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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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yes, your child is an inevitable evil, but let’s somehow put up with him, remember, this is a typical image that i drew, girls, well, that’s how you are, you understand, but it should be, you look, and your soul rejoices, let’s move on , so, now we have questions for the doctor, let’s see what we have accumulated, hello, dear alexander leonidovich, greetings to you from the city of korsk, my name is svetlana, i’m 45 years old. the fact is that for many years my total cholesterol level has been elevated. have you taken a pedogram? i am enclosing the tests for you. i watch your shows i read your books, try to follow all the recommendations, lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym six times a week, and have no bad habits. i enjoy eating almonds and dark chocolate, drinking omega-3, and taking vitamin d. but alone. one of my biggest sins is
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the love of good butter with black rye bread for breakfast in the morning; i eat it almost every day. please tell me what to do in my case, what do you recommend and should i worry? thank you in advance. well now i'll look at yours tests, we will print them. so, svetlana, what do we have? total cholesterol 5.9, high-density cholesterol 1.9, low-density cholesterol 3.8, triglycerides 0.5, glucose 5.4, svetlana, keep eating.
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when we take a cholesterol test, in principle, no one does this, but according to world standards, we must determine two indicators: total cholesterol and high-density cholesterol, that is, good cholesterol, why should any person have not...
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within, so to speak, his norm, he is also bad, he is not bad, too much of him is bad, and you can’t live without it either, your triglycerides are fine, everything is fine with you, by the way, and your sugar is good, so live calmly, maybe at some stage you ’ll start having problems with cholesterol, with age, maybe , well, check it, how old are you, you don’t even need to check it every year, next time in 5 years, so let’s move on, good afternoon, good. my name is yulia, i am 48 years old, i am from kazan, i have been worried about anemia for a long time, it was not immediately possible to understand that it was iron deficiency anemia, since additional tests were not carried out were prescribed due to the fact that hemoglobin was at the lower limit of normal, when we managed to figure it out, we realized that the concentration of iron was very low, as well as feritin, which was very low and below normal, iron supplements were prescribed, they... help, but then everything returns to
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circles. in addition to all other tests, my therapists and hematologists prescribe a colonoscopy, which i refuse to do. please tell me if there is an option without a colonoscopy to understand what the problem is, the lack of absorption of iron in my body. thank you big. this is not, not assimilation, this is loss. just imagine a swimming pool. it pours in from one end, pours out from the other, there are two options: either it doesn’t pour in enough, and you have a lack of dietary iron, but that’s not the point, it’s pouring out somewhere. 25% of women suffer from iron deficiency anemia, normal menstruation occurs, this is the genital tract , but the second route is the gastrointestinal one, and in order to exclude a polyp in the intestines, or even a cancerous op. yes, colon cancer
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is a very common thing to put point nodes, you need to do a colanoscopy, she does it today under anesthesia, it doesn’t hurt, it needs to be done. in my practice, very often situations like this end in that we find cancer and save a person’s life, so in this case the doctors are absolutely right, especially since i don’t know how they replenish iron for you, because to increase hemoglobin it is enough to take iron for 2 months, so in order to replenish feritin reserves, iron reserves, it must be taken for six months, and it is not always possible, so to speak, because often gastric intestinal disorders, we sometimes even infuse a vein, have now appeared.
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be sure to drink it with orange juice, it dramatically increases digestibility, and a consultation with a gynecologist and coloscopy is required. go ahead. good afternoon, doctor, my name is zharova, ekaterina anatolyevna, i am from moscow, i have the following question for you. for a year now, and probably even more, i haven’t been feeling well and have frequent colds . not long ago i came across information about the benefits of interferon. passed tests for interferon status, now i am asking you to help me understand this analysis, thank you very much, now we will print it out,
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your analyzes are strange. so, well, look, you see, it is written: immunological studies, i warn everyone, do not go and do any immunological studies, you did it for money, judging by the beautiful words, serum interferon, interferon, alpha, galma, god, for good money , and what you printed here is the assessment of interferon status, determination of sensitivity to interferon inducers, this is one thing, the indicator is much higher, and you know, when i just started working in
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the hospital, i showed tests similar to doctors, the ones that they prescribe, so they prescribe tests, this is such a sheet. everything is there, all sorts of antibodies, lymphocytes, killers, this and that , i said, now decipher, give me information, what do you see here, you don’t see anything, i don’t understand, they just don’t understand , this is the purpose, showing that we are there, we can evaluate immunological tests, in this case this is what there is, it brings absolutely no benefit to you and practically anyone, if you have a bad idea of ​​who this test is for, in general...
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anywhere, in places of infection, it may not be there at all, so if you don’t want to get sick or reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections, you want to use interferon , i advise you to use interferon alfa2b, why, but it is harmless, but it can help, so
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consult a specialist, a doctor, he will confirm my words to you, and we move on, hello, respecters, my name is alexandra, i live. glofirovka krasnodar region. i have a question like this: a couple of years ago, probably as a result of suffering from covid, my hair began to get scary. i lost probably 3/4 of the volume. i read. on the internet that you need to take zinc and rub nicotinic acid into the scalp, please tell me how long you need to take zinc and when you can evaluate the result, what doesn’t help, let’s say we should turn to some other drugs, thank you, you know , medications won’t help you, and it’s not a fact that zinc can help, but zinc is a good thing, but it has its side effects, for example, you may lose your sense of smell, there is no longer covid. taking zinc, in fact , diffuse hair loss, and you have exactly diffuse hair loss, this is always a symptom
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of something, this is a non-primary disease, this is a symptom of either a previous covid, new for too long 2 years, or low iron, i think this your history, iron deficiency anemia, check epheritin , you don’t need to drink zinc, you need to drink iron for three or four months, it’s either stress or some other illness, the good news is that after you raise iron reserves, check magnesium, by the way, as soon as you replenish these reserves, recover from iron deficiency anemia, cope with stress, and so on and so forth, and everything will be restored for you, that is, this is always a symptom and it is always restored, that ’s all with questions, we physical education break , let's go do some pull-ups, do you want to review us, look at this app or website , look at, like this: next, healthy fats,
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check whether you eat them, why you need to change cat litter boxes every day, and which pets can infect you with dangerous infection, we are talking about fats, the right fats, the wrong ones, which ones there are, how much there are, so, which ones are dangerous, without them there are hormones. because of this, the hormones that control our body, including sex hormones. well, today we will talk about zaanoz. yes, cat scratch disease causes certain things that are dangerous in animals and can lead, for example, to amputation of a leg in a diabetic. in order to avoid problems, feed, is it necessary to give prophylactic antiparasitic drugs to dogs and cats? is it necessary should a person take them? well, not here
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, the premiere on rtr, there are some spots everywhere, you need a lot of strength to do this, veronica is full, don’t turn on your mischief, she’s always ready for a new business, so let’s go, she’s always looking for new versions, it dawned on me while i was eating mashed potatoes, i almost got it right, but is she ready for'?
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for the good health of our empress, cheers to the wisest empresses in history. you have two lives, mine is yours, i want there to be a third, all of catherine, and other historical ones. tv series only on the platform watch. we put the news of the week without the noise of dust on the shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. sunday on rtr. thank you. for staying
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with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we are moving on, and with a confident step, because look how beautiful we are, but the whores are flowing, and why are we there, either fiber or some kind of fruit? vegetables, here we have everything right, salsa, sausage, herring, well... that’s right, that’s right, well, what are we going to do, you know, there’s not enough cream, but there’s butter butter, this is margarine, a creamy mass , what will we do, look where the hand reaches with such abundance, we are talking about fats, the right fats, the wrong ones,
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what kind there are, how much there is, whether fats are needed, and so on and so on, so... we're making ourselves a sandwich, what should i put here? i’ll put in a sausage, which, looking ahead, is the most unhealthy, the most harmful, but very tasty. so, fats, for many years it was believed that all the harm was in fats. these are cholesterol, excess weight, and so on and so forth, heart disease, they have become to fight, they began to remove them from everywhere , replace them with carbohydrates, replace them with products with sugar , with flour, well, in general, more carbohydrates, and then they saw that the curve of cardiovascular diseases went up sharply, in the end they came
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to the conclusion that... fats are different from fats, as a small child, i remember my grandfather’s conversations about some olyu fishermen, why they eat so much fat and practically do not suffer from heart disease, what kind of fat did they eat, they ate fish oil, you know, fatty acids, of course they contain many names, monounsaturated fatty acids , saturated fatty acids, trans fats, all these are many, many words. i once roughly divided them into several colors, red, dangerous, green, useful, yellow back and forth. so, which ones are dangerous? well, everything that lies on the table is dangerous. if fat flows, then it is useful. what kind of fat is leaking? well, let's say
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sunflower oil. here is sunflower oil, it flows. and here is omega 6. and if there is fat, then it is harmful, just like oil, also conditionally, it has also not been the case for a long time, why? well, look how unhealthy fats are, it's margarine and what the baked goods and sausages contain, why? for 100 years, the food industry has been using the hydrogenation of vegetable fats, which are initially useful in order to make them solid, in order to add them to baked goods, sausages, and so on, because they give our baked goods a taste, they do not dry out, they are stored for a long time , and it’s all very cheap, not because she’s poisoning us, she’s been making these
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trans fats for a hundred years, because... otherwise, if they didn’t exist, all this would cost many times, many times more, well so i i say, everything that the culinary industry does, you should avoid , you want sausages, you better take a piece of meat, boil it, bake it, cut it, there will be other fats, there will be animal fats, they may not be as healthy, but they are needed, from them... a lot of things are done in many cells in our body, in particular hormones, without them here are hormones, because of this. the forges that control our body and sex hormones as well, but it needs to be done in moderation. by the way, today animal fats have begun to be rehabilitated, they say that they are not
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so harmful to the heart that they actually do not significantly increase the number of heart attacks and strokes, while we are still talking about the provoking effect of animal fats on the development of cancer and intestines, but regarding heart diseases, this is being reconsidered today. what are the healthiest fats? the healthiest fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids. a classic representative of omega-3 from sea fish. there are absolutely proven studies that say that these fatty acids are from omega-3 ; research began already in the seventies omega-3 of these acids. made us residents of greenland, they do not suffer from heart disease, then it turned out that these particular acids are useful, they reduce blood pressure, especially initial hypertension, patients can
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use omega-3, sea fish, this delays the onset of action of drugs, it slows down the pulse, atrial fibrillation develops less frequently, heart attacks and strokes are less common, in general it is useful in all respects . by the way, is pregnancy useful, prevention? fetal wear and is used successfully to treat dementia. vegetable the oil there contains slightly different ones, here is the ratio of vegetable oil and sea fish, omega-3, omega 6 omega-3 should be certain, in our diet, unfortunately, there is an advantage towards omega 6, than omega-3, and omega-6 - these fats have one unpleasant quality, they can have a pro-inflammatory effect, worsen the rage there, say, protoid arthritis, while omega-3 has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is directly indicated for arthritis, so it’s all good together, you can’t eat only this without this or only this without
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by the way, i need to try a little red fish, by the way, i don’t really like red fish in the form of a steak, but this is delicious, so i also wanted to talk about chum salmon. this is a therapeutic procedure for children suffering from epilepsy, and adults too, it really helps in the treatment of epilepsy, it is very difficult to maintain it, usually we do it in a hospital setting, it is only fats and no carbohydrates, they are not even given tablets, they are not even given toothpaste, because toothpaste can be absorbed there. already violates keto diet, so we take energy from carbohydrates, when fats, they are broken down into ketone bodies, we take energy from ketones, well, this
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is the basis of dietary approaches, this is a very unsafe diet with a lot of side effects , in the treatment of epilepsy, yes, just to lose weight, listen, don’t be a fool , don’t ruin your body, because this is all very serious, you won’t be able to cope without a doctor, in general, there should be fats, what kind of fats for you is fish, these are vegetable oils, just remember that they are very high in calories , by the way, if we are talking about creamy mass , yes it increases bad cholesterol, but it also increases good cholesterol, these are nuts, so fats also contain certain ones, by the way, unsaturated fats, for example, baked goods, sausage, everything related to sausages and cooking, this is all downright harmful, we must seriously refuse this, well... we've all had a snack, let's move on, well, today we will talk about diseases that are transmitted
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by animals to humans, there are depressingly many such diseases, from toxoplasmosis to plague, from rabies to cellenosis, but of course i won’t list these hundreds of hundreds of bacteria for you, just to... understand that animals, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, birds, and fish are part of our life, i can say that this is the best part of my life personally, but just like with any things, and these are not things, these are god’s beings, we must coexist correctly, you see, a young kitten is lying in my arms, its tail shows that it can barely tolerate me, this is clear, i let go, he jumps out at the same second, but sits there, doesn’t scratch, doesn’t bite. just
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suffers, you know, i can’t imagine life without animals, at the same time i very often observe how people harm themselves by not communicating with them correctly, when we talk about cats, we immediately think about what, about cat scratch disease, and the disease cat scratches, causes certain in children, especially... fascination with cervical ebbs and knots, fever, body aches, uh, bartanela is carried, by the way, it is carried not only by scratches, but is carried by fleas, which are on the cat, by the way, these fleas can go dogs and dogs will come to you, and it will still be considered a disease - cat scratches, well, we all know about toxoplasmosis, and so on and so forth, let's talk about making the coexistence of animals and
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people safe. what is dangerous in animals? that's it, the most dangerous thing is excretion, kolmach, breathing. you don’t remember when there was covid, cats and dogs got sick, and the question was whether a person could become infected with covid from them. do you remember how in denmark hundreds of thousands of these white dogs were destroyed because they all these dogs were considered carriers of covid. those who were raised were put under the knife and so on, this is wool, this is epithelium, who is at risk, children, and among animals , puppies and kittens are more dangerous, they play, you see, this is a teenager that doesn’t scratch, but a kitten would be lying around right now, would gnaw a finger, scratch with its paws, therefore children are the most vulnerable group, a young animal is the most dangerous simply because of its behavior,
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second, any animal, including fish, must undergo a veterinary examination and receive vaccinations for fish, i have a fish myself, i thought i let the water in, they live there, nothing like that, you add water like that, check the alkaline section, add medicine and so on and so forth, the smut is very serious with fish, by the way, why can a small fish, a goldfish , for example, lead to the amputation of a leg or arm in a diabetic, and such cases are
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the same as for humans, they immediately die when they become infected with the rabies virus, so they do not tolerate, but most often they carry rabies, these are rodents and no matter what strange, bats. so, we have already said, veterinarians, by the way, toxoplasmosis is also known about cats, we understand that toplasmosis is a problem with pregnancy, fetal growth, and so on. applies to cats and dogs, in order to avoid problems, feed artificial food. they should not. eat raw meat , they should not climb through garbage dumps, they should not fish something out of the trash can and so on, because toxoplasmosis, the cat is only an intermediate link, it is in the meat of wild animals, it gets into the cat, it passes there certain degrees of development, the cat will pee, and the cow will eat grass, this is the cycle, by the way, the cat should drink the same water
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as you. when a cat spills water in the toilet , it’s wrong or a dog, and i’ve seen this in many people, people are touched, look how smart, no, not smart, the infection becomes, by the way, toxoplasmosis develops in the secretions in the patch, you know, as it says on the advertisement, you put it in for a week and forgot, yes, you forgot for a week, but this is already dangerous for toxoplasmosis, if you change the tray every day, don’t skimp on... give prophylactically, antiparasitic yes, maybe, perhaps, do dogs and cats need the medicine? yes, it’s possible, but should a person take them? well, the answer is, if you do not have any manifestations of a parasanitary infection, then there is no need. for
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prevention you should do what i say. by the way, there are categories of people for whom keeping pets is simply contraindicated. now i’ll catch up, we ’ll continue. conversation, we still have parrots ahead of us, so if you want to reconsider us, look at this platform, application or website
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see , don’t be afraid, don’t ask, but the law of a well-known society, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir.
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look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at screen, look at me, understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1, 2, three, sign , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went
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against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression , russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday. we have a wonderful the salon has wonderful masters, but you will destroy all this, martynova needs to be fired , science will be different, she cannot be fired , there are no irreplaceable workers, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no, except for her, sit down, anatoly, no i'm going to sit somewhere, what do you want? you are making of me, now we will make everything of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulikova, evgenia loza. queen
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margot, friday on rtr. on sunday. malakhova, i call my mom and say: mom, i met the man of my dreams, mom says he’s already in course, i loved and love, and i love you, i just felt like i was in my own family , songs from the bottom of my heart, andrey’s sunday evening show on rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two. russian literature, well, look at the weekend , there is a nuance, please love, welcome, nothing like that , yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than
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a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released here as an amnesty, the first thing i came here about was this beloved one, actually i’m married, i didn't kill anyone. teacher today on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we are moving on, i promised to start after the pause, who is contraindicated from having animals, well, not that it is contraindicated, you just have to have them.
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you just open it and read, tuleria, salmanosis, god knows what, well, maybe we’re talking about the plague, but the plague is true, cats, fleas, rats, a terrible thing, in fact, it’s a very cute, good animal, but you shouldn’t eat where he scatters his food, the dog must know his place, the cat must know your place, of course, when you communicate with an animal, it becomes your family member
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and well, well, you sleep there with your wife or beloved woman or girl, you don’t think about the risks, which, by the way, are very high, the same with a cat, keep an animal and love it and think about worms, cat scratch disease and so on and so on, well, somehow it’s either one... or the other, and this is something that will bring a lot of problems to humanity, because bird flu is something that will come to us with a high mortality rate, covid will seem like happiness, i i think that the next pandemic, just bird flu, will come from china again, the border, as soon as you stop the bird, some goose and swans will fly by and sit next to this bird. it will originate, the bird fungus is now spreading on our planet, but
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has not yet spread to people, but when it spreads to people, it will be bad, such cases have already happened, but i no longer take into account all sorts of lung diseases and so on, which are transmitted through birds and so on, and animal bites are the smallest, such as birds and fish, and, by the way, all sorts of iguanas, lizards, they really can be a serious source of the same salmonosis, compilab. and so on and so forth. in order for animals to exist safely, you must follow the rules of behavior. after all, an animal is an animal, a person is a person, it must be vaccinated, it must be examined by a doctor, it must eat properly, food is available, it must have its own tray, there must still be a certain distance, kiss them deeply . worth it, uh, well, because what’s going on?
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people come and see my kotali, my the dog, they pounce on them with a squeal if they don’t have time to come back, especially if they are children, they start kissing the face, trying to ride the dogs, and so on and so forth, of course, there’s some kind of isolation here, what we ’re talking about, everything- however, an animal is an animal, always keep in mind, i had a driver for a long time. a long time ago, many years ago, and his mother was killed by two bullmastiffs, and they wrote about it, it was already 20, 15 or 20 years ago, no one knows, they lived two bullmastiffs, mother, came home, mother is dead, so, always remember this, an animal can always wedge anything, a cat, you will review one of the programs of, there was one with finlinks, yes, a cat without skin, i took it,
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hugged it, i’m lying like that, he looked at me, he warned, he said, psh, i say, the cat will threaten me, yes, i’ve been a cat person since childhood, i love you, he told me again, psh, i laughed so hard, as he flew off my glasses from the right to the left, my face was scratched, just two, bam-bam, and i say that i can say, he gave fair warning, that’s why you still once again... this is an animal, but remember that an animal is the best cure for hypertension, it is the best cure for angina pectoris, i am walking small through the bird market, a man is sitting with a basket, the rules of socialist living, anxiety, the risks of depression, even dementia are reduced , so these are our smaller brothers, we just need to comply, you know how, observe
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that the pressure level is decreasing, let’s comply with them, then we won’t have problems with them, and we move on. section for soul and body, and as i said at the beginning programs, we will, remember at school, analyze bulgakov, read his quotes, the fact is that not everyone can write as juicy as he writes, yes, it’s hot, the garden ring, the sun, having heated moscow in a dry fog, fell somewhere for the garden ring, give it to narzan , berlios asked, there is no norzan, - the woman in the booth answered and... for some reason she was offended, there is beer, beer will be delivered in the evening, but what is there, pineapple, pineapple, no, apricot, only warm, come on, come on, he writes deliciously and writes smartly, look at his quotes, the one who loves should share the fate of the one he loves, yes, remember
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, master margarita, this is what we, by the way, often forget, otherwise we love everything so much, we treat everything, but sharing the fate does not mean that, like the wives of the decembrists, they went into exile in siberia, by the way, they walked, as i understand it, not out of great love, but, so to speak, out of a sense of duty, but we often, loving a person, nevertheless distance ourselves from him, we do not live his life, we do not live in his interests, this not only fate, again in exile and went to visit him there somewhere, but it simply means living. one life, then it's love, then this is a couple, then something will come of it, just like that, you know, from 8 to 9 i’m with you, then i have work, then i have a bathhouse, friends, then you again, no, you can live separately, meet rarely, only you should still be spiritually together in the same
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section of interests, but how many times... i published this phrase of his two or three times, so many times there were so many ambiguous opinions: your will, but something evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, table conversations, such people are either seriously ill, or secretly hate those around them, and what’s wrong, and who stopped, who stopped, that’s it... they’ve already drunk a barrel, the company of pretty women, social games, table conversations, but they’re definitely either seriously ill , or they secretly hate those around them, he really continued further, however, not without exceptions, among the people with whom i sat locked on the table, sometimes
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i met amazing scoundrels, don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask, but the law of a known society, never and nothing never ask for anything, especially from those who stronger than you, they themselves will offer everything and they themselves will give everything, this is the most profound phrase, i said again, don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask, this is to say, the principle of a television society, but the principle is correct, bulgakov wrote it very correctly here, you
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ask a lot for you... what happened, they gave it unexpectedly , they offered it themselves, they gave it themselves , it’s like i got on television, i asked someone, begged, but i didn’t think, they came themselves , they offered it themselves, they gave it themselves, all the big ones things are going exactly like this, you have to not twitch, no matter what is written in your destiny, it will happen, and a person is mortal, but that wouldn’t be so bad, the bad thing is that sometimes he’s suddenly mortal, that ’s the trick, and in general you can’t say that he... do the next evening, you have to write it and hang it everywhere like that, nothing put it off until tomorrow, tomorrow may not exist, it’s something ephemeral that... but you can’t touch it, you already died yesterday, tomorrow hasn’t come, you live today, don’t do
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nasty things to others and live as you see fit , i believe that there should be one principle, not to do nasty things and meanness to people, here so live as you know, and never hope for tomorrow, because it’s absolutely true, not a single person can say what he will do not tomorrow, but tonight, i say the barman: say, don’t say another word, never put anything in your mouth i won’t take it from your buffet, i was passing by, my dear, someone deceived you , asitrine does not come in green color, acitrine was brought in the second freshness, - the barman said, the second freshness is a look, there is only one freshness, it is the first and the last, and if the sturgeon is of the second sphere, this means that she's rotten. because the way we eat , we eat frozen and re-frozen foods, so you
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buy it, it’s on the counter, you understand that it was frozen, you understand, the same sitrina, if someone buys sitrina there, because you can buy it bred in an aquarium, then it floats, alive, that’s what it lies on ice in many restaurants, somewhere else, well, just fish, meat, it was frozen for god knows how long. once you buy it, thawed, you freeze it, again it becomes a source of big problems, and by the way, expensive stores, it’s not a fact that the products there are not rotten, more than once, and not only in russia, i bought in france, bought in america, you buy it, bring it home , open the package, it stinks, but the package is already opened, too lazy to go back, yes, buy today for today, eat fresh food, that’s of course... yes, that ’s it, but we have a lot of quotes, remember, classic ones,
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the devastation is not in the closets, in the heads, remember , the heart of a dog, yes, knowledge of the truth is not money they don’t pay, they don’t give me any rations, it’s sad, but fact, happiness is like health, when it is there you don’t notice it, but when years pass, how do you remember happiness, oh, how you remember. yes, those who are not in a hurry succeed everywhere. facts are the most stubborn things in the world. but woland said this, so believe me, here, too, he treated the facts as he wanted. read books. i love bulgakov, i love everyone, you know, but, you know, to talk to someone, i haven’t had anyone for a long time, to read this.
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a depraved female voice hissed into the phone, don’t call roman anywhere, it will be bad. we will read, it won’t be bad for us, dr. myasnyakov was with you, we wish you all good health, see you soon, and i’ll grab the money, there’s no point in lying around, remember when he took the labels, goodbye. on the russia vesti channel in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, after the terrorist attack in
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crocus city hall near moscow in the hospital.


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