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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

9:05 pm
and like ursula, by the way, they will no longer be in the european commission in any case since november, it’s election time in europe now, that’s all, well, this is very this in wait, half of the european commission wants there, even those who don’t have the right to run for a third term, domrovsky, for example, is a latvian, he served two terms, so we will also hear that barel was actually a great russophile, he will remember when he was a simple spanish national politician, he came to russia, by the way, met very many of his... colleagues then it was a long time ago and he will forget the thriving garden, it ’s still ahead, we will be eyewitnesses, this is absolutely, absolutely exactly with macron, when i saw this photo with macron boxing and it’s unclear whose hands, here i am i remembered the old saying about the running general, which in peacetime causes laughter, in wartime causes panic, but macron , of course, is unable to imprison people who are not his own. and against his closest,
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trusted persons, not only there catholic poles, but their own farmers are against it, who, in general, are absolutely for traditional values, i mean traditional values ​​and not only that, but i, as a person from latvia, and a patriot of latvia, am terribly offended that recently in ukraine, on the armament of ukraine , estonian prime minister kallas is speaking more and more, which means she is saying what macron meant when he said that...
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she’s not there yet, this is history, but of course she is now a deeply religious person, deeply, about a believer, not i know, it’s clear, they speak deeply, and no, well, listen, no, here, really , a porn actress became prime minister, well , how did she, in general, i even voiced this in some media, she promised to sue me , she didn’t, and there weren’t many such stories , that is, she is running with this truth, she would have already filed a complaint against those who have footage of the woman who...
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anyway they went to the russian embassy, ​​well, the consulate, there were two stations in riga, they knew that the police would catch them , they knew that they would be deported, they would receive this wolf ticket, so to speak, but people still went, voted for putin, that's it. the question was asked, why only russians do not have citizenship, these are citizens of russia, yes, yes, not only ethnic, and a simple question was asked, why then only russians for ignorance of the language, why not the rest, sebastian prepared there, of course, and he froze, he just didn’t know what to answer, yes, well, he started to stutter, all this of course happened, but
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as for ukraine, of course, not if, when russia wins, i’m absolutely sure of that, and even if i don’t know, lviv needs to develop the russian tricolor, now... but unfortunately the baltic countries are now dragging russia to the second front , this will be a time of very difficult trials for russia, unfortunately, from russia we must now pray and help everyone who can, even here we are russians abroad, because this russia wins wars, but loses the world, unfortunately , this country’s fate has probably been like this for a thousand years, i think we’ll finish and
9:12 pm
i know, i don’t know, well, the photos on the internet are better than you showed, more interesting, and what videos, vladimir , and what videos, everything already googled, well, more successfully, i would say, what kind of people, and this morning, let’s say, not on my program, i, no, i’ll tell you in all seriousness, there are things that, no matter what, should stay in the past , this morning at around 3 o'clock, the people of kiev woke up from the air trilogy for 44 days already, for 44 days there was no shelling of kiev, but today it arrived, it arrived very powerfully, because several times the tricorn was long and several times it was like several waves
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- missiles of different calibers hit precisely territory of kyiv, somewhere around 6 o'clock.
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they shot down, they didn’t shoot down, it’s volodya, i’ll tell you that it’s this that my head is broken, because first they said 11 missiles, then 21, then, and every different department, but what do i mean, i’m just focusing on the fact that that we ended up where, perhaps we will find out later, but in advance this is already clear , thank god that there are victims, here you are, and you didn’t ask yourself the question why it turns out that this is how we hit, but there are few victims, but how rule?
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i make fun of vasily dmitrievich so much, one must understand that vasily dmitrievich in the most dangerous, in the most difficult moments, when he still went to kiev, he got it for it, he always defended his faith, as a deeply orthodox man, he never took a single step from his faith, so that the position of vasliy dmitrovich deserves very much respect, thank you, thank you, now a few words about, because we have already discussed both those who came and salevan and statements, so i would like to draw attention to those people
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who are today the real owners of ukraine. you know, in in ukraine we have such an oligarch, viktor pinchuk, he has recently become publicly famous for serving breakfasts for pleasure, well, not just breakfasts, but holding forums, paying money for it, he feels great today, he has not suffered anything, the enterprise it works, the pipes it produces are sold anyway, here’s one, by the way, i remembered a swiss one, because there is a swiss company in switzerland, a report has been distributed, this report describes what, in fact, who is the shadow leader of ukraine , here this swiss company is precisely saying that the main shadow leader of ukraine today is none other than viktor pinchuk, and zelensky is just playing a role. plays a role with regard to the economy, business,
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property, and most importantly, how american money is worked out and protected through returning to production and expanding production of the military industrial complex of the united states of america, many schemes are described there, but this is what struck me, there, besides pinchuk, we know that there is such a young lady, birdker, penny birdker, who is... biden appointed her in charge, biden for economic restoration in ukraine, she comes, yes, she comes to ukraine several times as a saudi, this last fall, she started a topic that ukrainian officials simply grabbed by the heart, fainted, because she said, listen, let’s read, think about it, if there is no american help, how will you live, how will you fight , and so on , in ukraine, of course, on her watched. dear, what are you talking about, how are we without american help, it turns out, so, so this topic
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has been promoted, and such a thing really exists, i just want to remind you that she is a representative of such a serious and cheka group in chicago financial group, and her ancestors came from the kiev region, who appointed her to this position, biden at the suggestion of someone, but the secretary of state of the united states of america. mr. antony blinken, where are his ancestors from? his ancestors are from the kiev region. and further in this in this in this newspaper, analysts write there according to different schemes, once again i want to quickly say that you understand what is happening, that there is, there is the oligarch pinchuk, there are american proteges, a representative, a whole secretary of state, there is a commissioner for economic development, the only , which they later wrote in this chain.
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9:20 pm
i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, study. better on other people's mistakes, you are now more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and from me...


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