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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 4:35am-5:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] delegates from seventeen countries came to the khabarovsk territory from paraguay, serbia, algeria, and liberia, for whom russia became the center of international communication and friendship. guests like said, muzamil hasan are not surprised by the rocky landscape; out of the ten highest mountains on the planet, seven are located in his homeland in pakistan, but the chance to make his wish for the whole world presented itself in russia. we live in strange times, there is a lot of global aggression, my deepest desire at this magical moment
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is a more friendly world order. vostochny cosmodrome preparing for launch angara rockets, they plan to do this in the first ten days of april. the heads of all departments involved in organizing the launch gathered at the launch complex and paid special attention to safety issues. the assembly of the space head section for the angara a5 launch vehicle has already been completed ; pneumatic and electrical tests were carried out jointly with the arion upper stage in the test building. no comments found. another bakery opened in the front-line zone of lugansk; it was built by the head of the perm region. all works, including the new equipment was set up in 4 months. in one shift they will be able to produce about a thousand units of various baked goods. this will reduce the bread shortage in the city. report by nadezhda ostopuzunko. nowadays, bakers prepare the dough by placing it in
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special ovens. it's a trial version for now, the first baking today, in the future we plan to make larger volumes, everything is ready, now we send the future wheat bread to the proofer, where the dough will take on its volume and become more airy. after an hour of waiting , the batch is taken out and sent to the oven, preheated to 200°, and in about 40 minutes the bread will be ready. in severodonetsk there were two bakeries before, but... there is still a shortage of bread, especially on weekends, so the perm region, as part of sponsorship , built another one, the work was carried out in a short time, a set of equipment was purchased, the equipment is absolutely all russian, made in russia, brought here and installed, it was possible to implement it within 4 months, from the beginning we will talk about ideas and until the end implementation, today we are standing, it is already working,
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bread will be sent to city shelves. shops. the perm region regularly helps local businesses develop. before this, there were projects when we launched so-called perm stores, when our entrepreneurs received equipment and received contracts so that cheap, high-quality perm products entered the market of the city of severo-donetsk. the next stage was that we opened a sawmill, which is operating today. during one shift, the bakery will produce about a thousand buns, this will help reduce bread shortages. in the city. nadezhda ostapuschenko, dmitry pyrkh, svetlana bondarenko, vesti lugansk, severo-donetsk. one of the main buddhist holidays, ganzhur khural, took place in buryat. it is held annually on the days of worship of the incorruptible body of the lama. during the prayer service, believers read books that contain instructions from the buddha's teachings to his disciples. people believe that the power of texts is great. having heard them, everyone will be able to accumulate
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positive energy and change their own. attitude to life, report by ilya kashlinova. this service is not like others that usually played in the main buddhist temple. priests in the tibetan language simultaneously quote the contents of all the volumes that have survived to this day, there are 108 in total. if you listen to the saying of the buddha, you directly hear the words of the buddha. if you understand this and can reflect on it, in the future you will get rid of it. from the root of suffering. many believers brought home buddhist books with them in order to place them on the altar for consecration. after the service is completed, the page with the vaults is carefully wrapped in cloth. in this form they will be kept in various temples, but first those who wished could touch the shrine and even temporarily take them with them for a special mission. now believers are making a circuit around the evolda dotsan in the hands of those same sacred books, ganjur. it is believed that
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this way. those present carry the buddha's teaching further along the road of life, passing it on from generation to generation. among the pilgrims are both believers and those who visited these sacred places for the first time. we are absolutely delighted. with the fact that well with the good ones, well-being their loved ones, that is, religiously , so that they are prosperous, so that no one offends them, all people came here with their desires, well , having completed the goro, that is, bypassing the circle of purifications , veneration outside the perimeter of the dotsan, the participants distribute blessings to other believers, apply the book to their heads , this year the ganjur khural was held for the last time in its usual format, and the lighting will take place in september. new sokchendugan and next time they will come out from new sakchendugan. buddhists believe that the power of the ganjur text is indescribable and great. having heard them once life, everyone will be able to accumulate positive energy and change their attitude towards life. ilya koshlinov, alexander lubsanov, lead by
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bryant. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. good, yes. morning of russia, don’t miss the main thing. i know for sure that the man who was lying in the coffin did not look like himself. alexander molokov, the lawyer of one of the most famous scammers in russia sergei movrodiy, makes a sensational statement, allegedly in the grave over which the monument with the name of sergei mavrodi is installed may be completely. another person, in our studio are sergei mobrodi’s closest associates, students, followers and even an illegitimate son. does he believe that his father
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is alive, malakhov, today at 16:30. good morning, our broadcast continues, vladislav zavyalov is with you, i’m anastasia chernobraen. oh, how many wonderful discoveries do we have or what we just don’t know? with the help of fashionable dna tests, hereditary diseases, and genetic risks, and family ties goes without saying, but is it possible to trust them all, a resident of canada decided to check companies that promise their clients to determine the breed of a dog using such a study, but she sent her human biomaterial for verification, as a result , two laboratories could not conduct a dna test, the third gave the results that the canadian was 35 % shar pei, a quarter... labrador, and the rest is alaskan malamute. her ancestors led a dubious lifestyle . from time to time she needs to be seen by a veterinarian, we need to check who we really are. well, what kind a polygraph can give results in case of an accident when its participants deny their guilt. on
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the prospects for using detectors in traffic proceedings. sergey egorov, and then our guest, an authoritative polygraph examiner. normal driving lessons, lessons with a student, suddenly a car ahead. stops, puts the car in reverse and crashes into us. seeing the student in the car and making sure that there were no traffic cameras, the culprit of the accident who was giving back immediately offered his version of what happened, saying that he was not to blame, and an inexperienced driver who lost control. he accused me of running into him during the educational movement, that is, of catching up with him. the traffic police inspector arrived, looked at the traffic situation and sided with the other driver. as a result , the driver had to pay the fine. cars, but what’s at stake may be more than just a fine, deprivation of a license, or even a criminal sentence. irina zui’s client found himself in such a situation; his car was hit by another car. the drivers decided that a couple of scratches on the bumper were not a reason for disputes and shook hands. leave. this could have been
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the end of the incident if the person responsible for the accident had not suddenly changed his mind. it was my client who left first. as it turned out later , the second participant in the traffic accident, due to unknown circumstances , decided to call the traffic police crew. stated that the driver involved in the traffic accident had fled. taking into account the fact that the number of such traffic disputes in russia is measured in thousands, experienced drivers advise using maximum fixation tools circumstances of any accident. if there are eyewitnesses to the accident, you can contact them; you need to photograph everything at once. the registrar will forever help determine who is right and who is wrong. a complete lack of evidence is, of course, rare, but it also happens that the only source of information about what happened may be conflicting stories. their drivers, although there is a chance to get to the truth in this case. the polygraph simultaneously records several reactions: these are breathing reactions, this is the cardiac channel reaction and the galvanic skin reaction. everyone in the compartment is these reactions on each channel give a picture
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that allows one to draw a completely accurate conclusion: whether a person is lying or not. the use of a polygraph to clarify the circumstances of an accident is not prohibited by law, although the results of such testing do not have sufficient legal force. there is another one. for a full-fledged study using a polygraph , you need to check the testimony of all participants in the accident. the polygraph is an exclusively voluntary procedure, and a person can refuse, in contrast to refusing a medical certificate. reluctance passing a polygraph does not carry any legal consequences, but logically , it is precisely this behavior that should give reason to doubt the reliability of the arguments. preconditionally, under certain circumstances, a polygraph must be used; if , in the absence of any contraindications for health reasons, a person refuses to voluntarily undergo a polygraph, then the fact is considered established, while none of the experts insists on the widespread use of the polygraph, but if the dispute is about a misdemeanor, for which there is a threat of deprivation of rights or compensation for large material damage,
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then... expert institutions, and this examination
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is included in the list. a polygraph examiner can come to the place with the detector, or we still need to invite the suspect to a separate room, yes, spend some time with them, we still need certain conditions for organizing the work, a calm environment, the absence of extraneous sounds, this whole procedure , if we are talking about investigating a traffic offense, it will take about 2 hours,
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what do you think? psychologists, we must keep people in this is less about us than about such a state, so that he realizes his responsibility for how conscientious you look . thank you very
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much, it’s interesting to pass the test, by the way, thank you, we discussed the possibility of using polygraphs in an accident with a polygraph examiner, associate professor of the department of forensics at kutafin university, yaroslava komissara, have a nice day , come, you’d better come to us, thank you, yes, it’s definitely amazing people, amazing seventh season, i love this project so much, even if it’s the last one i tried, in 21:30, this is a powerful sleeping pill, no, you're crazy, a killer thing, vosnetsova, premiere, today at 21:20 japanese farms put on african camouflage, herds of cows are massively repainted like zebras, black and white stripes scare away gadflies, horseflies and others bloodsuckers, which even in japan greatly bother cattle. the dyeing has already yielded results, the experiment has been considered
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successful, the striped cows have become calmer, because they bite five times less than their unpainted counterparts. what will the zebras say, and if you yourself... but of course it’s possible by experience check, but something else is already known, for example, thanks to the latest scientific achievements of russian biologists, it will soon be possible to completely restore the cornea and retina of the eye, and after any illness. andrey alekseenko has all the details. 3000 people, this is exactly how many people, according to doctors , suffer from blindness today, and even more people. there are tens, if not hundreds of millions of people with vision problems. medical scientists are trying to solve the problem, at least partially, in different ways, creating electronic implants or growing fragments of damaged eye tissue. that's why the paths followed in sechenovka when they created an artificial cornea. it is made of collagen, we take animal tissues,
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we can take various tissues, skin, ligaments, and so on, we extract jellied meat from them, in fact. in this case, as a source. scientists used bovine tendons, from which , using a chemical reaction under the influence of an electric current, they obtained a blank, a collagen film, then cut out an implant of the required size; in terms of strength and transparency, it is not inferior to a real cornea, this was confirmed by tests. we we implanted the cornea into a rabbit, the cornea took root, we did a histological analysis, we were satisfied with it. now the next step is to check the viability of the development in the clinic, they are preparing for a breakthrough in this laboratory of festekh, here, with the help of cellular... technologies, they are creating medicines for the retinal tissue, which is responsible for transmitting the signal from light-sensitive receptors to the brain, their breakdown most often leads to complete blindness . researchers are confident that the most complex organ can be repaired by implanting so -called ganglion cells. we get from invitro, yes, literally in vitro, and we can, in general, transplant them into
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the retina, ideally this should allow us to restore lost functions, in particular, restore the connection with the cortex. biologists took stem cells as a basis; at first they tried to reprogram them into the required ones, but then it turned out that it was easier to create a whole similarity of a part of the eye, in fact, to grow a fragment of the retina in the laboratory. we are also growing, let's say, retinal-like structures, in fact, structures that will contain the necessary layers, retinas, these are photoreceptors, these are bipolar cells, these are ganglenary cells, and will imitate its function. to study all the processes that occur during cell growth and be sure that the idea really works, scientists still need quite a bit of time, but according to experts , it will take about 10 years before it can be used in medical practice. and then a gift certificate. is it possible to take out an unused gift limit in cash in what
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cases? we'll find out in a few minutes. this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent being in ourselves, orientalism, is some kind of parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform, i found the first podcasts that we watch. you have work six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, you now more like a girl in love than
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a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, so i came here first. “actually, i’m married, go anyway, get out of here, and you ’ll leave immediately, or me or what, i didn’t kill anyone, believe me, the teacher, on saturday on rtr, lives”? my joy is in the high mansion, in that high mansion, there is no way for anyone, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i didn’t... never cheated on you, she drove him away two blocks away, he left, otherwise he was chewed up, when a kamaz is rushing towards you, the radiator and chromate
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disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, a good neighbor found a room, my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me , it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, i’m afraid that you still have to come, there’s a lawyer here, he wants to talk to the investigation, inheritance, someone else’s revenge, the accident was staged, and... you have, i ’m scared, a neighbor, however, she will definitely
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be revealed, i know, on friday on rtr, the next issue will wait, in russian companies there are more and more employees who have not taken vacation anymore. the share of such workaholics, according to online surveys, can reach up to 18%. by refusing vacation , employees try to maintain their income level, especially if vacation pay is lower than salary, and, they say, monetary compensation for days not taken off will not hurt. issuing sick leave is now also not fashionable, instead people are increasingly taking time off, almost every second manager expects that an employee, even during a period of illness, will continue to perform
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at least part of his tasks from home. when i sat down, it turned out that i got what i needed and also returned the money. marina was lucky to meet a respectable seller,
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lawyers confirm their right to return the remaining amount on a gift certificate, only a few buyers know what they often use in stores, they even cunningly prescribe in the conditions that if the purchase price is lower than the denomination of the gift card, the remaining money burns out, and the law on the protection of consumer rights says the opposite, because you make a 100% advance payment for a product or service that you are required to provide from... you should be reimbursed one and a half, by the way, 200 is the most popular denomination of the certificate, it is usually chosen as a gift 40% of russians, 27%
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take cards in the amount of 2-300 rubles, 17% from 3.00 to 5, certificates up to 1.00 rubles are given by 11%, more than 5.00 only 5%, and practice shows that problems with a small balance most often do not arise, sellers perform quickly requirements, if not, you can write a complaint to rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office; usually sellers return the goods. certification voluntarily, without unnecessary disputes, but if suddenly the seller does not cooperate, this can be done in court. this dispute resolution option will be more ruinous for dishonest sellers. in such cases, the law is a priori on the side of the consumer, and the store , in addition to the remaining balance on the card, will have to pay all legal expenses from the fund, compensate for moral damages, and pay a fine to the offended client, 50% of the amount he won. and then, a big deception. where to look for protection from scammers who take?


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