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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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nothing can be considered yours, because tomorrow a blue thief may come, who will declare all this as his own for some reason, all this can be taken away, so i still assume that scholz will not be allowed to pass, and even if the bundestag begins to vote , the bundestag is not the only one, this will have to be carried out through another chamber of parliament, most likely it will be blocked, but this process itself shows... something else, and it will show volodya something else, that germany is on the path to collapse, at least in the beginning of its government coalition, that is, those misunderstandings and those lack of mutual understanding that exists today between scholz and other branches of government, it is now so great that it has already become, you know, when the wife is already shouting out the window there, the scoundrel has gone to his mistress, then in in general, this already... means
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that there will be no further life, but the following happened here, so beloved by all of us maria gnes strack ziberman, she once again failed in that she gathered 105 people for a meeting on her committee, discussing question of the taurus, and actually there are 38 members of this committee in total, well, someone from there leaked some information, they started, a quarrel began between strack zimmerman, who is a member of the liberal party and...
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after which in germany it usually begins the process of the collapse of the coalition, in this regard it will certainly move now, and then information came that sarah wagenknech suddenly began to gain, very sharply began to gain percentages, there, say, in thuringia she suddenly broke into second place after the alternative party for germany, so salt now he is, you know, at such a crossroads, he just needs to think very carefully about where to go next, where germany will go next. well, a few words, i’ll just go back to where else he will most likely turn his attention, who he will work with, this is in all likelihood the vatican, what is happening now in the vatican is directly related to germany, and the fact that is happening in germany, has a direct connection to the vatican, no matter what chancellor scholz says today and no matter how he spins and talks about his policies, words that we need to talk with russia, that we need to talk with russia. in terms of what
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will happen next after the end of the war, or a special military operation, they come first, here schols, of course, will try to use the position of the pope , who, despite all the pressure, is still holding back, holds his defense , remains with the white flag, negotiations, talk with russia, then cardinal bruni, one of his close, closest associates, tried to interpret it again, to what?
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about the fact that there is dissatisfaction in europe, now before i hand over to karen georgivich, i want to show a very interesting italian discussion, this is the former leader of italy, the former prime minister, the leader of the cinque, the five star movement, addressing the current prime minister giorgi meloni.
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because you did not want to recognize, in the name of our noble tradition and calling , negotiations on better conditions for ukraine. this is the only way to avoid world war iii. italians do not want world
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war iii. where are you taking us? well supposedly like this was miloni's reaction. not sure, wasn’t present, didn’t see.
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a spaniard by birth lived and worked in italy.
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in fact, this is an example of how a politician, as a sovereign, as a politician, should act, and he drew him, as he called him a subtle politician, and this is why i ’m saying this, in our country, of course, well, this is the end of the 15th, beginning of the 15th century , unfortunately, apparently, in the russian education system few people remember and study it, by the way, i am an amateur and i advise...
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but all the elite educational institutions study it there, that political the elite, which...
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the stock of knowledge that, as they say, has been accumulated by humanity, this civilization, therefore in all these educational institutions the education is purely classical and there are books like nikola. makeveli, they study, read. so the whole point is that we must understand that our enemy is cesare borge. this is who our opponent is, not scholz, not this biden, not this one, this is cesare, cesare borge, he is our enemy, read how he is, what he did, this. by the way, endless war is the whole point of action.
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was banned for some time, in my opinion , if i remember correctly, this book was banned and returned, by the way, thanks to fyodor mikhailovich burlatsky, who wrote in his time, yes he wrote, by the way, wrote in his time attention precisely to the fact that this book is one of the fundamental ones, it’s me, by the way, something tells me that vladimir vladimirovich read it, knows this book, well, i think that our entire generation has already read it, well, no, not a fact, not a fact, volodya.
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them as a being, so it comes from this, like all politics is explained by this, but i repeat , they have it too, it’s the highest elite, it ’s clear that by the way, maybe scholz didn’t read it, scholz himself, it’s those who rule the world here too the second question , we still need, well, i keep hearing this deep state, the deep state, the deep state says, i keep thinking, to the common man, i think, what kind of state is this, who is it? well
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, tell me, who is this, who are these, well, well , the state, that means there are some people there, that means there must be someone managing this, because there can’t just be a state without without management, if it’s a state, then there’s this, mind you, no one is talking about this, but everyone is already talking about the deep state, in the west everyone is saying, this is the deep state and this.
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that means, right there, all these threads, right there, and who needs global peace anyway? and finance needs global peace, if you don’t have global peace, you don’t have the opportunity to make this network perfect, and i don’t want to say that they are there internally, people always justify themselves, they always have their own
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justification, there they are these people, they are for sure, they are specific with surnames. names, they are just, they are closed, but they probably have their own motives that this system will be good for everyone, it, it will, it will bring happiness, pleasure to everyone, some masons, some masons directly receive, no, they are not masons, no, in terms of the system being good, but how, but how, volodya, well, well, but how, well, well, well, but i can’t imagine what’s behind this, if this such a powerful network means there must be a system. it can’t be without a system, so there must be people, these people must be specific with names, surnames, they must have their own leadership, this leadership must have one person, apparently, who is in charge, then the question becomes, yes, that’s why they are not afraid of any nuclear war
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, why are they afraid of a nuclear war, they probably have very... led, in fact this is what he says, if you go towards your goal, you can do anything , achieve it, achieve it, and you have won, so you need to understand that cesara borgenos is the main enemy, so we need to find a bunker there with a dagger, we need to find this bunker there with a dagger, so we need to find a threat
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to place there, that if something happens, the daggers will fly here. i grew up in california in the valley , advertising, well, not here, the premiere on rtr , there are some spots everywhere, you need a lot of strength to do this, veronica is full, don’t turn on your insight, she’s always ready for a new thing, well that we go out, she always... new versions, it dawned on me when i was eating mashed potatoes, i almost guessed, but is she ready for a new relationship, from you, here is something interesting from your captain liskov, i just don’t know what to do with this, so open up, vosnetsova, you definitely want this, absolutely, on monday on rtr,
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he didn’t leave me, i can’t accept it, i i can’t let him go, boris goracevsky is in the memories of my beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when he gave them, the last one was on march 8, from that moment i have not been idle, they had a very funny story about these earrings, he gave them gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t immediately pay attention to the toy's ears had earrings in the hearts of close friends, when i look at this woman. heavy, by the way, i understand that you have a lot in common with grachevsky, for my sixty-fifth birthday boryad gives me this sculpture, i say:
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you and i will become friends, a good neighbor found the room, my mother died in an accident so many, i can’t, i don’t i can handle it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem , they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, i ’m afraid that you’ll have to come anyway, there’s a lawyer here, she wants to talk to the investigation, she is a consequence, someone else’s revenge, the accident was faked. do you have a suspect? i'm scared, neighbor, really, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday at rtr,
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beloved, beloved, beloved, the main music award in russia.
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i didn’t force myself to look at it, i once read his articles at the time of fashion for him,
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i had the absolute opinion that of course he was not a philosopher but a charlatan, well, back when it was fashionable, well, in circles, then i saw him, volodya, i remembered, remember, but these are only people of our age, i apologize viewers who haven’t seen this remember the wonderful duet on soviet television. comedians, so to speak, of high quality , laughed in the style of kamal and harris, well, yes , somewhere in the distance a shaka was heard, that’s why, you know, how, well, they have philosophers there, by the way, mind you, this is to all this, well... it all relates to who we are dealing with. here we had a philosopher who proclaimed, what is there, the end of the story, a little, a lot, yes, but... damn it, well,
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then this article could not be read, well, well what he’s writing now is not like philosophy, it’s some kind of, well, day labor, which is impossible to even read, because in it, well, there’s complete incoherence, exactly, complete incoherence, meaninglessness, no, i can’t to say that this is postmodernism, but this is exactly what this is for you... well, yes, we can not discuss this further, or this is zizek’s word, or this one from france, who keeps going to revolutions, he is a relivi, yes, yes , yes, here is the main revolutionary, this is western philosophy, you see, how interesting, this is philosophy, they are all presented, well , this is what we are dealing with, by the way, all three, supposedly philosophers, are simply...
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processes, well, i generally think that the soviet union just pulled ahead, america followed this the path of, well, globalism, because the first, of course, global, globalist power was the ussr, yes, it, well, marxism was like that, an expanded globalist doctrine, proletarians of all countries unite, well, who will rule there, everything was spelled out, so, america took this path later, so later it goes away, when you talk about
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the deep state. we remembered, i remembered during perestroika, how everyone was looking for a system, well , which resists everything, everyone who came to the stands, remember, during perestroika, they said, the main thing is to destroy the system, then , as a student at a humanities university, i could not understand what it was , what do these words mean, the main thing is to disarm the system, that’s it, but when i hear that the trumpists and trumpism calls for the main thing to destroy the deep state, that ’s what i think about this and i wish them success in finding the deep state and destroying it, because we have already destroyed our system once, well, that’s enough for us, from what they said, i unconditionally support it, i always defended it here on the program, i always talked about it, i say once again, without, of course, thereby causing great love for oneself, humanitarian.
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russian science, after the collapse of soviet humanities, never took shape as a necessary, necessary type of activity in the ideological and philosophical sphere, in this sense i am criticizing these hanri these very ends of the history of the words of the zhizhiks, i’m saying that... in our native beloved country, unfortunately, until now , in many respects in humanitarian knowledge, those who are responsible for it look up to exactly these same characters , this, so to speak, fundamental secondaryness, especially in humanitarian thought, is our weak point and this is good, and it would be good
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to know about it, to always remember. about this, now understanding this, i will say one more thesis, because it seems important to me, i kept thinking about what this, well, system is built on, yes, how you say, american hegemony, why , how did it establish itself, because it is, first of all, power over minds, but money is good, but you still need power over minds, well... it’s good when there is money, it’s good when there is the fear that you will be whipped if you think something wrong, these two components are there, but this is always not enough, and i realized that in general, the fundamental ideological basis of the american throne of the world is constructed by them and approved by the imposed design of victory over the soviet union in
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cold. and those of us who so suddenly recognized this and said: we lost, in this sense we turned out to be, well, elements.
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discourse, rather ideologically, this was definitely contained as mainstream, and this is me saying, the problem that we need to overcome, we need to overcome and disassemble into parts this ideological premise that
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they defeated us then from 1985 to ninety-first year, right, absolutely, and why they won, we know for sure, well, because we...
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a very interesting topic, especially the fact that well, today we have a very interesting discussion, regarding borja and macavelli, so i just want to tell you how
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these ideas of machiavelli are being practically implemented now, how they are actually being implemented, in particular, i want to return again to east, south-east asia , where today very interesting processes continue to take place there, but... in particular, blinken, you know, came to the philippines on the 18th-19th, held negotiations there, said that relations with the philippines are ironclad, and moreover, he said that filipino claims are not only a national character, but a global one, and he clearly said that we will support the philippines in all situations, in general he gave assurances that this philippine aggressive course, in general, which leads to escalation, would continue in parallel with this. ..
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forces and so on, and all this happened after last year the chinese fleet there, you know, carried out large maneuvers right next to guam, so to speak, they took place, and apparently they had a very serious, serious impact on the americans influence, by the way, the island yap - all this is very reminiscent of the second world war, this is truk, yup, it was, yes, of course, it was all there, the island of truk was generally the main japanese military base, and of course japan is here, now it will be in april. meeting, trilateral meeting in washington,
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america, japan and the philippines, and many say that now they will conclude, so to speak, an agreement on closer cooperation there. the philippines has now gathered from japan has now gathered all the ministers of defense, all countries of the oceans, the second conference, where, so to speak, the corresponding in this way, there is a certain pumping going on, this is obvious, because the events in the solomon islands, when the prime minister of the solomon islands came to china, signed an agreement on... by which china can help send its troops there in case of unrest, caused such a huge resonance, so to speak , that is, what is happening? what is happening is that china, the united states, yes, and china reacts quite very, so to speak, with restraint, saying that in principle you should , with all your, so to speak, policies, with in all your construction, take into account the interests of china, that is, some threats, china does not, so to speak, reproduce, although the threat that these ships, that... all these alliances that connect and grow, grow
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just like mushrooms before our eyes, they will eventually move to these disputed territories, it is becoming more and more real, here another very important point is important, because a huge amount of money is going there, and not to europe, and there are absolutely no delays this is not there, and there are 400 million in in one there are 400 million, in the other there are 800 million, in another, that is, in fact, active military construction is practically underway. along the entire strip of outer islands associated with china, this is all about 1.100 km from the chinese coast proper. from this we can conclude , as it seems to me, so to speak , that kannikovich is in the style of this particular policy, we can conclude that many events that we often consider as disparate, well, the resignation of nuland, that’s it , that blinken's statement about our elections, a whole series other events, so to speak, and... the proposal to negotiate without any conditions, this is all
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a link in one chain, this indicates that, this is my personal point of view, that plan a failed, we have survived both economically and militarily, now our elections showed that politically there was no chance, so to speak, to shake things up, as they had hoped, in this regard - this is what we were talking about, the deep state, those people, so to speak, unknown, and maybe some quite well-known, apparently moving to plan b. plan b is that if c russia didn’t succeed, let’s try what we can do with china, you know, because the pumping is so intense, then in about two years, quite, so to speak, the american capabilities there will double if will not triple, taking into account the rearmament of japan , taking into account the fact that japan, instead of 1% , will now spend 2% on military spending and is going to spend almost $50 billion in the near future.
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extremely worrying, this is, of course, a russian-chinese plunder, they never
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believed that russia and china could achieve this level of cooperation and this level of mutual understanding, especially at the very top level. they always wrote that russia and china do not trust each other, that there are a lot of, so to speak, issues on which they will never agree, so all the talk about a russian-chinese - a certain alliance - is all empty, we need not be afraid of it. now, apparently, right now they were performing. the head of the indo-pacific command, he actually said that, so to speak, knots are appearing before our eyes, iran, north korea, china and russia, that is.
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the contradiction is of an existential nature , there they are fighting, but for them, of course, there they are fighting for their dominance, there now we just said that they don’t have, they have china, this is quite obvious, and china in any regime, they don’t china will be accepted neither democratic nor communist , nor anything, because it is a bone in the throat, it is a threat, and the threat, again, is not just existential, but it is political , it is economic, it is social, it is cultural, it is another world, therefore. i think, that we must look at all this very carefully and clearly understand, this is a gradual shift, the rhetoric may still be very serious against us, but we must look at the deeds, how gradually these deserted pacific islands are filled with airplanes, equipment, a grandiose thing is going on construction, we need
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to be prepared for this. mikhail mikhailovich, tonight the aerospace forces of the russian federation struck at decision-making centers. other military facilities in the city of kiev and some other cities of ukraine, the ukrainian side on this matter voices its, well, traditional comments, such as 30 missiles took part in the strike, 30 were shot down, while the fragments of one missile, shot down by the forces and means of the ukrainian air defense, fell on a kindergarten, these are unlikely to be out of the ordinary messages are traditional in general and not changing in nature,
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so... urban development may still be in this case - so to speak, more tragic in its consequences, so shooting towards the city, well, is somehow inappropriate, in this regard then i would like ask the ukrainians famous rocket scientists, well, if you shoot towards the city and debris falls on a kindergarten, this means according to the actual logic, that is, you are assigned the main direction of fire, a sector is determined, you missed it, it means the target is on a collision course, you turned around and started shooting after , that is... you can already say you’re guilty, you haven’t completed the combat mission to cover your capital, so in fact, why are you voicing them, then again, 30 were, 30 were shot down, 41 flew in, 40 were shot down, and what’s more it states there at 3:00 am blow, at 6:00 already the first announcement about so many targets, and also to distribute
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everything by type, as you determine it with such speed, you can see on the indicator screen, well, only the mark from the target, it doesn’t say that it’s a cruise missile flying. 101, that is , how can you determine that it was x101 or x3 of the five, only after you shot it down, which sometimes i doubt, went to the place where it fell from fragments, determined the type of rocket from the fragments, only this can be determined, but not immediately, sometimes like this, in order to determine the strike pattern , the number of targets, sometimes in three days you can’t select it, you can’t figure it out, they have everything at once, well, literally everything at once, and then rumors about such an unusually effective... less for his organization of his missile cover, for the lower limit of the affected area to be 50-100 m, well, you need at least twenty
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divisions, for example s300 or s-400, but even if you assemble everything correctly from non-missile weapons from all over ukraine, you still won’t have enough this amount working equipment, so to all this official message from the ukrainian side, well, in this case, you only need to say one word: hack, hack again, you will continue attacks on our fuel and energy complex, but you will get even more, that’s the only way i i will formulate this, again, since the speeches of many comrades here force me to join the circle of philosophers, then on this occasion i can say the following, although this is not entirely in my department, but i have read the same nikola makeveli all over, starting with sovereign, continuing the third decade of titus livy, finishing an essay on ... questions, and with a pencil in hand and making notes, i carefully studied the biography, but before talking about the practical significance of these
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works, what else can i say, he was in the nineties was really banned, just like, for example, friedrich nietschi, whom i also re-read from cover to cover with a pencil in my hands, that’s what i can say, how are these two authors radically different? nothing - this is a beautiful style of presentation, flowery, you read there. just well poetry, poetry, at the same time being guided by the works of friedrich nietzsche, well, it’s impossible, why? because well, well, some completely abstract matters , that is, all his books are there, that’s what zarad tustro said, human is too human, well , you can’t use it as a textbook on party building, you can’t do everything, it has no practical significance, now machiaveli’s work sir, work sir, how to apply. with his advisers, how to behave with lieutenants, how to be guided by his chapters on war and military affairs, everything is there,
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there, a lot of it is of a practical nature , so nishi can be read out of curiosity, here is a managerial employee, starting from the head of the workshop and the company commander, it is advisable for the sovereign to keep the work with him, read , be guided, well, probably like this, why, because there are many truths there.
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satisfies only what is published, but with a surcharge, i understand this, you complained, yesterday it didn’t seem to me that you scalped, you wanted to use a sledgehammer, this is the first, second one-sieve of migration policy, remember, as before we still laugh at what is happening to migrants in europe, remember how we all laughed at merkel, who said, all migrants come to visit us, we are a democracy, and that
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we are following the path of the european union, in this sense we need radically change everything , regarding borgio, what karen said, and you remember where putin began, in addition to the chechen company, his presidential activities, one of his first steps... everyone was surprised, there is a lot of money, why give loans, there is still time didn't arrive, so you need it vladimirich, ask if he might know this person you are interested in, and the last thing is why i am confident in my provocation, because about three weeks ago, i said that it was necessary... to organize a grandiose international conference on the occasion of the 20th decade of the entry of russian troops into paris ,
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unfortunately, a grandiose international conference was not organized, but... honestly , it’s good for you due to certain circumstances, the borodino panorama museum recently opened an exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the entry of russian troops into paris. visit this exhibition if you haven't been there yet. that's all, see you on sunday.
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no need for a cafe, champagne, flowers and that’s enough, you think that’s enough, that’s enough, yes, of course , utah, utah-shmuta, well done, alabama, texas, texas, yes it was already, it wasn’t, but how many already 39, oh, we arrived with nuts, well... finally,
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have you already started celebrating there, or what? good afternoon, what are you hinting at? i say straight out, first you need to say hello, oh, beckoning, beckoning, beckoning! marya sergeevna, help, we are remembering the american states, let's name everything, let's work, why are you so angry today? what good happened today? maybe not a crime? well, maybe it’s not a crime, but half of his head has been blown off, half of his skull is lying separately, and his hatchet is nearby. where is the criminologist? the technician there takes photographs, vanya doesn’t go to such nonsense anymore, he says, it’s not the king’s business , well, that’s what you’re sighing, that’s why you ’re tearing my heart out, but well, it’s so lucky, it’s not a gunshot, it’s not some kind of order... sometimes banal, but normal everyday chopped trauma, exotic, exactly, i, for example, here i’ve even forgotten how to register such documents, oh
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, you register a lot of dead people, now we go to everything ourselves, even in hospitals for old people... we examine, yes, now we ourselves have a mustache, i ’m done, there’s still some kind of hole in the wall, i dug out a bullet from there, a bullet, but there were gunshot wounds on the corpse, there were none , my dear heart, just a chopped wound, a bullet, a bullet, you never know where this bullet came from, and how did it get there, well, let’s go, where are the witnesses, well let's go, what do we have a suspect, well , we have some thoughts, come on, come on, stomp, stomp. be careful, marya sergeevna, there ’s a pool of blood right by the door and some other nasty stuff, is anyone there? yeah, ruvd came to congratulate you, that ’s right, on the upcoming march 8th. thanks
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a lot. thank you, this is for you, yes, but i also need olga vladimirovna and maria sergeevna , your police supervision, that’s it, i shot back, olga vladimirovna is in her office along the corridor to the right, and marya sergeevna, in my opinion, for an incident, oh, what what should i do, i should congratulate our aunts at the headquarters, well, leave it here, i’ll tell you, really, thank you. well i ran so, well, i think it’s still too early
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to let them drink, petya, it’s a long time yet, i’m already writing that it’s been confiscated, let them. i know everything about the states, but in reality i ’m only interested in my home district, in which , by the way... i’ll work tirelessly, i hope this will help you identify the criminal, what will it help, but i’ve already established it, and where is he, in my pocket , or more specifically, in my left pocket, fedya, really revealed something, practically yes, well, we went around all the beer spots in the area, everyone speaks of the same guy, yes, at he has several criminal records, he likes to swing an ax, well , he has an attraction to this apartment, “i think that by the evening we will detain him today, because he is hanging around somewhere nearby, like this, like this, and where is the ax, the technician took it to
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fingers, once again we congratulate you on the holiday of march 8th, be as beautiful , charming as always, well done,
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it’s a holiday, but no, what are you happy about the holiday of march, but i don’t know how to dance, i don’t even remember the last time i danced , what are you doing, i just want, well, i'm sorry, you see, i nangu has come for you, it’s okay , yes, when will you hand over the material on the producers to me, and i haven’t talked to the thunder yet, so you’re standing there, let’s call, say, yes , of course, georgy andreevich, from starosel’tsy,
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yes, from mira crime, listen, we can meet with you later today, pour it, pour it, quite later, okay. okay, okay, i'll call you back, i'll call you back, it can't be today, maybe, that's it, next time, where,


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