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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 22, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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if we are talking about the words of petro poroshenko directly, then it is clear that he uses this reason as an attempt to bite zelensky with his chocolate poisonous saliva, because they obviously have an internal political struggle going on there, it is no longer a secret that poroshenko met with zalozhny, that they are clearly preparing some kind of opposition coalition there, but what if we move directly to the fortifications, but they are really being built, they are being built on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, they are being built in zaporozhye, there north of orekhovo and is being built in the donetsk direction, to the west there, it’s a question of quality, well , we’ll probably see when we get there, yes, again i say that it’s clear that the corruption component there is quite high, and i think poroshenko is here he’s not lying, he’s just... they’re using this truth in their own
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interests, well, we’ll open it with the help of our very same weapons, the wonderful , wonderful work of our aerospace forces, our large-caliber artillery. pavel, what is happening with the enemy’s manpower is because that we are seeing some kind of swing in terms of mobilization, on the one hand they were going to mobilize 500,000, now they say that even 250 don’t need to be called up to the front, it seems... how are there resources for rotation, what can this mean? well, again, i will attribute this to the internal political struggle, because everyone already understands that all the talk for mobilization is very unpopular in ukrainian society, there is a total - let's say, attempt to evade, people do not want to die for this kiev regime, which everyone already understands that this is absolutely anti-people mode. they are trying in every way
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to somehow avoid conscription, even resorting to such dangerous methods as trying to swim across rivers, and people are drowning, but are not ready to serve in this army, and accordingly, it is clear that all these statements of theirs are of a political nature , that is, politicians want to score points for themselves by saying that they can cope without mobilization, they can no longer cope, because... the prisoners show this, if earlier the prisoners were increasingly young, there are thirty-year-olds 30-35, but now captivity already come across people over 40, this means that well, the mobilization resource is coming to an end, they are already exhausted, they take everyone in a row, we know the case of disabled people, so of course with the mobilization resource everything is bad there, in an amicable way, well, if we we are talking about whether they are needed, whether they need mobilization then... man, this is right now, today
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they are needed, we need to change them, but accordingly they do not have such opportunities, thank you very much, thank you, pavel kukushkin, our military correspondent, at direct communication, front line, in important news, today it became known that a nato delegation arrived in kiev for the first time since the start of the special operation. the delegation is headed by the head of the military committee of the alliance, admiral rob bauer, this is to say that even if macron has backed down and does not plan to send anyone to odessa, this kind of delegation indicates that plans probably exist. sergei ivanovich, from you: the fall is inevitable, i have no doubt about it, and we see lightning-fast responses to the terrorist attacks that are being experienced. our
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border territories, today nolgorodskaya region, but these attacks, they go to residential facilities, sports facilities, hospitals, schools, in a word, to civilian infrastructure, our attacks, they go to decision-making centers, to those centers that need to be suppressed so that this does not happen , but... the ukrainian regime carries out everything under the dictation of nato curators, there is nothing new here, 25 years ago, we saw the bombing of yugoslavia, in the center of europe, everyone did not care about all the decisions, thousands died, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of bombs dropped on yugoslavia, and this is the position that nato takes, and the arrival. perhaps the criticism
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that they say, why are you holding on to some points and losing the population, we need to continue, it seems to me, there are such statements, these are precisely these terrorist attacks, why is this? is happening because, well, today the election commission finally summed up the results of the presidential elections, and i think that they became, including for those western curators, stunningly unexpected, because attempts to actually destabilize the situation, attempts to disrupt elections, we see this in the reports of these sabotage groups, which they say that we disrupted and we continue this action. and putin will not be supported, the attempts did not lead to anything, the population rallied, the population showed the support that is necessary, and the president said that we will carry out everything that was said in the message, in the message it was said that it is necessary to increase the security zone to ensure that our
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border areas are not subject to such attacks, to ensure that liberated territories are not subject to such attacks, and today, when the head of the zaporozhye... region said that, of course, it is necessary to stop the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov in order to prevent these attacks from happening, i think that this direction will be worked out, the emergence of a new type of more powerful weapons just indicates that , that decision-making centers will need to be destroyed, no fortified areas that today - or there, as they show us, are being built or the next ones are being stolen, unfortunately.
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they are shelling, as you rightly said, and these oil refineries, they of course, they are shelling our facilities, and here we need adequate responses to those facilities that you just said why, because this is precisely the opportunity to create these structures to ensure the safety of our military there, but i think that still a fall , as i said at the very beginning, it is inevitable, and today there will be more active action and viewing. minister of defense, visiting those enterprises where this is happening, emphasizes that this will all be aimed at resolving issues as quickly as possible, i will emphasize once again that today the final results have been summed up, the president said that we will implement all the decisions that i announced in the message, and
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accordingly, during the campaign, a working group has already been created in the state duma, headed by alexander dmitrievich zhukov, within the framework of this group the following are formulated: priority measures that will need to be taken within the framework of legislative support, resolving those issues that we will need to do as quickly as possible, and i think that we will begin this in the near future, but i simply want to say huge words of gratitude to our guys, who today simply heroically continue to defend our country, and of course to express...
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that they are aware of the victims, among civilians, they know that there are many victims, but they say what can be done about it , this is such a given, let's continue the terrorist attacks, listen, who are we dealing with? we are proud that there are guys who burn bridges behind them, exchange their bourgeois, some generally good life, for military life, join our ranks and die along the way, this means that the russian army, putin’s army, was going to carry out a significant, that is, attacking... attack, in short, timed to coincide with the elections, or more precisely, with the inauguration,
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which should subsequently follow. accordingly, our operation in a military sense thwarted these offensive plans of the russian army. of course, it is a pity that civilians suffer during hostilities, but i am convinced, as a person who, from the first day of the active phase of this war, has been taking part in it, without casualties, unfortunately. no damage, unfortunately a modern war with such a ruthless enemy is impossible, it’s also interesting here, the fate is decided, their fate is decided, at the board at which vladimir vladimirovich spoke, he said, no matter where it was, they still suffer, like with that helicopter pilot who left ours country, treacherously , there is an interesting detail here, who controls this carrion, because on the left side of these non-humans sits... mr. shevchenko, yes, a very good friend of mine in his youth, he worked for 1+1, but after his journalistic
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career, he went to the structure of the ministry of internal affairs and rose to very good ranks there , well, there are no former secret service officers, so he’s even sitting here, controlling these traitors to the motherland, because they didn’t say too much, look, one of these bastards is reading from his phone, the second... got up from a piece of paper, in in general, they are not allowed to say anything on their own, and the flags of the union are behind them, they don’t like traitors, traitors are destroyed not only by those they are fighting against, but also by their own, we see this, we will see it very soon, please, we really are not fighting just a strong enemy, with such a global lie, this one - option, when suddenly...
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the streisen principle is a little different, if you try to delete something, you will get exactly the opposite effect, well, with hunter it was exactly the same, there was this laptop, which you could say, yes, this is generally all deepfakes and so on and so forth, no, they started to spin around him that it was putin’s agents who planted this, you know, dog on our son biden and... suddenly it turned out that the laptop was real, and the hunter was real, and the girls are real and the crack is real, and 250 thousand transfers from china, they are also real and big joe, he is also real, this is the difference in the ukrainian understanding of the conflict, as they say with a blue eye: we disrupted the elections, well, they still understand perfectly well what was there really a turnout in the belgorod region and how did the elections take place and what happened? i imagined this completely insane attack on the belgogorod region simply from a military point of view, yes, it’s scary
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that civilians died, but excuse me, what buried a thousand people there on the other side, 3500, and 3500 are just irretrievable losses with wounds, this is also a fact, this was actually the destruction of a full-fledged brigade of these ghouls, these ghouls, 3500 in 8 days, and this is a much more important result from the point of view of ending the conflict, please pay attention what... more headphones for translation for those who need it, that is, they speak russian, they are, as it were, translated into ukrainian.
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mobilization, which our great strategist alexander svechin spoke about back in the thirties, day after day our army is replenished new soldiers , officers, officers are graduating from military school , the dnieper flotilla is being formed, why it is being formed, it’s understandable, if you’ve read any military books, well, like books, what is the river flotilla for, of course, for those amphibious operations that will happen tomorrow, the same 300, i’m fine...
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you have this hatred, she says, well, listen, but this is not for people, well, we’re not in favor of killing people there, here we have it this is what’s happening, it’s just a relationship, you’re not your own you simply feel sorry there, he shows, he finishes off, well, karma overtakes, when he finished off the wounded, it immediately covered him, on the one
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hand there is no anger and rage, yes, well, probably , someone doesn’t, there are those whom it... is present and it would be better if the sumy and kharkov regions would still turn into either our sanitary cordon, or some other cordon of ours, but ours, because since it is now impossible, of course, 18 were killed on the historical territory of our country. we'll be back. here, the premiere on rtr, there are some spots everywhere, we need a bigger one veronica has the strength to do this , don’t rule out your insight , she’s always ready for a new thing, so let’s go, she ’s always looking for new versions, it dawned on me while i was eating mashed potatoes, i almost guessed, but
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is she ready for new relationship with you, there is something interesting here, your captain lisky, you know what i should do with it, so open it. vosnetsova. are you sure you want this? absolutely. on monday, on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer. the order is ready. explore. nature. dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather, this world
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is worth it see him, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, i found you a job, six lessons in a week, three times two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance. i ask you to love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than to teach, this is a lesson. she learned too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under amnesty , i came here first, actually, i’m married,
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i don’t care, get out of here, and now you ’ll leave immediately, or i or what, i’m not anyone killed, believe yourself, a teacher on saturday on rtr. for me he didn't leave, i didn't i can accept it, i can't let it go. boris goracevsky in the memories of his beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when did he give them? this last one was march 8th, since then i haven’t celebrated it. they had a very funny story behind these earrings. he gave me a soft toy, and i’m from
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... “a sunny country of life, and especially not alone. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on the rtr. i don’t have my own children, so i can devote all my time to your child. what are you like? i have a beautiful one, i will miss you. irina antonovna is dying. in what sense does she die? promise me, you will never leave masha, yes, even if it will be very, very hard for you,
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keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you must never tell masha the truth , especially... if she is not yours, well, hello, my love, you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to remain silent, premiere on saturday on rtr, a little more about modern ukraine, secretary of the national security and defense council, ukraine danilov obscene insulted the special representative of china. whoa, saying that some chinese hui, he replaced his last name with a three-letter swear word, the first one is also ha, he teaches ukraine how to live. the ukrainians
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already called the chinese names in january at a press conference in davosi. zelensky said that he does not plan to meet with the chinese prime minister, because this is not his level. well , the chinese really don’t come to ukraine anymore. what would have happened with kiev today if we had been discussing, one might say, during a break, but what please, i’m standing here now and thinking, are you americans or british? here
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imagine, if all five of us in this room were english, what would have happened, god forbid, what would have happened to the city of kiev this morning after belgorod, i think it would be scary to imagine, because they have a law, we are the highest , you are inferior, an attack on... imagine that your enemy would be the usa and britain, what would happen then to a country that decided to bomb at least one of their cities, it seems to me that it would be scary even for yourself. imagine, well, now, as for mr. macron, while macron is going to send troops to ukraine, frankly speaking, he has great difficulties in traditional
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french. in the sphere of influence under'


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