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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 4:10am-5:00am MSK

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hello, this is the morning of russia, march 23, in the studio of vladislav zavyalov. doctors call tension headaches a new epidemic; the number of patients with similar complaints is steadily growing. over 70% of respondents report episodic tension pain; according to statistics, people take the most painkillers to relieve headaches. what does this mean, what can we do about it? our colleagues.
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this is a headache that does not get worse from physical activity, that is, there are special criteria that allow us to distinguish let's say, a tension headache from a migraine in 70% of cases is stress that goes unnoticed, well, that is, let's say a person comes to work, the boss is in a bad mood, in the morning the boss said, you're not doing your job well, so the person spends the whole day works, and goes home in the evening, begins to think, that's why suddenly...
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the receptors, and this can lead to an increase in headaches, you don't have to immediately reach for pills, then this is a regular pain, or is it temporary, something that happens sometimes, this is also tension pain , there can be a lot of variants of tension headache, there is an infrequent variant of tension headache, when a person has a headache no more than once a month, there are chronic variants, we designate tension headache when - the patient experiences
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more than 15 such episodes of headaches per month, it happens to him over the previous 3 months, but if he continues to suffer this pain every 2 days, maybe it’s time for him to go somewhere else no longer he needs to sit and what should he do? of course , of course, on the one hand, there are such reasonable prevention programs, this is a mileage.
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learns to breathe within one and a half to two minutes , then such an emotional reflex of gerring breir is formed, and this can contribute to the severity of the headache, if you do not pay attention to this, but just resort to the help of pills, well, there’s a little choking on your head, now it’s gone, tomorrow i won’t get sick, the day after tomorrow i’ll get sick, it’s okay, it’s important to understand that with an increase in the number of episodes of tension headaches, there is a high probability of developing this one.
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constant or we call chronic tension headaches, and with this option it is already necessary to use completely different medications, but how easy it would seem to be to get enough sleep... well, is that bad? she solves the most complex cases with ease. did we see something? well, why didn’t liskov find out? he was not driven by maternal instinct, but she has difficulties in her personal life. let's go have some coffee. with pleasure. as if. so, what is this?
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oops. and this is our anonymous paternity test. put. "i will repent, i will repent, why did you do this? vosnetsova, continuation, watch on monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. spring is in full swing, i would like to help people avoid allergies. you can and should prepare for the flowering season so that the body can meet it "all weapons. allergists advise first of all to support general immunity, which in the spring, as a rule, weakens. a healthy diet will help." it’s better to take them a couple of weeks before flowering, so the nasal mucosa will form a protective barrier against allergens. a flowering calendar, which is recommended for allergy sufferers
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to keep every spring, will help identify the main irritants. russian farmers have already started sowing their spring calendar in the greenhouses of the volgograd region, a very important period from which.
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but in the industry as a whole, they just have to return to their former glory, they still have to work and work on this, this is the field, this is the whole field, these are all tomatoes, and you see, the harvester is coming here, harvesting the tops with tomatoes, there sitting, over there, you see the faces, the students are sitting there, a family heirloom - a photograph that is more than 40 years old, vegetable growers of the state farm, swan glade are harvesting tomatoes, the then famous variety is new. tatyana kolisova, agronomist, seed grower, then attached. to this tomato abundance , both hands and hearts, the farm had a laboratory, produced seeds, collaborated with scientific institutes, moved selection forward, in the nineties , imported seeds poured into the country, overseas varieties, which are good in a number of qualities, life has shown, it was impossible to lose domestic selection,
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the strategy of our state was to produce seeds ourselves on our territory, which means we need to educate worthy scientists. so that they can provide us with worthy varieties, hybrids, now we have highly developed hybridization, until recently this farm was a large producer of vegetables, their low profitability forced us to consider other options, tomato and other areas were reduced to greenhouses. 7 years ago they made a bet on garden strawberries, reached industrial volumes, and supply planting material products outside the region this year.
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leaders in the production of vegetables, how the domestic economy can completely overcome dependence on imports, my colleague, vera krasova, learned everything from the head of the department of botany and selection. seed production of garden plants, temeriaze academy socrates monachas. socrates, hello, hello, and if we talk about the number of seeds in our market, 60%. yes, but in principle this figure is not small, but still it is not enough. we are talking about the fact that, according to food security doctrine should be 75% by the year thirtieth. how can we achieve this figure? do we even have a chance of doing this? there are certainly chances
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, our government, our president, through the ministry of education, science, through the ministry of agriculture, have launched a number of truly operational programs, national projects, such as, for example , the university leadership project, priority 2030, advanced engineering schools , and there is its own track, biotechnology, there is another program for the development of breeding and seed production centers, and we are also participants in this program, and through the ministry of agriculture there is, now a federal scientific and technical program is being launched, which should bring together science, education and companies in the real sector of the economy that are interested in the production of competitive f1 hybrid varieties and ensuring production. global quality of seeds to meet needs, another point is that when we talk
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about the number 60, i wanted to emphasize here, self-sufficiency sounds, yes, now it is 60, we must understand that in the context of individual crops the figure changes, very dramatic, well , 100% wheat, barely potatoes, yes, yes, this is the point we must take into account, another point that we must keep in mind here is that... .does not quite reflect the essence of the state, because self-sufficiency in this case is like the presence of seeds from russian companies on the market, that is, they are in demand, but in fact there are more seeds, but for some reason they still remain, well, as in storage, here and for what reasons are ours now farmers say that they are more willing to work with imported planting material, they say the results are predictable. not all of them are ready to work with our domestic ones, because why, what’s wrong? that’s right
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, since the beginning of 2000 , transnational companies have very confidently and firmly entered the russian seed market, which immediately offered the russian farmer and agrarians a high-quality product, that is , the selection achievements themselves in the form of seeds are also high...
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and so on, what then problem, the problem is scaling, the problem is this very package of services that foreign companies provide, or what, how can we generally support our domestic breeders, and how much time does it take them to develop a new variety? we must, yes, speaking about transnational companies, world leaders selection in seed production, we understand that each of them, well, the top 10 spends from one to five. million dollars a day on research and development, including in the field of seed selection, on the russian
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market at the moment there are similar companies, well we state no, but to fight on equal terms, well, let’s say yes, it is quite difficult to compete on equal terms between a heavyweight and a lightweight, in this regard, well, the state, by launching various programs, is trying... to level out this situation, understanding that there must be a dependence , but there must also be independence, what are these tax breaks, preferential lending, what support measures? are there now and what could be? and regarding support, there is probably no one recipe, tax breaks, yes, and if we we are talking about the development of breeding as a science, intensive technologies for the creation of highly competitive f1 hybrids and varieties, then
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we must also understand that its continuation to the market occurs through a well-functioning seed system. we now have it under private management too, and we must admit that this part is also not developed enough for us to provide our russian farmers and agrarians with the products to which they are accustomed, but there used to be a system, in the past , for example, in the soviet system a breeder creates a variety, registers it the next time, already at the stage of its registration
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, this was not on a dacha scale, on an industrial scale, are there any problems with this? and we have certain issues related to the development of the seed industry, when in the west this is done exclusively by specialized farms that grow plants and seeds on plants, that is, they have fields, there are farmers who know how to properly care and how to make it was high quality passi. characteristics of the material, the product , at the same time, these are organizations that have the entire infrastructure for processing seeds, this is the second part, that is, these are factories, these are entire factories for cleaning, grinding, calibrating, painting, various processing up to packaging and finishing to the
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state we are used to, everything is beautiful, shiny, really expensive, but what about us? while in some, again in the context of individual cultures, there are high-tech enterprises, but in others there are none, in particular , my soul hurts, honestly, because we we specialize in vegetable crops, but in our country we don’t yet have such a center where we could entrust the production of seeds of our f1 hybrids in this way and then be confident about the quality in front of our consumers, well, here’s the question: regarding hybrids specifically, because a hybrid cannot propagated, it is impossible to get seeds from it, on the one hand, it is clear that yes , the hybrid has certain properties that contribute to productivity, survival, resistance, and so on, but is there some kind of commercial secret benefit about that we will bring you disposable seeds and that’s it, next time buy
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again, varieties, no, you cannot breed varieties that will be like hybrids, but at the same time... a multi-layered question, thank you for it, very interesting, but first moment regarding hybrids, they are high-tech despite everything else, the selection of f1 hybrids itself is more competitive compared to varieties, well, there are a lot of technological advantages that are reflected in the process of seed production, in the process of producing the most commercial the product is already consumer.
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a farmer's benefit, when a person can reproduce, everyone knows about it, but at the same time we realize for ourselves that if a breeding company, after spending several years creating this masterpiece product, just gives it away and does not receive a return on investment, then well, there are no prospects no, there are no prospects, to develop new products, there is no competition, and but it’s true, thank you, socrates on... our questions were answered by the head of the department of botany, seed selection of garden plants, temeryazev academy, socrates monachus, thank you, you are my last
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hope, no one, close this salon, what are you saying, we have a wonderful salon with wonderful masters, but you will destroy it all. martynova needs to be fired, science will be different , she cannot be fired, there are no irreplaceable workers , there is no such thing, there is no such thing, there is no such thing, there is no such thing, there is no such thing, except for her, sit down, anatoly, i won’t sit down anywhere, what are you making of me? , now we will make everything out of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulyakova, evgenia loza. queen. margot on friday rtr, sunday, young guys, i call
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my mom and say: mom, i met the man of my dreams, my mom says he’s already in the know, i just felt like i was in my own family, vosnetsova on monday on rtr.
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this is utor russia on saturday march 23rd. every third russian is ready to reduce electricity consumption and, to do this, turns off household appliances. leaving home to save money and for safety. according to the survey results, most often vigilant citizens unplug phone chargers and other gadgets, which is actually correct, because they are flammable. almost 40% of respondents always turn off equipment when they leave for a long time; they power almost the entire house, turning off power except for the refrigerator, while turning off equipment out of habit and out of fear.
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is there any way to protect yourself from such deception? let's try to figure it out. passport, my full details, valery viktorovich petrov, date of birth, passport serial number, everything matches. the only difference is the photograph, this man with a satisfied smiling, posing from the many applications for a loan, which is already. does not allow valery petrov to live in peace, the scammers took possession of the man’s passport data , pasted up someone else’s photo, took out loans , well, i didn’t understand what to do, well, in general, what to do, i started contacting these companies, i called them, i said, guys, figure it out, i i didn’t take it from you, another victim , muscovite irina, a 45-year-old woman, changed her passport, and after a couple of months they called her from the bank and asked her to repay the interest on the loan, last name, first name, patronymic, everything, year of birth, passport series, everything matches. i say: wait, i’m saying this, my passport is old, they discussed it for a long time, then they realized that something
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was wrong, i immediately went. to the ministry of internal affairs, i went to the ministry of internal affairs, well , to the police, wrote a statement that according to my passport, no matter how i took out a loan, there are certainly dozens of similar cases today, people who changed their passport are at risk, because scammers can use the old document, and it will not be difficult for them to pass a check at a credit institution. they go to the bank for an amount that is insignificant for the bank, for small loans have a lower degree of verification. sometimes it can be a fake photograph, but the passport is real, yes, that is, the account number does not belong to the person who received it, it belongs to a complete mess, and so on and so forth. experts are confident that we need to fight not only the scammers themselves, but also the insufficient verification of documents by banks. the central bank must oblige banks to comply with a number of conditions, and if these conditions are not met, such loans should be canceled, and this will actually be the most...
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his documents, he loses the money issued, and starting next year, citizens themselves will have the opportunity to protect themselves from scammers, you can submit an application either through government services to restrict all... financial organizations and banks, and microfinance organizations, from issuing loans or a loan in your name, in general, without your additional consent, with such a set of measures on the part of the borrowing banks, scammers simply will not have a chance to take out a loan in someone else’s name. well, we had the opportunity, together with nastya chernobrovina, to discuss this topic with the boss department of information
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security. relates to credit institutions in terms of enhancing customer information, including information regarding these risks of fraudulent loans, and naturally, when the system identifies a certain risk , a call is made, it may
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depend on the amount. it has no right to interfere in the operational activities of banks, so this is the level of recommendation, but i just wanted to ask about this, does the bank of russia intend to go further, and if the financial organization does not follows the recommendations of the bank of russia and does not carry out the appropriate inspection, then be punished with penalties up to and including revocation of the license, there are no such, well, there is truth in your words, we envisage
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the introduction of... regulations of the so -called risk management benchmarks, including banks are also responsible for issuing such unauthorized loans, where if the level of issuance of so-called fraudulent loans exceeds a certain indicator, the level of issuance in relation to all issued loans will exceed a certain level, supervisory measures will be applied to such banks , including fines.
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on the part of credit institutions, and on the part of the national credit history bureau, the current system is not efficient, so here is the time for processing this information and distributing it to the market. we discussed methods of protection against fraudsters with the head of the information security department of the bank of russia
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, alexey galinichev. thank you. like mine car? done. what about heating? i've already solved the problem. repaired the heating. oh, an alarm system as a gift, stories of a big country, premiere on friday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look , let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look i have it, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time. sign up, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie,
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catch a fish, big or small, well in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count meat, fat and coal? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? mm, yes, yes, yes, once again , yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, today on rtr.
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will completely restore the cornea and retina of the eye after injury; this will soon be possible thanks to the latest achievements of russian biologists; they were able to grow fragments of vital tissue organs. details from andrey alekseenko. 300 thousand people, this is exactly how many, according to doctors, suffer from blindness today, and there are tens, or even hundreds of millions of people with vision problems. doctors have scientists are trying to solve the problem, at least partially, in different ways: creating electronic implants or growing fragments of damaged tissue eyes, so the path was taken in sechenovka when an artificial cornea was created. it is made of collagen, we take animal tissues,
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we can take various tissues, skin, ligaments, and so on, we extract jellied meat from them, in fact. in this case , scientists used bovine tendons as a source of collagen, from which, using a chemical reaction under... the influence of electric current, they obtained a blank, a collagen film, then cut out an implant of the required size, in terms of strength and transparency it is not inferior to a real cornea, this was confirmed tests. we implanted the cornea into a rabbit, the cornea took root, we did a histological analysis, we were satisfied with it. now the next step is to check the viability of the development in the clinic, they are preparing for a breakthrough in this laboratory of festekh, here, with the help of cellular technologies, they are creating a medicine for the retinal tissue, which is responsible for transmission. a signal from light-sensitive receptors to the brain, their breakdown most often leads to complete blindness, to repair a most complex organ, confident researchers, it is possible to implant so -called ganglion cells, we get from invitro, and literally in vitro, but we
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can, in general, transplant them into the retina, ideally this should allow us to restore lost functions, in particular, restore the connection with the cortex of the visual center, biologists took stem cells as a basis, at first. they tried to reprogram them into the right ones, but then it turned out that it’s easier to create a whole semblance of a part of the eye, in fact, to grow a fragment of the retina in the laboratory; we also grow, let’s say, a retina-like one. dialysis therapy, complain that from pharmacies
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kidney diseases, which are in need of a drug that they vitally need, we are talking about a russian drug, and there is such a shortage in 58 regions, also in at least 72 regions, kidney patients cannot find hormonal drugs, in addition, due to withdrawal from the russian market many foreign pharmaceutical companies are experiencing a shortage of some antibiotics, oncology drugs, and also... reports of the absence of certain drugs in pharmacies, very alarming
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messages, people immediately run to look for it, here is maxiklav, there was a real hunt for him, kolemey, cyclosparin, why does this happen? well, yes, in fact, you are listing drugs that, one way or another, sometimes appear on the so-called defective list, but this is mainly connected, i would say, with elements of logistics, since today there is... a system for marking the movement of drugs and we we control the availability of drugs for almost every drug in any pharmacy, in any region of the country, for any reason, if any drug is missing, the ministry of health, roszdravnadzor reacts sharply, and if necessary, the possible reasons are immediately clarified, either solving logistics issues or solving issues regarding the production of medicines, then... the ministry of industry and trade gets involved and practically
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today these interruptions, they still probably need to be talked about pointwise, in terms of time, how long it can take, a week, two, when it can be a week, it can be two weeks, that is, it is clear that there is a production cycle when it is necessary to produce a drug, but we see from the input into civil circulation dynamics for almost every medicinal product, that is , how much is administered, how much it assumes...
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the patient's medicinal product can also have an individual effect, so it is still necessary to prescribe according to the generic international nonproprietary name, i wonder how a person will understand that there may be some additional ailments from some accompanying ingredients, but it’s better for the doctor to probably know the quality of the medications is checked systems of a strict system of laboratory complexes that are under our jurisdiction.
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subordination and the quality of medicines has been proven, so those side effects, those unwanted reactions, they are all prescribed in the instructions, so naturally, there may be some reactions in greater quantities, some in smaller quantities, therefore, but when the patient is taking the drug, he must, of course, be sure to report all possible undesirable events to his doctor. if the doctor assessing the use of this drug or taking a drug, will assess that some undesirable events are beyond the acceptable limits, here the doctor is. should already report undesirable events to the roszdravnadzor system, to the pharmacovigilance system, and you somehow accumulate all of these in order for some hipparat, so that hiparat can formulate the medicine absolutely correctly, here is the roszdravnadzor system, pharmacovigilance, which in which we collect all information about unwanted events, and
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as the system is being built, which undesirable events, which drug accumulates more? then the drug may be subject to additional control, serial control, or even perhaps changes will be made to the instructions for use, look, perhaps such an appearance in the future, someday we will dream up such a system, when the doctor logged into his computer he understood, that’s there are pharmacies in his city, here these drugs that he is going to prescribe are available, but these are not enough, here is an analogue, here she has a hitparat of these drugs, in fact, where it is written, they don’t give any side effects at all, this is an analogue, but... there are some side effects there and it’s from the first there, let’s say threes of all this takes and prescribes, in the pharmacy it is the pharmacists who clearly see the system, since they have a system for marking the movement of drugs, they can clearly see where on the network this or that drug by generic name is present, and why then
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do people hunt for some specific names, although the active ingredient is in others, well, i think this is especially... and just marketing, yes, someone is advertised for a specific drug, someone is advertised for the effect of this drug, perhaps the shortage is because of this arises, everyone runs after the one that everyone knows, and another drug lies there on the counter and no one takes it, because it doesn’t even occur to anyone to ask, although its active substance is generally the same, this is an obligation already pharmacists and pharmacists who work in pharmacies in order to clearly...
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the factor is not excluded, no, well, of course , this is always the case, because well, the human factor does exist, but today, in the pharmacy chain, we clearly know, as i already said, there is a plan production, which is collected by ninpromtorg, we have data on the introduction into civil circulation, when we collect all this into a single system, in principle, we clearly predict the availability of a particular drug on the market today, if a doctor prescribes a drug. and he was not there given a particular pharmacy, today the pharmacy can clearly route the patient to the pharmacy where this or that drug is available, and if it is a chain pharmacy, all the more so they are completely calm about the availability of the drug in chain pharmacies, that is, what we can to our viewers say, don’t
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get upset, don’t give up, they didn’t find any other pharmacies , first of all they should probably contact you, yes , of course, they can call the roszdravnadzor hotline, they can contact the territorial body of roszdravnadzor and... and they will definitely help, our colleagues will definitely help, they will find the drug that is needed, we understand, thank you very much , the head of rosdravnadzor alla samoilova was our guest, all the best to you, thank you very much, vladimir, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, all the feelings are here aggravated to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, lenya, what are you doing here, premiere on the russia channel, strela amur, suggest, wow, i want to find the killer faster than vesnetsov. listen, let's do this, you you will be my beloved husband, and i am your sweet
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bun, excuse me, what are you planning? vosnetsov, on monday at 21.20 on the russia channel. daria, who are you? what do you need from us? excuse me, but i do not understand. what's your plan? i promise to remain silent. premiere. today at 21:00. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday at 19:00. they need care, care and treatment. not only people, but also trees, especially those that are hundreds of years old. this is what arbarists do. climbing by myself treetops, they diagnose forest giants and carry out therapeutic procedures. we have been looking closely at this tree for a long time, this is truly a monument
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to the living nature of adygea, at least we don’t know such trees, this is a poplar and as you can see, it is simply gigantic in size, next to such a giant, small and fragile, it feels a beastly man, but even this giant needs help over the years in the form of treatment or quarantine pruning before giving his conclusion... for a chance to become a natural monument, the tree nauts examine the tree is completely, to do this you need to climb to the very top. be careful. local guides often tell tourists that this century-old poplar is the oldest tree in adegea. dreonauts add from the known ones, those that can be reached. in his expeditions within the framework of the project giant trees of the caucasus, evgeniy zen and like-minded people are looking for tree treasures in inaccessible areas on the territory of the caucasus.
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the measurement was taken, it’s very beautiful here, probably the largest tree i’ve climbed. here in these unique climatic conditions, here are the colchian gates, they come here from the sea, warm air and here a very microclimate is created in this zone favorable for their maximum development, against the backdrop of the disappearance of all these trees, and their value increases, because you can literally touch them on your fingers such. evgeniy is not the only one looking for tree champions; this year his son artemy joined his group. change of environment,
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because you always get used to the fact that the earth, you can go wherever you want, but on there is no tree, it’s more complicated there, but more interesting. zhenya says that we explore trees, but personally i explore myself on this tree, because this is a kind of emotion, emotion. there are a lot of dry branches, basically what was expected, i see mushrooms in the neighboring trunk. after examining the partial pruning of dry branches, evgeniy measured the height of the poplar, it was more than 35 meters, and then, together with maria , he found out how much the century-old poplar turned out to have in girth. 10:33 10:33 we’re recording, this is an unimaginably large number, i just don’t even know
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where such trees exist. with such indicators the giant poplar will certainly take its rightful place in the national register of old-growth trees. now, as a result of evgeniy’s expedition, there are still three tree-gei in it, but this is only the beginning - the tree-nauts are sure. we plan to find a fir 80 m long, so far we have only seen 60 m, and continue hiking. the next denarological expedition for... it was broadcast on morning of russia on saturday, march 23, goodbye. hello, oksana kuvaeva is live in the studio.


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