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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 9:25am-10:10am MSK

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keep her in the apartment, because everything goes to the toilet on its own, you have to carry her in your arms from the seventeenth floor, they bring such dogs, they also seem to come to life in nature, well, here we have a dog house, the stove is always lit so that warm, dry, the most important thing is that the dogs are dry, well, when the dogs are older, they all want to lie in the warmth, closer to the stove. booba, hi, bastic, gabriela, as always, sleeping, aechka, aechka, aechka, aechka, my little bunny, i’m my good girl, hello, buba, hello, i’m here the main old-timer, they brought me here 3 years ago, my owner died, and it seemed that i was left too.
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that is, if you train a young dog , it must be walks, some kind of stress , emotional stress, but i let these ones out, gave them the opportunity to run, then they themselves ask to go home to the enclosure, eat, climb into their coomura, sleep peacefully, sometimes the dog is already deaf , doesn’t hear, doesn’t hear, you don’t shout to him, you shout, but he doesn’t hear you, you can’t call him into the enclosure, you have to run after him, take him by the collar, wind it up, you’re my good one, and old grandpa. and grandpa, well, he’s just
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after surgery, that’s why i took him home today, he’s doing great, he’s keeping himself in good spirits, very well, so he has strength, strength of spirit, we’ll live a while longer, i’ll tell you one secret, we’ve taken on the topic of older dogs it’s no coincidence that this happened after a call to the editorial office from one of our tv viewers, who really wanted to tell the whole country about her...
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listen, but you understand that we are meeting thanks to your phone call, if only you didn’t call us, this meeting would not have taken place, i really love your program , thank you very much, when i saw the phone, of course, i immediately decided to call and told about our dogs, because they are at the age at which it is now in human life - these are old people, two pensioners, and i wanted to share some secrets, i actually wanted to. now i would like to separately say to our tv viewers: please do not hesitate to call our studio, our editorial office, share your stories, this is extremely important and very valuable for us, so here you go phone is on the screen, and we will be glad to see you in this studio, so, we know your pets’ names, let’s talk now about their age, how old are they, lanchik will turn 15 years old in 10 days, 15 years for human age, that’s approximately how many, they say that 8 years are not counted there , even more, that is, he is over 100 years old, so good,
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the second dog, the second in 2 months is 16 years old, that’s even more, yes, it turns out to be about 110 years old, fantastic, good , what is the secret of longevity, well, i think, one of the most basic, well, firstly, they are each other they cannot live with each other, they support each other, if, for example, they stroke, they must be stroked in parallel, yes, as we stroke them, in parallel, that is, the love that we... well, the main thing is, of course, the environment in which they live, they were never shouted at, one must walk parallel to the other, yes , they were never beaten, they were never scolded, yes, that is, they were treated very kindly, to this day also, well, you say that the dogs still play, it’s very hard to believe, i’ll be honest with you, we now lisa will show you, you play with this , you play, show how they play with us, come, fox, don’t be shy, stand up, come, show him, give
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him the ball, oh, oh, are you kidding, yes, oh, that’s it, second, oh, he wants to take the second one, but sometimes, yes, you see, he wants two at once, but he will have to share, no, he grabbed it. now we’ll give it, for a pound, for a pound , listen, i must separately note to the tv viewers that your dogs’ teeth are completely fine, you know, it’s amazing, yes, dmitry, they can still bite me, yeah, how did you manage to save the teeth of an elderly dog, once a year we usually go for a full sanitation, yeah, but with age, starting from 12 years old, this already had to be done under light anesthesia, yeah, but... now we take it mechanically and clean it, we’re already afraid, oh, oh, oh, oh , here you go, i can’t believe my eyes, what an active grandfather, guys, fantastic, and you know, i’ll tell you, his grandfather, his grandfather, he literally was also a long-liver, he died , probably, well, 2-3 years ago, so he went hunting, his grandfather, and even
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i fought with all the dogs when i was old, i think that such a grandfather of course needs a grandmother, he, he had a grandmother. this is the secret of good life: to be left without his grandmother in time, i don’t even know, look how he plays, how good he feels, without his grandmother, finally you can play, mind your own business , but honestly, lunch, lunch, there these toys are inflated, he took, of course, everything, he took everything from the pound, jokes aside, we invited a care and health specialist to this studio pets, the chief physician of one of the veterinary centers in order to find out how to prolong the old age of the dog, please meet tatyana lyulko, your applause, tatyana lyulko, the chief veterinarian of a large veterinary center, knows how to help a pet even in the most difficult situation,
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hello , nice to meet you, great , you look nice to meet you, please take your place, thank you very much, hello, very nice, please.
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that you need to get up from the table a little hungry also applies to pensioners, here it is the secret of longevity, we can't carry a ball that he extinguished, oh great, there's a very important question here, of course, is the breed of a dog related to the number of years it will live, uh-huh, actually yes, and small dogs live longer, than large breed dogs, and this is due to the fact that large dogs. in general, it weighs quite a lot and there is a big difference between what kind of puppy is born and what it becomes, they grow very quickly, and resources are spent on this growth, they are no longer enough to maintain health, so large dogs, giant dogs live less
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than small dogs. i recently read information that they are discussing or have already invented a drug that will allow large very large breed dogs to live longer. what have you heard about this? yes, i heard that such a drug has actually been invented, but it is still in the testing stage. yes, well, let's hope that everything will work out anyway. when a dog is already old, how to care for it, how to make its old age happy? here again it depends on the breed, and it is very important regular examination by a veterinarian is very important , and in order to exclude the presence of some kind of inflammatory process, some diseases, pain syndrome, it is very important, because... dogs can often have toothache, so oral hygiene is extremely important, and they may joints hurt, so we must eliminate pain, the most important thing is just good care, and it is very important to stick to the usual daily routine, so that there are no innovations in
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the dog’s life, because they are used to living according to the same routine, they are used to at one time they walk, eat, sleep, rest and so on, it is very important that... nothing radically changes, so that they do not experience stress, but you can learn some new commands, something simple, you can use interactive toys , it’s very convenient now there are special ones. they don’t fight anymore, but they can give it to each other , please, they sleep together, well, yes,
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they lie down together, it happens especially, well, it’s cool , for example, the heating is not on , they snuggle together, dmitry, he can play endlessly, this is a dog , well that means will sleep soundly, well, if you have questions for the doctor, you can ask them right now, yes, you can ask, i would like to know, the fact is that starting from the age of 12. we don’t vaccinate either one or the other, only against rabies, yeah, is it possible, or well, it used to be thought that adult dogs could be vaccinated less frequently, but according to the latest protocols, on the contrary , it is recommended to vaccinate annually, because immunity decreases, so regularly we also continue to vaccinate fully complex against rabies and viral infections. okay, let's please applaud my guests. i would really like to make gifts for you. thank you very much for coming, bring it to the studio soon. thank you very much. we are also very pleased that we came to you, baby, this is for you, yes,
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this is for you, i think that you will definitely figure out how to deal with this, i am very grateful for your phone call, i advise everyone, thank you very much for your expertise, glad to meet you, thank you, please, applause for my guests, we continue, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote everything. time for your child, how beautiful you are, i will miss you , irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can't do that. take care of masha like you do, but i have one condition, you should never
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tell masha the truth, especially if it ’s not yours, well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to remain silent, premiere today on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s work everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, whatever, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop, not
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pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this headache kit, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow. on rtr , you are my last hope, no one’s, close this salon, damn it, we have a wonderful salon with wonderful craftsmen, but you will destroy it all, martynova needs to be fired, others will have to deal with science, she can’t be fired. there are no irreplaceable workers , there are no, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no other than her,
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sit down, anatoly, i won’t sit anywhere, what are you making of me, now we will make everything out of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro , maria kulikova, evgenia loza. queen margot, friday on rtr. most importantly weather to the house.
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andrey malakhov's show today on rtr. cats with sheep's wool and the character of a dog. let's talk about root shreks in the section i want to start. ask. cornish cats are quite space cats, because they are huge. eyes, huge ears, and a long, refined body, long paws, a long tail, and the cat doesn’t have hair, it’s very soft to the touch, very warm, in my opinion, well, in general, when you hold the cornish, especially after washing it in your hands, it’s just like a child, a real one,
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yes, my good one, yes, everything has been washed, right? this one here’s my married couple, glasha, when she gets cold, if for example it’s cold in the room, she can come to her frenchie, lie down on him and warm up, despite the fact that, despite her such a feminine character, she won’t let anyone near her, he also thinks that cornish is still a cat dog, corne shrex is a cat enough that you can... go to a regular toilet, and then they all carry balls or toys, that is, the one you throw, it will definitely bring you back,
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well done, let's get to... the shreks roots, they always find something to do, then they found a toy, ran around, found a post , climbed in, found a closet, you need to jump , that is, there is always some kind of movement with them, everywhere in the house i changed the handles to round ones, that’s because if the handle is a regular one, then they open all the doors, they jump on this handle and the locks open automatically, it’s unrealistically smart. for a cat to be smart and sociable and so humane - this is very rare. our guest today is the owner of this incredible breed, singer, honored artist of russia nina shatskaya, please meet her. nina shatskaya is a singer, honored artist
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of russia, she is called the diva of russian romance. in the performer's repertoire. what an amazing creature this is, i’ve never heard of it before, well, it’s a cornish rex, and it’s very, very smart, yes, it’s very similar to a dog, it’s very socialized, it needs to talk.
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it’s very soft to the touch, yes, it’s very soft, and you know, when i posted photos with it on social networks, people often asked me what you do with the cat, why are you torturing it, why does the cat sleep on curlers, yes, but in fact, he is so curly, marik is already at a respectable age, he is 14 years old, so, he was born with a white mustache, this white mustache has even broken off, he has such a... pronounced character, he misses his owner, sleeps only with the owner, such absolutely dog-like devotion to the owner, speaking of dogs, you came not only with a cat, is that true? yes, i have the same black curly dog, please bring me a black curly dog, now we’ll look at him, calm, okay, calm, calm, convince me,
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my mother, my mother, this is also yours, sit down, sit down, sit, sit, look, marik is here, marik is here too, sit, sit, oh god, yes. oh god, how huge , how beautiful, very kind, very kind, yes, calm, calm, so many people, so many people, calm, sit, sit, you have to smell everything, calm, and why do you smell so delicious, we go to salon, before some special events, help me, this is bernsky, zenen hunt, i spoke in german, listen, but i now understand that you are calm.
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among ourselves, when we went to get the dog, when i saw the little calm one, he was absolutely such a ball, he was round , yes, he was absolutely round, with huge paws, and he immediately stole my heart, i fell in love with him at first sight, very carefully i brought them together with marik, because we still have in the dacha there are street dogs and the cat has them all in mind, he can hiss, or he can bite him by the nose, when he saw shtil, he was discouraged, because even shtil was very small, he was two or three times larger than marik, it’s hard to believe, and of course
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marik understood that the dog was a small puppy, but he was huge, well, in general , i painstakingly brought them together enough, calm adores marik, loves to lick him, and marik looks at him with such a look that, oh my god, how can you love this tuft of fur? well, he endures, they never quarrel, yes , give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, well, this is the first day of the meeting, it’s very touching, in my opinion , calm is more scared than marik, well, yes, he didn’t understand , what is it, he had never seen cats, he was only 2 months old, but he was immediately very, very open.
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and marik didn’t behave like that, usually he, he would run away, but today i’m surprised that he behaves very calmly, you know, it ’s on camera, probably, yes, yes, yes, you see, they have love , of course, this is absolute love, love, yes, love, my dear, this is such love, tilika and marika, listen, from his first days i was warned that these dogs may have problems with the joints and
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that while he is small, he should not walk up the stairs, while he was growing, for the first month i carried him up the stairs in my arms, and he, and zeninhu has such a feature, they grow instantly, and of course, from the very infancy i had it, i managed it myself, but you see, and you say absolutely. love , well, you’re right behind the groan, the second one endures it and doesn’t utter a sound at all, this is real friendship, real love, amazing, i would really like to treat shtil with something , then i need to bring it, he loves it very much with your permission, yes, if possible, and i think that now you will all be surprised what shtil’s favorite dish is, i have cucumbers in my hands, but just wait you can start, you can, he can give a paw and a vote for the cucumbers. and a vote for cucumbers, it can even go down, come on, voice, calm , voice, no, voice, voice, well done, well done,
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good job, well done, wow, cucumbers, how did you know about this? the thing is that i very carefully found out what you can feed the dog so that there are no problems, and they told me that all sorts of sweets, under no circumstances, and this is my first dog, under no circumstances should fruits be allowed, but vegetables are allowed , and i figured that there was only water in the cucumber, and it fell in love with it, he thinks it’s the most delicious food when we took him to an exhibition, and... i wasn’t really going to do exhibitions, but we were told that a club dog can have a bride only after the exhibition, and so we went to exhibition, by the way, he became the champion of the breed, champion of the breed , congratulations, that is, he is now the most beautiful, the most true to his breed in russia, yes, well, last year, for that you also get a cucumber, funny health when he is at the exhibition they bring it and... our dog handler said
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that we need to take some tasty treat when instead of meat and some delicacies , i gave him a cucumber, they said that the whole exhibition was simply in amazement, and he is, yes, we have such a vegetarian, you have an absolutely amazing family, we can talk about this endlessly, thank you it’s great that you share with us, for me the most valuable thing in a conversation with you is including a conversation about how to make friends between a cat and a dog, because there is a feeling that this is, in principle , an impossible task in order to talk about it in detail.. .details
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worth knowing for those who fell in love with this breed, what is their peculiarity , who would suit this breed, how to care for it, in general, cornish rex appeared not so long ago, it is a relatively young breed, in 1957 they were bred in corneau county in the uk, it happened completely by accident, it was just born a kitten with such a special coat, they paid attention to this and decided that the world urgently needs such beauties in large numbers, so they began to breed the breed, they are prohibited. crossbreed with any other breeds, they are very unique in this regard, i didn’t know this, yes, they are very cool pets, in principle they are suitable for any person, indeed they are a little self-sufficient, in principle cats, they are more solitary predators, these are pack-oriented dogs, felines, they usually walk on their own, but nevertheless the cornish are friendly, they are very playful, they are very inquisitive, curious, they will always follow on the heels of their owner and
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the person in... as if a lover was watching his lady's heart when we went out for a walk to the street from calmly, he peeked around the corner of the house and peeked, and i said: “marechek, come to me,” he turned around and ran away, oh, right into the very heart, yes, yes, yes, yes, he began to run away, hide, me, i had to look for him around the site, walk, that is, show active attention, so that he felt that
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they were looking for him, that’s absolutely human. behaved. evgenia, then again the question for you: how to work with this jealousy when a second pet appears at home? should i pay more attention to him? yes, of course, first of all, we are in principle, when we talk about how to make friends with pets, we are talking first of all about how to avoid competition, and competition can consist of competition for food, for some basic resources, there is food, territory, or competition for a loved one person, that’s right, yes , for your attention, if these are pets that are similar, for example , in character and... size, they can be involved in some common games, spend time with them, and if these pets are completely different, like ours, yes, there are guests here, then we can share attention, really spend time with the dog separately, spend time with the cat separately, marik’s kingdom is the bedroom, and he has the right to jump on the bed, but the calm one does not have such a right, he comes, he can look into the bedroom if no one is looking , but he doesn’t even come close to the bed, marik
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is watching from above... from his throne and from his high position, that he has his own royal, royal options, so he still feels better. it's very interesting how we divide space in house, there is a theory that we have three floors in the house, each floor is dedicated to a specific family member there, yes, if we are talking about a pack family, i call it a pack family, someone calls it a social group when we have several species of animals live in one family, if we are talking about a family pack, then the territory is divided like this, the first level, the floor level belongs to the dogs, this is their territory, they have plasticine there, the second level is the level of middle surfaces, tables, chairs, sofas, beds here of course, our main character is a person , the third level is the level of high surfaces, these are chests of drawers, cabinets, mezzanines, refrigerators , everything that is higher, cats live there from
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above and watch what the others are doing below, thank you very much for your expertise, this is very exciting, nina, thank you very much too, you know, this is what i want to ask you, in russia, and we also... russia , when we go out among friends, it is customary to sing, so i would like to really ask you to please us with your talent to sing maybe akalla that as you see fit, because this is a unique opportunity for me and for all our viewers, i beg you, oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening, i can’t get enough of the floor. i ’m too small, i didn’t sleep much, and i didn’t dream of you
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, i dreamed in a dream that my black horse got wild, frolicked, and danced under me, bravo, bravo, thank you very much, very grateful, thank you very much, i can’t let go of yours pets with empty paws, so gifts, please, rather for my guests, thank you, what a beauty, thank you for stopping by, some people will swallow these delicacies in one go, but we’ll have to stretch out this pleasure, well, this is a shock, it’s a huge holiday, let’s meet your family, thank you very much, i’m very glad
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to meet you especially, thank you very much for your expertise, come see us, please, please, applause to my friends, thank you. today at dr. myasnikov’s clinic, why
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do you need to change cat litter boxes every day, and which pets can infect you with a dangerous infection? well, we'll be there today talk about zaanoz, which can be dangerous in animals, for example, in a diabetic. legs in order to avoid problems, feed them, whether it is necessary to give antiparasitic drugs to dogs and cats prophylactically , and whether humans should take them, how to use gadgets correctly so as not to harm the eyes, the spine, how to use gadgets correctly, they have such a neck, that’s why it’s simply not there, it’s all covered with hair, everyone has it, it’s ugly, insufficient melatonin levels lead to, but does it cause? a brain tumor, healthy fats, check if you are eating them, we are talking about fats, the right fats, the wrong ones, what kind there are, how much there is, so, what kind of dangerous ones, without them , here are the hormones, because of this, the hormones that
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control our body and sex hormones as well. hello, i’m doctor myasnikov, you are in my clinic on belorusskaya, on the russia-1 channel, doctor’s sakway. with the topics it ’s clear, but look who i have today, yes, my masha, well, we’ll just have a section about infections that we can get from... pets, well , let's probably talk more about the fact that they give us a lot of positive things, yes , masha, beauty, yes, so, sit here for now, let's talk about how to eat fats correctly, our friend, our enemy is gadgets, how to use them correctly? well, this is my favorite, we will read bulgakov, well, not
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just read, but develop his thoughts, his quotes. so, well, where did the baby go? now? my honey, where are you? so, okay, she won’t come until she examines everything. in general, we are starting, it will be educational. interesting, so, we start with the topic of how to correctly, how to use gadgets correctly, well, the most common gadget is probably our mobile phone, of course, there is no option, it’s better not to use it, it’s not suitable, it’s part of our life, we can say that it’s well, we can say that this is bad, we still use it and will use it as long as we live, or
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some catastrophe occurs when all this simply does not work, by the way, this is also an option, so, if we understand that this is evil inevitable, let's develop some definite rules, have you noticed that all modern girls were like before? there were long necks, beautiful shoulders, and therefore chest, everything, why? but because their mother taught them from childhood to hold their heads like this, to straighten their shoulders, but what are today’s girls like? they have such a neck, so it’s simply not there, it’s all covered with hairs, of course, here’s where you stick how much. why? but
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because she has a mobile phone, she doesn’t do it for a minute, not two, not an hour, she’s like this all the time. well, guys, okay, what to take from them. and they everyone became hunchbacked. therefore, be very careful about your posture, this is the direct enemy of posture. it is clear that it is inconvenient to hold it like this. and that's all we are. despite the fact that ordinary daylight does not affect this, it causes insomnia, this
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causes a number of problems, well, if we touched on the eyes, this is of course a dry eye, i can say, blink more often, well, you will not skillfully blink often, let your eyes rest, you read books, read them the way we all read, i understand, i myself read all the books on my phone now, why? well , because i have a huge library here, i think one thing, another , a third, i have it here, i always read everywhere, i read, but my eyes hurt, my hands hurt, my fingers hurt, basically, probably the most important thing i ’ll tell you now, don’t use your phone while driving , a huge number of fatal accidents due to the fact that we write sms, are distracted by the phone, abroad they are struggling with this, for some reason we have this attitude, well
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, they say one thing, it is actually very loyal , we crush pedestrians as a pedestrian walks across the road, headphones, smartphone, here he comes, he doesn’t look anywhere, he doesn’t understand, that it is not made of iron, it’s just an iron car, and behind the wheel sits a man who is also probably looking at his phone, i myself was a sinner, i trained myself. do not pick up the phone under any circumstances, because the devil sits and waits, he waits for you to lower your gaze from the road, lower it to the phone screen and it happens, you can... either become a murderer, or die yourself, no use gadgets before bed, well, yes, irritation of these receptors, which i spoke about with this blue light, leads to disruption production of melatonin, and melatonin already, but not only normalizes sleep, an insufficient level of melatonin leads to
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cancer, an insufficient level of melatonin leads to infections, oddly enough, it weakens the immune system and so on and so on, in fact... we are up to we still don’t really know whether this causes a brain tumor ? causes in children, we don’t know in adults, but since we don’t know, it means maybe it causes why headphones actually appeared then, remember, because from headphones such radiation is direct to there is no brain that could potentially cause a tumor, so basically i think, why?
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this is an inevitable evil, we cannot live without it, because to say that yes, a smartphone causes an overload of the nervous system, but this is nonsense, it is not the smartphone that causes an overload of the nervous system, but what we read there, what we say there, we , that we live, we are on a volcano, or an infection, or a nuclear war , or some kind of global catastrophe, that’s what the media plays on, what kind of nervous system, there are gadgets, not gadgets, so... it is not clear here what is primary , what is secondary, yes, the chicken or the egg, this thing has purely physical effects on health, not this mental one, what it does, it makes us keep the wrong body shape, it irritates our eyes, it is through suppression
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the production of melotannin affects many systems , and this... thing spoils our vision, and not only, as i already said, dry eyes, it affects certain receptors, but we just know that before we had to read at a certain distance, not closer, not further, and so on, we keep it, who knows, this is a thing that has a certain electromagnetic radiation, potentially dangerous for the development of a brain tumor, it is clear that we need to somehow coexist with this... no matter there, let's live one day without a gadget, you can live one day without a gadget, you, yes , your child is a necessary evil, but let ’s somehow put up with it, remember, this is a typical image that i drew, girls, well, that’s how you are, you understand, but there should
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be, look, and the soul rejoices, let's move on. so, now we have questions for the doctor, let's see what we have accumulated, hello, dear alexander leonidovich , greetings from the city of korsk, my name is svetlana, i’m 45 years old, the fact is that for so many years i have had high levels of total cholesterol, have i had a pedogram, i’m attaching tests for you , i watch your shows , read your books, try to follow all the recommendations, lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym six times a week , have no habits, enjoy eating almonds and dark chocolate, drink omega-3, take vitamin d, but one of the biggest i consider my love for good butter to be my sins.


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