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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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these are our first estimates of 5-6 million square m2, well, consider that about 20 thousand people can easily live here comfortably, and this is only the first stage of construction, the next one is planned to connect the eastern exit with another federal highway m7 volga. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. immediately after the big news, today is the premiere episode of vasnetsov’s detective melodrama, the murder of an accountant of an amber company.
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there are already 150 trucks in line from the kaliningrad region to enter the eu from belarus is an order of magnitude larger, drivers stand idle at checkpoints not for days, but for weeks, while it is mainly european carriers who suffer. what will be minsk’s response to vilnius’ restrictions? anastasia sokhovskaya. the line of trucks snakes and crawls at a snail's pace of 150 m per day, and it has never happened before that drivers have been living on the side of the road for almost 3 weeks. we left, as if to earn money, right, but we have to call home to be expelled from there, you know, to stand for up to 20 days, if this continues, i left in the summer, i came for the new anniversary, a gift from vilnius left only two checkpoints at the border, they are large, the whole line can be cleared in a couple of days, the belarusians are ready, customs shifts have been doubled, but the lithuanians, having already blocked 2/3 of the border, are slowing down more and more, after last 24 hours on the lithuanian side. only 21% of freight
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vehicles were registered, which amounted to approximately 100 trucks; the slowdown in the work of the lithuanian side led to record queues. there are already 3,300 trucks waiting at all checkpoints to enter europe and lithuania doesn’t care what the bill is they will sell them to the citizens when the car sits for 18 days, the carrier bears a loss, that’s right, and if the prices go up, i think we’ll go to the store for bread at twice the price. lithuanians are making fun of... everyone who crosses the border has halved the number of permits for bus routes, and those that remain are out of schedule, delayed for hours, queues of cars are growing, well, 8-10 hours can still be endured, more, probably, this will be more difficult, patience runs out on the other side, a report from the largest information portal in lithuania, in border people in russian are not shy in their expressions, i am very much against it, i hope at least someone will hear me and not just me, in lithuania the prices are unrealistic, go somewhere to relax, no, that’s why...
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last year they imported about 60,000 into belarus tons amounting to about $150 million, the second is goods from lithuania, mainly products, and the imports here are very small, about $5-6 million, that is, this will not affect the consumer market in any way. it is possible to lead by alternative routes, but the neighbors did not abandon the attack of collective paranoia choice. on the border with latvia, only the poternieki checkpoint is open and a detour of 300 kilometers and 4.5 hours to it, the poles have closed five of the six border crossings and up to the only cargo checkpoint kuk...
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the european commission made an unprecedented decision in international law to transfer to ukraine the proceeds from illegally frozen in the eu assets of the russian federation. the head of the euroset demands to transfer the entire economy from the union to a military footing, next in line are the lives of european soldiers, which some politicians are already ready to sacrifice to kiev’s ambitions. about, how far brussels is ready to go. alexander khristenko. the bell in the hands of josepp
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barrel sounds as a signal for looting. interest has now accrued on russian assets blocked in europe in the amount of more than 200 billion euros, after much deliberation. and legal advice, the profit, which is about 3 billion a year, they decided to share. after discussion, i sent the council a proposal to allocate the bulk of the income to eu funding, 90% to be allocated to the european peace fund to increase military assistance to ukraine, the remaining 10% will go to the eu. peace foundation in in reality, the source of financing the war, from this money the eu buys weapons for kiev, loading its own military-industrial complex. in addition, ukraine received today. euros, which will go towards pension salaries. this is the first tranche of the promised 50 billion, although 2/3 of them are not grants, loans, and new eu funds will definitely not be collected, borel said, hinting at the lack of help from overseas. at the conference, ramstein, the head of the pentagon, provided this support only
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in words. lloyd austin was unable to offer much specific assistance given that the request for emergency military aid worth $60 billion has been blocked by the us congress for several months. last week , the pentagon scratched the surface and proposed a $300 million military aid package. austin acknowledged that while ukraine awaits a resolution to the political deadlock in washington, russia has achieved a number of military successes. at the same time, the idea of ​​supplying kiev with military equipment, not on grants, but on credit, was picked up in washington and senator linsey graham came to kiev with this idea. i am all for helping ukraine, but we must do this in the form of an interest-free loan that can be repaid if necessary. it will be. way of doing business. there is a deviation from kiev’s practice of receiving everything for free, and the american proposal in zelensky’s office, according to the politician’s publication, was considered insulting. another question is how to pay off debts, because ukraine is bankrupt, here in kiev they are fantasizing with ideas,
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offering russian resources, minerals and even furs as collateral. if we win, you will receive payment in the form of russian oil, gas, diamonds and fur. if we lose, no there will be a question about money. it will become a question of how the west can survive. however, the state of affairs at the front does not promise the sponsors of the armed forces of ukraine the prospects of profiting from anything, so the issue of sending manpower raised by macron is being discussed again. odessa appeared, and now, according to the ukrainian nordic deputy working in paz, the areas bordering belarus are among the options for military deployment. the idea of ​​a mission of european soldiers on the border with belarus is being worked out, which will release ukrainians from this direction military. this will allow.
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the faces of the soldiers are no longer the same as they were before , being in war, especially with such high intensity, it is imprinted on the face, it is tiring, tiring nervously, physically,
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those who really fight do not even have time to go to the gym, so muscles are lost , malnutrition, stress, all these are real cases, so macron, who started it all, decided to show how he walks. opponents of the french president still suggest using your head for its intended purpose, looking not for escalation, but for resolving the conflict through negotiations. first of all, russia is infinitely stronger than ukraine, its gdp is nine times the gdp of ukraine, it has the second largest weapons industry in the world, its population is four.
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that our position is not in favor of this hypothesis, a harbinger of a dangerous escalation that should be avoided at all costs, chancellor scholz also seems unshakable for now, with the question of sending even a small quantity.
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talked about a gang from perm that bought shares in apartments and then created unbearable conditions for neighbors in order to take possession their housing. denis voskovsky from the courtroom. their victim's share raiders came face to face outside the courtroom. do you admit guilt and repent? two were brought to the trial in handcuffs, two more came on their own, a woman in red, hiding her face with her hair, yulia mukhacheva, an active participant in the criminal scheme. the bespectacled pensioner, seventy-year-old raisa starkova, was proven by the investigation, along with her son igor starkov, to be so
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-called professional neighbors. 031803 starkov and the organizer of the scheme, sergei vasilenko, could barely be seen because of hoods; at the peak of activity, they did not hide their faces. five guys, they are tall, yes, healthy, they purposefully walked into the room, started throwing things, throwing out their daughter’s things, textbooks, the recidivist starkov beat up.
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with the help of mukhachev and starkov, to destroy apartments and intimidate their owners, i gave permission, starkov literally crawled from one apartment to another. why are you in my apartment? unable to bear living together with neighbors who had lost their human form, pensioner victoria shelest simply left home. i’m just working part-time with a chinese guy in other people’s apartments to pay for these apartments. it took a long time to cope with natalya soina, despite all efforts, and then the professional neighbors started throwing their fists at her. he struck.
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smoked in all areas of the apartment, created unsanitary conditions in common areas . after the judge makes sure that the sentence is clear, the escort group begins work. after the long-term tormentors left for the stage, the victims that they say they have exhaled, but their problems have not yet been fully resolved, because the shares in their apartments still belong to criminals. denis voskovsky, anton dubnov, lika dzhevakhishvili, ilya korchuganov, news. and a pensioner from the swindle became a victim of telephone scammers. an elderly man almost gave
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all his savings to scammers. this was witnessed by random passers-by who intervened in the situation. details of the rescue operation from alexander karpov. i filmed fighting drivers, i looked near these atms, a man was actively calling for a pensioner, that is, he starts. move away, they are trying to deceive you. from lobnya near moscow , dmitry kiselyov also mistook what was happening for a brawl; passers-by tried to drag an elderly man away from the atm, who silently fought back, trying to enter the pin code. fraudsters. to deceive him, now he will send money to someone, he doesn’t understand me, i want to help him, man, man, yes, don’t rush, man, wait, man, come out, now they will withdraw all the money from his card, and he , as i understand it, he transferred money to scammers, at first he did not react at all, he was completely immersed in a conversation with these same scammers, as if he had been hypnotized, only when the pensioner was convinced to hang up, he seemed to wake up from
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hypnosis, stated that he received instructions from the special services, the fb there was the fsb, and sberbank, i understand, you transferred money, transferred how much? 300 rubles, yes, or 3000, 3000, seriously, yes, it turned out that the scammers had zombified vladimir nikolaevich over the phone for several hours, and it all started with an alarm call, supposedly from the central bank, that they they said, withdraw the money, why, because... your data has already arrived somewhere, like, well, it says my passport, and that’s it, from some bank, it says, your leak has gone away, the bank russia never proactively calls citizens - and does not offer them anything, uh, accordingly, if an unknown person calls you, introduces himself
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as an employee of the bank of russia and starts talking about money, this is definitely a scammer. attempts to block already made transfers were unsuccessful, the bank's support service is located they only came across a polite robot. the biggest fear was that if the scammers were somewhere nearby, then both the pensioner and i could be in physical danger. oh, so you thought they were watching from somewhere nearby? but once we assumed this, there were still large sums of money, and even the pensioner himself announced that he had more than a million rubles in his accounts. there is no doubt that this money would have floated away too. elena, in how many minutes will you be there, in 10 minutes we can, i guess i’m protecting him, i'm waiting for you and handing it into your hands.
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a criminal case has been opened by the territorial investigative authorities regarding this fact; we remind you of the need to tell elderly relatives about the tricks of scammers. and immediately contact law enforcement agencies in such cases. the pensioner was taken away by relatives who arrived. there is hope that the correspondence conducted with him, allegedly on behalf of the central bank, will help to identify and detain the attackers. alexander karpov, denis tsitseronov, mariana pepanyan, news. parachute jumping for precision landing descent on cable from a helicopter. large-scale aerial forestry exercises were completed in the khabarovsk territory. all the techniques that fire paratroopers have worked on... they will soon be used during real emergencies. report by lyudmila smirnova. they are called forest special forces. during the fire season, they work in the hottest spots of the khabarovsk taiga, which cannot be reached by land transport. the goal of spring training is to practice landing accuracy. it is vitally important in the work of fire paratroopers.
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to understand why it is enough to go down from heaven to earth, when, driven by the wind, a forest fire takes hold. those who have come to become parachutists, and this is already a landing training, on board the mi-8 it is noisy, you can’t understand a word, the descent technique has been worked out to the point of automaticity in advance, it is used when there is no suitable landing site for forest firefighters near the fire, the permitted height is up to 40 m, is being sought the site is more or less where possible, people land, and then a helicopter
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will deliver the rest of the landing party’s equipment to the territory they have prepared. training here includes no less than more seriously than stewing. gennady, like many here, is a paratrooper not by military specialty, but by his heart. i came here from the factory 15 years ago, came, worked, liked it, and so we continue. there is almost no snow in the taiga; the beginning of the dangerous season is near. the beginning of the fire is a dangerous period; we assume that it will begin here somewhere in late march or early april. last year, more than 800 natural fires were eliminated over an area of ​​almost 900,000 hectares. a regime was introduced in the region. to date the entire territory of the region was blocked by air forest protection forces. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov. news. khabarovsk. in yamal the ships are now being prepared for the start. navigation, by the end of the month several more floating cranes and barges need to be put in order. while the frosts last, a unique freezing technology is used here.
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marina mikhailova saw what it is and how it all happens. the sound of hammers and metal echoes across the area on the polu river and workers at the solihart river port continue to prepare pike perch for the big summer navigation. meter by meter, electric and gas welders are renovating the bottom of a 43-year-old barge, cutting out the old metal and carefully welding it in with new metal; in total, 600 km of the underwater part of the hull needs to be replaced. back in the fall, the giant was driven onto a floating dog, placed on wooden, so-called pedestals, the minimum height is 65 cm, the welders have to get to the very middle of the bottom using a floor.
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by the end of the month, the mp-505 project barge should be ready for work and defense. a brand new iron shirt will allow you to withstand even the powerful onslaught of sea waves. while the hollow is shrouded in a thick ice shell, specialists are rushing to repair it. accessible sections of river transport, using ancient technology, freezing. this is not a cave or even a trench for playing zornitsa, but a real mine. gas welding work is underway inside, and specialists are repairing the base bunker for refueling ships. let's see what's inside. and inside is a small welder’s office, carved out of ice at a depth of 60-70 cm. here...
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in april, ships will begin to be prepared for leaving on the river, as soon as the ice goes away. we will succeed the first crew on the ta-980, just behind me, is the flagship of the salihar river port, it is 2.0 strong, sme class, the most powerful we have, it will be here just in ice conditions to open the rope. there is less and less time for repairs every day; by the end of may, all vessels must be ready for the new season on the river in order to easily , without worries... deliver cargo to remote areas of the greater yamal. marina mikhailova, nikolai norvatov, lead yamal. new mud volcanoes have been discovered at the bottom of lake baikal. irkutsk
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scientists conducted underwater video filming using a deep-sea submersible, which immersed the camera at 200 and saw a lot of interesting things. daria markova also studied these photographs. the camera on a special robot allows you to see every grain of sand even at a depth of 200 m. you can drive across the fields lengthwise. this is the first dive of this kind on lake baikal. previously, the bottom relief was studied without the ability to see it, they could only scan it. this field is a new discovery by scientists. this is what a mud volcano looks like, but only a potential one. while they call him manifestation of mud volcanism. this is because there are no reasons for its appearance in sections of the north baikal fault. you see, yes, that only in the south in the middle basin there are hydrate-bearing structures, these are mainly mud volcanoes, 29 of them, or hydrates. hills and places where gas is unloaded are like seeps, where gas just flows in the form of bubbles, in the north we have nothing, no matter how much we have looked since 2000, we have not found anything there. on baikal , mud volcanoes are generally special; if in
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the seas they are formed due to compression of plates, then everything is completely different with the lake, here they are stretched out, it would seem that there is simply nothing to raise the dirt to the surface. baikal mud volcanoes appear due to hydrates; due to changes in pressure, they collapse into water and gas. at this moment, the gas becomes 164 times more, scientifically. the ascent is the crushing of sediments, and here it has already broken through, this is a gas channel, that is, the crater of a volcano, through which this mud that is formed here is thrown out, and we just managed to date this thickness somewhat million years, everything came together for us, and we proved that mud volcanism still exists on baikal, but it is of a special type, they called it baikal, a new field with signs of mud volcanism was serviced during one of the expeditions. scientists from the institute of the earth's crust and the lemnological institute took part in it. for 10 days they studied the fauna and bottom topography.
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there are no hydrates in the north of baikal because of this. a mud volcano could not appear there, so for now the main reason is the movement of the earth's crust. very true there was a long-term seismic calm in the sense of some strong earthquakes, but in the past there were these earthquakes. it is possible that , on the contrary, the unloading is going on very slowly and maybe we shouldn’t be afraid to expect some strong earthquakes, because it’s just going slowly - unloading along the fault zones of the stresses that accumulate there. so far this place with signs of mud volcanism has not been fully studied. to accurately confirm or refute whether there is a mud volcano there, we need a few more dives, chemical analysis from the bottom of the lake. if it is confirmed that this mud volcano did not appear due to hydrates, then another type of this phenomenon, also special, may appear on baikal. daria markova, roman ryutin, roman vasyokhin and alexander mokin, lead irkutsk. first we got into trouble, and then we found ourselves in good hands. at the primorye rehabilitation center, seven
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exhausted people are now being cared for. baby seals that were carried away from their mothers by a storm. they found themselves alone on land, where they were threatened by hunger and many other dangers, in special seals, nurseries, maxim kolennik visited. every day at 7 am the first breakfast of the wards, we are in the department for infants, some were three weeks old, some were four, but a big disaster happened at the start of their prosperous life, on the ice fields of the southern primorye, the march winds scattered the ice floes with their pinniped population across the vastness. waters, some are almost switching to eating whole fish, they are recovering, the rest are still far from normal nutrition, still feeding through a tube, still weak in the rehabilitation center in advance, is already running out february they prepare individual cradles for patients and wait, wait, you never know when it will begin, this year from march 9, residents of vladivostok, slavic finds, collect them along the shores like mushrooms after rain,
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helpless, dehydrated and emaciated... to this wednesday in the wards there are seven novice seals, everything is the same, washing diapers from morning to evening, some are fed four, some six times a day, the only exception is seal number seven, they nicknamed him bigben, he is the only one in this company normal, but i had to take him away from nature for a while, they plan to release him this weekend, away from civilization, he fell into a natural trap, he came to us yesterday, he had nowhere to escape from danger, there was danger there because it was populated... the signal had already been sent, they will fly in from moscow and irkutsk any day now, daily life in the seal pens will again be scheduled according to a schedule, who should sleep when, wash diapers and serve herring fishups. maxim kolinik, nikolay farafonov, vesti primorye. strawberries appeared on the kuban shelves, which is advertised as krasnodar, but in fact, as our correspondents found out,
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it is an import. from greece and turkey, but the local berries will come only after 2-3 weeks and will be much more aromatic and sweeter. the gastronomic investigation was conducted by vladislava gizikova. this is also a greek granny. fuck us with greek. this customer’s mood is patriotic; the woman prefers imported strawberries to local ones, but the smell and color are so attractive that an exception can be made. basically we would have some sweets , thank you. buyers can be understood the kuban strawberry season is still far away, the wait is about a month, however, this does not prevent some dealers from selling the local product. they call the kuban berry the one brought from greece or turkey. trusting customers are attracted by the size of the fruit and the price, from 450 to 600 rubles. per kilogram. what area? towards kubanism? which one? uh-huh, and it’s not
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just too early for our strawberries or is it a fountain, but uh-huh, well, they’re all-round, only greenhouse strawberries can bear fruit all year round, they won’t sell them in boxes in trunks, what you can find now at the training grounds is most likely imported, farmer georgy klenin has been growing strawberries for more than 25 years and has never seen them ripen by the beginning of spring, this is what real local kuban strawberries look like now, and... they have just blossomed and in some places the berries have started, and the first harvest is the earliest, small volumes will appear no earlier than april 10, it is better not to take either foreign or local berries near the roads, so as not to pay with your health. it is in principle undesirable by law to trade near roads, not we heard about this, one day i’m leaving to sell all small retail trade in places not intended for the placement and operation of small retail
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trade objects. entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 4 to 5,000 rubles. cunning sellers, naive buyers, the main characters on whom the fairy tale about the kuban strawberries rests. in march, often the clients themselves don’t even try to find out what they are taking, just by the smell, it’s amazing, it’s very tasty, you eat so deliciously, it’s very tasty, you know where it comes from, from belorechensk, from where, well, we we bring bases, i don’t deny it, it’s turkish or something, well, they kind of took it, they said that greece, greece, you’ll be lucky if the seller turns out to be honest, but a considerable part of entrepreneurs resort to deception for the sake of... profit, such people are exposed on their channel, farmers who call themselves strawberry pirates seem to say, there is no local one yet, we really don’t mind, let them sell the berries, yes, but just let them honestly say that this is not a local berry, but an imported one, be honest,
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that’s all, a person, if he wants it, he will buy it, no matter what it is, but what’s wrong with that, well, he said the truth and that's it, supplies of kuban strawberries will begin in april, while there will be few of them, they can ask for about a thousand rubles per kilogram, closer. by june there will be more berries, judging by last year, its cost may drop to 250 rubles. in order not to be deceived, here are some tips on how to distinguish ours from those that are not ours. if you see that there is some damage on the berry, any damage, it may be due to the fact that it was transferred from one container to another in order to give out a replacement one. our berries believe me, you will know right away, it will sparkle, shine, smell very cool and you definitely won’t pass by it. turkish greek sorts go to the back shelf, but will still try. restoration of the historical apartment building of the rossiya insurance company has begun in moscow. the building in the eclectic style at the beginning of the last century was one of the most technically equipped in the capital with
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elevators, its own power plant and even an artesian well. soon specialists will begin repairing the facades, and now they are restoring the interior. maria temnikova i watched the process. it’s impossible to pass by this house and not look up at the façade, the openwork fences of the balconies, the cartouches of pigeons, fairy-tale creatures, here is an atlas with the head of an elephant , bats are lurking nearby on a column, mascarons and tigers are grinning above the windows, the apartment building of the insurance company russia, built on at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a real pearl of metropolitan architecture. it was luxurious housing with almost one and a half hundred apartments, plus apartments started only... with an area of ​​200 km, one of the first buildings in moscow with electric elevators, in the basement had its own oil power plant, and the house also had its own artesian well . apartment buildings at that time were a profitable business; in order to attract wealthy guests, customers spared no expense,
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trying to make their home the most sophisticated and functional. this complex of two buildings was built by order of the insurance company russia. the largest insurance company in our country and one of the largest in the world. they were the first in russia to begin life insurance . in general, all property, even glass from breaking. architects nikolay proskurnin and otton von desina was inspired by the italian renaissance, hence the complex decor of the facade and entrances, the gothic turrets on the roof are a reference to the middle ages, and this is also a place where the capital’s bohemia loved to visit at all times; before the revolution and in the soviet years, there were creative studios of artists, today this tradition has been preserved, we have always absorbed these stories, how vysotsky came here and played.
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we will polish it, today the house is under restoration, experts promise to bring it back to its original form. full-fledged capital renovations have never been carried out in this house, and of course, now it is very important to carry out global major renovation work, including restoration work. this is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance, it is under our protection, if we had brick on the turrets, then we preserve it, if we have plastering work going on somewhere on the facades, then we take... both lime plaster and how using old technology, they will definitely replace outdated engineering communications, while work is only going on in one of the buildings, only inside. in as part of the overhaul, the roof of the apartment building will be renewed; it is known for its broken
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curves and turrets, which, of course , will also be restored. here, for example, is one of them; by the way, it has a clock mechanism on it, which is now working properly. the scaffolding is already being installed, and as soon as the weather permits, work will begin on the façade. different groups study in detail to distinguish between species. one of these studies
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was devoted to animanopsis: a herbaceous perennial with light flowers found in the wild in japan, russia and throughout the world. in many garden front gardens, what, in addition to its beauty, hides the delicate ranunculus, was helped by chemists. at our institute, we carried out non-target analysis of extracts of these plants; it is more accurate and more sensitive, allowing us to determine many more substances in the sample. more than was found. ever before, the guess that anamonopsis brings not only beauty, but benefits, was confirmed. more than 100 compounds were identified in the composition, such as flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, octicinnamic acids, octibenzoic acids, these compounds have high antiviral activity, antioxidant, antitumor activity. all this is valuable for pharmaceuticals. in addition, the flowers and leaves of anamonopsis contain coumarins, a compound. giving the aroma of fresh baked goods or mown hay
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, they are used in perfumery, so it became clear that the plant is promising for industry, it is quite possible to breed in mass quantities, in fact, then these raw materials can be used to obtain bioadditives, but it can also be propagated by tissue culture, which can also be obtained substances in the laboratory, but close relatives of anomonopsis may turn out to be even richer in biologically active substances, scientists suggest and... continue to study other groups of plants. olga durnykh, stanislav dukhovnikov, vesti novosibirsk. moscow streets will be decorated with more than 50 million flowers, they will begin to be planted at the end of april, and now work is in full swing in the capital’s greenhouses. plants are preparing for the surprises of the capital's unpredictable weather. artyom kuznetsov was the first to see what the landscaping would look like. hundreds of thousands of flowers shoots and bright violas are already ready in this moscow greenhouse. planting on the capital's flower beds, agronomists begin
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to prepare for spring flowering in the fall, it is important to observe the temperature regime, we grow it at low temperatures, our goal is for the plant to form a root system , look at what the root system is, these are roots, imagine, these are all roots, then we need the plant to be compact and leafy; at low temperatures, as experts say, the bud becomes larger than usual, so the whole season in the greenhouse is not above 14°c, the viola will be put outside in a couple of weeks. for hardening, they will decorate the city flower beds in early may along with tulips, this year about 15 million bulbous bulbs will bloom in the city, each color of the plant has its own psychology, yellow for children, orange for those who like to enjoy, blue for those who need peace of mind , landscape designers are responsible for the design of flower beds, central streets, squares, squares and highways will be decorated with hanging pots with white, pink and purple flowers, if we now turn attention to the backgrounds, then...
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rubles in real estate fraud, at least 16 people lost their homes after owing money to the same lender, the stories are like carbon copies, the victims are drawing up...
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they are now receiving ownership of the plot and building total property worth 5.50 million rubles. well, that is, due to a precisely carried out, so to speak, raider
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operation. orphanage graduate ivan kislitsin was even more unlucky; due to financial problems, he took out a loan secured by an apartment from the same lenders. i read the contract. carefully, it turned out that the amount there was several times more than what he received in his hands, he could not return it, as a result, according to the court, the apartment was taken off the auction and also literally counted for days. they came with a summons , it was written there that there was a trial there on about the seventeenth, she came to me there on about the twentieth, now i live with an acquaintance, in these and many other similar stories the creditor is a certain nikita stolyarov, and his representatives are employees of the first guild moneylenders. the organization is known for providing loans against... collateral for housing, but in essence is looking for people in difficult financial situations and forcing them to mortgage square meters. they also use obviously fraudulent schemes, for example, pensioners nadezhda voronova were given a purchase and sale agreement instead of a loan agreement; she lost her apartment. and it later turned out in court that this was a purchase and sale agreement, i
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gave an apartment to someone else’s aunt. denis drago turned out to be more of an accidental victim in this scheme. he bought a house on the secondary market, when he moved in he began to make repairs, it turned out that the property was in collateral, the seller once took money from the same stalerov on the security of property, and when selling the house he hid it, it is possible that this was a multi-step combination to sell the house several times, now the family is being evicted onto the street, they have already lost one court case, then he came here is the current owner according to the documents of the stolers and the representative of his zyulkov, and after that their representatives began to come in the future, here is umarov zair umarovich. there were too many coincidences in these stories; they all took place in the ramensky district the execution of court decisions was carried out by the same bailiff, transactions were registered with one notary, that is, if the notary sees that this is the only home for a person, and he leaves it as collateral under a loan agreement, and for an amount that clearly does not
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correspond to the price and real estate, the notary is certainly obliged to explain all this; all participants in the criminal scheme have yet to be identified by the investigator. several criminal cases have now been initiated, which can be combined into one. currently known about sixteen victims, but most likely there are many more. the total damage from the activities of these creditors can amount to up to half a billion rubles. maxim aparin, evgeny mokunev, mikhail sidorov and ada adamova. news. residents of a high-rise building in the capital complained to the police about dubious visitors. after their visits, the entrance looks like it was after a vandal raid. mailboxes have been broken into and signs have been smashed. the courtyards were dug up, as it turned out, so-called pawnbrokers began to visit this address, how to deal with them and what can scare them away unwanted dangerous guests, instructions from our correspondent igor ogeenko: the lower part is broken off, broken panels, fastenings and wires torn out by the roots,
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there is no trace left of the recent repairs in this house, it’s all the fault of the so-called pawnbrokers, their clients, if they are looking for random bookmarks, that is i don’t know where... it’s hidden, they open it up, they go through the entrances to all the cable duct junction boxes, that is , everything is torn off, taking into account distributors of prohibited substances and those who use them, this house is in sokolniki i got there 2 years ago, since then several times a day they see suspicious strangers with backpacks hiding their faces in hoods, one fine day i saw that our flowers weren’t growing well, i picked them up and looked and there was a bookmark , i’ve already dug it out myself twice. periodically changing the keys and codes on the intercoms does not help; still , every week in several entrances at once , unknown persons tear off the slopes and even the wrapping of the railings. there are more and more dubious personalities in the entrance. besides the torn low tides for water, which are ripped off
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on almost all floors, unknown, leaving such elements of creativity from bottles, it is not clear why, but literally 10 minutes ago there were some people here who... abandoned everything and ran downstairs as soon as they saw our camera . residents installed surveillance cameras that continually catch pawnbrokers. activists even started a channel with such a video in the hope of drawing attention to the problem, but so far all this is of little use. and the shit is always there, so a carpenter will come by and fix them in place puts it in, the next day you go, they ’re all like that again. and they said that they needed to call the police so that the police could catch them red -handed. how interesting is it that we can do this? and so it’s all useless, the fact that we could even photograph them or film them, this won’t help either, the management company that works in this... despite numerous appeals from residents, they also couldn’t solve the problem, conservator they can’t plant it because the house doesn’t meet the standards. at the general meeting
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, citizens have the right to approve the redevelopment and the reconstruction of common areas, as part of reconstruction and redevelopment, can be decided by a two-thirds vote of all owners, equipping these premises, including with sanitary fixtures. then it will be possible to hire a conductor, but until the meeting is held, the lawyer... advises the residents themselves to organize a vigil at the entrances, call the police to the place more often, install a safe city at the entrance of the camera with a facial recognition system, then there will be many times fewer such uninvited guests, well so far according to residents the police are conducting another check. igor yagienka, sergey trukkov, dmitry matrosov, andrey lapidus, ilya salakhiddinov, ilka zhivakhishvili, lead. traffic on a new interchange has been launched in moscow. the project is grandiose. builders laid kilometers of new roads and erected drainage systems. exits and an overpass, thousands of motorists were waiting for the opening, how their routes will change when the program for the construction of
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old clovers on the moscow ring road is completed entirely, marina gromova, there is no trace left of the obsolete clover, a new interchange on mkat was uprooted, complex from the point of view of design and construction, but more intuitive for drivers at clover interchanges. sharp turning angle, cars slowed down on the overpasses themselves, at the exits from them, now almost without reducing speed, they join the general flow. the transport interchange consists of eleven artificial structures, these are five sources, three overpasses and three pedestrian crossings, two overpasses and two overpasses have already been launched. two more new exits were opened today, one on the outside mkad towards the upper field street towards the city center, the second from the inner road to novoyegoryevskoe highway. the effect of the launch of the interchange will be noticed by residents of several districts in the southeast of the capital and towns near moscow, dzherzhinsky and kotelniki. this
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, of course, will significantly improve traffic in the southeast of the moscow ring road, on one of the busiest sections, well, the population of the surrounding areas of the moscow region and moscow, more than 600,000 people, will also feel the improvement in traffic on this section. this is the twenty-first interchange on mkat, which was actually built. a new mega-project for the reconstruction of ring road interchanges was launched in 2012. over the course of 12 years , dozens of ramps and istokat bridges at the smkat intersection were reconstructed; if you add up their total length, it will be over 180 km. we have another large interchange on the altufi highway, it is very complex, it is connected with the relocation of underground communications, which we are removing from the construction site, we plan to complete this last twenty-second one this year. this is actually a lot of reconstruction work. the most important infrastructure facilities in moscow. ring road, not only the ring road itself has moved faster, but also the outbound highways; when all the work is completed here at the intersection with the street and
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the upper fields, the throughput of the interchange will increase by one and a half times. such large junctions are being reconstructed and opened in stages; what remains to be done is the construction of an overpass across the railway and ramps to the shopping complex. it would seem, but the speed of namkat movement directly depends on this. all work is promised complete this year. marina gromova, yuri zabolotnikov, ignatiy sokolov and philip nazarov, lead. two girls and two boys are extremely rare cases in yaroslavl, quadruplets were born there, a young mother, a professional choreographer, says that she never dreamed of such a large family, she already has two children, anna melnik met the large family. of course, they planned for a third child, but not earlier than a year later - says galina, two daughters are waiting at home, a very young first-grader of 2 years, suddenly this happens, and this is not the help of doctors, reproductologists, this is purely nature, right away. uziska said, let's count, 1 2 3 4, and of course i was in great shock, then, well, some bright
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thought came to me, i asked if they were at least five, she said: no, exactly four, and somehow this joke made me feel a little better, then consultation after consultation, the doctors tried to suggest that galina remove two embryos, so there would be less risks for both the mother and the remaining babies, but galina flatly refused, well, how can you choose, especially what in... doctors confirmed that the babies are not twins, but quadruplets, that is, each develops autonomously, without harming the other. of course, the pregnancy was different, that is, much earlier, somehow it became harder, but i walked well, so i easily reached the thirty-second week, and although i was already lying here preserved, and my stomach was also small, that is everyone was surprised how they fit there, but nature, you see , arranged everything so cleverly that they fit well. galina is a choreographer, strong, resilient, and also positive. with great support from my husband, probably all this helped me to calmly endure such a gift of fate, my husband, he’s actually the first one who supported me, right away, he, of course, is also
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just speechless... when i’m already at home with them, you’ll believe, to be honest, me i think i’ll believe it, it’s a different context, there will be these everyday tasks, and my two daughters will also be there to help, then it seems to me that i realize that i have six children, now the kids need to gain a little more weight and learn to eat from a bottle on your own, this will take 2-3 weeks, then the long-awaited discharge. anna melnik, nikolay lebedev, vesti yaroslavl.
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an exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary opened at the tretyakov gallery. now muscovites and guests of the capital will be shown the best. oksana maksimova was one of the first to visit this exhibition. there was a thick, thick layer of dust on it, behind which the image was hidden. the ceremonial portrait of olga kniperchekhova is exhibited in the tretyakov gallery for the first time. it was kept in the storerooms of the mhad theater museum for half a century. for the restoration, the painting became a real discovery of both the image of the russian actress and the skill of the artist nikolai ulyanov. himself i called this portrait a yellow-ash monochrome. this is indeed a very complex color scheme, built on the nuances of colors. ocher, ash roses. it was kniperchekhova who introduced ulyanov to stanislavsky. for his portrait, here he is, the artist will later receive the stalin prize.
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the master’s acquaintance with the reformer of the russian theater opened up new facets of talent. ulyanov. creates sketches of costumes, makeup, design of the opera carmen, works with miir hold on turbine days and maliere, and the avant-garde director himself influenced the artist strong impression. this unique graphic work depicts meirhold’s shadow on the window, which is the personification of his inner dynamic energy. a devoted student of valentin sirov, ulyanov was cramped within the framework of russian modernism; he was looking for his own path. the tretyakov gallery houses more than 400 paintings, graphics and paintings.
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july. oksana maksimova, dmitry shestukhin, anton odarchenko and pavel letnikov. news.
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and i thought you were sleeping, i’m going on a business trip for a couple of days, what happened, i think the goods are here, it would be nice, cover it for me,
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i went, yeah, got some bunnies? mom, you can’t be so scary, and there’s no point in watching all that nasty stuff, it’s not nasty, it’s a series about an elusive robber nicknamed complete darkness, where did you even get this, downloaded it from the internet, great. watching pirated copies is theft, laziness, come on, tell them, i was late for the plane, well, it’s clear, you’re always busy, but it’s true, i have a night flight, laziness, listen to your mother and no tv series until i get back, okay, okay, that's it, good night, let's go, oh, bye, bye, bye, tablet, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, oh, yes, well, sleep, everyone have a good night.
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ok, what the hell?
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during the raids, two security guards were killed, robbery attacks on jewelry stores in kemerovo, barnaul, saratov and perm had identical handwriting, we found out that the rake... that the previously convicted kuzov vitaly semenovich, nicknamed elephant, was involved in the robberies, stolen items were altered, then implements them. according to operational information, kuzovlev, this same elephant, is now operating in the dark. no, continue, very interesting, thank you, for those who are late, this is major alexander mikhailov from moscow, he is investigating cases with
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serin the robber, which operate throughout the country, at the request of the leadership, we must provide alexander ivanovich with all possible assistance, well, we will be happy to help our colleagues, it’s great that we understood each other, so here’s from your group to help the major. you like to make impressions, i love you, comrade podpakovnik, a corpse was found in the office of a private company, a presumptive murder, understandable, free, well, tell me, now liskov
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i’m not busy with anything specifically, not right now, then i’ll join veronica palovna, well, try sitting on two chairs, freely, great, let’s go. yes, please forgive me that with our ordinary murders we prevented you from solving the crime of the century, if you can’t do it without me, i ’m ready to help, thank you.
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how did this happen? there is a hematoma from a blow to the face, a trace of a blow to the tabletop with the forehead. could she survive? if she had received emergency medical care in time? keys? keys, did the murdered person have a family? i guess not. handkerchief, headscarf, no husband, no children, god, so young! a pack of tissues, a pack of tissues, a phone? documents, bank card, nothing , where did your director go after all, but to the bank urgently, but he must return, god, i don’t know, it’s such a madhouse today, don’t tell me, it’s just a madhouse.
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you are from the investigation department, alexey petrovich sukhanov, director of the company, mayora vasnetsova, yeah, i was interested in one thing here, tell me, this is entar, yes, it ’s amazing, how did you manage to change the palette of natural entar? "i heard that this technology was lost somewhere at the end of the 18th century, but it was installed, not every specialist understands it, but how do you know, yes, three years ago i wanted to order something similar for myself, but they told me that it was completely impossible , it’s a pity that you didn’t contact me , there are no impossible tasks for me, listen, what is this about, i killed a man, yes, yes, how do you..." do you think who
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could have done this? captain liskov? hello, alexey sukhanov , director of the company. i just wanted to find out from you, and the murdered inga, she how long has she worked for you? inga recently took over the management of a financial company, quickly figured it out, and became an indispensable employee. how did you cope without her before? earlier?
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you see, she’s not there yet, this is varvar mikhalovna’s workplace, and this is instead of inga bukmeeva, this is bukhmeeva’s phone, yes, the phone is a bag, i left work early yesterday, she apparently stayed late, often stayed up late. svetlana, go to the accounting department, anton, in general, you stay here, and ilya and i go visit varvara mikhailovna, i need there will be her passport details, residential address, and photographs. fine.
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it’s her, uh-huh, varvara mikhailovna, yes, what’s the matter? hello, you are the investigative department, we have a couple of questions. varvara mikhailovna, wait, varvara mikhailovna, if you leave now, we will regard this as an attempt to escape, what is he vomiting? varvara mikhailovna. how does your security system work? there is an alarm system, a camera in the parking lot, but there is nothing where belgu has it. that is, anyone can get in. someone who really needs it. when
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was the last time you saw inga? yesterday afternoon at work. what kind of relationship did you have? workers? no. i would not appoint my mistress as the chief accountant, if you are hinting at this, why? but i’m not an idiot, so dependent on a woman, well , i wouldn’t allow others to play tricks here, that is, i have a rule, i’ll start an affair , quit, i won’t give any testimony, 100,000, no, the documents are not sukhanov’s company, these are another. “we wanted to talk to you about inga bukmeeva, but what does she have to do with it? they killed her, what the hell, where? say that at work, in your smoking room, there it is, what’s the matter, listen, i recently gave
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her documents to sign, i came closer to her, i looked at the bruises on her neck, she noticed, she buttoned up her blouse with all the buttons, she said, that she has allergies, yeah, allergies, lover. he probably held him by the neck and choked him, okay, when did that happen? 3 days ago, your cleaning lady said that she didn’t have a husband? well , officially no, with whom he is in love, i don’t know, she doesn’t report to me, well, i don’t believe that the accounting department wouldn’t even know personal affairs of my employees, however, i know everything about everyone, about her in general, okay, okay, what kind of papers are these, well, this is my friend’s company, the company is registered in the name of her husband. in short, the husband went on a spree, took a mistress, is filing for divorce and wants to take over the company, so i’m helping her, help as anyone, as an accountant, how do you help, withdraw a little money, through shell companies, well, it’s true, i haven’t
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managed to do anything yet, where were you yesterday 8 pm, yesterday 8, in the cafe tear of a mermaid with a friend, yesterday i felt like i was working. left in the evening, and so we sat with her until 9, so ask her, the third mermaid’s tear! but the cleanliness, just perfect, wow,
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look, there’s boiled pork and olivier, there’s borscht, cake, did he beat her, did she pour borscht for him? does something not add up here? there are no men's clothes, no photos of them together. let's go to the neighbors. went. so, which one? and who are you? and who are you? i'm rita, my neighbor. are you from inga? she should come to me for a manicure, i work from home. everything is legal, don't worry. inga was killed, and this is probably dinka, who else is that brute, when he gets drunk, he just uncontrollable, and loud screams all over the entrance, and that none of the neighbors thought to call the police, yes, i wanted to, but inga asked
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not to do this, where is this ex, he works in the yantarny bereg taxi company, you know what, while you go, call here this... he was admitted to the hospital yesterday with injuries by ambulance. and in the morning he already said that he was beaten by some unknown man in a black cap, which means everything fits, the neighbor said that bykmeevi had a new lover, he came secretly, ate a lot, but he beat his ex and... he hid his face, that’s another thing necessary prove, wait, hello, kristin
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, yes, listen, why did you take the day off today, and i got sick, poisoned, probably, i’m lying at home, sick, forgive me for not calling, and you’re lying, apparently, on the street, judging by the sounds, but no, the window is just open, but it’s clear, okay, come on? get well, then ilya here says hello to you, hello, thank you, someone. near the entrance he attacked me, hit me with a brass set, threatened, saying
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, if you touch inga with a finger again, i’ll kill you, i lost consciousness, yeah, but we broke up in the cis, how is it - we quarreled, i decided to teach her a lesson so as not to i pulled it out, knocked it a couple of times, hmm , i come home after work, my cheeks are in a suitcase, and the suitcase is on the stairs, well, it looks like an apartment...
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well, i have nothing to do with it, you’re looking for this freak, i’m generally the victim, okay, we let's go, we really sympathize with you, goodbye, well, back to zero, why now am i just sure that bookmeeva's killer is most likely...
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and where do the photographs come from? semyonovskaya store, there was the last theft, what was stolen? matte amber, the first one... looks like they knew what they were going for. luckily for us, the owner was online store, stolen goods were restored from photographs, thank god, but is your robber, what’s his name - an elephant, he’s so picky? do you want to take over my business? yeah, i haven’t thought in this direction yet, but thanks. about! lidiya nikolaevna, we need to inspect bukmeeva’s apartment with a criminologist. no, no, it’s
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tomorrow, you’d better find out what’s wrong with matskevich, i ’m tired of his absenteeism. yeah, okay, i'll find out. oh, well, i won’t interfere. well, how is it there in moscow?
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tomorrow we are planning an ambush in the southern area, where the pesniks saw something similar to the description elephant, i understand, listen, and this is your vosnetsova, how do you put up with her, she’s a chickweed with oatmeal, you saw her openness, well, it’s probably thanks to you, it’s all hers. she's a pro, okay, whatever you say,
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yes, anton, veronica pavlovna, ilya checked bukmeeva's phone, no sign of a secret lover. no, mostly ex -taxi driver dmitry called her, well, it’s strange, maybe in messengers, no, nothing at all , okay, come on, hello, children, where, agata and ignaty are doing their homework, the twins are sleeping, i’ll pour some tea, come on, leonid nikolaevich didn’t call , no, he's in business trip. do you remember how he went on a business trip? i remember how i got a second mobile phone, i lied to you that there was a tariff for calls abroad, i even took it for a run, but i absolutely don’t care about that now, or
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maybe inga bukmeeva had a second phone, and who is that? this is the chief accountant in one company, why do people get a second phone, so as not to mistakenly send a message to their wife or husband, everyone knows this, but she didn’t have a husband, only employees at work, which means that the employees wouldn’t find out, then she employee sleeps, it turns out, with an employee who has a criminal record for a serious crime, something doesn’t add up yet. what to offer with cherry pie, offer, the main music award in russia, dear lovers of high-quality
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russian music, this is a prize! it was terribly pleasant, so thank you very much, the solemn presentation ceremony is on friday on rtr,
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this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, we have a big day today, heroes of our time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on platform, let's see. we go to the doctor and borrow a lot from him time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any
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remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own... pill: where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two dozen pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation years old, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr.
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i asked you, it seems you should have, yeah, the tip seems to be correct, i’m here to become the head of the group, and that the far eastern comet got in the way, and since i know why you’re asking, well, come to us, in moscow, career growth is guaranteed, i’ll organize a transfer. thank you, i thought, right, think about it, just for a little while,
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well, how are you in general, better already, thank you , so, well, it looks like there is , lady nikolaevna, we have established the identity of bookma’s lover, and you have a very beautiful lipstick color, right? yes, it suits you very well and immediately attracts attention. so what do you have? well, the tip didn’t work, we’re working on
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other options. in the meantime, we can have lunch. how is veronica pavlovna getting on with you? nothing special, they established the identity of bukmeev’s lover and, presumably , the one who beat her roommate. ruslan muratov, he was in jail and got out a year ago. i i assume that iratov and... together , although, by the way, he is not listed on the list of sukhanov’s employees at the farm, well, that means we’re going to sukhanov, i’ll have a snack on the way , what do you know, lady nikolaevna, i need something with you what to discuss, i’m just going to the cafe , great, no, no, this is not what you thought, but what are you, exactly that, yes, the lieutenant colonel has a hare, he’s just a major, he ’s just a major from moscow, good the source of information.
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ruslan, show me your phone number, show me the court order, you are writing to him to tell him to leave, he is somewhere here on the territory, right? where is ruslan, he just left, where, what?
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where did he get this stone from? oh, by the way, isn’t ruslan on your list? does not work officially, but why is the salary in an envelope? i'm avoiding. after waiting as long as i can, listen, you can arrest me for this, i don’t know where he got this stone, stand still,
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so what? i ran, i mowed down the elephant, i stole amber, and the captain, while i was wasting time here, took the elephant. moreover , journalists in moscow don’t know anything yet, i’m not bothering you, no, no, congratulations, that means the case is closed, well, unfortunately, not quite, part he doesn’t admit any episodes, i don’t exclude the possibility that someone is working under him, by the way, we caught the target, like yes, he confessed to everything, okay, attach the interrogation material to my case, to yours, to yours, of course, then, what is shown in the photographs was stolen from a store
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on semenovskaya 2 days ago. we found these in your workshop, yes, i stole them, what did you do with them? he took standard jewelry with a good stone, melted down the gold and silver scrap, made the products more expensive and sold everything, wow, how did you come up with such an interesting idea? thought, i saw about slan in the news, and thought that i could do the same. acted independently, didn’t inform anyone , but bukmeeva found out about your illegal business, and you killed her, inga, no, no, what, i didn’t kill her, stop it,
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you’ve already done a lot for me. dalan , i have everything for you that you want , you can smear yourself on the wall, he ’ll come here again, ruslan, don’t you dare, i don’t want you to sit down again, he won’t calm down, he’ll keep coming here like that, no, no one should see you, no one should know that we are together, why, because it’s more interesting and... because sukhanov is fired by an employee who actually had two phone numbers registered on inkbook, and his mobile disappeared from the network when she was killed, thank you, what were you doing yesterday at 8 pm, around the city i was walking, we quarreled, i told her that i beat her ex, i wrote to her, she first answered, and then
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stopped. i called her at the beginning of eight, the phone was turned off, so, and sukhanov’s business is not very good, yeah, the debt to the bank is almost empty, a big debt, and the loan amount is a million plus interest, yeah, maybe? to be bookmeeva, she needed money, she, as an accountant, has access to accounts, you think she cleaned out the company’s accounts, sukhanov found out about this, got angry, and during the search we didn’t find any money on her, no, her accounts are less than 10,000, well, after all you can trace the movement of money through her brushes, i'll do it, come on, look, sonya bought booties for the baby, oh, how cute, look, look, well, pink... the bows
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are so, god, how i already miss such little children , great, i would be like that myself i wore it, christina, but do you guys know what you have? what are you talking about? well, i saw you when you were a child, he’s a wonderful guy, he loves you very much, don’t you? my brother, yes, my mother went to see a relative , she left him with me, that they were watching me, well, i was just worried about you, what time did your mother give birth, 42, listen, what a good fellow,
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next time, if you want, bring him to us, miraela will be happy to sit with one more, thank you, i can handle it. hello, hello, vernik palovna, ignat, today i prepared fricosse, i can’t stop looking at you i’m already halfway through it, oh! why is it so quiet, everyone is already asleep, oh, are they the twins, or what ? yes, they taught english, irregular verbs, uh-huh,
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you speak irregular verbs, complete darkness. listen, it smells just amazing, go left, oh, hi, hello, i'm here now, it's summer, yes, that's it. there, oh, hello, hello, meet me, this is ilya semyonovich rubinstein, he is a senior lieutenant, he is looking for punishment for computer pirates, yes, this is it, this is
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my bay, i am the main fupirate here, here now he will tell you why you can’t download from the internet, train, it’s easy in general, let’s fall, guys, don’t, come here, come, and so, what’s the difference between an illegal horse racing and ordinary theft? you don’t know, there’s no difference at all, because illegal downloading is theft, theft is by the way, forty-six, yes, well done, sasha, you know everything, yes, yes, i’m not sasha, i’m pashka, sorry, of course, but those who... catch it won't care, they 'll send you, you know where, just like in complete darkness, but not to prison, but what kind of complete darkness, now we’ll show you, well,
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i checked the transaction of the sanitary company, there were no dubious transfers. there are so many of you, hello , hello, hello, well, we have a problem, ruslan muratov cannot be an imitator, he has
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an alibi, so he admitted, during the last theft he was in a store, and during another at the dentist , and before this the district police officer was noted, but he stubbornly insists that he stole, who is he covering for then? does not confess, the total amount of stolen goods is about 700 thousand rubles, if we don’t prove his guilt, and we don’t prove it, then we’re at a dead end, thank you, that’s a joke, just like in the series, the police can’t catch a bandit nicknamed complete darkness , but because he’s not a bandit, he’s a good dad, who is saving his family, they called from the bank , sukhanov paid off the debt, and in cash, not the entire amount at once, 7,000 rubles, but this is enough to... save the family, and for some, their own company is family? he
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is planning another robbery, most likely he is watching the store, which means he can be track by phone, that’s how we work ilya, complete darkness. come here, be quiet, no one will get hurt. why are you whispering? alexey petrovich, you can speak normally, and you can take off your mask. what are you doing here? well, we're going to catch you red-handed. you are not afraid that i will kill you. “firstly, i see that your gun
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is not real, it could be a saleswoman who is not very knowledgeable about weapons, they won’t understand right away, and secondly, there is a sniper working on the street, i see the target, i’m ready to work, act according to the circumstances " i almost paid off my debts, if not for inga, she blackmailed me. alexey petrovich, i won’t be able to explain to the tax authorities where we got the cash to repay the loan, come up with something, you’re an accountant, but i think i need to honestly tell you everything so as not to get imprisoned for everything you do. inga
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are you threatening me? what do you want? one million rubles. i’ll leave, or the tax authorities will come to us, they’ll start digging into things, and some unpleasant truth will come out. you don't want this, do you? so you knew that he and ruslan were lovers? he blabbed that he received a piece of jewelry from me, she guessed, creature, he shouldn’t have, i got him a job, didn’t show up, that is, you thought that he would be silent as a sign of gratitude, listen, it doesn’t matter, and then what did you decide - kill the inbug, yes , he planned everything so well, provided for himself albi, paid for a session in a massage parlor, they would have confirmed that i was with them, went to the other end of the city, left the phone there, came back, whoever didn’t see it, brought money,
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brought it. listen, i'm a robber, i'm not a murderer, i know i am i know, let’s go with you to the department now, explain all this, no, get me out of here, what are you doing, you have a fake gun, yes, but the hoshi people don’t know that, get out of here, i’ll shoot her, do you hear,
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there are no more questions, you had to persuade him, he has already decided everything for himself, sometimes people decide right away, they just don’t talk about it right away, you also made the decision to transfer to moscow right away. let's go home already.
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me : well, we need to move on, you found who killed her, so you don’t know, i’ll kill her, just like that, calmly, they’ve already killed her, calm, quiet.
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hello, hello, i’m already back from a business trip, yes, i successfully completed the project with a good profit, i spent it on a new toy, no, this is a gift for you, you’re lazy, you ’ve lived with me for so many years and you still don’t understand anything. take her back to the salon and find another place to live.
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i don't need breakfast in bed, find yourself another place to live, what do you say, dear?
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i didn’t know that you run in the morning, did you read my note? don’t worry, i’ve already rented the house next door, i’ll move things today, what ’s serious, the neighbor, well, yes, i invite everyone to housewarming, okay, i need to take a shower, you already told the children, no, i was just planning to tell you on the way to school and rub your back, i can handle it, neighbors should help
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each other. hello everyone, good morning , hello, good, good, well, what's here, wow, well, as far as i understand, the identity of the murdered man has not been established, not yet, well, it looks like the guy was collecting old trash, selling scraps for money, no cell phone, no documents , nothing on him, what is this, a murder weapon? yes, there is a lot of such crap here. and then what? i'm listening. anton, uh,
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an hour ago, a woman, olga ivanovna makeeva, contacted the police because her son had disappeared. she has a son , evgeniy makeev, he is a direct copy of our murdered one. the guy is clean, has no records, is studying to become an auto mechanic, only 18 years old. the father died 10 years ago, and the mother works as a sonar in the second place. thanks for the info. that’s it, veronika pavlovna, you’re still a part-time dog handler, oh, how i adore your humor, it’s very funny, there are dog tracks everywhere, nick, be careful, there’s pepper and mohorka scattered everywhere, what are you, where, i didn’t notice, there . yes indeed it is koyan mixture, probably stray dogs spend the night here, but why is it needed, an old, cheap,
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and inhumane method of protection from wild animals, if you throw it in their face, it will burn the eyes. anton, can you take this thing from there for me? hey, a welder’s mask, maybe this is the victim’s backpack? well, maybe, but there’s nothing here, no phone, no documents, no wallet, nothing. what is this? i feed the dogs, i fed the dogs, so
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it wasn’t he who scattered the mixture, probably, but what is this? what it is? some kind of sticker. he looks like a fish, he didn’t leave for me, i didn’t i can accept this, i can’t let him go, boris goracevsky is in the memories of my beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when he gave them, this last one was on march 8th, from that moment i don’t celebrate him, they had such a funny one. these earrings have a story , he gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t immediately pay attention, the toy had earrings on its ears in the hearts of close friends, when i
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look at this woman, heavy, by the way, i understand that you have a lot in common with grachevsky, for my sixty-fifth birthday, borya gives me this sculpture, i say: oh, you give a woman, he says, well , you’re black pankratov, so i’m giving you a black one... i’m giving her, this is black humor, he was always some kind of person walking through the sunny country of life, and even more so not alone, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday at rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, i ask for love and favor, such, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, you now she looks more like a girl in love than a teacher,
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she learned this lesson too late, why are you here? you’re doing, but they released me today due to amnesty, the first thing i did was to come here lovingly, actually, i’m married, it doesn’t matter to me, get out of here, because you ’re going to leave immediately, or me, or what? i didn’t kill anyone, believe yourself , teacher on saturday , in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. the ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work . a lot, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i love it plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let me into your home,
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zhenya, zhenya, you’re here, then thank god, zhenya, where my? you, don’t yell, quietly, don’t yell , i’ll kill the prince, i understand, i understand, who are you, zhenya didn’t tell about me, how do you know us, where is my son, what are you looking for here, that it’s none of your business yet, where did he come from? you have the keys to our garage, zhenya, yes, a spare one, a long time ago.
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sasha and pasha, behave well, we understand, ok, i’ll tell you one thing now, but without shouting, how about... skipping school today, i mean, but now i have a new house, each of you will have a room there, you can furnish them yourself , and now we’ll go around the store , yeah, can you help me buy everything for the kitchen, my dad and i need a virtual reality helmet, but it’s very expensive, the idea is great, okay, we just need to warn mom if he wants her to ban everything, if we if we don’t go to school, there will be
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a scandal, “we’re adults, we’ll sort it out, something i i doubt it, maybe on the weekend , yesterday i studied physics all evening, it’s a pity to skip something, you can order a helmet on the internet, we will send a link, well, school is like school." did you see zhenya yesterday? i left for a day. i work as a nurse at a health center . and zhenya said that there would be a house. what was he doing in this hangar? olga ivanovna, you don’t know where this bookmark came from.
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you probably said that zhenya recently started earning money, right? yes, he’s in his father’s i was repairing a bicycle in the garage, well , of course, you can’t buy a tv to repair bicycles, but friends, did he have friends? no, on its own. maybe he talked to adults? no, no, he had no adult friends, no, no adults. why don't you say bad things? is someone threatening you? can you tell us? hello,
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nick, hi, well, the welding machine has a clear imprint of an adult male finger, and it’s not a fingerprint, evgenia, well, i think so. listen, check him against the database of criminal records, okay, go ahead, i had a night shift, i called my son, but he didn’t answer the phone, but i thought he was sleeping, i ran home in the morning, and he wasn’t there, but i to the police i called, they tell me, where does he usually go? i’m in the garage, they say: check the garage, i’m right here, here this guy is walking around with
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a bandaged hand, walking like an owner, looking for something, look, chromium oxide, aluminum oxide, and zhenya, what? were you interested in chemistry? i don’t know, he studied welding himself, but what is it? is there a fingerprint of viktor dobryntsev in makeev’s asphalt apparatus? wow, what a face. what article was he under? and car theft, murder, they actually have a whole gang there, but only the dobrynites are left alive in the village, was released a year ago, went out and began to recruit a new team, people like that
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simply don’t stay free for long. olga ivanovna recognized dobryntsev, and we have already put him on the wanted list. he was looking for hidden money in makeev's garage. yes. how was dobryntsev connected with the murdered man? i don't know yet. but i studied his old criminal case. dobryntsev organized it. car theft gang and acted according to the usual scheme, in each gang there are ordinary performers, car thieves, auto mechanics, garage owners, and so the organizers pay them periodically with small sums of money, and they promise to pay in full only after selling the cars, yes, and then they eliminate those with whom they do not want to share, i killed the dobrentsovs, unfortunately it was not possible to prove his involvement in the murders, he had a very serious lawyer, hmm, chromium oxide, oxide...
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valuable stones, do you want to talk about this racer, it’s boring, no, just to make an artificial ruby ​​you need a gas cutter or, at least, a welding machine, well, for a twelve-year-old girl it’s very difficult, so we just made do with a soldering iron old plastic buttons, a soldering iron, well, definitely a good mother, hmm, probably not, since i didn’t buy my daughter a young welder’s kit, excuse me... i need to check something, excuse me, good evening , i’m a dispatcher, sweetie, are you here, oh,
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yes, come in, come here, look, come on, look, what a beauty, uh-huh, i wasn’t naked at first, what is this, these are ruby ​​chips, on his clothes, on all his things, on his backpack, even on his shoes, everything is right. look, zhenya mixed aluminum oxide with chromium oxide, then heated this powder over the flame of a gas burner or welding machine, and small particles, they fly everywhere, how do you know all this, but it’s not me, it’s agatha, she was going to become a jeweler, let’s see, flower, i’ll take this from you, uh, actually this is evidence , nika, this is evidence, don’t be harmful, listen, i will return it, i will return it, you have a lot of them. word, thank you, veronika pavlovna, we figured out the phone number of the good man and tracked his mobile phone, well done. are we going to detention? i
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can't, i need to go to the library. that's it guys, good luck, i believe in you. chris, go get her, really, to the library? suddenly a killer comes you suggest everyone run around to avoid the criminal investigation department. this is their topic. we will solve this murder. veronica , where are you going, okay, you think, don’t drive the car away, listen, we found these stickers with fish, this artificial ruby, i think the guy was in some kind of community, where the symbol is fish, perhaps , and then the ruby , listen, well, it’s unlikely that makiev made it for his mother, that’s right, that is, the guy ended up in some company, found a girl there, and his mother didn’t know anything, it looks like that, but i believe you, veronica. you have no choice
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when i was 17, my parents thought i was a punk, and i ran away from home, an idiot or whatever, how is your brother, by the way, doing fine, with his mother now, yeah, the youth discussion club is a wise fish, here makeev stuck with the girl, why not, where else should he meet, not in the gateway?
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he jumped. we’re taking him to the garages, don’t
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pull him, keep your hands in sight, viktor dobryntsev, you ’ve been detained on suspicion of murdering evgeniy makiev, that zhenya was killed, don’t be a fool, also the murder of two people and the organization of a criminal group. i'm zhanna petrovna kovaliva, libraries, it’s very nice, mutually, and you organized a club? yes, we meet with the guys, discuss literature, and participate in events. why is it called wise fish? this daughter came up with the idea when she was a child, i wore glasses then, now i wear contact lenses, she said that i looked like a fish, a wise fish, these are the guys, right? comes to your
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croup, yes, almost everyone, but what is the name of this girl, katya golubeva, katya golubeva, i have such an interesting ring, i just gave it to my wife. girls, look at the camera, yeah wait, don't smile, sweep, artyom, artyom, why are you so sad?
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artyom chervinsky and zhenya makeev, they fell in love with katya. but katya chose her wife, did they have a conflict? no, you can’t call this a conflict. artyom, he is a gifted child, his parents are mathematicians, but he does not know how to communicate or get along with people at all. zhana petrovna, we will need contacts, katya and artyom, and in general all the guys from the club, zhenya was killed tonight, what are you saying, what a nightmare? sure, just a minute. we will remember songs about our home. we are very much we moved, i, therefore makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir. we had an amazing
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front garden, we played football, dodgeball, i got kicked out all the time. andrei malakhov's blacker show on saturday on rtr. i decided to move to moscow. what for? and you and i will become friends. a good neighbor found the room. my mother and uchim died in an accident. i can not. i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me , it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, i’m afraid that you ’ll have to come anyway, there’s a lawyer, she’s an investigation wants to talk, she is an investigation, someone else’s revenge, the accident was staged, and you
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have a suspect, i’m scared, neighbor, however, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves. tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder a fugitive flies from the sky, the stars are ready
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to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys , i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so what? , dobryntsev, decided to leave gracefully?
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i really say, zhenya is like a son to me, when i was released, at first i just went to zhenya’s garage, so to speak, as a friend of my father from old memory, i taught him how to make artificial rubies, the cost was 3 kopecks, but the effect was worth a million, to attracted his business, where i was there yesterday from 9 to midnight, at 9 at the base in a hundred, they brought a new car, and then i had an emergency, i accidentally got under a circular with my hand. i was stuck in the hospital all night, so in the morning i ran to makeev’s garage, zhenya didn’t answer my calls, so i decided to check, if there was no money, it means he fled to the krasnodar region, there is a transshipment base for
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stolen cars, my buddies zhenko have been around for a long time they called me there, so i thought that he and his girl went there before me, what a girl, listen, let me do it, thank you, this is cool, in general, great, leonid nikolaevich, you are seriously settling into your new home, a cool trampoline, yes, the twins are delighted, you will be leaving soon, why tease them, mirela, i wanted to discuss one thing with you, today i was offered to open a chain of restaurants, in st. petersburg, how are you about moving? in terms of?
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come on, well, the children will definitely have a good time there, i’ll buy you a car , you dreamed, that’s what you want, to take the children away from your own mother, why, veronica wants, maybe she can come with us, what a snake you are, leonid nikolaevich, underwater, when she's with you was, you cheated on her when she first started working. we have a nanny or a voice of conscience , no one will go with you, the children will decide, and i’ll find another nanny, thank you , for dobryntsev’s kind word it was confirmed that he was in the hospital, and vastsova has a new suspect, artyom chervinsky. there he is on the left , there's a love triangle
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, he told the do-prince that makeev had some kind of girl, who are these two? and chervinsky, winners of mathematical olympiads, he doesn’t even have friends on social networks, his parents teach at the university, and the girl’s name is ekaterina golubeva, her father has a successful business, and her mother is a housewife, and what do you think about vasnetsov, that this chervinsky is crazy with jealousy, don’t look, i checked the surveillance camera.
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“it doesn’t matter, i would like you to come with
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us to the department to testify, we will wait for you on the street, get ready, stand!” artyom chervinsky? yes, captain leskov, investigative department. what happened? yes, they say, he was on his way home and got into trouble with some punks. he began to run into them, they beat him and avoided him. who called the ambulance? neighbours. you can you talk? yes, do you know who beat you up? some dudes. are you involved in the murder of zhenya makiev? i didn’t kill anyone, can you say that on the record now? hello, kat,
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hello, do you know that makeev was killed? do you mean a happy voice? i told you that there is a one hundred percent mathematical probability that he will either be killed or imprisoned, mathematics is an exact science, what did he say? what are you looking at, this is a children's playground, get out of here, now that's it, i'll call the police now, what, yes, listen, guys, are you good, good, well, he said that i was a moral monster and that he hated me, so i got angry and yelled at
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these guys, where were you yesterday at 10 pm? moms and dads at the university at a lecture on multidimensional spaces, one of the unsolved mathematical problems. clear, thank you, take him away, in general, he was hit by a saran from the tenth apartment of his brother, we saw the window, by the way.
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“i demand an explanation on what basis my daughter and wife were brought here as a criminal, don’t you dare raise your voice at me, testifying, the main duty of a witness, of course, sit down, we said katya, that they were at home, but no one can confirm this, and where was your husband?" " zoya nikolaevna, please, wait in the corridor, i need to talk to your husband, without me, zoya, let's go out, what did i tell you?
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“there is a surveillance camera next to your house, timofey ivanovich, last night you didn’t come home at 8:00, as usual, you came at one in the morning on foot, which is why vysnitsova said to check the cameras, and well, oops, dad doesn’t have an alibi, and where was he, running to the shepherd with reinforcement, red pepper, or was he just waiting performer?" "who killed makeev to give him money, katya, what did you want to say not to the prima, well, okay,
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well, you loved your wife, yes. and now i’m like a widow, listen, your parents can’t do anything more, you’re an adult now , let’s go to krasnodar, we ’ll have our own house, but how... here, you’ll study by correspondence, get at least two degrees, i will provide us with money, your mother, i will send money, uh-huh, artyom, artyom,
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why so sad, and how did artyom chervinsky end up in the depths? went to the library, took various books, mainly about how to make friends, zhana petrovna noticed him and invited him to our club so that he could invite friends, yeah, but for his wife, but she didn’t invite him, zhenya came because of me, he’s in the library i saw you went there too, well, yes, you took different books, i love them... about escape, about free life, my daughter zhanna petrovna loved the same ones, why is this name wise fish, my daughter came up with this as a child, i ... put on glasses, now lenses, she said that i look like a fish, a wise fish, now where is her daughter, she died, so,
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and how it happened, two guys were in love with her, these guys started fighting because of her , she tried to separate them, in the end she herself got hit by a train, well... everything happened by chance, and after that zhanna petrovna organized this club, uh -huh, that's it, i'm tired of lying, i'm leaving the house today, no, no, dear, until i find the killer, don't even think about it, lie, really stop, especially you... it doesn't work out very well, well, either train more,
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a terrible sentence, the tv star ended up in prison, the next year and a half is a participant reality show will spend behind bars. the celebrity’s mother is sure that it’s all his ex-wife’s fault, who is taking revenge and demanding millions. live on friday on rtl. “i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up mash, even if you will be very..." very difficult, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as
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you do, but i have one condition, you will never you shouldn’t tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him , it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house, we’ll start , he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, like an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take the medicine correctly? a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always help, this is a pan of dumplings or pan fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, that’s how a child
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sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor misnyakov on saturday on rtr. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. veronica pavlovna, i didn’t want to interfere. but i’m bursting, your bazhanov has completely lost his mind, he wants to go to st. petersburg and take the children with him, now, but not now, but in general, but i didn’t tell you anything,
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i said, i’ll call you back, and this is dobryntsev, yeah, i’m major vasnetsova.


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