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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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additional forces, armored units , artillery battalions, and strike drone units , strictly speaking, but the result is zero, the losses are huge, and the only thing the enemy is doing now is striking civilian areas of large and not only large settlements in the belgorod region, under belgorod is under fire, grayvaron is under fire. under fire, reasonable, under fire, well, about a dozen belgorod villages and small towns, well , except for belgorod, and this despite the fact that air defense fighters, the russian army are doing everything possible to minimize the consequences of enemy strikes, shooting down most of the rockets, and the command of the state border covering group is in constant search for those crews and multiple
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launch rocket systems that could threaten belgorod, the populated areas of the belgorod region, but in fact, they are destroyed every day , enemy forces are being destroyed, this is such a constant process, and the enemy has generally formed a fairly large group in order to organize combat information provocations in order to organize these attacks, the group was formed from combat-ready parts of the units, it is not for nothing that planning and implementation in this sense were carried out by officers of the main intelligence department, in fact , trained units also participated in ground attacks, these are not mobilized infantry that have not been trained , it was clear from the actions of the groups that entered the combat area that the groups were trained and the groups were operating.
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cold-blooded, calm, but you know, vladimir, here such an expression was born, the enemy is obsessed with our position, this is perhaps the most accurate formulation that characterizes the actions of the formation of the kiev regime in recent days, sorry, i just want our viewers to understand that for you this is a small homeland, that is you know every path there, you spent your entire bare-legged childhood there, today i’m just...
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because those equipped in parking lots, not in parking lots, car parks, no, at bus stops, these are these temporary shelters that have been installed, a developed system, when all code locks are opened at the same time during an air raid alarm and people have the opportunity to hide in the hallways downstairs, there are also container-type shelters, that is, such unity.
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we calculated the enemy in advance, no, well, here , it’s worth saying very much...
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we empathized with our units, how we helped, how we greeted, and of course, it sunk into the souls of many and well, that’s why belgorod often, even people who were here for the first time from the far east, who are from siberia, and they defend this land as their native house, well, here’s an important remark, zhen, thank you very much, you heard. podubny, yes, it’s hard there, yes, there is a war going on, in order to completely secure it, it is necessary to implement the idea of ​​the supreme commander-in-chief to create a sanitary zone. i just want our viewers to understand that the distance from belgorod to kharkov is only 70 km, everything
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is very, very close. so, we'll take it. advertising. tomorrow at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train like
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walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medications correctly... a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always support you, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeps like a child i sleep, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday on rtr. i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two. russian literature. well, let's look at the weekend. there is
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a nuance. please love and welcome. nothing like that, right? it's better to learn from other people's mistakes. eh, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher. she learned this lesson too late. what are you doing here? and i was released today under amnesty, so the first thing i do is come here, my loved ones. actually, i'm married, it doesn't matter. get out of here, and are you going to leave immediately, or me, or what? i didn't kill anyone. trust yourself. teacher on saturday on rtr, beloved, beloved, beloved,
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the main music award in russia, dear lovers of high-quality russian music.
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well, this is certainly significant, yes, because in the past the same zhizhik was always associated with criticism of western
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imperialism, especially american, and we remember desert storm criticized the bombing of libya, the 2003 invasion of iraq and everything else, but then at some point there was, of course, a certain turning point, but now we already have zhizhik in a completely different format, so they are trying to tell the same western left that well, if you are pacifists, it’s all the same you should be in favor of a war with russia, because if russia wins, then... he will die along with it, well, in general, this is, of course, very stupid rhetoric, but he uses it, and of course, it’s indicative of how mm, space for freedom and discussion of opinions, it has shrunk, especially in europe, well, in particular in the united kingdom, because i remind you that zhizhik, although he spends a lot of time there in his homeland in slavia, he is also professor at the university of london for a second, yes, and because we have two such main icons of the modern left in the west, yes, this is... the new chomsk, in america he works, at mit, yes, and the other is slavoj dzizek, and at the same time chomsk, i will remind
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, yes, at the beginning of twenty-two, well, he somehow criticized russia for the sake of formality, and then again switched to criticizing american imperialism in general, well, he often said things that were not bad for us, not to say that they were outright good, but normal, that is in america there, despite all their problems also with censorship in the academic environment, but still there is a little more space for such a free discussion of opinions, in europe in britain there is of course much less of it, but for now... that’s it, that is, even in britain no one watches it, no one is interested in it, but here we are for some reason we look,
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even though rupert murdoch was considered at one time to be such an eminence grise and the evil genius of the entire media environment, but we see that his latest projects, of course, are not going well, and so, in my opinion, they are have already refused, or even a refusal is in the process refusal of cable broadcasting, that is, they will go completely online with morgan , because all this happiness does not pay off, he is such a young guy, he is 92 or 92. he is not just a newlywed, he recently got married, to the ex of our compatriot there mi yes , peace and love, kids just like that, it’s clear that he is handing over the reins of his media empire to lachlan murduk, one of his eldest sons, well, this is kind of a story in progress, by the way, the youngest has even traveled to ukraine a couple of times, with him sun journalists came and interviewed zelensky, in my opinion, several months ago, that is, he is trying to somehow get into this agenda, but to be honest, even usan and even sky news, with whom he... relationships, so things are going well for themselves, there is fox news, which, by the way , lost a lot, yes, it lost a lot of its audience
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after the departure of tucker carlson, that is , in general, his media empire is generally in crisis, the japanese there are already partially selling out, there the big problem is that the buyers came ideologically not close, well, of course, arab money tried to come in there, then the british crown said a minute, here it is already yes, and later the guys from the emirates tried to buy a daily or telegraph, well, it’s unprofitable there, he has more than a billion pounds, they owe the banks in general -it’s on the verge of ruin , although it’s funny when the bankrupts owe the bank, considering that the whole bank is called that, well, yes, well, there’s just one brother, he owns the bank, and the other brother is involved in the remedia empire, yes, but still a problem , here, but of course, there were two brothers, yes, the british are trying to hold on to their soft power, they are not giving it away yet, because
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in reality, well, maybe they have nothing left, or practically nothing left, besides the intelligence services? even soft power, yes , that’s right, but it’s like a left-wing philosopher chose, well, absolutely this , of course, wretched neo-conservative platform, which no one watches at all, but of course it’s also indicative of many things, and you can see how a person holds on to his place at the university of london, that you need to say this, here they literally said, go and criticize russia further, here he comes criticizing , he wrote something in the guardian, it’s already clear that it works for the left, but here it’s like something else to do with such an appearance, whether to sell a fishion chip on a license, well, yes , and of course. this is a disgrace , which is also impossible to watch, the man ran there in beninjelet several times around kiev, now there is a broadcast that no one watches, in general, here is the media decline of britain in all its glory, well, that’s okay, and one more thing about the united states of america , yes today we talked a lot about the crisis of decision-making in the military sphere, but first of all we need to understand that no matter how it appeared yesterday or the day before yesterday, we all
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remember the wonderful story of the twentieth year, when the same trump was not allowed to withdraw troops from syria, because well, sorry american. centcom, this central command, decided that they had other priorities, then they partially withdrew, but some were not withdrawn, in general, they deceived their own president, well, trump’s latest decrees, yes, on the withdrawal of troops, in my opinion, from somalia , from sudaan was generally boycotted in the pentagon , no one made such decisions, a call to china, yes, yes, which very quickly directly, although there i was, well, yes, a call from mark mealy, who simply promised the chinese general staff, if anything happened, to convey in advance what - there is data about trump's decisions. if trump decides to arrange something serious in relation to china, but this is literally treasonable insubordination , that is, the government man, well, yes, should be imprisoned for this, but you see, he then tried for another 2 years at the head of the exchanged chiefs of staff committee only recently left, and now he’s making excuses in congress, trying to shift all responsibility onto the biden team, there ’s definitely a problem with this, and i think that even if biden
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and some secretary of state blinken come out and say, well, here we are there, for example, we want to withdraw troops from iraq, something. there is still more to do, but i admit that just the generals in the pentagon will say, well, no matter how we don’t do this, everyone who is like that, yes, especially in the election year, when biden is already turning into a lame duck and it’s far from a fact that he will be re-elected for a second term, no, let’s still say that the self-propelled grandfather is better than me, a lame duck, he doesn’t care about a lame duck, he still needs to win a second term, because when a person manages to be a lame duck already in the first term, then it’s somehow quite difficult, yes, but unfortunately the ratings are still low, that’s why he. i don’t think this all reminds me of soviet times, the last such race on the gun carriage, that is, jokes aside, but both young people there were not young for a long time, well, yes, it’s true, so what about after all, in this military situation, we see that, in general, these non-public institutions are trying to seize control into their own hands, the initiative as a whole, and against the backdrop
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of an obvious crisis of public power in the united states, and the same central command, by the way, the story was very revealing: with this hospitalization of lloyd austin, yes, who did not leave the hospital for several months, but no one in the pentagon even moved or reported this, well, not well, not months, well, there first 2 weeks and then another 3 weeks , that there is, well, a little more than a month, let’s say, no , well, it was still intermittent, that is , he just disappeared for a while, but the point is that who really needs him, that’s right, even though he’s a retired man a military general himself, but still he was a political appointee, but of course they didn’t put him in danger, so...
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to work together, but it’s far from a fact, so, as for the internal unrest there, that’s also a completely story not new, for the last, well , at least 3 years we have been seeing panic speeches from democrats about the fact that it is too there are a lot of trumpists in the armed forces, too many of those who do not consider the storming of the capitol on january 6 as an attack on our american democracy, and so on, they even tried to introduce some kind of political information courses on combating extremism, so that people would somehow... then, well, i don’t know to bet on... it seems to me that we didn’t pay enough attention, it means that the seven are gathering, and are ready to accept a completely destructive statement on our elections, they completely agree with it, suddenly there comes a shout from washington,
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uh-huh, i said, no, not necessary, inappropriate before this, europe is shouting that we do not recognize the elections, we will turn to putin, they say from america, the realities are not like that, the president. uh-huh, if, of course, we again believe this insider story that supposedly jake sullivan, yes, biden ’s national security advisor, was in favor of adopting this
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resolution, but at the last moment secretary of state blinken got in the way, who seemed to seems to be considered much more extermination -minded than salevo, but that’s okay, that’s what got in the way of all this, well, of course, i have certain questions about all this informational stuffing, but theoretically i admit that yes, that’s because we know the position of george miloni, but she doesn’t have any... positive feelings towards russia, well, at least since february of twenty-two, although before that she wrote a book about that that russia is a stronghold of conservative values, so of course there was a very nice change in the air, here are some european hawks, and there are the same baltic states, poland and so on, well, even some french called not to recognize the elections, well, the americans, like we we see, even sullivan’s official position was that, well, maybe we don’t like something, yes, but no matter how we need to negotiate with someone in russia, it is clear that the chosen, victorious president is vladimir putin.
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there march 22 is in 2 days, and they will need to adopt the remaining budget, otherwise there will be a shutdown, well, most likely they will be able to pass it, but there is one story related to the fact that after this some kind of discussion will begin about what to do with ukraine, but at the same time the congress, and starting on the 23rd on another vacation, well, for about 12 days until april 9, but only after april 9 all this will all start and as we see the positions of the republicans, they are ready to get there. but in a small amount, about 12 billion dollars only, in the form of not a grant, not subsidies, but specifically a loan, and i’m not sure that the biden administration will still agree to this, they will try to squeeze out
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their the main project is expected to cost 60 billion dollars, but this could all drag on, because even in april congress will only have, well, essentially 10 working days, there from the ninth to one week, then until the twenty-third 4 days, then they travel again. well, it’s just that during the election year , legislators spend most of their time in the field working with the voter, so this is a good story for us, and of course it shows that, after all, trump’s influence within the republican party is gradually increasing, and what has been shown is by the way, today's primary in ohio, where the republican candidate won, his name is moreno and he also stands with the isolationist, bernie morena, he stands with the isolationist.
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who did you vote for? i voted for donald trump. did someone just ask who i voted for? yes, i voted for donald trump. thank you. so, i would like to return to this question regarding this situation with...
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the refusal of the american representative to support the decision regarding not recognizing putin as president. so, in my opinion, this is a pretty important signal, a signal that the united states america is just ready for dialogue with moscow, why i think so, because at the same time another very interesting event happened. usa, mrs. thomas grenfield, she stated that the united states is ready to conduct a dialogue on strategic nuclear weapons with russia and china, immediately, without preconditions, without preconditions, russia and china need, you just need to say yes, which means i think that this is all quite serious, this is evidence of understanding.
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but what’s even worse is that in the coming years, china can become a nuclear superpower , as the americans themselves believe, by the year 1930 the chinese will have up to 1. nuclear warheads in their nuclear arsenals, this is much more than great britain and france combined, that is, this unfavorable strategic balance is throughout appearance somehow, so to speak, forced
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the americans to abandon... this triumphalism of theirs, so to speak, which i have already spoken about, and still return to dialogue with moscow, to the idea of ​​​​the need for dialogue both with moscow and beijing, so it seems to me that this opens up certain opportunities for this current cold war to somehow...
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conditions for the soviet union, well, firstly, then the americans were clearly in the lead in the strategic nuclear arms race, and so to speak, these are in many ways the explanation is that these soviet-american agreements
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on strategic weapons were, well, not always, let’s say, in the interests of moscow. the second very important point is, of course, the position of china, which then i would not even understand theoretically, why do we need detente, unit, well, there, corresponding in any dimension, production is cheaper for us than for them, they have a colossal lag behind us, that is, they overstrain their economy with military expenditures in a colossal way, yes. we can pay for the eighties, they can simply overstrain themselves, especially if we build up together with china, the americans will be in a position where they will beg us, and we will tell them, well, in fact, this is exactly what this is now and it happens, i’m not there now, i understand, they’ll bring a napkin, and we’re like the times of stalin and churchel, let’s carefully outline europe, then this is a topic, it exists, but they invite us to discuss it with them.
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we are not interested in our strategic weapons, our security is simple, the americans, if you want detente, everyone is going to hell, the united states has withdrawn all its weapons, in europe we will figure it out ourselves. proposes to the united states of america, this is essentially linking this with strategic arms control, with serious american concessions in other areas, this again reminds me of the first one to say détente when the americans tried to link, so to speak, negotiations on strategic weapons with soviet concessions in vietnam to the americans.
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this is how it seems to me, regarding dialogue with the united states, moscow will adhere to the point of view that negotiations on strategic offensive weapons alone, so to speak, do not solve problems in russian-american relations, well, a few months before the elections , with whom should we talk, no, there is no one now, so those are the people who they even offer any negotiations, it is not a fact that they will take place.
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the most problems, but we are ready to supply all the necessary weapons to texas, which, but on the condition that he will not shoot at washington, only to defend his land, and it should also be, yes, that is, no more, but no more than a thousand, but not more than a thousand km , no more, well, as for the dialogue with the united states, in any case , it seems to me that it is possible, but it is not a fact that it will bring any tangible results, but at least the american side. this dialogue is ready to be conducted, as for europe, here is the most serious difference between this future new détente and the détente that was 50 years ago, then everyone present here remembers that it was europe
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that initiated this very détente - yes, this is a french word , so in fact, well, i’ll say something else about the french language, don’t you like the french language? i love it very much, i just mean that in fact there is nothing complicated in this language, you just need to remember classical russian literature, remember alexander sergeevich pushkin , here you go, here you live with, for example, the russians in 1814, where they were, the baller, yes, almost a round date, and soviet literature continued the same tradition, there is also lodr, by the way, yes.
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the latest incident, when the ambassadors of the eu countries refused to meet with minister lavrov, this, in my opinion, is the point of no return, as they say, i don’t understand why they are still in the country, so i don’t understand, now, now, it means that the bastard barel decided to steal part of our profits there from our assets, yeah. i understand why the official representative of the eu is still in moscow, kick them out to hell , confiscate everything, that’s not enough, for the amount that they confiscated from us, we must confiscate their assets or their corporations
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located in russia in the most severe way, besides, i would start with the spanish ones so that the bastard barrel would wake up, i have such a simple question, the czechs are spitting in our faces, why are we selling czech goods at all, can’t someone explain,
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zizek and so on, it seems to me that although i want i can still say a word, this is the normal evolution of an extreme leftist philosopher, you see, we know such people, bernard andrei levy, also means a former leftist, who simply transformed into a hawk, i don’t know, not even a hawk, but i don’t know what kind of black crow, this kind of liberal thing happens when testosterone levels drop, yes, probably, probably, you remember how...
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macrons and so on, but everyone has a question in general, what happened to macron, because the evolution came from french or galician a rooster or a cockerel or a dove like this, which the french pigeon advocated all the time for...
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in this regard, then progress comes again, then it goes on like a mantra, he begins from speech to speech, which means repeating, russia cannot, should not and cannot win, we will do everything in order for, uh, ukraine to win this war, putin cannot win, and so on and so on. then we come to modern events, february, february 26, press conference. after the meeting, that means there were dozens or
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about 20 representatives of different people in paris, that means european countries conference on assistance to ukraine, and then during the press conference macron suddenly declares that well, we should not build red lines for ourselves, some kind of thresholds, so to speak, we can do whatever we want depending on the development of the situation, and here we were just talking about the fact that we are ready , under certain conditions, to send from...
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to send a military continent to ukraine, and what do you think, what are the answers? not a single party, including macron’s, supported this thesis of macron’s revival. now i’m not talking about, so to speak, heavyweights french, for example, the same, for example, sarkazy, dominique deauvillepin, there, others, hubert vidrine, these are all former ministers of foreign affairs, or so. the prime ministers, so they said, well , i’m not even talking about the parties and, therefore, the programmatic parties, which then met and discussed with macron, which means that then there was a vote in the national assembly, where macron wanted the deputies approved his agreement with ukraine on
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assistance, which means it was also concluded in paris, but they voted against it, which means.
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i read the french press, well, occasionally , maybe some more realistic guidelines appear, so, but constant things, which means i’ll add the latter, i’m always surprised, putin threatens us with nuclear weapons, when putin threatened someone in europe, frosts , but why invent such things, well , inexplicable, in my opinion, which really, well, say that western leaders, firstly, have become smaller, i no longer... about the berbok there are others there and they don’t understand, they won’t lose a sense of reality, in my opinion, this is a dangerous thing, and you need to somehow in general, so that the western establishment comes a little bit... that's all, see you tomorrow.
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tolya, well, where is your car? maryaserna
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, she was completely frozen, her nose was red, well, yes, she was frozen in such a fur coat, i could have gotten there by metro a long time ago, but my parasite driver is always late from lunch, i told him to pull up at two o’clock, who knew that the coordination session would end so quickly, lunch.
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wow, how lucky, otherwise these apartment thefts are sick of them, yes, it’s a pity that the killer doesn’t go to work without a car, it’s like someone’s tire burst, it actually looks like a gunshot, come on, my friend is here, yeah, the killer with a pistol will now ask for a ride.
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oh, i can't believe what? i can't believe i'm getting married before you. look, we have a wedding every year, first we got masha married, a year later zhenya, now i’m getting married, well, in a year , come on, why only in a year, maybe i ’ll get married earlier? no, no, and no, you need to work, improve your exposure.
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yes, okay, on my monitor i only have the entrance to the front door and the street within a radius of 5 m. i only saw him fall. markovtsev, nikolai borisovich, cheerful elephant company. what kind of name is this stupid? is this the one our local disneyland built? yes, this is it, a shopping and entertainment complex, he recently bought an apartment in this building, seventh floor, twelfth apartment, well, at this time he was having lunch. he went, but why did he go without security? he usually drives himself, he parked the car in the front door and went to marna, i
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think i’ll go, you’ll have to. until the end of the examination, so why stand around in vain, let me start writing the protocol while the doctor is driving, roofing, bye, yes, yes, bye, but i don’t want one a gorgeous wedding, but what do you want, well , i don’t know, fedya and i would have a glass of champagne at the bar on our honeymoon, you don’t understand anything in life, they said lunch, or maybe they’ll wait? well, you girls, give it to me! and it’s lunch after all.
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marya sergeevna, how is it here? well, i’m finishing here, the protocol is short, just describe everything about the corpse. volodya, where are your people, where is the department? why is there no one? the entire department is here, except for those
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who went to the victim’s office. where is it? on rounds, they inspect roofs, attics, two people inspect a car in the garage, you intercepted they announced, but why announce, they shot from above, but it was very dull, it was business again , you couldn’t even get close to it, everyone loved the deceased, he had no enemies, that’s bad luck, but where is the bean? the bastard and the commander-in-chief are drinking coffee around the corner, the city prosecutor’s office was not there to see you off. let me go and move my stinger, uh-huh, marna, what have you got, when you arrive, come see me right away, yes, viktor ivanovich, yes, uh-huh.
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“okay, i’ll take a look, but i won’t write a report, he’s definitely not married, no, for sure, he lived alone, the guard confirms, you should work with the guard, but what’s wrong, no it turns out, call the security guard.
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yes, here the boy is spinning from him. in any case, i noticed his car here. dark blue, number 206. so maybe i can take him by the trunk and ask around? not worth it yet. let the elephant think that he is the smartest. eh, good on you guys. yes, that's it. bye. yeah. and we're fooling around here, here it is, listen, it's
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open, wait.
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didn't interfere, nastya. wow, zoya, are you going to wear a veil and a white dress? yes, imagine, i’m not the one getting married during the break between the confrontation and identification, everything will be like in the best houses, a dress with crenaline, yes, a wedding bouquet, and a neckline, and a banquet, and the starosel residents will be in
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a tuxedo, listen, you can try it on, of course, margeevna, you’ve already been from the incident, yes, and, by the way, i’ve worked for you on duty, why didn't the phone answer? so i was at lunch, i said how many times, the duty officer should always be in touch, now you’re going to go inspect the apartment, get ready, okay, what kind of women are you all? well, what's wrong with this,
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viktor ivanovich? by the way, when kosovo has austrian.


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