts, but i don’t eat sweets , thank you, hello, sing, how are you, oh , doctor, how is he, patient, there is no threat to life, i can talk to you somewhere, let’s go to the resident’s room, hmm, petka
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, well, nothing, you look so heroic, yes , no, well, i mean russian folk wisdom, a hero, but your head has a hole, hedy, why do you smell of perfume, ah, such work, and now tell me who knew about the money. yes, no one, me and my wife, if only, but no one they said we were suckers, or what? well, for starters, did the person you sold the car to know? yes, we sold it a month ago, the money was in the bank, they were only withdrawn last week, today is tuesday, wednesday, well , they were withdrawn on friday, well, who knew about this, but i’m already saying , no one, please, sit down , i am a deputy prosecutor. shvetsova, i would like to look at the medical documents of our
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investigator, and tell me about the damage. yes. well, take a look if you understand what we're talking about. listen, he really is an investigator, he’s funny. investigator, investigator. so what about the damage? thus, several hematomas on the anterior posterior surface of the chest, hematomas in the left temporal region. an open wound in the occipital region, a blow from something sharp, no, a bruise on the face from a blow with a hard object with a limited surface, a fist, in other words, here is a wound on the back of the head from a blow to a plane, he was hit in the face, he fell and lost from this blow consciousness, i questioned his concussion, but the hematomas began to fall away. no, from blows hard objects with a limited striking
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surface, they most likely kicked several times when he fell, but not much for formality, the ribs are intact, which means they didn’t want to kill, i think not, i’ve been working here for 6 years, i’ve seen those who they wanted to kill, this is not the case, by the way, on his jacket... there is a good footprint, clear, suitable for identification, not interested? of course i'm interested, thank you. so, is your colleague generally a drinker, a partying person, an adequate person? quite adequate. still, the investigator, how did he allow him to be hit in the face ? shindarakhnul. this is not a domestic injury. well , you know, it can happen to anyone. your victim has a mistress. and she lives where armasov was allegedly beaten. the information is practically reliable. first-hand , that is, from armasov himself, from his lawyer,
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it turned out that we were classmates, yes, how interesting, yes, he blurted out to me that he learned about the incident from this girl, she immediately called him, yeah, that’s why he immediately rushed over, although armasov himself did not call him, volodya, but think about something else, why did he didn’t even mention that he had a witness , wait, maybe she wasn’t a witness, even if she didn’t see the incident itself, they saw it right after it, either he came to her, or... to him, or no one went anywhere walked around, they punched him in the face in the very love nest, it’s very interesting, i have to tell maska, just don’t forget to mention my modest merits, no, well, if it’s so important to you, imagine, yes, and you keep proving to maska that you’re in vain i was fired, no one fired me, i left on my own, well, of course, on my own, okay, i’ll tell her that without you we are like without hands.
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zoya, hello, connect me to the boss, where is he? and he went to belyaev for lunch, they were tormented with the victim, he told you to call there if anything happens, well... bye, hello, yes, marya sergeevna, what’s up, no, i won’t give it, he’s already having lunch, and you , if you want to talk to him,
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run here immediately, i have mushroom soup and goose in its own juice, convenient, convenient. she’ll come, she’ll come, she’s not far from here, because i hope you don’t mind, but no, of course, let him eat like a human being, right, otherwise everything’s like that on dry food, on dry food, poor girl , or even without lunch at all, well, like you, you taught her to sit without lunch, prosecutor's cracker, you drank all the juices out of her, of course, yes, you don't need to teach her , she herself , who do you want to teach?
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wait, if it wasn’t the guards who beat him up, then who attacked petka? or is this a coincidence? ramasov says that the policeman was beaten and robbed. buevich also says that he was attacked while wearing a police uniform. and two people also came to the search with a fake warrant,
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and one of them was in a police uniform. curious. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them they are a real star, the secret of dreams , how did you agree to this, i first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends,
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a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. mashenka, don’t forget the greenery, oh, nina, the goose is amazing, i don’t even remember the last time i ate a goose, and you haven’t eaten a real goose, only nina cooks it like that, but i agree, the soup is also delicious, uh-huh , i’m not the same anymore, it’s become difficult to go to the prosecutor’s office, and vanya is without normal food, completely lost weight, yeah, no, nothing in my opinion. we have a different view, my dear, i look like a wife, i’ve already rearranged the buttons on my uniform twice, nina, why are you revealing such intimate things to god, i won’t, i won’t, but like petenka, you
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’re alive, alive, yes, damage minor, so he’ll be discharged soon, tomorrow, the only thing is he’s depressed and for losing his id. well, of course, the same scoundrels who beat buevich came with a fake search. the question is how they found the victims, they had to know for sure that the money was in the house, yes, they came for the money, purposefully, they didn’t take anything else, yes, they also had to know the address, all their details for sure, resolutions. prepare, by all indications it turns out that armasal was beaten by the same, same guys, it doesn’t bother you that these criminals are always working on the same thing...
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he hasn’t dealt with such cases yet, but i didn’t tell him, stop gnawing at yourself
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, tomorrow you’ll sort it out at the prosecutor’s office, and i also have a pie, oh, we have pies, yes , but by chance there’s no goose, and how do you know that we have there's a lot of us in the oven, no, but my culinary skills. doesn’t go that far, nina fedorovna reported this, but the truth is, there really was a goose in front of the pie , and as you understand, by the smell, i feel, mm, listen, do you really want me to sit at home and bake pies for you, no, in i literally didn’t want to, settle down, well, let me finish eating, no, well ok, then let's sit down, please, can you see the mash? when i was at war, were you? yes, such a thing happened, although it wasn’t here long ago, but
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it happened. and where? well, let's say, in africa. what, did you have black women? well, of course there were. what would it be like without them? and now, you understand, life has become insipid. i'll remember this for you. why didn't you say that before? and that, well, as stated above, you compensated me, including women, yes, well,
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because with you you live like on a powder keg, and i really like it, thank you, that’s it, but the most important thing is that you won’t get bored, never, and i’m constantly afraid of losing you, you know, yes, give me a piece of cows, where to go, huh? oh, yes, hello, yes, i’m listening , when now, oh, the two of you are having a tavern , well, come in, that’s right, come on, eat, otherwise now a hungry crowd will fall in and at the head of the pig, of course, and not what, they’re coming to you, eat, , no , confer, so confer, uh-huh, “
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hello, yes, oh, what people, well, i haven’t heard from you for a long time, but you’ll just never call, because on this matter, i understand when, where, right now , yes? got it, darling, got it, i'm flying to wings of love, boss, listen, here ’s the thing, in short, this agent of mine has been discovered, well , the priestess of love, and you have no others, but listen, she says that there are some connections about this beaten man from television, guys, let’s do this, you go, and i... i didn’t want to get involved in this matter at all, it’s not our business, let the osb handle it, boss, well, let me
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talk to the girl, okay, go. go, go, casanovo, leave it to the guests, what kind of guests they are, they are practically family members, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with them. “great, hello, what , you look fine, merci, little bastard , you’re always so cute, you can’t say that you’re a cop, oh well, look, i cut my hair, i like it, super,
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listen, tell me, your clients aren’t afraid to get hooked ?" and not an article, but for you, well, for me, okay, that’s it, let’s get down to business, come on, listen, and you’re still looking for that guy, well , that is, who beat up that guy on television, well, he’s got some serious money backing up , listen, why did you call me, ask questions, why don’t you immediately, i just know who ordered it, so who? ir koroevskaya, they had a lemur there, then he treated her rudely, unintelligently, and she ordered him to paint his face, and at the same time take the money, so who did she order it for? oh, well, i like you, you should do something yourself, otherwise it’s all on fragile female shoulders, dangling your legs, courting the lady, listen, that is, at least you.
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say that you know ilka raevskaya, yes, but where from? so staranevsky is not so long, we supported only the walls with her, that is, royevsky one of yours, yeah, she worked before you, we walked under the colored ones then, so, so, colored, colored, colored - these are the cops, yes, wait, why did you say, they walked , what, your roof has changed, yes, they imprisoned them, yaroevskaya immediately merged, you will, well , you know, you know that i'm at work? i don’t even eat, so, well, that’s it, these colored ones, where are they from? where did these guys come from, these guys are the color guards, they solved all your issues with you, well, i’m telling you, they imprisoned them, we now have a different roof, yes, of course , marya sergeevna has blossomed, you’re late for the meeting, everyone is already there, everyone is here , including sick, oh, hold me, please
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, excuse me, welcome back, yeah, it’s not too early, how do injuries allow you to start working, viktor ivanovich, you’re hinting at a head injury, you mean, since there’s no brain, god forbid, i’m not hinting at anything, i just asked how i was feeling, everything is fine, so that means the most important issue on our agenda is the group of people who committed the attack , investigator buevich. and robbery under the guise of a search and presumably the same group beat up mr. armasov, the cases need to be combined, it looks like this is the work of the same people , let's wait, rozusk has operational information that armasov was ordered by his ex -lover, whom he recently abandoned, she was the one who pointed someone at him and they broke his face and took his wallet, which means armasov is a separate
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article, but he was talking about the police uniform. i probably lied, but can i look at this fake search warrant again? i showed it to criminologists, they say, most likely, they scanned the old resolution with etched text on a computer, left the seal and signature of the prosecutor, made a copy on a color copier, and the rest was added, if these are police officers, then they are former and they have not worked, at least since 2003 , why is this? because they don’t know that the search warrant is now issued by the court, not the prosecutor, but where did they get the order, listen, who is toroevskaya anyway, who could she order this from? ragevskaya is a former prostitute, she worked under the roof of the police for a sobering-up station, so maybe she ordered it for old acquaintances, but no, they were imprisoned two years ago, did anyone check whether they were in jail or not? no, when i was still working in court, i sat in on the case of police officers from the sobering-up center, they
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were charged with exceeding official powers and causing... grievous bodily harm, but they were not convicted, they ran away. please , thank you, they didn’t take their inheritance into custody, just a second , i’ll bring it, my judge went to the verdict, and she told me to call a convoy, i called the vvd, they were sitting in the corridor, apparently they realized that they would be arrested, they ran away, spiredonov... yurchenko, i wonder if buyavich recognizes them? here they are, the bastards, this one, who was in a police uniform, and this one investigator, buevich. are you sure? yes, that's right,
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they are. just a minute, i'll write the protocol now. yeah, that buevich, this one, this one. oh, what a bastard! uh-huh, why didn’t you immediately say that your husband was in the sobering-up station the day before, and what does the sobering-up station have to do with it, if he was in the sobering-up station, that it’s possible to rob us or something, no, no, well, that’s how it works out for you, no, he was in sobering-up stations, and he had bank documents with him, so that means where these bastards work, unfortunately, they don’t work there. listen, what are you doing to me, money? whether they will return it to us or not
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, you didn’t look for them, why didn’t you look, you looked, all the certificates are filed in the case, it’s not about the certificates, there are no people, listen, i have a whole closet of fugitive criminals. and these are two people of color, what is this prostitute slang? why prostitute? yes , because you guys didn’t do a damn thing, but look into it, two cops ran away before the verdict was handed down, and what did they do that was so bad? and let them run around, i have enough work to do without them, then i filed all the certificates, the prosecutor’s office has no complaints, it’s not wrong to detain your own people for meanness, that’s right, here they are for you, but not for me, look for them yourself if you are so principled. ira, oh, fedor, i scared you, irka, i can’t do this,
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i’m calling you, you’re not answering, i’ve arrived, and what do you want, well, i don’t know , well, to talk, but i don’t have time now, sorry, well, whenever, well, you want, come on in the evening, come on, here in the evening. come, i need to understand, yes , no need, i’ll go out on my own, okay, that’s it, come on, come on, bye, see you in the evening, well, nothing for now , oh, we’ve established our personalities, oh, and you say nothing, a lot, i thought the cases were solved, three whole cases, well, all that’s left is a matter of technology, uh-huh, sheer nonsense, just look for them, where, perhaps, to plant an ambush in a sobering-up station? since they have such fresh information from the sobering-up center, i mean our robbed people, it means they are probably communicating with someone there, that’s right, if they are communicating with someone there, there is no point in setting up an ambush, they will warn you anyway, but yes, well, yes, well, but
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the registration places, their connections were checked, everything that is possible is empty, with raevsky, who works, our chief specialist in women’s questions, fedor, or something, there is little hope for the search department, but we don’t want our activities. shine, the killers agreed to help, very good, so go and work, and man, documents? say hello, sick person or something, there is a little, then catch it,
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stand, everyone stand. alive, where are you hanging around, i almost died. okay, sorry, we were afraid to scare them off ahead of time, and i thought that you were waiting for me on purpose. they'll ditch them so that the homicide department won't be offended, well, they ran away, went into the courtyards, so quickly through the cars to the qualifier, let's go, so, fedor, you better sit in the car. otherwise
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you’ll ruin our whole event, boss, do you think i’ll resist, or what? okay, come on, major vinokurov, good evening , no need, comrade major, i know you, you check us when you are on duty from the management, there are some problems, well, there is a problem, the head of the house called that they brought one to you little man, but i would like to resolve the issue. without formality, why not, if the person is good, but no one has been brought to us today, how strange, but i’ll still take a look for cleaning conscience, but you don’t believe, but i say? they didn’t deliver anyone, it’s my fault
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, i forgot, citizen speredinov, you’re not drunk, you’re not occupying a bed, lie down, hands behind your back, chief, well, they’re so warm, it’s time to inject, now i’ll call old man belyaev. chief, listen, do god's mercy, let me go pick up raevskaya myself, be careful there with mrs. raevskaya, take someone else. necessarily. “that means you detained
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them after all, well done, that means you can, if you want, well done, well done, and if you had always done this, and in everything, you would have revealed everything crimes, put all the scoundrels in prison, would the city be free from this scum, vileness, dirty tricks, would allow the common man to breathe deeply, to feel completely safe, and you can do it, i see, you can do it, the main thing is that the main thing is to believe in yourself, everything will work out, maxim vitalievich, so we can count on your gratitude, i mean, well, since you covered the progress of the investigation... can your channel
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report on the news that the criminals have been detained? of course we'll watch the news, we'll be there today, hey! i don’t understand why i’m here, really , you killed my father, you tried to take my inheritance, you deceived me, why did you introduce yourself with someone else’s name, my friend asked me that this is a crime, yes, she is my neighbor, it was alice who set you up, yes, i will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, i understand, dig. neighbor on friday on rtr,
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the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr. “seryozha, wait, i forgot the coffee payment, that’s right, well, i was touching it, thank you, honey, it was a waste of time, you you’re compromising me, yes,
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i’ll compromise you even more when i announce to everyone about our wedding, everything, everything, everything, everything, go , you have a hare, come on, go, don’t drive me away, otherwise i know you, everything will be fine , i will return your swallow safe.
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good morning. anna mikhailovna, oh, i forgot that morozova has time off, you get used to it, yes, little by little , and that’s right, at least a week with comfort,
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convenient, and what, i would be the same... i would turn out to be a cool boss, i would have everything right they would walk in line, stand up, why, stand up, stand up, that’s what i wanted to talk about, irochka to talk to you, sit down, sit down. what is this about? well, you probably know that morozova is leaving for a promotion, and here i am? seriously? no, i'm kidding, you can laugh,
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i mean it. so, it’s time for you, irochka, to become more serious. “well, let’s say i need to go on a business trip, yeah, or on vacation, well, abroad, of course, who will i leave instead of me, borisovich, valer, me, well, do you have any experience?” "no less than that of the same valera, but he is always in sight, and you are like a gray mouse, yes, yes, a gray mouse, this needs to be changed, it’s time for you
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to change from irochka, let’s turn into irina olegova, if you, of course, think about the future, i think it’s great, so... did you come by? i came to say that i went to the hospital to see the victim. okay, well, i'll go, anna, elena, elena, evgenevna, evgenevna. go, mirochka, go. so what was that? what does it look like? this is
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a bomb being thrown from an airplane, there is an explosive device that was installed, apparently, under the front wheel pair. a fire started, then, when everything was already blazing, it exploded also the gas tank, the gas tank also exploded, of course. yes, i found a spring, this tube , it seems, is also from a fuse, you have younger eyes, well, look at what’s there, there’s a wire, yeah, you see, a piece of scrap on a piece of the front bumper, yes, it looks like they’ve tied an explosive device to it, huh what's there? yes
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, here he is, he survived, handsome, and yes, yes, yeah, and how he is, it’s clear, ira says that the victims of the operation, the prognosis is favorable, tell her to take away his clothes, yeah, ira, boris is here, i heard, yes? okay, i'll tell him that this is not the first day you've been working in reminders. you need it, yeah, tell me, please, it’s necessary, the explosion was so strong, and the driver squeezed it out, lucky, chernova marina viktorovna, director of the center, she saw how the victim lazarev got into the car exploded, and it was her car. so, that means, yes, yeah, okay , i’ll talk to her myself, and in the meantime, collect a list of witnesses,
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i’ll do it, just keep in mind, chernova is now in shock , the nurse had to give her a sedative injection, yeah, hello, marina viktorovna, i’m an investigator belkin sergei ivanovich, we would like to talk to you, yes, of course, verochka, you go, that’s it. fine, let's go to my office, oh, so , so, so, quietly, excuse me, maybe sit down, no , no, everything is fine, tell me, sergei, how is he, they are operating on him, the doctors say he will live, oh, god, glory to god.
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that seryozha is alive, then let's start, tell me how lazarev ended up in your car, it was your car, yes, my car, you see, today we had to take documents to the tax office, and seryozha, lazarev, does it better, in in what sense? you see, mostly women work at the tax office, and
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i don’t know how to talk to them at all, i immediately start to get nervous, as if we have continuous violations, seryozha, he is charming and knows how to give compliments, but you really have violations, no, no, what are you, we conduct business honestly, we have... their left-handed subscriptions, in total like this, i just immediately twitch from every question, but seryozha, he smiles, i sent him, and what is his position? in general, he is a coach, but recently he became my deputy for working with clients and staff, yeah. why was ladarev planning to drive your car in his own?
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i couldn’t, someone punctured his tires at night. lord, this is what happens, if i got into the car, i would explode, it seems that i have everything together, a tow truck may be driving up, suddenly there’s more in the car, i need to find out if there is a surveillance camera here and see, hey, let’s get yours ready already shaitan-machine, yeah. can we continue? yes. it turns out that the day before , someone slashed lazrev’s tires. yes, hooliganism or does one of the neighbors have a grudge against him? i have no idea. do you remember exactly where
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it was parked? the car, yes, it's still there worth it, if you stand facing the entrance, then immediately to the left. marina viktorovna, does lazarev have enemies? no, what are you saying, everyone loves him, he is kind, attentive, yes, he, you just can’t help but love him, but ask you? what is your relationship with him? we were going to announce our wedding the other day. i spent that night with him, so i know where the car is parked. then maybe you have enemies, i don’t know, rivals. i don’t think so, our team is generally very friendly, no one is playing tricks on anyone, and no one harbors a grudge. or maybe
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someone was fired recently? yes, two resigned at their own request, coach vaskov, he moved to his fiancée in tula, cleaning lady serafima ilyichna, she was already 73 years old, it became hard to work, but we separated on good terms, no offense, and lazarev, was he married? yes, his wife left him 3 years ago for someone else, but they separated without scandals, there were no children. “seryozha’s parents live in kazan, lord, i still need to tell them somehow, the very moment of the explosion, you saw, no, i was working with a group in another room, there are windows on the other side, but it blew so hard that the walls trembled, and where were you, lyudmila, vasilyevna,
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and i..." the girls had just finished pilates, everyone went to the locker room, and i was drinking water at the cooler, when everything exploded, glass fell in the hall, well, i was afraid to look out the window immediately ran downstairs. marina made us memorize the evacuation procedure in case, well, after that fire in kemerovo, what about the people in the locker room? so it’s on the first floor, the security guard immediately came in and led everyone out through the back door. yeah, the evacuation plan, that means worked out to the smallest detail, of course, we trained so many times, so it came in handy, i took my group to the outer fire escape, told everyone to go down, i went into the salon myself, there sylvia was washing the floors, i told her to go to the exit. sylvia - who is this? makarkina, our cleaning lady. where is she now?
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here, it works. can you take me to her? yes, sure. “thank you, goodbye, i just talked to the surgeon who operated on lazarev’s fractured wrist, he said that the guy in the shirt was born, and besides the fracture, he got away with a concussion, a chest contusion and a couple of burns, he’s already home the other day they’ll discharge you, thank you, wait, i managed to talk to lazarev after the operation, he said that...”
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yes, i, i don’t understand anything at all, i can’t even imagine who could have arranged all this, maybe your ex-husband. since the other world, i have been a widow for 4 years, excuse me, so no one threatened you? no, no, neither seryozha, nor me, yes, this is simply unthinkable, okay, but where is lazarev’s office? he doesn’t have his own office, only a locker, in the trainer's room, like everyone else, i was cleaning up the basement, some woman gave up, i thought that... in the exercise machine was dropped, they drop it all the time , then something banged again, then vadim ivanovich looked in, luchko, yes, he said that
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we urgently needed to go out, something happened, and i ran out into the street, a car was on fire in the parking lot, what a horror - yes, yes, yes, but you saw something else, well, maybe you met someone who shouldn’t have been there, but different people walk here and there, and i immediately noticed chernova, she was crying. someone was extinguishing the car, someone was carrying sergei ivanovich. marinich, how are you, everything is fine. do you know anything about seryozha? the doctors said that he was seriously ill suffered. oh, how wonderful, i was so afraid for him, but then i’ll go and tell our people, otherwise no one knows anything. goodbye. goodbye, here is his closet , there are contracts and other documentation, don’t stay
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, yes, just sit down for now, tell me, is the laptop or computer, the laptop is at his home, and here on... he usually used my computer in the office, understandable , irina olegovna, lazarev’s blood tests are ready, i thought you’d be interested in taking a look, thank you, wow, are you sure there’s no mistake here, i’m sure i’m on just in case, i checked it in our laboratory, this stuff is not used in any form, so accidental contamination is completely excluded, thank you, seryoga, you’re here, yes, we
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’re done there, valera and the glands went to katz, and i’m here now a minute, yes, yeah, i understand , i’m passing the phone to borisych, and what’s there? lazarev was found in his blood. ira, it's me, what do you have? yeah, what's the concentration? listen, grab a control blood sample and let's check it again, okay? well, yes, of course, yes, yes, that's it, that's it, end of communication. did something happen to seryozha? a, no, no, this is for our work. borisovich, what's the point? explanation, what else did they try to poison him? well, if the presence of formalligide in the blood is confirmed, then yes, it looks like it , well, ir says, the concentration is small,
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a control blood sample will be brought , we’ll see, but for now we need to check everything here, yeah, what are we going to check for? well, first of all, coolers, formaldehyde is such a thing that in small doses, well, it does not give a clear picture of poisoning. and not obviously, well, a general malaise, it’s a carcinogen, long-term use leads to oncology, well, that’s what’s believed, well then it’s better to close everything here and send the experts to lazarev’s home, marina viktorovna, yes, you have the keys to lazarev’s apartment, yes, of course, why do you need them, it ’s necessary to check the victim’s apartment, that’s how it’s supposed to be, definitely, yes, yes, okay , ladies , i’m in my office, let’s go, let’s go, but i ’m staying here for now,
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hello, you’re assembling a bomb, how did you guess? it’s okay that i’m also an expert. that's right, but i forgot, and the slap on the head, oh, aunty, don't hit me, the head is my weak point, too, listen, but seriously, as an expert, an expert. "record we need to look through the cell, you can help me, i ’ll consider your request in the general order, otherwise there’s a lot to do right now, i brought lazarev’s things, and what are we looking for, and i ’ll tell you everything now,
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so..." so this one is from the bottom one, from the top , well, from the entrance, marina viktorovna, i noticed that while we went to the trainer’s room, you didn’t lock the office, tell me, is this always like this or just today, but here everyone has their own, when the coffee machine breaks down in the trainer’s room, my employees use it, that is, i don’t know what to steal from me. a bag, but i always put my purse here in the closet, a second, is this yours? no, i don’t understand where the wire comes from here, so i’m interested.
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why can't you drink water? you can't drink anything anywhere in the building, but better go home! well , are we going? we're going, and if this lazarev had taken a taxi to the tax office, and borisovich, if before that, you know, give me gloves, hold on, the draft car stood all night in an unguarded parking lot.
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near the fitness center, oops, the laptop is not damaged, very lucky, which means the bomb, as seryoga belkin says, could only have been installed either the night before or early in the morning, wow, what is it, someone sent lazarev a letter a week ago, with threats, with a warning, i read, before playing tricks with marina, ask how her husband died, the previous hack, and two more barely managed to escape, she is a maniac killer, no think about marrying her, here’s the message, yes, a heartbreaking thriller, oh, look, it seems chernova has a daughter, milking.
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she studied at the technological college, then got married, her daughter is 5 years old, her husband, a businessman, died suddenly 4 years ago, chernov inherited a country house, two cars and a third of his business. and who is the other 2/3? daughter agatha. the husband's mother abandoned her part of the business in favor of her granddaughter. somehow you fell silent very meaningfully. oh, it’s just that after the death of her son, her mother... they established the sender’s ip address? i'll memorise. lydia petrovna? understood thanks. hm strange. chernova's mother-in-law, her ex is also
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called lydia petrovna. it seems that it was she who sent an email to lazarev that chernova would kill him. just some shakespearean passions. well, you know, shakespeare, not shakespeare, but for now a vile play. looks, thank you, phil, come on, i'll give it home, it probably means that the explosive device used a mechanical type fuse, the bomb was installed between the bumper and the wheel of the car, that is , the fuse is not remote, without a clock mechanism, yes, no microcircuits or timers, a simple explosive device, here is a tube, a spring kernel. as soon as the driver got into the car, the spring was released, the rod hit the capsule and an explosion occurred. really simple and effective. who could have installed this? - hardly an amateur, here
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you need a very clear, confident hand, because the explosion could have happened from any wrong move. did borisovich determine the type of rubber? he said that he spent no more than 100 g. yep. what about the cameras? video surveillance near the fitness center, ira is working with them now, but what about the wire that i found at chernova’s? it is externally identical to the one that valera took off the car, and borisovich is now working on it, of course, okay, thank you very much for your help, see you tomorrow, oh, borisovich, good morning to the authorities, my respects, so , i’m reporting, taking this opportunity, that means the wire is the same, well, here’s the cross-section, composition metal, insulation one to one, but from that they took the uterus or just one batch,
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i can’t say here, of course, you checked lazarev’s blood, which means the presence of formaldehyde in lazarev’s blood was confirmed, now you need to check the draft, and why the draft? well, because i discovered formage... only in the cooler that is in her office, so, now this is the moment, which means that the rest of the coolers are installed in places where their feet drink water, that is, employees there, visitors, of course, in in general, he could even be in containers that had already been finished, they were taken away, exactly, this is bad, so what are we going to do, we have a choice, we need to check the blood of all employees of the fitness center, yes, i wrote this letter to lazarev. i wanted to warn you, in the end i turned out to be right, you said it yourself, it was she who blew him up, ledia petrovna, but i didn’t say that she did it blackly, who else,
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it’s marina, a real snake, first she killed my son from the world, then maxima, how cunning. you'll dig in, but which maxim? well, which one? her previous fiance. true, the doctors ruled that he died of a heart attack, but i am sure she poisoned him. did you write to lazarev that there were two more? there were renat and mikhail, but they managed to escape from her. excuse me, what are yours? relationship with ex-daughter-in-law? yes, which ones? she pretends to be affectionate to the point of caring, but i am forced to fawn over her because of my granddaughter. agatha is the only soul mate left in
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the whole world. ledia petrovna, do you have such a stand? oops! this is not a stand. is this an urn with valechka’s ashes, with ashes? yes, with my ashes unfortunate sister. sorry, of course, i should have taken him to the columbarium a long time ago, but you know, i still don’t have the courage. i think let him stay with me for a while longer. i guess i 'll probably go, goodbye. i started watching from the moments when chernova
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left the car in the parking lot until the moment of the explosion. during daylight hours, people kept passing by, no one stopped, did not bend down, did not climb under the car, in the evening, too, at night, it’s a pity, you can’t see what ’s going on behind the car, but are there other angles? alas , no other cameras capturing this place were found, this guy was behind chernova's car for about 2 minutes, either he was drunk, or he was pretending to be drunk, in a couple of minutes it is easy to install an explosive device, but it is impossible to somehow improve the image so that you can see the face, or at least understand whether it is a man or woman, the only thing i could do was establish the height of this guy relative to the height of the car, about
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160 cm. maybe a teenager? i have no idea, but that's not all we wanted to show you. irochka, come on. it was already in the morning at 3:45. well, again you can’t see what’s behind the car happening? looks like someone had a bad time. or that. staged especially for the camera , it turned out to be a very believable fight , or rather a beating, although anything can happen, again you can’t see faces, well, you can’t see faces , but the second guy looks like he’s in a security guard’s uniform, look, oh, good morning everyone, how am i since they said that you are here, hello, come see how many interesting things irina olegovna found, great, who is irina olegovna? irina olegovna, it’s me, yes, i know, i’m just joking,
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so, let’s do it again from the very beginning, yes, phil, in the cafe, well, fix it there, he himself knows , so, i studied the causes of death of kiril chernov and maxim kartsev, but this failed groom, and so, chernov’s husband died from... okartsev from a heart attack, the ambulance doctors did not they were able to bring him out of the state of fibrillation in the ventricle, the core, yes, yeah, the man was only 38 years old, and before that he had never complained about the heart , very interesting, the conclusions were issued by hospital pathologists, after death they did not do extensive toxicology , so i would carry out an exhumation, well then i propose two at once, maxim kartsov and kirill chernov. decide, okay, first we’ll talk to chernova, and then
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we’ll decide on the facts, hello, hello, we were told we need to donate blood, can you tell me where the laboratory is, check in first at the post, and then straight to the right along the corridor. well, are you already here? why did they call us at all? is this the most common procedure? in your opinion, taking tests at the police is a normal procedure, are you getting dark? well, if i tell you that it is unusual, but necessary, it will be easier for you will become. can i not donate blood at all? yes , for god's sake, of course you can, but believe me, it is in your own interests. and yesterday we took water from the cooler in our interests too. have we been poisoned? so, my dears, those who have prescribed blood
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, great, you’re lucky, a full examination , and free of charge, means we check in on the list and go to the laboratory, why did you stop, check in on the list and go to the laboratory, whether there was poisoning or not - that’s another thing question. now, if journalists get wind of this, then radionova will strangle us, we need instead of avdeev it was to go to the region , it’s a holiday, not a business trip, you sit there , sorting out your boobs, puffing out your cheeks, and every evening they also feed you ear for it, rough, hello, good afternoon, they called me, they told me to do a blood test, hello marina viktorovna , your colleagues are already there, but i would like to talk to you more, so about... sergei ivanovich,
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we should go there, yes, that’s what i’m saying, let’s go, look. but it’s you, well, me, but i don’t know his name anyway, he was drunk in the morning, let’s download your license, what did you want, what he wanted, he wanted vodka , but we don’t sell takeaway, so he started yelling, hit the waitress and ran, but i followed him, caught up with him and taught the redneck a lesson on how to behave in... yeah, but he declared something did you hit me? but no , tell me, he could have fallen near this car on purpose, it’s that i was able to knock him down, well , the little guy was kicking, he had nothing in his hands, in
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his hands, he was shielding himself from me with both hands. and so you’re looking for someone who mined a car, well, which exploded yesterday, quick-witted, he served in the army in a sapper unit, no, he definitely doesn’t have anything with him it was, well, i would have noticed, well, thank you, friend, please contact me, yes, i know, lydia petrovna believes that i am to blame for kiril’s death, in a sense, i understand her. and i’m not offended , explain, she believes that kirill’s trump came off not because he underwent surgery, but because of our quarrels, and you often quarreled, well, not more often than others, you understand, a small child, i’m constantly tired , my husband
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is at work until late, but it is impossible to convince lyudia petrovna that blood clots form for completely different reasons. she had him the only one, not last years, she lost her sister. well, at least he doesn’t blame me for this. yes, this is clear. now about maxim karts. and what does max have to do with it? he, he died of cardiac arrest. doctors took him to intensive care, but they could not do anything. lydia talked nonsense about his death, and renat and mikhail, they were also heart patients, what are you even talking about, renat worked as a trainer for us, for some time we had a close relationship, he is a nice man, and then he had an accident, after she
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returned to her parents in kazan, and what the accident, crashed into a tree. spoke, his heart pounded, then he decided to turn the steering wheel, stop, and mikhail, mikhail, mikhail said that he was breaking up with me because i bring misfortune, it was somehow stupid, but i was not surprised, he really started having health problems, and what kind of problems, an attack of rhythm. he panicked and said that i was ruining his aura, but i myself began to think, why do the men next to me start having heart problems? i think i have everything. thank you, marina viktorovna. now you need to go to
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the laboratory, exit the building, turn right and there will be an entrance to the vcc. the duty officer will tell you. fine. goodbye, goodbye, so that means you ’re an idealist, yes, nothing like that, the thought, by the way, is material, ask anyone, the main thing is to formulate the question correctly in the universe, it will immediately send an answer, great, that means the expert only needs those until the investigators learn. formulate questions to the universe, which means that at least until retirement we are provided with work, oh universe, who blew up lazarev’s car, hello everyone, i brought a recording from cameras near at home lazarevo, oh look, it’s working,
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i’m working, let me, let’s see what she sent us. universe, thank you, that means so, irochka , enlarge the photo of this pest and
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print it out, yeah, i’ll print it out, and you, then, will call your boss and report on your achievements, yes, if you want, i’ll report, well, whatever you want, i’d rather, yes. “hello, elena evgenievna, i ’m calling you on behalf of irina olegovna herself. yes, valer, great, and tell irina olegovna that she’s doing great. okay, the guys found the one who punctured the tires lazrevo? eh, i even have a personal message, they’ll send the photos now. excellent, do you think my wheel was specially rigged?" so that lazarev would get into the car, it’s rough? well, that ’s a question for you. so, let’s strain ourselves and get
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an order for exhumation. and let’s strain ourselves. come on. i don’t understand. they blew up the car, but do you want to exhume two bodies? the body of the deceased husband, the owner of the car and some other man. natalya konstantinovna. kartsov was chernova’s fiancé, like lazarev, there were two more who, after communicating with chernova, developed heart problems. so wait, i still need to somehow fit all this into my head. chernov's husband died, then the groom died. the other two developed heart problems, and the last groom was blown up in her car. i'm not confusing anything. that's exactly how it is. so what happens? black widow? it's not clear yet. well, maybe. and yet, formaldehyde was found in the blood of the victim lazarev. the dose is not life-threatening, but the fact itself
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is alarming. why was it necessary to poison and explode? we don't understand yet. it is possible that these are two different crimes altogether. or three, or three. there are several versions now, all of them need to be worked out. which is the priority? not yet. okay, there will be a court order on exhumations, maybe the frost will be revoked? natalya konstantinovna, we can handle it, okay, when the test results of the fitness center employees are ready, report immediately, okay, i don’t see any zeal. borisovich, what do we have there? in general, none of the employees tested today have formaldehyde in their blood, only
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chernova, but the concentration is somewhat lower than lazarev’s. i wonder if the girls are dancing. and what does it mean? that the water was poisoned in one cooler in chernova’s office, and lazarev drank from it. chernova also drank, which was natural, and therefore less than lazarev. didn't they feel it? i have a question for you: coffee, yes, seryozha drank it quite often, in my office too, but what
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happened, why the mineral water, you know, we have water in the cooler, it, it began to have some strange aftertaste, and.. i think it's because of the new plastic container, i only used this water for coffee, i... no more than one cup in the morning, sorry, sorry, i don't feel like it i feel very well, this is probably nervous, sorry, goodbye
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, i... phone number, i sent it to myself, as i expected, chernova did not drink water from the cooler, used it only for coffee, once a day, but lasers were used more often, respectively, coffee and the smell of warmaldehyde interrupted the tastes, but if formaldehyde was only in one cooler, and the rest were clean, then we need to, then we need to look for who put this rubbish in there, give you a lift, i don’t even know, it seems good, i'll probably walk, listen, i'll call you i’ll say it again, and who cares , i’m uneasy in my soul, her voice was somehow different, mom, mommy, get up, it’s too early to sleep, mom, mom, mom, mom, well, mom, well,
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get up? “hello, mom is sick, she’s lying down and doesn’t get up, her tummy hurts, i’m gata, let’s knock on the door and open it for the doctor, mom, get up, mom, mom!” st. petersburg news on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, the topic of this issue. he killed and waited for the police, which was not shared by the guests of the restaurant on moskovsky prospekt? half a million for a chance to live, eight-year-old timofey needs a
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bone marrow transplant. artificial intelligence for an electronic eye is being tested in st. petersburg for a system for recognizing dirt and debris. and he returned from the tour refreshed and the st. petersburg angel again settled in the izmailovsky garden. the largest robbery in russian history. the thief took attention from the st. petersburg bank. more than one and a half billion rubles. a cache of stolen goods was found in one of the apartments in the moscow region, which was rented by the suspect. during the search they found money and jewelry, $450,000, 30,000 euros, jewelry worth 10 million dollars. according to investigators, the thief stole all this in just a week, and, as well- known film scammers said, without the sound of dust. it was previously established that
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the attacker was contacted by his acquaintances. they provided instructions. on access to the storage and opening of cells. to enter the institution, the defendant used the details of other people's bank cards. using pin codes , he entered the depository and opened the cells with special electronic keys. and the loss of money and jewelry was reported to the police bank clients. the alleged robber was detained at sochi airport, from where he was planning to flee abroad. the investigation is not yet completed. loud murder in a restaurant. follows in st. petersburg. shots rang out the night before at an establishment on moskovsky avenue. today, footage from the crime scene emerged. here are two visitors talking at a table. suddenly one of them pulls out a gun and shoots his interlocutor. he falls, but the killer finishes him off with three shots at point-blank range. it can be seen that the last bullet hits the head. forty year old man received injuries and died on the spot. the shooter put the gun on the table and calmly
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waited for the police to arrive. charges have been filed. a forty-year-old local resident of committing a crime under the first part of article 105 of the criminal code of russia in a restaurant located on moskovsky prospekt, accused on the basis of personal unpleasant relationships that arose due to financial disagreements, fired several shots from his friend’s pistols for the purpose of murder, the restaurant immediately after the tragedy was closed and cordoned off until late at night, investigators from... the country's charitable organization rusfond worked there, now eight-year-old timofey needs help, he has acute leukemia, the boy requires a bone marrow transplant. tatyana bashko will continue: this is my favorite
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construction machine. eight-year-old timofey already knows his future profession: when he grows up, he will build houses and roads, or design cars and airplanes. some models are assembled by himself from a construction kit, others - with the help of his father. the secret service likes everything about him. late model fire police, timofey in the hospital, while in the hospital , was already assembling it himself, without our help, well, there were no extra parts left, the big plan is very much hampered by the disease that the boy has been fighting for half his life, it all started when timofey was 4 years old, the child was burning from a high fever , screamed from terrible pain in his back and legs, the doctors made a terrible diagnosis for any parent, acute leukemia.
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timofey quickly recovered after treatment, felt well and was preparing to go to school, all plans collapsed during the next examination, the leukemia had receded, suddenly relapsed, high-dose chemotherapy was already given. it is much toxic, much stronger, and it was already about 9 months, we tried it in the hospital, we were almost never at home, and not even in the hospital, we were in a sterile regime, six blocks of chemotherapy again, remission, as it turned out, even more short, now the little patient can only be helped by a bone marrow transplant, and as soon as possible, he was given high-dose chemotherapy. scenario at the place of residence, however, upon restoration of hematopoiesis, unfortunately, we diagnosed a refractory course of the disease, that is, in fact , the number of blasts, well, one might say, did not
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respond to chemotherapy at all, but completely affected the bone marrow. now the boy has been artificially put into remission, as far as is unknown, timofey even went to school, although for now he does his homework remotely and even sometimes meets with his best friend. and that, for example, i don’t know, maybe for a race, timofey doesn’t have related donors, but a precious chance for life has appeared, a genetic twin was found in the national registry of bone marrow donors named after vasya perevozchikov, the transplant will be done free of charge, but the state does not pay for the selection and delivery of the material, it costs a lot, 577 rubles. a completely unaffordable amount for this family, but timofey believes that he can defeat leikos in this. once and for all, i want to get better and go, for example, to the seaside or to the beach; whether the dream of a little boy who had to grow up so
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early will come true depends on each of us. tatyana bashko, sergei estler, nikita sokolov and sergei larichev, vesti petersburg. to help timofey, you need to send an sms with the word children to number 5542. the cost of the message is 75 rubles. all collected. the money will be used to pay for complex operations and medications on the website of our television company, on the website of rusfond, the addresses on the screen can be seen, how much money has already been collected, and which child’s life did they save? at least 30% of the area of ​​the northern capital should be occupied by green zones. plans for the improvement of st. petersburg were discussed in smolny. a working meeting of the city government was chaired by governor alexander beglov. so in this year it is necessary to equip the linear and murinsky parks, three beaches in the resort. talked at the meeting about a related topic
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of ecology, the city became a leader in the collection of hazardous waste disposal. we are creating modern waste processing complexes, the first of the volkhonka complex has been put into operation, the construction of the second continues and... i would like to note that over the past year, thanks to the development of separate collection, almost 9,000 tons of recyclables were collected. they also talked about new social facilities in a large residential complex in the south city, social institutions will be built there, including a school and a kindergarten. a safe city must also become clean. in st. petersburg, a street video surveillance system is being adapted to search for illegal landfills and dirty roads. an artificial one should help with this. intelligence, it has already been connected to cameras , it is now being actively tested in four regions, how everything works and what electronic intelligence can do, sergei zagadsky found out. it's a bit like a big computer game.
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red circles appear on the giant screen, tens of hundreds. the task of man is eliminate them as quickly as possible, because behind each there are real violations. one type of violation is that the container is full. we see here in the photograph the waste collection area, the red squares mark what i saw as a complex, and i saw that there were bags sticking out of the tanks. this is an experiment that started in st. petersburg several months ago. experts decided to teach artificial. intelligence to monitor the frequency of streets, the safe city system is ideal for this, hundreds of cameras in all areas on all streets have been working for a long time, all that remained was to explain to the electronic brain what garbage was and how it differed from cleanliness. the cameras record 24/7 video surveillance of the sanitary condition of the area. the sanitary condition refers to the cleaning of the street and road network, the presence of garbage, and the storage of snow, as well. perhaps some unauthorized
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inscriptions on buildings, building facades, apartment buildings, they quickly realized that the vigilance of artificial intelligence is almost unlimited, the system issues hundreds of warnings in a week, i even learned to identify snow -covered benches, packages thrown in the middle of the street, photographs with alarming red frames sent directly to the smartphones of those responsible for order in a particular place. all responsible persons are now connected to a special chatbot, if a violation is detected, they receive a message with a photo and a deadline for elimination, the person in charge must simply do his job, he should not attach any reports or additional photos, the system will once again check this camera for presence a certain detector, and if it is not detected during the next processing, we consider that this violation has been eliminated. the neural network patrol is currently operating in pilot mode, only in four historical districts of st. petersburg, in petrogradsky, vysleostrovsky, and beralteysky and central, an agreement has been concluded with the management of each gati specialist, the time for...
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processing messages is being reduced, because there is no need to go somewhere go, there is no need to look at something, take pictures, record, this makes the network uneven for us, and at the same time messages that are transmitted, they quickly reach the performers and even if they are not eliminated, then signals are also received that certain messages have not been processed; in theory, the non-gross network can be trained so that it automatically issues fines to those who throw garbage in the wrong place, experts say, by analogy... with artificial intelligence, which identifies violators of parking rules, but they do not plan to do this in the foreseeable future. artificial intelligence, of course, is still imperfect and can make mistakes. for example, if i stand motionless here for a while, then from a certain angle the camera can recognize me as a foreign object; if i were in white, then as an uncollected snowdrift, but since i’m in black, then most likely as another garbage bag. that is why all the pictures taken by cameras are now carefully examined by people. at the next stage of the pilot program, the system will appear.
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accordingly, the percentage of defects will become less and less. the experiment has already paid off, the developers say, however, they are in no hurry to complete the pilot period; a lot still needs to be set up and adjusted. the system will be proposed at the city government level in order to cover all other areas of st. petersburg with an electronic gaze. sergei sagatsky, sergei tamyuk, sergei smirnov and maxim lapin. news petersburg. the cold is receding. last night in the east of the leningrad region it was -14°. forecasters say these are almost winter temperatures. today there will be another frosty night, after which the thermometer will confidently creep up. frost no more forecast this week.
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the anticyclone is moving to the southeast of the region , from the west, it is being replaced by a warm atmospheric front that will bring rain, they will cover the city and region by the end of the working week, of course, thursday and in some places this precipitation will pass at night, it will be in the form of wet, even snow , just snow, sleet, and during the day already in the form of rain, but in some places somewhere in the leningrad region, in st. petersburg, most likely there will be no precipitation, only in the very evening, on friday at night again well, snow, sleet, and during the day it’s mostly rain, because the air temperature is getting higher and higher. in the coming days until the weekend, they promise it will reach +7, which is several degrees above the climate norm. in general, according to weather forecasters, now in st. petersburg the weather is typical for march. leonid petrov will tell you what we can expect from the weather tomorrow. hello. forecasts in the studio
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leonid petrov, plus no wind, even with a cloudy sky, this will ensure good, comfortable weather on wednesday in the st. petersburg region, according to the hydra center st. petersburg march 20. in the leningrad region, cloudy with clearings and a little humid in places. +3-5 in the afternoon they will show on the estate, another couple of degrees warmer, maybe in tekhin, boxetogorsk and volkhov, up to +7 in kirishi and gadchin, about 3° above zero, weather forecasters promise vyborg too. in st. petersburg during the day there will be mostly no precipitation, +6 on the thermometer and partly cloudy. on thursday night the temperature will drop to 0, +2 and no precipitation is expected. have a good day in any weather. he flew away, but returned as promised. in the izmailovsky garden you can meet the angel again. one of the new symbols of st. petersburg, the work of roman shustrov, traveled to moscow for the russia exhibition, which
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is taking place at vdnkh. there the sculpture adorned the exposition of the northern capital. afterwards, angel had to visit a restoration workshop. for the 12 years that the sculpture has lived in the izmailovsky garden near the theater. on the fontanka, it was touched by millions of hands, according to legend, it is worth rubbing the figure’s nose to make your innermost wish come true, and so that the angel’s popularity would not be so destructive for him, restorers will now constantly monitor its condition. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best and see you tomorrow.
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i apologize in advance, maybe you, like me , bleed from your ears when someone says that he is in the flow or not in the resource, but he will probably stop by. it’s worth something, since people are talking about it, today i still want to find out the resource, how to evaluate it in the resource or not, oh, sorry, dear viewers, hello, hello, hello, i was so scared about the topic of blood, resource, i'm used to it you can measure purely physiologically , which means that until you fall, you can work , that means you are in resource, you fell, well, probably not in resource, you can call it that, perhaps all people are like... now they are so obsessed with flows, resources, moments, this is all that i don’t understand yet, what is the criterion for assessing a resource, what is a resource? you know, i can’t say much about those people either, because what you’re calling now is more likely from the realm of esotericism, but i’m still a psychologist, let’s separate these clearings,
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there is also a concept of a resource , a non-resource state, and there are resource-based ones and there are non-resource ones, and psychologists have them , because what you say is in the flow, all of these are not moments. no, this is not for us, but there is a resource, there is a resource , yes, absolutely, look, you really took this engineering approach, like, if the car works, there is gasoline, it works, correctly, the gasoline is out, no, the gasoline is in in this regard, absolutely no calories and no glucose, yes, some other gasoline, yes, that’s it just as a metaphor, yes, that there is some kind, but - you are now thinking in a tactical understanding of the resource, because if i work in such a way that i fall, uh-huh, then i no longer have it. then it takes a lot of energy to recover later, and sometimes complete recovery is impossible, because some people work until they were taken to the hospital with a stroke for 35 years, but a resource is not only energy, i want to go back to that , what you said, yes it ’s understandable, conditionally i got enough sleep, i didn’t get enough sleep,
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am i hungry or well-fed, yes i have physical energy or am i really awake here all night , in some kind of samnobulic state, but that’s not all... i really like this approach: business psychology in this sense, for example, in which i worked for quite a few years, it’s closer after all, to an understanding that is more engineering than esotericism. there is a very simple story there: good decisions are made from a good state. yes, that’s the thesis. and now the important thing is, what is a good solution? yes, it’s a good decision, it’s strategic, tactical, business, whatever. what is a good state, a resource state. from the resource condition there is a very clear criterion, you have a minimum. three options for solving a problem , each of which suits you, if you have three options, it comes to you, which means you are in a resourceful state, if you have only one single option, you are already doing something automatically, it seems not, when you are in a non-resource state, the system tends
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to somehow ensure that the energy saving mode is turned on, and it quickly turns off your screen phone, for example, the energy saving mode, when i have little resource, means i have an automatic option, i ’ll choose it, yeah. for example, a person has been there all his life , i don’t know, he answers the same way, they offer him something, he says: i don’t need it, i don’t need it, and then he says, why don’t i need it like that, these are automatic decisions, they don’t are resources, a resource when you have a lot of energy. you said about the environment, and about information, there are moments when it seems that you need to make an urgent decision, but sometimes you really need to make an urgent decision, well, if it’s really some kind of accident, then it’s clear that it’s up to chance what decision you make, but if you still have, for example, some time to think or no one dies there, nothing burns directly now, there, but you have no environment, no information, nothing, and in order
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to set it all up, you need, well, more than a few hours, but you don’t have them, and you don’t seem to have them, uh, what to do, you are not in a resource state, it is necessary when it seems to you that you have no time, if you are in a resource state, mentally, then you still have there are three options to choose from, you can still find them, for example, quickly dial the police number there, or urgently find where i have insurance, or call a friend, that is... what to think about - this is also an option for deciding where to send your attention, where attention is, there is energy, there you will have a result, that is, you need to sketch out a bunch of options for yourself, and even if you are not in a resourceful state, you are running around with one thought, you need to do something, you need to do something, something needs to be done, and you said it 25 times, it didn’t help you, of course, this is this called a non-resource state, we will move away from esotericism with its flows, these moments, and come to a completely rational story, that the result depends on your decisions. difficult question, i love this so much, there are, well , in your understanding, there are situations where
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there is only one option, no, look, on the outside, absolutely nothing exists separately from your perception, your child is being offended, so you have many options, like what to do about it, you have an option there, well, conditionally, go there to quickly protect it, there is the option is to shout and sit, you can shout at your parents, don’t you see? his task , let him learn to defend that it’s me, is he a weakling or something, he’s going overboard, let him do it himself, please note, yes, if i’m in a resourceful state, please, i have options, i choose i always bear responsibility for my choice, as an adult, anyone does this, that is , did i understand correctly, if i sum it up like this, that the resource state, it cannot... is
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wonderful, but as you and i already know the cultural context, this impossible because that life is dynamic all the time, and that’s why the wind blew, your swimsuit was blown away from the rope, it seems that something just changed in the other direction, it’s okay, it’s important to remember all the time that you’re like a surfer on a wave or like a driver who drives along the road , and not according to the navigator map, there is a traffic situation on the road, today it snowed, tomorrow everything melted there, the day after tomorrow... to walk, then some children began to cross the road, you are constantly making a decision about how to it’s optimal to drive here and feel good
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feel and what radio to turn on? you ruled out one of the causes of ear bleeding in me, and you stopped it, saved the healing powers of the resource state, hurray, thank you very much, sorry for being in this vein, okay, i love you, thank you very much, see you again, see you again. in this studio we touched on the topic of bionics, but from the point of view of its combination with artificial intelligence, how terribly dangerous it is that we will stop distinguishing between robots and people, eh, but today we’ll talk about bionics. from a different point of view, and generally find out what it is such. ilya, hello, hello,
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bionics, what is this? who began to study or isolate it? how is it useful to us? in general, bionics is such a new, rather young science, well, probably in the current, in the current understanding, not very young anymore, it was already more than 70 years old when it was formed, and accordingly, it has different names, bionics, biomemetics, different different words that mean the same thing are essentially copying. borrowing technologies, some structures from the wild, from animals, from plants, from other living things organisms and transferring them to our everyday life, to our everyday life, that is, the creation... well, for example, if a long time ago the imitation of a bird’s wing was based on bionics, in fact, yes, that is, in fact, the first all bionic stories are , naturally, people wanted to master flight, everyone wanted to learn how to fly, they began to look at those who could fly, they began to look at insects, birds, probably the most famous among bionics, although of course he did not call himself that
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and did not know about such science then , was leonardo davinchik, who tried to make various kinds of ornithopters, he... created a device from wood that was supposed to be controlled by the human body and was supposed to lift a person into the air, then a variety of engineers tried to create ornithopters, including the soviet artist, engineer tatlin, who also made a device or tatlins, and we know that not a single device in general can lift a person into the air, because we don’t have such muscles, birds have super-powerful muscles that they wave, so of course a person couldn’t learn to fly by flapping. we only later learned to plan and make airplanes; airplanes, of course, were no longer based on the design of living nature, although today we know that if we had looked behind the wing of a bird, behind the wing of, say, albotross birds, then we would actually be able to make airplanes much faster, for example medicine, if we understand that we no longer want to fly, then how
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in medicine we can use bionics, also in very different ways, and we can make different robots and we can make simpler ones. things i i really like the example with sharks, sharks are perhaps one of the few marine animals that are not covered with any fouling during their lives, because the scales of a shark have a very special structure, each of these scales is covered with additional ridges, that is, in fact there are a microstructure that does not allow bacteria to simply cling to the shark’s skin and spread; well, the shark’s skin is also covered with an additional layer of mucus; of course, we cannot copy the mucus. here are the scientists themselves, when they looked at this scales, they transferred this pattern , calculated the distance between the stripes, between the protrusions, made exactly the same pattern, small patterns like this on medical catheters, as a result , much less bacteria began to grow on medical catheters, that is, on somewhere 20-30% less than on conventional medical
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catheters, and today such catheters are in principle used, of course they are not included. while widely in everyday life, but in fact from how an invention appears to how it enters our everyday life, sometimes decades pass , so we didn’t talk, but there is velcro, which we all know, but in fact, velcro was made not so long ago in 1955, in fact , george damistral came up with velcro, he simply copied the hooks from the paws, the second part is the ear dogs, his spaniel, in fact, he studied one and the other, then found suitable material. nylon made velcro, today we all have velcro and it is very cheap, it is probably the most convenient lock, then, in fact, velcro first went into space, because in in conditions of weightlessness, products are also convenient to attach to the wall, i just forgot, that is, such solutions sometimes come very accidentally, but then they become very accessible and we can use them
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regularly and not even think about it, i didn’t even think about the fact that burdock or burdock and ear. and this bird, unlike a duck, gets wet in the water, that is, if it quickly dives into the water while there is again an air bubble on it, and kisher, in fact, if it lingers in the water, it will get wet and... will no longer be able to float up , a big problem for them, in japan there was a problem with trains, because trains travel very fast, they travel through tunnels, when the train leaves the tunnel, it makes a very loud sound, popping, shaking, this really disturbed the residents who were at home nearby, and accordingly , they looked at the beak of this bird, copied the entire geometry, calculated the corresponding length and width, and transferred it
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to the train, in fact, this train is now leaving the tunnel at a speed of about 400. maybe even a little more than a kilometer per hour and makes a sound comparable to a person clapping , that is, it is actually clear that this does not interfere with neighboring houses, and at the same time , the technology, of course, is also super cheap, because making a different shape does not mean coming up with some new materials or something else, how interesting, but a camel is a camel, and a camel’s legs are unique, it’s a hoof, but not a simple hoof, it has a horny part, there is a fat pad below, in fact a collagen fat pad, on which it is very... as a result, the camel, when it walks on the sand, it does not fall through, in fact it steps on the sand and the sand does not sink under it, such snowshoes, but only on sand, due to this camels walk very quickly, in astronautics there is... another problem, when we send some spacecraft, for example, lunar rovers, there is a number of problems, firstly, we need powerful batteries, and secondly, the lunar soil is very hard, it actually
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resembles sandpaper, and naturally the rubber wheels wear out very quickly, but we cannot deliver new wheels and change the lunar rover and the japanese spacecraft itself the agency is making a new wheel for the lunar rover; in 1929 it should go to the moon itself and cover several record distances there. tens of thousands of kilometers, well, they say that they spied on a camel, we don’t know for sure, of course, there were many different ones, there were many different tricks, they selected the material, this is no longer rubber, these are steel threads that are woven in a special way, in fact they are directed in two directions, essentially depicting the hooves of a camel, actually two parts make it possible to make the wheel very wide, very light, and this wheel does not fall into the lunar soil, that is, in fact, the lunar rover does not bury itself, and this movement effectively allows for savings.
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native zones, there were shrouds, forests, there was a technogenic zone where people lived , animals were settled there, plants, accordingly, oxygen was pumped in, water was added, and so on , and the system had to exist completely closed, and people had to be comfortable there, everything this is in order to build the same thing later on some other planet, for example on mars, but quickly everything everything went wrong, weeds began to multiply very quickly, oxygen levels began to drop, people began to have difficulty breathing, and so on. in general, many parameters went wrong, the project was stopped , after some time it was revived again, but it was no longer a closed system, oxygen was pumped into it, water was added, the project
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still lasted for several months, everything went wrong again , that is, what -the connections were not taken into account, it seems to us that we know everything in nature, but in fact there are many very subtle connections that we so far we can’t take it into account, and despite the fact that we are copying, that is , insects have been placed there, that in general, everything is bacteria, agricultural plants and wild ones. that is, they tried to copy a variety of ecosystems, the project was called biosphere 2, because biosphere one is our planet, they said: let’s make the same planet, but it didn’t work out and we still can’t copy the ecosystem, that is, we can copy the beak, but it’s very, very difficult to copy the ecosystem, bye, bye, yes, perhaps, perhaps, if we study further, of course, a new world will open up for us, yes, in this program we have already touched upon topics several times that it would seem that in 5 years, in 10 years... it should be like this, and i still hope that we will exist for enough years to come back, look at it, and you will talk about new breakthroughs, and what we managed to do and what we couldn’t do
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before, yes, until we meet again, until we meet again meetings, thank you very much, thank you, those of you who have encountered. with construction your home or renovating an apartment or house or creating a design or architectural project, you probably noticed that it can be very difficult to find, well, firstly, a qualified specialist who will be close in spirit to your style. and recently one of the designers told me that artificial intelligence is already working at full speed, and by loading some parameters the data can be used.
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creating some parameters for it, based on the requirements of the environment and people, in general, based on the parameters, as far as i understand, this is already a computer that can suggest based on climate. compass roses, population, there are peculiarities , a certain project can already be proposed, and a design project can already be done one way or another by computers, how long do you think there is left for a designer and an architect? very good question , thank you for it, indeed this year, especially last year, we all know, we all encountered them with the gpt chat, with mejorni, they actively entered our lives, and of course, entered our profession, the profession of architect. designer, and you rightly said that designers who deal more with typical projects, they can do a lot, they can
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give a lot to neural networks and... some routine processes, they can easily be robotic, and of course, it’s too early to say that artificial intelligence can right now replace an architect or a creator he doesn’t realize himself yet, he can’t yet understand what he’s doing, uh-huh, uh-huh, probably, when he can understand what he’s doing, then we can talk about the fact that he will potentially replace the architect and designer. well, for example, judging by moscow, now the design project of an apartment it costs, well, some, well, you can’t say that little money, forgive me, designers, especially newly-minted ones, sometimes they themselves don’t know what designers want, it’s clear that there are probably some rules of ergonomics that they follow , but some solutions may very well be inconvenient, impractical, all this is due to lack of experience, and there are a lot of designers, do you think that artificial intelligence will cope better in
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this regard, i ask, for today... about internal design and creation interior, then it’s probably more complicated here, it’s more complicated here and it’s not always the same, artificial intelligence can’t always give a worthy answer here, however, i wanted to say that artificial intelligence is very actively used in the formation of residential buildings, the formation of buildings, the formation of cities, there it is already integrated, that is, you you mean
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conditionally designing roads. road networks, infrastructure, landscaping, and this is all or even all in a comprehensive manner, that is, comprehensively, comprehensively, these are also many parameters that are taken into account when planning the city, this is what you said, this is illumination, this is the wind rose, for example , building density and much, much more, and i think that this is a promising direction, this is a big problem, especially with private construction, which is what we have asking for respect is already set up. there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t correspond to anything at all, well, if we forget about aesthetics, it simply doesn’t comply with legal norms, the setbacks are trivial, the building coefficients , i can’t say in terms of density, but from problems like these, you think, we’ll start to go into in the near future, perhaps , artificial intelligence will one day begin to work in this direction, well, i think that it is already starting to work, in general, artificial intelligence, as i said, is working with master planning and is actively
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being integrated there. it can also work with a design code, that is, you can develop some kind of typology, of course , then you need to make sure that this is followed, that is, you can make an excellent design code, an excellent master plan, but not follow it, there are already mechanisms in place regulation, to the extent that this can be implemented taking into account artificial intelligence, i think that it is possible, in general, what is happening in russia, the interest in artificial intelligence is very high, including from the state itself, now excuse me, i want. let's go back to interior design, if we talk, for example, about individualization , here are well-designed interiors, when do you think we will be able to get there using artificial intelligence for 5-10 years, or do you think this will still remain the domain of the master? you know, there's an interesting thing here that when they predict when we will finally be able to fully use artificial intelligence as a creator and fully communicate with it, they always say that
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we’ll wait 5 years and it will happen, every time... this doesn’t change, but yes, i can also say, that potentially, this is what we see now, and we can say that in 5 years this will happen, so if suddenly designers, architects, perhaps beginners or dreaming of becoming one, are looking at us, what could you advise, that is, how what do you think parts of a person’s work will be irreplaceable , that is, maybe it’s not worth learning this now, but it’s worth paying attention to this aspect of design, there is no single recipe, but i personally think that artificial intelligence is already fully has entered our lives, we need to pay attention to it, we need to learn to work with it, because now even separate professions are appearing, yes, neural network operator, that is, a person who can do various iterations in non-neural networks, but knows how to do this, knows how to look for references, we
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ourselves already. we use reference searches, i wanted to say that searching by image has been available for many years, and you can upload some kind of picture and the internet will give you the same, now you can use neural networks that create images. with a certain insight, with taste, with the ability to build a dialogue with the customer, understand what he wants, and then translate it, transfer it to the neural network, and even offer to set the task correctly, do the iterations correctly, this is very important to work with a neural network, then from
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how you directed it, to become a mediator, in fact, to become a mediator, thank you very much, good luck to you, i hope that we will soon, maybe you will come to the studio and show us some joint work with artificial intelligence is a must, especially since they already exist, we’ll wait, thank you, see you. goodbye.
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no statute of limitations vladimir putin puzzles the fsb in the new realities. for security reasons, after the shelling of useu, loyal residents of the zelgorod region will be taken out around 9.00 children. the flood will not pass. primorye
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has installed a monitoring system based on artificial intelligence. new day on the russia channel. the news begins, the main news. in the studio of karina elgina. hello. identify by name, punish without statute of limitations, this is what needs to be done with traitors who join ukrainian sabotage reconnaissance groups and attack russian border cities, about this. putin spoke at an extended meeting of the fsb board. the president outlined the main goals facing the security forces departments, taking into account the current situation in the country and the world. vladimir putin now emphasized special attention to work in new regions, as well as to supporting the families of special service employees who died in the line of duty. the head of state also emphasized that western intelligence services are behind the manifestations of terrorism and extremism. that's who they are now. condones ukrainian militants, encouraging their aggression
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against our country. in this regard , the work of counterintelligence agencies comes to the fore. i ask the fsb, together with other intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, with the coordination of the national anti-terrorism center committee, seriously strengthen anti-terrorism work in all areas. realizing that we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy, whose arsenal has wide... informational, technical, financial capabilities, what can i say, we know their capabilities in all these areas, including methods of intelligence, intelligence activities, and terrorist methods, well, just remember the bombings of the northern flows in the baltic sea, they will do anything, a lot here depends on our counterintelligence agencies, this concerns both the sphere of anti-terrorism, the fight against extremism, behind the manifestations of which... the ears of the same western intelligence services often stick out. the president
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recalled that sabotage groups have repeatedly tried to break into russian territory and carry out terrorist attacks in the country. but thanks to the coordinated work of the border authorities, all attempts were failed. yes, the west itself, according to the head of state, throwing mercenaries into such work, without regret, takes them for cannon fodder. vladimir putin continues to accept congratulations from his foreign colleagues on his victory in the presidential elections. president of abkhazia aslan bzhanie congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election to the highest government post and emphasized that the voting results convincingly demonstrated broad support among citizens for the course pursued by the russian leadership. the leaders agreed to further strengthen allied relations. and earlier, vladimir putin was congratulated on his victory by the head of egypt, assisi, and the prime minister of armenia.
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this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. the children will be transported to penza, tambov, kologa and the stavropol territory. earlier, militants of the kiev regime again attacked civilians in belgorod. the enemy fired from a czech- made vampire multiple launch rocket system. nine shells were destroyed in the air, one fell on a private parking lot. several cars caught fire there. a private house was also damaged, its windows were broken and the roof was destroyed. they got hurt. three people, including a child. a plane with
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25 rescuers is preparing to take off from novokuznetsk to the scene of an emergency in the amur region, where 13 miners were trapped under rubble at a mine. this was announced by the governor of kusbats sergey tsevelev. a ground collapse occurred at the pioner gold mine on march 18. the miners remain at a depth of more than 100 m, and there is still no contact with them. local rescuers advance on average 100-200 m each. 2 hours later, 3.00 cubic meters of soil had already been removed from the scene. in addition, specialists are carrying out additional ventilation of the mine. reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and the regional governor on the situation at the mine vladimir putin heard earlier. the president instructed to take all possible measures to save the miners. primorye is preparing for the flood season. the suburbs of vladivostok suffer the most from flooding in the summer. this year , artificial intelligence will monitor the most...flying areas.


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