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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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this is how it was attention, in the spring of 2023 we basically decided to get married, to legalize our relationship, because we realized that we wanted a stable family, family life, in general, in the pyatigorsk legislature we got married, everything is so family-like there it was, not really any. we arranged a holiday, we just signed up with our family, went to a holiday home , well, in general, we had a great time with a swimming pool, with a bathhouse, that’s all the way we like it, but after some time i found out that i i got pregnant, i somehow i was so moved by all these events that even the first couple of days i was somehow embarrassed about it, i was afraid to tell him, now i ’ll show you sasha’s reaction to all this, sasha, are you feeling bad? at first he ran somewhere
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into the street because they felt bad, then he came, naturally he broke something on me , yes, he broke something, jumping on the bar counter, everything is fine, just don’t come near him, he’s crying, he’s sitting when we found out that... in general, we will soon be parents, sasha took such an initiative to get married. blessed is the kingdom of father and son. this was our wedding touching, i’m not paying attention to everything here , i’m very tearful, for me this was a complex emotional procedure , this is the wedding certificate that was given to us, it seems to me that this document has some special meaning. in general, he
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is the most fundamental in our family, we even have wedding icons, it’s touching, but you were in your moscow apartment, and what happened was he was arrested in petigorsk? unfortunately, i don’t have a person who will feed me now with a two-month-old child and a ten-year-old child. sasha’s elderly parents, who also require a certain, yes, how can i tell you , a certain help, elderly parents can help, but who will feed us, that is, you went to moscow to work, i work, of course, i am with a child in my arms...
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... walks, i probably never would have thought that it could happen to sasha, and that i would have to carry a little thing this season, because this is my son, i love him, no matter what he is, this is my son. sasha decided to put it on, so to speak, a simulator, so that she would not lose her figure, at least keep herself in shape a little, so i’ll take him a tracksuit, so to speak, well, underwear, i have a list that you can use in the pre-trial detention center to collect what kind of gear. what kind of products, things, like crackers,
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sugar, by the way, i don’t need to buy sugar from me, i have raffinate, here. sasha really loves soups, he always says: mom, your soups are special, this is his favorite, mushroom soup, meat soup, here is the breast, it ’s starting to lose its shape. please tell me where the pre-trial detention center is, what the pre-trial detention center is, where people are sitting, where it is, further, further, there.
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and you can also write clothes , write clothes, you can write a letter next time, okay, thank you, olga vasilievna should be with you in these frames, you should help her,
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wait, i’ll interrupt you, you saw my husband in the window, you saw me 24 hours a day, he is my child, i am 24 hours a day. with him, i myself, with sore legs, can barely walk with a cane, my arm hurts, sasha has so many celebrity friends, after all, he’s a celebrity, why doesn’t anyone help, why did everyone turn their backs on your family at the most necessary moment? no, his very good friend, andrey cherkasov, he’s currently vacationing abroad, he immediately wrote to me on the first day: “olga vasilievna, i’ll come, i’ll help, i’ll do everything, why couldn’t he just transfer the money, like svetlana does, what does the money have to do with it, i never didn’t say, i said , i don’t need anything yet... when your son was free, he was surrounded by care, attention, the rich and famous talked to you, and as soon as he was behind bars, no one answers your calls, the next topic is our gobozov family, when the verdict was passed, of course i’m like that
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i was shocked, they treated sasha very well and they treated me very well, here are the presenters, ksenia sobchag, and olga buzova, and ksyusha borodina, ksyusha even said recently, sash, what ’s going on with you, when you came before, you olga vasili carried in my arms, i don’t know, they follow on social networks, because they don’t work on reality shows now, maybe they don’t follow these situations, apparently it’s still bad, so to speak, promoted, but i think if i called ksyusha borodina, it seems to me, she would not refuse, it seems she was going abroad, konica with the girls, if she’s somewhere abroad, then, no, he has her... that’s for sure, i saw two or three days ago that they, she and her daughters were going to go to warmer climes, so this it’s useless, ksenia anatolyevna , apparently she’s not up to it, i look on the internet, she’s not doing very well there, i’m just
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not used to, you know, taking money from someone, svetlana, i’m looking at all these photos, i have just one question for you, has he... ever raised his hand against you? we, of course, have not been married for 20 years, yes, to talk about him in general for some long period, but during the period of our family life, he didn’t even say a rude word to me, first of all , i just liked him for his attitude towards his parents, his attitude towards children, but towards me he somehow, well, i i don’t even know, that’s how he probably treated some kind of lens , he took great care of me, no one justifies the fact that sasha raised his hand against the victim, we don’t...
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his dream, he had a dream that a daughter would be born and he gave her i braided my hair, braided it, sorry for the question, at that moment, that’s when this happened, your daughter was already born, no, as i understand it, this happened. when i was pregnant, but he already knew that it would be a girl, of course, of course, it was already closer to the birth, svetlana, that is, you are pregnant, in the seventh month, at this moment your faithful husband is dating a beautiful young girl, and talks about his dreams, without mentioning you, so it turns out that my faithful husband, as you call him, during the entire time we lived together, never even spent the night in the next bed so that i could him... well, i seemed to have some doubts about my faithful husband. from prison you
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will wait for alexander gobozov in your moscow apartment, where you didn’t even really have time to live with him. here we have a hallway, we once made a quick effort when we moved, and tried to decorate it a little with something. here is our modest kitchen, where in general we also spent a lot of time, sasha’s favorite dish is borscht, we have a healthy saucepan, it seems to me that the cheesecakes were gone in a day, probably with all sorts of fillings, too constantly dear, prepare me some cheesecakes, it seems to me that this place in general , this bed was our strength, because there was all this kind of movement there, that’s all, everything in this room, we were constantly getting ready somewhere, constantly somewhere walked
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, lay there, looked out the window, due to the fact that we seemed to have moved from the place where we had been constantly living lately, the only thing was that i took some of his clothes there, well, in general, his bracelet , which he wore, a talisman, i bought it for him just in that church where we got married, practically without losing our strength. and his watch, my favorite, this is sasha’s engagement ring, basically the same as mine, i have a pendant here with the names of the children, basically his ring, which i keep under my heart until he arrives, here’s your brother i didn’t accept him right away, because apparently he watched all these reality shows and knew his scandalous character, ilya trutnev, let’s meet. why didn’t you immediately accept
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tv star alexander gabozov into the family? any person new to him is treated with a degree of skepticism, yes, especially when he joins the family you accept, but he showed himself to be quite pleasant, well, you knew who he was, of course, of course, you saw all these shots when he raised his hands on the girl and this scandalous behavior of gabozovo, well, yes, he is a little impulsive. well, he’s a little impulsive, i think there’s no smoke without fire, and if you take it out of context, just show how he beats girls, well, you had a conversation with him, if you raise your hand against my sister, i’ll tear everything off, what about sasha, what a conversation like that, look at this photo, and gobozov is spoon-feeding him, well, what conversation, you raise your hand to my sister , it’s an absolute idyll here, we lived in perfect harmony, like a man, when you were sitting, he didn’t tell you about his women, about the fact that he met someone on the side, he
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exclusively always even , well, during such frank conversations theta, he always spoke with trepidation about the world and was afraid , on the contrary, of somehow hurting her, somehow offending her, something wrong to say, he always tried to please and so on, that is, you think that he didn't come here on a love date, but to actually bring money, well, these are media personalities , they communicate with people, yes, well... we sold the apartment, we just , it’s hard for me and my husband to live in a three-room apartment, we bought a two-room apartment, maybe they heard this
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- that we sold the apartment, so they began to lure this money out of him, blackmailing him only for this, so that he would give the money. now there is a short pause, immediately after the live broadcast, what curse haunts the tv star alexander gabozov and other participants in the scandalous tv show, but the main thing is that he will answer himself. main music award russia, lovers of high-quality russian music, this is the victoria prize, the most starry night of the year, star awards, star
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triumphs, cool, don’t try. i decided to move to moscow, why, and you and i will become friends , a good neighbor found the room, my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, someone else’s problem, my mother has never
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been visited, they took me here, they showed up, i’m afraid you’ll have to come anyway, is there a lawyer here? does the legacy want to talk? and the inheritance, someone else's revenge. there was an accident rigged. do you have a suspect? i'm scared. neighbor. true, she will definitely reveal herself. i know. today on rtr. he doesn’t need to make an appointment , it’s a joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, always will support, a bowl of
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macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but this is for you i don’t recommend doing this, a doctor who you can trust 100% will make you happy, well , i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love, welcome, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like
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a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here... and i was released today under an amnesty and the first thing to come here, actually, i’m married , anyway, get out of here, and you ’ll leave immediately, or i, or what, i didn’t kill anyone, believe yourself, teacher, on saturday on rtr, we’ll be remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played football, dodgeball, i had dodgeballs all the time, hello
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andrey, evening show andrei malakhov on saturday on rtr. tv channel russia live broadcast, popular tv show participant alexander gobozov was sentenced to prison; he will spend the next year and a half behind bars; the famous family cannot recover from the shock and is forced to carry packages to prison every day. we continue. another participant in the popular project and friend of alexander gobozov was also sentenced to prison . she served her time and... i still have to pay for it, it’s just a mistake of my youth, for which
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this is life before and after, and despite the fact that i’m a mother, i have two sons, and i wonderful family, i am an entrepreneur, but even now i am still associated with this situation, it is very difficult, very, girl, and i can say. shock, you know, i feel sorry for my mother, now for me it’s just a shock, for me it’s just your child, you can do the best thing you can do is not protect him. don’t say how wonderful he is, that she extorted someone there, but ask her for forgiveness, because your son did the deed anyway, you
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have an appeal ahead, you can talk change his life, because later it will be very difficult to change, now i care about bullshit, this is the path i’ve gone through, what it’s like to be a tv star yesterday. the next day in prison, surrounded by criminals, firstly , well, it’s simple, this is the bottom, it’s just to hurt yourself like a cake when you’re here, and then you’re there, now yes, i’m slowly rising, but in any case, the project there is a dark side, in any case, this permissiveness, but people come out of there and think that they are stars, you are talking about a tv project in which you participated, look, olya buzova is still not in favor. how many different situations, how
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many deaths of everything else, just what are you talking about now, it’s just some kind of curse, well, maybe it exists, but in order to change this, yes, you need to do good things, you need to draw the right conclusions, you now talk about this stardom, about gray-hairedness, you know, i remember what a shock it was for everyone when... reality show anastasia dashko behaved unusually quietly in court. today the chelyabinsk district court announced the verdict against her. 3 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 100,000 rubles. the girl received this punishment
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for fraud with other people's money. when the verdict was announced, dashko was brought from the pre-trial detention center, where she had spent the last six months, so out of 3 years in prison the girl had 2 and a half left to serve, this is slightly less than the time she spent on the reality show of the famous tv show. in 2008 , the girl left the project. according to rumors, the departure was connected with '. scandal at a competition where the main prize was an apartment in moscow. it seems that dashko was already experienced then a liar. she sent hundreds of sms messages in her support from the unlimited phone of the sponsor of the tv project. to the question: will anastasia appeal the verdict, the girl has not yet answered. however, the prosecution may also want to change the sentence, because the prosecutor insisted on a more severe punishment, 5 years in prison. i'm ashamed, this is a very high price. you can draw conclusions much simpler, much simpler. in direct contact with our studio is another participant in the scandalous tv project gleb strawberry. gleb, can you hear us? tell me, you
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as far as i understand, they wanted to help alexander, they even offered him a helping hand, what was that? i suggested that alexander undergo rehabilitation, to restore his life, he had an addiction, well, aliana said that alexander was abusing alcohol, which worsened his situation. so that he needs help, he answered, like any person, probably answering, that he had absolutely no problems, that everything was fine with him, what happened was a consequence of alexander’s long-term incorrect behavior, as if in society, alexander he was always rowdy, always let loose, always behaved when he especially sang with similar, as if things, when this happened to him, i was personally upset. because this is a terrible test that came into his life, but he was not surprised, because i know sasha for a long time, olga vasilievna, just pray for your son, so that prison
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now is all that... reduce the sentence, a letter to you from alexander and to the audience, alexander wrote this when he was behind bars, yes, he wrote yesterday wait, we ’ll read this now, yes, but you were asked question, did you file an appeal , do you think that his sentence should be reduced, i think that the punishment that was assigned to him is too severe a punishment, therefore, here are the photographs, these are the photographs,
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please show me the photographs that please. so too harsh, oh, my god, okay, i see and look at this girl, who is completely unrecognizable, by the way, man, look, this girl is sitting in front of me at the moment, alive, great, she has forgiven alexander, i have just one request, no say that i am in a gang of extortionists, this does not exist, do not say this slander, but i forgave him, everyone makes mistakes, it happens, you have to give a chance.
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if i decided, i will stay, because there are children there, there is a family there, there are parents there, the person himself, it seems to me that spending one day in prison for a couple of days in prison is hard, he understood everything, poor mother, just poor mother , i have never justified when a man raises his hand to a woman, that’s what sasha did, i... i didn’t know this before, but i don’t justify the fact that he hit you, i i condemn him for this, but i will always defend him, well, i only apologize to you for the fact that he did this, well, i’m not a member of any gang, i also have a child, i have a small child, he hears what your mother is an extortionist, i’m pleased with that, i was just concentrating not on the gang , there was nothing there, i said that sasha never beat anyone just
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like that, he just couldn’t. there is a psychologist in our studio, ines shvatskaya, we asked you to observe everything and draw up a portrait of who alexander is gobozov and what happened that day? alexander, after all, is one of those psychopaths who are charming, and mind you, yes, he is a charming man, he is popular with women, and just such men, they can, yes, in order to emphasize, so to speak , your power.
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a woman, to hit her, and another important moment when a person leaves the project, and he , unfortunately, is already with a crippled psyche, yes, because attention is becoming less, yes, everything is correct, because the answer begs itself to the question of why he hit, but why hit, but in order to simply attract attention, enessa, and diana, you believe, diana, i believe. well, you know, we started with what alexander gobozov wrote, which alexandrov sent to us.


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