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tv   Moi belii i pushistii  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 4:20am-6:10am MSK

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did anything happen? no, how about going for a ride on a weekday? well, okay, it’s necessary, so come on, maybe i’ll give you a lift? no, thank you, there’s a bus already on its way, thank you, okay, don’t be in town late, don’t take the last one. so, by the way, it’s me.
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means vasiliev. kostya, yes, vasily
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, he’s not on the lists, he’s not on the list , he was fired, like when he was in his third year in february, for offenses incompatible with the rank of cadet, sorry, but where can i find him, i don’t know, sorry, but are you free tonight, are you free tonight, up dates. girl, girl, you need kostya, yes, vasiliev, you know him, well, i know him a little, we studied together, but you don’t know where he lives? well, no, i don’t know where he lives, but they say he lives on the embankment somewhere in a cafe, thank you, girl, wait, you ’ll see him again, tell him that you and vasily said, he owes me money.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase your low pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support. 3 macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnyakov. today on rtr. do you still
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love me? well, why are you asking about this? my family life has become a routine. i'm ready to start all over again. we've known each other for weeks, and he i'm ready to get a divorce. the worst thing is that he is going to leave you without anything at all and also take dasha away from you. and what? sit down. but it’s simply vital for me that my husband doesn’t... let’s go to sineozersk, a small but cute city, named after the blue lake, it seems like there is such a belief that it sometimes glows blue, but only those who truly loves each other, it's true, blue lake, you see it too, yes, today on rtr.
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yeah, so you say, with a stick, well, yes, yes, with a cane, i, he says, is your grandmother’s house will insure. i’ll probably insure, well, oh , my god, what’s the difference, but i look, and on his left hand he has a tattoo, what a tattoo, vitya, and he told me that his name is borii, they’re like that, i’m sorry, they insure houses, but then, and then they were burning, and he was alone, no , when i reached the gate with him, i looked , there was a red car, there was a driver in it, such a gangster face, so dark with a beard, and eyes so glaring, well, david, how much? well, 60 years, well, no, well, maybe 50, okay, fine, thank you, come on, yeah, in short, cadet, you sit here, think, of course, but
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we need money today, we ’ll call you in an hour, you understand, puppy, time has passed, look at me, kostya, hello, hello, flowing, kostya, me, tanya. tanya agashkova, well, we corresponded with you , i sent you a photo, thank god, you look like you need money, tanya, are you from a silicate plant, or what?
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no, from the dorokhovsky boarding school, but i wrote to you that i would be leaving soon, about our girls, and you wrote that you were an excellent student and that you were getting a badge. given, well, where are you from? i took it, i found you, through my grandmother, grandmother, grandmother, listen, i would like to relieve the tension, you have money, yes, you do. waiter, i’m listening, that means it’s like that, 200 vodka, uh-huh, and let me sort
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it again, okay, yes, i ordered a bone of assorted meat, he got drunk or something, don’t give him a loan , it’s like the woman is paying for it , ok. mikhail mikhailovich, this is varankov from dorokhov. hello, listen, i’m talking about this series of arson attacks, in a wonderful village, yes, yes, you couldn’t look, i received a request for a certain vasily back in february. konstantin vitalievich, yes , born in eighty-seven, here’s a wonderful village, autumn street, house number nine, yeah , please look at what this citizen did miraculously there, and well, yes, what are the circumstances, you understand,
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it seems to me that there is some kind of... then connection, tanya, tanya, tanyusha, no, no, i won’t, i can’t. i don’t have to go to work yet tomorrow, okay, you’re good, you’re funny, what will you get out of this , what do you even work for, i’m a postman , i’m hurt, i haven’t had a postman yet, acquaintances, come on, let’s meet, let’s meet, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, “it’s good that you found me, and you, i mean, well, you were the first to write to me, a wonderful stranger from a boarding school, well, i wrote it like that, who will answer, though yes, you're right,
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that's how it turns out." kostya, your grandmother is really waiting for you, you should go see her, i was leaving, she had a heart attack, she really needed it. so that you come, okay, let's better order another 200, yes, come on, of course, waiter, that means, another 200, you should pay for it first, am i a fraternity for you, or what? damn, got it, tanyush, pay me now, how much,
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yes, everything is written there, yes, since, of course, no , no, no, kolyan, i’m already thinking, no, no, i mean, i already thought of it, i mean, i completely forgot about my grandmother, she has a house in village plot. how many acres? don't know. got it, find out and wait for your call. that's it, danyukha. the day after tomorrow i'm going to my grandmother.
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it’s decided, tanya, for us, maybe we don’t need more, we do, but do you know why i’m not going? but because my grandmother thinks that i’m studying, and i’m a bone, you have such a grandmother, she will understand everything, tanyukh, tanyusha, my mail girl.
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kostenka, hold on, hold on, please, well everything, quiet, let's go, now, yes, now everything will be, now, stand, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
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tanyush, i'm sorry. yesterday it happened , but nothing, okay, come on, i have to go to work,
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and what do you work for, an astronaut, okay, i ’ll go, otherwise the rocket will fly away without you, i ’ll fly back tomorrow during the day, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. oh, what a fool, what a fool, school, god bless him...
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well, agashkava, the delays have started, what will happen next, okay, i see, you repent, i forgive you for the first time, thank you, nina stepanovna, you are the kindest and fairest. you i found a person, okay, go, deliver the pensions tomorrow, lay them out and deliver them, hello, hello, where did you go, nowhere, i’m on
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my way home from work, and at night? i was walking in the city at night, i was late for the bus , i was late for the bus, well, well, well, well, nothing, well, well, will you come in, no, thanks, why, okay, what can i say, everything is said, what kind of kindergarten -then, who? garden, uncle's garden.
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tanya, good morning, how beautiful you are, oh, it’s not in vain that you went to the city, my school, but i need different sandals, there are some in the general store, the little red ones, imported, just right, expensive. ok, thank you, oh, okay, hello, hello, can i try it on, yes please.
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i’ll take it, well, how are you, how are you doing, little by little, how’s your health, okay.
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tell me, did you find any bags of money? yeah, along with the mercedes keys. let's go, boys, to lunch. lost, which means missing, if stolen, you have to report it to the police. if you lost it, you also need to report it. hello, please email me urgently. i say urgently, the money is gone, you’ve played too hard, you’ve played too hard, you’ve gotten dressed up, but you
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’ve exchanged all your vigilance for cosmetics, for you’re late for work, why are you crying, i have such confidence in you, and you, i warned you, agashkova, that the work is very serious, why?
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i, i wanted the best, nina stepanovna. i just thought that what a letter is, it must reach the addressee, because human life is decided, i slowly opened it, it’s agashkava, and you know what it’s called, that’s what it’s called. malfeasance, that's it, how can i keep such an employee, i can't, that's it,
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maybe we can ask stepanovna for her? hot hand, you've gone crazy, look, now you'll remember in detail and tell you where you were, what you did, i was there, i bought sandals, then i carried them. grandma ’s pension, but no money, i was fired, in the general
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store, there was someone else in the store, anka, i don’t remember, i tried on the ankle boots, well, wait, calm down, the bossa boots, by the way, are good, thank you. anya, come on, okay, sit here, and now, where, by the way, i dressed up, my grandson is coming to povekata, and she invited me to visit, well, well, here you go! yeah, come on, well done, keep it up, oh, dima, hello,
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start, hello, you, anna nikolaevna, didn’t find any package here, but what did you lose here, but not me. i wonder what it is with us , the district police are already engaged in private investigation, anka, don’t be a fool, you know me, and don’t scare me, i’m scared, i’m not afraid, okay, keep your package, tell your totyasha, confused, let them not throw the money where they found it, and let them tell me thank you that i found the money, otherwise it would have been just money, no, but...
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everything is fine, thank you very much. it's great, oh great, that you haven't been seen for a long time it was, listen, when was the last time you went,
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i mean? the gun has been checked for a long time and it’s working properly , no, again i don’t understand, okay, let’s go into the house, i’ll explain it in detail, well , let’s go, explain it in detail, what are you going to eat, he asked, bodice, hello! good health. tell me, weren’t you expecting a letter? letters? no, what? here 's the thing: a letter arrived in our mail, but the address was blurred. that is, i was the one who spilled the water. well, show me. i just opened it. i
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wanted to see the name. i am guilty. this is him, who is he? zhenya, it’s him, the ball, oh, we’ve already become friends, rest, kostya! rest, you suffered there in the city, lord , breathe our air, wash yourself, even lie down in the room, if you want in the yard, there is a bed there, listen, bah, how many acres we have here, but i don’t remember, 18, i think, how many, maybe eight, the jester knows him, maybe eight, it ’s written in the documents, but why do you need it, kostenka, no, no, i just think, you never know,
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maybe he’ll come to fertilize? it’s unclear how long it will take to get to the water, kostenka, dear, everything here has been fertilized a long time ago, don’t worry, okay, listen, ba, well, do it chiyku, i'm right now, i'm in a jiffy, i'm in a jiffy, kostenko, my dear, now, 3, 4, 5, yes, yes, yes, yes, listen, i'll find the documents, i'm about three hours old, at least, yes, i, well , well, i need to explain what collateral is in general, well , she, i understand, everything, yes, through. now, yeah,
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that's it, in an hour. what did you bring, idiot? documentation? which documents? you brought some kind of explanation, but i need a certificate of ownership. kohl, well, excuse me, i
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didn’t really have time to look, i was rushing the arrow. what arrows, puppy, you haven’t walked the arrows yet, it means that there will be a certificate in an hour, otherwise i’ll come to your grandmother and eat it myself, but i understand that you didn’t get it, or something, this thought. my god, and here i am racing with you , damn it, get out of here! i understood, since, honestly i understood, we quarreled, i thought he cheated on me with sanka, i myself saw how he carried her in his arms to his bus, it means she twisted her ankle, it’s not really true, well, why not, all sorts of things it happens that anka described to me how she and him did this and that, i... suffered for a whole month, you know how painful it was, until i’m still washing, waiting, but i haven’t heard a word from him , he’s strange, he would have come on his own, darling,
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oh, but they’re all kind of strange, yes, you can’t tell. oh, we have a good tanya, yes, why , tanya, i say, she’s good, listen, granny, can you make me a salad, and there are cucumbers, radishes, in short, everything is in a heap, i’m too old, the most important thing, i forgot, of course, kostenka, i’m here now. kostya, won't you help me? listen, grandma, here’s the thing, i need money, so take it, kostenka, in the kitchen, in my wallet, in my wallet, i have others i need money, i need a lot of money
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, the house is mortgaged, i’ll bring a lawyer, and then we’ll buy it out like a lawyer, is this something from the court, i don’t understand, kostya, that you don’t understand what’s incomprehensible here, what i’m saying unclearly, according to what court, well, what does this one have to do with it? kostenka , i’m telling you, i’ll explain it in russian, here are the documents, we’ll pledge the debt, they’ll give you the money, i ’ll pay off the debt, and then we’ll buy it back , but we’ll live, we’ll live where we are, kostenka, but here, you’ll live, here in the house, what ’s incomprehensible here, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, kostenka, the house is impossible, i have money for books, do you hear, motherfucker, no books will help here, you understand, they will ruin us because of this money, both you and the little fire, kostya, i beg you, are you stupid or something, but kostya, kostya! kostenka, are you really here for the money , are you really here from behind the house, it’s bad, they’ve been bad for her, but who’s feeling good now, kostenka, it’s high time for her to retire, she ’s been staying here for a while, but it’s an ideal
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option for you, a minute of worrying , you’ll pay for everything at once, since i can’t do this, this is my grandmother, that you can’t, then i ’ll come right up. get up pubka, let's go, what are you doing , it hurts, let's go, can't you see we need to call an ambulance, let me go, grandma is bad, we need to call an ambulance urgently, let go, what
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are you doing, let me go. i'm on your tail, let's get away. in his samovar it will take him a long time to catch up with us, and these two are of no use to us for ballast or something, slow down, well, let's get out of here, you've arrived, you moskies are over the top.
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grandma, grandma katya, please say something, grandma. let me help, move away, you've already helped.
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how did you guess when the bus arrived? and this is zhenya the hero, he heard three motorcycles, i also say what kind of sound is that, it’s like a wild beast yelling, that means it’s time for us, okay, okay, not okay, we need to spray this thing, so hero , spray the weekend. oh, and i’ll go with you,
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i’ll just dress more decently, okay, we’re going to the city after all. dim, dim, wait, where is your motorcycle? by the river, overheated. it's clear. so what will happen to this hero? they will figure it out, if he is guilty, they will punish him. thank you. we are married, thank you, but that’s another matter.
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on the russia channel, present in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello. vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of national mourning after a terrorist attack in the moscow region. as a result of the attack on the crocus city hall concert hall, according to the latest data, 133 people were killed.
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doctors. i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to preserve the lives of all the wounded. special words of gratitude. to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives and get them out from under the fire, from the epicenter of the fire, to avoid even greater losses.
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i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent. with doctors and security officers, provided first aid, and transported victims to the hospital. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune, and wounded victims. i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. she mourns with you. whole country, all our people. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced. the main thing
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now is to prevent those who are behind this bloodbath from committing a new crime. concerning. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them with transport, outlined escape routes from the site crimes, prepared caches, caches of
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weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to... establish all the details of the crime, but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, with a prepared and organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people, the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully proceeded precisely kill, shoot point-blank our citizens, our children, like the nazis once did when they carried out reprisals against the occupied territories, they planned to organize a demonstration execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. whoever they are, whoever guides them. i repeat,
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we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists. who prepared this atrocity, this blow to russia, to our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is, we count on interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain, and we are ready to actually join forces in in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations, terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate, retribution. abundance , they have no future, our common duty now , our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, is to be together in one formation, i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will,
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our determination and courage , the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow the poisonous seeds of discord. in the bryansk region, with a difference of only a few hours, is already being transported to moscow. our correspondent igor pikhanov is now working at the place of detention, and he has just sent his report. now we are on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions, it was along this route that the suspects tried to break into
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the territory of a neighboring state, the investigative and operational actions have just ended, the car of the criminals was evacuated to the impound lot. the motorway was recently restored to traffic safety of the driver, as well as local residents. traffic on it was stopped at 12:00 at night. the police noticed the criminals not far from this place. today. they refused the demand to stop, the carriage started, but the militants lost control and overturned. a nineteen-year-old criminal was detained on the spot, the other three tried to escape, but now it is almost impossible to hide in the forest on foot, now the soil has turned into a mess of ice and mud, one of them even tried to escape climb a tree, but it didn’t help him, now they are testifying, one of the suspects even said that he went to this mass murder in order to... what did he do in the crocus, did he shoot, what did he shoot? whom? people, why? please put it in for
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money, for money, for how much money, about half a million, half a million of what? half a million rubles, from whom did you receive it? i haven’t received it yet, i received half of it, where did i get it? did they say specifically who to kill? yes people?
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the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to their professionalism our fighters were all detained alive. now they are confessing. investigators are working with them, and those militants who required medical assistance are taken to medical institutions. this is necessary for the criminals to testify. now the most important thing is to identify the remaining participants in this crime, as well as all the customers. an investigation is underway, in the meantime, the leadership of the operational departments that participated in this operation thanked their own. colleagues for professional actions, igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti bryansk region. investigators have already established the type of weapon from
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which the terrorists fired at crocus city hall, as well as the fact that the militants used flammable liquid to set fire to the building where there were spectators, including the wounded. chronology of tragic events in the report by vitaly kormazin. the terrorists were first filmed by the recorder of the car driving past the crocus. airbuyers? all the victims came to the concert of the picnic group; most of the people at that moment were already inside the hall, several
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minutes before the third bell and shots rang out. the spectators on the balcony did not immediately understand what was happening, some slowly got up from their chairs, some continued to sit, but when machine gun fire began one after another, people rushed en masse to the exits. there was a firefight below, and we saw that the line of fire was going straight towards the people. automatic fire, some of the spectators left through the emergency exit, someone managed to escape through the stage, the terrorists, splashing
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hot liquid across the hall, set it on fire, and so the fire started. we are at a concert in krokos city, there is some kind of shooting going on here, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, about 100 people were locked in the basement, already half an hour after the first shots, the flames engulfed almost the entire concert venue, the terrorists had left the crime scene by that time, firefighters put out the flames a few hours later, an operational headquarters was deployed on the spot, and its work was attended by the chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bostrykin, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the governor of the moscow region region andrey vorobyov. the burnt -out hall is visible from hundreds of meters away, police officers are keeping a cordon at a fairly large distance, today none of the centers of the shopping complex are working and, apparently, will not work until investigative actions are completed there, at the site of the terrorist attack, operatives and employees of the investigative committee . investigators
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are studying recordings from surveillance cameras; as for the dead, this is based on preliminary data. the cause of their death was gunshot wounds and smoke inhalation. ballistic tests are assigned and carried out, genetic and fingerprint examination of material evidence left by terrorists at the crime scene. these are automatic weapons and ammunition. this is a vepr hunting self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber. these are used in the kalashnikov machine gun, an impressive arsenal of cartridges, and a twelve-gauge saiga hunting carbine. investigators are also looking for other evidence and are asking everyone who was on the premises of the concert hall to provide all information they have. the criminal investigation continues, detectives they are identifying everyone involved in carrying out and organizing this terrorist attack. vital karmazin, dmitry dunaev and vladislav sobolev, lead. finding themselves trapped under the bullets of terrorists, many visitors to crocus united and helped each other survive and escape.
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eyewitnesses are now talking about this. those who
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took people to... for free did not stand aside, the yandex taxi service , at the request of the department of transport , sent dozens of cars there in the first hours, the line stretched for kilometers along the overpass, the tragedy united hundreds of strangers, the wound was loaded, blood was flowing, they dragged her out into the street, and the first car that came across stopped, well done people took it, they quickly took her car, while in the building itself, in the crowd, she was running... from the shots of terrorists, despite the danger for their own lives, people saved others, we run, we run, everyone fell, i saved two families with small children, because my wife blocked everything, the police blocked everything there, already, in order to get out of the building, men broke the windows of children and women, letting them go ahead, were frequent shots, they ran, they ran, they miraculously found some way out, the men opened it, and we ran out like a wave, one of the spectators
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helped dozens of people escape by neutralizing the terrorist about... eyewitnesses say that when the shooting started, people rushed to the stage , to where the emergency exit was and where , as it turned out, one of the criminals was waiting, he shot at point-blank range everyone who was running in that direction, the young man simply jumped on him, took the machine gun from him and with the butt of his gun he simply ate him, he simply gave him the opportunity us just leave everyone across the stage, through the emergency exit, we all ran out on the street, we managed to find this hero, although he asks not to mention his name and not show his face, he says he acted decisively, without hesitation, to save his wife, a second i had to think, i accepted the movement, i pushed my wife, i ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun with my left hand, pulled it down, and with my right hand began to hit him on the head. meanwhile, people helped each other leave the burning building, the girl who filmed this video i noticed that the man’s clothes were covered in blood and thought he was wounded, but it turned out he was in his arms, carrying out
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the victims, but what about you? hundreds of concerned people continue to be on duty at the site of the terrorist attack near city hospitals and did not hesitate to come to the rescue. terrible tragedy. the shed rivers of blood forever divided the lives of two communities: serbian and muslim-croatian. ethnic cleansing and religious clashes, massacres and secret concentration camps.
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we are not bandits, we have the law. what law are you talking about? can i come with you? you do not you know me. how many are there? more than 100. there
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are eight of us here. will the task change? the task remains the same. general gathering, full combat readiness. what is your real name? andrey. i like. i just have a comm in my throat. balkan frontier. today on rtr. in the near future we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that just by looking at him a person can determine what problem he came with, an increase in blood pressure, this
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destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve the fulfillment of your desires and what to expect from the future, this and more is discussed in our program. on monday at рrt. you are my last hope, otherwise i will shut this damn mother of lard. maria kulikova. evgenia loza. queen margo. on friday on rtr. we go
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to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don't go to the doctor. when you seriously need to go, warned, that means armed any remedy has a downside with the most necessary health knowledge. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everyone. in the body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information of the most competent sources. take care of your
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complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. china, shocked by the news of the attack on a concert hall in the moscow region, firmly supports the russian government's efforts to preserve national security. with these words, sindin pins today expressed his condolences to vladimir putin and our people. the chinese leader stressed that beijing opposes terrorism in all its forms and strongly condemns the attack on civilians. similar responses come from all continents. prime minister narendra modi said india stands in solidarity with moscow in this hour of sorrow. the presidents of tajikistan, turkmenistan, kyrgyzstan and mongolia sent messages to the kremlin in the morning. spain
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, belgium and switzerland. the leaders of hungary, serbia, kazakhstan, venezuela, cuba and dozens of other states stand in solidarity with russia. all over the world with ours. minsk, berlin, dubai, rome and bangkok, tbilis and stockholm, chisinau, astana, sydney and yerevan, as well as belgrade, ashgabat, missions and russian houses, townspeople carry flowers and candles. and the republika srpska deputies specially gathered to hold a moment of silence to honor the memory of the victims. the tragedy is now the focus of attention in the western press, on the front pages of leading publications. burning concert hall,
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details of what happened, attempts to understand who might be behind the attack, interpol has already expressed its readiness to support the investigation, but the us reaction was not so clear, the word of dmitry melnikov. when the us president left washington for a weekend trip to delaware, he was already aware of the tragedy in the moscow region, and the white house said that the us authorities are monitoring what is happening in russia, the journalist. shouting questions to the president about the terrorist attack in the concert hall. biden did not respond, and the white house later told the russian news agency ria-novosti that he had no plans to call the russian president. official washington has not yet condemned this bloody terrorist act. the only response came from the national security council's strategic communications coordinator, john kirby. we have all seen the videos from moscow in which captured.
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these warnings about a possible terrorist threat in moscow were first published first on the website of the us embassy, ​​then in the uk, and later other western diplomatic missions in russia began to warn their citizens about this. at the time , the us embassy said it was monitoring reports that extremists were planning attacks on major events in moscow, including concerts. and today the representative of the white house. began to assure that he did not see a direct connection between these warnings and shooting people in the crocus city hall. we don't know how much of this warning from the us embassy in early march and this attack are related, but we did have some concerns about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the moscow area earlier this month. it is necessary to obtain more information about what happened in order to put the puzzle together. the american press, without waiting for the results of the investigation, stated that... one
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of the cells of the so -called islamic state banned in russia is to blame. referring according to government sources, the american media reported that they allegedly have indisputable information about the involvement of the isis group in the terrorist attack. they also reported that information about a possible terrorist attack was transmitted in advance to the russian intelligence community through communication channels. however, no official clarification was made on this matter. at russia's initiative, the un security council adopted a statement. where he strongly condemned the cowardly terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, immediately after the attack in moscow people began to approach the russian embassy in washington bring flowers and soft toys. 11 september. that is why
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the whole world is now watching especially closely the white house’s reaction to the terrible tragedy in the moscow region. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. russian regions are now welcoming.
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young cultural and tourism institutions, especially for guests from the belgorod region. we are discussing elements of training with the belgorod side, in any case, the first week will be such an adaptation week, special attention will be paid to safety. control over health status psychological support. schools in some areas of the belgorod region have been operating remotely for a long time. the measure was forced due to constant shelling. shelling every day. everything is flying, roaring, very scary. before heading to one of the best
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sports and recreation camps in the region, doctors checked the well-being of the children. everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, guys, everyone is healthy, everyone is happy. elena khadanovich, bogdan severin, andrey tolstov, lead tombov. exactly on schedule at 5:29 am to penza station the train with young belgorod residents is the first to arrive. the first to greet guests on the platform are military academy cadets, psychologists, social activists and volunteers. the children were a little sleepy, but with smiles on their faces they were not afraid of the morning frost -10. we were in a good mood, slept well, and were fed well. according to the latest data, 808 people were evacuated to penza, of which 732 were children, the rest. accompanying children and 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers and swimmers. thank you very much for allocating these vouchers to us, i would like to just be in silence, but what there is an opportunity to practice, which is generally great. the children are escorted to the buses in an organized and precise manner; from the station square they are sent to seven
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temporary accommodation points, these are children's camps, sanatoriums and hotels of sports complexes. hello, mom, we have already checked in, we have arrived, everything is fine. for the next 3 weeks their home is the burtasy sports palace, they need to be there all the time. i always train, we miss him, we miss the warmth of our parents, but we understand that now is such a difficult time, so we have to be patient a little. on during the training camp, the athletes took the essentials: uniforms, toys, mascots, sports equipment. for belgorod athletes , 49 rooms with all amenities have been prepared in burtasy, accommodating from two to six people, they promise cleaning every day and a change of linen every 5-7 days. three meals a day, taking into account the type of sport for... gymnasts , sandwiches with black bread for wrestlers with white bread, porridge of your choice, pancakes, eggs and tea, everything to prepare for the first training on the peaceful land of pendzya. elena kozhevnikova, maxim marin, host penge. patriarch of moscow all russia kirill interrupted
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the service in the cathedral of christ the savior to perform the first litany for the deceased, and those innocently killed in krasnogorsk. earlier, he expressed words of condolences in connection with the deaths, the full text of which was published on the official website of the russian orthodox church. the patriarch emphasized that there is no need to lose faith, courage and fortitude. the primate of the russian orthodox church is confident that law enforcement agencies and special services will do everything possible to successfully and as soon as possible reveal the daring crime and bring to court those responsible for organizing its execution. muslims do not support the brutal terrorist attack that occurred in procula - stated at... and muslim centers of the moscow region, believers offer prayers for the souls of innocent
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people killed for a speedy recovery of the victims. we ask the almighty to give strength to their relatives and loved ones, as well as to the rescue doctors who are now helping those suffering. the manned soyuz spacecraft successfully launched from the baikanur cosmodrome today on its second attempt. currently it has already entered orbit and should dock with the iss in two days. almost 8 km/second, this speed is needed to put the ship into orbit. the main
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composition, crew commander, hero of russia oleg novitsky, representative of belarus marina vasilevskaya, nasa astronaut tracy dyson. this time, the journey to the iss will take two days, this is 34 orbits around the earth, after the launch there will be a general formation of the calculation and a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. let me, on your behalf, convey my sincere words and condolences. relatives loved ones, i would like to declare a minute of silence; yesterday at 18:00 the state commission heard reports from all services that participated in the preparation of the ship and made an unequivocal decision on the launch, which was successfully completed today. there are months of preparation and testing behind us, they included a theoretical part and a practical one. all crew members, including the backup crew, passed the tests and received clearance to fly.
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at these minutes, the communications crew and all onboard systems of the ship are functioning normally, two days after separation from earth already meeting with colleagues in orbit. alexey kareev, alexander merkuriev, lead baikanur. and by this time we have all the information. until we meet, when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business, there will be a feeling of such familiarity.
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program when everyone is at home, and today our good morning, on air a friendly family meeting is decorated by oleg famin, good morning, oleg, good morning! well, what did you expect? to be honest, i was hoping for a russian one, if you like, but did you realize that this was a pure gamble? why such interest, it’s a thing of the past, let’s get acquainted, vasily sergeevich, let’s get acquainted, oleg, we lay people don’t really understand what a film is for a director, i’m seriously asking, the film you make, which you live with for a year, which is the result of your life, this is your another child, but when you already more.
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your wife works, well, that is, she doesn’t know whether she’s your wife, or maybe not anymore , a wonderful make-up artist, a very good woman, only unhappy because of you, wait, palina herself left me, but well, i know these stories about how can a woman be humiliated like that and like that? offend her so that she leaves on her own, i’ll tell you what, if you’re not a fool, which i personally doubt, you’re done building these sand castles of yours, before the sand falls out of you, go back to... and have a baby with her child, until she gave birth to someone else, you talk at all, i don’t understand,
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the sand fell, you fool, stop raising me, i’m tired, everyone is raising me, so give birth. our program has been in our program for 32 years, and i keep thinking about what it can be compared with, but it seems to me that it is most suitable in comparison with river, because every time you enter a new one, every spring, where there was a mile, there may be a hole, you can step on a log floating under water, so i carefully start from afar and the most... correct thing is to start with geographical, historical details , you are from tambov, guy tambovsky, how old are you now? 62, what tambov was like 62 years ago, 61 years ago, childhood memories, little oleg was surrounded by little oleg was surrounded, of course , by his parents, and school, here it’s a lot of
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time, the school was in a different area absolutely, it was necessary to get to school through the whole of tambov. dad, since he was an artist in parallel with all his official work, he accurately drew me in calligraphy the entire route with all the stops where my trolleybus stops, so it took about 30 minutes to go, probably the first week my parents went with me, after a week i already said, you don’t need to ride with me, i know the route, mom and dad hid in turns, watched me, and i announced all the stops. i sat in the conductor's seat and that means every stop i announced, everyone laughed, in general, this is how we got to school, in our story little oleg grows up very quickly, yes, but i wanted to ask, which oleg do you mean, who was even before school, who just started recording his memory , something, when the flash drive was still old, which mother was remembered , very young, which dad, what was at home,
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were there grandparents, no, grandparents lived far away, i had three grandmothers and three grandfathers, and since during the war separated my mother and her mother, my grandmother was separated by the war, that is, they lived on the border with belarus, and his grandfather commanded a motorized rifle company, when the war began, he said, shura , take the children, having a brother with your mother, because the poles will hand you over, most likely, so they closed their big mansion, in where they lived on a key, they didn’t take anything out, no belongings, there were two cats there.
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that she was the wife of a military man and he helped them there in some way, so he pulled her away, and here’s my mother and brother, there’s a truck full of children, they were leaving and a pregnant woman was running after the truck, because apparently her little child remained there in the truck , well, the grandmother came to her senses when the germans were already coming, that’s why she was dragged away in the face, this soldier saved her, because they were walking and finishing off everyone, so she... was somewhere in the forest and there she was found by a jewish family who were already hiding in the forest, and then she ended up in the minsk underground, a partisan detachment, so she and her girlfriend were connected, they generally carried out underground activities there, they were safely surrendered, there was a traitor, who was later found after the war, so my grandmother ended up in the gestat,
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there were tortures, interrogations, then my grandmother ended up in... two concentration camps, the americans had already liberated her, then a month in the hospital, rehabilitation, they called her to america because the person who was in two camps, in general they said, they will put you back, she she said : i’m not going anywhere, because i have children, i have to find them, she was saved by the fact that she was wounded in both arms, that’s what was natural, everyone knew that she didn’t betray anyone, i, by the way , this scene - the interrogation of torture - was done in the film "someone else's life". here in the sixteenth year i made a picture, just for grandma told it to me, i just restored the mezan scene as she told me, i filmed it exactly like that. everyone didn’t understand why this was so, i said, well, that’s what they told me, and that is, until they found the traitor, they thought about my grandmother. no, they didn’t think, they didn’t think, they didn’t think anything, but how could they think about their grandmother, if
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the grandmother was betrayed, it was clear that she was a reliable person, that she was a soviet person, that she didn’t betray anyone. i asked about this because people always break down, and the first thing you think is that the person broke something after all said, no, no, my grandmother would definitely not have broken down, but i know, when... i was filming, well, for example, the barents sea, i, velkova and so on, they asked something, i said, i don’t know , my grandmother was 24 years old, then, this is what kind of faith it was, when you are simply beaten with clubs all day long, you are suspended, you have no support, you dangle like this, they blizzard you, they turn you into something unknown, and you don’t give up on anyone , i say: what kind of faith was that? i say: think for yourself, i have an example before my eyes, a grandmother from grozny, in grozny everyone knows grandma very well, because
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she stood at the entrance to the central market almost all her life, there were scales, a strength meter, such attractions, yes, well , in my opinion it cost 2 kopecks, there was something to shake, i was very proud , that i have all this for free, as grandmothers, alexandra grigorievna, vorozheeva, and grandfather, grandfather? disappeared during the war, this is because of my mother, so we didn’t find it in the archives, we don’t know where he was buried, whether he was buried at all, in general it’s unclear, we didn’t find my brother either, that’s because naturally, my mother was sent to an orphanage and throughout the war they wandered, they were in different places and were bombed, and there was everything that happened there, and there were all sorts of diseases, then they got to the tambov region, where my mother was taken into care. family of the gpu officer, the officer was my grandfather, whom i also did not see, only in a photograph, this is the third grandfather, this is the third grandfather, yes, where did he come from, they were offered
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that let us remove all the documents, destroy them and this will be your daughter, and no one will find it, thank god, proskovie, she said: no, if the parents are alive, then let it be, proskov is the third grandmother, this is the third grandmother, yes, at this time my mother’s mother’s own grandmother is still... no, she didn’t know anything at all, she had no idea where she was , she then turned up on the union wanted list when my mother was already in the eighth grade, passed the exam, came to her grandmother and said, i’ll go to the dance with the girls, well, there was a spot under her heel, well, all these traditions, and someone is washing in the shower, and proskovya says: wait, vika, there’s yours mom, she was hysterical, she says, what... mom, what, because you are my mother, well, she didn’t remember, she’s little, of course, yes, and a third party comes out and starts checking all the moles
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who begins to say something, vika, vika , with ringed hands, yes, well, there are such curved fingers, yes, what is the mother’s name, victoria petrovna, she takes her to her in grozny, what a trauma for a child, she got used to it here, she had not yet become close to this woman, but then, when vika finished... grozensky oil institute, she was already on an expedition in the mountains, they received some crazy money at that time, her adoptive father died, proskovye was left alone, and a telegram arrived in grozny, they took her there to the mountains, and vika, because a sense of responsibility she had a whole life ahead of her, so she gave it all up, gave up her profession in one day and flew to tambov, vika is still a mother. yes, my mother flew to proskovye, to be with her, to help her, she got a job as a laboratory assistant for 80 rubles. there she met my dad, my dad is from kotovsk.
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the difference, of course, is colossal, my mother had such a waist, a beautiful figure, a coquette, and those albums that the boys glued to her, who read poetry with her and so on, that is , these are trousers, pipes, these are the shoes, that is, these... ... there was a block, yesenin was there, mandelstams were read there, and so on and so forth, so the upbringing turned out to be a little double, a young lady and a hooligan, a young lady and a hooligan, yes,
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when everyone is at home, where is your homeland, my brother, no one's... homeland soldiers, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you , they went against god, with a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, when everything at home,
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so... you were injected with this japanese truth serum? you can say that, well, how does it feel? absolute loss of control over body and spirit, you will tell anything you want, and only the truth, why? i don’t have the strength to invent, yeah, okay, well, further, then silence, in i mean, this thing also knocks out your memory, so you don’t remember anything, nothing, that is, like nothing at all. absolutely, that means , you don’t remember anything, you don’t remember anything at all, the most interesting place, oleg, what did your parents demand from you in terms of performance at school, but somehow, to be honest, they didn’t really demand it, no, they were there all the time at work, my father came for lunch because he worked nearby, he had the task of feeding me there,
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he forgot one time. well, there was simply nothing in the house, well , dinner was not prepared, and there was no meat bought, apparently nothing, so dad tied the hook with the bread to a string, threw out the window, caught a pigeon, and an hour later i was safely eating this pigeon, fried, beautiful, well, yes, in general it’s like the kid and carlson, dad is an artist, self-taught, his parents died illiterate, this is my dad and dad’s grandparents. lines, my grandfather was a unique person, he broke oak tables with his fist, he himself made the furniture, which my father and i tried to break into a closet for a day, but we didn’t break it completely, there wasn’t a single nail in that closet, how he assembled this furniture is unclear, but he brought the whole family from saratov, he rode a bicycle to kotovsk to the gunpowder factory, found out that people were needed there, this is grandfather, grandfather, yes, then back, dad-dad, back to.
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.. we lived in the basement, we were starving , there was nothing to eat there, so he took everyone there, in general such a powerful guy, i remember him, he can’t be saratov, he took everyone, they were there in some way i couldn’t remember, from childhood i i remember this brick house, it still stands in kotovsk, there is a common toilet, that is, on the floor, on the left grandfather’s apartment, on the right is someone else’s apartment, there are toilet stalls, that is , there is no toilet in the house, the toilet is here on the landing. i haven’t seen anything like this anywhere either, okay , at least not in the garden, yes, i remember the kerosene stove very well, i remember the huge chest, they worked throughout the war at the gunpowder factory, my father extinguished lighters, he has a painting, all the artists of the tambov region, he says: borya , how did you think of it, why didn’t we think of it, this is our childhood, the sky of our childhood, that is, the boys are standing on the roof of the house with tongs, with buckets and airplanes. these rays of searchlights
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and so on look into the sky, so it is necessary to explain that these pincers are in order to grab this inextinguishable bomb, it is either in the water or in the sand, there will definitely be splashes from it , burning through everything, this is very dangerous, well, he had it all done in detail in this picture, when i worked for danel in the association i shot comedies, okay, abdulov, stepanchenko, andreichenko, and that’s where all my father’s canvases were shot, oleg there, despite the fact that dad he was so impudent and hooligan, what he grew up to be, he worked somewhere in the space industry , we found out later, my mother and i didn’t know where he worked, we thought it was tambov nekhi, tambov nekhi, dad, secretary of the party organization, everything is clear, at the same time, well, for me dad was an artist, because dad painted pictures all the time, constant tude, constantly watercolors, well, even exhibiting... dnh
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was recognized as the best aquarist in the region. besides an artist, who was dad for his homeland? then it turned out that they were working for space. two books have already been published, where separate articles are dedicated to the father, there are about everyone is being written, here are separate spreads about boris pavlovich. keep it a secret so that your wife doesn’t know, they were the first to get an apartment. yes, for some reason, all young people, if we talk again about how i gave birth. for me, my father has always been an example, all my life i have always looked up to him a little bit, well, in terms of talent, i really liked him, i liked how he organizes these skits in the house, and my mother dances on the table - in a leotard
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with two pistols , father winter, and on the street, father in a sheet, toy pistols, a toy, of course, she’s this bandit from the bremen town musicians, of course, with dad... a five-story building, four entrances , and friends live there too, and naturally, my parents go there, and i saw it all, i didn’t need any normative teachings there , i understood that i wanted the same thing, after all , there must be some kind of study, if my son alone brings bad marks, no, i
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was an excellent student until the third grade, so in general my parents did not have any problems with me, in in the third grade i found a theater studio, and in the fourth i came. there myself and lyudmila mikhailovna solovskaya, yes, he was a wonderful teacher, my first performance was tepolina, i played count cherry, it saved me, because that same year i contracted ringworm at school, i was very short, and my dad was also in childhood short, so i was also short until the ninth grade, and i always had to prove to everyone that i could and... during the breaks in the gym it was open, mats, and we fought, and i fought with the boy, who was covered in some kind of sores, and a day later i washed myself, these pains went all over my body , it was ringworm, it was like that, well , it was impossible not to remember, it was just
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terrible, it was a nightmare, because at first it was a dermato-renal dispensary, it affected the hairstyle at first, well naturally, you are shaved, so you have to, you have to go to school, i ’m wearing a hat, take off my hat, and under my hat there ’s a whole story, because the head is first coated with iodine, then sulfur dekhtyar ointment, then parchment is put on, then a bandage is wrapped around this parchment , all this it doesn’t smell very good, and of our two interlocutors today, both suffered this severe childhood disease, only i went with him to first grade, and they told me kotovsky, and someone here is also connected with this city. i played the frishenka game with a huge red cherry on my head, and it basically saved me, the only thing that was - i don’t know either, maybe it could be inserted into a movie somewhere, there’s this layer of sulfuric ointment, and also a suspension of grisi from fulvin, i i will remember
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this name all my life, this disgusting thing, which i had to drink with spoons, two spoons a day, and we played snowballs, we had an ambush in the entrance, our neighbor on the first floor, who lived in this entrance, he had the nickname crazy, he... for some reason didn’t like children , and he started kicking us out of there, it’s clear that we need to run away, and i see my friend running, who gets hit in the neck, all the snowballs in his hands are broken, and we have a fortress, we have a siege, we have a lot of snowballs with us, i somehow turned out to be more agile, i dodged, jumped down, there are only six steps, that's it the rest of the snowballs flew at this neighbor, naturally, right on his face, and he was wearing slippers and ran after me to... catch up with me, to punish me, but i understood that he wouldn’t catch up with me, because i would definitely run away , i even knew where i would run, because friends lived in all the houses, our friends were everywhere, and i realized, here’s zatonsky, that’s it, i’m running towards them, and between the trees someone pulled a thick wire that cut me in the stomach
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and i hung on this wire, but how to detain a hooligan you need to take your hat, that’s the first thing business, because you won’t come home without a hat, your parents will punish you. and he grabs this hat from my head along with a bandage with parchment, but this is but, well, as winter gets dark early, and he doesn’t see anything, well, it’s so dark , he tore off my scalp, well, naturally, he grabs the hat and then what’s with the hair, instead of hair , he ends up in this slurry, in this sulfur-tar ointment, and it’s still like this, it’s this color with some bloody ones, and he doesn’t understand what he’s done, and he, he starts shaking like this . no, he was in shock, i and i think i’m already standing, me too, i say, give me the hat, give it back, so we argued for a long time, give it back or give it away, then he began to scare me that he would take him away...
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then i close him, i don’t read letters, well, you said that you see what i ’m talking about, well, i want the viewer to see it too, and i know how, as it seems to me, because for me cinema is still a science, in addition creativity, in addition to... mysticism, which is present in almost all paintings, and this is more than once,
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any person who is with me will confirm this to you i was working, operation muhabbat, it was necessary in the moscow region, and love means, to film a hot airfield, kabul, yeah, it’s raining and snowing, it’s really raining and snowing , the scenery is on display, the planes are on display, there are boxes, the actors are walking, but i need more dust here the wind blower is all i have, infomar, what are we doing, i say: do it, do it, when everything is ready, above us, the black sky, this hole opens, the sun comes out from there , the wind blower is turned on, we are filming an episode, it closes, involuntarily, and the downpour, involuntarily, oleg, here you ask, is he a believer in formats, well of course, that’s why it opens when it’s needed, when it’s not needed, it closes , we were filming in kasimov just now, we also went out in the rain, i’m filming, i know it’s raining, but i’ll be fine, everything is near the temple, we’re filming right now this. the central one enters the square, my wife and my
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child both laugh, i say you’re laughing, he comes out and says: mom, it’s raining, she says: let’s go to where dad is filming, because there ’s definitely no rain there, they go with folded umbrellas and says, well, it sounds like a story, but it’s true, it’s true, because you don’t they will let me collect other directors who call or write to me that they need weather, and i do it, if you return to tambov... at the time of graduation, we were already stars there in the bova region, and we had already played plays in the palace of pioneers, i had already moved to another studio, there was a folk theater there, a pioneer actor, now you get a folk theater, plus they all entered, they all prepared programs for admission to the theater, and i went and watched, i sat, in the end, when i went enroll, i had something... 12 units of prose, 20 something
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poems, and so on and so forth, there were a countless number of fables, because i follow fables for everyone, well, i remember, i have a good memory, in general, so far i ’ve already noticed this three times, i’ve listened to it three times, i’ve already i remember, so why do i need such an arsenal in terms of sensation, and where am i going to put it, i’m going to apply what is more like in that joke later, but where am i going to put the thought, i remember everything, it’s there? you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the app or on the website, when everything at home, you don’t need to make an appointment. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we start, he will always help, we will train, how
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to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a saucepan of dumplings, or a frying pan fried potatoes for lard, sleeps like a child spits. but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, so your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov. today on rtr. when everyone is at home,
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everything ticks like a clock, somewhere it lags. in your place 500, that’s bad, then it was 500 , then there were no paid fees, and we naturally applied everywhere, from different places with punching immunity, but everyone came, well, no, it was more difficult for me, because in the year when i they were recruiting, there was an intention to take after the army,
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that is, those who had served, so what grade were they, after the tenth, they tried after the eighth and after the ninth, and after the eighth i went to enroll, after the ninth i ... went apply and you are already a seasoned applicant, you were an applicant in general, yes , i was very arrogant, very self-confident and it seemed to me that i was very witty, crazy when i just couldn’t help but ask, why did you come here, what are they saying and what are you saying, well, you that they came, well, i say, i say, and i say, and i do, and it seemed wildly strange to me that there is something in this, not to do, but to do. there is, of course, in this, and i was robbed right away, when i had already arrived to study, in a common carriage, moscow wolves, tambovav, what moscow, i had a passport with money in my back pocket, there was a photograph of my beloved girl, what i was most worried about, not even for my passport, and i slept on a suitcase, it seemed to me that i was insured, and well, in the end i
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arrived without money, without a passport, light, light, yes, another school has started, it has started , you need to restore your passport and get another one somewhere, about... at least, well, i taught at the irina skobeleva sports theater, at the same time i taught at the moscow state university theater, stage movement, i worked as a stuntman in films, i'm still studied, changed 14 professions in which i earned a living, this despite the fact that in general, what was the most profitable one, ballet soloist in the first night varit in the hammer center, under the direction of bori moiseev, then the cherenkov brothers, the cherenkov brothers are producers . they already had some kind of ballet, what could this teach? well, first of all, every day there is a jazz class for 2 hours, and this is a school, this is a very cool school, everyone was young, hooligans, incredible, oleg, his wife is from the acting world, no, of course, but she understands that you
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say, well, of course, she understands, no need, no need, why, she just needs to be there, because either... he does something, or he doesn’t do it, or he does something, or he doesn’t do it , either he , roughly speaking, stops drinking or doesn’t stop drinking, for the sake of his wife, family, for the sake of everything, realizing that everything around him is collapsing, or he just grabs everyone and says, let’s go there, or for example, i understand that it will be the weekend, tanya is sleeping, i look, where can i go to gilendzhik, what is the weather like there, oh cool? i'm calling, i was the artistic director for some time, gelinzhik of the film, i called popandopoli, i said, sasha , that you have places in the white house, yes there are, i say, okay, i say, we ’ll probably arrive today, i order tickets, i take quietly the passport, that’s it, then i wake up my wife, i say, wake up, you and i have 2 hours before the taxi, that’s it, and after 4 hours we’re in
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gelenzhak, we spend the weekend there and fly back, that’s it, how many marriages, oh, official? four, oleg, if there were three attempts to enter a higher theater university, but to enter the institute of a happy family, four attempts, so is this the fourth year now or is it still the first year? oh, i don’t know, i think that everything is still ahead, because in the future we need to finish school, we need to see how it will be further, of course. we’re just getting started, it’s all incredibly interesting , it’s incredibly exciting, even all our conversations , we already have our own traditional things with maxim, when we drive together in a car, dad, you haven’t forgotten, i say, i remember, you you fly next to me on a skateboard, he rides next to me, we have our own air kisses, he gives out -
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to people, when we are driving, his window is open, and he waves his hand, everyone who waves back to him, he writes them down and, as it were, says, today is the thirty-fourth. here we have a collection of kind people, well, in the sense of responsive, maxim, because he needs endless time spent with dad, and dad has a job that is so absorbing. thank god, i have some crazy amount of videos, when he sits instead of me on the director’s chair, it is also written in phonemic, so everything is logical, in headphones, he tries to give out commands, then quickly fades when i i come, maxim is 7 years old now, yes , this is not now, but he did this already at the age of 5, at the age of 4 he began making his films, then tanya calls me and says: we have 25,000 views, the next day... 35,000 views, then people started making clips from his videos, then we were successfully blocked, because he
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’s still a small child, he ’s jumping around in shorts, he came up with some bullshit that everyone wildly liked and successfully set the music, that’s what he has it didn’t hurt me at all, now he streams with the boys every time day, conferences, in general i don’t really understand this, i left all social networks, i live life realistically, this is all for me... it’s not very clear, i understand that people spend so much time on this, this look how i’m here, how i’m here, well, someone else ’s life is wasted, that’s what, that’s what i’m talking about, someone tells me this, for some reason we can’t find you anywhere, i say, no need, you need to look for me in life, if i exist, take me, call, come, for god’s sake, i understand that this is some kind of great deception, then, that we haven’t figured it out with ourselves yet. humanity, i mean, we walk around with these four pro...


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