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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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leave everything far away, bow to the old people on the ground, bravo, thank you, call your parents, friends, that’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, take care of yourself! on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov hosts in the studio. hello. vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of national mourning after the terrorist attack in podmoskoye.
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women, doctors are now fighting for the lives of the victims, those who are in serious condition. i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to preserve the life and health of all the wounded. special words gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, and rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives. bring them out
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from under the fire, from the epicenter of the fire and smoke, to avoid even greater losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens who, in the first minutes after the tragedy, did not remain indifferent and indifferent; along with doctors, members of the special services provided first aid and transported the victims to the hospital.
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in moscow and moscow region, in all regions the country has introduced additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures . the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing new crimes. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational and investigative actions, at present we can say the following. all four direct performers. terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people were found and detained, they tried to escape and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, for them there was a window has been prepared for crossing the state border, a total of 11 people have been detained, the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify:
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inevitable punishment, whoever they are, who will suffer justice for their crimes and who would not direct them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone. who is behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this blow against russia, against our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is, we count here on interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain, and are actually ready to really unite efforts in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations, terrorists, murderers,
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russia has more than once gone through the most difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but it has become even stronger, it will be so now. so, immediately after the attack on crocus cityhall, the terrorists tried to drive a car to the russian border and hide in ukraine, where ...
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investigative and operational actions had just ended, the criminals’ car was evacuated to an impound lot, the motorway has recently been restored to traffic for the safety of the driver as well as local residents. traffic on it was stopped at 12:00 at night. the police noticed the criminals not far from this place. tonight, when asked to stop, they refused. the carriage started, but the militants lost control and overturned. a nineteen-year-old criminal was detained on the spot, and the other three tried. escape, but now it’s almost impossible to hide in the forest on foot, now the soil has turned to mush made of ice and mud, one of them, in order to escape, even tried to climb a tree, but this did not help him, now they are testifying, one of the suspects even said that he committed this mass murder in order to earn extra money , what
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he did in the crocus, shoot, what he shot, yes, who, why, kazan, people, why, please install him, for money. for money and for how much money about half a million half a million what half a million rubles from whom i received i haven’t received half i received where received the card, they said specifically who to kill and what kind of people, no matter what, in short it will come there, they said, come in and kill who is abdullo abdulokey?
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fsb officers, the military ministry of defense, akhmat special forces, who are now defending the borders of our country from ukrainian terrorists in the bryansk region, as well as the police and the russian national guard, took part in the arrest of the terrorists. the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the professionalism of our fighters, everyone was detained alive, now they are giving confessions, with investigators work with them, so...
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igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti baryansky region. and at the scene of the tragedy , the simultaneous work of all emergency services does not stop. they remove and carefully record all the evidence of this monstrous crime. alexey konopko is now located near the cordoned off crocus city hall. alexey, what do you know at this moment? yes, hello, evgeniy, you are right, the parking lot near crocus cityhall and in general the entire crocus exhibition center is still completely cordoned off, and probably about a quarter of it is now it’s busy with dump trucks, construction equipment, those vehicles that were brought here in order to be exported. burnt fragments of the building, construction debris, already by 14:00 in the afternoon,
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more than 40 cubic meters of this garbage were dismantled, only dismantled, not removed, it is clear that now the figure is much higher, even on the first floor, more and more footage is published by the investigator himself committee, on the first floor of a building unaffected by the fire, this same burnt-out garbage is sometimes collected knee-deep not even with ordinary shovels, but with those that are usually... collected snow in winter, that is, there is really a huge amount of it, it is clear that the work on clearing these rubble will not be completed today, but its main goal is, of course, to clarify the number of deaths, as they said in the investigative committee, as the governor of the moscow region said, those numbers which are published now are not final , i repeat, there is a lot of work, but in the most dangerous areas of this work there are special teams of the ministry of emergency situations, centrospations, a leader who... using robot technology with
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reconnaissance of the most dangerous places with the help drones, well, of course, they are accompanied by researchers and dog handlers, precisely in order to find bodies and possibly prevent such cases when rescuers stumble upon some kind of explosive substances, but the danger , of course, comes from the structure itself, since its integrity is now nobody does not guarantee completely. the completely burnt-out concert hall now has a gaping ceiling with a gaping emptiness, the roof has only partially collapsed there, and the remaining fragments hang over the working rescuers, and of course, that’s why we’re there now it’s unsafe, all these structures that are hanging, they will need to be cut, now we have, yes, yes, it’s dangerous, our climbers are doing reconnaissance, yes, and accordingly , cut all this down, just at any moment, that it can.
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black smoke appears above the roof of crocus, the fire now remains, well, small fires with a total area of ​​up to 500 m2 remain on the second third floors, they are found, they are spilled with water, so work here, the work of firefighters also continues, and the hall - now he practically doesn’t resemble himself, there are completely twisted metal structures, even from...
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in the same footage of the investigative committee you can see how
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parkman documents are laid out in front of the entrance to crocus city hall, the wallets of dead people, it is from these documents that they are trying to identify them, over the past few hours we didn’t see ritual vehicles leaving here, but in the morning this happened quite often, perhaps most of the bodies were taken out, or just those that remained until it was impossible to remove, it’s also worth saying, of course, that... here already a few hours ago, closer to the half-burnt building , the police began to let people down and there , about 150 m away... a spontaneous memorial was formed at the site of the terrorist attack, a huge amount of flowers, under the more recent ones, you literally can’t see those that the people brought first, despite to working metro stations , they come here specifically by taxi, their own cars, someone brings a bouquet not only from themselves, but also from their loved ones, friends who could not come, but wanted to express their
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condolences, many simply cry when they are at this memorial, someone comes with children, and these children... wear not even purchased toys, their own, some bring balloons, some candles, we mourn , we wish our loved ones to be strong , the tragedy just happened, it is impossible to remain in the country and indifferent, i just want to honor the memory, it’s hard to talk about it, in fact, of course, this tragedy is huge, and i want to support my loved ones. who have lost their loved ones, i would like to somehow pass on some part of my soul to them, so that they can feel it’s easier, we have to hold on, move forward, we won’t be broken. lyosha, thank you, alexey konopko was on direct line from the crocus cityhall building.
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investigators have already determined the type of weapon used to fire the weapon. an eyewitness saw the following picture: holy crap, they are running there, they are running there with machine guns, terrorists are aiming at defenseless unarmed people in the faye, visitors, having heard the sound of shooting, began to leave the hall, someone, in order to save himself, broke windows with his bare hands and took them out those who were nearby, hurry up, mom, mom, hurry up, all the victims came to
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concert of the picnic group, most of the people at that moment were already inside the hall, behind several... and in a place in the stalls in the second row , at approximately 19:45 i heard such active noisy movement and turning around i saw that from above, from the lobby of the main entrance to there is an active and massive burst of machine gun fire going on in the hall. some of
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the spectators left through the emergency exits ; others managed to escape through the stage. the terrorists, having splashed hot liquid across the hall , set it on fire, and so the fire started. we are at a concert in crocos city, here some kind of shooting is happening, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here , they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, about 100 people were locked in the basement, already half an hour after the first shots, the flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue. the terrorists had left the crime scene by that time, and firefighters put out the flames a few hours later. an operational headquarters was set up on the spot, and the chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bostrykin, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the governor of the moscow region took part in its work. region andrey vorobyov. the burnt-out hall is visible from hundreds of meters away, police officers are keeping a cordon at a fairly large distance, today none of the centers of the shopping complex are working and, apparently, will not work until
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investigators and icr officers complete their investigative actions at the scene of the terrorist attack. investigators are studying cctv footage. investigators are also looking for other evidence and are asking everyone who was on the premises of the concert hall to provide all information they have. criminal investigation continues, investigators are identifying everyone involved.
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latest information on the condition of the wounded, hello, evgenia, but 29 victims with gunshot wounds and complex fractures were brought here to the sklifosovsky institute, all of them have already been operated on. in total , 107 victims remain in seventeen moscow hospitals and four clinics in the moscow region, 14 received outpatient care, there is enough medicine and dressings, the situation is under the control of the deputy prime minister. tatyana golikova and minister of health mikhail murashk with at night they visit hospitals one after another , they have already been in krasnogorsk khimkhakh here at the sklekhpasovsky institute and now at the
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pirogov surgery center. there are 107 patients in medical institutions, of which three are children, one child is in extremely serious condition and two children are in serious condition. among adults, 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 are in serious condition. indications of assistance - a total of 19 medical organizations were involved in the wounded in the terrorist attack at the crocus center. that's all for today every day you need medicines, equipment, blood products, everything is available in sufficient quantities. and i want to note that today the life-saving event continues. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin visited the botkin hospital today, personally saw that the victims
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were receiving the most modern and high-quality medical care, and also thanked the doctors. there are currently 80 people injured during the terrorist attack in moscow clinics. the best moscow doctors are fighting for. and now doctors accept until the last minute donor, however, they remind that the best time to donate is in the morning. there is an atmosphere of compassion
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and unity at the donor centers. they don’t even come as whole families, but as whole teams. exclusive footage. the russian national football team donates blood for victims. members of the coaching staff are players from moscow clubs called to the march training camp. well, doctors use the plasma given by volunteers to... replenish the banks of those victims who have burns; they will need it within the next 2-3 weeks. i have everything evgeniy. thank you dasha, it was daria okuneva. moscow and the region will provide assistance to the families of the dead victims together. this was stated by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin and the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. relatives of victims of the terrorist attack will receive 3 million rubles each. at the moment, forty -one victims have been identified and the identification procedure continues. burial costs of up to 150 thousand per person will also be compulsorily compensated, and relatives will be assisted in resolving all legal
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issues. everyone who was seriously injured is currently being treated in hospital. will receive compensation of millions of rubles. the authorities will pay 5,000 to victims who are treated on an outpatient basis. moscow and the moscow region will also assign monthly payments to children whose father or mother died. finding themselves trapped under the bullets of terrorists, many visitors to crocus united and helped each other survive and escape. eyewitnesses are now talking about this. those who were near the center at the time of the terrorist attack did not stand aside either; some learned about what happened on tv and came to the scene. about stories of caring. olga armyakova. we live here not far from strageno, as soon as i found out, i took everything. and came running here. in the first minutes after the terrorist attack , those who were nearby, residents of nearby houses, came to the aid of the victims, bringing warm clothes, blankets, and water. we cannot stand aside when this
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happens, we believe that. you must always support your own, and no matter what happened, volunteers took out the wounded, helped the doctors , we first went to crocus, took an employee from there, and took her home for free, passing drivers picked up the evacuees, take someone for free, if anything , you’ll take three, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i ’m a person first, and then a taxi driver, and today, well, why not work for free for one day, right, what’s wrong with that? taxi drivers drove people from the city hall area for free all night, the yandex taxi service, at the request of the department of transport, sent dozens of cars there in the first hours. the line stretched for kilometers along the overpass, the tragedy brought together hundreds of strangers, the wife was wounded, blood was flowing , dragged her out into the street and the first the car that came across stopped, well done people
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took it into the car. at that time, in the building itself , in the crowd fleeing from the shots of terrorists , despite the danger to their own lives, people saved others, we run, we run, we all fall, i saved two families with small children, because my wife blocked everything, the police blocked everything there, to get out of the building, the men broke the glass, letting children and women go ahead, there were frequent shots, they ran, they ran, miraculously, they found some way out, the men opened it, and we ran out like a wave, one of... the spectators helped dozens of people escape by neutralizing the terrorist, eyewitnesses tell about this , when the shooting started, people rushed to the stage, to where the emergency exit was located, and where, as it turned out, one of the criminals was waiting, he shot everyone who ran into that point-blank side, a young man jumped on him, took away his machine gun and simply beat him with the butt of his gun, just gave us the opportunity to just go out through the stage today, through the emergency exit, we all went out into the street, we managed to find this hero, although he asks not call his name and
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do not show.
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both in vonadar and in crimea, in simferopol, residents come to the main city square. in sevastopol, flowers and lighted candles appeared in komsomolsky park. and in donetsk, a memorial was organized in the city center near stella rossiya. in rostov nadon, the inscription crocus we sorrow appeared on the facade of the rostov arena. in irkutsk , on the electronic screens of the sports palace, there is a video with a burning candle. people themselves organized memorials in the far east in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky to the russian state flag at the monument. military city flowers and toys bring glory, children died in the crocus, candles are lit in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. these are very sad events, and i think no one will remain in the country, we will all grieve, our deepest condolences to our loved ones and family, and may god give you the strength to survive this, of course, irreparable grief. this tragic event will once again unite
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us. i'm very shocked, very shocked. the candle of memory does not go out on the screens, on the streets at the yekaterinburg airport, mourning banners, also throughout moscow. they appeared in tyumen, novosibirsk, vladivostok, krasnoyarsk, magadan and many other cities. in connection with the tragedy in the capital, it was decided to cancel all sporting events, cultural and other public events. there will be no performances or concerts scheduled for the weekend. in big and small. theaters in the contemporary chekhovo moscow art theater, the friendly match between the national teams of russia and paraguay, which was supposed to take place on march 25, was cancelled, all entertainment events were also canceled in st. petersburg. other regions of the country made a similar decision. in different cities, in shopping centers, a 24-hour patrol regime has been introduced in markets and other public places. deep condolences to the families of those killed
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in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin today. expressed shavkat mirziyoyev. the president of uzbekistan strongly condemned the bloody attack on crocus city hall and asked to convey words of support to the affected families and wishes as soon as possible. lukashenko, the president of belarus, emphasized that the citizens of the republic are in solidarity with the people of russia in this sorrowful hour and offered any help, he expressed confidence in the inevitability punishments for organizers of performers. and today, kasym zhomar-takayev, the president of kazakhstan, spoke with the head of state about the fact that a barbaric crime had been committed. also expressed sincere condolences in connection with the numerous victims of the intention to intensify anti-terrorist cooperation. china is shocked by the news of the attack on a concert hall in the moscow region and firmly supports the russian
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government's efforts to preserve national security. with these words sindin pin today expressed his condolences to vladimir putin to our people. the prc leader stressed that beijing opposes terrorism in any way. its manifestations and strongly condemns the attack on civilians. similar responses come from all continents. prime minister narendromodi said india stands in solidarity with moscow in this hour of sorrow. the presidents of tajikistan, turkmenistan, kyrgyzstan and mongolia sent messages to the kremlin this morning, strongly condemning this inhumane act of violence. the league of arab states, the shanghai cooperation organization, the osce, the european union, as well as the foreign ministries of japan and australia expressed their sympathy. south korea and austria, norway and spain, belgium and switzerland. the leaders of hungary, serbia, kazakhstan, venezuela, cuba and dozens of other states stand in solidarity with russia. all over the world
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, our diplomatic institutions are holding memorial events. a sign of mourning, national flags are lowered at embassies: in almaat and minsk, berlin, dubai, rome and bangkok, tbilis and stockholm. yerevan, as well as belgrade, ashgabat, where citizens bring flowers and candles to russian houses. and the republika srpska deputies specially gathered to hold a moment of silence to honor the memory of the victims. tragedies now in the center of attention of the western press, on the front pages of leading publications, are photographs of a burning concert hall, details of what happened, attempts to understand who might be behind the attack. readiness to provide support in the investigation already. interpol, the us reaction was not so clear. word to dmitry melnikov. when the us president left washington for a weekend trip to delaware. he was already aware of the tragedy in the moscow region, and the white house said
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that us authorities were monitoring what was happening in russia. journalists shout out to the president questions about the terrorist attack in the concert hall. biden did not respond, and as the white house later told the russian agency. news he does not plan to call the russian president, official washington has not yet condemned this bloody terrorist act, the only reaction was from the national security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby. we have all seen the video footage from moscow showing the brutal shooting in the concert hall. these shots are simply terrible, they are hard to look at, our thoughts are obvious will be with the victims of this terrible attack. further official reaction. the united states did not have advance information about the tragedy in a concert hall in the moscow region and immediately began to divert suspicion from kiev. the united states
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had no information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow. moreover, the united states sees no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the moscow attack. however, then the white house announced that in early march, us authorities received data... in the russian capital, large gatherings of people, especially concerts, should be avoided. state department americans in moscow are advised to avoid places with large crowds of people, and also to follow further news on the official website of the department. these warnings about a possible terrorist threat in moscow were first published on the website. the us embassy, ​​then the uk, and later other western diplomatic missions in russia began to warn their citizens about this. at the time , the us embassy said it was monitoring reports that extremists were planning attacks on major events in moscow.
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including concerts. and today a representative of the white house began to assure that he does not see a direct connection between these warnings and the shooting of people in crocus city hall. we don't know to what extent this is a warning from the us embassy. in early march and this terrorist attack is connected, but we did have some concerns about the possibility of a terrorist attack in moscow in its surroundings earlier this month, we need to get more information about the... who came in to put the puzzle together. the american press, without waiting for results investigation, stated that one of the cells of the so-called islamic state, banned in russia, was to blame for the attack. citing government sources, the american media reported that they allegedly have indisputable information about the involvement of the isis group in the terrorist attack. they also reported that information about a possible terrorist attack was transmitted in advance to the russian intelligence community through communication channels. however, no official ones. no clarification was made on this matter. at russia's initiative, the
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un security council adopted a statement where strongly condemned the cowardly terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, immediately after the attack in moscow , people began bringing flowers and soft toys to the russian embassy in washington. on september 11 , 2001, the russian president was one of the first to call his american counterpart george w. bush to express condolences, words of support, and most importantly... the terrible tragedy in the moscow region, now everyone is watching especially closely for the white house's reactions to the world . dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. about an hour ago, air defense forces shot down another ukrainian drone is in the sky over the belgorod region. the ukrainian military attacked the city several times during the day, including using nato rockets.
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it was loud, they immediately jumped up at the child’s house to hide, just this morning from the ukrainian side, 17 shells from the vampire rszz were fired at belgorod, they were shot down in the sky by our air defense system , but explosive fragments fell into residential areas, this is a consequence of the detonation of one of them, partially a destroyed wall of an apartment building, balconies on three collapsed floors, the shelling happened around 7 am, naturally, inside at that moment in... there were
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flights to office buildings, shopping centers, pharmacies, the private sector, a fire started in this house as a result of falling fragments, rescuers promptly extinguished it, and here they continue their work of law enforcement officers, there was a hit, as i understand it, in the enclosure, and ricocheted into the house, except that a fire immediately broke out, immediately caught fire, smoke appeared, i immediately caused a fire. immediately there was no flame at all. shards fell next to the roadway when a regular bus was approaching a public transport stop. the driver responded to the alarm in time. the passengers managed to hide behind concrete blocks. it saved them. the telegram alert went off that there was a missile danger. we ran to the stop and dropped off the passengers. and we all ran for cover, sat down, and 30 seconds later he literally came.
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a train arrives from belgorod, it is a special
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train, five carriages containing children, 150 people, approximately 13 hours on the road, the guys arrive on tambov land , they say they are a little tired from the move , but everyone is in a cheerful mood, well, they fed us, that’s good, they gave us porridge for breakfast, yesterday they did, the guys were also met on the platform by a large team of volunteers, they helped with luggage, and also, don’t get confused at the station.
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schools in some areas of the belgorod region have been working remotely for a long time , a measure forced due to constant shelling, shelling every day, everything flies, rumbles, it’s very scary, before going to one of the best sports and recreation camps in the region, doctors checked the well-being of the guys, everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, guys, everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, tombov. exactly on schedule at 5:29 am , the train with young belgorod residents is the first to arrive at the penza station; the first to greet guests on the platform are military academy cadets, psychologists, social activists and volunteers. the children were a little sleepy, but with smiles on their faces they were not afraid of the morning frost of -10. we were in a good mood, slept well, and were fed well. according to
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the latest data, 808 were evacuated to penza people, of which 732 are children, the rest are accompanying children. and 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers, swimmers, thank you very much for allocating these vouchers to us, i would just like to be quiet, but there is an opportunity to train in general, it’s great, the kids are escorted to the buses in an organized and clear manner, from the vocal square they are sent to seven temporary points accommodations include children's camps, sanatoriums and hotels, sports complexes. hello, mom, we have already checked in, we have arrived, everything is fine. for the next 3 weeks their home is the sports palace burtasy. you need to be constantly in good shape, always train. we miss you, we miss the warmth of our parents, but we understand that now is such a difficult time, so we have to be patient a little. for the training camp, the athletes took the essentials: uniforms, toys, mascots, sports equipment. for belgorod athletes in burtasy, 49 rooms with all amenities have been prepared, accommodating from two to six
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people, they promise cleaning every day , linen change every 5-7 days. three meals a day , taking into account the type of sport for gymnasts, sandwiches with black. bread for the white fighters, porridge of your choice, pancakes, eggs and tea, everything to prepare for the first training on the peaceful land of penzya. elena kozhevnikova, maxim marin, lead penza. russian armed forces in the donetsk direction liberated the village of krasnoye and improved the tactical situation along the front line. the ministry of defense reports this. the crew of the rszzo hurricane destroyed the fortification from the warehouse. ammunition of ukrainian militants. aerial reconnaissance helped identify the target. in the avdeysk direction , our units were able to occupy more profitable frontiers. 12 counterattacks of four ukrainian brigades were repelled. the enemy lost up to 250 fighters. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft
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worked on camouflaged equipment and enemy manpower in the north donetsk direction. in the krasnogorovka area in the dpr , aviation fired particularly powerful bombs at enemy fortifications. the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot was liquidated near krescheevka. in the kherson region, three ukrainian reconnaissance drones were shot down by russian paratroopers from portable verba systems. patriarch of moscow all russia kirill interrupted divine service in the cathedral of christ the savior to perform the first litany for the deceased, but an innocent person was killed. due to the loss of life. the full text is published on the official website of the russian orthodox church. the patriarch emphasized that there is no need to lose faith, courage and fortitude. the primate of the russian orthodox church is confident that law enforcement agencies and special services will do everything possible to successfully and as
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soon as possible solve the daring crime and bring to justice those responsible for its organization. don't support the brutal terrorist attack that occurred in the city of sitikhol, said the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims in the moscow region, rushan abbyasov, believers are praying for the speedy recovery of the victims. i share the common pain in all mosques and muslim centers of the moscow region; believers offer prayers for the souls of innocent people killed and for the speedy recovery of the victims. we ask the almighty for tradition. strength to their close relatives, as well as to the rescue doctors who are now helping the suffering. all details and the first results of the investigation into the terrorist attacks in kroku cityhole will be introduced. weeks with dmitry kiselev, tomorrow at 19:00, this is the news
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of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday how we destroy terrorists on the approaches to the border, in the sky near the state border, helicopters of the russian army destroy enemy targets, and how we are advancing at the front, all the shells hit the target, victory will be ours,
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3 years after the shameful flight of the americans, american goods, with which the market was previously simply flooded, are now practically non-existent remains, but absolutely amazing things have been preserved that will never be sold, unexpected observations by sergei, news of the week, sunday 19:00 from the baikanur cosmodrome today, on the second attempt , the manned soyuz spacecraft successfully launched. currently, it has already entered orbit and should dock with the iss in two days. on board are russian oleg novitsky, the first belarusian woman, cosmonaut marina
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vasilevskaya and nasa astronaut tracy dyson. with details from baikanur, alexey karev. the baikanur steppe is illuminated by a bright flame until the launch pad is a little more than 3 km from here, but the reverberating roar of the rocket engine, which weighs about 300. the ground is underfoot, the launch was successful, almost 8 km/second, this is the speed needed to put the ship into orbit. the main cast, crew commander , hero of russia, oleg novidsky, representative of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, nasa astronaut tracy dyson. this time, the journey to the iss will take two days, this is 34 orbits around the earth, after the launch there will be a general formation of the calculation and a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhall. allow me. on your behalf, we will convey our sincere words and condolences to your loved ones. i would like to declare a minute
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of silence. yesterday, at 18:00, the state commission heard reports from all services that participated in the preparation of the ship and made an unequivocal decision on the launch, which was successfully completed today. there are months of preparation and testing behind us, they included a theoretical part and a practical one. the crew members, including the backup crew, passed the tests and received clearance to fly. marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian woman cosmonaut was selected from 3,000 precedents. i will need to do spectral video photography, photography of the earth, then we will have television work on lactoferin. at these minutes, the communications crew and all onboard systems of the ship are functioning normally . two days after lifting off from the ground, already meeting with colleagues in orbit, alexey karev. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia and abroad, so
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stay tuned.


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