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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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he will definitely continue to do so, so we need to prepare a strategy for the long term, even under the threat of the existence of all of europe. there is a huge risk for european and therefore global security. putin himself, in my opinion, is playing an interesting game because he has again raised this prospect of world war iii. he spoke about this, however, on the condition that we were not going to do this. however, of course, at such a time of uncertainty regarding the future of europe. security, perspective expansion and escalation of this conflict still remains. well, right now the news agency’s feed is receiving urgent alarming news according to the director of the russian foreign intelligence service naryshkin. france has officially begun training military personnel to be sent to ukraine at the initial stage. the size of the contingent may be about 2.0 soldiers. again. these are the words of the service director.
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history, recalling that it was russia that defeated both napoleon and hitler, but also macron, the following turns out: in paris today there was a large-scale anti-war demonstration, people took to the streets with banners for peace, chanting, hey macron, no one needs your war. this is what unprecedented disagreement between the people and the president looks like, but it’s also ironic that all these belligerent sentiments are in the head of the head.
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have already shown and disassembled on the map of ukraine where western troops could go , clearly pointed to the dnieper, defining it as an important dividing line, placed, look, soldiers drawn along it, boasted that the army could be deployed there very very quickly, well , another french channel ft1 boasted about the nuclear power of france, journalists were even... allowed into the most secret base of french submarines, the base itself is completely closed to access, but after emmanuel’s bellicose speeches, reporters were not allowed to conduct a television there filming, they showed one of the four french submarines that are armed with nuclear missiles, and the nuclear missiles themselves were also demonstrated, although both of them separately from each other, they understand that and the country has few warheads, and submarines...
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the water rises very slowly, at some point it lifts the submarine, that is , it is the water that will carry the submarine. 1400 tons, and a length of 138 m.
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it must not be allowed to capsize or hit the pier. at some point the distance to it is less than a meter. two cables under the submarine allow us to tow.
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in the base itself, the team is preparing for the worst, for evacuation from the submarine in the event of a serious accident, serious damage, explosion, fire or leak, this is their last chance for survival, when you are ready to flush the water , attention, 3, 2, 1.
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prepare for radioactive threats, he received only on the water, but on land, in particular here radiation, a team of doctors provides assistance to an imaginary victim, a technician working with a nuclear reactor and if you have a burn on your leg, you need to remember that removing the victim's clothing will reduce the infection by 90%, so this is extremely important. nurses cut off the clothing layer by layer, then wrap it to later bury the radioactive elements. this the radiation treatment room has never been used in real conditions, but it is extremely necessary when you are in the middle of a nuclear arsenal. we are part of the military-industrial complex, where
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there is a lot of nuclear energy activity going on, including nuclear weapons. and this is the largest center for treating people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation. it’s hard to even imagine how they are located vertically inside a nuclear submarine. when fully assembled, the missiles are 12 m long, with each nuclear the submarine carries 16 such missiles.
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the weapon power of each submarine is 100 times greater than the power of the bombs dropped on hiroshima. at least in theory, because the main task of the principle of deterrence is to never use nuclear weapons. weapon. it is clear that france is preparing not only its nuclear submarines. the army of the fifth republic is training to take part in the toughest battles to protect, as they say, interest. this was stated by the head of the ground forces of the french republic, pierre schille, against the backdrop of macron’s statements about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. according to the general, the french army is capable of redeploying 20 thousand soldiers in less than a month. in total, the military leadership is capable of commanding forces of up to 60,000 people. general schiel also recalled that france's defense relies on its own nuclear arsenal and well-trained troops, which are compatible with the army. allies, that is, the west is trying to openly play the card of nuclear blackmail. the usa has already
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simulated a massive nuclear strike on russia, hundreds of missiles are hitting all our key cities and military installations, in a matter of minutes the number without returnable losses reaches 45 million people. in response, someone made a video of just one russian multiple warhead missile wiping out new york city. but, as they say, that’s it for now. cartoons from the internet, which, of course, can scare particularly impressionable viewers, but nothing more. the new netflix documentary turning points, the atomic bomb and the cold war looks much more serious. there the americans talk about how the confrontation between the ussr and the usa, which lasted for decades after world war ii, could have ended in a nuclear apocalypse, and ended with the collapse of the soviet union. as we remember, putin called. event was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. the authors of the nine-episode
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film say that we are now experiencing a new cold war, which could also lead to disaster. since putin is a child of the cold war, he uses similar tactics, that is, nuclear weapons rattling and disinformation. as one of the experts the speaker is the now deceased and notorious yarusophopist, sbigniew bezhezinsky. who dedicated his entire life to the fight against our country. he says that in 1980 he almost sat in jail when he was informed that supposedly 2.0 soviet missiles were flying towards the united states. he sat at home, waiting for the end of the world. upstairs in the bedroom were his wife and daughter. he did not have time to call president carter when a message arrived that the alarm was a false alarm after all. the filmmakers also talked to survivors of the bombing of jeroshima. it was indescribable horror. the worst thing is what a person can face, while the creators of the propaganda show were able
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to remove such words from the song, in the sense that the victims of american bombings never mentioned that this was the work of the united states, it took away the historical memory of the mayor of hiroshima, the japanese prime minister kisids, they note in statements that they do not want the world to repeat such tragedies, forgetting on...
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he is preparing to wake up the president of the united states to say that he has to make a choice. and it wasn't long before he did, his military adviser called him again and said: “oh, this is a false alarm.” what you just saw is a clip from a new netflix documentary series called turning point, the bomb and the cold war. we just started watching his episode last night. the nine-part series provides an insider's view of the tense and sometimes volatile relationship between the united states and the soviet union.
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from the manhattan project of the nuclear bomb to the growing tensions between america and russia after the end of the cold war. war, vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine. just recently, putin said in an interview that russia is ready for a nuclear war with the west if the conflict reaches such a degree. and now we're joined by award-nominated emir. two or three months ago we were working on this television series, when putin invaded ukraine, we simply could not tear ourselves away from the television screens. and you know, of course, it was a very dramatic moment. tanks were driving to kiev, there was an assassination attempt on zelensky. and you know, against this background putin himself tells a version of the history of the cold war. he famously said that the collapse of the soviet union was the worst geopolitical
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tragedy in history. we will tell a relevant modern story about what is happening in ukraine, we will use it to, how... the cold war was the first war in history that could end in an apocalypse. the united states is the only country that has ever used atomic weapons in war. this weapon changed the fate of the 20th
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century, the weapon was so massive and so destructive that it could not be use.
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we are in a much worse situation than during the cold war. the cold war was cold, but this is an unstable, hot war that can lead to catastrophic consequences. for the first time publicly used a gift from president putin, dprk television showed a ceremonial story in which comrade kim gets to... work on a russian-made aurus limousine in its armored and most stuffed version, next to land cruisers, they will probably also be replaced soon, well kim chin's previous car was imported illegally into the territory of the dprk, a german maybach, now in the garage. the exact shooting dates are not
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reported, but the video appeared during the presidential elections in russia. according to official pyongyang, the leader of north korea was the first of the leaders to congratulate putin on his re-election, but apparently, as a gift, the korean people's army delivered 7.00 containers of ammunition to russia, the times magazine reports this in all seriousness , citing south korean officials. in return, seoul said, north korea could get food and money, of course, no evidence, and moscow pyongyang. traditionally and ritually deny any arms deal. kim chunin himself continues to demonstrate his militant attitude. together with his daughter, he attended a paratroopers training. there he was shown a unique korean combat system based on the secret korean formula of 1 versus 100,
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as well as a mass landing of paratroopers followed by an assault. using super-heavy multiple launch rocket systems, caliber 600 mm, charge length 8 m, starting the mass is almost 3 tons, in fact, this is a korean analogue of tactical missiles without 5 minutes iskander, these missiles were put into service last year, in hinyan they said that the missiles can be used. to deliver tactical nuclear weapons , the japanese ministry of defense reported that on march 18, the dprk launched three ballistic missiles to the side.
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remains to be the leader of the people, has long devoted himself to serving the country, namely the transformation of the entire country into a powerful nation and the realization of the sacrifice of the people, arrived at the palace for dinner with his son, their greeted by a guard of honor accompanied by a ceremonial orchestra. north korean leader kim jong-un made his first trip in a luxury car given to him by the russian president to the sounds of greetings.
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dear comrade kimchinin, chairman of the state commission for the affairs of the democratic people's republic of korea, personally checked military combat training, as well as the progress of military exercises. during the visit to the training ground , open combat exercises and preparation of fire weapons were conducted. exercises. were conducted to confirm the power and the actual combat capabilities of the weapon system in the event of an unexpected alarm, as well as the state of the six-hundred-millimeter multiple launch rocket system system . the exercise demonstrated salvo firing from a super-large salvo fire artillery system called hwasongei, after which comrade kemchinin moved to an observation post and received a report on the firing plan of a company of super-large salvo fire artillery.
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research in siule says it's a vomit designed to undermine the current government south korea, which won parliamentary elections in april, however... an alarming report indicates that kim may be serious this time. made the strategic decision to enter the war because the communist government saw a window
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of opportunity for the forced reunification of the korean peninsula. asia expert gordon chang believes that if the report turns out to be true, it will be part of a larger asian war. north korea will not go to war unless it receives approval from moscow and beijing. so it is likely that if north korea attacked south korea, it would be due to china attacking japan, taiwan, the philippines, india. concerns about north korea's nuclear program have grown over the past two years, with north korea conducting missile test launches at a record pace and openly threatening a nuclear attack on the united states. he believes that the united states is in a state of global confusion, and that in fact he...
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continues to rock out and joe biden, after a meeting with the prime minister of ireland, the us president said that the emerald island with a population of 5 million people is among the ten largest investors in the us economy. dublin is washington's most powerful ally in the fight against russia's brutal war of aggression in ukraine. for this he can be applauded. biden, who is proud of his irish roots, graciously allowed it. biden made another ambiguous statement. americans are the only divine and divided nation in the world, hello netanyahu, which is based on an idea. unlike other peoples who are tied
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to ethnicity or geographic location. i would carry you as if on eagle wings and bring you to me, that is, biden is preparing himself for a meeting with the almighty, but as they say , a beard is a devil in a rib, so joe does not miss the moment to... flirt with ladies at public events. see how the intense and sensual moment was interrupted by the vigilant first lady jill. but the vigilant protocol service finally decided to change the shoes of the owner of the white house into special orthopedic sneakers that protect against falls. the brand is already known, and the specific brand of these shoes. it’s just not entirely clear whether the sneakers, which
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are called ship sneakers, will help. or ethnicity, but the us was founded, all others are based on geography , by a single nation based on an idea, think about it. biden is upset because he feels like he's being cocooned, wishing only for his staff to let go of the leash they 're holding him on. in your opinion, is such a person ready for anything? look, he got lost on the porch in the rain and for this occasion he the help of special shoes is required. he has new shoes, these boots, as they are correctly called. shoes for greater
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stability. yes, that's right, shoes. the staff monitoring the regulations, now i'm fine, so i read that there are special ones at the foot of the stairs at the moment when biden goes down, so to speak, just in case, so these new shoes should add confidence so that he does not fall , they really look very stable. many spectators could not help but notice his new boots, these are the same ones sneakers? yes, that's exactly what they are, sneakers under the hoka brand, their design is designed for maximum comfort and support while walking. these are the same sneakers that joe biden wears, they are made by the company hoka. they are considered special walking shoes, so -called shoes for greater walking stability. they feel quite comfortable, they have a wide sole without a doubt they are great for walking
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because we remember how... we want to remind you, i just want to say that this happens more often than anything, he really fell hard, and it is worth remembering that he is not young, besides, he has options when falling, look, here he stumbles several times on the ramp, and he is just trying to board the presidential plane , yes, yes, this is the leader of the free world, we need to check, of course, whether he is mentally healthy, these shoes sell for around 150 to 200 bucks,
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something like that. i saw it in the gym. the website said they were designed for hiking and a healthy lifestyle, but the only thing they lacked was wings to hold old joe, however, they look bad if you wear them under a suit, but if suddenly biden wants really comfortable and stylish shoes, we have something to offer him, look at the screen, yes, donald trump also produces sneakers that look very comfortable and also fit biden's corrupt life narrative, especially in gold. you're the president, what are you doing? can you walk normally in shoes seriously? if you still don’t have enough facts to understand that everything is bad, you just think, he now wears krasovki, it’s no wonder why his assistants do everything for him, you can.


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