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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

9:05 pm
we must, we must, we must remember this, remember every day, peredon povich, a very cute story with this french colonel, he dragged a girl to the river bank, she asks him, why did you drag me here, lord, look how beautiful, yes you are a romantic colonel, oh, what a romantic, i haven’t shown you the belarusian border yet, i don’t know, but honestly, it has something to do with the state of affairs there on the ground or there , uh, with the front line, well, it seems to me that this is in general such a fantasy. i'm about statements i want to make from the pentagon, which today unequivocally said that such a unique assistance package that was allocated to ukraine before the start of the counter-offensive will no longer be, again, recalling lintsygrem’s statement regarding the fact that we are ready to provide ukraine, so to speak, with a loan, yes , because you are basically fighting for yourself, regardless of what we decide there and what decisions we make there, we are ready for you, the most interesting, the most interesting. he says providing a loan
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- this idea would suit both the democrats and republicans, well, really , i forgot to ask the ukrainians how it would suit them and , apparently, it never suited them, today they are indignant about this idea and consider it offensive, politico writes, i just don’t remember, someone lintsygremus said there in kiev, what the hell are you talking about, what kind of loans, well, someone took this responsibility and publicly stated that we do not accept such approaches there. everyone kept silent so quietly, yes, everything, everything was accepted, everything, everything seemed to be, everything, everything seemed to be okay, now regarding macron , you know, it seems to me that he is making the same mistake that zelensky made in his time, in general it seems to me that he is following zelensky’s path, only his scale is a little different, in his time zelensky believed that - escalation could be limitless, so we discard the minsk agreements, the paris agreements, the istanbul agreements, he believed that it was possible to escalate... the conflict is endless,
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then bam and the svo happened, well, that’s how it happened, the second shift and then again all, macron is doing approximately the same thing, but macron, not only is he essentially dragging his country into this cauldron of war, but he is actually trying to drag the entire european union there, well, there is no other way to do it. now, regarding these french units, so to speak, but medvedev said absolutely clearly, you will become the number one priority target, of course. this is natural, and it seems to me that this is obvious, here i remember a good man who has good bright thoughts, vladimir rudolfovich solovyov, who says, let’s go here we will line these coffins there right at the embassy, ​​we will hand them over with honor , please take them, send them to your homeland, i want to see what rating macron will have, or any other european leader who wants to send his troops, i will repeat my proposal yesterday once.
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among other things, i propose that in front of each embassy a stand should be posted on it with a biography of their dead citizens, a large photograph describing where they died, just so that every embassy employee, coming to work, i saw, here are the people who died due to their fault, and coffins, coffins, coffins, take away, take away, macron himself, in fact, his policies within the country, are currently supported by 28% of people, and 72% already hate him. i don’t know, after such decisions, when he basically tells french society that we should go to fight somewhere in ukraine, well, i don’t know what will happen next with his rating, but let him do it himself, he himself seems to be sorting it out, now about attempts to justify and disavow macron’s words, yes deka here the translation is not the same, your beloved callas says, yes, yes he says, yes, you know , the translation there is incorrect, kuleba actually signed a contract, he says, well, listen, macron was talking about something completely different, he says that...
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years ago two have to trade, what troops? no, no, we, we don’t need it yet, we’re here, we ’ll bargain with ours, and then come in, destroy this country, by and large, i think that it’s really for... the west, to burn this country down, that’s , well, it seems to me that this would be an ideal solution, why? because it shouldn’t go to russia , they think so, they think so, so we look at what’s happening to the cities of donbass, it’s not just happening, they want to leave a desert behind, a desert, you know, they absolutely don’t give a damn about these ukrainians, about their fates, on their families, on the children of the victims, i said yesterday, they don’t care who dies, the ukrainian military...
9:11 pm
i looked at the reaction of vasya golovanov, that is, whose eyes simply jumped, well, a journalist who leads, yes, but that means, if you think about it more realistically, literally in this idea, he also conveys the words in principle, he also paraphrases the words of
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vladimir putin, who says that if the polish army enters the territory of ukraine, there is one in russia. what information, yes , i’m adding this on my own, it means it won’t come out , you know, that is, i suspect that he is an agent, and an agent, yes, that’s how kucharyava is, but in fact, he too, but to kucharyav in relation to gordon - of course, gordon is glad to be a curly man, of course, he’s like the immortal, you know, the authorities change, this one comes, this one comes, and he’s the most alive of all he continues to persecute the living with such a cartoon , now seriously, immortal things are forever like yes, a stunted person intending, now seriously, very seriously, look, vladimirovich, the minister of defense of the russian federation announced the figures for the losses of the armed forces of ukraine, he said that the losses for this period are
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about 71 thousand, since the new year, i have been closely following every statement of minister shaigu. so, in the month of january the loss figure for january was announced. 23.000 february 28.270, now it’s already 71.00, that is, according to my calculations yes, it has not yet ended in the month of march, yes, almost + 20,000, so, in the first quarter of this year, the losses of the armed forces of ukraine amount to 71. multiply by four, 284, this is january 1, 25, if the trend continues, 300,000 ukrainians will disappear. of course, there are casualties, there are wounded, 3000, but where can we get them, where can we get new 3000, zelensky should think about this, and he thinks about it, i don’t know completely, but another
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thing amazes me, here these 3000, these 7100 monthly losses are more than 2000, what is this losses, what kind of victories did the vso of ukraine receive for... which i heard even osti on reinstein says that there is an offensive, a serious offensive, an advance, not an offensive of the russian army, i hear from many experts from ukraine that yes, russia not
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so much, but it’s pushing, it’s pressing, it will continue to press, so the question is, once again, these are these goals, these are these lives, what goals were set for, and even if it does... continue to go the way it’s coming, another 300,000 in the next quarter, i, volodya, what do i want to call for, and maybe it’s time for the government that exists in ukraine, which will soon become illegitimate, to think about stopping there , but just give up, now there’s advertising, after that i’ll continue with a new composition, you know that you’re placing your foot wrong, good morning to you, what happened, the premiere on rtr, no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him , you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is someone, we are going to arrest, no, no, no, not to the library, you are not afraid that i will i’ll kill,
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vesnitsova, tomorrow on rtr, hello, dear friends, your beloved is on the air program 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount, deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded that we return nuclear weapons. how are things at the front , the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, reliably, the equipment, and we have one olesa there, the second from taukrop, the hero of russia will be here, we are all today, to the end, what an image of victory he is for ...
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for their words, heroes of their time, beauty,
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repin, the whole team, only on the platform we look, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. of course, yesterday.
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first he formulates and somehow runs it inside, he looks, then these appear, already absolutely minted , it happens, it’s clear that he formulated something for himself, very hard-fought, it’s clear that it’s very, that is, it’s the result of a lot of work internal, that's what the president said, i said it recently, our opponent is who decided to intimidate, the russian people, or the people of russia, this has never happened and never will happen, you probably also
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noticed, even representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, in difficult regions, and said: where are you going, you it’s not scary, he’s already an adult and says: i’m russian, and i’ll go where i need to go, you see, this is what our enemy does, believing to achieve a result, he achieves a result. but exactly the opposite of what was expected, that’s all, they don’t understand who they are dealing with, with russia, this is, it is, after all, a community of people united by common goals. in recent years, putin has constantly heard the theme of service and duty, well, it seems like only a deafening victory, but what is he talking about?


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