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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 11:20pm-2:05am MSK

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and by the way, the investigator on duty worked for you, why didn’t the phone answer, i was at lunch, i said how many times, the duty officer should always be in touch, now you’re going to go do an inspection of the apartment, get ready, okay. what kind of women you are all, what’s the big deal here, viktor ivanovich, by the way, when kosovo is austrian. all the men came running, loaded and
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took aim, and you kept the revolver for 2 days, so it’s the same weapon, but enough of the demagoguery that with the murder the city took the whole soul out of me, at least there are versions, it’s a standard business there and that’s it, nothing specific, there’s not much information, but my wife ordered it, she’s not married, but at the apartment we detained a girl who was rummaging around in secluded corners, so what kind of girl is that? the vinokurovsky department installs, without documents , does not answer questions, but is generally silent, and what does she have with her, nothing, no phone, no car keys, not even a cosmetic bag, but there are keys to markovtsev’s apartment, which means someone brought it, someone brought the elephant, most likely from the crew, because he saw the ship a car not far from home, well, how can it be, well, why did they see the car, they missed
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it, go try it on in a veil, with pleasure, when we have a wedding, mm, we need some kind of gift, do you have any thoughts, well, yes, sit down, let's discuss, i decided to move to moscow, why, and you and i will become friends. a good neighbor also found a room, my mother and my boyfriend died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother , they took me here, they showed up, i’m afraid that you don’t care i’ll have to come, there’s a lawyer here, she’s the investigation , she wants to talk, she’s the investigation, it’s someone else’s revenge, the accident was faked, and you have a suspect, i’m scared. neighbor, however, she
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will definitely open up, i know, on friday on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, falling in love with white and...
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pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry that's it, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. well, friends, there is no secret place here, no, but you better look, better, yes, i crawled every centimeter here, it’s empty, well then write a report, yeah.
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and sausages, listen, there are no sausages here, this is a bar , there is beer, pistachios, chocolate, well, give me some chocolate, ah, wait,
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“i once had my eye on zoya myself, if everything is serious with you, i can get out of the way, this is the law, the third must leave, okay, come on, if you called me, you don’t want to give me anything, if i wanted to give you something, then it wouldn’t be me who treated you, but you, logically,
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just like that, okay, it’s time for me to get together. zoyka, hello, and you, well, maybe, or maybe a tea, or maybe call whoever needs it, well, or... what to tell? listen, well , what a non-campaign girl you are, but you can rattle a dispenser into the receiver of
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prostitutes to establish their identity, or is it even worse? into crosses? well, what about the fact of illegal entry into someone else’s home? “you, of course, will tell me that you live in the apartment of the innocent murdered nikolai borisovich markovtsev, you were there completely legally, but i don’t want you to i’ll answer that this still needs to be proven, you need a passport with registration, you need a marriage certificate, you need it, you have to prove it, but i have the presumption of innocence, what a voice , it’s amazing, i’m not deaf, that means yes, but it seems to me, what..." markovtsev would have died, so the role of the widow is not relevant. what is it? it's jammed again. well, that means it's night in the cell. hello, hello. my love. so,
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what kind of bridal salon is this? well, it should i’ll consult with the team, now sit down, i’ll get ready in 3 minutes, get ready quickly, i still have to see masha look, she’s at her place, at her place, at her place, just don’t linger, i’ll be quick, i’ll be quick too. marya sergeevna, my respects, hello , congratulations, yeah, and you still have time to congratulate , they are planning something grandiose, riding on white horses, showering fireworks with rice, how nice, there will be a full-fledged wedding, by the way, the team is wondering what to give you ? can i give you a pre-wedding gift? so, please don’t say that you
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are interested in markovtsev’s case, but why have they already tortured you? yes, they tortured you, mari, but you, like a member family, an employee of the prosecutor’s office, i’ll tell you everything i know, is it true, or what? true , there’s nothing to tell, here’s a photo table , that’s all we have, yeah, well, he was shot near his front door, one shot in the head, they most likely shot from the roof of a neighboring house , no weapons were found, no traces... and where are the keys who were surprised that this was confiscated? i have them, i immediately wrote them down in the protocol
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and sealed them, but you didn’t mix them up? no, these keys just don’t fit here, shvitsova and i couldn’t open the front door of the apartment, we could n’t open the apartment with them, someone gave the keys to the victim replaced, someone, not someone, but this is a deviant, it should be closed for complicity and... to inject, and not to lisp, you were trying on a tuxedo, i went, my darling, i just didn’t have time, i was at a business meeting, you there he drank vodka and beer and ate chocolate, but you know, in general a journalist should meet different people, as well as different women, and i don’t understand why you somehow contrast people and women, you were in the bar with your waitress again , zoya, how do you know? that it’s useless to dodge, i want you to cut it off my nose was already hacked before the wedding
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, damn it, relax, watson, today korablev was at the prosecutor's office, he told me everything, what a brute, oh well, he said that you behaved normally, i did this for prevention, in general , , now you and i are going to the atelier , we’ll take samples of veils, because they close in half an hour, my darling, yes, but maybe that... the same atelier, well, alone without me, because i have one urgent matter there, and will we meet at home? no, we'll now take this box to this place where you have one it’s okay, we’ll go together, cat, it’s true, there’s absolutely, absolutely, absolutely nothing interesting for you, let me go alone, no, go ahead, so what? when markovtsev decided to build this disneyland of his own, he began to look for a loan to help
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him with this, none other than mr. elephant, my favorite crime boss, when i imprison him, i will retire calmly. tell me, does the izlonat company have such a stupid name, funny elephant, well, yes, markovtsev registers the company to take out a loan? the elephant provides him with this loan, naturally for a good price rollback, yeah.
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really the true owner of the company , so we know, misha is an elephant, if you drink some water , you won’t get anything from masha anyway, she’s already buried in her head, i and...
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the answer is a month later, it seems to me that there is nothing valuable in these pieces of paper, so muklatura , and we can’t even find a financial director, in what sense, well, she’s nowhere to be found, god, what a hole, how do people live here, why did you drag yourself here, you see honey, i urgently need to find one person, a journalist of our ex, fire? ogonkova, be careful, this drunk, why do you need him? well, it turns out he sold his old apartment and rented a smaller one for himself, like here, fireworks, oh, god, what a meeting, we just
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need witnesses, mm. what do you mean the general director has disappeared? and like this. at the office they said he had been missing since lunch, as if he had disappeared into the ground. her purse is there, her phone is lying around, she’s not there. so this is a woman? fenkelshtein, marina ivanovna. what about outerwear ? there are shoes there that she wore in the office. so she got dressed and left, or was taken away and that was it. you're kidding, right? yes what's the joke here? god forbid another corpse. and you examined her bag, her documents, and what are the reasons for getting into her bag? and the reasons are this: we have a girl without documents, well, without a bag, without a phone, who was caught in the victim’s apartment, on the other hand, we have exactly the same set, bag, documents, phone, in the victim’s office, in the financial director’s office, how old is finkenstein,
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young woman, about 30, damn it, i rushed. so she changed the keys in the office, yes i understand, i understand, well, if you are right, marya sergeevna, that is, there is a reason to talk to the elephant, but why haven’t you talked to him yet? why bother shaking the air in vain? if you’re going to bother a respected person, you need to tell him something interesting so that he doesn’t sleep at night. ah, i should find another little man, the journalist ogonykov, you know, the journalist ogonyov?
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take a peek, so look at the zhmulik, and some kind of bully, by the way, in my opinion, your former colleague, what’s his name, nikolai, yes, if i wrote it down correctly, so that ’s okay, well, most likely alcoholic intoxication or aspiration of vomit, or both, a comrade abused it, oh, well, he was joking, we don’t need any witnesses, so we can take a look. dear heart, you can at least kiss him , i don’t care, if the local police officer hasn’t left, let’s go and see, but the investigators from the prosecutor’s office haven’t arrived yet, our prosecutor’s office goes to all the corpses, oh my god, there was some kid here, i wrote a couple of lines in the protocol and rode off, the district police officer remained, but while i was waiting for the car, thank god they sent me,
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now i’m free, wait for you, no, here stuck. “i’m sorry, yes, you still need me, how many times have i already told you, citizen, you are free, okay, all the best, when, can i take another look at the clients with my interns, you know, the investigator left, and there’s trouble i don’t need it, well , why are you looking at me like that, and i know you, you work at the world magazine. rest, well then at least i’ll give them a lift to the metro, okay, okay, let’s go, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go.
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mr. lawyer, please, your identification and warrant, yes, of course, but i left an empty space in the warrant, i gave it i don't know the client. detainees, do you refuse to give your name? okay, so let’s conditionally write ivanova nadezhda ivanovna until her identity is established. hey, let's not rush, mr. lawyer, yes, are you free? i don’t understand, but this lady has her own lawyer, and he’s on his way here now. yes, marina ivanovna, this is for you. misha. the elephant ordered me to send a package, he can’t help you with anything else, you’ll still have to sit, well, why do
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it all at once, lazy, maybe we can still agree with marina vanovna, she’ll calmly go home to take a shower. leonid nikolaevich, can i see you? excuse me, please. well, lawyer stepanenko has arrived, and what kind of tricks are you looking at for the night? and because of this dead man, the good name of my client is being trampled on all corners, i outline the situation, the financial director of the company is the cheerful elephant, and also a good friend
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of mikhail mikhailovich, well known as misha the elephant, in short, in short, marina ivanovna fenkelshtein, was detained in the apartment victim markovtsev half an hour after onov’s murder, with keys, by the way, stolen from his own office, which indicates... her awareness of the impending murder, otherwise she would have been afraid to go into the hut, and markovtsev would have noticed the substitution of keys, just a second, so substitution or theft, please, be more precise in the wording, good citizen, no need to cling to words , marina will sit down now , and it will be bad to sit, because the elephant in the women’s detention center has no communications, and she will sit until she tells that she was looking for the deceased in the apartment, why such an order, although we already have it ...
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marina tells us on the record that why was she looking for the victim in the apartment , doesn’t mention su and misha, on her own initiative and goes home to spend the night, after all, for illegal entry into a home there is a ridiculous sanction, this is not complicity in murder, you can sit on a subscription, i need to think about talking contact the client , contact the principal, three minutes is enough
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, staroseltsev, yes, quickly to the boss, you can come in, anton, listen, antosha, we have a problem here, lights, kolya, died, they called from the morgue, yes, what are you, yes , it’s a pity, yes, it’s a pity, he was a talented guy, it’s a pity for spilson, well, yes, what now, about the dead... okay, or were you on friendly terms with him? well , yes, he’s with us - he seemed to want to recover? well, yes, yes, listen, well, take care of the funeral, he doesn’t seem to have any relatives, you can’t bury the guy at public expense. yeah, why did he die? well, what is the cause of death? which one, which one? yes, pilsa, that’s what it is. they found him in a puddle,
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his own vomit. in general, collect money from the employees and the editors will throw something in, i’m putting you in charge of the funeral , okay, there was already a cover-up, but i’m not sure, that they will open him up at all, everything is obvious there, so let’s fly to mork, fill out the documents, we probably need to order a funeral service, who discovered him, you just said that it seemed like... he had no relatives, what are you saying? , you suspect crime , but there is no crime there, go ahead, fly to the morgue , fill out the documents, he couldn’t do anything lately, he only drank who needed him, well, yes, he leaked to the neighbors, the office lived, the apartment was opened, and he already dead, come on, antosh, fly, i’m giving you a car for the whole day, call me back only in the evening, i understood everything and flew away. “if
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he didn’t immediately start drinking things away, he also got a job in some company, i don’t remember the name, either a goat, or a donkey, a cheerful elephant, yes, such a guy was good, i feel so sorry for him, yes, tell me “how about yours?” " surname, staroseltsev, i showed you my id at the entrance, and also show me your passport, why this is necessary, well, here you go. yes, anton alexandrovich, anton
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alexandrovich, yes, anton alexandrovich, anton alexandrovich, when zheka came to open the apartment, they invited me. i'm dead kolya couldn’t look for a long time and went into the kitchen, and there on the floor in the corner was a magazine, world of crime. kolya worked there, yes, we worked there together, so i took this magazine as a souvenir, came home, opened it and found, now i’ll show it to staroseltsev, that there was something hard in there.
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look, it’s not money, yes, it doesn’t look like money, but what is it, it’s just like one thing for a computer, and what a rich, beautiful, dear, what are you, two kopecks, antonina vasilyevna, you’re asking, please, but i need to run, things to do, oh, well a ring? let’s remember pirozhkamina vasilyevna, i ’ll come see you again later, however, now i just need to run, thank you, thank you, well , since it’s urgent.
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and let’s call a spade a spade, without me you would have gotten the hell out of the loan, and i don’t deny that, well, if it weren’t for me, your complex would have been torn to pieces long ago , forgive me for all this, thanks to me.
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and if you, if you ever dare to open your mouth to my goods, or god forbid you, misha, god forbid you push, you won’t find it enough, i have one very curious daddy, why will she immediately end up in the press with
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the cops, you understand me, rat, you understand, you’ll keep the change for yourself. you won’t get anything else from me, fuck you, you brat. you see, i owe a lot to mikhail mikhalovich, including the position of financial director, including my position. how much did you receive? enough,
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i’m ready to do anything for him, but yeah, markovtsev tried to deceive him, hid his income, although mikhail mikhailovich had the right to a certain percentage when i bet. i didn’t find anything there, then i replaced it for him i went to his house with the keys during an offended break. we have information that markovtsev went home every day for lunch. weren't you afraid that he would find you at home? thank you. the conclusion is that you knew
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that he had to be killed at this very time, even before he got home. i didn’t know, i swear to you that i didn’t know about any murder, it’s just that simple, he just shouldn’t have gone home. where was he supposed to go? marinochka, don’t be afraid, speak up, the investigator needs to tell the truth. i'm just afraid of causing trouble for mikhail mikhailovich, i just knew for sure that markovtsev was supposed to have lunch with him today. with whom, with him, with mikhail mikhailovich , with the elephant, as you call him, the last name is sapozhnikov, i knew this for sure, because...
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well done, olga, well done, i guessed, record the interrogation on video, i say, marina, this a tough woman, this, of course, is not hired work. it won’t melt away, one more nuance, the elephant
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is left with nothing, how is that? here is the response to a request from the federal registration service, a week before his death, the company merry elephant was sold, but not to the elephant, who is it, kolabanov, this is our old friend, the elephant, lord, why is he rowing so much for himself, is the port really not enough for him, this is the case when the whole world is not enough, and sapozhnikov means nothing i didn’t know, it turns out that no, and there’s no way to challenge this deal, the elephant of the shoemakers, he’s also the founder, is it possible to carry out such transactions without his consent, it’s possible, i looked at the charter, the decision to sell the company is made by the founders, who have more...
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founder, this is markovtsev, who has 90% of the bishop with ten, so you can’t undermine, well without agreement with the others, and then you can take two more time, file a claim , seize, sue, the case is a failure, if the elephant has a strong lawyer, this does not mean that kolobanov is worse, well, okay, but kolobanov may have a motive murders, viktor ivanovich, well, you know my... special relationship with kolobanov, after he kidnapped me he threatened my husband, so i would like him to have a motive. i went, well , go, uh-huh, viktor ivanovich, did you promise to let me go early today, on family matters? go to the shop, who will stay?
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nobody, there’s no evening reception today, i left the books on the table, i’ll pick up the mail tomorrow, masha has the keys to the archive, go, everyone go, you’re putting your feet in the wrong place, good morning to you, what happened, the premiere on rtr, no cell phone, no documents . there is, no, there is someone, we are going to arrest, no-no-no, not to the library, you are not afraid that i killed you, vysnetsova, tomorrow on rtr, the fate of boris grachevsky, in the memories of his loved ones, friends, relatives, this is such love, probably, on the one hand at first sight, on the other hand at second sight i enjoyed it. incredible
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attention from women, boriska’s charm is crazy, next to katya in general he just wanted to jump on one leg, for her sake he was ready to change himself like that, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, his children i don’t have one, so i can devote all my time to yours. pryonku, how beautiful you are to me, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave, wash, even if it will be very, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one will be able so take care.
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how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, reliably, there are eight of the equipment, and we have only one olyos there. the second tank flew off in kropsky. the hero of russia will be in kind.
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we are all with you, including me, to the end. what kind of image of victory is he for you, will destroy the gang in your head, what happened? leave me alone, i have a feeling that i ruined your mood. zoya, i'm sorry, that's it. well , what happened, you can’t imagine how my hands itch at kolobanov’s stoves, well, at his stove, but it’s not so simple, well, now you’ll start delving into yourself, what if i’m biased, what if i ’m biased, yes zoya, you’re getting married soon, well, yes, go get ready, hello, hello.
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anton, hi, hi, listen, do you know that you were surrounded at night? are you serious, they broke the window in your room, they broke in, and what did they take? yes, they did more shit, they were probably some youngsters, don’t be upset. hello, are you up? take a broom! wait, wait, let him first see if everything is in place, check the materials, everything is intact, yes i have it seemed like there was nothing like that, like little kids , they broke into my neighbors’ house, didn’t take anything , but they piled a bunch on the carpet
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, it’s a mental disorder, i don’t remember what it’s called, but it’s called disgusting, not a mental disorder, they should be shot from... listen, guys, they will close up our window , otherwise it’s impossible to work, but they promised, yes , guys, it’s generally strange, of course it turns out, at the front entrance, even though the grandmother is sitting, guarding, here, whoever wants to go, there are no bars , in general , it’s strange that you and i weren’t surrounded earlier, listen, i’ll leave early today, okay, come on, we’re not going to stay here too long, that’s it, thanks, guys, come on, bye, come on. bye, yeah, well, who is there,
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what is this, this is my report, i ask you to remove my supervision of the investigation into the murder of markovtsev, viktor ivanovich, take supervision of yourself, sit down. sit down, i said , i know, i know, i understand everything, i won’t twist your arms, although it’s not a fact, far from a fact, that kolabanov is to blame, he’s to blame, it’s gone so far, okay, i won’t shake you, you have nothing to do with the matter anymore you have, although later, maybe, you will regret this, that’s all, thank you, please, marya sergeevna, what i want to say
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is that i am uneasy. something, i say, my zoya is getting married, now she’ll go on vacation, then she’ll decide to go on maternity leave, you all act like that, but like me, well, a person should have a personal life, well, who’s going to sit in the office, that ’s it’s necessary, a new person needs to be trained, and she’ll get married, she’s walking around here, the young investigators were all screaming, and then zoe, how long did she last, the ninety-eighth, right? why are you laughing, i don’t like change, go, go! everyone go , the sleeve is good, the length is also normal, please turn
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it like this, well, it seems okay, right here, here we’ll pin it a little, right here a little, don’t like it, like it, that’s good, listen, we're filming, what's been happening to you lately? nothing, what? nothing, you’re just hovering somewhere, you can’t hear me, can you? why can i hear you very well? maybe you just don't want to marry me? tell me right away, i understand that i am not the ultimate dream of such a man as you, i’m not as beautiful as masha, i’m not a match for you, i have a lot of shortcomings, my stupid hare, what are you doing? well, what does it have to do with it, masha? i love you very much, i really want to marry you. will you come to my place today? go. well, when is your special event? do not
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doubt. hello, marya sergeevna, may i have permission? well, have you received an answer from the fed? isn't it weak? it turns out that the company was taken over by the cheerful elephant gentleman. well, who is now overseeing the district prosecutor,
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you upset me, well, okay, in general, everything that we will lie there without your supervision, will be on your conscience, korablev, 43 years old, korablev. wait.
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lyunya, these are staroseltsev. anton, yes, lazy, you
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can come to me now, home, yes , okay, i’m waiting, what did they take, yes, nothing special, the computer, it’s still old, it needs to be changed. “i spent the best years of my life on you, and instead of you, i decided to give mac a
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stove and an office.” yes, too, i won’t cry, but i’ll hit you in the head. with pleasure. how long have you been carrying this thing around with you? not three, four. well, what is it called? well, they'll crush you, okay, less journalists clean the air. yes. you're setting your woman up. “you know, we need to evacuate you from here, they’ll shake your computer, they’ll realize that there’s nothing there, i’ll take it for you, so get ready, where, we’ll go to our police hotel, at least there will be security there for you”?
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as far as i understand in oranges, the recording was transferred to this computer disk, but where is the source? you’re right, they need the source code, they probably have such an option themselves, well, that is, elephant knew about this conversation, or maybe finkestein was just looking for this source code in markovtsev's apartment? she was rummaging through the papers , no, why do they need this recording, they, as fedya correctly noted, know that such a conversation took place, they need the incriminating evidence that markovtsev is talking about here, as he says, come on, rewind, dare you open your mouth on my good , or god forbid you, misha, god forbid you, to put pressure, you won’t find it enough, i have
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one very curious daddy, she’ll immediately end up... the press with the cops, you understand me, rat, here’s daddy they need it, all this is great, but on this one recording there is no elephant for murder you're going to jail, you're right, there are actually no death threats here, yeah, maybe after all for extortion, although of course there's no extortion here, they're just discussing percentages , the elephant isn't threatening him in any way, no criminal actions, and if they... don't know about it , then they will look for the tape, i wonder who recorded it? well, everything turns out to be a spark, when kolya quit the newspaper, he somehow got a job at a company, with markovtsev, as, well, something like a press secretary, you know, there to push advertising, a newspaper, and so on, and he constantly hinted, constantly hinted at some kind of sensation, kept telling me about his
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triumphant return to the newspaper, i think that’s exactly what he meant, old man, and why is it he... “this is his message to descendants, addressed specifically to you , i thought about it , but you know, kolya also knew that i was digging under the funny elephant, and what you didn’t like there, and what you might like there, the merging of our domestic business with criminal structures, after all, they know what’s behind the complex crime boss nicknamed elephant, then i kept it with the coolies until the end good relationship, many people scared him and turned away. well, that is, he borrowed money and didn’t pay it back, well, something like that, then you know , it’s very difficult to communicate with an alcoholic , many people warned me, i’m a soft person, well , soft, i’ll have to feed you to the mafia, and the fact that we’re sitting here, we are waiting for some events here , we need to do something, what do you mean, are you crazy, and why do you want to use it as live bait, why not, this is out of the question, but do something you need something,
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look, i suggested that you think about it, wait, what about me - why forget about it, let's better search the apartment that ogonkov rented, come on, but i'm afraid someone thought of this before us. wow, we need to find witnesses, yeah, don’t rush.
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who? please open this from the police. do you have an id? oh, what else? show it in the eye. so you can see, you can see, oh, hello, the girl is with you, so it’s not bandits, but are you afraid of bandits? oh, your jokes, we were attacked, i woke up at night from a scream and a roar. in the next apartment, uh, called the police, it turns out bandits have broken in, the apartment is empty, no one lives there, my neighbor tatyana is renting it out, after the death of the last guest she can’t rent
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it out, it’s empty, there’s nothing there, bare walls , why did they break in there, tell me, do you keep in touch with the owner of the apartment, she can come here, maybe, so what, we need to get into the apartment, we have a search warrant, but it’s very easy to get in, the apartment is open, “the locks are broken, after all , we need to call the landlady, that’s right, we need to, come in, i'll call you now, come in, okay now let's call our tanechka, where is she here, please forgive me, yes, but what is your middle name, antonina vasilievna, antonina vasilievna. tell me, why did you say not thieves, bandits? but because there is nothing to take there , and they rumbled all night, you know,
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what idea came to me, and they were looking for something there, was it not the same envelope that i gave to my colleague in prison, anything is possible . okay, i agree, what is required of me? well, i was right after all, you are the only sane person, and therefore let's agree right away on the shore, not to interfere in our men's games, no girls there, idam, not this olya, who has little patience, especially your zoyka, you don’t need to say anything , well, that’s understandable, but the schwitz, and the schwitz is no longer in business, so that you and i have carte blanche, wait, if not in the aisles, then she has some kind of showdown with kolobanov, is there also kolabanov? well, sorry, old man, it happened that way.
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oh! is this how he lived? when he drank the sofa, he slept on the floor, he threw his coat on the floor while he was sleeping, well, i don’t know how they let this bastard into a decent place, and i wonder what he filmed with? you know, even though he drank, he could look decent if he wanted, and he had a small camera , my grandson bought it from him, an inexpensive
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camera, well, he bought it, and what complaints, no complaints, you can look at the camera , now, here, where is the camera, and it’s mounted here, this is the whole trick, this is for hidden shooting... why do you need it? it’s cool, but i’ve never filmed, i was just messing around, and in general it’s difficult to get a cassette for it, the equipment is outdated, now everyone shoots digitally, but he doesn’t have any cassettes for you
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i sold it, actually there was a cassette, only from the recording, come on, come on, where is it, now, it was in the cell, i wanted to return it when i went down to him. apparently he already ran for a bottle and doesn’t knit the bast, he says keep it for yourself, but i left it, and what kind of recording is that? yes, it’s some kind of dregs, two men are talking, it’s hard to see, it’s hard to hear, and it’s not... he already needed it , but why do you think so? so i made him a disc with a recording, why does he also need a cassette? did you erase the recording from the cassette? no, she ’s left, you’ll take her, yes, i’ll take both the camera and the camera too, now the investigator will come , will formalize everything as it should be, we will take it, examine it and return it to you, but oh well, i got it for free anyway, i mean, for pennies. but listen, is that all,
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you didn’t copy anything else to him? no, he only had this one cassette, he kept complaining, saying there was no more, well, thank you, happily, goodbye. knock-knock, you can come in, leonid nikolaevich, it’s easy for you, lenya, i heard you, i can congratulate you, we found the source, yes, but i haven’t looked at it yet, unfortunately, we don’t have how can i help, let's go to our office and see, we'll write a protocol there at the same time, right now, of course, why waste time, well, okay,
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let me look after you, thank you, please, so, hat, scarf, handbag and a cap, this is for me, go ahead.
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why did you introduce yourself with a false name? my friend asked me, what is this a crime, yes , she is my neighbor, it was alisa who set you up, right?
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i will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, i understand, dig, neighbor, on friday, on rtr, my joy lives in a high tower, in a tower he's tall, no one can move. ate, hello, dad, dad, i swear , i never cheated on you, she chased him for two blocks, left, started to bite him to death, when a kamaz rushes towards you, radiculi and lameness disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, you'll keep the change , you won't get anything else from me, fuck you, you brat, boy, well, that's the same thing, uh-huh
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, well, maybe we'll write a protocol, we'll write it, come on, start your barrel organ from the beginning, don't , don't , i have the text on a floppy disk, i looked at the computer version, but great. zoya, everything is fine, i’m completely unsettled, this is a police hostel, you should have seen, and most importantly, i’m sitting there without going out, like... it’s so for me, and i still have so many things to do before the wedding, but what should i do? , this is also a safety consideration, really, but from what safety, there is such a mess there, whoever wants to , can go, the main thing is unknown how long this will all last until they discover it, well
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, you will reveal it, but why should i live there until i get old? married under escort, not under escort, but under guard, the boss is at home, at home, well, that’s it, you’ll reveal it, low-key, why are you hanging around, yes, oh, kindergarten, thoughts have overcome, it’s a pity that they gave up supervision, well, sit down... viktor ivanovich, i understand that i have nothing to do with this matter, but that’s all time creeps into my head, okay, elephant might not have known about the sale of the company, but you are the financial director. come on, come on, come on, the contract says that the company is transferred with all assets and liabilities, right? surely some kind of audit is needed,
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a transfer of these assets, but marina could not have known about this agreement. and what from this should? according to the logic of things, if marina knew, she should have informed sapozhnikov, who should have taken all measures. take steps to prevent the deal from going through, but it’s possible, and if marina knew, but didn’t say, then, then, well , negotiate, that means she was recruited, so, well, it looks like, well, that’s it, that’s it, so, you ’ll continue the logical chain , that means, in markovtsev’s apartment, she was not on the orders of the elephant, but by someone else, on the orders of kolobanov, it seems, it looks like that, but you and i can guess endlessly, what else should we do, we can only guess , not only, but the law on operational-investigative activities, and an operational experiment, stimulation to detect criminal intentions, uh, but we can only frame
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staroseltsev, yes, perhaps, go read the law of obrd, what are you saying, his wedding is on... and what's a wedding? twenty on the wedding day, there’s still time, you’re kidding, right? just kidding, of course, yeah, what's the matter with you? we have? can i see one thing there? which one? interrogation by finkelstein? i want to see where she booked a table on the day of the murder. yeah, that's it, thank you, please that's it, ah, well done, excuse me, daddy,
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source, hmm, so what? and now i’ll have some tea , and this is mandatory, mandatory, this is written down in the code of criminal procedure , the investigator, after signing the protocol, must do something like drink tea with the valiant employees of the authorities, article 157 note, there is no such article, this is not yours yet, mine is, let’s go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. dmitry sergeevich, hello, would you like to invite your wife to lunch, thank you, where?
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i want to go to the egoist restaurant. uh-huh, thanks, bye. well, okay, i sent her to... to the prosecutor's office, but how much more does the girl need, from me hello, antosha, everything is fine, i have the source code, right? come on, in half an hour at the old place, great, great! keep the source code, it means that
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when they contact you, they will contact you 100%, how will they find out, well, that’s my concern, i ’ll send the information, they will contact you, listen, so let me write an article for the newspaper, i’ll give you a hint, let’s not do anything on your own , so that’s it, let’s take a walk while you, yes, i ’ll write this evening, i’ll publish it tomorrow. antosha, listen to dad, i will send information that you have something interesting, they will contact you, our job is to track down who, and since my guys are not some kind of bullshit, you show them the source code, by their reaction we will understand whether this or that interests them, and most importantly who, at least i will remain alive, not a fact, but maybe you...
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for investigative necessity, that’s slander,
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but no, i’ve long been accustomed to the idea that i exist in your life only as an attesting witness, what are you saying, you’re my favorite person, well , after all, the golden bones, and i'm your favorite witness, no, some people breed guinea pigs, and some witnesses breed guinea pigs no one has been breeding for a long time, but what about breeding, but minipigs, and these are guinea pigs that have been stretched to incredible sizes, right? uh-huh, good afternoon , good, hello, i’m listening to you, tell me, do you know these people, i’ve already been asked, this is mikhail mikhailovich, and this is mr. kalabanov , i don’t know the patronymic name, only by the last name, but they often visited you, i already told you, they asked you about mikhail mikhailovch, so yes,
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never together, yeah, okay, tell me, a week ago, when they had lunch together, who who among them paid? kalabanov paid, i can raise the cash register, they pay by card, we must have information, which is what we needed to prove, i am free, as free, and the order, i no longer hoped, so am i , so tell me, who pays? “the man, the one who invites, of course, it means that kolabanov
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invited the elephant to have dinner that day, great, hello, hello, the boss didn’t ask me, not yet, okay, come on, i’m at home.” so many things have accumulated, i’ll probably sit until the night, okay, come on, come on, hello, hello, olga, the constituent documents were confiscated from your office, get them from me, come on, when was the company registered in 2002? have you noticed how new the documents are, how well they have been preserved over the years, ordinary
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documents, just fresh, as if they were printed yesterday, so what? and then, if you give documents. i was looking in markovtsev’s apartment, we think that there was dirt on the elephant, no, there was no dirt, it was a bluff, i don’t understand anything, but what was she looking for then? olya, tell me how you can challenge the transfer of ownership of a company? well, prove that it does not comply with the charter of the enterprise. and if it corresponds , well, i don’t know, prove that, prove that the signatures of the parties are forged, well done, then it is possible that markovtsev’s signatures on the documents on the transfer of the company were forged, that is, you think that they altered the constituent documents, destroyed the old ones , they made new ones, they forged markovtsev’s signatures on them so that there was nothing to compare with, yeah, it turns out that only
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she could. yes, that means she, yes, she was looking for any samples of markovtsev’s signature so that take them to destroy them, well then it’s a completely different matter, that’s right, we thought that it was markovtsev who pulled off the deal behind the bishop’s back, it turns out that they played dark games with him, kolabanov, kolabanov, so far i only know one thing, that it was him invited the elephant to have lunch on the day of the murder so that he would under no circumstances contact markovtsev. antosha, answer me. anton, answer me, where have you disappeared, where are they taking you, yes, i’m listening,
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hello, hello, this is korablev, good evening, what’s going on in the kirov region, editorial office. world of crime, wait a minute, now i find out, don’t disconnect, they say that the target is at work, didn’t come out, they’re sitting, waiting, well, thank you, nothing, i don’t understand, yes, what are you going to do? hi, hi, sit down.
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hello, mashenka, where are you? zoya, is that you? masha, anton disappeared, what do you mean he disappeared, he was at work and stopped answering phone calls, maybe something happened to him? well, you never know, why doesn’t he answer? no, something happened to him, and i ’m sitting like a fool in this police hole, i can’t go out alone, masha, what should i do? zoya, don’t cry, calm down, everything is fine with your anton. i'll tell you she said, don’t cry, if you want, dima and i will go pick him up to work. i want, mashenka , please go, okay, i’ll call you back right away, dim, you understand, today you are not understood, you are an operational driver, yeah, to the editorial office, yes, yeah, let’s go.
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oh, and how are you here, zoya called us, well then it’s clear, well, dmitry sergeevich, you are with me, and marya sergeevna, let him sit in the car for now, and who is it, everything is fine, this is our observation, and damn it, then it’s better to take marya sergeevna with you, yeah, our people won’t interfere if anything happens. oh, where are you going? there is no one there, everyone has already gone, where, oh , masha, then we are alone
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, i spoke with kolobanov, i wonder, for money or for interest, but the devil knows, maybe they
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also have love there, i can imagine how that would feel elephant reacted, i’ll go and have a look, bitch , you’re the last one, i believed you, and you, i don’t take nature, and pasha kolobanov will give you money “yes, one word from me , you’ll rot in prison, we’ll rot together, i’ll tell you everything , so i’ll tell you how you wanted to frame pasha kolobanov under a fake agreement, pit him against the markovite so that they would sue for 300 years, here that's it, pasha, you turned out to be smarter than you, slammed markovtsev, where are you now with your fake contract, are you in the ass, without a company?" "
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tomorrow on rtr, the fate of boris grachevsky in the memories of his loved ones, friends, relatives, this is such love, probably, on the one hand at first glance, on the other hand at second glance, he enjoyed incredible attention from women, boriska’s charm is crazy. next to katya, in general, he just wanted to jump on one leg, for her sake he was ready to change himself like that, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr,
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i’m mine, my mother will return soon. soon, hare , uncle doctor will treat her, she will be back, hello, hello, we are from the police, soon they took marina viktorovna, yes, it was you, yes, the doctors called, they said, it was i who called, what’s wrong with him, they say there’s something wrong with his heart and for some reason the stomach was washed out, and you, excuse me, my name is faina, can you just say faya, i live in the next house, they called me for a secret and to see, she often stays with me when marina is not there, and i... will i spend the night? yes, of course, here, we'll be happy francess to play is a must. sorry, but maybe it’s better to send the girl to her grandmother for now. i don’t want to go to grandma’s, i want to
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spend the night. you will spend the night with me. okay, we'll call grandma. she doesn’t like to stay with lediy petrovna. why don't you know? well, she says that she is too strict. tell me, what's going on? then marina’s car was blown up, now here it is. that's all, tell me, the doctors said where marina was going, they said to the regional heart center, they talked about intensive care, fi, we need it very urgently to inspect the house, i hope nothing was cleaned or moved there, no, no one touched or moved anything, when i was, you know, i just left to inspect it, uh-huh, thank you, and we’ll go with you to the dogs and feed them, let's feed the dogs, let's go. well, it looks like she was drinking cognac? the discount is missing about 150 g. in my opinion, formal is childish,
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it doesn’t look like it, well, there is no characteristic smell. chernova’s symptoms are not the same, heart attack, abdominal pain, no, this is definitely not formal, well then? what could it be? i'm on discount i can name a dozen and a half reasons, but now the most important thing is to study the contents of the blood bottle. listen, sergei ivanovich, call borisovich and ask if he has left? easily. hello, boris, is there? kasyanova
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asks, have you left yet? yeah, he says that for you he hasn’t left yet, very good, she says, very good.
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okay, yes, i’ll tell the doctors now, that ’s it, come on, go home, thank you, yeah, what is it, borisoch, he says that chernova was poisoned with aconetine, this is some kind of medicine , it’s an alcoholic of plant origin, it they get it from lawnite, which grows in many places and is very poisonous. people here also call it blue, which means they poisoned the black one. “i don’t think that she decided to commit suicide in this way, it was too painful a death, even in front of a child. and the grass was in the horse, in the glass, in the bottle, in the blood, respectively. i wonder where she got this bottle, i hope , then he’ll say
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: good morning, i’m from the police, you don’t look like a policeman here, i have an id, some people came here too, so polite, they said they were from social security, and then the people have money disappeared, i’m not one of those people, i’m good, tell me, do you know me? this man , hello, how can we not know him, oleshka, this is from our entrance, uh-huh, oleshka, oleg, but can you tell me his apartment number and last name , rostov is his last name, and he lives in apartment ten, listen, but never mind what he did, thank you for your help.
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oleg rostup, so what, the night before yesterday you damaged your neighbor’s car, i can’t prove it, it’s already been proven, you were recorded by a surveillance camera. so it doesn't work, how else does it work? and this goat, it means, immediately ran i’m going to slander the cops, but i slashed the wheels of this bastard, so what? get ready, citizen rostov, you have to go to the department, what is this? you don’t have the right, i’m not going anywhere , oh wait, what are you doing, oh, be careful, you ’ll run in front of my car, quietly,
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the dog handler examined all the premises with a dog, the dog identified three places where your farmagite is present, this is the cooler in the draft office, pantry and sauna, sauna, yes, in the pantry, where exactly, he didn’t let the dog inside, he was afraid that the dog would spoil the nuke, he said, let the experts look on the shelves themselves, their salaries are high, trezor works for food, but why are we damaging our eyes at this work? so i think it’s poisoning as such.
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you are desperate people after all, why is this all of a sudden , well, how do you tinker with all sorts of infections every day, you never know, i found it, just smell
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it, by the smell, it’s clear that the bottle has been used for a long time, but only for what, i think i know. where do you say sauna, but here take the flashlights, it’s dark there, hold it, borisych, come on, there you go. well, well, it definitely stinks, for sure, who would have thought, you don’t want
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to tell me anything, you need to talk to the cleaning lady, what’s her name, sylvia, let's go, yeah. yes, i’ll be there soon, come on, i can’t, i’m just falling asleep today, will you go to your place now? yes, there phil brought a guy who broke the lazarus wheel. will you have time to examine the remains today? oh, i wouldn't guess. oh, sorry. oh, hi. and i think, how long will morozova not stand and not call? 3 whole days. yes, this is a record , but everything is fine with us, we just finished the exhumation with belkin, and i’ll take the remains to the face, greetings from morozov, and he’s also waving his hand at you, yes, get busy go about your business calmly, your loved
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ones aren’t going anywhere, well, i still have to go, come on, yeah, bye, she’s worried, but here you don’t know the frost, she ’s had a day without work for a year, well, let’s go, let’s go. yes, i follow, you won’t tell me what? i
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apologize, oleg sergeevich, why do you think i don’t ask you the name of the one who instructed you to ruin the car with a lazar? what? because you yourself will say when you understand what exactly. incriminates, no one entrusted me with anything, why are you rostov, stop lying, in your opinion, i should believe that an adult, apparently he’s a normal guy, he took an awl in the middle of the night and for no reason at all he went to make holes in the tires, it’s not like that, but it’s even like that, i told this asshole, park your car further away, and this is my place, in what sense is yours , yes, i always parked there, and then i sold the car, but for now... tolerate such impudence, or what? so far i
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only see impudence on your part. in any case, citizen rostov, you are detained for 72 hours. why? we will check your involvement in organizing the attempted murder. i don't care who was not attempted. and your happiness if the suspicions are not confirmed. although, intentional damage to emotions is also an article. peace. oh, here, i don’t work the call, huh, maybe i’m not at home, but no, it seems to be coming, it’s so open, oh, what happened, my tests are bad. don’t worry, your tests are excellent, we
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can go in, come in, thank you, i told you everything they asked, i don’t know anything else, sylvia, there’s a bottle of paraformaldehyde in the pantry, is it yours, which bottle? and in the cooler office, roughing powder from this
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did the jars also come from a fungus? what about me? i do not know anything. anyone could have taken a bottle from the pantry. our experts took fingerprints from this bottle, now we will compare them with yours, everything will immediately become clear. so there are my prints. i take it every day, yesterday, the day before yesterday. and they added it to the cooler a long time ago. stop. how do you know when you added it? well, i think so, you know what, sylvia, you can’t lie at all, why did you poison lazarev, lazarev, why lazarev, i chernova, but i didn’t poison, baba sima told me that this powder is in the jar there may be an upset stomach, and in general a bad feeling, so you need to wear rubber gloves and a mask. so that means you poisoned the draft with gloves and a mask, but why?
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i just a little bit, i just wanted her to give up, give up, from seryozha, why does he need a sick aunt, he would have noticed me, i understood, you fell in love with lazareva and in this way decided to eliminate your rival. silvia igorevna, have you ever thought that lazarev often visits chernova and takes water from the cooler there to make coffee, he loves coffee, you know, i didn’t know, well, really, well done, what else can i say, the best, yes i am in general. was on hand, that’s all, here’s irina olegovna, oh, well, don’t be modest, we’re all
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cool, so what do we have, the bottom line is we have a stupid girl in love who barely poisoned half of the fitness center, it’s good that after after sylvia poured paraldehyde into the cooler, the trainer’s coffee machine didn’t break down, otherwise everyone would have gone to the draft room for coffee, and we also have an idiot who, out of spite, pierced kolesarev, the neighbors confirmed that... he rushed at lazarev and he gave him a rebuff, rostov is not at all like a sapling, and his height is not suitable, but such pests can be useful, thanks to him chernova did not get into her car, yes, and we also have a bottle of cognac with horse meat, by the way, i called the hospital, the doctor said that by the end of today it will be possible to talk to the chernovs, and at the same time we will find out the origin of the bottle, and we also have a rather bad image. a possible miner, yeah, either a man or a woman, and
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the height of a dog, not very tall. by the way, kosyanova should have already completed the examination of the exhumed remains. bon appetit. excuse me, well, before you have time to arrive from the morgue, you’re already here, just like that, go around, since you came, sit down, elina evgenevna, don’t be tormented
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by what the autopsy showed, it showed something. according to kirill chernov, it’s almost definitely trompe l’oeil. a week before his death, he was operated on for appendicitis, and after his death it turned out that he did not take the anticoagulants prescribed to him, for some reason he hid them under his pillow. and here is the result. why is it almost certain? well, i told you it was expanded i did not do toxicology after his death. i passed the material on to borisovich so that there would be no doubt, although there was definitely a tromp. i am his remnants. found in the pulmonary artery, but in the carcinoma? according to kartsiu, the picture is strange , i would even say alarming, but in 2 years you understand, the tissues have changed a lot, i imagine, but still it was possible to identify hemorrhage in the gastric mucosa and renal
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dystrophy, and this, as you yourself understand, is very unlike death from heart failure, poisoning? let borisovich say that with his gas chromatograph. and remember, chernoev had two more candidates for grooms, and then they also felt sick in their hearts. can you find out why? sergei ivanovich, and you see on me a cloak with stars, a magic wand. i look like a horse racer. so it 's not? these candidates for grooms did not do any tests and did not go to the doctor. chernova could have poisoned herself, but to avert suspicion? definitely not, unless you're completely stupid. by the way, we should visit her, i agreed with the head of intensive care, they will let us in for a while. elena evgenevna, you have a bumblebee drought in the flower here. i
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i know. and yet, all food and drinks from chernova’s house need to be sent for research. well, you never know where else aconite will be found? i drank just one glass to calm my nerves, there is more than 150 g missing from the bottle, who else could drink from it? i don't remember. marina viktorovna, try to remember , this is very important, well, yes, of course , seryozha and i, when he proposed to me, we decided to note that we don’t drink at all, when it was, until the 15th, yeah, about 10 days
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ago, who brought the bottle, seryozha, we drank, and he stayed with me; my grandmother had agatha then. what did you do with the bottle after you drank it? i put it away in the cabinet above the sink, and how did you feel after it was knocked out? great, we were so happy, marina viktorovna, now you need to try to remember everyone who managed to visit your home during these 9 days. yes, that means, fi , the neighbor came by, then there was an electrician, he was fixing the light in the hallway, well, seryozha, of course, yeah, then two couriers, sushi and pizza,
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the neighbor came by, i gave him the old chest of drawers, and the house worker, wednesday and friday, luchko, our coach coach stopped by, why did he do it? and my computer crashed, and he’s good at them . there was no one else, yes, the girl was still from the agency, i am nannying, what kind of girl is she, i don’t remember her last name, but in the contract it is in the secretary, i was thinking about leaving the nanny while seryozha and i were on our honeymoon , but you didn’t have a nanny before, you quit a year ago, so who else? well, it seems there was no one else. excuse me, i'm tired. yes, yes, of course,
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of course, you get better, marina viktorovna. thank you. yes, borisovich, what do you have there? a, so this is how it is. thank you, i understand, now let’s get ready to go home to sleep, and so that your spirit is not at work, this is not discussed. borisovich established that kartseva was poisoned with tin. buttercup blue, at first kartsev, and after 2 years they tried to rip it off. but it’s time, yes, they told me that marina was also in the hospital, but
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they don’t tell me how she is, it’s better, we just talked to her, they will let me in, they will let me in, but just tell me what happened there, i so no one really explained anything, they tried to poison, i... in the bottle that you brought on the day you proposed to her, we drank together and nothing happened, which means i got into the bottle a little later, do you have an idea who could have done it, the concept nemi, although wait, someone wrote nasty things to me about marina, marina viktorovna’s ex-mother-in-law, liziya petrovna, wrote to you , and... what does this have to do with it, i don’t understand anything at all, sergei ivanovich, just wait, let’s just sergei, okay, sergei,
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have you noticed lately that you’ve been acting strange? you feel headaches, dizziness, night cramps, and how do you know , it was, yes, i get tired quickly lately, and sometimes i feel dizzy, but i thought simply. on vacation? you drank water from the cooler in marina’s office, it contained pharmaceuticaldehyde, this is the reason for your ailments. who needed to first poison me and then blow me up? we don’t think about you, but about marina viktorovna, and why? let's do this, aunty, you 're getting better, and we'll figure it out, and then we'll talk, yeah. my brain is already melting from all this, i don’t understand who we are with marina could have been interfered with, sergei
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, don’t worry, get well, what a luxury , why are you frozen, choking on saliva, mentally preparing, borisovich left a cheat sheet, like all this... gastronomy to check for the presence of conetine, he went to bed himself, well, that’s right, he like a zombie walks around the laboratory , you’ll make a cool dead thing, thank you, you know what a nice thing a girl can say to help you, and what does your conscience tell you that you’re fussing around here until the morning, so first, take some alcohol, oh, that’s right, second, acidify it with oxalic acid, maybe of course, don’t acidify, well, since it’s written
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, so come on, let’s do the extraction with chloroforms, chloroforms, are you sure, no, well, borisovich said that even a fifth-grader can easily handle all this, but i know, i’m still like - i graduated from the academy, so now. where does he have chloroform? yes, only borisovich will figure it out, but there is, so what? let's get started, let's get started. chicago, pure chicago. i understand correctly that we have at least one murder of this kartsev, two attempted murders of lazarev and chernova and poisoning falmadehyde chernova and lazareva. well, we seem to have already figured out formdehyde poisoning. the murder of kartsevo and the attempted
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murder of chernova were committed with the same poison, aconite. it's quite rare. for this to be a coincidence, this is not a fact, we believe that we need to look for a person who was part of chernova’s circle 2-3 years ago and continues to remain, listen, but she is a pretty woman, maybe this is some man whom she rejected, and he can’t calm down, i don’t understand, well, look, he’s dying chernova's husband, she wants to arrange her personal life, when kartsev becomes her fiancé, he also dies, two other suitors...
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well, it was like i needed to talk to chernova, urgently, we'll go, what if you need it, go, there was it would be useful, thank you, belkin, what kind of cryptomania, excuse me, excuse me, elena evgenevna, will be able to negotiate so that we can be admitted to the intensive care unit one more time today, at this time already. oh, the neighbor might know, vaina, she left me her phone number, yes, elena evgenievna, grandma usually picks up agatha herself by taxi and brings her herself, and sometimes he sits with her when marina is not there, she has her own keys to the house, but no problem, of course, please listen, how tall
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is chernova’s former mother-in-law, ledia petrovna, well , approximately... like this, meter 65, yes , maybe even 68, and you don’t remember whether she was wearing heels or not, just in heels, elenta evgenievna, i’m still, and i’m no better either, they decided that the grandmother had gone crazy with grief after the death of her son, but then what is her motive, she refused... her part of the inheritance in favor of her granddaughter, i don’t understand, this needs to be found out, and i’ll strain the pirs, let them find out everything they can about this sweet lady, about her late sister too, yeah, let’s go,
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the mouths of a closed jar, oh well, i didn’t believe my eyes, and yet, i say , sealed, well, you can’t dig it, jewelry work, yes, yes, i’ll show you this jar , i kept it for such cases, remind me, well done, well done, it means you can not only wag your tongue, well done, come on. yes,
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elena evgenievna, i completely agree, but a little later, first we’ll find out that they dug up an opera there. yes, by the way, i called the hospital, chernova already better. yes, okay, come in, good morning, good, got some sleep, got some sleep. 14 hours is like 1 minute, oh, beauty, thank you, so the guys did analyzes of the products from chernova’s house, and what’s there... the poison was only in cognac, only rough prints were found on the bottle, and fresh ones at that, but how can this be maybe, after all, the bottle had to be held in the hands of at least two people, lazarev and the seller in
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the store, which means the bottle was wiped, it’s clear, but what about the draft’s husband, in his biomaterial there is no trace of conetin or any other poisons, i checked everything, well at least this death is not criminal. sorry, borisych, i need to run, the bosses are not apologizing , well, i’m still in charge, so there’s no shame in that, which means for now, i didn’t tell you anything, wait, but morozova, that means, lidia petrovna chernova, all my life. at a cement plant as a technologist, has worked for a long time, is characterized in her family as a non-conflict, but reserved woman. so, what do you know about your sister? valentina, lydia’s twin sister,
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was convicted of robbery as part of a gang 39 years ago. wow, that's it, valentina then received 10 years of general regime; she served her sentence in eastern siberia, then was granted an amnesty, but never returned home; she married a local garage worker. nikolai malinin, yeah , where she worked, at the mine as a storekeeper , they lived in a small village, no children, 4 years ago her husband died, soon after that valentina returned to kologa and also died, yeah, as a storekeeper at the mines, there too demolitions are being carried out, but if you ask me, how do i know whether they are being carried out there or not, this entrance, yeah. when and from what did she die? did you find out? 3 and a half years ago from a heart attack, i ask for a heart attack, right? thanks, uh huh.
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chernova here is the transfer to her! maybe she went to the store, what difference does it make, she’ll have to wait anyway, so in this situation i said, let’s wait, hope and see, thank you very much, please! i think it's her. yeah, that's right. stop, stop, seryozha, stop. tell me, where did you get the passenger from?
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what do you think, are you going or not? belkin, senior lieutenant. very nice. well, quickly said, where did you get the passenger? in the regional hospital, what rights to show the license? no, no, no need. yes, at the regional hospital. what was she doing there? well, i don't know, maybe. i went to visit my ex-daughter-in -law, that’s what scares you, so i went, i’m with you, really, seryozha, i’m already better, you go, otherwise they’ll come to put me on an iv, every 3 hours until i become intoxicated, i’ll sit still until will be kicked out. “you know, i still can’t believe that all this is happening to us, last night people came to me from work, they say sylvia was detained, sylvia, uh-huh, what are you doing
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you want to say that it’s her and the bomb and me, but how, why, i didn’t understand anything at all, do you want juice, no, no, i’m still sour? you can’t, but you drink, i don’t want to be without you, we have guests, good afternoon, hello, and this is sergei, my fiancé , nina stepanovna, would you like oranges , here, take them, i can’t have them now anyway, thank you, marinochka, can i have some juice, otherwise something is dry in the gut, yes, of course, wait , don’t drink, i’ll explain everything now. “this morning i went to the cemetery with my sister’s ashes, they finally decided to go to the columbari, no, they allowed me to go there.” bury in our grandfather's grave.
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did you take a taxi back from the regional hospital? naturally, it’s next to the cemetery, what’s the big deal? no, nothing, yes , a package was brought in on the draft morning, she thinks it was from her colleagues, no, no, no one had time to eat or drink anything, i called borisoch just in case. as soon as something becomes clear, i’ll tell you everything right away, yes, it’s already working, i understand, sergei ivanovich, a cup of coffee, but no, thank you, it’s somehow inconvenient, i ’ll still bring it, yes, i understand. gathering people petrovna,
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will you come with me, something happened, is it really with marina, everything is all right with marina, here is the juice that you gave this morning, they found tin in it. lidia petrovna, i don’t need to write out monograms here, the fact of your transfer was recorded by video cameras. it didn’t work out, it’s a pity, come on, get ready, get ready, i’m ready.
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ledia petrovna, maybe you should at least change your shoes in high heels at your age, it’s probably hard. and that doesn’t matter anymore. lydia, what's wrong with you? lydia petrovna? lydia petrovna? they solved the case, they say. i one thing i can’t understand is how you do it. not to foresee belkin, natalya konstantinovna , she snuck, snuck, into the room, into the kitchen, into the kitchen, while i was talking on the phone, then she returned with two cups of coffee, she offered it to me, i didn’t drink, although i realized, so that put a guard at chernova’s room, i’m not smart enough, i’ll say thank you to kostyanova, he said, why are you so happy, don’t you think? yourself a hero, what were you thinking? that
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they could poison chernova, and of course, i shouldn’t have left sergei alone, and denis, you, lucrezia borge, maria medice, with whom? we still don’t know who exactly we were dealing with, lydia or her sister valentina. you don’t know a damn thing, the investigation was carried out through the roof. that if one doesn’t follow the basic rules, the other would lose her temper. elena evgenevna, who are you pretending to be? what morozova got away with, others won’t get away with, of course, go, and so that my eyes don’t see you, stay, sergei ivanovich, how smart he is, turn around and sit down.
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elena evenevna, what do we have here, and what happened? everything is fine, sergeevich, that’s right come on, let's go to my office, let 's go, let's go, let's go, come in. well, well, what is it , but you can’t do this, almost immediately into tears, now, i wanted the best, the best, she wanted, oh, i’ll tell you , you know, a terrible secret, we are all wheels in one huge machine, here you don’t need what ’s best, you know, here you need everything, as it should be. come on, here's what you're supposed to drink
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, drink, drink, come on, come on, come on, come on , that's it, that's good, that's it, well done, that's it, " i can't hold you back anymore, i love you from the first moment, as soon as you saw me, and now you can fire me , i don’t care, just wait, i’ll close the key, study, young people, while i’m alive, it means identifying homozygous twins is not at all a simple matter, comparison is useless, it is the same for identical twins, as
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far as i remember, their fingerprints are different, valentina’s fingerprints should be in the file, in the file from forty years ago, alas, that archive burned down during this time, twice, that is, it will not be possible to distinguish. i didn’t say this, i picked up lidia chernova’s medical card and i found out that 8 years ago, she had a cholecyctomy using the laparscopic method, the gallbladder was removed, absolutely right, and during laparoscopy they put titanium clips on the bile ducts, that’s right, usually two, here they are. come on, borisovich, have you checked the urn with the ashes, and not only her, the second sister has no scars from laparoscopy or from any other strip surgery on her body, so
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lidiya chernova had nothing to do with the poisonings, nor to the car explosion, at that time she was dead and cremated, i think she was poisoned herself, this is impossible to prove. the poison has broken down. well, you can exhume the body of alinin, valentina’s suddenly deceased husband, as well as her deceased acquaintances, neighbors, friends and everyone else. this entire cemetery will have to be dug up. i don’t understand, given the presence of already tested poison. why did she need to plant a bomb in chernoovy’s car? this is just understandable. valentina had a clear motive to get the money and business of her deceased nephew. to do this, she needed to kill marina and become agatha's guardian, her only heir. i think it started when
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valentina learned about the death of her rich nephew. and of course, she decided to restore justice. once upon a time , the parents of two sisters abandoned the daughter of a criminal. all the best things in life went to lydia. apartment, successful marriage, son. in addition, we found out that valentina’s husband beat her mercilessly and drank without drying out. well, about valentina’s husband, we can’t say anything with certainty. we only know one thing: valentina arrived in kaluga with a bottle of aconite on a stand and three charges. spent, which she, as a storekeeper, gave to the mines. by the way, valentina herself often planted charges, well, when her husband was drunk and lying in his style. well, of course, who would suspect an experienced bomber in god’s dandelion. but
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she started with poison. first of all, i got rid of my hated sister and took her place. it's strange that no one noticed. substitutions, one spent her whole life in prison, the second lived in the city, in a city within a city, but she worked at a cement factory, so the faces and hands of the sisters were not particularly different, the mistake was that valentina began to pour poison into alcohol, but marina doesn’t drink, so all the poison went to her men, and then marina announced that she was getting married, literally ... to her future husband, she remembered about spending, sorry, but she didn’t take into account one detail,
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that in it’s not marina, but lazarev who can get into a cleverly mined car. oh, how! st. petersburg news on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, the topics of this issue. a terrible accident near gadchina, a foreign car and a truck collided head-on. the driver of the car died on the spot. 16 years in prison for two people accused of theft
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million on the renovation of the conservatory heard the verdict. st. petersburg is no longer a gangster city, the head of the main department reported on the work of the police as a deputy of the legislative assembly. and not all bindweeds are equally useful. in russia, the cultivation of pomia tricolor has been banned. the death of a man in the san gali garden is being investigated in st. petersburg. the meeting between a passerby and three unknown people was captured on cctv cameras. here are the shots. on march 19 at 5:40 am the gates to the park are still closed. three guys see a man walking and jump over the fence. one of them starts beating passerby, first with fists, then with feet. later, the blows were... delivered by two of them, the third watched the reprisal. the police said that the victim, a forty-eight-year-old resident
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of the nevsky district, managed to call 112, but the squad at the scene had already discovered his body. the suspects were quickly found. these turned out to be teenagers 13-15 years old. two of them were detained. investigators are now working with them. a criminal case was opened under two articles. intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death by negligence victim. and hooliganism. the issue of bringing charges against the teenagers and choosing a preventive measure are currently being decided. deadly accident near gatchina. this morning, near the village of staroye poddubie , a truck and a foreign car collided. judging by eyewitness footage, the frontal impact was severe. both cars were tossed around. the crossover was literally torn into pieces and the cab of the truck was demolished. according to the police, the driver of the foreign car died on the spot. more cargo survived, he is in serious condition in the hospital. the accident is being investigated. in petersburg
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a verdict was passed in a high-profile criminal case involving multi-million dollar embezzlement from the budget. we are talking about the money that was allocated for the restoration of the rimsky korsykov conservatory. two people appeared in court: the owner of the contractor’s company, evgeniy yarmash, and its general director, elena zavadskaya. they were found guilty of fraud on an especially large scale. as well as money laundering obtained from crime. it is known from the case materials that in 2017 the accused entered into a multimillion-dollar government contract for the restoration of a historical and cultural monument, but there were no plans to start work. an advance of 191 million rubles, allocated from the state budget, was transferred to the accounts of controlled organizations. the restoration eventually failed, and the accomplices were detained. the court sentenced the yarmishkas to ten years in prison to be served.
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the victim’s claims for compensation for damage caused by the crime were also satisfied. i would like to add that in order to compensate for the damage, the property of the convicts was seized . the defendants themselves never admitted their guilt. the number of serious crimes in st. petersburg is decreasing, but there is a serious personnel shortage. about the work of the st. petersburg police as a deputy. laid by the head of the main department , roman plugin. read more, anastasia larionova. the average crime rate in st. petersburg is lower than in the country as a whole. the numbers that roman plugin, the head of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for the city and region, announced from the podium, are recorded: for several years in a row , the number of murders, robberies and robberies has been decreasing. the detection rate has increased, especially of those illegal actions that are caught on cctv cameras. but there are areas where difficulties still exist, these are drug trafficking, illegal trafficking.
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migrants through government services, through the mfc, even through the post office, where no one will ever ask him what area he has? did not hush up, the overall shortage of employees is 14%, and for such a position as district commissioners there are almost 35, despite the fact that they are trying to raise the salaries of employees , we are looking for all the possibilities, this is well within our competence, the powers of the opportunity, of course, that’s all possible surcharges for combining, load on additional service areas, this and
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monthly bonuses for district police officers, we introduced it... we started it this year. after the report , deputies asked questions, some of them related to electric scooters. the season is starting and it is already known that there will be almost 50 thousand rental two-wheeled cars on the streets of st. petersburg. most likely, we will soon encounter trauma again, again with issues that will resonate in the public space. my opinion is that in some places i would generally ban the movement of scooters in the central part of the city. already on new scooters that will be to acquire organizations so that it would not be possible for two to ride, well, that is
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, we are moving in this direction, but of course, the cornerstone, i agree with roman here, is that scooters should not... ride on the sidewalk. as part of the agenda , deputies also considered several bills, one of which concerns the list of citizens who receive priority help with employment. they decided to expand this list, now it will include orphans left without parental care, as well as reservists demobilized from the army, contract soldiers and volunteers. let me remind you that an organization is obliged to reserve jobs if their average number of employees exceeds 100 people. and two jobs must be reserved. so far , no sanctions have been provided for failure to meet this quota. now this is the norm. the law will come into force on january 1 next year. anastasia larionova, sergey smirnov, alexey fokin and olga potapenko. news petersburg. legislative assembly of leningrad region 30 years. a ceremonial
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meeting was held at the government house on suvorovsky prospekt. speakers of parliament from different years attended as guests of honor. happy anniversary. the social and spiritual life of the leningrad region is developing economically and developing. over 30 years, the regional parliament has developed and adopted more than 3,500 laws. the priority areas have always been
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social protection of citizens, budget and tax regulation, and the development of local self-government. recent years support measures business, first in the context of a pandemic, and then international sanctions. a new underground passage is being built in the center of st. petersburg near the exchange bridge. according to engineers, the facility is already more than half ready. work is underway on the surface and underground, under likhachev square. the project includes two open ramps and a forty-meter tunnel. moreover , they promise to make the floors there heated due to the design features of the facility, because instead of stairs,
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it remains to finish finishing the ceiling inside, and to finish building two reinforced concrete ramps outside and cover them with granite, which will preserve the style of the new facility will be consistent with the surrounding buildings, and they promise to open it this year. let's find out the weather forecast, word from leonid petrov. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, there will be a little rain, but the thermometers will rise. a step up on thursday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the st. petersburg hydrometer, on march 21 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings of about 4° above zero, expected during the day. should be in gadchin and vyborg in st. petersburg during
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the day partly cloudy, slight precipitation, moderate, windy and up to +7 on thermometers, on friday night there will remain a slight plus, and light precipitation is also possible, in a good mood for the day in any weather. important news for summer residents: the russian government has expanded the list of plants that cannot be grown in garden plots. now it also includes pomea tricolor, a popular bindweed, which is usually used to decorate hedges and gazebos. why the spectacular flower fell out of favor and what punishment is provided for its cultivation, yulia vasilyeva found out. soon the summer residents will begin sow seedlings. now they are choosing seeds for plants that will decorate fences and gazebos. fast-growing vines with large flowers, for example, morning glory tricolor, are best suited for this. epomea tricolor, it was on sale, now
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of course it is not, all seeds have been removed from sale and disposed of by burning. and tricolor pomoea disappeared from sale after it was included in the updated list of prohibited plants. the problem is the seeds, they contain a hallucinogenic substance. there are more than 600 species in the genus epomea, which are prohibited it turned out to be only the trikalor variety. derived on its basis, but a non-specialist will not be able to distinguish drug-containing substances from permitted epics. all attention should be paid to the second latin name, that is, everyone has the same epomeia, then it’s like epomea parpuria and epomea imperialis. if there is no latin name on the packaging, you need to look at the flower. these seeds are from old stocks: the middle of the corolla is yellow in tricolor, and white in purple and imperialis. in the presented sample , the variety "sky" is prohibited, in the package it is a mixture, by the way, there is one too, just a hint. clyta is allowed, but it has also become difficult to buy; seed sellers, who themselves are not very good at botany, just in case , remove from the shelves everything that even contains the word morning glory. i have my own morning glory vegetable,
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which i grow for its tasty fruits, and not for its beautiful flowers, so this didn’t bother me at all, although i feel bad for flower growers. annya ostapinko grows 15 varieties of sweet potatoes, including heart-healthy sweet potatoes. pomoea also blooms beautifully, for gardeners who are engaged in a rare crop , the unhealthy hype around bindweed is a problem , some fear that the spectacular sweet potato flowers may attract uninvited guests to the site, although anna says there is no point in this, i grow 15 varieties, one variety is blooming, and this variety does not have time to to produce seeds in sulfur conditions, prohibition has become a problem for scientific collections, for urban gardening farms and for scientists; for more than 10 years they have been studying the medicinal properties of substances contained in the seeds of the species. morning glory seeds tricolor, showed a pronounced cytostatic effect on
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breast cancer cells, colorectal cancer , and some other types of cancer, as well as a pronounced antimicrobial effect, so this is potentially an anti-cancer, valuable drug, but now it is not clear where to get the material for research in... it is not grown in industrial quantities, in individual farms now, apparently, too, even if less than ten vines are found on a summer cottage, a fine will be imposed, from 10 to 100 bushes are classified as a crime in large scale in the amount of more than 100, in especially large quantities, will be punished and storage of at least 3 gyans. be careful, be careful, this is a surprise for us, i am also a gardening enthusiast, my wife grows a lot of different flowers on our plot, be careful, of course we made a request today to the ministry of internal affairs. who will be entrusted with the responsibility for control, local authorities or the management of snt, who will help them in identifying plants, there are no answers to these questions yet, but in order not to spoil your summer vacation, specialists
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it is recommended to look for a crossbreed as a replacement; geocinth beans, sweet peas and petunia are suitable for decorating hedges and arbors. yulia vasilyeva, sergey skripkin, alexander popovtsev, alexey chubka, vesti petersburg. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best and see you soon. the tv channel my planet presents. i was born in a small town near moscow. drezzna. who would have thought that it... could be called the cradle of domestic football. at the end of the 19th century, entrepreneur ivan simin opened a weaving factory here. in a leading position invited specialists from the uk. and
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so as not to get bored, free from work. at that time , the british assembled a factory football team, and this is how one of the first amateur football clubs in tsarist russia arose. this area has always been isolated; it is not so easy to get here now. the vast space and harsh climate ensured the independence of the local population from the official ideology of christian monotheism. so even in the 19th century, the korels continued to believe that the world around them was inhabited by all kinds of ancestral spirits, the owners of the forest, water, land, house, man, believed that they knew how to negotiate with these neighbors, that is, communicate with nature and wild animals, and also treat the sick, driving out evil damage from them. “veni minin
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was also a healer, with his magic spells he not only healed his own wounds, according to legend, he healed the entire kolival people from a pestilence that was sent to them by the evil sorceress lovakha.” but why exactly did veni menin become the main character of the whole epic? he wasn’t the only sorcerer on earth, he stabbed, the eternal since then, menin has been rushing around in his mother’s womb, wandering in the sea for 30 years, and for the same amount of time he has been rushing across the clear expanses of the sea, along
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the foggy sea waves. the fact is that his spell, the spells of the old wise shaman, were at the same time stories about the creation of things on earth. was the first person who appeared on earth back in... the people who came here survived, and epic here it is the land of the hero, on which he helped legends that seem to illustrate the history of karelia since ancient times.
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the old menin, faithful to vienna, the eternal soothsayer, built a boat, we conjure, he is a shuttle drives in singing, from pieces of a large oak tree from its woody parts, he sang a song and the bottom is ready, he sang more and built the sides, he sang a third song, he made everything connected for the oars, he strengthened the ends at the ribs and brought them together with the sides. in the first millennium, most likely in the second half, agriculture began to be developed on the territory of karelia, although, of course, harsh conditions prevented such rapid development, but iron production was very highly developed, firstly, on the territory of karelia there are a lot of swamp reserves ore, and secondly, proximity to
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novgorod and close ties. led to the fact that the karelians mastered the technique of making iron products, for example, nazhiy, so all those schemes that were used by novgorod were also used by the korelians. for example, such a complex technique was used for knives, like a three-layer bag, there was a steel strip in the center, an iron strip on the sides, it was a self-sharpening blade, although of course this is a labor-intensive technology, but nevertheless it lasted for a very long time, and the knife could be use until completely worn down, at the same time that same evening they took iron from the swamps , dug it up at the bottom, brought it to the crucible, the blacksmith put the iron, placed the crucible in the fire, and set the bellows in motion, makes them blow three times, melts, the iron kneads under the bellows, like dough from wheat,
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or dough for black bread, there in a strong forge fire, in a bright flame, a crucible.
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to take into account the proposals of citizens in the development of the country, vladimir putin set new tasks for his proxies after the elections. new shelling of the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces. there are hundreds of dead and damaged. cars, we’ll tell you how to get compensation. a farmer's ultimatum to poland will ban the transit of ukrainian agricultural products. you are watching the news on the russia tv channel. the main
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news in the studio karina elgina. hello. the russian military has completely cleared the village of kazinka in the belgorod region from the remnants of ukrainian militants. the ministry of defense reported that the enemy lost up to 650 fighters. and two rszzo vampire combat vehicles, repelled seven counterattacks in the areas of pervomaisky, tonenky and berdychi, directly in the northern military district zone, our troops improved the forward position. edge in the southern donetsk direction, and also disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine in the vodianova and priyutnoye areas. near georgievka and novomikhailovka , hurricanes were fired at enemy positions, more than 200 nationalists, three tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles were eliminated. in the northern direction, loitering ammunition hit rszrad, and in motion. in addition, on the krynka river in the dpr, artillery destroyed another ukrainian boat with personnel. to the failure of sabotage the ukrainian armed forces' operations responded with new shelling
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of peaceful towns and villages in the belgorod region. air defense systems destroyed 13 shells from the vampire rsz in the air. the ministry of defense reports this. in grayvoran. two civilians were killed and two were injured. at least thirty private houses were damaged, the canteen building was destroyed, and an employee may be under the rubble. there are also dead and wounded in belgorod. about the important safety measures that are being taken. in the belgorod region, said governor vyacheslav glotkov. it was decided to restrict entry to several villages of the grayvoronovsky district, and ukrainian militants deliver strikes aimed at civilian targets. earlier , plans were announced to evacuate about 9.00 children from the region. local authorities have been instructed to increase the number of door-to-door visits; people can take shelter from shelling in temporary accommodation centers. over the last week from attacks by the ssu of the belgorod region. more than 650 cars were damaged, whether the owners will be able
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to receive compensation, sofia kitral found out. bruised, burnt, and some with fresh traces of blood, the appearance of these cars is frightening and a continuous stream of vehicles continues to arrive at the special parking lot. this parking lot has literally turned into a cemetery of damaged cars, this car was brought here today, obviously it cannot be restored, you can still smell harry in the air. specialists. everything to speed up the assessment process, but often work has to be interrupted due to the missile danger, for safety reasons the owners are involved in the process, they try to minimize compensation, calculate based on the market cost. those cars that we have are total, we see this now , we understand now, and that they cannot be restored, we will not invite anyone for them at the moment; we will immediately calculate increased compensation. the owner of this foreign car went to work on a public car an hour before the shelling.
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a tow truck, where further assessment will take place at a special parking lot or directly at a service station, is decided on an individual basis for each vehicle. sofia ketral, vladislav pluzhnik, host belgorod. russia it is necessary to make it even stronger, more attractive and effective; for this there are all the conditions, competencies and resources. but the main thing is the will of the citizens, which was demonstrated during the elections. and now it is necessary to summarize the proposals that were received from the russians during the campaign.
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