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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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ritual of sewing, how can a jew support nazism? now advertising, after that we won’t continue with the new composition, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, let’s look at the weekend! there is a nuance, i ask you to love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher , she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, first of all, i came here to feel love, actually, i’m married, let’s get out of here, and now you’re not... i didn’t kill anyone,
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believe yourself, teacher on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power and beauty. and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mom says, it's mind blowing, it's worth
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seeing, the snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, eh! well, not here , the premiere on rtr, there are some spots everywhere, it takes a lot of strength to do something like this, veronica is quite, don’t turn on your mischief, she’s always ready for a new business, so let’s go, she’s always looking for new versions , it dawned on me when i was eating potatoes, i almost guessed, but is she ready for a new relationship, from you, there’s something interesting here, there
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i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything that depends on me to justify it, i understand that this is the level. along the historical path we have chosen , confident in ourselves, in our abilities and our future, strongly, vitalitovich, we can wait, if i am sudden,
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there will be no quotes from these western villains today, well, i decided that you are better than western villains, right , in general, no, if you insist, of course i can use quotes from the villains, okay, i watched your program yesterday, i can’t in several discussions i would like to take part, but i’ll limit myself to just one thing, the words of the word zhizhik now, wait, now we can ask the editors to invite the participants in yesterday’s discussion, so that vitaly tovich is not alone, but very briefly, yes dmitry started this business, sorry, absolutely right. it was an idol, it was god, and above all in a circle that i would call the circle of the late gleb pavlovsky, and this , by the way, was a near-kremlin intellectual circle, not to say semi -koreblevsky, i also couldn’t help but
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read, because indeed, if you did not read the word zhizhika, you seemed to fall out of the intellectual field in general, such a powerful philosopher. he didn’t make an impression on me, now i won’t go into details , but live like this, i heard him , i just saw him for the first time, now he made an impression, i was amazed by him , we saw him for the first time, yes, yes, here is the performance , how can you be such a toragladite and wear the crown of a world famous philosopher, besides everything, well, he...
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for the subsequent invasion of the country, we you should look at what horrors they say in the russian media, they have a complete return to religious fundamentalism, they portray the war in ukraine as a war of christian civilization against demonic satanism and
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so on, yes, i mean they are no worse, get rid of this idiot, oh your idol , “you have to fuck idols too, in the sense of shaking them up, changing time, i don’t know what your meanings are, not me, if i had seen this before, i wouldn’t have read a single text of his, but to unfortunately i saw this, maybe he i recently went crazy, i don’t know, no,
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for a long time, hovered, for a long time, now to today’s topics, there are also many of them, i will return to these words of putin, they are very interesting in this case. before that, i will refer to his previous words, he also said the other day that we need to listen to that. what people say , people say - this is something more than the team that worked in the elections, people who have access to all kinds of platforms, broadcasts and everything else, but the voting was brilliant in terms of results, but trust was received, of course, the loan will gain confidence, but this is a one-time event.
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to say, taking into account the pre-adolescent period, it is necessary to change radically a lot in our in
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our state, in our country, because many officials, and often those, no one is the first, not the first persons in ministries and departments, their deputies, heads of departments continue to sabotage this is thrown , we are to blame for something, russia, it’s bad , it’s somewhere good, they want to, first,
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destroy us, this has been proclaimed, accordingly, if they want to destroy us, we either resist or not, accordingly, we either win or we don’t , here in my opinion the choice is obvious, the second, soft option, they want to change us, we are constantly being told and continue to say, including these same officials in various spheres, that we still need to change . us, society, the russian people, the russian people, and the country of russia, so i don’t want to change myself, i don’t want russia to change, a lot needs to be improved here, everything is impossible, so, but i don’t want russia to change, so that it has become not russia, now specifically, russia can now be russia has not changed, because russia
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will not change, the current ones, which are controlled, directives are written, new instructions are written, people who once, sometimes they are the same people, with the same surnames, they are known to have been involved in the introduction of the bologna system in russian education, now they are carrying out anti-balone, anti-balone reforms, but excuse me, i scolded them... i didn’t believe them then, because it was purely pure, well, that is, you agree with me, it needs to be changed,
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that is, russia needs to be changed, otherwise you propose to leave the bologna system, eg and stuff? i don’t let’s not change all of russia, especially since there, let’s change several layers responsible for certain areas. so, social, humanitarian, the whole bush that we have, academic, special. this also concerns educational culture, we need to change it radically, radically, well, okay, let’s fire all the deans now, what will that give us? again in the ten-day period, just yesterday, no, well, this is a bush - this is exactly the bush about which...
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they don’t give figures, i’m just saying, i’m somehow really offended for the deputy ministers, i’m very i have now seen many guys on the front line, i have seen how people are traveling now, provincial officials of various levels, how the deputy ministers of defense of the russian federation work, how the deputy ministers of industry work, how the whole team of sergei kozhugetovich works, how the whole team of denis valentinovich works, i see how they work, i can go on, but look how shadayev’s team works there.
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social and humanitarian bush, i didn’t talk about the ministries of medium, heavy machinery, about the ministry of defense, i didn’t i was talking about just this small bush, it’s not so small, because the education system is a total system, one of the most universal systems in the country, well, in this total system, i can now right away name you several brilliant university institutions. , who work, yes, here you go, mountain, well, mountain. the best technical school in the world, i'm talking about liberal arts education, humanities, you take the humanities, please, i'll take the military arts education, great, this is a personal merit, by the way, of the minister of defense, i now have one military university located in the garden ring, well, it exists, well, well, you don’t like it, let’s say maybe moscow state university, why don’t you like
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your almamata, that’s right, that is everything is fine here too, we had.
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this is migration, so i had to say that this is after a military operation, a special military operation - this is the second problem that worries me now people, the second problem, here we need to change everything radically, just a couple of specific theses -
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questions also arise about what the fraternity can do . if this is the leader of the fraternity, then here we can do something that we cannot do all the time. i don’t know a single leader of the diaspora, in fact i don’t know such a title, well, i haven’t seen anywhere that they took, gathered the leaders of the diaspora, if someone tries to influence the decision of, say
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, the investigative committee, the prosecutor’s office, everything else, they must take it and plant, all this happens locally, well, locally, that means, well, well, in places to take and imprison, which places, the places are all the same, there should be, so far only one was imprisoned, there should be an absolute difference for everyone before the law, this is the simplest option, yes, absolutely right. that is, i understand correctly that all the boxing sections where russians go, since they are of the same nationality, should be closed, i understand correctly, well, well, i’m not sure that only russians go to the boxing sections,
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they said here, well then is there any way to understand, or are we now coming to the city of grozny, going there and closing the akhmat fight club there, because they are all chechens there, or something, this is some kind of racism on the contrary, just a second, no, well, excuse me, if there is a violation of the law, this is a violation. i talked about migrants, i talked about migrants , you say, it’s prohibited in chechnya, chechens live on the territory of migrants in these fighting
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clubs, who are dagestanis, or what, migrants, chechens are migrants, yes, among the peoples of these warriors there, martial sports are very popular , and what is not allowed, they perform with our russian flag, win at international competitions,
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that politics implies quality people, passing an exam, knowledge of the russian language , respect for the law, respect for culture , compliance with the law, having insurance, having
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a level of education, security...
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and the law must be extremely cruel, so it’s not enough to take these scum, judge them to the fullest, if someone comes up some of those who call themselves representatives of the diaspora are trying to influence, sentenced to prison, some of the law enforcement officers tried to defend the violation of the law, sentenced publicly to prison.
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there will be no such high-profile trials and no problems from any diaspora, because the people rose up, but they took a number of people there, deported them from the country to hell, because according to the law, because the law, i don’t know, but it doesn’t work when people were taken and deported , it still works, there is already a precedent for deprivation, absolutely right , and not one, but two and a half, no, no, there are several people there. toughness, that’s why all this is possible, you need to act extremely toughly, because because someone in the security system took a bribe, allowed it, allowed it, therefore, in addition to the fact that you will punish the performer on the spot criminal, it is very important to punish the entire chain that covered, that created
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these conditions and which... is fundamentally important, because the fault is not the one who was brought in and used, but those who created this system, who make money from them, so we need to deal with them first of all, fight, then everything else will be much simpler, this is what i’m talking about, you need to hit at the top, yes, with full power, but no
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as if very, very many things need to be changed here too, not limited to all sorts of measures that useful guides, additional payments, this is all necessary, but for example, the criminal code is everything, this is the system of criminal
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law, what is demographic policy, this is a born child and a grown child, at least until adulthood, for the murder of a child, this was cut out on a car. no matter how, especially violent, especially sexually related, there must be the most severe of the punishments that are in the criminal code of our country. i would prefer that this be the ultimate measure, but we have a moratorium on it. you can't give small punishments for killing children if you make sure that your country, your family, your society continues to live, and the same applies, here i will say just one thing.
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classes in schools to change everything that is there very, very radically to change to what contributes and what contributes to the prolongation of the human race, but what should i become an information policy for, no, don’t change to what, i realized that everything needs to be changed, i just don’t understand what, well, you want to give me more, i’m ready to give you at least 24 hours, if you didn’t have enough of all the time that you are professionally engaged in to explain what to change to, okay, let 's give... 24 hours, because i'm listening to you and i think, now i 'll put any lawyer there, he'll say: do you know that the majority of child murders occur at the hands of their mothers, while we fall into the so-called postpartum depression, when
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newborns are killed by their mothers, we will kill them, well, that is, capital punishment, despite the fact that i believe that this is incomprehensible to the mind - this is a terrible crime, or you, for example, said that murder of children, including... as a result of automobile accidents there catastrophes, but well, two cars are driving , they crashed, you don’t know who was in that car, that is, it was not intentional, it’s a terrible tragedy, i mean never two cars cut out, they don’t know when the car ends up in the parking lot, on where people are standing, the bus line, including children, yes, but the person who committed this terrible crime, he does not know that there are children there, i understand correctly, that is, it is not intentional, but he is clearly breaking the rules, of course, but if he just . no, of course, but if he did, but if he committed the same act, but in one case he knew, in the other he did not know, and there are different punishments, but this is also strange, i wonder why, because every time we get into specifics, in particular, a very difficult problem arises
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question, you say, we need to change everything , okay, well, maybe then we’ll start with the constitution, introduce the concept of ideology, determine what kind of ideologist it will be, i have long been in favor of ideology correctly, and dmitry and i will talk for a long time after that, well, let’s then let's clarify what this led to, shall we?
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who will educate, on what basis will they educate, we now want to change everything, so that someone will come, who will educate educators, who will teach teachers? about the need to change pedagogical education to any extent, i said here to change it to what at least one example can be given, this is what, this is what, we took it once and changed it, we got what you are dissatisfied with, change it to what , to the soviet classical system, the answer is enough, of course, only this is impossible, because the classical soviet system was based on the soviet ideology, no, the classical soviet educational system was not based on... soviet ideology, it was ideologized after the eighteenth year,
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it was based on the classical education system, which tsarist russia, russia adopted from germany, between the prosocharize, because the fundamental changes of the thirties , in particular, thanks to the science of pedology, they fundamentally changed the legacy of the royal school, conditionally created a new education system with comrade makarenko, genius and all the others, which very much differed from the classical gymnasium.
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“i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up mash, even if it’s going to be very, very hard for you.” it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one
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can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love, do you want, so that i remain silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday on...
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the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow. on rtr
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, look, love, it’s when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let’s look , look, well, look at the screen, look at me , takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign simultaneously on 1 2 3, subscribe and watch. let's see, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. lives the walls are shaking, big changes have come , in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object,
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there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants. i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. yes, look let you into your home. big changes. every sunday on rtr. dmitry, yes, the discussion was heated, i wouldn’t want to heat it up with kerosene, but still, but still i have to, but still the dramaturgy beckons, the hand
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of the master is visible, well, not dramaturgy, but my bad character, no, yes, no, well... i’m especially confused by the idea of ​​radical changes in a warring country, by the way, stalin refused to put the tank into production in 1943, yes, which was generally superior to the t-34, well , because his thought was: ok, now let’s start implementing everything , everything will fall down, we just brought it to an industrial , so to speak, conveyor belt and everything will go,
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so you still need to follow carefully, but there is a certain reason in what vitalitovich says, anyway... there is, because that russia should return to itself gradually, maybe not as quickly as they want us to, not radically, that’s for sure, because in reality the mandate that vladimir vladimirovich putin received is a mandate for careful changes, it is a mandate for changes if if you want, with a scalpel, just like that, not with a sledgehammer, but there is one very big
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problem, he can’t, because for him power is the power of speaking, in reality, in reality, power communication is the antithesis of real power, that’s what we need now, yes, we, unfortunately, also picked up this disease, the disease of the power of communication , is not strong, that is why we held out,
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that is why the country did not collapse after 2010, that is why we survived. we really need to look for, look for mechanisms for forcing the implementation of decisions, for us , what is so real the authorities, in general, have no one in particular to borrow from, but again i say, well, well, well... to radically change something in education, i have a lot of complaints about education, everyone knows this very well, but so what where are we going to put the students, well, they’ve done well in this...
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they made a mistake, yes, so now you’re doing it all over again, we say, guys, excuse me, here we are a little bit, well, this is not quite what is needed, this is not quite the same, which is correct, therefore, of course, this is a mandate for real power, which vladimir vladimirovich putin received, this is a mandate...
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and callas to him, yes, but i’m not talking about him, this time not about him, but i mean about our wonderful ann apelbaun, who gave out her maxim here in the not-so-recent atlantic magazine, which means that we had a choice and everyone attacked her, especially us, but my aunt told the truth , right?
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city, and by the way, all these people are still doing very well here, but the point is not in them, but in anno pelbaum, she says a very interesting thing, we really need to understand this, she says that actually, the point is not that new people come to power in russia, oh how? i say , well, let’s go into more detail from this point, and she says that the most important thing is that we need... that we need an alternative to political development, yeah, that is, but if we choose to strengthen
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russian statehood and preserve russia as a sovereign state, well, correct me me, if i’m wrong in something, in logic, the alternative to this is the destruction of the russian state, well, maybe i’ve been stupid since childhood, everyone knows this, yes, but...
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we are talking about funds that we can receive from windfall profits of frozen assets without any restrictions. we are talking about several billions, probably about 5 billion euros this year, perhaps a slightly smaller amount, which are available and will be available in the future. i think it’s right to use these windfalls. this is what we need to talk about first of all, because...
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we stole a little money here, we put it in the bank, so now let’s give some income here, it’s like no one’s, me and i are just myself i can’t take it, so let’s go to this one in the reichstag, you fools.
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european countries as normal partners , including in the economy, they should be considered as terrorist states, that is, put him on the list of terrorists, treat him as a terrorist, issue an arrest warrant for everyone, and declare germany a state supporting terrorism, a sponsor terrorism, with all the ensuing
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consequences, including in terms of turnover, turnover. assets of german state legal entities, corporate legal entities, and in general , individuals, i would also look, among the german individuals who have money here, there are decent people, but let’s spend a decent amount, let’s take it, let’s not say i’m against taking this money, but if about well, if there ’s no interest on this money, then let’s do it.
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wording: i have never heard a german who suddenly saw no one’s money, so it can be taken away, this is some kind of new word in protestant morality. good evening, vladimir rudolfovich, well, i would just turn to our classics remembered that alkhin simply could not help but steal the chapel, he was terribly ashamed, this is absolutely one on one,
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you just don’t even need to invent anything, well, like this... my thief just makes himself look like this simpleton , let's freeze this whole thing, but in fact this is a much more serious question, what scholz is talking about, of course, in the conditions of today's world, including germany, when everything is possible, there are no laws, but there are only some concepts, according to your concepts you can violate anything, but what you said, these hanseatic principles and in general these... financial principles that have always been the basis of the existence of the german state, violation of them threatens not just some problems, mutual sanctions, selection some funds of german enterprises, this could destroy in a very short time, all these basic, all these pillars on which the german state rested, this is financial stability,
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this feeling that property is, it is impossible... hitler's germany , when the germans began to take away property from the jews, and there was a period when they did not touch it, then they decided the whole matter in their favor, we remember very well, i know this story very well, they took away everything, they took away houses, they took away property, they took away deposits , all this, in general, in a predatory way, all this was appropriated to their own, appropriated and transferred to their own accounts. when all this was over, germany was defeated, and the victors came and the history of the restoration of germany began, especially this was the end of the eighties, even the beginning
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in the nineties, when israel began to make claims, when suddenly the heirs of those from whom all this was taken away appeared, germany had to settle the accounts of hitler’s germany, that is, they had to take responsibility for what at one time, for those that. .. they understand very well, it doesn’t seem to be connected with russia, of course, this is purely the theme of the holocaust, rather, but nevertheless, this precedent concerns the entire existence of german germany, it is impossible to encroach on
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someone’s property that is located in your state ownership, it is enshrined in germany, including the constitution, which is in your possession or the possession of your financial institutions and declare it yours without... any decision that is a legal decision that would justify this, so when scholz today says such things and assumes that he will be able to pass something similar through the bundestag, well, here i agree with the dear professor, of course he will be able to pass it, because he has a majority, and he really, if he wants, will be able to carry out any decision, it will not have any meaning and will not have any force, everyone who invests their money... and these are not those who sit in the bundestag in the reikstag building, where the bundestag is now located, but these are those industrialists, these are medium-sized businesses , these are those who are still making some plans for themselves, these are all those people on whom the economy
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of the locomotive of germany rests, they will all come to the conclusion for themselves that nothing can be considered theirs, because tomorrow a blue thief may come who will announce all this according to some of its own characteristics, all this can be selected, so i still assume... and those, the lack of mutual understanding that exists today between scholz and other branches of government, it is now so great that it has already become, you know, when the wife is already out the window...


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