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tv   Ya obeshchayu molchat  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 9:00pm-12:56am MSK

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what do you want from us, more money, and guess what, i love money, i need to get out of the city, otherwise my portraits are hung on every corner, i need to get out of here as quickly as possible, and you will help me with this, every time i do everything i can you need it, please let them go, no, my love, we’ll go together, little girl, do you want to go for a ride? no, sanechka, don’t cry , uncle won’t do anything to you, dad and i are next to you, be proud, you are wanted, we won’t be able to get you out, there is a river, there’s a boat waiting there, you just need to get there, there you are give me all your cards and we’ll go our separate ways, where is your car, in the parking lot? yes, yes, here, call your fodile , let him go home, phone, in the right pocket
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inside, here, on the right, you’ll throw in too much, you’d better have brains, i understand, hello, anton, basically, you’re here today. served, i’ll put everyone to bed in 3 seconds, now we all get up together and go for a walk, like a cheerful family, daughter, listen, uncle, okay, and don’t be afraid of anything, it’ll all be over soon. put your hands down,
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what's the matter, i'm sorry, something got into your throat, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, open it, where are the keys? god,
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quickly, quickly get behind the car, oh you creature, you creature, stand, lie down, don’t twitch, give me your hands, what’s wrong with him, vasily? wounded in the leg, he is no longer dangerous.
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she’s sleeping, it’s too early for her psyche to give evidence to the police, she fell asleep right in her clothes, you’re like, it’s all my fault, it ’s all because of me, he could have killed masha or you. “it’s all over, we’re home, i would n’t be able to live on if something happened to masha, it’s all over, do you hear, it’s all over, daria, wait, yes, you have it”? 10 minutes, i'd like to go with you
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talk, yes, of course, and you come to me, don’t be afraid, i won’t eat you. honestly, they are beautiful, really, very expensive, take them, just leave my son alone, alin konstantinovna, i have to go, it’s a pity. oh, darya, they sent me photos, my son had a rendezvous, how i would like a worthy woman to be next to my son, but
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my proposal remains in the village, think about it, okay. it can withstand a blow well, nothing can stand against us, first we will remove the girl from the house, i will help, what would i do without you? for me it's already a matter of principle. because of them your son offended my simone. in general, i have already thought of everything. we will find the biological mother and convince her to take masha with her. the law is always on the mother's side, especially if she has a good lawyer. why
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didn't i think about this before? rimland, this is brilliant. i hope you won't scold me. i connected the right people. and tomorrow we are all. to you, good afternoon. good afternoon, i need darya mikhailovna pozova, why do you need her? and who are you, exactly? well, let's say i'm her mother, and who are you? i'll explain now. i have for you great news. did dasha give birth to a child
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and leave her in the maternity hospital? i do not believe you. my son adopted your granddaughter, but he doesn't know who her real mother is. “let’s be honest , i want your daughter to take her child, i’ll pay you, that’s enough for everyone, you and your daughter, granddaughter, but first i need your daughter’s phone number, take the money, i’ll call dasha myself and talk to her, yes, mom, dasha, do you have a daughter, yes, where are you, i,
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i’ll come right away, we need to talk, okay. please sit down, thank you, i ’ll bring you a menu, okay. “why did you hide it from me , i was afraid, i’ll never forgive myself, i sent you for an abortion, but you turned out to be better than me and didn’t take it upon yourself, mom, i left her in the maternity hospital, i didn’t
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know what to do, i i didn’t know how i should live, where i could get money, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me for doing this to you then”? i thought it would be better this way, i thought, completely alone, without a husband, with a child, still so young, you have your whole life ahead of you. forgive me, mom, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, don't cry, mom, mom, i told you that i got a job, but i didn’t say where i was going, i was with marsha all this time, i work for her as a governess, you, yes, did you find her yourself? yes, she's so beautiful. why, why then is
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arina konstantinovna looking for you? what? arina konstantinovna, was she with you? wow? what coincidence? daria mikhailovna? well, of course, i didn’t guess right away. and i knew that you would deceive me, so i decided to follow you. it's not even my fault. arina konstantinovna, why do you need this? what are you going to do? should i tell my son the truth? i i'll leave on my own. today, i promise, just don’t let masha know anything. i don't care at all. what will masha say? it’s important to me what decision alexey makes. and thus we
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will increase productivity by 30%. yes, konstantin, i like this idea, let's try it. alexey, mom, what happened? and you know who dasha is, in fact, i ’ll tell you. colleagues. i apologize, i have a small force majeure, let's continue tomorrow at the same time, okay, that's it, have a nice day everyone, she is the real mother of your adopted daughter, she gave birth to her and abandoned her, i i know, irina told me before her death. you knew, but he won’t kill you, let
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them know the truth better, both he and my daughter, mom, you don’t understand, i gave my word to my adoptive mother masha that i, that i will never tell her the truth, masha will always consider her by your mother. “i promised to be silent, where are you going, to alexey, i’m with you, now i’m not ours from you, where are you, there i am too
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. hello, hello, this is my mother, raisa sergeevna, it’s very nice, alexey, please come in, thank you , svetlana, we have guests, put on some tea, it’s very nice. please, we need to talk, of course, come on, we ’ll join you now, my name is svetlana, will you drink tea, yes, thank you, okay, why are you shy? this is raisa sergeevna, dasha’s mother. hello, i'm masha. and you, who
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will i be now when dad and dasha get married? also like grandma? masha! you are so beautiful, can i hug you? why are you crying? did someone offend you? i'm a dog. i know. era told me everything before her death. i
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tried to explain to her why. then i had to ask masha, but this conversation is too early or it should have happened later, i was just waiting for you to be ready and start this topic yourself. in fact, i’m only interested in two points: who is masha’s biological father, and will it turn out that he will lay claim to her? no. he didn’t care then, now he’s crazy, but in general, of course, i guessed that masha has only one dad,
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that’s me, period. only one mother, irina, there is some kind of shelter, you hide, mashi, that you are her mother, and i hide that she is not my daughter, and what should we do? "i know that my my daughter was very lucky, if i had to choose who her father was, and we were you, please, the shed rivers of blood forever divided the lives
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of two communities: serbian and muslim-croatian. ethnic cleansing and religious clashes. massacres and secret concentration camps. my parents and uncle were killed here. here are traces of the bullets that killed them. the most destructive confrontation in europe since world war ii. the west quarreled us, even if it didn’t get along, but we, unfortunately, fell for it, and this led to such sad results. the motive behind all this is desire to block russia's road to europe. russians, in ukraine, an attempt is being made to wage and the serbs are always punished for their proximity to war against russia, whoever does not understand this does not understand anything about geopolitics. film by alexey denisov. how they killed yugoslavia, the shadow of dayton. on sunday on rtr.
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this is when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three , subscribe, look, look, maybe we can come to my place, just watch a movie, in the near future we will live in a completely different world. it destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve desires and what to expect from the future, about this and not only in our program, on
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monday at rta, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, look, on the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, you now more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, i came here first, actually, i’m married, where does it matter, get out of here! or are you going to leave immediately, or me, or what? i didn’t kill anyone, believe me, teacher, today on rtr
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, masha, mash, oh, i fell asleep, i’m sorry that i woke you up, i need to tell you something very important, you and i will have another secret, daughter, i love you very, very much, and your mother loved you very much, you the most... wonderful girl in the world, and the most wonderful ones may have two mothers, you
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're talking about dasha, dad, but i'm not little anymore, i guessed that things aren't exactly nuts between you and dasha, i really like her too , masha, dear dasha, she is your mother. she gave birth to you, and mom, and mom ira is also your mother, and i am your dad, we are your parents, but we took you when you were already born, you were very, very small, i don’t understand anything, you and i we'll definitely sort everything out, please, you know you're very... very very happy little man, can you imagine, you have two mothers, one mother is in heaven, she watches over you,
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she protects you, she is your guardian angel, the second mother, dasha, she is here with us. dasha told ili that she wouldn’t tell you this secret, but i didn’t make such a promise, so i’m sharing it with you. and what should i do now, live, dear, live, live with us and enjoy life, dear, please don’t cry, dasha and i will now leave for a while, on one business, and you will have time to think about everything, svetlana will stay with you and vasily. you us let me go, okay, okay, i
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love you very much, daughter. oh, my god, what kind of people, who are we here, and dasha, my little wife, she’s gone wild, yes, she’s come to ask for forgiveness. you know, but i ’ll still think about whether to let you into the house or not, igor, i want to divorce you, oh well,
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let him sleep it off, i have... that she brought her lover and introduced me to me , to show how cool he is, it’s clear he arrived in a cool car, but i still have more, oh, i saw it! oh you slut, come here, uh, come on, take your hands off, do you hear, quiet, quiet, quiet, igor, right?
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they persuaded me to get a divorce from the district police officer, and i called my friend at the administration, she said: you don’t have children, so they’ll get it done quickly , you’ll pick it up this week, great news , thank you, mommy, well, at least you can stay the night, i’ll run to the family market in the morning i’ll buy some milk, take it with you, mom, we have to go, masha is there, okay, but until we have dinner, i won’t let you go anywhere, i’ll just quickly change the tablecloth, with pleasure. hurts badly? no, it will heal before the wedding, you are so beautiful, why should i didn't say this before? sorry, i'm in a hurry, right? but no, that’s not the point, it’s just
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that everything is wrong with me. you are dating another woman, this is not a problem, we have an agreement, it’s just better not to, otherwise it will hurt me a lot, stop, i don’t understand anything, what other woman are you talking about? simone, i saw your photo, oh, so that’s what that stupid selfie was for, dasha, i never had anything with simone. and nothing will ever happen, because i only need you.
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lying down, i can’t decide which shirt to wear, which one? so they arrived, what happened, masha, she again closed in on herself, like after irina’s death, which means she doesn’t want you and me to get married, she told you this herself, no, no, she, she’s avoiding me. masha now
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knows that you are her mother, i told her before leaving, but what does she say? give her time, she needs to realize this, get used to it, let her decide who you will be for her. tash, tash, i really want you to become my wife. i love you. i didn’t think i would ever say these words to anyone again, but it’s true. "to me it’s so scary, it seems to me that i’ll open my eyes and nothing will happen, neither you nor masha, it doesn’t happen, look at me, this is all
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for real, i’m proposing marriage to you , but you have the right to decide for yourself, how to manage them, if you are ready to trust me, trust this." if you are not ready yet , you need time, then i’ll run away for a day, everything will remain as before, yes, i will accept any of your decisions, the most important thing is that both you and i stayed with masha. you don’t need me.
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mom, mom, daughter, you’re the only one who forgave me. i beg your pardon, get married, you will, as soon as
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we do, get started, congratulations. and now i ask everyone for a group photo, dear friends, please, closer, closer, so perfect. can i give you a little light, yeah, like that, oh, wait, we forgot grandma, grandma, come to
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us, mom, please, that’s great, everything ’s assembled. look here, smile, great, and also, like that, super, goloven, not bad, well done, koryagin, write again that a...
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wrote a poem, seriously, well, let’s listen, of course, let’s wait, i’m like howling wolf...
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and that the fact that i’m 18 doesn’t bother me,
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but it should, i have a husband and a child, stop doing stupid things, take your studies seriously, you’re such a talented guy, you have a bright future ahead of you, but i don’t believe your bright future , my dad is imprisoned, my brother also recently imprisoned himself, my mother constantly tells me that the prison is crying for me, the institute is crying for you, if you seriously engage in creativity, go home, can i at least take you home? you need to write an essay on the captain's daughter, see you tomorrow, and what a rash about captain's daughter, you just told me to read it? and you have a separate task, in honor of my special one, i’m kind to you, thank you, i have a great deal for you. this is the best thing you can say goodbye, you're quick, of course, you
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offer it to you, everything is fine, think about it, everything, he said that the offer is limited, a luxurious boarding house in adler, the couple booked six months in advance and decided to get a divorce, they didn’t even wait for the vacation, so everything is for you, look. ideal for a holiday with a child, yes, the rooms have a small kitchen, you won’t have to wander around restaurants, breakfasts and dinners are included the cost, what a beauty, we’ll take it, of course , we’ll take it, that’s it, there’s payment in 3 days, yes , i don’t have it with me today, but i ’ll bring everything to you tomorrow, i’ll put it aside, yes, yes, yes, okay, thank you, lyovochka, thank you, “thank you, but
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i definitely don’t have that amount, borrow it, let my husband borrow it, make some jokes, there won’t be such an offer again, it’s unlikely, you know , don’t give our vouchers to anyone yet, okay, and i’ll give you something i’ll figure it out, we agreed.” oh, i think you're sleeping, no, i still need some notebooks, i need to check, this is beer, it's just better i bought fruit for the child, yes , iron the shirts tomorrow, you will have both vegetables and fruits
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, i have a meeting tomorrow about the project, yes to sleep, nikit, i was offered vouchers here, vadler, you, me, and dimka, what kind of shit i can do find out, for those that we put aside and... katyukha promised to lend 1500, katyukha, okay, it’s cool, you ’re not happy, i’m glad. adler , the sea, chebureks, who wants chebureks, so, marsh, get dressed, and wipe out , nikita, lord, yes, as much as possible, i’ll definitely
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be late today, well, are you kidding me, are you kidding me, nikita, get up, good, yes, that’s it, i’m already getting up, i got it. at my place, i’ll be late for work, don’t forget to hang out with dimka, i ironed your shirt, it’s hanging in the hallway, that’s what you need, and you’ll get a cold one, uh-huh, why aren’t you dressed yet, no, you definitely decided everything with me today finish the morning, don’t yell at the child, i don’t yell at the child, but my dear, so look at me carefully, you remain in charge of the elder, you should definitely go for a walk and do breathing exercises, understand? please put on a t-shirt already, go ahead, don’t forget, i have three today interviews, don’t forget the main thing, that’s it, baby, bye, vacation schedule for the summer, which means
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you won’t be there next month, uh-huh, couldn’t you have waited until the holidays, don’t you worry, oliver vladimir? i passed my test right away, everything will be fine , but i have no doubt, you’ve thought through everything and got ready, but no, vadler, hmm, they still criticize the teacher’s salary, they say you won’t survive, interesting, i can’t do it every year allow, you can’t forbid to live beautifully, what does it have to do with it, i just have the child is in poor health and needs to go to the sea to strengthen his immunity. are you traveling together? no, the three of us with my husband, he’s just on a break between projects, excuse me, here’s the statement, yes katyusha, when are you coming? and when necessary? oh well,
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it’s true, you were better, and then you got married. disappeared, okay , i’m reading these lectures, there’s news, stand there, sit down, oh my surprises, come on, i found you a job, hmm, 30,000, what, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, that’s between among other things, international charity a project that is almost impossible to get into, thank you, my dear, thank you very much, well, there is a nuance, the place of work, it’s far to travel, well, not close, a colony, a prison, uh-huh,
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a teacher for prisoners, phew, well, i’m afraid they need experience, which i don’t have, oh , come on, what an experience, i came, took the lesson , left, so, mom, dear, katyusha, i’m sorry, i completely forgot to replace me with nikita, i have an interview , so, wait, thank you, and wait, tell the godson from me, well, oh, of course he
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will be happy, i ran, thank you, dear, that's it, we'll call you, nikita. nikita, i came , forgive me, please, i didn’t want to stay, it’s just the circumstances, nikita, dimochka, nikita, god, son, son, where is dad, dad left, how did he leave, have you been alone for a long time? you are my golden one, come here, everything is fine, everything is fine, my golden one. now, is he completely stunned,
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thank you, yes, i can’t talk now, how could you abandon your child, what? i threw it at him, you wrote to me that you’ll be there in half an hour, by the way, i’m not late for a party, i have an important business meeting, thank you for your support, everything is fine, sir, mom has a gift for you from aunt katya, and what is there and a robot, while she is with you good aunt katya, she gave me a gift too, now mom will put something
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in the closet, then we will go to dinner with you , come on, kiss me quickly, well done, now , now, now, now, right, although these are thieves, but it’s definitely not him, don’t lie to yourself, katya, well, he knew that it was this money i bought it in order to take dimka to the seaside, but what’s the problem, ask when calling, i called, his phone is not available, that she needed to prove that why are you with him, well... explain to me, a worthless man, he hangs like a dick around your neck, we have a child, and my grandmother said that divorce is a last resort, but my grandmother
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had different times, they were without a man at all we couldn’t live, now it’s quite possible, you have a wonderful education, you have very good prospects, but he’s just a bummer, no plans, no work, no ambitions, he just has a lot of ambition. okay, i can’t believe that you love this idiot, i can’t, thank you, but now we won’t need them anymore, takyusha, and you won’t need a part-time job anymore either. yes, now, i’ve already told everyone that he dumped a person for the project, and now you refuse, let’s calm down,
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pull yourself together from the song, life goes on, let’s dim, i’ll post it now , let’s go there, we’ll go home, but the truth is already inconvenient, you can’t go anywhere, your nikita will live one night without you, take dimka and go to bed, come on, come on, come on, as you are sure, absolutely 100 years. “yes, i understand, this can’t go on anymore , son, behave well, listen
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aunt katya, okay, thank you very much , you're welcome, let's go, well, not here, the premiere is on rtr, there are some spots everywhere, you need a lot of strength to do this, tr i said, i want a white cat, here
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it comes and oh, you're good. feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr. you are my last hope, no one's, close this salon, damn your mother, we have a wonderful salon with wonderful masters, but you will destroy all this, martynova needs to be fired, others will have science, she cannot be fired, no there are no replaceable workers, there are no,
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there are no, there are no, there are no, there are no, except for her, sit down. who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything of ours that was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr.
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oh, tanyukh, this is you at work, seriously, didn’t you even notice? why, dimka and i didn't you spend the night at home? come on, calm down now, right? you stole my money, ours, our money, and you didn’t steal it, you took it to boost your business. that's what it's called now, right?
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yes, just give them back to me, please. you all, i don’t have it, i invested it, no, no , this, this is unbearable, this is unbearable, what ’s unbearable, you think i took this money from a good life, but how else can i promote the idea, you know how differently, although where are you from? you don’t see people at all except your buddies, why? what did you spend it on? nikita, that's almost 60,000, that's very a lot, yes, it’s pennies, it’s pennies, it ’s just good, a normal suit, hairstyle and boots, everything, two more times i took potential investors to a restaurant, all your 60,000, lord, how could it be otherwise, well, well, how could it
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be otherwise, nothing in this world you won’t get it any other way. either you take risks and win, or you think, i like to look at these well-fed faces in expensive suits, look how they drink, if only i had the opportunity to do everything differently, if only, if only i had money, you, you think i’m incapable of anything, i didn’t say that, but i thought i wasn’t blind. you know, you ’re right, i’m a loser, even if my own wife doesn’t love me, she doesn’t appreciate me, she doesn’t understand me, you’re a nikit. nikita, forgive
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me, i, i really don’t think so, i don’t think that you are a failure, you will definitely succeed, just, just bye. no luck, but you, you are very talented, you, you are capable, you really think so , of course, thank you, thank you, i believe that everything will be fine with us, it will be, you will definitely find an interesting job, you will be fine earn money, and we can travel to different... countries every year, just you, me and timka, great, yes, who is it, i don’t know, but we’ll have to
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open it, hold the cake, dimka and i are dying, we want tea, we’ll celebrate banishing this asshole from your life. hey, dimon, show me a house for a chuk, a robot , you see, we called him a chuk, short for what, a karny monster, hello, dad, dimka, i didn’t expect that, look what a robot i have, a robot, god, what a robot he has robot, definitely a kitten. tanyukh, give me some money, i’ll go to the store, buy some beer, and then groceries of course, nikita, by god, i have 500 rubles left. let
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’s do it without beer somehow, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, starting from tomorrow it’s ironclad, i don’t drink, i looked at the job advertisement, tomorrow i’ll call, arrange an interview, well... “listen, enough of these projects, it’s time to look for a permanent job , i’m a man, i need to feed my family, i’m so tired of you, i’m done for the last time, go already, what are you doing, what, what, so i’m coming up with a topic for the lesson, they asked the teacher to replace me, we studied, no, in another place , in another school, and nikit, i’ll come back later tomorrow, but it’s a part-time job, you ’re my little bee, thank you, so, goodbye, yurkin,
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please stay late, what did i do, nothing, nothing, come here. goodbye, happily, tell me, your brother and father are in prison, well, not in prison, they are sitting in a colony here, yes, what is it, but it’s interesting, what are they reading there, detective stories, novels, science, the criminal code, there’s some kind of coronyak there, oh, crime is punishment, yorkin, i’m serious, no, well, i really don’t know the thief myself, well, it ’s like when my father was free, he’s some kind of guy i solved crosswords, my brother
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has never read anything in his life, so i don’t know what’s going on in their heads, uh-huh, no, if you want, i can go to my brother’s on a date next week to ask, so wait, why do you need this, yes so, i’m just curious what might interest such people, it seems to me that they generally don’t care what will be read to them, the main thing is who will read to them, if you are, then at least the chinese alphabet is possible, it’s clear, it’s free, i’ll be honest, i mean i tell you honestly too, thank you, you are free, god, goodbye. no, i need someone younger, you can excuse me, i have a second line, yes, hello , nikit, well, what is it, why are you
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always busy, i’m worried because i ’m working, okay, sorry, where is dimka, how is he, okay, dimka, playing , so, the main thing is, don’t forget to feed him, don’t put sour cream in his borscht, he doesn’t like you, listen, tan, you. there’s no need to work, dad, look, class , you need to, just work calmly, we ’ll figure it out ourselves somehow, that’s it, come on, bye, yeah, bye, anyway, you ate no, it’s bad, and you’re not tired of defending these lessons , aren’t you tired of asking the same thing every day, then i don’t necessarily protect, i make sure that their rights are not violated, even prisoners serving a sentence have rights, yes, i understand. i
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understand, what do you want, girl? smirnov, visit her through the fourth entrance? and i, i , a literature teacher, i have my first lesson here, here’s my passport, i was thinking, who i sewed up tighter, why stronger, are you violent here or something, when i drink, he’s joking, there’s strict discipline here, the colony is all- it’s not a pioneer camp after all. watch, telephone, whining, cutting, everything here, excuse me, yes, do you work here too? yes, i’m a lawyer, yeah, i would never agree to such a job, then what are you doing here? you are right, well, this is temporary for me, and there was no other choice. well, you know, this is not the worst place on earth, and not the worst job. the main thing is to follow the instructions and
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safety precautions, well, i’m scared again, why? there are a lot of guards here, i assure you, no one will touch you here, because there is no reason for prisoners to increase their sentence, the main danger is pity, pity, yes, you can’t feel sorry for them, and you can’t sympathize with them listen, they are all innocent here, someone was framed by a friend, someone is saving his girlfriend by taking her guilt upon himself.
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i don’t know what they came up with about their charity, but my wards are taught to only spoil, so sit down, sit down, thank you, why spoil, because some of them can start life again. you get off the pink clouds , baby, it’s in your books, then a new life, in life everything is different, i don’t know, books, they’re written for a reason, for example, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, that means so, no contacts, no conversations, only about literature and according to the curriculum, you?
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yes, but teacher, how about it, well, well, that means, i repeat again so that you remember, do not fulfill any requests, no matter how innocent they are, remember, there are thieves, swindlers and murderers here, i understand ? very good, well, let's go, i'll introduce you, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, whole, whole, please, sorokina, tatyana aleksandrovna, please love and favor, nothing. so, yes,
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pretty, debunov gavlikov, go out and escort the citizens to the second, third floor, accordingly, scrub toilets, anyone else has a desire, will open his mouth without permission, very good, very good, i ask you, again, to begin, very good, very good. "hello, i would like to speak louder, yes, of course, i would like
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to start our first lesson today with the topic of words. why do we need literature? in what sense, why is it needed? for you personally, for example, how do you name? excuse me, romanov, can i use the name? boris nikolaevich. it’s very nice, boris nikolaevich, that’s what you think literature is for, that’s all these poems, poems
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, novels, we also know about... her, but excuse me, faith, in what , of course, in what, in life, in love, in justice, wonderful, sit down, timur, thank you for the lesson, tatyana aleksandrovna , i’ll be waiting for you , it’s being caught somewhere, sometimes in gas stations , sometimes in the corridors, where to go and what to do, there’s no need to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself or
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extend your hands, they’ll have to reckon with us, so, getting off the ground , takeoff, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote. at 3:30 a.m., of course i always have to be communications, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will show you more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr.
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vasnetsova in previous episodes, i am major vasnetsova, investigative committee of the kaliningrad region, i have a personal request to you, keep an eye on her. tsova, a divorced mother of four children, is just such a mom, well, is that bad, she easily solves the most complex cases, you saw something, but why is it not clear to liskov, he was not led by his mother’s style, but in his personal life she's having difficulties, let's go have some coffee, with pleasure, but what else is this? oops, this is an anonymous paternity test, positive, i will repent, i will repent, why did you do this, vasnitsova. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. and in vain you don’t consider them people?
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what am i doing wrong? they are so interesting, they, they know how to think, reflect, dream. oh, yes, i know these dreamers, and some of them, for example, are seriously interested. me too, but now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher. don't
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talk nonsense, i'm just, i'm always i’m inspired by interesting and extraordinary personalities like timur, well, definitely not like you guys, i’m home, hi, mom, hi. nikita hired you. i wonder why, then , that not only you need to work to earn money, hello, one more time, come on, i
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see you’ve already met, one two, three, tell me, she’s cool, nikit, let’s go talk, maybe you can explain what it is, yes, i’m telling you, she’s just a godsend, a student, by the way, she’s already your colleague in the pedagogical department, where did you get her? at the agency? they are hourly payment, yes, it arrived an hour after i ordered it, well, cool, honestly, they called me about my new project, but i couldn’t meet dimka halfway, yes, but you could have called me, or at least katya , damn it, she’s a thousand times better than your katya , and you don’t want to know how my meeting went, i really want to know how your meeting went, well, so far they liked it, they... liked it, and today we walk around here,
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they liked it so much that they even gave you advances, well, no, i took out a loan, but nothing, like a loan, nikita, and if, if it ’s true, we’re going out today, everything will be fine, fine. ok, this is a failure, ninotchka , come to us, this is for you, this is for you, well, the first toast is for ninotchka, why for me, unexpectedly, somehow, firstly, you really helped us out today, really, secondly , the dinka really liked you, well... thirdly, you passed the test today, from that day on you were hired for a permanent job? nikita jokes,
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in fact, we didn’t plan to take a nanny, just like we planned, ninochka, and you’re a student, you have classes tomorrow, you have to get up early , you know, dimka is sleeping, so you are free , thank you very much, don’t worry, i don’t go to the first class, i like to sleep, charming, but what my husband told you about full employment, this... well, my wife just thinks narrowly, don’t pay attention , no, okay, i’ll say it straight, unfortunately, we don’t have the money for this, money is money, the bolder you spend it, the more they love you. well, come on, who is he? what are you talking about? come on, sorokin, you saw yourself from the outside, you meet everyone, your eyes are burning, oh-oh
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, your back is straight, your hair is hair-to-hair, okay, okay, but in general i started running, it’s not tanyukha, but a wonder woman, who is he, your lover, who knows? i don’t have any lover, what do you mean, and in general , a woman’s eyes can burn not only from love, i wonder what else, for example, from doing what she loves, but seriously? you know, so many good things began to happen, nikita found a job, well, yes, not the first and not the last time, we’ve already seen this fairy tale somewhere we heard, but he hired a nanny for something, i’m mewling, yes, i’m guessing, she’s young and beautiful, but what’s
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the difference, well, young, yes, a student, oh, still a student. this is bad for sorokino, where did he find them, like everything through an agency, something else is important, katya, thanks to you, i began to look at many things in life differently, thank you, listen, maybe i should be sent to a colony too, no, so what, i’ll enjoy life, run around the park like i’m exhausted, let’s run, it’s time, i mean, to go home, it’s time, i think. we’ll have coffee, but we shouldn’t have been 20 minutes late, but that’s something man, can you at least slow down, i don’t understand you lawyers, what kind of lawyers are you defending them , the criminals are obvious just around the corner, i ’ve been here for more than 20 years, only a couple of times , it seems, they were guilty without guilt, but for the most part they were profane there is nowhere to put it,
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such a case happened once, oh, anander, hello, hello! and i thought you had lessons tomorrow, why, today is wednesday, i have two lessons on wednesdays, that’s right, i thought on monday, yeah, it’s already been half an hour, i can’t remember what day it is, you look good, thank you, the dress suits you very well, yes, the guys will be happy, today they have a show, a literature lesson in one bottle. “vadim , it’s wonderful that we met, i just wanted to talk to you about one of my students, i told you about him, davidov, so he told me his story, and you believed him, you can listen to the end at least once me to the end, yes, i believed him, because i am a teacher, i see when they tell me the truth, he was convicted
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completely in vain and..." could you help him? and what did you decide that i want you help? but it seems to me that it is unfair when an innocent person is in prison, and he is not like others, are you really that naive or just a fool? i warned you from the very beginning that they are manipulators, you can’t trust them, that’s what i thought, but that’s okay. “we can handle it ourselves, tanya , wait, wait, tanya, go crazy, thank you, sit down, where is davydov, is he in the infirmary, is he sick, well, yes, something like that, he was
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a little sick, he got into a fight with a tambourine!” and that he was seriously wounded, but everything is fine with him, he’s alive, he’ll recover soon, not for the first time, very it’s a pity, it’s a pity that he won’t be there, last week i asked you to write an essay on the topic of the happiest memory from childhood, so davidov coped with this task perfectly, and what was it that he wrote that was so beautiful? well, at first glance, nothing special, he described his childhood, his father’s house, he wrote about his mother, but the important thing is the intonation with which it is written, when you read his work, it literally touches you to tears, i think if
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he if he had been in different circumstances, he would have turned out great. russian writer, yes, so, let's move on to the topic of today's lesson, spring waters, first love, thank you, girl, stay a minute, please, yes, this is for you. he was severely beaten, if you want, ask me yourself, is this possible? he asked me to tell you that he’s really looking forward to it, but it’s up to you to decide whether to go or not, i
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agree, you see, you have 5 minutes, welcome, thank you, thank you for coming. beautiful dress, it suits you very well, thank you, how do you feel, the nonsense will heal, they didn’t say that you were beaten, but you wrote a complaint against those who attacked you, no, that’s not how it works here,
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oh, to be honest, i’m a little sad without you, i really wanted to read your essay to the class, you wrote so touchingly about your cloudless childhood, your mother’s hands, your father’s house, an overgrown stream. so you got five plus, tatyana , help me out once, i won’t ask you again, my mother, please send it, no, what are you saying, this is forbidden, i can’t, i ask you, why can’t you do it yourself, this same letter to my mother, this... there is nothing illegal, my mother was sick, she doesn’t
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know where i am, i, i didn’t say that i was sitting, i said that i went on a business trip for work and i’m asking good people to send her letters from different cities to support the legend, if you don’t want to help, i just thought we were friends, give me a letter, i’ll try to do everything that... depends on me, time, yes, get well soon, thank you,
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let's get checked. thank you, goodbye, i thought you had already left, but no, i had to stay , maybe coffee, there’s a cafe nearby, no, thank you, i’m in a hurry, you’re nervous, what happened, why did you get it, you know, i’m about this timur, i don’t know what he’s saying to you, this doesn’t concern you, although he himself, timur, he is a manipulator, he will definitely use you, timur, he is just my student, just like everyone else. that's why you visit him in the laser room without permission from your superiors? unexpectedly, why are you following me? there are cameras everywhere,
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i’m just trying to protect you, i’m not going to report to you, especially not to you, all the best. why are you so gloomy, did someone offend you or something? no, everything is fine, yeah, but her student got sick, so. i mean, i warned you, i asked you to.
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what about you, what do you even imagine about yourself? i just wanted to help, who? to him? at least you i asked why he was imprisoned? i know, he told me everything, they slandered him, it’s true , it’s true, he’s very good, he’s honest, he’s so talented, he loves his mother so much, but i’m a fool, i didn’t want to believe it, i thought they were gossiping that the teacher was fighting with the prisoner, but no , really, this is not what you thought, but i don’t think, i know. forgive
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me, i, i give you my word of honor, this won’t happen again, i could throw you out of shame, even open a case against you, but i feel sorry for you, but you’re a carny lout, in short. you'll leave quietly, as they say, of my own free will, i can’t, i’ll let people down, everything is free, freedom, i said.
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tanya, tanya, wait, yes, wait, wait , well, no way, don’t move ahead of time, maybe everything will work out, nothing will work out, i was fired, or rather, asked to leave of my own free will. you know, this is not the worst thing that could happen, yes, here you are right, this is not the worst thing, the worst thing is that people like you work in the system? wait, what do i have to do with this? you think i don’t know who told the boss about my supposedly in a relationship with the prisoners, firstly, i didn’t knock, and secondly, you said you don’t have any relationships, but i believe you, but i don’t, because you are the most cynical and unpleasant
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person i’ve ever met, lord, he just asked me to give the letter to his mother, but you can’t even understand that, tonyushik, what is it, what happened, something happened to dima? “this dog abandoned you, but if so, then he doesn’t care, forgive me , please, forgive me, i let you down, i let myself down, i let everyone down, tan, yes, what happened, you can say, i was fired from the colony, ugh, you, i was so scared , are you really, you are so upset about this work,
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tanya, what are you doing ? you're a cretin, an idiot and a klutz, well, actually, i wanted to say that you're sensitive and vulnerable, well, really, but you're so upset about work, but that's nonsense, you're not angry with me, but if you don't weave my beautiful jacket , then no, oh fool, phew, i barely put her to bed, he kept telling me how much fun you had today, he said that... ninochka was with you, yes, think about it, he didn’t want to let her go, he says , let her come with us, well, at first i tried to dissuade her, then nikit, we can’t afford it, don’t bother, i’ll solve the problem, the main thing is that our son is crazy about her, chick,
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in general - then she is paid hourly, there is absolutely no reason for this, in fact, i pay her myself, in any case, until we no longer need her. tanya, my part-time job has ended, so now i can sit with dimka myself in the afternoon. well, yes, you need to call her and cancel her for tomorrow. so, how do you contact her? directly or through an agency? directly, but simply beneficial for both her and me. yeah, dictate the number. i'll call her myself. okay, who is faster in the nurseries, who,
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who, who, who, who, quickly, quickly, yes, yes, yes, sit here, how long should we wait for you today, well, i finish at two, i’ll come, i want to take a walk with dimka, and then, let's go to the cinema. they say there’s an interesting new cartoon out there, well , i don’t know, i don’t know yet, it means somewhere after three , yes, well, as always, yes, come on, nothing, don’t be bored, bye, dad, bye, bye, call the elevator, call them, they break your bones, what do you want me to do? i must say, friends, they wrote everything very , very poorly, which... they upset me, i hoped that at least something would remain in your heads, but no, yurkin, i didn’t find your notebook at all, and that, boy, you didn’t i forgot
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, who are you talking to, so what, but the fact that i expected that your work would be one of the best, or maybe i didn’t want to write, and if no one asks you, this is a mandatory task for... for everyone , well , that means i don’t care, lord, what ’s happening to you, with me, everything’s fine with me, that’s what’s wrong with you, and these are all sorts of things you have there shura-muras with prisoners, kostya, what are you, kostya , what, kostya, we all here thought that she was little white, fluffy, yes, no, people generally knew that our teacher was in a colony with she taught as a prisoner, but she was kicked out of there, but for what, and for her connection? prisoners and get out of class, but it was normal for you when you went on a date in the infirmary and the guards arranged all this for you, it was normal, he went, goodbye, everyone is free.
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roman vladimirovich, well, it’s true, well, it’s not her fault, she, well, the girl was stupid, and you immediately, did she hire you as a lawyer, no, that’s when i rush, i’m stupid, you read david’s cases, and i read them, so she’s lucky that he didn’t let her down under the article, you think they would have gotten rid of them with a letter. she said that he seemed to want to give his mother a letter, yeah, today to his mother, tomorrow to his friends, but he was just checking on her, and if she had carried it out, he would have used her further, well, she didn’t bear it, but everything is fine, everything worked out, she realized, that’s it, this won’t happen again, so screw you,
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she realized, it’s all too late, my idols have already eaten all of his baldness, they also invented it for me, ennoble the bunnies with literature, so go ahead. a defender has been found, what a modest person you were, good afternoon. hello.
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just don’t think that i’m the only one to blame for everything here, no , you didn’t want to, she herself grew up with you and threw you on the sofa, that’s exactly what happened, she provoked me, and i fell for it, because i can’t live without love, because i a man, and my wife, you don’t have to continue, it’s all your wife’s fault, you better tell me, when was the last time we were together, you ’re away all the time, sometimes with dimka, sometimes at work, but what about me, lord, dimka, dimka, what’s here, lenya, what are you doing here, premiere on rtr, cupid’s arrow, put it down, wow, i want to quickly.
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we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go.
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and other historical series, only on the platform, watch, watch, russia , traditional, modern, technological , original, open, so different, but dear
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to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, we will soon we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will force us. think differently , sells very quickly, the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties, those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure , thickening of the blood, it destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, about this and not only in our program on monday on rtr, timochka, hey, son, well, hello
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, hello, hello, hello, mom, wow, my dear, can you imagine, he caused a scandal in the group, he didn’t want to go to bed, what’s wrong, the nanny and i already tried to put him to bed, no way, he was still waiting for you , i had to take him outside so that he wouldn’t disturb others’ sleep, well, what happened to you, he got scared, apparently he was afraid that his mother had abandoned him and would never come for him, well, at this age this often happens to them, especially if not ...smooth, come here, well, did you really think that i wouldn’t come? i’ll leave you here, really, but no, i ’ll never leave you, you’re my one and only favorite, put on your backpack, thank you, but you’re welcome, sorry, here you go, don’t , what are you, take us, you always have us help out, thank you, bye, goodbye, svetlana sergeevna, goodbye. thank you, goodbye, i was scared, baby, please forgive me
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, mommy, i want to go home, oh, dimochka, just be patient, aunt katyazhet... to visit, can you imagine, she will come, we are not here, she wanted to play with you, she will cry, here she is, you see how good it is, i’m still at home eat in bottles, hello, kat, sorry , we're probably at the wrong time, but how can i tell you, let me guess, i got drunk, no, i stole the money again. it’s also not that, i know , i’m going after women, that it’s serious, you said, we have the whole night ahead of us, i’ll call you back, uh -huh, well, what the hell, i’ll miss you, okay, now, let’s go.
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jump in, forgive me, he’s playing, he’s so independent, he’s all like me, tanyush! nikita, your fool himself helped you, if it weren’t for his mistress, maybe you would have left him, you would have been tormented by this bastard, now that’s it, freedom, you’re right, this
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was the last straw, to which he told me that it was all my fault, of course, i just loved him enough, can you imagine? you know that you are beautiful, yeah, yes, young, and incredibly talented, you remember the institute , i’m thinking of forgiving him, no, of course, that’s it, tanyush, all the guys hung themselves from you, that’s it, three guys for the whole institute, but they have a choice who he was, plus the entire philological faculty, not your nikita, this one... you remember him, it will come up, you think, otherwise, let him go, i have every right to see my wife, well, i saw it, now get out
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from here he’s not going to forgive you, we ’ll sort it out somehow without you, okay, this is my house and i’m sorting it out here , please, it won’t happen again, i swear, he swears, he’s afraid of being left without a roof over his head, we’re just let's talk, okay, just forgive him, don't you dare, what's it to you, shut the door, come to me and cry, i won't let you in, listen, now everything... is different, so, pa, tomatoes, eggs, jam, tea, everything for
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you, love, breakfast in bed, yes, funny, it's charming, but it wasn't worth it, hmm. believe me, now everything will be different, wonderful, just a lot, so i’m counting on your help, you’ll help me, yes, yeah, i directed dimka a very interesting cartoon, just like what you had in mind, he liked it so much, why, he’s so quiet , quiet, quiet, quiet, what are you doing, he’s like, aren’t you ashamed, actually, i thought that we would spend this day differently, right? but how, that we will spend it all together, together, of course, we don’t do that, but how? listen, come on, as you like, one, two, three, who is this tall one? danyukh, come on why are we going to spend the whole day here? yes, why
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not? dimka needs communication, there are a lot of children of all kinds of carousels here. what do you want to ride, a dragon or a train? mom? mom, mom, let's go to the train, of course, let's go, baby, there's nothing here, go buy a ticket, i've found a bride for you. mom, mom, bye, bye, bye, come back, i'll miss you, dimochka, that's enough already, otherwise your neck will hurt, leave the guy alone, it's time for him to get stabbed, otherwise he'll hurt like that all the time, don't stagnate, here, here is the result, that's it, that's it, that's it, they are tempered with cold water and in winter, you know that in europe children with adnoids are generally treated with ice cream, so let dad eat, hello, hello, okay, go home
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, i'll be right back, you're sure, i'm sure, no way in case, don’t give him ice cream, you hear him coughing, come quickly, your son, yes, it looks like what are you doing here, but they let me go? for today on the amnesty, amnesty , yeah, i'm here first, yeah, proetta, darling, well, dimka, whatever you want, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons are good, yeah, now, oh, there are just cartoons here now.
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i missed you, i don’t know what you came up with, but actually i’m married, but i don’t care, but i don’t care, and in general, let me in, well, don’t touch me, come to me, yes calm down, you come over, i’ll scream, aren’t you afraid, i, it’s because i was sitting, right? no, it’s just me
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, i thought it, you believe me, believe that i’m not to blame, i believe you, i’m the one who’s saying that now, really, but i’m a fool and decided that you’re not that special person who will understand and support. tanya, now i have no one else except you, my mother, she, she died yesterday, how did she die, at night?
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“fell asleep woke up, nikit, where were you, i wanted to take you, i’m fine, and meet me, this is my husband nikita, and this is my friend timur, yes. he’ll help, yes, here’s the bathroom, yeah, and there’s on the right in the top cabinet is a first aid kit, thank you, uh-huh , well, forgive me, please, well, you see, the circumstances are like this, a person needs help, and can he spend the night with us today , i mean spend the night, are you crazy, who is he anyway , my friend, and so that he wouldn’t be here, it’s clear, well, i... already i promised not to give a damn, don’t be afraid, man, but i won’t kill you in the end, tanya, i didn’t find the first aid kit, can you help me, stable boy, maybe
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you need some sour cream, no, but maybe i need some extra, please, of course. come here, no, no, don’t, let him do it himself , okay, okay, come on, it’s convenient, uh-huh, come on for mom, oops, well done, for the folder, good girl, here’s to uncle timura with the meat, oops, edible, but then ,
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well, come on with... for mom, what did he call me? chew, chew, your mother is good, beautiful, where are you going, these, i'm full, buddy, he's always so nervous with you, i'm visiting you i’ll write what you say, mistress? i don’t understand why he spends the night with us, we don’t have hotels in the city, nikit, well, i
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explained to you, it’s only for one night, you didn’t explain anything to me, you put me... with the fact, well, hush, he he hears inconveniently , but let him hear, i don’t care, this is my house, this is our common home, not a nachleshka, niki, please, yes, katkin’s beloved, katkin’s a fool, that he came to us then, let him spend the night with her, that they quarreled, yeah. “she kicked him out, he loves her very much and is terribly worried, please, be patient, you’re on your own you understand, love is katka, your fool , and
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i have to suffer , you have a good friend! or what? you, you, tanya, where are you going? come on, little fat. here, take it. thank you. this. well, this is not at all worth it, it’s so small, it’s good to smear it all over the plate, so you’ll never grow up, i understand, come on open your mouth, oh, this is the thing, come on, timur, thank you
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very much for your help, well, that’s all of you, yes you... yes, the hero eats poorly, come on, that’s it because oatmeal, come on, come on, nikit , well, i asked you to heat up the buckwheat, and he left, how did he leave, where, yes, i don’t know, he didn’t report to me, strange, he said what he had today there are no plans for the evening , so, let's get dressed one more time, yes, come on, come on, open up, how, open up, take it easy, knock on your head, immediately take your boyfriend out of my apartment, and you'll be in trouble, you heard what i said, yes, unfortunately, i heard what you said, but i didn’t understand a word, and maybe if you stop talking like that, things will go better, once again, take your boyfriend out of my
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apartment, are you sick? i don’t have any boyfriend, that’s right, because you kicked him out, and now he’s settled with us, so good, okay, quiet, let’s try again, what kind of guy, i don’t know what you don’t know, timur, yesterday tanki dragged himself into his vest to cry , and she was a fool, left him to spend the night, and well, firstly, you probably wanted to say, beloved wife, not a fool, and secondly, what makes you think that he’s mine, because tanka she said, wait, wait, we’re stupid with you to kindergarten, if you want i’ll take the kid, but no, don’t. thank you, i myself, that’s it, well done, pack your toys in your backpack, well then, when you arrive, more of yours. don’t you need to take care of the funeral, and if you need my help, i have some money, no need, i ’ll sort it out, yeah, well then i’ll go to the station
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and buy you a ticket, are you kicking me out or something, no, we just agreed on one day and mo... yes, he does, your husband doesn’t approve, i would n’t be happy if i were him either, well, it’s just that it’s really strange that you live with us, don’t worry, i’ll leave as soon as i can, wait, what did she pack? that i immediately collected, why not , it’s not your lover, it’s her lover, sorokina
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, i was in your classroom, the students are there, and where are you, i’m late, but it’s getting close, sorry, this is the last time, the last time i was at last week. do you have a conscience, i'm sorry, do you think i'm a fool, i don't understand, do you really want
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me to answer, get out of here, well, hurry up, because now you're going to get out of here immediately, or i, or what, you're going to screw me up, i i'm calling now police. and i say that you got into my apartment by deception, tanya invited me herself, if she asks, i’m in the military, but it just seems to me that everything suits her, yeah, what do you think, i like your wife, she does too, so... okay,
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that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, nikita, you 're crazy, well, get out of here, tanya. yes, you know, i didn’t even hit him, i just taught him, the answer is, you can’t hurt, but look at the nose, it’s good, a goal, nothing, everything will be fine, rib, well, get out of here, okay, tanyuk, i told someone, quickly pack yours take your things away, otherwise i'll call the police, okay, i'm not joking, i'll take your things, creature , hush, hush, who are you, ah, where does the rib hurt, yes, now let's go to the doctor, stay happy, is that it? what is he? i 'll tell you everything later. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet , please let's go, now, i'll call a taxi now, we're good now, be patient a little, please, be careful, well, you see
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, it's no big deal, my sister said that the nose is not broken, well, yes, it's no big deal, if i died on their table, they wouldn’t even notice, the doctors say, i didn’t say anything about your lover, they think i hit the glass door, timur is not my lover, he didn’t say anything because i’m afraid. him because i'm above all this, okay? i didn’t want to tell you, because i knew that you wouldn’t like it, that my wife took a lover, that i work in a colony, that i wanted to tell me, but there was no reason, then our relationship was, and i understood, that means it’s about my betrayal, so you decided to take revenge on me, no, but you couldn’t find someone more decent for yourself, sleep with a criminal, yes you you can’t even cheat on me as a human being , nikita, i didn’t cheat on you, i didn’t cheat on you either, it’s all over between us, nikita, that’s enough, really, that’s it, from now on we have an open relationship, nikita. where, every
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man for himself, stop it, nikita, hello, hello, katyusha, hi, listen, i don’t know what to do, nikita hasn’t spent the night at home for 3 days, he’s not answering calls, and dimka is sick, i i have no idea who to leave him with tomorrow, wait, it seems he has arrived, that’s it, i’ll call you back, thank you. bye, nikita, nikita, quiet down, please, what’s serious, and you as i wanted, tatyana, they told me, you are not at home, but i am, so come on , get out of here, let's go, let's not get involved, no, no, stand, she is my guest, only i decide whether to kick her out or invite her, nikita said , you 're getting a divorce, nikita. dimka
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has a fever again, please stop this circus, it means you can, but i can’t, nenok, let’s go to the kitchen, we’ll celebrate now, well, champagne or what, give me some vodka, i want some vodka, oh, what’s wrong , we congratulated you again, it’s okay, we’ll treat you, now we’ll take the medicine, you’ll sleep tomorrow , you’ll wake up healthy, that’s it, baby, close your eyes, close your eyes, i’m the boss here, okay, boss, i’m the boss, as i said, so it will be. so what is it? please excuse me,
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but we need to talk to my husband. i have nothing to talk to her about. i'm driving, excuse me, please, it happens, goodbye, so let's go to the kitchen, you always ruin everything, nikita, that's enough, that's enough, that means it's useless to talk to you while you're in this state, so please go to sleep, i won't, i i will not sleep. "dima
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he’s sick, i can’t take him to the kindergarten tomorrow, i have to go to work, so please pull yourself together, sit with your son tomorrow, i don’t love you and never have. nikit, i’ll be late for work again, i don’t care, that’s enough, dimka has a fever, yeah, i gave him some medicine, i’ll have to repeat it at 3 o’clock, i’m not going to keep an eye on your child while you’re running around with your lovers, well actually, this is our child, i have... from my lover, yeah, that's it, i'm tired,
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do you want a divorce, please, i don't mind, that’s how we started talking, yes, that’s it, i’ll come home from work, we’ll discuss all the details, but for now , please keep an eye on our child. yes, hello, hello, hello, who it is, i didn’t find out, it means he was rich and famous, timur, why are you calling, choke on the check, and warn, warn about what, well, i think it will be better for both of us if you don’t if you start telling anyone that i visited you, i didn’t intend to, i have no one to tell, well, that’s nice, hello to my husband, and i’ll see you soon.
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i hope not, you need to improve your algebra, take extra classes. sorokina, you where are you hurrying? hello, elvira vladimirovna, the thing is that i have a lesson , i’m late, sorry, it’s okay, don’t rush, thank you very much, i ’ll teach them myself, you’re fired, as fired, usually, you can go to the accounting department and get calculation, what a friend. go into detail, that this person teaches others the russian language, my friend is so good, you
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don’t turn the tables, you never cease to amaze me, i recently had a coursework on black slang, a double student wrote it, so... everything is clear and doesn’t give a damn i'm afraid we didn't have there’s nothing wrong with him, i swear, this timur fantasized for himself who knows what, well , of course you didn’t give him a reason, you didn’t dress up for him either, katya, now i’m offended, how can i have an affair with a married woman, and that’s true , you are not capable of adultery, unfortunately, and it’s a pity, but i wanted to support him as a student, but for him everything went wrong for me, i nikita yesterday arranged such a thing... i don’t want to hear anything in him, i’m tired, i i understand, me too, i told him so today, do you want a divorce, yes please, yes of course, now he’s just like that i immediately wanted a divorce, he’s with you like christ in his bosom, it’s light, warm and flies don’t bite, well, that’s what you’re suggesting to me,
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kick him out of the house, but no, no, tanya, you continue to tolerate all his mistresses, i’m with the dean i was talking about you, uh, about your dissertation, about your passion for teaching, in general, in graduate school you will be reinstated without a sound, and what’s more, they will also award you a stipend, katyusha, maybe there really is a silver lining, and i tell you i have long said that divorce is the beginning of a new, bright, varied colorful life, from there will be no end to the men... oh my god, well, again you are with your men, well, what does it have to do with it, well , not yet, but in the future, so, he is now at home with dimka, he’s probably already putting him to bed, when he puts him to bed, talk to him, yes
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, yes, i still need to run to the grocery store, otherwise there’s a ball of poo in my refrigerator, i can’t, that you’re just a one-off, you’re about to divorce your husband and... you’re going to cook dinner for him, sorokino, this, this is incomprehensible, i'm sorry, well , hello, we've arrived, nikit, the door is not closed again, how many times have i said, dimka at least he’s sleeping, he could at least come out and meet me, i of course understand that you’re offended, where are you even? but you know, i’m also not going to make excuses to you, because nikita, niki,
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dima, dim, hello, come on, kid, talk to mom, ma. "hello, hello, dimochka , dimochka, my son, you, you, where are you, are you, who are you with, hello, okay, that's enough, now to the point, hello, hello, who is this, i don't understand, s who am i talking to, hello, who are you, where is my son, do you want to return the child, will you give back what your little guy took, i understand, i, i really, i don’t understand, oh what are you, what, what, what’s happening, this , this is some kind of mistake.” where is my child? that’s it, and you, my dear, will correct her, so that without the police it’s clear, if you want to return the child, will you give someone else’s? there’s nothing, really, i really don’t, i don’t know what you want, what should i do
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, please explain to me, hello, but i don’t care, you won’t do as i said, your child is screwed. what, no, hello, wait, hello, what what should i do? i beg you, what should i do, and this is what seems to be our victim, katyusha, please come, i’m done , sit still, that’s it, i’m going, going, tanyusha, hello, hello, you are tatyana sorokin, my last name is voronin, i follow. will be dealing with this matter, maybe we can go to the apartment, i’ll ask you, i understand, it’s hard
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for you to look at the man’s body, after all, who called you, i didn’t call you , leave immediately, it looks like i didn’t leave, let’s go, there are doctors there, they you were given an injection, don’t, i , i beg you, don’t interfere, please, leave, we were called, this is a common procedure for suspected murder, so what’s a general murder, what are you talking about, let’s go, let’s go, please, that's it for now. here you go, i did a little housekeeping in your kitchen, you’ll forgive me, don’t be angry, i. “well, in general, so to speak, i sympathize with your
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take, it’s so strange, i just can’t even wrap my head around it, only this morning he was alive, now it turned out bad anyway, i said so many things, i said that there’s no divorce under me ..." now it’s so embarrassing, that is, you can say that this morning you had a fight, we ’ve been quarreling very often lately, or rather we were quarreling, that we were quarreling there, there was some reason, i mean, you sorry for god's sake, maybe he would cheat. cheated, but that’s not the point, or rather, not only
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that, we basically lived very, very difficult this year, what? no, yes, a little, he was just fired from his job, and then, when i found them with another woman, you know, we decided not to give up. we decided to save the family, try to start all over again for the sake of our child, a child, a son, a daughter, a boy, here i am, a girl, a boy, he’s little, he’s probably in kindergarten now, yes, maybe i’ll order that semyonov be taken away, no, no, no, no, i need it, yes... no, you misunderstood, i just wanted to help? no , please, don't help
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, don't help under any circumstances, you 'll only make it worse, walk around, walk around, walk around, don't worry, uh, what did you say then, it will only get worse, that's what i don't say i said, i didn’t say anything like that, that you cling to words, forget it, and don’t torture me at all, please, i have to go, no, wait, wait, you, you need to calm down and sit down, now you’re not going anywhere, because you are in shock, sit down, sit down, okay, woman, let’s go down, we can’t come here, now, i can, who are you, a relative, yes, i’m a relative. yes, seryoga komarov, wait for me. i don’t understand, are you interrogating her?
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dmitry gennovich, it’s my fault, i tried to stop her. do you even know that her husband just died there? no, we know, but who are you, exactly? nothing sacred. tanyush, where are you and dimka? dimka, he, he’s with his relatives. which relatives? dimka? yes, nikita and i took him to ours, to aunt valya, to whom? he ’s doing well, they treat him very well there, yes, yes, yes , i understand, come on, let me take you to my place, go get dressed for now, i understand everything, let’s do it this way, oh, let me leave you your passport, registration address, we'll be with me, we won't run away anywhere, i give you my word of honor, thank you, goodbye, vanyush, let's go, what the hell, they dialed him from an ad, carefully, and if they
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call, if they call... ... i understand that they ordered the police not to be in the house, but, but i need to explain to them that i am here it has nothing to do with the fact that i didn’t call anyone, they came themselves, who will understand, tanya, who will call, lord, they will kill tilka if i don’t do this, tanya, who are they, what won’t you do, i don’t know anything, they they called and said that timur stole something from them and ran away, but for some reason they thought that timur gave it to me, but i didn’t take anything from him, i swear to you, i believe you, i believe, i believe, timur is your student, correctness from the colony, lord, it’s all his fault, this is the topic. it was because of timur that nikita was killed, and because of him they will kill my son. quiet, tami, calm down, he shouldn't know anything. katya won't find out anything. get in the car. get in the car. so, let's think logically. if he had
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hidden something in your house, the police would probably have found it already. discovered, well, well , it can’t be something big, but otherwise you would have noticed it, he came, he had a travel bag on his shoulder, but not very large, that’s it, listen, maybe it’s a flash drive, well or in any case, something small, let’s say that he could have hidden, i don’t know, toys in dimkin’s. we will find this timur, we will force him to contact kidnappers and return dimka. katya, timur is a criminal, his accomplices can’t find him, how can you and i find him? what? give me the phone. he called me the other day to tell me he was leaving,
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and i was so angry with him that i blocked his number. now. and to unblock, well , suddenly, the subscriber’s device is turned off or is not in the network coverage area, what i wanted, we’ll do this: i’ll go to work now, i’ll take a vacation at my own expense, it’s quick, you just get some sleep, okay, or at least try . "everything will be fine, hello, congratulations, you won a million rubles, no, i can’t sleep, what’s going to happen now,
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they’ll give me a slap on the neck and take away my bonus at the very least, but i’ll be damned if i can, tanyusha, i’m home. tanya, tanya, how are you, no one called? tanya, thank god, tanyusha, finally!
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oh, hello, that's right , you didn't deceive me, hold on, i'm visiting your friend, how is she, well, well, i mean, bad, of course, i can talk to her, or maybe tomorrow, she just fell asleep, yes , no, let me wait downstairs, i have a car here, she left, but she’s with... oh, why is she so sure, suddenly, well , she’ll run away, those who are guilty run away, but she doesn’t she’s guilty, which means we’ll find her anyway, but i’m warning you, if something happens you’ll go as an accomplice, don’t scare me, okay, if you want to talk to tanya, come
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tomorrow, and in general, as far as i understand, she doesn’t seem to be a criminal , yeah, well, from one to the other the road is not so long, you know, well, yes, in general, tell her that, yes, thank you for the passport. you have to help me, what's the point of talking? timur recently left here, timur davidov, so i need to find out everything about him, where he
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was going to go, where he lives, who his mother is, does he have a girlfriend, your brother can help, i didn’t think so, yurkin, i’ll pay whatever you say, any money, but it’s not about the money, what’s the point? no one let your moore out, he escaped on his own, just like he escaped, and why aren’t you watching tv? danyusha, thank god, i was so scared, where were you? voronin came, the investigator who is leading the case, i lied to him from the tribox, but he didn’t believe me. tanya, do you
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understand that he suspects you? i beg you, let's tell him, under no circumstances. everything is very, very bad, my boy, he is now alone among some scary people, bandits , and they don’t even know that he’s afraid
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of the dark, tanya, let you rest, and i’m sitting here helpless, everything’s fine, let me make you some tea, or go take a shower, no, here , a woman who can do nothing. i have unsolved cases, you know how many are hanging, ivanovich, you told me exactly the same thing a year ago, you said that in a year you would let me go in peace, a year has passed, a year ago i
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said that we would return to consider this issue, more than one and the same thing, i agree, yes, but i won’t sign, i give him a bonus, you know, one for the other, for solved cases, and he, what are you missing in general, am i missing? normal life, i want to leave work on time , i want to get married, maybe i want a family, a house, a cat, homemade cutlets for fishing, well, for this you don’t have to resign, do you want a vacation for a month, even tomorrow, no, i can’t do it for a month , but i can definitely give you a week to go fishing, to go fishing. “ when you close the last case, i’ll sign it right away, sorokina, and then i just killed my wife, and what did i know that it’s gone, and i’ll wait until tomorrow, today”? ivanovich,
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sign the report, okay, he’s given his orders , the boss too, why don’t they call, he said he’ll call, listen, well, maybe it’s good that they don’t call, we still have nothing for them, for now, we need to do something , and i... and i won’t apply what? so, we need a person who understands this, yeah, who we can trust, just not the police, listen, what if we hire a private detective, not that they are usually associated with the system, but at the same time they exist, there is one person, i know him in the colony,
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no, he does not agree. help us, it's so good does this person have a name? yes, vadim, he is a lawyer, such an ugly story just happened , hello, hello, i... let me in on a visit, well, it’s not that i’m glad to see you, but since you’ve already come, come in, no, i’m sorry, but the body is yours we can’t give you your husband yet , there are necessary procedures, a protocol, but for my part i can promise that i will do everything possible so that, seriously, you come here now to
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say that you can’t do anything. no, i just wanted to ask a couple of questions, and you blind, you don’t see what state she ’s in, maybe all the questions aren’t right now, yes, that’s me , something for another time, are you just going to take it like that and just leave, well, i gave your friend a chance to confess, she i didn’t use it, in my opinion, to admit what, you really didn’t understand, in the murder of sorokin nikita vyacheslavovich, wait, are you accusing me of murdering my own husband, everything is fine with you, no, really, you know how, it's not your fault, so to speak. well, that
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is, you just pushed him, he fell, like that called murder by negligence, article 109, so this is actually some kind of nonsense starting, please leave here immediately, and if you confess, then the court will certainly take this into account, classify it as a sincere confession and get a minimum sentence, and maybe what i should admit what i didn’t do, get out of here, what? don’t you want to have time to watch your son grow up? okay , that’s enough, this is really the end of the conversation, she will only speak in the presence of a lawyer, well, great, in this way case, tatyana aleksandrovna sorokina , you have been detained on suspicion of murder , come with me, you don’t understand, i’m really not guilty of anything, handcuffs, maybe, maybe not, handcuffs, why, hands, come on, i ’m not guilty of anything , i didn’t do anything , you’ll tell me everything later, i didn’t kill anyone, well...
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well, what are you doing, carefully, in short, this is , i’m lucky in the department, formalize there properly and his monkey, he’ll sit for a couple of hours, he’ll mature, and you, i haven’t had breakfast yet, but that’s not too cool, you have no right, i’m still with you witness say, come on, tanya, i’ll get you out, i promise you, please find vadim, this is very important, find vadim, just hold on to one good thing, don’t you understand that this is a mistake? she’s a victim, not a criminal, you just don’t know anything, but what don’t i know? yes, i can’t tell you, she didn’t kill anyone, where are you putting the car, citizen, are you even thinking or not, i ’ll remove it now, look at the story, i understand, i need your help, so first move the car, i told you, listen and i'll remove it later, excuse me, i need vadim.
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are you going to move the car or not , in the end, you blocked the entrance, i will, we somehow didn’t work out, maybe we ’ll start first, here are my documents, why do i need your documents, i say, get the car out of here, maybe still, take a look, remezova, ekaterina, albertovna. that means, remezova, ekaterina albertovna, take all this and so that i never see you here again, of course, quickly leave here, well, i understand that you can’t let me in, but you can contact him somehow
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, please, this is very important, or give me his phone number, i’ll contact him myself, welcome, this is the fourth entrance, vadim, you’re there, no, i went to the exit, what? yes, there’s a girl waiting for him here, girl, that’s good , i’m not sure, thank you very much, oh, vadim, there ’s a girl waiting for you here, take her and out of sin leave here, she’s already turned my brains out, vadim, yes, hello, hello, i’m coming to you from tanya sorokina, tanya, what’s wrong with her, she’s in trouble, she really needs your help, what it happened, yes, i’ll explain everything to you on the way , let’s go, “i can’t believe it, i thought it was some kind of joke, but nikita, he’s so, so good, yes, it’s funny, you’ve
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known the murdered man for a long time, no, he brought me into the house to look after the child, and then we fell in love with each other and wanted to celebrate the wedding in a restaurant.” she could have, she kept shouting at him , beating him, nagging him, nagging him, but he, you know, he ’s a good man, you won’t find someone like him during the day, yes, it’s a complicated matter, comrade policeman
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, please, i didn’t understand what the noise was, hello, i need a phone, i want to call, i want a villa in italy and a couple of million euros, i know that by law i have the right to one phone call, please, not allowed until... you have permission, well then you can look, they were supposed to call me, and what are you doing, come on, sit down, they always call from an unfamiliar number, yes, turn left, thank you very much, the route, the route has been rebuilt, the main thing is on time, thank you, tanya has just been taken for interrogation, investigator pyotr gennadievich varonin, yes, he was the one, he even left a business card, 20 years old organs, grated roll, it just
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won’t happen, what a bastard, he decided to pin the murder on tanka , well, no one will allow him to do this , i wonder why you didn’t tell me about the uprising before, i don’t know, maybe... i didn’t think it was necessary, maybe i didn’t kill, i didn’t kill anyone, i advise them, tatyana aleksandrovna, to think carefully, don’t you understand the russian language, no, i understand, it’s not the first day i’ve been alive. you were probably told as a child that lying is bad, but i’m not lying, by god, put yourself in my place, you believe in yourself, somehow, yes
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, it’s obvious to me, for example, that you ’re not telling me something, if i don’t understand what, you won’t help me, excuse me, please, this clock is showing at the wrong time, but what goes where -that? i need my phone, i'm waiting for a call, i need my phone, but you can't offer me coffee, double espresso. thank you, thank you very much, us and don’t
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worry, how do you know, i see i have to go, i need my phone and, where are you going, sit down, take a seat. put it in place, what i shouldn’t know there, who you i have to call, let's talk, don't be afraid, don't you understand that you're making things worse for yourself, close the door, i have a request, unfortunately, i'll have to take a break, who is it? vadim kopulov, lawyer for tatyana sorokina, what’s going on here?
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it’s like you forbade me yourself? so, girls, do you want to explain anything to me? let's talk in the car later, and after that the kidnappers didn't call again? but no, okay, what's good about that? it's good that you told me everything. now it remains to find out what they want to get. i thought you were something
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can you find out about timur? we need a lead. clue, how to find it? if we can take what they need from timur, they will return my son. hello, lord, yurkin, it's you! no, no , forgive me, please, i didn’t want to offend you, i’m just fine, i can’t talk now, that’s it for now, this is my student, tan, i need to ask you one question, yes, this is very important, your relationship with dawit. yes, we didn’t have any relationship, there wasn’t, and there couldn’t have been, that
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letter that was taken away from me, which timur asked me to tell it, it was addressed to his mother, and i’m sure that there was something there that would help us find timur, well, at least just to leave the inheritance, so okay, then we’ll do this, you will stay at home and wait for the call, and i 'll go. i’ll try to find a letter to the colony , wait, wait, i’m with you, i’ll take you as quickly as possible, tanyush, if anything happens, god forbid, call me right away, yeah, yes, yes, i’ll allow the cart, i’ll allow it, well, i’m done. i heard, i heard,
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i heard, the lawyer appeared, well, that means it’s definitely her, well, that’s okay, we won’t acknowledge her we’ll close the testimony, and no lawyer will help, ivanovich, there’s something i doubted, there’s something wrong there, well, it’s starting, no, really, she’s sorokina. either he’s not telling something, or he’s afraid of something, but i can’t understand what, but it’s clear what, who wants to go to jail, well, okay, if you’re in doubt, dig further, teach him. until the case is closed, i won’t give my resignation, i’ll do it quickly, i doubt it, in
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general it’s somehow strange that, well, i don’t know, you’re defending a man like you, successful, quite attractive?
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oh, what kind of people, without security, i was already thinking, you won’t be here today, the only thing that came up was the mallow, the mallow, yeah, don’t say that he’s already left, but no, he’s here, but he ’ll get away from us, but i’m afraid he won’t accept you, that’s why, evil, how dog, apparently his brains have been cleared well, here you are, like a lump in your throat? an attempt is not torture, and that’s true , a letter means to show you,
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don’t lay out the red carpet, i just want to help, to help, and how can you help me? let me be curious, i want to find davidov, vladimirovich, well, really, well, it’s a matter of life death, as soon as i find it, i will immediately inform you, but there is nothing in this letter, dummy, i studied it in the first place, so you are in vain in hoping, romanovich. okay, look, they don’t take money for viewing, hello,
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well, i found it, no. not yet, but i will definitely find it, give it more quickly, otherwise the boy will be in trouble, i’ll call you tomorrow, wait , what do you need, i need confirmation, what, i need confirmation that my son is alive, are you crazy or what? if i don't hear his voice right now, you won't get anything, hello, hello, can you hear me, mom, dimochka. dimochka, my golden boy, how are you, you, you ate , they don’t hurt you, dimochka, dear, hello, mommy, hello, how are you, my golden boy, i love you very much, i ’m convinced, now let’s hurry up and if you do
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as i said, the boy will die, of course, no, wait, please, wait, i have one more thing to do. vadim, i’m here, oh, sorry , i completely forgot what you’re waiting for, there’s news, yes, how can i say, i got a letter, well, that ’s great, it’s unlikely to help, nothing at all, nothing at all, tanya, well, you wanted , so he i put a cross for you where i buried the treasure, i wanted there to be at least some... some information, tan, look at me, you can’t despair, we don’t have any time, i know they called until... it was, tanya, why the hell are you silent, what did they say? they said that there was a deadline until tomorrow, otherwise,
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he also let dimochka talk, but only just a little, he was scared, what he said, he said, mom, hi, how are you and that’s it, we ’ll figure something out, i promise you , we will return your vodka, wait, wait, where are you going, let me take you, no need, stay it’s better with her, i’m left alone now. nothing, here, nothing, nothing, nothing, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, nothing, yes, hi, this is vadim, how are you there? tanya, are you there? i, yes, well, how, how, cried all night, did not sleep. it’s possible, i’ll come, what kind of questions, of course, it’s possible. listen, a clear
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request: grab some food, because i was nervous and cleaned out the entire refrigerator. okay, i'll be there soon. tanya, you will be so eye-catching. get some porridge, soon there will be nothing left but these beautiful eyes, my dear son won’t recognize me, forgive me, thank you very much for being with me you're so busy , you're crazy, i don't think i've heard anything like that again, vadik called, no , he didn't find out anything, he's just coming over now, listen , do you have something with him, i mean, mom, you mean, do vadim and i have any kind of relationship? this is exactly what i mean, but no, and there never were, i’m sorry, daykin,
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i’m not, but, okay, at the fountain, i understand, yes, i will, i need to go, where, yes, yurkin, my student, wants to meet , he says, something... urgent, uh-huh, i’ll see you off, why is your door swinging open, i’ll give you some sweets here i brought it, well, thank you, goodbye, well, we have a cake, tea is also in the kitchen. oh, tatyana alexandrovna looks great, is this your serious conversation?
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no, i’m just a compliment, i thought it wouldn’t be out of place, so, well, you managed to meet your brother, but no, varka will go to him, what kind of varka, well, this is the wife of his future, she’s the one who gets dates more often , than me, that's what i thought, we'll write a list. questions and give this piece of paper to varya, she will know everything right away, she will go to him today, well, yes, she it’s already sitting there, it will be launched in about an hour or two, so why are we standing, let’s go, oh, as you asked, curry chicken, oh thank you, the results of the hiding have arrived, so what’s up? death occurred between 9:30 and 10:30. at this time, sorokina was in the school full of witnesses. exactly, but he didn’t kill, maybe even
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by accident. and you didn’t seem surprised, you were so sure yesterday. i was wrong. i understood when i interrogated her. she didn't kill her husband, but she's clearly hiding something. she has an accomplice. she provided herself with an alibi, and at that time he finished him off. utkin. how. time passes and there is no progress, i even found out through friends, nothing, just
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keep in mind that tanya said under no circumstances to call the police. yes, not from the police , if davidov had appeared in the city, they would have known for sure that he left the city, it’s risky to leave somewhere, most likely he’s gone to the bottom somewhere, it remains to find out where, what, why are you laughing, you’re just funny, seriously , funny? well, i mean, honey, on the contrary, yes, the recreation center is the first olachka, no, i don’t know, yes, send me the address, yes, geolocation, sms, yes, thank you, that’s it, i’m there, i’m with you.
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“hello, yes, we are here, this is tatyana, i’m varya, you are tanya, yes, well, what did he say, well, at first he didn’t answer your questions, and then, when i was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that, what remember? having given it away this time, he blabbed about some place of his, so yurik accidentally overheard what place, coordinates, address, he didn’t remember the address, only the name, it seems, summer recreation center, the first swallow, recreation center, the first swallow, you remembered , recreation center, that's it, then let's go, let's go, let's go, catch the bus let me go yet, voronin, i'm far away, but i'm
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on a date, or what? well, what kind of dates, i need to talk to the witness, and are you trying to close the sorokin case? well, yes, you need to talk to the suspect’s friend, a pretty friend, since you dressed up like that for her. ivanovich, i’m always like this, going to work as if it were a holiday. well, well, well, well , don’t forget to buy a cake for the witness, women, they only say that on a diet, you can’t sharpen their sweets, really, really, thank you, and flowers, katya, do you understand? this is very it’s dangerous, there, there are criminals , but i don’t care, there’s such a man next to me that it’s not enough for me at all, what could be scary, you’ll lead , of course, but you know, if it weren’t for these circumstances, i would have asked you out on a date, what do you think? you go, katya, you're a very
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beautiful girl, but... oh, i see, damn, you just don't wear a ring, you're married, no, i'm not married, i like one girl, really, and this girl is clearly not me, sorry , it would be better if you were married, well... what do you say? i almost found it, it almost doesn’t count, but it’s true, i ’ll give it all to you soon, hurry up if you of course you don’t want us to cut anything off for that boy, listen, if you even lay a finger on my son, i’ll never get what you want, clearly, damn, how awkward, i’ll block the conversation, now you
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’ll shy away from me i won’t shy away from you like the plague. exactly, exactly, friends , friends, katya, but still i can’t take you with me, it’s very dangerous, then i need you here, tanya, without you she needs nonsense, tan, tan, where have you been, is everything okay? hello, i know where to look, me too, recreation center, the first sign, i’m going there now, i'm with you, no, no, tan, when you find out anything, call me, okay, and be careful.
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tanya, don’t worry, we will return your dimka, otherwise it’s easy. it can’t be, i’m very sorry that we met under such circumstances, because you know, under other circumstances we would hardly have met at all, yes, as in the saying, it wouldn’t have been luck and misfortune helped, i’m sorry, something i i said something stupid, but everything is fine, you’re right, katya, she’s at her institute all day long... student assistant professors doesn’t see anyone, to be honest, she used to hate lawyers at all, and you? and what about me? i have nothing to do with it, well
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, it has nothing to do with it, it really has nothing to do with it, tan, you know, and i would like to ask you, when it’s all over, when we find dimka, yes, of course, when we find and return dimka, yes , i’ll arrange a real holiday, with fireworks , we’ll invite a lot of... guests, yes, you’ll get to know katya better there, tanya, you misunderstood me, right there, we’ll have to go right there, you’re like would you like some tea? no, well, i already i drank, so i can pour another, thank you, you like sweets, well, your boyfriend
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doesn’t mind, i mean, well, now you know how everyone is completely obsessed with this healthy lifestyle, all sorts of low-carb diets, e. there, no, my answer is no, but there are no diets, there is no guy, do you want to nominate yourself ? oh well, i was joking that you were so scared, i won’t pester you, i wasn’t scared at all, you seemed to want to know something about tanya, well, you wanted to, but then... what, i would like to know, at least where is she, but more you still won’t tell me, are you smart? yes , i’m quick-witted, i’m so quick-witted that i even guessed that the murder was somehow connected with her
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work in the colony, as well as with the escape from there of a certain prisoner timur davidov, tanya , quite by chance, didn’t tell you anything about this, nothing. so, wait, wait, sit in the car, no, i ’ll go with you, okay, just no sudden movements, okay, listen, what do you need from me, i’m like a bath leaf, carry some cakes. i don't know anything, okay? oh well, well, you're friends, for sure did she tell you something about her connection with timur davidov, i don’t know any davidov,
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you can, but don’t deny yourself anything, by the way, you don’t know that she was kicked out of work because of this incident. there was no case, you don’t know anything, say some nonsense, and then, then eat and rejoice, and this is a matter of life and death, is it really unclear, well, now let’s get into more detail from this point, i’m not going to tell you anything, no, you're getting ready, you better understand what you're doing, crap detectives, where did you get yourself into, you go...
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those who fled to the colonies, yes, a recreation center, the first sign, look at the address on the map, gather an operational group, i’m on my way, hurry up! i’ll have time, i’ll be there in 10 minutes, timur, timur, you’re here, it’s me, tatyana sorokina, get out of here, tatyana sorokina, and take your man, timur, we just came to talk, i count to three, times. two, what should i do? i'll try to come
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to an agreement with him. timur, davydov, don’t shoot, i’m vadim kopylov, i’m a lawyer, we met, and what do you want? you took what didn't belong to you, and now these people whom... he took, stole tanya's child , timur, please, let's just talk , i know you're a good person, wait, what are you doing, no, he won't shoot at me, timur, if you don't give it back, they they will kill my son, you will not allow it. so that my boy
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can agree on something , it happened, next time i will aim at you, timur, timur, how much money do you want, how much does this thing cost, you don’t have that much and never will, i’ll find as much as you say, just name the price, you think you can’t disagree. but he also has options a little, we’re not the only ones looking for him, if his friends find him earlier, he’s unlikely to survive, which means it’s not beneficial for him to deal with us, timur, let’s talk, wait, wait, vadim, vadim,
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wait, why are you so fearless, no , why did you do this, shapira saved your life, help him, let him go, god, what did you do, what did you do, why didn’t you say right away? that your son was kidnapped because you were not supposed to know, this was their main condition, not to interfere with the police, why did you come, who asked you, vadim, vadim, what are you, vadim, they timur was killed, everything was gone, finally , i think i’m going crazy, the thief doesn’t really do anything... you’re wounded, but i don’t pay attention,
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scratches, but you’re fine, in what sense, in what sense , you betrayed me, why did you tell the police about the kidnapping, if anything happens to dimka, know that it will all be because of you, i understand, tan, well, yes, don’t yell at me, it won’t happen if we let it happen, but we won’t allow it, it’s clear, and voroni will help us with this, tan, please forgive me, i didn’t mean to, really, i wanted the best, i’m a fool, please forgive me, girls, that's enough, that's enough of quarreling , okay, i'm off, no, wait, where are you in this state, let's go, i'll put you to bed somewhere, let's go, let's go, don't make things up, let's go.
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tanya, tanya, wait. tan, wait, wait, tan, yes, wait, wait! decided to run away from me? no, i have to go to one place and check something, but i can’t tell you, yes, i’m on your side, i
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remembered, i remembered timur’s essay, which he wrote on a free topic, yes... and here an essay at all? he wrote there about his childhood, about his house, about his mother, about a tree with a hollow in which he had a hiding place. you, what nonsense, why nonsense, his mother, she still lives there, she obviously knows something, but she doesn’t even know that he was imprisoned, i’ll go anyway, wait, what? will you go, yes, hello, katya, hello, sorry for waking you up, you didn’t wake me up, vadim, katya, here ’s the thing, i owed you a car, tanya and
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i need to go to timur’s mother, maybe she knows something, yes, ok, ok, no problem, you just keep me in the loop, keep me up, okay, that's it, i'm running, i'm coming, i'm coming. good morning, woke up, woke up, friend at home, that someone else was killed, as if she is your main suspect, well, it’s clear who if not her, listen, it’s good to mock, you can talk to your friend at home, no, where’s the warrant? a warrant, uh-huh, a warrant to search my apartment, i won’t let you in without it, comrade investigator, that’s why. i’m not asking you to leave, there’s a warrant, but let me in , why are you, voronin, tan, wait, i should have
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called first, what if she’s not at home, but there she is, let’s go, what are we going to tell her, we didn’t come up with anything, only the truth the truth. and you are friends, timoshi, yes, he doesn’t tell me anything about you he told me that he was so secretive, but timosha was gone again, he went on his business trip again , i don’t understand what kind of people they are who force me to work all day long, but there are some standards, “please, you’re only too don't worry, but we don't have very good news for you , what happened, timosha, he got sick, he had an
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accident, he's in the hospital. svetlana palovna, your froze died last night, no, i don't know anything , and i don't know i want, everything is fine with him, in general, what have you... trampled here, according to everything go home, keep an eye on what kind of people they are, just to lay manure on a person on the ancestral trail , yesterday the police came, they say that your son is a bandit, he escaped from prison, and today you
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say that he died, oh my god, but never, oh , never, svetlana bolna , quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, why are you without cake today, i didn’t have time, excuse me, another time, and there won’t be another time, it’s enough that i blabbed to you about dimka, that’s ok, good that i spilled the beans. i slowly know through my channels, you understand that if, if through my fault something happens to him because of what i said. firstly, these criminals will not learn anything, and secondly, honestly, if you believe the statistics, then the child is already well, what you just said, i
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may have just heard it more than once, repeat again what you just said, why are you saying this, why are you saying this , that's why, you're a completely callous cracker, do you have a heart at all, why are you looking at me, go away, he was a very good boy, he had... a heart of gold, you know, he once a deuce received it at school, he knew that i would be upset, so
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he came up with this, svetlana palovna, we are very sorry, but time is very valuable, svetlana pavlovna, my son is drunk, they could kill him , timur is not like that, he, he cannot, he can get killed because of the thing. which timur took, we must find her, only you can help us, how is it, what can i do? timur wrote an essay about his childhood, and he wrote there about a hollow in a tree, where he had a hiding place, but there was no hollow, that’s what you see... he
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was a hiding place, quietly thought, i don’t know, i’m looking, like, how can it be, my little one is running around somewhere else, i followed him, and he hid cigarettes here, i thought i wouldn’t recognize him. well, what are we going to do now, and what are we going to do? contact the kidnappers, give them the money, take the child. all there, why don’t they call themselves? my
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phone is probably dead, i'll go check it, are you crazy, okay, she lost her head from measles, he 's out of his mind, you don't understand how dangerous this is, we have no other choice, we have another choice, we can call for help, that’s it, i can handle it, 90%, but no one is calling, they will call, don’t worry. no, i can’t sit idle, i went home, why? i don’t know, i’ll put things in order, wash my polo. dimka will come, and there’s such a mess, wait, i’m with you, do you mind if i, my car is your car, thank you, tan, are you sure that my help is not needed, i’m sure, thank you, there is a strangulation strip on the neck of... the group, yes, mid gennadyevich, and there
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a young lady is harassing you at the entrance, what kind of young lady, well, an ordinary one, well, that is, how, really it’s really nothing, i would say, but what , what is needed, did she say that if you don’t come down to her slowly, did she just say that, right away? “you know that i probably know who it is, you invite her upstairs, okay, write, i’m writing , a strong-willed streak, well, all that’s left is to wash the window and wipe off the dust, maybe that’s enough, and everything’s already shiny , it doesn’t shine yet, haven’t you seen when it shines, that ’s when my grandmother and i started the master slide, then everything sparkled so much that your eyes hurt, who’s grandma?” " she worked a hygienist, but at first she was a nurse in a hospital, then everything is clear with you, both were called
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tatyana, tatyana sorokina and the neighbors teased us, magpies, magpies, magpies. it’s a pity , of course, that she died early , didn’t have time to see dimka 3 months before he was born, nothing can be done, but you know what i think, when all this is over, you and i will take, yes, i’m listening. why didn't you call earlier? i’ve already found everything and i need an address, where can i take it to you? but first i want to know how my son is, i don’t want you to go, but i don’t i can stay at home, i’m going crazy here, let’s call the elevator, otherwise we’ll be late,
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damn, i think i forgot the keys to kotya’s car, god, my god, where? in my opinion, in the kitchen, on the windowsill, please look, this is how to leave you alone, listen, it’s a duck, bring me coffee too, well, they think that... involving the police is dangerous, but i think they’re taking a risk , at least one reasonable act, maybe the kiss had such an effect on me, i didn’t want to, oh, you didn’t want to yet, well, i mean, listen, let’s do this we’ll find out the relationship later when the meeting takes place
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, but i don’t know, they should call, do you think they can be killed, usually there is no hostage, dima is alive, well, okay, he’s alive, i hope i’m wrong, you’re wrong, yes, tan, how he left, and you, the kidnappers called and named the place, someone left, alone, tanya, we’ll be there now.
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i promise you, everything will be fine, we will see our baby soon, the main thing is to believe , tell me the address, damn, lord, lord, please make sure that everything works out for vadim, so that he finds the demo, they come back to me unharmed, please, i really ask you to make sure that everything is fine. i didn’t understand, i came instead of tanya , i came alone, as agreed, come on, what did you bring there, the bag is in the car, as soon as i see the boy, i’ll give it back immediately, we didn’t
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agree like that, and you and i didn’t agree at all. that you look as if you want to burn everything, what’s wrong, everything’s wrong, the meeting place is wrong, semyonov, what’s wrong with you? does anyone know a lawyer from the zone who helped me get out, lawyer? guys, let's settle everything amicably and go our separate ways, how nice, and lawyer , you give the child, i give you the bag, the boy is not here, it’s clear, that’s all, and you’re far away, lawyer,
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okay, he wants it for you, let him take the little one, what are you doing, from me phone in the car, you need to call a friend, tell her the address, she will make sure that everything is okay with the child, then we will make a deal. call, tell me the address. krasnogorsk district, nikieva village, novolesnoy lane, 14, yes, yes, i wrote it down , we’ll call you as soon as we arrive, vadim, take care of yourself, please, okay, who are you calling, to a friend from the authorities, you're crazy, i said no police, stepanych, great, it's voronin, great! listen, there ’s this thing here, you know, a vacant lot, the turn from volokolamka to anikeevka, yeah, and next to you, well, in
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general, there’s a guy who needs help, well, he got involved with criminals, as is usually the case, they want to kill him, yeah , not for service, for friendship, well, you’ll have time, but if not, then it’s fate, well , try to make it in time, stepanych, okay, yes, he’s a good guy. what car do you have a good lawyer?
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wait, wait, we're not like that let's agree, guys, what to expect , well, here they are, uh , wait, yes, wait, yes, wait, they tell you, what kind of people are they, but wait, wait, quietly, wait, here, hello, mother !
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she arrived, she arrived and immediately sent me to you, vadima, call, dimul, let ’s call a good guy, hmm, she doesn’t answer where, where, why doesn’t she say? stepanych, have you arrived? well, what do you have there? what are you doing there? finish it, let's go!
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sorry, lawyer, nothing personal. if you let the child go, you will burn in the fire, won't you? and me and so i will burn the water. come on, let's get him out of here. thank you, hell, yes, you found the child, well then everything is fine.
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oh, we agreed, well, look at me, my beauty, my good one! well, that's all, nikita, that's all. unfortunately, our family cannot call our love real, but i am very grateful to you for
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dimka. i promise that i will do everything possible so that he remembers you always and only as good. voronin, hello, hello. are you really bored? yes, okay, then i have to ask you out on a date. well, if you don't mind of course. no, i don't mind, i just i thought, where should we go? maybe there is a cafe, a restaurant, a cinema. dmitry gennadievich, then you are a boring person. maybe we can go for a walk,
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an amusement park, what? “hey, it’s just that there are all sorts of carousels, roller coasters, and you know , as a child, even on the swings i immediately got pumped out, they really started to make me feel sick and what, i just didn’t know that you felt this way, no, no, it’s just that there are children there , they will run, make noise, fuss there, is this normal, that’s what children usually do, run and make noise, or do you not like them either?” " "i love children, but i'm a little afraid, what are you going to do, look for a job, you don’t have to look, at the institute, i’ll agree, everything will be fine, thank you, in fact, i ’ll probably go back to my people, the director called and said
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that they couldn’t find me. just imagine, yurkin incited the rest of the students, they wrote a complaint, sent it to various authorities, seeking justice. like vadim, and what about vadim? sorokino, don’t take me for a fool, i see how you are at each other. look, katya, actually this is not good, i buried my husband, i agree, only myself and him in the ground there’s no need to bury it, blame yourself for his death too, but sit down, i thought he
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liked you. “i thought so too, but , unfortunately, he told me in plain text that i have no chance and that he likes another girl, well, that means he likes another girl, and it’s not me, tanya, that’s it, it’s too late for me to parody put away the dishes, i ’ll wash them tomorrow, everything’s fine, everything, everything, don’t worry, let’s go and see you off!” oh, what people, you’re alive, but they told me that you were killed, more than once, they’re lying, they’re jealous,
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probably, well, yes, probably. what are you doing with your hand? bandit bullet? yes, did you fall, wake up, die? oh, i see, you don’t have any remote control left, otherwise you’ll ring me? clean, clean, they say, you memorized it, you fit in with our ex, you risked your life for her and your son. who speaks? well, the earth is full of rumors. oh well, i already saw everything, what? well, what sparked between you from the first meeting, okay, come in. uh, uh, where are you going? sorokina, hello, hello, weren’t you joking, you were stunned, i canceled the lecture and postponed the department meeting, by the way, but in order to sit with dimka? well, i wanted to help my friend, you’re working
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today, well, actually, i was going to send him to kindergarten, it’s okay, you’ll have time , now let the godfather be, yes dim, hi, who is this without pants, let’s go get dressed, let’s go for a walk, katya , what? what are you planning? sorokina, have you become suspicious, do you see your own intent in everything? no, i just know how to add 2:2. okay, i want to do an investigative experiment. with whom, with dimka? do you remember investigator voronin? yes, we are meeting with him today. yeah. by the way, his name is also dima? well yes, that's me case. in general, he admitted that he was afraid of children. i want to check him, you have your own, you want to lose your last boyfriend, cheesecake, you’re such a bore, no, i don’t like this idea, i don’t want my child to take part in this and i don’t want
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to let him go for so long, well of course, in kindergarten it’s much more reliable, you should start taking him with you to school, sorokino, well, stop being so suspicious, firstly, he will be under the vigilant control of the police, yeah, and secondly, this is when dimka was unwell with aunt katya, never, you agreed, yes, everything is against mom, that’s it, let’s go, dimon, don’t worry, uh-huh, oh, investigative experiment, eh, i just thought that it would be the two of us, and the three of you, huh? yeah, dimul, meet this guy , his name is also dima, it’s very nice, that’s right, me too, well, you can make wishes between two dimkas, and you’ll hold this broom as if you’re taking it to a monument, no,
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come here , thank you, as i understand it, there won’t be a compliment about my irresistibility, but yeah, then on the carousel, hurray, on the carousel, on the carousel, on the carousel, you’ll be roll around, i... uh-huh, but first cotton candy , cotton candy, cotton candy, you will, i will, yeah, and i will, and you will, yes, well, i got it too, go buy it, yes, voronin, stop , dimul, run, we will catch up with you, i can’t wait for that moment when i see you. on the carousel, wow, time is up, we hand over the notebooks, you can have another 2 minutes, you can have
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one and a half, everyone else hands them in, uh-huh, katyana aleksandrovna, hello, yurkin, hello, this is for me... again you’re on your own, no, you misunderstood, i just met one girl and decided to write her a style, here i just don’t know how she’ll appreciate it, maybe you’ll read it, let’s read it, wait, they’re only about love, really, but can you really write, actually i can, come on. this is not a fairy tale, this is not a play, this is adult life with love and revenge, this is not a film or paintings, there is no need to play pierrot and malvina, this is the meaning of life, play yourself, here i am, yurkin, i’ll ask myself, you do you love anya,
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i will answer yes, but does anya love, well, here we have to say yes, kostya, yes, bad, no, this is wonderful, you know what, remind me tomorrow. a you and i have to apply for participation in the competition, okay, i’ll remind you, just tell me, i think she’ll really like it, i’m sure, and if she suddenly doesn’t like it, then she’s the wrong girl, thank you tatyana alexandrovna, thank you, i’ll definitely remind you tomorrow, goodbye, oh, so, so, so, yes, katyusha. katyusha, i’ll quickly run to the store and home, you don’t have to rush at all, everything is fine with you, you’re coping, otherwise, listen, how did vadim show up? no, why did he call you? well if you're interested,
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not really, he called and asked where to find you, i told him, i see, listen, i brought voronin and dimka to ride on the carousel, dimon is delighted, voronin came out all green, dimka, just yet, here he comes, this must be seen. do you think so? listen, it seems to me that voronin was so scared that he would run to the ends of the world for me. this is simply wonderful. yes, tanya, there’s nothing wrong with you, your voice is kind of strange. i 'll call you back. hello. hello.
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kaliningrad or in the old days köniksberg, the former capital of east prussia, after the war in 1945 year it became part of russia; ancient german houses, gothic castles and cathedrals are still preserved here. to kaliningrad , it was the year fifty-eight, the city impressed me very much, as soon as we got off the train, a merchant was already holding beads in her hands, she approached her mother, buy it, buy it, i then asked my mother what it was, she said, amber, locals joke, the kaliningrad region stands on amber shores, every now and then, during a storm, the baltic sea throws amber onto the flat shore, amber, after all, both lets through and at the same time reflects light, it... is truly luminous, because the yellow,
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straw color, translucency, and even complete transparency, of course, immediately made it a cult material with the symbolism of light and the sun, sun stone, as amber is poetically called, but what’s interesting is that “this is not a stone at all, and people have long guessed about this, but they could not explain the origin of amber. then the ancient greeks came up with a beautiful myth: the son of the sun god phaiton decided to ride his father’s fiery chariot, but could not cope with control, a fire broke out, and in order to put out this fire, zeus had to break the chariot, and phaeton died. his sisters cried for a long time until the gods turned them into... poplars, and their resin tears fell into the icy
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water, the resin hardened and turned into transparent amber. you will be surprised, but this myth is very similar to the truth; once upon a time amber forests actually grew on the earth. this famous story, which began approximately 50 million years ago, on the territory of the modern scandinavian peninsula produced. enthorn pines, they exuded resin, because it was very warm, humid, by the way, falling on the surface of the earth, it lost moisture, hardened and folded into a certain layer, varieties of amber were formed, these are drops , these are icicles, these are large deposits that accumulated at the base of the tree, our very a large piece of amber, 4 kg 280 g, was formed in exactly this way, then the ice age began under the weight of its own weight. as if he was dragging part of the earth's surface with him and moving the future treasure
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much further south. when the glacier melted, the baltic sea was formed, its bottom turned out to be filled with amber. the kaliningrad region contains 90% of the world's amber reserves, and if in other parts of the world it lies deep underground, here it is literally underfoot . even before our era, an amber trade route appeared, which went from the baltic states to the hot mediterranean. people. the greeks and romans used amber to create jewelry and stone-cutting figurines under the emperor; the colosseum arena was sprinkled with amber crumbs. it was believed that gladiators with severe wounds falling on such surface, will not feel so heavy. the gentar was also credited with medicinal properties and the gift of pleasing a person. the baltic
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lands were captured by the teftonian order in the 13th century and forbade residents to collect amber on pain of death. women, because they believed and still believe that amber brings good luck, but craftsmen make from this gem not only jewelry, but sculptures, and interior items, and it is also suitable for mosaics, because it has more than 200 shades, from milky to absolutely black, you’re hiding a stone, for example,
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you file it, you can meditate for hours, because the drawing is so interesting and unique, and then it adds up to something. some kind of picture, or the stone itself told you what to do, or you strictly follow some image, but i was drawn more into abstraction, the more work you do with it, the more you fall in love with it. in mosaic, you have to take into account how the stone changes color over time, how colors are acquired, brightness appears, pistrot, all that. unlike st. petersburg craftsmen, we do not paint stone, this we all... take into account for the future what stone to lay what foundation under. the lopatkin family follows old prussian traditions: craftsmen lay out amber mosaics on a wooden base, and the final shade of the details depends on it. if the wood is light, then the amber itself will become lighter and vice versa. and under the stone there is a whole pie. there is
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also a very complex mosaic made from different types of wood. this imperial device, for example, there were parts in it for, well , a year and a half, considering that i... managed to make 18-30 parts per day. old generations of people coming from germany see our work and are like, we are delighted, you have revived our prussian school here and did not let it die. the germans loved practically the works, boxes, loris, conostases, there was an interest in making exactly the same thing, repeating it, they did it, but why can’t we make one like that, yes, it was done from scratch, without any prompts, in the end... the sleeve was made by my brother, and i began to specialize in more interesting work, there was a desire to make unusual watches, and in general things that the germans didn’t do either, i was the first to do it and i made a radio. yuri, a mechanical engineer by training , didn’t even think about working with amber, but one day he was asked to make
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an amber clock, he tried it, it worked, and then his brother and wife got involved in this business , even though i was too lazy to type these panels, i ordered it. stone, and we tried to make it out of amber, well, it went great, people didn’t even immediately understand what it was. today i will show a small master class on making jewelry from amber, i made a small sketch, it will be a beetle, we will start with our sketch
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let's transfer it to graph paper, now we will cut out each detail and... select amber for each detail so that it differs in color from each other for contrast. our wing is larger than the piece of amber we chose, so we will join two pieces of amber together. this is the principle of mosaic. we have outlined the details, now we will remove the excess to carefully fit them together. when the parts are cut out, glued together, we begin to sand them with sanding paper, and after that we polish all the parts, we all the parts
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we mount it on the base, then we will get such a decoration, of course, not everyone will succeed in such a decoration the first time, everyone will be able to collect the material for it. at the amber exhibition in the all-russian museum of decorative arts there is one curious device. this is nothing more than a net used by amber catchers. we went on a train into the sea and tried to get gems, to be honest, this method is not for me, it’s very cold, the baltic sea, it’s better to look for amber on the shore, the village of yantarny, in the past palmnikin is the only place in the world where amber is mined industrially, it all started with the company of shtantin and becker, in the second half of the 19th century they founded the henrietto mines and... where prospectors mined the rock by hand, at the beginning of the 20th century the first walter quarry appeared here . thus,
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amber, declared german gold in the pre-war period, was distributed throughout all countries and continents. jewelry made from it was incredibly popular, but after 1945 everything changed. kaliningrad amber factory is an enterprise that was literally founded on ruins. the koeniksberg craftsmen took with them the secrets of working with amber, and soviet craftsmen had to figure it all out themselves: at first they made simple beads, when they gained experience, they made this amber chandelier for nikita khrushchev’s office, and for us president dwight isenhower a model of the nuclear icebreaker lenin. the composition consists of two planes, one of which is powerful. a ship that moves using nuclear power, on the rear surface a stylized rocket that is already penetrating
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outer space and...


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