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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:51pm MSK

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on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossiyu studio. hello. in hot pursuit , 11 people were detained, four of them were the direct perpetrators of the bloody terrorist attack in krok city hall near moscow. fsb director alexander bortnikov reported this to vladimir putin. after the attack, the criminals planned to escape into the territory. ukraine
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had appropriate contacts for this on the other side. the terrorists, the same ones who shot at people, tried to escape pursuit in a car, but were caught in the bryansk region, not far from the border. in these minutes they are being transported to moscow. it is known that the terrorist attack was carefully planned. the weapon was prepared in advance in toynyak, and now further work is underway to investigate the criminal case and identify accomplices. from the place where the militants were detained, igor pikhanov. we are located on the m3 highway, which connects moscow and kiev. it was on this highway that the suspects were found when the police asked them to stop, they refused and eventually tried to escape, but a chase began, the militants were unable to control their foreign car and not far from at this point, their car overturned; the first suspect, a nineteen-year-old man, and three others were detained on the spot. people
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tried to hide from law enforcement officers, they moved on foot through the forest towards the russian-ukrainian border, as a result , they were soon detained, what did he do in the crocus, shot, what did he shoot, yes, who, why instructions, people, why, please put for money, for money, yes, that’s how much money, about half a million, half a million, what, half a million rubles. i haven’t received it from yet received half received where he received while fsb officers, police officers, and also the russian guard participated in the operation to capture them. from 12:00 at night, traffic on this highway was blocked for security reasons, this is a busy highway, it connects the bryansk region, as well as the neighboring kugorsk region to the border with ukraine, only a few tens of kilometers, nearby there are... quite
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large settlements, during this special operation none of the local residents, as well as motorists, were injured, it is reported that during the arrest the criminals offered resistance, as a result they were injured by return fire , those who needed medical assistance were delivered to medical facilities, this is necessary so that they participate in the investigative actions to bear responsibility, according to the law established. criminal cases, investigative and operational actions are now underway, by the way, here at the place of detention of one of the criminals, investigative actions were recently completed, a keyboard was discovered one of the criminals, a pm pistol and ammunition for it were also found at the scene, igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokonova, lead. for the last 2 hours , they have been clearing out the rubble in sitikholi. more than 700 people are involved in this work, at their disposal...
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their composition is gradually changing, convoys of national guard trucks, gray urals with a red stripe, have almost completely left here, this is the kind of force reinforcement from the special services that was necessary here at night, now they are not there, but in place of these trucks, you probably see them now behind my left shoulder are orange and yellow cars, dump trucks, construction equipment, those vehicles that can be used to remove construction waste, the thing is... including
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by the ministry of emergency situations units, special units of the leader and the spas center, as you rightly said, with the help robots with help. also reconnaissance of fragile structures with drones, since it is now unsafe for the rescuer himself to be inside, and indeed they are accompanied by ekinologists in order to find people, but possibly also some explosive substances still not all the premises have yet been examined by specialists. from time to time , black smoke now appears above the roof of the crocusexp, small and rare, but still appears, apparently during this analysis, during this... some burnt structures rise up from the rubble, small fires are found under them, which are immediately spilling, this is where the smoke comes from, the leaders
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of the operational headquarters that works here visited the crocuses in the almost completely burned out hall, on the almost completely burned out top floor of the crocuses, governor andrei vorobyov was also there, the footage shows twisted metal structures, apparently this is a consequence of roof collapses. very high temperature, let me remind you that the fire here, before localization, not even liquidation, burned for about 4 hours, and of course the temperature there was very high, the skeletons of stairs are visible , practically nothing was left from the stage from the chairs, dismantling work debris removal will be carried out around the clock, and the specialists themselves will work in shifts, the number of victims will increase significantly.
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the terrorists brought highly flammable liquids with them, apparently just to commit arson, well besides this, of course, the investigative committee is now checking all the premises, examining all the video recordings from the cameras, and those that appeared in large numbers on the internet, weapons have already been found, a huge number of cartridges, twin horns for quick reloading, that is , the preparation for this terrorist attack was very serious, an inspection of the premises of the concert hall is being carried out and the seizure of material has been proven.
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services, but here near crocus it’s already such a memorial was organized, people brought flowers, balloons, and simply offered their condolences, of course, this night left no one indifferent, colleagues, concert groups, the picnic was supposed to begin at 80 pm, a few minutes before... the third bell, when the hall was already almost full, armed people burst into the faye and crocus of city hall and opened aimed fire on the visitors, first in the faye, and then in the hall. the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening, someone slowly got up from their chairs, someone continues to sit, but when
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the automatic lines started one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits. there was a firefight below, and we saw that the line of fire was going straight towards the people. automatic fire, at some point the shooting died down for a while, apparently, it was then that the terrorists set fire to the room, a chair in the stalls caught fire, and harry’s acrid smell filled the area. we are at a concert in crocus city, there is some kind of shooting going on here, a lot of people
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are running, everyone is yelling, someone is shooting here, the hall was set on fire, the hall was on fire, spectators poured out through the main emergency exits, according to eyewitnesses on the flight of stairs. and one of the attackers was waiting for them, he conducted aimed fire at those who tried to leave the hall, about 100 people were blocked in the basement. 18 minutes after the first shots, mingling with the crowd , the attackers left the building, by this time the flames had engulfed almost the entire concert venue, rescuers were quickly able to get inside and bring out of the basement those who were there, some of the spectators found salvation on the roof of the building, by this time flames had already begun to break through the roof, people were evacuated using retractable ladders when the building was engulfed in fire. they evacuated everyone who was possible without waiting for the end of the fire extinguishing, and special forces units entered the crocus. after examining
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the clearing of the area , investigators began working inside just an hour and a half after the start of the attack. the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, arrived at the scene almost immediately. a special headquarters was deployed. the investigative committee publishes footage showing the weapons and ammunition of the attackers. this is a hunting self-loading carbine, boar chambered for 7.60 caliber. the same ammunition is used in the kalashnikov machine gun. one of the backpacks has six pockets for dual magazines. this is a very impressive arsenal for one person, but for one reason or another the terrorist only managed to use half of the ammunition. it is also known that the other attacker was armed with a twelve-gauge saiga hunting carbine. investigators are also looking for other evidence. investigative and operational group.
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the identification process continues, burial expenses will also be compulsorily compensated up to 150,000 per person, and relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack will be assisted in resolving all legal issues. those who were seriously injured and are now being treated in hospitals will receive compensation of one million rubles. the authorities will pay 500,000 rubles to victims treated on an outpatient basis. moscow and the moscow region will also assign monthly payments to children whose father or mother died. as a result of a terrorist attack. at these moments, doctors are fighting for the lives of sixteen
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victims, whose condition is assessed as extremely serious. in total , more than 100 people were hospitalized. all leading traumatologists and resuscitators were involved in the treatment of patients. there are enough blood supplies for medicines. however, the queues at donor centers in moscow and the moscow region are only growing. the number of people willing to help is in the hundreds. we will know about the situation by this time. updated by this minute it became known: after the terrorist attack in krotu cityhall
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, 107 people remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. 121 is the total number of wounded, that is, some are already undergoing outpatient treatment. 44 people are in serious condition, 16 in extremely serious condition. more numbers: all the victims are in four moscow region and seventeen moscow medical institutions. in the moscow region, assistance is provided in hospitals in dolgoprudny, khimki, odintsovo and... krasnogorsk. and now information appeared on the telegram channel of the regional ombudsman for children’s rights. residents in the moscow region, those in need of psychological help will be able to receive it from the office of the regional children's ombudsman. the ministry of health, in turn, opened a psychological support hotline at the serbsky institute. among the victims there are also citizens of other countries. one from belarus. now doctors are fighting for his life. belarusian doctors themselves turned to their colleagues in moscow and offered help to save the wounded. there are sufficient quantities of all medicines in hospitals, i am now quoting the head of the ministry of health
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mikhail murashko, there are stocks of donor blood and its components. nevertheless, muscovites and residents of the moscow region are asked, if possible , to take part in saving people’s lives. irina. olga, thank you, i give the floor to oksana maksimova, who now works at the fmba blood center. oksana, hello, how many people responded to the call to donate? hello, this is where we are now. inside the blood transfusion center and we see with our own eyes how many people came to donate blood, so many that we even had to set up additional donor rooms.
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i didn't want to be left out somehow help as much as i can. thank you very much, well, with such a mood, in fact , today almost everyone, almost everyone is here, there are no indifferent people here, according to the fmba, according to the latest data from the fmba of russia , more than half a million people have already donated blood, in fact, it is very interesting that no one had to to call for this, people came to the center themselves. long before the opening, and the center opens at 8:00 in the morning, at 8:00 in the morning they open and people stood on the street, you understand that it is very cold, but the volunteers they sing hot tea and a heating center has been organized, people come and come here, and even today the head
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of the fmba, veronika skvartsova, came to the center, she talked with donors and expressed her gratitude and gratitude for the fact that they did not...
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help for the victims is personally supervised by the vice -prime minister tatyana golikova and health minister mikhail murashko, who report information to the president. vladimir putin wished all patients recovery and expressed gratitude to the doctors. how did work go in hospitals in the first hours after the terrorist attack? report by marina gromova. after the terrorist attack at crocus city hall , six victims were admitted to the khimki regional hospital here, all of them are adults, all in serious condition, the nature of the injuries is different, there are gunshot wounds, there are traumatic brain injuries. just a few minutes ago, before our eyes, one of the victims was transferred to the federal center, and at these moments an investigative team is working here. the wounded were transported not only by ambulance, but also by helicopter and air force. according to the latest data , more than 100 people were taken to hospitals. 28 of them down klifosovsky, 11 to the sixty-seventh hospital named after vorohobogo, in total there were over 140 victims. qualified personnel,
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the indicated assistance, operations where necessary have already been completed. to date , more than thirty people have applied as outpatients, we have a direct line 122:00, and over the last 2 hours we have received about 78 calls, and accordingly we will continue to provide all the necessary comments and explanations around the clock,
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so today doctors are fighting for the lives of patients, many victims of... i decided that my help would be needed here, since i was studying to become a doctor, so i called this hospital with my friend, and they informed us that they really needed help to come.
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crocus visitors united and helped each other escape and survive. eyewitnesses of the tragedy are now talking about this. those who were near the shopping and entertainment center or live in the area at the time of the terrorist attack did not remain indifferent. about how at one moment hundreds of strangers became family. in the report by olga armyakova. we live nearby in as soon as stroygino found out, he took everything he needed and ran here. in the first minutes after the terrorist attack, those who were nearby, residents of nearby houses, came to the aid of the victims.
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they took an employee from there, took her home for free, and then came here, if suddenly someone comes out, but minor injuries...
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from terrorist shots, despite the danger to their own lives, people saved others, we run, we run, we all fall, i saved two families with small children because my wife. everything there was blocked by the police, already one of them he helped dozens of people escape from the audience by neutralizing the terrorist , eyewitnesses tell about this. when the shooting started, people rushed to the stage, to where the emergency exit was and where, as it turned out, one of the terrorists was waiting, who closely shot everyone who ran in that direction , the young man just jumped on him, took the machine gun away from him and just beat him with the butt of his gun, he just gave us the opportunity to just cross the stage, through a spare one we went out on the street, we managed to find this hero. he asks not for reflection, i accepted the movement, i pushed wife, he ran around him from the left to save his wife, i had a second
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to say his name and not show his face, he said, he acted decisively, without hesitation, grabbed the machine gun with his left hand , pulled it down, and with his right hand began to strike him on the head, people helped each other leave the burning building, the girl who filmed this video noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood and thought. flags, candles of memory were lit on screens on the streets of the city and in the building of the moscow station, flowers, candles, toys were brought to the spontaneous memorial to the residents of donetsk,
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an action of mourning with the laying of flowers took place in the morning in anadar, in simferopol residents organized a spontaneous memorial in the central square of the city, in rostov-on-don, a large running line with the inscription crocus scarbeam appeared on the facade of the rostov-arena stadium, in tomsk flower salons.
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in yekaterinburg, in the center of the city, there are many flowers at the spontaneous memorial; people have been carrying them since the very morning on the streets at the airport; on all the screens where advertising is usually shown, the candle of memory does not go out. funeral banners throughout moscow on information and advertising bills and building facades. they also appeared in tyumen, novosibirsk, vladivostok, krasnoyarsk, magadan and many other cities. due to the tragedy, all sports, cultural and other public events were canceled in the capital. a friendly match between the national team has been cancelled. russia and paraguay, which was supposed to take place on march 25. it will pass later. all entertainment events were postponed in st. petersburg, and other regions also decided. today people on all continents are talking about support and solidarity with our country. deep alexander lukashenko expressed his condolences to vladimir putin in a telephone conversation. the president of belarus wished courage and perseverance to the relatives of the victims. vladimir
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putin received a call from shavkat mirziyoyev, an uzbek. the leader strongly condemned the bloody terrorist attack and sent sincere condolences to those who lost their loved ones in krok city hole. china is shocked by the news of an attack on a concert hall in the moscow region. with these words, seat pin expressed his condolences to the president of russia and our people. indian prime minister narendra modi said new delhi stands in solidarity with moscow in this hour of sorrow. all over the world , memorial events are held at our embassies, people bring flowers and light candles as a sign. aura over russian diplomatic institutions , state flags are lowered at half-mast. interpol expressed its readiness to provide support in the investigation. the european union and many european countries condemned the inhumane terrorist attack. the league of arab states, countries of africa and asia, the sco and osce organizations, latin american states, as well as the un security council. words of support and wishes for a speedy the leaders of the cis country sent the message of recovery to the victim. but the us reaction was not
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so clear. when the us president left washington for a weekend trip to delaware, he was already aware of the tragedy in the moscow region, and the white house said that us authorities were monitoring what was happening in russia, with journalists shouting questions to the president about the terrorist attack in the concert hall. biden did not respond, and as the white house later told the russian news agency ria novosti, he does not plan to call the russian president about washington until it has condemned this bloody terrorist attack, the only response from national security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby. we have all seen the video footage from moscow showing the brutal shooting in the concert hall. this footage is absolutely horrific and hard to watch, our thoughts will obviously be with the victims of this horrific attack. the further reaction of official washington raised many questions. first at the same briefing in
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the white house. stated that the united states did not have advance information about the tragedy in concert hall in the moscow region and immediately began to divert suspicion from kiev. the united states did not have information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow. moreover, the united states sees no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. however , then the white house announced that in early march , us authorities received information about an impending terrorist attack in moscow, and allegedly shared it with the russian side. kirby also recalled the state department's call for american citizens in the russian capital to avoid large gatherings of people, especially concerts. the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid crowded areas and to monitor the department's official website for further updates. these warnings about a possible terrorist threat in moscow were first published first on the website of the us embassy, ​​then in the uk, and later they began
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to warn about it. their citizens and other western diplomatic missions in russia at the time, the us embassy said it was monitoring reports that extremists were planning attacks on major events in moscow, including concerts, today a representative of the white house began to assure that he does not see a direct connection between these warnings and the shooting of people in crocus city hall. we don’t know to what extent this warning from the us embassy in early march and this terrorist attack are related, but we really had them. with concerns over the possibility of a terrorist attack in and around moscow earlier this month, more information about what happened is needed to piece the puzzle together. the american press, without waiting for results investigation, stated that one of the cells of the so-called islamic state, banned in russia, was to blame for the attack. referring to sources in the government, the american media reported that they supposedly have indisputable information about the involvement of
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the isis group in the terrorist attack, they also... reported that information about a possible terrorist attack was transmitted in advance to the russian intelligence community through communication channels, with no official explanations on nothing was done about this, on the initiative of russia with... the un security council adopted a statement where strongly condemned the cowardly terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, immediately after the attack in moscow , people began bringing flowers and soft toys to the russian embassy in washington. having started work on tuesday, congressmen will go on a two-week easter break on friday and return to the capitalist hill only on april 9, and before the break the main task is to prevent another shutdown, that is , a stoppage of the work of the federal government, it is already obvious that all the remaining... not melnikov and pavel kostrikov, lead from the problem of the so-called allies. dmitriy washington. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. the belgorod region was again attacked in the usu; today more than a thousand children
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left the danger zone. and we will definitely return to the monstrous, bloody terrorist attack in crocus. more about this and more after the advertisement. see you. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable, they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. film by andrey kondrashov. every soldier repeats every now and then that as soon as victory over the terrorists is close, the situation may need to be intervened again. a documentary investigation spanning 25 years. the very cores of depleted uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing, i saw everything with my own eyes, the city was alive, at that moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this living city, the hegemons
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were trying to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or 22 year. no, for them there was one rule, that everything was allowed to them, that... they can do everything, belgrade, premiere, sunday on rtr.
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we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, it's... let's just say, my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she carries this kurbuda and says, baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand help, olga and i decided that
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we needed to take the guys in with us, i came across such people who were not indifferent, they would support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only. ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i will be for you miss, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying,
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well, hello, my love, do you want me were you silent? think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent. premiere today on rtr. we will remember songs about our home. bouncers, i got kicked out all the time.
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this is news, we continue to issue a support center for the relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack in kroku city hole in krasnogorsk near moscow. in the first hours, about 40 people came there, and about 300 more called the hotline. you can quickly find out all the latest information in the telegram bot, which was launched a few hours ago. from 10
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in the morning, a help center began operating in krasnogorsk, where people can find out information about those injured or killed in the terrible tragedy. the help center is located just 5 minutes from the city building itself in the business center of cuba in the premises of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. people find it difficult to control their emotions. psychologists, social coordinators of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, specialists who have experience in helping in any way possible work here. if at least some information appears,
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they immediately call their loved ones back, also for those affected by this tragedy in telegram we have created a special chat where lists are checked, you can get psychological help, and also find out about payments to the victims and families of the victims. anastasia ponko, anton sitnikov, mikhail yunusov, lead. sad news comes from belogorod today: one person was killed and at least four were injured during a new shelling. ukrainian armed forces attacked the city and... the nato vampire missile system, air defense forces intercepted 11 missiles and several drones, almost seven dozen apartments were damaged, cars were smashed, the bus was hit by shrapnel. report by alexander revunov. one person died, five more belgorod residents were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity. shrapnel, craniocerebral and barotrauma. this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. it was a difficult morning, the private one was damaged. houses, many apartment buildings , there are victims, it is now being clarified and everything,
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this morning 17 shells from the vampire rszzo were fired at belgorod from the ukrainian side, they were shot down in the sky by our air defense, but the explosions , dangerous fragments, fell on residential areas, these are the consequences of the detonation of one of these munitions. balconies on three floors collapsed , the shelling happened around 7 am, naturally , inside, at that moment there were people in the apartments, a man, the owner of one of them was killed, his wife... a regular bus was approaching, the driver responded to the alarm in time,
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the passengers managed hide behind concrete blocks, this saved them, a telegram alert went off that there was a missile danger, we ran to the stop, dropped off the passengers, and we all ran for cover, sat down and after 30 seconds literally arrived, a special commission has already begun assessing the damage, utility services are engaged in eliminating the consequences of the shelling, alexander. almost three hundred children from the belgorod region arrived in kaluga today, almost 750 more schoolchildren arrived in penza, and are now being accommodated. kaluga and now after almost 12 hours 294 yesterday at 21:00 the train departed from belgorod to a child from the izvoronsky district
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finally arrived in kaluga and now a long-awaited vacation awaits them as the most dear guests without any fuss organized. the relatives are tired and 3 weeks of rest in health camps will do them good. good morning, let's come here . they will enjoy comfortable living conditions, five meals a day, everything as during a standard summer holiday. the guys are constantly in touch with their families, and there are different situations and stories. sometimes people and children just get tired of being away from home, so we will certainly provide support with all the resources we have. the children were met at the carriages by emergency situations ministry employees, doctors and volunteers. they help unload things, distribute into groups and get there. buses in health camps, everything is already ready, governor vladislav shapsha instructed to prepare a program of leisure, sports and cultural events, we are welcoming the third shift of children only this year, so our guys are ready with them , of course, psychologists also worked with them, worked out how to communicate with such guys to interact. kaluga became one of
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the regions where schoolchildren from the belgorod region came; the group was assembled by specific educational institutions, but in general from all schools at the request of parents. ages vary, but as the accompanying people say, we got there without incident, we got there well, without incident, there was good support, the children were comfortable, in general, we got there very well. the vacation for belgorod schoolchildren is designed for 3 weeks, but the leadership of the kaluga region says that the region is ready for the guests to stay for a longer period, as well as for the fact that other peers will join them. sergey popov, alexey semenov, news from kaluga. exactly on schedule at 5:29 am a train with young belgorod residents arrives at the penza i station. guests on the platform first. greeted by cadets of the military academy, psychologists, social activists and volunteers. the children were a little sleepy, but with smiles on their faces, not afraid of the morning frost, -10. we were in a good mood, slept well, and were fed well. according to the latest data , 808 people were evacuated to penza, of which 732 were children,
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the rest were accompanying persons. among the children and 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers and swimmers. thank you very much for providing us with these vouchers. i would like to just be in silence, but there is an excellent opportunity to train, the children are escorted to the buses in an organized and precise manner, from the station square they are sent to seven temporary accommodation points, these are children's camps, sanatoriums and hotels of sports complexes. hello, mom, we have already checked in, we have arrived, everything is fine. for the next 3 weeks their home is the burtasy sports palace. we need to be constantly on our toes, always train, we miss, we miss the warmth of our parents, but we understand that that now is such a difficult time, that’s why it comes. be patient a little. for the training camp, the athletes took the essentials: uniforms, toys, mascots, sports equipment. 49 rooms with all amenities have been prepared for belgorod athletes in burtasy. accommodates from two to six people. they promise cleaning every day , linen change, every 5-7 days. three meals a day
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depending on the type of sport. for gymnasts, sandwiches with black bread, for wrestlers with white bread. porridge of your choice, pancakes, eggs and tea, everything to prepare for the first training session for the world. a unit of the west group today struck ukrainian terrorists near the border of the belgorod region, destroying manpower and equipment, as the ministry of defense emphasized, all sabotage and reconnaissance groups that tried to break into russian territory suffered critical losses and were driven back. work to eliminate threats to our border is being carried out around the clock. su-25 attack aircraft took to the skies from operational airfields today. camouflaged armored vehicles in the south of the dpr, the defense of the armed forces of ukraine is destroying, among other things, crews hurricane jet systems. the russian military department has just announced the liberation of the village of krasnoye. the complexes attacked rear positions,
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destroying a fortified ammunition depot. our military liquidated a group of militants in the zaporozhye region. on another section of the front , a polish self-propelled gun was shot down. the norwegian nasams anti-aircraft missile system was also destroyed, with editorial reporting by alexander katsuba. the neo-nazi strike drone was destroyed, combat work continues. yes, it was difficult, i was flying at an altitude of approximately 5.00 m. the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile system of the troop grouping center protects our advancing units from enemy air strikes.
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the radar system of the mobile complex automatically recognizes air targets as foreign, attacking only enemy targets. then the command comes out for combat work, we must react quickly, arrive at the position, quickly turn the vehicle around. an enemy object, one of
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the most effective ones per month, about 20-30 shoot-downs , the valkyrie is coming, well, a special cover group has dropped out tora is operating nearby, combat work at the firing line, the anti-aircraft gunner controls the airspace from the possible appearance of enemy drones, if. that, in this case, we have a complex of anti-aircraft work that is configured and also controls the space, the anti-aircraft missile systems of the group of troops center work along the entire front line. alexander katsov, alexander malyshev, lead the way! and now let’s return again to the tragic events in krasnogorsk near moscow. this is a video interrogation of another detainee, presumably he leader of the group that attacked croca city hall. doesn't speak russian with law enforcement officers, communicates through... translator according to him, he came to moscow to work as a taxi driver. but another detainee said that the group received the order for the murder via telegram. by
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this moment, 115 people have been confirmed dead. the rubble has been cleared for 3 hours now, and the number of victims may increase. and the ministry of emergency situations just reported that fires were found on the roof, second and third floors of the building. the total fire area is 500 m2. all details and first the results of the investigation into the terrorist attack will be in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch on sunday at 19:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday how we destroy terrorists on the approaches to the border, in the sky near the state border, helicopters of the russian army destroy enemy targets, and how we are advancing at the front, all the shells fell exactly the goal, victory will be ours,
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american goods, with which the market was previously simply flooded, are now practically gone, but absolutely
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amazing things have been preserved that will never be sold out, unexpected observations.


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