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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look , look, come on, look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two , three, sign up, look, look, maybe we’ll come to me, just watch a movie, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he’ll come to the house himself, we ’ll get started , he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can bring kasme, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard.
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“i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very difficult for you." oh, it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one can take such care of masha, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it is not yours. well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday.
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finland was recognized as the happiest country in the world. perhaps the finns have simply not yet fully realized the consequences of joining nato, the most unfortunate ones. people in afghanistan and this is a clear consequence brought by american democracies, ukraine is rapidly approaching afghanistan, within a year it dropped immediately to 43rd position, the second happiest place is as much as 105, in the historical at least the happiness of the united states itself from the fifteenth line of the ranking, the americans fell to twenty-third, that too. probably biden's achievement. the us president himself looks as unhappy as possible. his dementia is progressing, despite the fact that soft and comfortable sneakers have appeared in his wardrobe. this time he mixed up happy finland and
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norway. and this despite the fact that norway is among the founders of the military bloc, donkey has been in the alliance for 75 years. poor, unfortunate, please, there’s one less country, but in what’s special, do you feel happy, well, as if today in connection with oil, more or less, how core you are, like the budget, i think, what is russia like, yes, well,
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i also have to say, not very high in this ranking, they think that we are too rather unhappy people, we have some kind of second place there, well, a so-so achievement, but... okay , let's see how they say in economics what is special about the recent sharp increase in energy prices, which hit 77 87 yesterday, accordingly, this means that the urls broke through 75, that is, it is 15% higher ceiling, now it seems to have dropped a little, but it’s all clear what this leads to, how it worked, this leads to an increase in gasoline prices, first of all, in the us, gasoline hit historically 3.5% for the first time. today specifically, well, i mean yesterday, but because it’s like a time shift, so i remind you that this is more than a year ago, a year ago it was three or four, so psychological is considered a four, but a magician can do this in principle to finish for a number of reasons, first, accordingly, iraq announced
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the fact that he is going to reduce production in the next 2 months, a member of the apek, by the way , added most of all to this apek, we will become even happier, or at least it was, the siluans will become happier, is that absolutely certain and you? i’ll become happier when the secular perspective expands , so to speak, for 6 years in the future, that’s right, and accordingly, when the eastern testing area expands, there are many different ones, little is needed for happiness, to be honest, there are four trillion there, so and the problem is this: the problem is that the russian economy needs 14 trillion to be happy, in general 36.5, to be precise, well, putin said that what he voiced is 14, well, yes , he does, but we still have expenses there is. so by the way, in addition to the well-known initiative of happiness, yes you are good, in the growth rate of vp, i remind you of the 20th quantity, i remind you that according to the gdp growth rate of 20%, it is necessary to increase gdp accordingly by the thirtieth year, for example, 3% in growth year, that’s like a corresponding guideline, like happiness, which can be measured, at least
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for gdp, for growth rates , that’s the peculiarity here, there are two aspects, the first is conscientiously china is increasing its oil refining, by the way, it is now actively increasing exports of everything that moves, as it were, with india, so what has now arisen from the restriction seems to be spreading to the chinese with a high degree of probability, this can be seen, the statistics just came today literally, literally in the morning, so accordingly they have been counting theirs for 2 months, it’s like oil, petroleum products are all there has increased, then china is actively expanding alternative delivery channels, apparently fearing a number of things that could
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happen in the fall, well, he can be understood in principle, because i remind you that trump has announced that he will arrange a bloodbath , everyone attacked her there, then he said that this actually concerns electric vehicles in china, that’s why i think china... roughly how to understand what will happen, that the most interesting thing will happen now, and this afternoon there will be two wonderful events, first of all there will be another closed briefing on tiktok, he was alone downstairs, in the lower house, now he will be in the upper house of parliament, accordingly, as if completely... china may not survive this, thank god we are not china, well, thank god we have they don’t have their own big social network, they want to take the usa away from us, the usa doesn’t want that big, they don’t have that big, there is a social network, the second point is that this very day the question is about who is in whom the election is interfering, i remind you that before this, chuck schumer announced that it is necessary to hold elections , respectively, in israel, he was supported by biden, this afternoon... the republicans will arrange a live online meeting for netanyahu in the senate, and he
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will already speak out, judging by all the political components within the united states, that is, it is as if a conflict is beginning, and very tough between netanyahu and biden, and biden , as was said, is accordingly betting on an early election, an attempt to weaken netanyahu, and netanyahu is betting on the republicans, they have a different choice they are actually starting to climb directly, why is this important, because an operation is being prepared accordingly in the southern part of gaza in the near future, apparently, judging by the operational data, plus there is an overlay on this whole matter.
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well, in the case of the official government , therefore, from this point of view, the question is as follows: in this way, as if from the middle east , there is some withdrawal, so to speak , and it seems that it is clearly not agreed upon, and the kurds, by the way, are very important players like if they would support for a very long time , including a number of different operations, this is quite dangerous, taking into account the fact that iran is also seriously strengthening its position here, all this leads to the fact that the confrontation in the middle east will intensify very strongly in the near future , in principle, we see this already now, that is, it can lead to quite serious consequences and, first of all, shift attention, the center of attention itself... it is being actively discussed,
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in addition, i also remind you that a restriction was introduced on, respectively, on the middle east now and god willing in the fall, this is china, well god forbid not for china, for us, if we think in terms of distracting attention from look why tiktok is important, because china has already, accordingly, held a closed meeting about the fact that it he did not recommend selling tiktok, this means that they will not sell anything, if they do not sell anything,
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this is destructive for the usa, that is, all social networks, all propaganda on this planet should be pro-american, then it is good for us, but if not, then that's it not democratic. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for
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you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, borscht damn, how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, i found you a job,
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six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, we watch on the weekend. "i ask for love and favor, nothing like that, yes, study better on other people's mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, i'm the first thing here to understand, actually, i'm married, come all anyway, get out of here, because now get out immediately? i didn’t kill anyone, believe me, teacher, on saturday on rtr,
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people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common, sincerely. strong friendship, falling in love with a white fluffy , i said, i want a white cat, here it is oh, you're good, i'm good at petting the obstinate one, he likes to grab with his claws, or so , tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the boor, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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“i don’t have my own children, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will be for you miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you." it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one can take such care of masha, but i have one thing condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it ’s not yours, well, hello, my love, you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me,
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i promise to be silent, the premiere is on saturday on... rtr. where is yours homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what impression does it make? russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. monday through friday.
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from the age of 18, he has the idea that people are standing in line, want to go to this war, and the evil deputies do not pass the law on mobilization that limits their opportunities by age category, a direct quote from the washington post, you must fight so as not to was happening, he says that no matter what we do, you have to fight, no matter what we do, you have to fight for yourself, wait a minute, wait, we are fighting. for the entire free world, we are defending democracy, europe, what are you talking about anyway, i don’t understand how this, how this can happen, and then even better, they say that we are...
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with the russians too from the fact that you will have to run quickly, well, that means the same dark-skinned audience, yes we mean this, for some reason not a single white person was found in the french football team, we'll be back in a minute, where were you at the time of the murder, the premiere on rtr, not a single clue. wait, elephants, fish, that's it, congratulations , today we will be in all the news, a scandal is guaranteed, which means there will be a new death, good
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afternoon, there are 5 hours left until your death, vysnitsova, today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one. what task do we have to open the whole board , we can handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many there will be 7.8, 7 and 8, as many as you like, who is at work, a lot and loudly he says, if you answer, then with humor, i chop down oak, don’t pluck. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache,
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god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr . this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen , a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who’s good for you? , wife or your boys give it up, to the question now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their
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time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look.
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i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, i found a room, the neighbor is good. my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s misfortune, they never
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visited my mother, they took me and showed up. i'm afraid you 'll have to come anyway, there's a lawyer here, and the estate wants to talk, she's the investigation, someone else's revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect, i'm scared , neighbor, it's true, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr, you dream of a stage, performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave registration online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. a new wave will lift you up.
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height, well, in the large kremlin palace , the meeting between putin and his proxies ended , the president noted the dedication, resilience, heroism of those people who worked in the donbass in novorossiya. the president thanked the residents of the belgorod region for their courage, despite the terrorist attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. promised to do everything to support people and said that we will resolve the issue of shelling of the territory of our country. concluding the meeting, the president said that victory in the elections is, of course, just the beginning, a prologue to future victories for our country. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so badly needs and
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which will definitely come. thanks a lot, well, right now, russian defense minister shaigub is speaking at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the losses in the armed forces of ukraine during attacks on the border points of the belgorod and kursk regions in 8 days amounted to more than 3,500 soldiers, of which 790 are...
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you are watching the news in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello. russia will ensure the safety of residents of regions bordering ukraine. and he will fulfill all the plans in the special military operation zone. stated this
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at a meeting with his proxies, who traveled during the election campaign across the country, they collected appeals from citizens, including under fire from ukrainian militants, and initiatives from voters. will become part of a large development plan for our country from the kremlin, reporting by olga armnyakova. they traveled all over the country during the election campaign, they know better than others about problem areas in the regions, they communicated directly with voters, whose despairs will now be reported to vladimir putin, these are his trusted representatives. in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace, vladimir putin is greeted with applause. in his in his opening remarks, putin thanks his trusted representatives for their support. of you worked in very difficult conditions in our border territories, where neo-nazis are shelling both peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure, in the donbass in novorosiya this required a special
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character, courage, well, i would not be afraid of this word of personal heroism, thank you very much for your work, after such a result. which testifies to the great confidence of the country's citizens in what we do, and most importantly, in what we are talking about as our plans, imposes, firstly, a really great responsibility, even you know, somehow there’s a little feeling, well, not anxiety, but a sense of responsibility, of course, it increases many times over, because of course, people are waiting for results, waiting for the implementation of what what we are talking about is what is designated as priorities in our plans. the president announced the direction of work in his address to the federal assembly; large-scale plans are fully funded, but local work is important. 80 thousand requests were received by putin’s headquarters during the campaign, a large
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half of them are specific proposals and real situations that voters talked about at meetings. this is feedback from people, this is a very important process of creative work. i propose, here... everything that has reached you, everything that you have heard from people, everything that you consider most important in the course of these contacts, to be summarized together with the all-russian popular front and accepted for execution, i will tell you from my country too i promise that i will direct all our executive bodies to this work, these elections will go down in history with a record turnout, almost 77.5% impressive results arrived at the sites.
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residents of frontline regions demonstrate heroism and incredible resilience every day. on the contrary, the shelling of grayvron and belgorod brought us together. they did not achieve the result they expected, we united, not a single doctor from belgorod and the shelled areas and the belgorod region in general left or abandoned his job, i assure you, we will not give up, we believe in you,
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we are together with you, victory will be ours, i want to express words of gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and others border regions. i want to say , please express my gratitude for your courage, and of course, we will do everything to support people, the primary task is to ensure security, there are... different ways, they are not easy, but we will do it, of course, we can respond in kind , we can respond in the same way, regarding civilian infrastructure, regarding all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks, well, we have our own views on this matter and our own plans, we will follow what we have outlined, support for culture, development business, technological sovereignty and social sphere, healthcare development , for now... i would like
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to congratulate you on your win, on your victory, on behalf of the personnel of the election headquarters, the excellent composition of your entire team, on behalf of all citizens of the russian federation. big, victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia needs so much and which will definitely come. all voter proposals will be included in the country's development plan for the next 6 years. olga armyakova, magomed atsaev, alexey karpukhin, andrey sorokin, irina kharlamova, lead. in an attempt to disrupt the presidential elections, the kiev regime switched to terrorist methods and targeted voting places and government institutions where only civilians were present. sergei shaigu spoke about this today at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the head of the military department emphasized that... our armed forces have strengthened the security of social and government
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facilities, strengthened the air defense system and prevented the capture of settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions. most active actions were carried out in the area of ​​​​the village of kozinko, all enemy attacks were successfully repelled, and he was driven back beyond russian territory. at the same time, losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of the group’s actions. covering the state border during 8 days of hostilities amounted to more than 3,500, or rather 3,501 people, of which 790 were irretrievable losses , 23 tanks were destroyed, 34 armored vehicles including 11 bradleys, five launchers of multiple launch rocket systems, a vampire, an mi-8 helicopter, thanks to the measures taken, hundreds of lives were saved. of people ensure voting.
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at this hour, the village of kozinka has been completely cleared of the remnants of ukrainian saboteurs. the enemy lost up to 650 fighters, two armored vehicles and two czech vampire rszzo. from the battlefield, report by evgeny poddubny. this operation of the ukrainian armed forces will go down in history as one of the bloodiest and senseless operations in the entire history of the northern military district. the enemy's losses are great, but there is no result at all. this is a battle zone in the belgorod border area, where the enemy has been attacking our positions for almost 2 weeks. kyiv regime for this purpose, he transferred large forces to the sloboda region, a special forces detachment, the main intelligence department, artillery battalions, and armored units. the grayvoron direction became the main one for the enemy. here, in the ukrainian lukashovka area, there are hundreds of bodies of ukrainian armed forces militants, the skeletons of burnt bodies.
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at long distances, now the main task
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is to stop raid groups of special forces, enemies, to prevent them from approaching close combat distance to a stronghold of the russian army, there is a video, there are now dozens of attack drones in the sky, ours, the enemy’s, shah is the call sign pilot, finds the target, enemy fighters move the counter-battery station, apparently, this is an american... intpq-37 artillery reconnaissance system. the truck tows the complex when folded. the goal is the most important. here they say fat. destruction of the station.
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chicks do not stop combat work, control drones under fire, two more drones destroy the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, the second, this is only a small episode of military operations, but a very vivid illustration, our troops are really grinding down an enemy unit in the sky operational-tactical aviation operates with heavy high-explosive, guided bombs, literally driving the enemy into the ground. army aviation is operating in the sky near the state border, now helicopters, russian armies are destroying enemy targets, these are personnel and equipment that are located in close proximity to our state border in the kharkov
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region, army aviation supports the actions of russian army soldiers who are repelling attacks. groupings of the armed forces of ukraine, in fact, this is another failure the kiev regime, a failure that cost the enemy hundreds of human lives, and the enemy’s task from a military point of view was very modest, to capture any populated area on our russian territory for at least a few hours and conduct a photo shoot there. the enemy failed even to cope with this task. the pace of attacks on the formation of the kiev regime has decreased, the reserves are not endless, but the attacks. continue, units of the ukrainian armed forces still retain the ability to carry out artillery strikes, use kamikaze drones, attacks on on the ground are accompanied by terrorist attacks on civilian targets, the enemy's priority is hospitals, schools, residential buildings, you have to move so quickly from point of fire to point of fire, while we
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have an electronic warfare station against fpv drones, right straight, yeah, now they're there's a lot in the sky. the enemy is trying to isolate the combat area on the border, in order to make it more difficult for us to bring up reserves, for this they are actively using attack drones, the enemy is launching rocket artillery strikes on cities and towns belgorod region, almost all major settlements within the reach of the kiev regime's rszz are under fire, as a result of the kiev regime's militants attacking graivoron with rockets. exploded right on the territory of the city hospital, here , by the way, is the way out, the enemy continues to hit civilian infrastructure, purposefully, from here to the front line is about 4 km, but the enemy is losing rocket artillery, our fighters are searching, finding and destroying militant crews,
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intelligence officers are conducting a real principled hunt for murders who are involved in shelling of residential areas. evgeny poddubny and alexander pushin. directly in the special operation zone, russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the southern donetsk direction, disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces in the vodianova and priyutnoye areas, near georgievka and novomikhailovka, and worked hurricane crews on enemy positions. the enemy lost up to 250 troops, three tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles. in the kharkov region , lancet operators discovered and knocked out a ukrainian self-propelled carnation. 20 km from the border in the northern direction, wandering ammunition hit the rszzo grad, and while moving on the krynka river, this is in the dpr, another ukrainian boat full of militants was destroyed by artillery, and this is hard footage from an observer’s drone, a ukrainian militant finishes
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off his wounded comrade with a shot in the head, so as not to drag him in his arms , then he himself also dies from the arrival of a kamikaze drone, everything happens against the backdrop of two burnt people. one civilian was killed and two were wounded during the new shelling of belgorod, fragments fell on the territory of two kindergartens and a school, and from there alexander’s report korobova. the armed formations of ukraine again hit the city with a foreign-made multiple launch rocket system and hit with long-range shells. according to preliminary information, there is one person killed, the man was in the car at the time of the shooting, the car was very heavily damaged. cut by shrapnel and the driver died on the spot , two people were also injured, they are already in the hospital , serious damage was caused to the residential sector, some of the shells fell in a dense multi-storey... building, houses were seriously damaged there, a lot of windows were broken, the territory was already checked for the presence of unexploded
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ammunition, also several educational institutions came under attack today, these are schools and two kindergartens, we took refuge in the corridor, shelter number one, the children and i always hide there, well, it was very loud, loud, then the last time it was very loud loudly, we realized that it was either somewhere nearby, or here, we visited the place... the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov inspected the damage, he also visited residential areas and multi-storey buildings, also talked with residents, one of the main solutions is to increase the number of protective structures on the streets of belgorod. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the rehabilitation of participants in a special operation and planned medical examination of citizens is the focus of mikhail mishustin’s attention today. prime minister. met with the head of the compulsory health insurance fund ilya balanin, special attention is paid to ensuring that medical care in new regions
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meets all-russian standards 3.5 million residents of the new regions of the lugansk and donetsk republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions have already issued a compulsory health insurance policy, this is already comparable to very large constituent entities of the russian federation, and of course it is necessary to organize work related to the provision of medical care. in the same way as it ends up in any subject of the russian federation. we have provided the necessary funds for january and february ; funding has already been provided, including through funding from the federal fund, payments have been made, and salary deadlines have been established for medical workers of these organizations. there's a short pause now, we'll continue in a couple of minutes. where were you at the time of the murder? premiere on rtr. not a single clue. wait,
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elephants, fish. that's it, exactly. congratulations. today we will be in all the news. a scandal is guaranteed. does this mean there will be more deaths? good afternoon, there are 5 hours left until you die. today on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you
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only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. lesson, she learned it too late, what are you talking about? are you doing here? and they released me today under amnesty, the first thing i did was come here
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, my beloved, actually, i’m married, anyway, get out of here, because you ’re going to leave immediately, or me or what, i didn’t kill anyone, believe yourself, the teacher in saturday on rtr. the fate of boris grachevsky in the memories of his loved ones, friends, relatives, this is such love, probably, on the one hand at first sight, on the other hand at second sight, borko enjoyed incredible attention from women, boriska’s charm is crazy, that’s next with katya, in general, he just wanted to jump on one leg.
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child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you, it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one will can do that.
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we still have a lot of all kinds of stupidity and injustice in the lives of our people, starting from the lowest level and ending with the very, very highest, and we cannot now rest on our laurels, say that all this has passed, now we will sit down, sit down as usual and we will function there, no, we need an update not even on specific people, we need an update in approaches to solving the problems that we all face...
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by the minister of india, as the kremlin press service reported, narendro mode congratulated the president on his landslide victory in the elections and wished prosperity to the people of russia. the parties spoke about bilateral ties in the economy, trade and investment, about coordination between moscow and new delhi in the sco and brix formats, and discussed the situation around ukraine. the west's reaction to presidential elections were expected, but their form was shameful. valentina matvienko stated this at the plenary meeting.
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new formats of cooperation between moscow and govan were discussed today by vyacheslav volodin, deputy prime minister of cuba rica cabrisos ruiz, the state duma speaker noted that...
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exactly 80 years ago, red army soldiers liberated vinnitsa from the nazi invaders. during the years of nazi occupation , over 40 thousand civilians were executed, the population there decreased by almost four times. elena erofeeva about what is not allowed forget. today the troops of the first ukrainian front liberated the city of vinnitsa. residents of the city, pardoned by the war , greeted the liberation of vinnitsa at the station. red army soldiers unloaded a train with food abandoned by the germans. hungry people lined up and the soldiers shouted sentences.
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the news continues to monitor developments . stay with us. biden's campaign has already received a billion dollars from sponsors for the election campaign, the amount of donations was calculated by the new york times, which indicates that this time the democrats decided not to take into account expenses, realizing that
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the chances of winning were slim, but republican trump suddenly had not only serious financial problems, report by valentin bogdanov.


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