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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 22, 2024 4:35am-5:00am MSK

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intense like the previous one, but lava streams now flow from the mountain virtually around the clock. taking this into account, the icelandic meteorological office predicted continued activity of the volcano. the previously evacuated town of grindovik was deserted again the day before; tourists were advised to leave the nearby blue lagoon resort. over the past few weeks , protective walls have been erected around grindovik, with the help of which authorities hope to remove lava from populated areas. this is news, we are following the development events. not only people, but also animals suffer from brutal shelling in the ukrainian armed forces. many residents of the border region, leaving their homes, cannot take their pets with them and are forced to let them out into the streets. svetlana matushkina learned how to help our little brothers. some clog the booth. others try to get free
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by storming the enclosure; the reaction to the shelling of the pets of a ray of hope is different, but always painful. we have dogs that simply try to jump over the top, some destroy the kennels, some get stuck between the slopes of the enclosure. on march 20, the shelling was especially strong , the shelter building was shaking, the employees had to hide in the showers, none of them quit or left the city, they selflessly continue to care for the wards, of which there are... more and more, now more than 300, alaba and irbis recently brought from grayvoron, a ray of hope accepted eight dogs from the gravaronsky district and four from belgorod, there are no more places, now all the shelters in the region are overcrowded, animal volunteers are asking for help from other regions. there are a lot of requests now to adopt a dog, a cat, because people are leaving, unfortunately, some are losing their homes, but volunteers in belgorod no longer have the opportunity.
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all shelters and shelters are already full. every shelling is stressful for the animals of the belgorod zoo. despite the sunny weather, none of them are walking today; all the pets are in the shelter, so that they do not get nervous, sitative drugs are added to their food. the zoo was attacked twice by the ukrainian armed forces. on march 19 , fragments from cluster munitions damaged the exotarium, one of the enclosures. grundy died friendly and sociable kinguru bineta, everyone's favorite. grundy was curious and fearless; she allowed herself to be petted and loved being hand-fed. a swan was injured by flying fragments. veterinarians performed a rather complex operation on the wounded feather. now he is in serious condition, the fight for his life continues, the zoo is closed to visitors until the end of the week. svetlana matushkina, andrey kazakov, host belgorod. photo traps are being checked in the coastal taiga. and
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here's what footage they shared professional wildlife observers . in march, the snow cover on the hills has not yet melted and the rangers read the tracks well. spotted deer and roe deer come to feast on the hay mixture of corn and soybeans, but the most common sightings are also the aurochs. now they are shedding their antlers, many fawns have appeared since the end of february, and wild boars have appeared at the feeders. additional funds for updating public transport in russia.
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juice, why not give it a second life. after modernization the tram has a modern design. the driver's cabin interior corresponds to 20th century standard. on the display we see all the tram systems that are functioning. such a carriage can be made in two months, almost everything necessary to update russian production. thanks to modernization, it was possible to create not only more comfortable conditions for passengers, but also significantly save on electricity. the new modern model is a modern drive. where the frequency pulse start of the traction motor is carried out, and about thirty, well, more precisely 1/3 of the power we save from the power consumed relative to the car t-3, and we can use it additionally for heating the interior. in lizhevsko , the company updated 10 trams, and another 17 such cars went to zlatoust. today negotiations are underway with other cities. in the capital of udmurt, electric transport is being updated not only thanks to the modernization of safe, high-quality roads under the national project,
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16 lion cubs have already arrived in the city, and now 19 new trolleybuses are waiting here. these trolleybuses will necessarily have an autonomous range of at least 20 km, and they will accommodate the passenger himself. route, route ten, here we are there we look at the area to which we do not have contact networks, this is a new microdistrict. the first electric bus test drive on the streets of izhevsk has already taken place, they plan to release such equipment on the line in the summer, the president said about a large-scale update of public transport in his message to the federal assembly, they intend to develop it taking into account modern environmental requirements, funds will be allocated for this program throughout the country 150 billion. irina krobcheva, yuri. natiev, news from udmurtia. all news is always available on the media platform, look at application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. let's look at the crime scene, and then we'll go ask awkward questions. i love asking
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awkward questions. vosnetsov, premieres on monday at 21:20. i propose to change the passenger's call sign to rebin's call sign. no, that's my brother's call sign. you remain a passenger like this. a terrible sentence, the tv star ended up in prison, the reality show participant will spend the next year and a half behind bars. the celebrity's mother is sure that his ex-wife is to blame for everything, who is taking revenge and demands millions. live broadcast today at 16:30. good morning, good morning everyone, vladislav svetlana, friday is ahead of you, the weekend is ahead, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, there is still a working day ahead, let’s try to live it calmly, without stress. and there are more than enough sources of stress,
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including on the road. what irritates russian drivers most, sociologists have found out , amateurs are included in a kind of red list. there is not much there, excessive hormonal activity, generally naron, that is, nothing outweighed the trouble, the dawn bird chorus has not yet managed to announce the beginning of a new day to moscow , and konstantin had already cheered himself up, though not with a cup of strong coffee, but with a conflict in the yard, the driver did not give way to him, went on the attack,
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a skirmish ensued, the driver got out, the door was blocked, he began to pull the handle, i opened door, just got out of the car, they sprayed me with surgical spray, they play on the road with a checker, are rude, threaten and generally use the car as a weapon against those who dare to make a remark. aggressive drivers roam the streets every day looking for victims. in any society there is a number of people who want to stand out, and many car owners, believe that a car is the best way to stand out and attract attention with aggressive behavior. however, very often car hooligans cross the line. in krasnodar , the driver kept the whole village in fear. according to eyewitnesses, the guy was driving a tinted car. around the area, scared the steamers, ran over their feet and even threatened them with violence. the police drew up five administrative protocols providing for the imposition fines totaling more than 16,000 rubles. and deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for up to 6 months. of course, it is difficult to call such punishments strict,
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because the aggressor on wheels, apparently, threatened the health and lives of citizens, and received only a couple of fines, so such justice certainly will not frighten other hooligans. psychologically. drivers, when they feel a lack of supervision over themselves, understand that they can do whatever they want on the road, the combination of impunity and the ability to evade responsibility gives rise to those who say: but we can drive as we want. at the same time, according to surveys, almost 70% of drivers across the country have encountered aggression on the road at least once. most often, conflicts occur in large cities; about half of all driver disputes ended in physical contact, and there from beatings to attempted murder. one step, so lawyers are sure that the actions that aggressive drivers commit should be qualified not as a traffic accident, but as a full-fledged crime, so that others don’t have the habit of saying: yes, i’ll kill you now, but what i’ll kill you now, this is article 119 of the criminal code, threats to kill, and
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so on, if there is some kind of fight, causing bodily harm, those are violations that road users commit, so that for these violations... penalties for motorists really need to be reconsidered and there should be no discounts for hooligans, especially for those who have aggression behind the wheel of a car as a habitual way of life. well, what needs to be done to ensure that stable prices become commonplace? the state duma has taken up this issue, they are trying to optimize the cost of domestic goods, the new bill proposes to decouple russian prices from world prices. according to the authors, this will allow the antimonopoly service not to take into account. world prices, when determining whether they are over or under, set prices taking into account the interests of the cost of goods in russia and will give
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russian consumers the opportunity to see how this will work, our colleague andrei petrov asked the deputy chairman of the federation council committee on the regulations for the organization of parliamentary activities, alexander savin. alexander, good morning, thank you for coming, help us figure it out now. by the way, you are one of the authors of the bill, so we will definitely understand everything , please tell us, people, experts, i mean, are divided into two camps, some say: yes, this will help us, finally we , how long can you wait, are you ripe for such a law, others say, no , nothing will work out, only prices will rise, because any kind of binding will disappear, then go for a walk, what are you saying to your opponents that they can face now legislation, in order to go to the front to see if there is buckwheat in the warehouse.
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according to world indicators, yeah, these are the two main ones - novelties that
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are in this law, accordingly, we will somehow need to either create our own exchange, which will with all these goods, we will compare prices with something, it is still necessary, this bill, it does not reject - a reference to world prices, to world exchanges, but if this is a highly monopoly price, then the fas can not with it; this bill allows the fas not ask to agree to this price, so tell me?
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prove, argue and present , i think that if the company cannot provide additional additional arguments for why they remain at this price, then i think that maybe this is the first step so soft, and i am sure that, of course, legislation in this area will and continue to be regulated, and of course we will be these... thank you very much, in the morning studio there was the deputy chairman of the federation council committee on regulations and organization parliamentary activities, alexander savin. thank you very much, you explained everything, the fate of boris grachevsky in the memories of his loved ones, friends, relatives. this is such love, probably, on the one hand at first sight, on the other hand at second sight, he enjoyed incredible attention from women. bory has charm - next to katya, he just wanted to just jump on one leg, for her sake he was ready to change himself like that,
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today at 15:00 on the russia channel, come on, let's smile, more, more, more, great, good, so... morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. about half of the apartments put up for sale today...
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this is where doubts crept in, as it turned out, the apartment is in trouble, the current owner has not yet paid off the mortgage for it, and in order to sell it faster, he reduced the price. now we are consulting with a lawyer and we will make a decision, because the price is very attractive for us and we really decided that we would consider this option. this is a good chance to save on buying a home, experts confirm how as a rule, if the owner decides to sell an apartment with an encumbrance, he does. for the inconvenience, such a transaction takes more time, usually this allows you to reduce the cost of the property by 10-30% of the market price, more often this works in the case of a large loan balance of 1-2 million, and for a tail of up to 500,000 the buyer is unlikely to be able to bargain well , lawyers say. in this case, there are two options: you can buy the apartment along with the remaining debt and continue to repay the mortgage yourself, having agreed with the bank. with a change in the borrower, the terms of the loan may
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to remain the same, zhinobank has the right to offer you new ones; if they do not suit you, you can apply to another bank to open a mortgage. the second option, you pay the balance during the transaction, the owner closes the loan , as a result, the bank must transfer the information to the russian register, which will delete the encumbrance record, then the purchase and sale transaction, but such a scheme has risks, in cases where the bank resists, not wants such a deal to happen, but the buyer takes a risk because he pays for the apartment and gives at least a deposit in the amount of the balance of debt on the mortgage loan, and if the seller for some reason turned out to be unscrupulous and decided not to proceed. transaction, this money will have to be returned for quite a long time. there are other nuances, for example, mortgaged housing is sometimes sold due to the inability to pay the debt, then there is a risk of bankruptcy of the owner, which can lead to challenging real estate transactions over the last 3 years. to protect yourself, you need to check the seller's credit history. by the way, if the borrower allows a long overdue, the bank has the right to collect the debt through the court by selling the pledged property at
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public auction. then the potential buyer has another way to profitably purchase housing with a discount of up to 40%. the next thing is to submit an application, pay a deposit, it could be 3, 5, 10, 15% or more for this property, and then participate in the auction, of course, there are no pitfalls here, the owner is clearly not eager to part with the property, will try to challenge the decision, experts advise applying for a viewing, talking to neighbors and check the apartment legally; the latter is best done with an experienced specialist, which will help reduce risks to a minimum. and then a useless organ or a tail that you lost? what mutation has changed a person forever, we will find out about it very soon. the fate of boris grachevsky in the memories of his loved ones, friends, relatives. this is such love, probably, on the one hand at first sight, on the other hand at second sight
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he enjoyed incredible attention from women. charm is... oh my mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher, this she learned her lesson too late, what are you doing here, and they let me go today , i came here first, actually, i’m married, i don’t care, get out of here, and you ’ll immediately leave now, or me or what, i’m
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not anyone killed. believe in yourself, teacher on saturday on rtr, my reflection lives in the high mansion, in that high mansion, there is no way for anyone, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she chased him for two blocks, when on a kamaz is rushing towards you, radicles and lame parts disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere in... work for rtr , i decided to move to moscow, why, and
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we will become friends, a good neighbor found a room, my mother died in an accident, so many people died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe will you go instead of me? not all emoticons are equally understandable. emoji,
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which can confuse the recipient of a message, people of different generations, as canadian researchers have found, interpret the same pictograms in completely unpredictable ways. and the eldest generally tries to avoid using emoticons in letters. more the most common complaint was the yellow circle, i’ll show you. good morning, ivan aleksandrovich goncharov, a classic, his novel oblomov was published in 1859. in 2 years , serfdom will be abolished in russia, a living classic series, ivan goncharov, roman oblomov, at school they told us that oblomov is such
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a lazy person, a couch potato, and stolz is active, progressive, it seems, yes, that’s how time changes , now it’s not so clear, everything seems, and oblomov is not such a downright negative character, and stolz is not so positive, but i recommend this book to... this year, orthodox easter is may 5, a week after easter there will be fameno sunday, this is may 12, next tuesday, the so-called radunitsa, here it is, this rainbow, this is the day of remembrance, in soviet times for some reason everyone went to the cemetery on easter , but this is not true, you have to... go to radonitsa, this book, russian holidays, everything is told about them, nikolai stepanov, sergey maximov
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wrote this book, and look how it was published, what magnificent drawings, i highly recommend it it's no coincidence that i turned on - tchaikovsky's music, the nutcracker, yes, look. what books are in my hand , musical classics for children, the nutcracker , ballet, fairy tale, zovushka and pergynd, well, let’s take, for example, the nutcracker, open the book, here we find a cd and a qr code, you can point your phone, download the link, open listen audio files of this ballet, and of course the book itself with illustrations, with... a brief retelling of what is happening on stage, in this case, very good books, amazing, modern, and i say goodbye
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to you with this, all the best to you, read, listen and be happy, then soulless dentistry, poor thing, look, how he suffers, and he is even more afraid of dentists on a desert island, a colleague, left us, well, nothing, his time has come. let's help people like him, using his example as a robotic patient for training, we'll do it very soon. i hope he doesn’t have robotophobia, and we’ll cure it; all the russians’ suggestions will be heard. vladimir putin addressed citizens.


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