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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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someone else's revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect, i'm scared, neighbor, however, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr. well, hello, egor, you don’t look much like your father, and yet, i am his son. what will the captain say to his mommy soon, goodbye? don't even react to it. it was all true, after
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2 seconds to an hour the device will stop working, albina will end up in intensive care, will she survive? i don’t know, i’m to blame for my son, i sent him money, but didn’t communicate with him, his mother died a month ago, i didn’t come to the funeral, i had an emergency operation, call him and ask for forgiveness, he will not talk to me. “yes, ilya, yes, yeah, now , your father is with us, egor, son, i ask you, stop, forgive me, are you serious, let it feel as bad as i did on the day my mother died, you were hanging out with the lawyer, with mom and me you just..." don’t care, mom
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loved you all her life, but i hate you, i understand, don’t call me ever again, well, how long do i have left, how can i be so calm. "you know, i raised my son alone, and i had to sacrifice a lot, if you want some final advice, don’t make too high demands on yourself, then you won’t have to put the burden of unfulfilled hopes on your children’s shoulders, maybe you’ll save your heart, you know, love them for who they are, that’s the right thing.”
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what, it doesn’t matter, now the most important thing is you, and why did you send out these photos, hacked the phone, don’t you understand what ’s bothering you, so the court is hype, hype, popularity, cool employers . you screwed up, you see, i'm recording everything, so you can threaten me, i'll show you later journalists, what is this all for, and so that my daddy never forgets about me again, anton, it seems to me that you better talk to him one on one, i’ll wait for you there, yeah, go ahead, captain? “tell me about
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your difficult childhood? my mother was also constantly busy, either in court, or in a law office, she even worked at home and was also dissatisfied with me, no matter what i did, all my grades, hobbies, friends, she was dissatisfied with me always, one day i told myself, maybe it's not my fault, maybe it's just not..." knows how to love, well, like other mothers, i realized that the problem is not in me, i cannot change her, all i can do is accept it, if she dies, i will kill your father.
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we have a lot in common , yes, i agree? okay , tell your father to download the data , i hacked the server of the cardioverter manufacturer , found a vulnerable spot, the developers set the end date for the device's lifespan, 100 years, my virus changed the time settings and the device began to think as if 99 years had already passed and 364 days, well, so i could absolutely accurately... determine the time the device turned off and predict the time of death, i fixed everything, there will be no new deaths, you hacked
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the server so easily, who said it was easy, i’m just smart, apparently my father. well, okay, smart guy, you’ve been detained, well, the cooperation of the investigation will of course be taken into account, go ahead, ralovna, how did anton convince lazarev to cooperate? didn’t admit it, it was you who helped him, i just suggested they talk, something’s not right here, but you and vosnetsova are a good
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couple, mom, we’re colleagues, well, i’m sorry, i phrased it wrong, you have a good team. you know i liked her let's go, she was supposed to die now, well, the case is closed, can we celebrate? for some reason i can’t be left alone now, i’m for it, it’s not every day that you save your mother, so where are we going? i know one fish restaurant, or rather its chef, listen, i need to get to know him, well, that is, not for me, this is for ignat, and so your husband agreed to let him into the world of big cooking, they
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also need to talk, and i will organize it , i'm driving again, as always. ignat, ignat, you don't have to go to school tomorrow, do you? no, great, that means you can meet me at 5 am boat with fresh fish. why a boat? i agreed with the chef of one restaurant, he will take you with him, i’ll send you his phone number now. seriously? thank you, but what about dad? well, dad? dad will go with you, you ’re not an adult yet, well, i’m old enough, well, if you’re old enough, then make an agreement with him yourself. that's it, i'm going to bed , what is this all about, tomorrow, you want to
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insert the stack incorrectly, and good morning to you, something happened, no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him. you do not have suspect, there is, no, there is, who, we are going to arrest, no, no, no, not to the library, you are not afraid that i will kill you, vosnetsova, continuation, look at rtr tomorrow. there are a lot of nuances, we are now in such an interesting time, when in fact all the traditional ideas, legal norms, they have disappeared somewhere, all these, as
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they said, almost classics, vignettes of a false essence, have disappeared somewhere, everything it flew away, and now it is clear, distinct, simple, here is the enemy, and he must be destroyed and no matter... what he is called, a frenchman, a ukranazi, for us they are all germans, and the place they find for themselves is of a very specific size. and they will fertilize the black soil, our black soil, we will not give it to anyone. the ukrovs had a chance to create their own state; only one thing was required of them: to fulfill the condition that was originally laid down in the very existence of this state: neutral status and preservation of all the rights and privileges of the russian language and the russian-speaking population, they betrayed as the first. so the second one, that’s it, period, that’s why all these attempts, but how about we, well, just a little bit , let’s throw on the cap and stay there,
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no, no, because as soon as it turns out that you have a place for a heel, there is macron in heels, you cannot be trusted in anything, and it has gotten to the point where you are not even asked, you are not asked, they say, we will come to you, it ’s just a matter of thinking about it, an independent european country. so, two main scenarios are being considered:
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the first is to concentrate troops along the dnieper river. colonel, what's the point? and why along the dnieper river? in fact, the dnieper river is the main division between western and eastern ukraine. historically, this place plays a certain role. in particular, it is located in easily recognizable terrain, which is important for soldiers. so. if france tells russia that it is forbidden to cross the river on pain of reprisal, a retaliatory strike, it will be immediately identified. colonel, wouldn’t the very fact of deploying troops along the dnieper river, even if we say that we will not shoot first, be considered by russia as a provocation? would force russia to discuss with a position of equality: we have soldiers, we are nuclear
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power, our soldiers can be quickly deployed, this is one of the main qualities of the french army compared to other armies, especially the german army. let us now consider together the second main hypothesis assumed in the event of the dispatch of western ground forces. these troops are concentrated on the border with belarus. again, what's the point of placing troops on this level? firstly, to dissuade belarus from extending a helping hand to the russians, otherwise they too will be under the threat of french fire, but above all this is the defense of kyiv. i think that these two options can be mixed, that is , send french troops along the dnieper around kiev to tell the russians: do not go further, otherwise you risk coming under our fire, including our unconventional fire. our unconventional fire, it’s he who has a nuclear bomb with him, he
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repeated everything in his pocket several times and this means a foolish frenchman comes with a nuclear bomb and says: look russian, that means so, cretin, i don’t know what you’re doing, colonel, apparently i never served in the army for a single day, the length of the front line is 1,300 km, if you take only the section of belarus, there are many hundreds of kilometers there, well, 500-600, well, just a little bit of the belarusian border. somewhere like that, even more, even more, so 500-600, 20,000 soldiers for 500-600 km, i’ll tell you now, that is, they will directly shout to each other, oh, so far away and move quickly, quickly, so as not to god forbid you don’t get under their fire, which they will arrange out of which 2100 km, there are 2100 km, but 20,000 soldiers per person per kilometer, and he’s running screaming, don’t get under my fire, what is the fire of his heart, or what, are these the same french who got kicked in the ass ?
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will not have time to croak, because it is clear that they will be hunted, what will it be like? a european fool came, brought a lot of bad things, but it will be a good fortune to trophy him. 1,100 km between ukraine and belarus 1,100 km 20 thousand soldiers running fast, terrible french fire - lord, where are these idiots found, it’s clear why now the men have a hobby, and there is the fourth abram , they burned five petriots, they killed the leopards
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as much french bullshit as you want, their wheeled tanks don’t even count bullshit as much as you want. although, in general, therefore, of course, today , when the minister of defense of the russian federation, army general, hero of russia sergei kozhuge shaigu, at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, quietly calmly explained what was happening, he sounds confident, powerful, and so , macron is trembling, groups of
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russian troops continue to squeeze out the enemy. relations between civilians. the kiev regime carefully hides the real situation on the battlefield, passes off terrorist attacks against russians as successes, and increases forced mobilization. the united states and its satellites are extremely concerned about the successes of the russian armed forces; it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to justify to western communities the need for further financing of the supply of weapons and ammunition to the armed forces of ukraine. against this background, the ukrainian command is forced to throw its remaining reserves into battle using the most expensive models of foreign
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equipment. however, this did not change the situation in the special zone. operations in favor of the enemy. since the beginning of the year , four abrams tanks, five leopards, 27 bradley vehicles, six haymars launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers , including five patriots, have been destroyed. in general, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces during this period, that is , since the beginning of this year, exceeded 7,100 people. and 11 thousand units of various weapons, this is almost three times higher than the same period last year. the joint group of forces will continue to build on the successes achieved and increase fire impact on targets enemy. in less than 3 months
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, three were destroyed. the army of france , which they are going to send, with half, well, you bastards, i spoke today, alauddinov, a general, a hero of russia, a brilliant russian commander, but he directly says that it’s mainly the ukrainians who are resisting here, our character, and these all that georgians, that...
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the queues that stood at the embassy, ​​more than half were those who came to vote for putin, all this in total, i had the feeling that i was... that very familiar, yesterday we discussed on the radio what this reminds us of? well, the numbers themselves, the scale, the huge
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record turnout in these presidential elections, and the record voting for a completely predictable decision for putin’s victory, reminded me terribly of the crimean referendum with a huge turnout of 84%. for the first time in a while, i always thought that they would somehow manage without me, right? there is a 100% favorite, so why not go vote, they will vote for me, and for the first time in the last 10-15 years i got up and went voted, it was the same in crimea,
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pressure when crimea decided to hold a referendum on february 27, the only question that arose was that we want more independence and less dependence on kiev, and then under pressure when they began to disconnect from rees. and today i took part in a meeting of the president with a group of trusted representatives, and i
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remembered the words of one of my acquaintances, who said that well, here we are, after the twenty-second year we turned from a population into a people, i realized that nothing similar, we were the people, here is the population , or not that part of it... not only the destruction of nazism, these are much more serious, but this is, as it were, what the french want, that we have finally placed all the emphasis in the international security, yes
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, they missed the russians in paris , they missed them, not for long, wait for us, you bastards, wait, not long left, we’ll come soon, i realized that they are like that, but first i need to go through berlin, and through a coma?
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expressed their attitude, in an interview with andrey kandrash, vladimir vladimirovich says that for him it was important, so he was waiting for the numbers, but for the crimeans, what, well, korshen shevchenko, when the crimeans were killed, when these buses were smashed, the friendship trains, when the guys from berkut were buried, when in crimea, when it became clear that this everything is serious, because like the first maidan, then the ukrainians were proud that not a drop of blood was shed. and then we are dealing with
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a cancerous tumor. we tried to use soft methods of treatment, non-invasive, but they still don’t work, so now excuse me, vladimir vladimirovich, but since we remembered voting, yes, i was just talking with russians who, citizens of russia, who live in gaga, well, they talked about how they came there to disrupt the labor and actually delayed the process, but the most interesting thing, just so you understand, with ukrainian flags they stood there, it’s possible, the police didn’t touch them, they came there with russian flags to vote at the russian embassy in the russian presidential elections, the police immediately detained them, and so seriously, they treated the women harshly with bruises, well then through holland, well, that is, to the question of , yes the elections are russian, so you understand, but those who came there to delay the processes, but they are actually against russia and the russian flag and russian citizens
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of russia. the weekly published a picture, it turns out that the french army is overweight, right?
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here they painted a picture of french soldiers with a michelin guide trying to find out where there are no three-star restaurants left , so what is there to protect, so in this regard, the french also treat this idea, of course, some with humor, some people there really discuss this in shock, so to speak, but when they are in all seriousness, there are those who are in all seriousness, like this general, or who is he? then i looked at him - tried to find a military biography, found that he wrote several books there about tactics - the germans, rommel, that means, in northern africa, something else, well, apparently, in fact, there was actually some relation to the military history, the regiment was served by a colonel, that is, it makes no sense, yes, well, he seems to work in the ministry of education, he worked or is working, but it’s a fact here that i did not find his combat experience, but
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you see the designer’s reasoning. he really talks in all seriousness , here again you remember the intervention of 1919, right now, just in these march days, 105 years are being celebrated since they fled from there, in panic, fled, and it’s also no coincidence that they now say 20,000, here this is approximately the size of the french contingent in odessa-nikolaev back in 1919, when just imagine 20 thousand of them well... the wives were there and the tanks drove in and so on, and a detachment was going to odessa, well there well, i don’t know, 4-500 is good, if it was, and well , the villagers of southern russia, and yugorussia from aman grigoriev, who served the ukrainians, betrayed them, as usual, went over to the bolsheviks, that is, at that moment he was advancing as a bolshevik unit, then betrayed the bolsheviks, but what i mean is that they were afraid of this cavalry, and the poorly
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armed army there.
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when did ukraine return it and so with such horror in general how is this with which article i like politically cites the opinion of the minister former minister of transport amelyan remember hyperloop, which declares when we win, what are you worried about? russia will pay everything in oil with its wife melyan, continues to sell clothes in our markets? yes, maybe, i don’t rule it out, by the way, if we started talking about how the french and finnish troops are entering, listen to gordon and best friend vasily dmirievich, i want to tell everyone, french troops will enter ukraine, and not only
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french, but troops finland will enter ukraine, and polish troops will enter ukraine, lithuanian troops will enter ukraine, and estonian troops will enter ukraine, and troops. without the armed entry of troops of a number of european states into ukraine, that is, by the end of the year all this will happen, they will all enter, and he also forgot to say that luxembourg decided to support its entire powerful
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army, i am sure that the presence of estonian troops will of course be decisive, so this is estonia, in this regard, every time their armies gather, i worry.
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ukraine and russia today a wonderful article appeared in the financial times, economist martin wolf wrote that after trump’s victory, trump is going to give russia undeserved victory in ukraine. that is, in my opinion, they are still not catching up with something, many are seriously not catching up, because if they listened today to what we are creating armies, corps, fleets, they would understand that we are completely indifferent to what that country thinks we are solving our problems, they were formulated by the supreme commander-in-chief in december twenty, but when i have a rolling pin in my hand, then it doesn’t matter to me when your cap is on. well, on the other hand, what should andrey frantsivich do? vladimirovich, events that are happening every day now are happening, it feels like we are living on the pages of a history textbook, it’s really just scary that we are still writing them, yes, on the one hand there are such phantasmogorical
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messages from ramstein, when the politician writes that well , these are lectures instead of ammunition, or we see that ukraine can still resist, and we are creating alliances and something else on the other side. “so, everything is on credit, although ukraine resists this, but everyone on the streets goes to the front, in fact, on the other hand, we have the most powerful quietly happening changes in the armed forces, the military-industrial complex, without pomp, without pathos, without the movement of marzharettes, as the french army is called, military experts themselves, just think about it, armenian corps and divisions are being created. the most important thing, probably, this military expert, maybe he didn’t have time to hear this news, is the creation of the river flotilla of the dnieper brigade of boats, the dnieper is a powerful supporting river that passes through three countries, russia, belarus and ukraine,
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by the way, along kiev and other cities, this is a flotilla that has shown enormous power during the civil war, during the first world war, the most serious fighting took place during the second world war in a belarusian city. it was based there, this is a very serious instrument that allows you to carry out landing operations, which allows you to transfer and cover suitable units, in this, at this time... when you try to pull it out through this mud, your second one gets stuck, you have to be a very
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russian person, just to survive, well, it’s like a british sand tank came to see how it would go, but remember, disappeared along with the tank, there are a huge number of nuances, starting from climatic ones, when transitions through zero constantly occur, and russian weapons turn out to be very reliable, the afamas that they use, it does not allow this, it was sharpened for africa, for the hot climate.
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paul values ​​the resources of the shift, big
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changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how, look, let big changes into your home. every sunday on rtr. i found you a job,
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six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, you now more like a girl in love than to teach, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here? and i was released today under amnesty, the first thing i did was come here to the confessor, actually, i’m married , i don’t care, get out of here, and you ’ll leave immediately, or i or what, i didn’t kill anyone, trust me, the teacher is on saturday rtr.
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stellar awards, stellar triumphs,
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they marched there, they don’t even fully understand what awaits them, in general what the intensity of the fighting is. how is all this organized, as dmitry said anatolyevich medvedev, we will consider this an intervention contingent, that is , these are invaders, and our priority will be to find them and destroy them, there is not a single point on the territory of ukraine where we cannot deliver a pinpoint, high-precision, effective strike that will overcome any air defense system, of which they have so little left, there is no such point on the territory of ukraine, up to paris, that is, paris inclusive, this is the next, next stage. but if we look, we see that the information that is coming in, we understand that 200 of the advance group prepared, the french plan to deploy 20 thousand, and say that they will command 60 thousand, this suggests that in other countries a contingent is also being prepared, we see that at the same time, well, this is for breakfast for one of our army
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corps, either for the first or for the second, we understand that it’s not a matter of numbers, these units must be equipped and prepared. how we did it in 2 years, a huge number of nuances that arise at the front, from the communication of engineering means, ending in the beer drone and in general the capabilities and ability to use them, but the french have experience in real combat use of their units in the conditions of modern war, modern fire density, saturation, the answer is no, the american doesn’t even have an answer, a french soldier is able to walk 10 km, and the latter? crawl on his belly, still carry a lot of things on himself, still be prepared to do sapper work, and he understands that he will have to face our minefields, that is, he just for a second understands what it means to overcome our fortifications, he will encounter our equipment, which, unlike
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the french, is designed to work in these climatic conditions on this land, it’s all completely different. so that they will arrive in the dnieper, check into a sanatorium, in a hotel, and will go to the front line, then they will go to the dug out fortifications, which will be paid for according to the tender and will be built by local builders, they will inspect these positions and will return there, change , to be already in concrete buildings there, something else, but the reality will be like this, only at the moment of their search for settlements they will already be on...
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we understand this, they don’t, they live in an illusion, for them war is somewhere in cartoons, they live on the pages of beautiful printed booklets about french weapons and they... believes that tante llekerk is the best in the world, he is all computer, and he is ideal for combat operations, not realizing that everything is different, he
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really is, but there is a computer, electronic, it’s true, purely fraternal grave, uh, as soon as the french amx10 tanks received shrapnel hits on the side, the electronics turned off, an error was written, everything didn’t work, it was impossible to start it and smoke it, they are intact, by the way, like the abrams, which was now shown on the battlefield, it didn't win, he's beautiful, we'll show you everything now. just when our scouts looked at what was inside him, the ghoul worked on him, banged, the ghoul works great, so then our scouts decided to see, well, what does he have there, guys they ran quickly. well , we need to tear it apart, well, in order to deliver it to the engineers and technicians,
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there are important elements, what a really advanced tank it is, it’s just fashionable, well, here i look at the robot loader, yes, black, black, yes, a healthy guy, robot loader, yeah, last century to charge. well, well, it’s just the last century , well, they ran back, by the way, ukrainian tank crews are starting to call them a tram, because it can’t move off the rails from an asphalt road, it only goes on these, that is, you can’t go into the field, otherwise it’s there will be a mass grave, so you can ride on tram rails and not go further, but in fact, as we have already said, the west perceives all this a little enough -
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well, this can be easily compared by the number of graves that have appeared, well,
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take pictures from space, show the west he’s afraid to do this, ukraine is all in cemeteries, there are guys there when they post a video from the kharkov cemetery, well, it’s terrible, and then they’ll say who was your president, yeah, and the minister of defense, a crimean tatar jew, okay you ukrainians took revenge, how many of them did you put in the ground? and they will say that because of zelensky there will be such a frantic level of anti-semitism in ukraine, of course, that the tragedy will be terrible, simply scary, well, in my understanding, there will be no ukraine, and the future of the ukrainian people who live there will only be with us, because only with us will they have a prosperous, normal, well-fed and safe life in the future, europe will tear them apart, turn them into slaves, take out all the resources and simply plunder them, as they are doing now, and most likely in general, by the way, the french troops... in general
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, the ukrainian ethnic group under current conditions can survive only outside of ukraine, because the policy pursued by the ukrainian authorities in recruiting people into the army leads , of course, to the fact that they have already crossed the point of no return, this a terrible tragedy, that is, they killed so many men that they intend to return back only at the expense of those who were going to others. yes, this is a really terrible tragedy, terrible, but on the other hand, they themselves chose this way, yes, here are my colleagues, i wanted to start with germany’s anti-aircraft initiatives, but the french colonel still forced himself to attract attention, in my opinion, the man has already simply given russia eastern ukraine, but with his statements, that is, to station a unit of french combatants along, so to speak,
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the coastline of the dnieper, because it is clearly visible , because it is knowable, i already said knowable. transporters, tanks, you need aviation cover, you need air defense cover, and so on and so forth similar, france has all this, this is france, which gave 2 and a half times less military assistance than germany, ukraine, talking about what it itself lacks, because only 160 leclercs were produced by the french defense industry and more there are no tanks, and last year i was at an exhibition in abu dhabi and saw a scene
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where belarusian colleagues were selling to french partners. a huge belarusian tractor, the most powerful in the world, because a leclerc, only a belarusian tractor can pull, so to speak, in the direction of the battlefield, there are no tractors, maybe the belarusian tractor will not go back home, which are loaded on them, that the french and belarusians have already bought several tractors for the liklerks, but they will soon appear in the liklerki collection, and, at the same time, again, the german leadership , and representatives of the top officials of the military-industrial complex and his colleagues...
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in fact, a battery, each battery costs 200 million dollars, these are several radar installations, that is, to expand this experience, colleagues from europe calculated how much decades are needed to create all this and push it across the european space, german colleagues offer another option, which scholz proposed back in the fall of twenty -two, to create a heavenly shield of europe based on the german-made arist short-range air defense system,
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the american-made nazrk patriot medium-range nazrk.
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the americans have been driving it around training grounds since 1919. since 1919 , they have been telling us that they will now adopt hypersonic weapons, is this the one that trump described? trump also called her super-duper rocket in 1919, yes , absolutely right, that is, now it’s 24 - a bomber was flying, fired a missile from guam, the missile flew, american sources are not the air force press service that gave this message, not the pentagon press service, until now didn’t even give out a single number, how many flights, how many kilometers, it ’s still flying, perhaps no one knows where our secret is, the terrible secret one flies poorly. no one knows where, that is, the product, according to the statement of the american authorities, showed some results that will allow the american defense industry to develop hypersonic products. let me remind you that china
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has put two hypersonic products into service since 1921. russia in the seventeenth year delivered a dagger in the twenty-two - sea -based zircon, as both of these hypersonic missiles are already used in combat operations, the americans, if i remember correctly, there in five strokes, yes. that they threw slippers at them, they said yes, but so far the houthis have not been caught in lies, unlike the americans, that is, it is clear that there are several countries from where they could get hypersound
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, but in principle this is very interesting, because if now it turns out that what they used to stitch the iron dome is just one of these products, then this will seriously change everything around, and the iron dome will not a panacea for modern weapons. iran is excellent at developing medium-range missiles that pierce the iron dome one or two times, and others, but it doesn’t need to be pierced like that, because now there are modern means of destruction, which we see how the drone is dragged at the height of the lower edge, under the lower edge dives, then works across the territory and carries a fairly decent charge, that is, this also changes everything now, changes everything, plus, but we saw that... the houthis and a few years ago, when they hit the saudi oil storage facility, they were then bypassed the petriat system, and what’s interesting is that the same americans have not developed
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the same short-range mirrors for decades, which is why now the germans are offering arrests, but there is no american complex, russia has pine, strela 10, tor-1, torom2, there is complex armor, these are only short-range complexes, as for the collective west, there is nothing to spare. we won’t go on and on about a lot of things, fortunately our military-industrial complex works very well, very creatively, moreover , two directions are working now, it’s working, well , there is great and colossal development of the state, this is now a private military-industrial complex, i was at the era center in anapa, and there, well , absolutely everything is amazingly organized there, and the guys who were exhibiting were relatively small innovative private companies, a lot there are just a lot of interesting developments, now it would be nice to create unique conditions for them. so that, well, believe me, it’s good there , they don’t have vat at all, but if you really create the conditions so that they can create, because it’s clear that they need to reproduce it with wild speed, well, because
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the price-quality ratio is very important, well because if you use air defense missiles to shoot down steam-made drones, you won’t get any money, of course, that is, you need highly economical means of defense, here... even the old man’s themes begin to work, various sparks, fractions, everything is there, this is exactly the theme that russia very skillfully uses in the conflict, i want a final thought, i want to say, we have people amazing, just so smart, now the guys on the front line will think of such things, it’s just fantastic, because the situation didn’t happen so simply, in general, an agenda is being imposed on europe about the need to send these same contingents, the situation has come to a dead end, no where to get more fighters for full-scale combat operations. su, this is precisely this fact, since zelensky has been constantly complaining about one thing since january: i have no people, but the eleventh stage of mobilization showed practically nothing, plus this is the indifference of the collective west,
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delaying the end of long-range ammunition, aircraft and other products, the last fighting spirit that existed, it dissipated in the ukrainian army and among the mob reserve, these aspirations to gather people there from the french national legion, but we after all, we understand that... the same legion, an integral part of the armed forces of france, even if they take them out as combatants, we will still prove that they are integral; we don’t care about that, but if we do.
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there are no questions for the army, the ministry of defense has only questions of gratitude, they are faced with a difficult situation, they solve it, they solve it on the battlefield, but in 2 years of the special operation, the thought that nato combatants would fight in ukraine never even occurred once did not arise in the collective west, this suggests that they are on the verge, they knew this from the very beginning, i wonder if in our country anyone will say that now a soldier of the red army is the best army in the world?
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and now it comes and says save and they save at the cost of their lives, their families are here, and we owe them, we simply owe it, we must, we must remember this, remember every day, before, a very cute story with this french colonel, he dragged the girl to river bank, she asks him, why did you drag me here, lord, look, what a beauty, you’re a romantic colonel, oh, what else, i haven’t shown you the belarusian border yet, i don’t know. well, to be honest,
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it has something to do with the state of affairs there on the ground or there with the front line, well , it seems to me that this is generally some kind of fantasy. regarding the statement, i would like to say to the pentagon, which today clearly said that such a unique aid package that was allocated to ukraine before the start of the counter-offensive will no longer exist. again, recalling lintsygrem’s statement that we are ready to provide ukraine with a loan, so to speak? yes, because you are at war in general, for ourselves, regardless of what we make there and what decisions we make there.


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