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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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biden can agree by canceling, for example, operations to change the sex of children; in general, everything is for sale, everything, including reputation. so, new hearing: joe biden's son is accused of possessing weapons and tax evasion. and the entire biden family is accused of receiving money from us enemies. and in general , hunter is an unregistered foreigner. agent of china. according to the congressman, much of the evidence obtained again proves biden sr.’s involvement in his son’s affairs. what's this called? this is corruption. eventually democrats turned a new attempt to impeach biden into cheese. just before the start of the meeting, vladimir putin, or rather democratic congressman jarrett, burst into the us congress. moskovets. who put on a rubber
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mask of the russian president to show that all the accusations against biden and his son are a moscow provocation, although even former cia director mike morel publicly said that the compromising emails from hunter’s laptop were not, in fact, russian disinformation , all the excuses... were made up about the machinations of kremlin agents and spread to the media by american intelligence agencies, in particular the cia, after a call from the white house. former cia chief morel admitted under oath that he was asked to save the bidens' reputation before the presidential election. that's when he came up with a fake letter, supposedly from the 51st us intelligence official, saying that...
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james comer for collecting all our information in order to use it in the committee, maybe he could come and look at high technology in our grocery stores? congressman, you don't does this seem childish? are the democrats putting on putin's mask? they must have come
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to the hunter biden hearing. yeah, that’s right, but hunter himself didn’t show up. he pretended that he wanted to testify under a bright spotlight, but it turned out that he was afraid of the stage, but his former business partners were not afraid at all. should i let hunter read the opening statement first? as it turned out, mr. biden did not come to the public hearing, so we will listen to you, mr. babulinsky. hot battles broke out president jubai's impeachment hearings today.
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one senior official said: joe biden is against corruption, so much so that he used billions of american taxpayer dollars to fire the prosecutor in ukraine who was investigating burisma, a board of directors that included his son hunter biden, and the prosecutor , appointed in his place, mr. lutsenko, guess what he did, he simply dropped all charges against the burisma company. this is what they really oppose
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corruption. mr. bobulinsky, so who is the big guy? joe biden, are you sure, are you sure? 100%, because hunter biden said under oath that he didn't know who it was, even though he copied the email that said everyone would keep 10% for the big guy, are you sure the big guy is joe biden. there are other text messages that corroborate the testimony of our brave informants that hunter knew the big guy was joe biden. the big guy, this is the brand, this is the one who plays golf, talks on the phone, has dinner with hunter. with biden and his business partners, is that true? exactly. according to bobulinsky and other key witnesses, biden was a central figure in his family's foreign influence scheme. he was a brand and, as far as we know, the house of representatives and the only body seriously investigating joe biden. at the same time, we
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hear nothing from either the ministers of justice, or from the fbi, or from the tax department. it seems like it's completely normal for them that the vice president took advantage of a billion dollars and gave to a country like ukraine. hours asking her to fire the prosecutor, and damn them , they did it, as a result, his son continues to receive money. but the african people continue to openly demonstrate their contempt for western colonialism, in particular president macron. look, teenagers from niger, which got rid of the french neo-colonial era last year, performed a ritual to expel the evil ones. they made a doll depicting the president of the fifth republic as a real vampire. long ears, fangs and black wings of a bat. the doll was burned, and the ashes were scattered by the council.
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the country's military authorities went even further. they terminated the agreement with the us military. and they demanded to leave the country immediately. also the government of niger. i am satisfied with the condescending attitude of the americans, their constant threats for trying to be independent from paris and washington. translated from diplomatic, this means that niger does not like it when the united states puts pressure on them, and also puts pressure on the leaders of the neighboring malayan paslov, due to their close cooperation with moscow and beijing, as well as due to the formation. new alliance of countries sahel. moreover, according to wallstreet , jordan niger entered into a secret agreement with tehran, according to which the african country will send a shipment of uranium to the middle east, in the future they will provide iran with access to
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its uranium mines, that is, africa, having gotten rid of french influence, now plans to get rid of american, well, lead independently. dealings with russia with other brix countries. look. yankees go home. this is the message from niger to the thousands of american soldiers who are in the country. more than a thousand american troops are being thrown out of niger. an important military agreement has been broken. niger, america's main ally, turned to putin. russia is working to expand its presence not only in niger but throughout mineral-rich africa. a senior us military official has warned that several african countries are, quote, at the tipping point of falling under russian influence. the american presence on the territory of the republic of niger illegally
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violates all constitutional and democratic norms. niomey's decision to terminate a military cooperation agreement signed in 2012 comes after. unlike france, the us took a more diplomatic approach , calling this event a coup only a few months later, and despite the visit of the american delegation last week, niger did not change its decision. can you tell us about niger's plans to break this agreement with the us? this can be explained in one word: russia, it is she who is the stumbling block. relationships between the americans and the niger military junta. a large delegation of military and diplomats traveled to niger last week to try to mend relations between the united states and the military junta. the united states is always ready to cooperate only on one condition: that the military junta will cooperate with them in order to establish civil
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power in the country, which russia does not want. us officials tell cnn that the meeting with representatives of the military junta was very tense, especially regarding the issue of russia's growing military presence in this region. country. in january, the minister russian defense said that russia and niger are expanding their military cooperation, it seems that this has become a source of controversy in us- niger relations because the russians are acting in a manner that the us cannot act in because after. the united states can offer the leadership of niger, russia has no such restrictions, it can sell weapons and other equipment to niger. general michael langley, who heads u.s. africa command, previously warned congress that russia plans to take over everything. this african region called the sahel, and he also said the following. i want to say that the russian federation narrative has drowned out the united states narrative in
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recent years, this has led to increased instability throughout the sahel region, they managed to achieve this through an information and disinformation campaign, so we must redouble our efforts in terms of our information campaign, we must also reassure our allies of our support. niger is one of the last allies usa. the united states hoped that its pact with neiger would help not only fight terrorism, but the growing influence of russia. the american military presence there is 201 military bases in agadez, of all the american military bases in niger there was only... one: 700 american troops are stationed there, very important aviation assets are stationed there.
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according to the latest data, today there are two reconnaissance aircraft, two helicopters and about ten reaper drones on the runway. ripper drones, as you know, allow the american military to monitor the entire sahel, especially libya, which has access to the mediterranean sea. it also allows for the creation of an armed threat to the entire region, thus... this forced departure is a huge setback for washington. this will allow the russians to obtain the natural resources of many countries, valuable natural resources such as gold and those necessary for us national security, uranium in niger. so this is a national security issue for the united states. well, now the photos of the day. this is what it looks like today the most italian woman who wrote.
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italian parliament, where they expected her to report before the eu summit, which starts today in brussels. for starters, melony confused all the debaters with her new pencil ending.
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to hide your face. according to the official statement, everyone had questions. the prime minister of italy lost his nerve; she was absolutely sober. at the same time , another spicy scandal is associated with meloni’s face. two italians. father and son using deep fake technology, that is, using a fake, they attached georgia's head to the body of a porn actress, and thus got a piquant video with her participation, which was posted on the internet. the actions fall under the article on dissemination of defamatory information. the police department said what to find. the criminals have already succeeded; they were identified through the mobile device that was used
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to download this very pornographic video. well, now the directors of the fake strawberry are facing trial. the meeting is scheduled for july 2. meloni is going to testify and demands from the creators of porn, symbolic, according to her lawyer, the amount is some 100,000. euro. italian prime minister giorgia miloni has filed a civil suit against a 40-year-old sardinian man and his father for libel. in particular, meloni demands 100,000 euros in compensation for the fact that her face was placed in adult films in which she plays the role of the main character using the digital program deep facebook. allegedly, the video that outraged milone was created by a forty-year-old man who is now under investigation. the police are also checking him seventy-three-year-old father. an investigation has been launched into the case and
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the italian prime minister is expected to testify before a court in sardinia on july 2. authorities said they were able to identify the two suspects through tracking of the cellphones from which the fake videos were posted. according to the indictment , the videos were posted on an american porn site, where they were viewed millions of times over several months. publication of a deepfake porn video of giorgia miloni happened even before she took office prime minister of italy in the twenty-second year. meloni's legal team said the €100,000 compensation she is likely to receive from this claim will be. a fund was handed over to the prime ministers to help women who have become victims of violence from men. politicians such as us president joe biden. i think it is important to save my vote for the november elections. leader of the uk elementary party, keir starmer. no, i'm tired of it. and the mayor of london, sadiq, have all fallen victim
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to technology in recent months. i'm in control police, they will do what they are told. tepilosi are just some of the high-profile politicians who have become the subject of technology-generated content, and these deep fakes have in turn become very popular online, even though what is shown and said in these videos never actually happened. fake videos, fake photos, fake videos, they look real, even too real. as the new presidential race
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heats up, experts warn that artificial intelligence tools could become a threat to democracy. during the elections in indonesia that took place this year, we saw the avatar of the deceased former leader of the country, who, using this technology...
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moreover, until march 31, emigrants will be required to re-register personal cars with ukrainian license plates, not for free, they
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will have to pay from 600 to 1,300 euros, those who do not make it in time - a fine or seizure of cars, well , that is, the burghers, as it were, are already in every possible and impossible way to help refugees from ukraine who parasitize on generous social benefits. what do they need in german i'm not happy about the lands. in the uk the situation is a little better, ukrainian refugees had their visas extended for 3 years until the twenty-sixth, but many do not want to return to ukraine at all, their children go to english schools, they themselves receive a work permit and plan to build a new life in the foggy albion, not in ukraine , in sweden on a popular entertainment tv show. a scandal occurred that outraged the ukrainian diaspora. when asked by the presenter, refugees from which countries most often sought refuge in the scandinavian kingdom. one of
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participants - a journalist with iraqi roots, elofalie replied that they were naturally ukrainians, or more precisely, they were naturally ukrainians. maybe they are not so noticeable on the street, because they are similar to european women in skin color and hair color, but... more accurate statistics will be obtained if you study the national composition of new workers in swedish brothels, well, that is , the stereotype about that the majority of ukrainian women are prostitutes, look, the airport territory, the decommissioned berlin airports have turned into temporary villages in which thousands of ukrainians fleeing the war have found refuge.
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more than a million ukrainian refugees, a representative of the government ministry in charge of the camps in berlin told us that the system was operating with a severe shortage of resources.
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fewer and fewer refugees are arriving, but more and more people are staying here for the time being, because there is not enough space in other shelters throughout berlin. the increase in asylum seekers is also putting pressure on the system. this prompted german chancellor olaf scholz to introduce more strict borderline. it's back to school after the six-month holiday, but max and his family still haven't returned home, having arrived as refugees when
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the war broke out in ukraine. i remember that day, it was the sixth of april twenty-two, when me and my two children came with me. kolesniki are among the 200,000 or so ukrainians living in the uk under various refugee programs and are worried about their future. i think it will be better for the children to stay here and build their lives in this country. miroslava has arrived 2 years ago, her visa was extended, meaning she can now stay until september 2026. this scheme gave me, like many other ukrainians, the opportunity to stay in the uk officially. we have permission to work, to live, to rent an apartment. we can build our lives within. these
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were people from india and poland, this is the largest group of emigrants in perhaps 3 years, and this is not surprising, a lot of people came from ukraine, they were allowed to stay, so this is ukraine, they are blondes blending in with the crowd and you don't notice them, but in brothels it is more noticeable, well, breaking news right now, today is thursday and as promised on monday. the results of the elections in our country have been officially summed up, the head of the central election commission, ella ponfilova, has just literally announced the official results of the vote. putin, well, as expected and naturally , is in first place, but nuances have appeared regarding the number of people who cast their vote. so, putin scored 87.28%. kharitonov, second place 4.31.
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content also from ella panfilova. putin - she says, he won the voting results in the russian presidential elections in the united states. in foreign polling stations , 72.54% voted for putin in the russian presidential elections. we are talking about those polling stations that are located outside of our country and where they tried to organize a protest vote calling their entire action an afternoon against putin. the afternoon tea against putin eventually brought people to the polling stations and putin even won a victory abroad. so, for putin 72.54. davankov abroad is in second place - 16.44%. kharitonov, third place - 2.26, slutsky and here on last place, ldpr - 1.99%. in total
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, people took part in the voting in our country. 708 voters. listen, ella ponko. now about the general voting results. 76,277,708 voters voted for vladimir vladimirovich putin. that is, this is
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the result, it remains the same. 87.28% of the number of voters who took part in voting for nikolai mikhailovich khritonov 3,768,470 voters 4.31%. for vladislav andreevich davankov 3,362,484 people, 3.85%. izva leonid eduardovich. sludsky 2,797,629 people 3.2%. only if really think about it, this is what the ability of our people to unite in difficult times means. by 20 million from the relatively prosperous year of the eighteenth year, when there was no such large-scale threat,
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the number has now increased. 20 million of our voters with a very strong civic position. and another important news, of course. ukraine, the ukrainian leadership and in general, unfortunately, probably the ukrainians themselves. the chinese ministry of foreign affairs reports that the chinese ministry of foreign affairs is not aware of the situation with the insult of chinese diplomat lihui, name which was obscenely altered by the secretary of senbo of ukraine, danilov, li kuei. it seemed to danilov that... danilov’s contacts with representatives of kiev, what he said himself
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reads the chinese foreign ministry does not matter. listen, you are natives, idiot idiots, and this comrade represents ukraine today. attention. we are transported to the front, war correspondent vladimir razin is in direct communication. vladimir, hello, what is happening at the front now, if there is success in the avdeevsky direction, how far have we come? olga,
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good afternoon, yes, the avgeevsky direction is also remains in motion on our part, this is an improvement in the position in the thin area, in the area of ​​the first maisky, this is a complete clearing of orlovka, consolidation, and accordingly in it and after that. further movement continues on our part, in the berdychi area everything is still violent, i would call it that, the enemy continues to send his infantry to our positions, the ukrainian command is acting violently towards its own infantry, yes, because they continue to lose there carry it quite seriously and well, our guys just can’t help but to use and being in certain conditions, but not to take a step... our guys don’t go back, that is, those positions that were behind us, they remain behind us, on our side the buffer zone is increasing in some places, yes, that is, this a gray zone in which a large number
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are destroyed - from the ukrainian side of the enemy who is trying to approach us, and in general, that is , along the entire front line, this is the zaporozhye direction, there is success in the rabotin area, in the chasyar area on artyomovsky direction and in... the krasnoy liman direction there is success, everywhere, everywhere we are moving slowly, slowly, but quite confidently, and we are consolidating this literally every day, that is , there is an understanding that little by little, little by little, but we have advanced and, importantly, they gained a foothold in new positions. there is an understanding of who is attacking our border areas, is there a shortage of soldiers on the line of combat contact itself, if... based on the fact that someone was transferred from the special operation zone towards the russian border, i mean, who are these people? well first of all turn, yes, as we know, this is a bunch of,
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let’s say, yes, traitors who were used directly for the information agenda, and who were followed directly by the armed forces of ukraine, personnel units, yes, let’s go. well, as if relatively prepared, but most likely those who were in reserves still in the rear areas, that is , no one was removed directly from directions, especially hot ones, no one was transferred there on purpose, yes, because, in principle, along all the front lines everyone day they bring in reserves because well, again , they are suffering quite a large number of losses here, that is, they cannot now, let’s say, from the avdeevsky direction there or the zaporozhye direction, remove someone and send them towards the border. ours , yes, no, they continue to transfer here the reserves of all those who are in the rear, all those whom they continue to collect there on the streets of ukraine, that is , that is why forces from the reserve were transferred to the belgorod direction, perhaps for this they
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tried there to divert our forces from one of the directions, but we don’t need this so that remove from one direction, transfer to the second in order to stop attacks there or respond to national actions from the ukrainian side, so in this regard, no, no one was transferred, that is, but, but here it is necessary to emphasize that the forces , which were in reserves. they are spreading literally along the entire front line, that is, there is no way to send, say, some kind of combat-ready group to one direction that could change something on the front line now. volodya, about the defense lines, there is an understanding of where and what they have prepared ukrainians, as far as these fortifications look convincing, today petro poroshenko, speaking in the verkhovna rada, said that this is complete nonsense, nothing is ready. 2% of the required, naturally 100
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, have been put into operation, we understand that this is already possible and part, well, there is no election campaign in ukraine, but part of the political struggle, yes, let’s call it that, what is really going on there? well , it’s difficult to say here in percentage terms, yes, but one thing you can notice is that all these lines of defense there are 3.4 10 lines defense, no matter how much they are in the pictures...
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part of the sumy region, this is the kiev region, yes, but in the zaporozhye, donetsk, lugansk region, kharkov region, it is impossible to do this near the contact line, the depth of this is impossible, this 30 , the enemy has a day to do it, and there is no opportunity today, because we don’t give it, not to mention we observe what, how, who, where is trying , that they don’t give it to themselves there, thanks to what is wonderful , i am sure that the budgets allocated for this line of defense, thank you very much, razen, our war correspondent, as always
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, excellent analysis on direct communication of the front line, and petro poroshenko, returning to him, from the high rostrum of the verkhovna rada, said that the ukrainian land is burning from kupinsk, and to kherson , well, that is , it is burning everywhere, and ukraine did not win, attention, so the earth is burning, the earth is burning all the way from kupinsk all the way to hell.
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with shouts, the russians were already throwing themselves out of
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the windows here, i just don’t want such a scenario, about, about danilov and insults chinese diplomat, you know, here he speaks, seemingly from the point of view of the ukrainians, says the right things, that is, he says that no one will decide for us, there is no need to squander our territories and so on, i have one modest question, here is mr. salevan, yes , who speaks and says that...
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they say: ukraine should remain as a state, within what borders, in lviv or one region, or where are these borders, do the americans not care at all? danilov doesn’t want to ask them the question, why are you imperial? are you scattering ukrainian lands in your faces? but you probably can’t ask a question. in the same way , it’s probably impossible to ask the question whether lance graham, yes, who came to the territory of ukraine, voiced the idea. that ukraine should fight, take out loans and fight, after he left, there was indignation on the ukrainian side, this is insulting to us, i ask it simpler, someone there actually expressed this point of view to him, well, he stood up publicly and said , damn it, what are you talking about there, how is it to fight on credit, we defend all your interests, and you defend us you force them to fight on credit, this generation
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must die, the next one must pay money, an important nuance, no one said, not a single person, reducing the conscription age. ukrainians don’t call it offensive to themselves , they found it offensive only the fact that money on credit, yes, that’s one thing, the second thing is some kind of, you know, perverted representation of the situation in ukraine, that is, i can believe it, that lenze grem came to ukraine and he sincerely believes, well, he watches propaganda, that everything they want to go to war and kill russians, but he sees this every day, and they tell him about it in america, in ukraine. about this , and he probably believed in this, and he sincerely believes that the problem is that the ukrainian people, in the person of students and eighteen-year-olds, are all eager to go to the front, they all come to the military registration and enlistment office, and these damn deputies do not provide them the right to go to war, well, he has such an idea about it,
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you know, well, he, he’s talking about what, that it is necessary to provide the right, that is remove all age restrictions and...
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somehow lost interest in mobilization, in the law on mobilization, because there was also a political component in all this, always, when analyzing ukraine, you need to look through the prism of the personal interests of political players, in this case zelensky , his interest was in drowning his main political competitor, zaluzhny, hence the 500,000 mobilization, hence the law and interest in the law on mobilization and so on and so forth, no for... and no interest, you look, there is a faction , there seems to be a majority, but there are no votes, there is a faction, but there are four thousand amendments, and what is it that we can’t do, we controlled, controlled the country and the parliament, and now we have something wrong it turns out, therefore, all these are the personal interests of people, by the way, on the issue
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of introducing troops into nato, you know who will fight with their hands and feet to prevent these troops from being there, the ukrainian government and the zelensky regime. foreign minister kuleba actually verified that he said: “we never asked soldier, we only ask for money, weapons, weapons
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and money, but alas, money on credit, which now offends the ukrainians, look, the proposal to turn aid to ukraine into a loan is gaining momentum on the capitalist hill, although this idea has been circulating in congress for several weeks, ukrainian officials say , that kiev did not know about this, they have..." questions, i have not heard that kiev was offered any specific proposals for such a strategy, a person close to zelensky's office said today, but kiev definitely needs to know the conditions under which ukraine will not have to return the money. in general, kiev does not like this idea; it is somewhat offensive to people here, given the security guarantees under the budapest memorandum, signed in 1994, the source added. other ukrainians want any help, be it a loan or... arguing that the us will pay off handsomely if the west helps kiev succeed. if we win, we will return your money in the form of russian oil, gas, diamonds
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and fur,” says vladimir amilyan, the country’s former infrastructure minister. if we if we lose, the question of money will disappear, it will be a question of how the west can survive. amelyan, yes, i don’t know, you heard, remember, he is a well-known citizen who became famous for his odious statements. from the last one before his resignation, he published a huge cake, which represented the ruins of the kremlin, cut it, ate it, now it’s not his destiny, but nevertheless he offers to pay off debts with russian furs, funny, come on dmitry gabetovich, everything is based on money, it’s necessary and in time, you need to roughly understand what the average gap will be budget in the european union in order to reach 2% of gdp in military spending. is now 56 billion dollars, well 54 , to be very precise, the main gap , of course, is in the corresponding deficit, that is
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, the difference between just these two percentages that needs to be added, and accordingly, most of all germany is as follows: any increase military spending leads to the fact that funds are transferred from ordinary expenses, that is , in order to catch up to 2% now, it is necessary to withdraw less than 1% from government ordinary expenses, that is, in fact , this is related to the reduction that we see in france, great britain, germany, that is , as if you are on debt. accordingly, there are restrictions for you to throw out only from ordinary expenses, also in order to catch up from 2 to 3%, you already need to collect up to 2% from ordinary expenses, this is a lot of money, that is, in fact, if someone thinks that the question plays around there 60 billion, the total volume of military expenditures in the twenty-first year, respectively , of the european union, with the exception of naturally, well, the european union is 150 billion, respectively, the value they are going to approach in the horizon of 10-15 years is 320 billion, that is, these are the ones.
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the further you increase military spending, the more you transfer from the civilian segment, accordingly, therefore, from this point of view, the fight is not about delivering 4.5 billion or, for example , one and a half billion dollars... but some countries are already fulfilling these 2%, i remind you, small volumes are needed, less than 1%, that is, for example, there are the same 14 billion in germany or suppose
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, respectively, eight and eight , respectively, suppose, as it were, in the countries of the southern euro, here, but when you go, the further you go beyond this percentage, the more percentage-wise you withdraw from a citizen, then it’s clear, you have one pot, if you want to increase it by something, it means by something else, that is, every next, every next percentage of military spending results, it costs. more expensive, it costs, it costs more in percentage terms and scholz doesn’t understand this, scholz scholz himself is a special science , in general this is scholz, so mathematics is the third class , this is not mathematics at all, the third class is called elastic expenses, because it assumes, and here it is elastic, these are just quite obvious things, i’ll explain now, because it is believed that if this is just to transfer 1%, accordingly, how to cut 1% of expenses, this is just to transfer 1% accordingly to state-military expenditures, this is not entirely true, because this is not 1%, it will take two, three, four, the more you spend on defense, the more you you take it out of civilian life as a percentage. relations and for the same germany, which itself, the larger the amount itself, the greater the percentage that you take from this amount, no, the more the percentage rises, respectively,
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the larger the part, the larger, the main one. 3% that are being discussed now, the price is already more than 20 billion up to three or as trump wants, in which he cannot spend anything additional, and in order to increase to sometimes up to four, he either wants four, then three, then two , then he says, in general, i’ll disband your nata, everyone is actually afraid of trump, because that the problem is as follows: if you have to withdraw funds from socially oriented areas in
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many areas, for example, in france, in italy, for example, in norway, the same thing, respectively. partially, as if he were confirming, as if he were considered as one of the scenarios that great britain is transforming, accordingly , progress occurs objectively, accordingly, as if suspended we understand, accordingly it can be accelerated, accordingly from this point from the perspective, as if talking about what could be done in order to free , first of all, additional high-level units that are now located near kiev or near the border, so that they can be thrown in the direction of the breakthrough, that is, in this case, the direction which is connected near avdiivka, which is connected under the sentry vehemently,
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that’s according to the dpr, the border, respectively, in order to slow down and slow down there.
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this is the strategy that is now being implemented, in principle, this is how it is is described as if on a field, a battle , therefore, accordingly, this slowdown, which is happening now as if gradually, is now vayaru, respectively, or zaodeevku, subtly this is everything else, the strategy is to slow down as much as possible, accordingly, free up resources, throw them out directly as if to the front then in this way , as if to complicate the process as much as possible , the offensive is all that is happening now and the same thing is happening with belgrade, the same thing is happening, that is, as if pulling back forces accordingly, before... everyone understands, plus or minus , therefore, from this point of view, this strategy, which is now being discussed there in detail, the question of how feasible it is, why are we talking about the inauguration, how is this connected with the inauguration, because accordingly the activation of the military actions, they just said at first that this was a propaganda action for the elections, the elections are over, now this is a propaganda action for what, for the inauguration, look, the inauguration is known, but this does not mean that after, if they are not destroyed, there will be provocations will stop, the number that is now
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trying to storm our border. does not indicate that this is just propaganda, this is a combined arms operation using helicopters, including a huge amount of equipment, there are tanks, and armored personnel carriers, well, what. look, it is obvious that the activation of this process and the preparation of this process was accordingly, as it were , accentuated for the electoral component, it began no earlier, no later, it began under it, respectively, this is exactly the week, the electoral component is everything, that’s good , so after the electoral component there is a second more important point, respectively, is the inauguration, it is an important point, respectively , in the taiwanese elections and in the russian federation, so the likelihood is that, come on, that is, after the inauguration everything will end, they will fall behind from belgorod, well, no, i’m saying differently, we won’t destroy, they won’t leave behind, they will destroy, they’ll leave behind earlier, look, look. now the main point of the confrontation with the military company is to show, accordingly, what is happening an offensive on the territory directly there of the belgorod respectively kursk region is similar, as if for which, but how can this influence the inauguration, they will cancel it, well, no
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way, what does the inauguration have to do with it, it could not seriously influence, so what they thought there is what happened , these are different things, well, logic, explain it, logic , how this will affect the inauguration, putin won, but no one seems to have any doubts, in the country there is definitely no such thing, the inauguration has nothing to do with it... belgorod, i say, let’s destroy this a gang of thugs, no one will attack, and if they remain, they will continue the attacks , every day, you see, yes, on a daily basis, despite the fact that the elections were completed, the intensity has actually decreased compared to what it was a week ago, and even a few days ago, that is, there is a problem is as follows, now during the course of, lord, you tell this to the people of belgorod, but the intensity has decreased, yesterday two people, the day before yesterday, two people, i’m not talking about the wounded, about the dead, it doesn’t seem to them that it has decreased and why.
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no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him, you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is, who, we’re going to arrest, no, no, not to the library, you’re not afraid that i’ll kill you, a high-ranking officer is on rtr today, you’re looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the whole board , we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8,
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whatever, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you distinguish, then with humor , i would like to chop, not pinch. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr. this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen , a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen you for a long time, cool, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in them fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, publish? stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of his time. beauty, repin, the whole crew, we’re just looking at the platform. for me, he hasn’t left, i can’t accept it, i can’t let him go. boris goracevsky, in the memories of his beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when did he give them?
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the last one was march 8th, from that moment i don’t celebrate it, they had a very funny story behind these earrings, he gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t immediately pay attention, the toy had earrings on its ears in the hearts of close friends, i when i look at this woman, heavy, by the way, i understand that there are many of you connects with grachevsky, for his 65th birthday borya gives me this sculpture, i say: about a woman you give, so he says: well, you ’re black pankratov, so i’m giving you a black one, this is black humor, he was always some kind of person, walking through the sunny country of life, and even more so not alone, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, i decided to move to moscow, why, and you and i will become friends, room?
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someone else's revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect, i'm scared. neighbor, however, she will definitely open up, i know, on friday on rtr, please, the only force that macron can send to ukraine without asking the french parliament is the foreign legion, 40,000 bayonets, and he can send 2000, 20,000 per...
4:00 pm
it will be expensive, costly and stupid. why is it stupid? because even if they place them on the border with belarus, it is not a fact that we will not destroy them, even if they stand under french flags. we remember the yavrovsky training ground, there were also specialists from many countries who did not shoot at ours soldiers, but trained the ukrainian military, or maybe replaced them, that is, it is not a fact that they will not be destroyed there, 147 people who were destroyed were french militants, among them. there were representatives of the french foreign legion. chevrons and badges, as they say, are stored in the archives and can be presented at any time. what will macron do if all these 2.20 thousand are destroyed. why will it be destroyed? because, firstly, the ground forces do not have aviation or other cover, that is, they need aviation, air defense, and so on.


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