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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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hello, oksana kuvaeva is live in the studio. the rescue operation in the krokushi hall building has been completed by this hour, the search continues to the site of the tragedy at night, heavy equipment has arrived to dismantle the damaged structures. the footage
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published by the ministry of emergency situations shows how the structure on the facade of the building is being dismantled with the help of a crane. the actual perpetrators of the sitikholi terrorist attacks have been detained and everyone who prepared this attack on russia will be found to suffer inevitable punishment. vladimir putin stated this in his address to citizens in connection with bloody crime. the president declared today a day of national mourning and emphasized our country. faced not just a cynically planned terrorist act, but a prepared mass murder of civilians. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with a bloody, barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people. our compatriots, including children, teenagers, women, are for life. the victims, those who are in
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serious condition, are now being treated by doctors. i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to preserve the life and health of all the wounded. special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives and bring them out from under the fire. from the epicenter of the fire of the plan, to avoid even greater losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent and, along with doctors and intelligence officers, provided first aid, the victims were taken to the hospital. we will provide the necessary assistance to all families. into whose lives a terrible misfortune has come,
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to the wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. moscow and the moscow region, and in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational-search actions, at present we can say the following: all four were directly responsible for the terrorist attack, all those who fired. killed people
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, were found and detained, they tried to escape and moved towards ukraine, where , according to preliminary data , a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side to cross the state border, a total of 11 people were detained, the federal security service of russia, other law enforcement agencies are working on identifying, revealing all complicity. terrorists, those who provided them with transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime, but it is already obvious that we are faced with not just a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared and organized mass murder of defenseless civilians. people,
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the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully went to kill, shoot at point-blank range our citizens, our children. like once the nazis, who carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to organize a show execution, a bloody act of intimidation, all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer a fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they are, no matter who directs them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who...
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awaits one unenviable fate - the retribution of oblivion. they have no future. our common duty now, our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one formation. i believe this will happen, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia. no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multi-ethnic society. russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but has become even stronger. this is how it will be now. it is obvious that the terrorist attack in kroku
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satikholya was carefully planned; according to the fsb , weapons for the militants were prepared in advance in a hiding place, and after the attack on the concert hall by terrorists. they tried to get to the ukrainian border by car, the entire group was neutralized in the bryansk region and taken to the investigative committee in moscow. footage of the first interrogations in the report by igor pikhanov. the first footage from the place of detention is a frightened look, with a shaking hand. lying on the ground, one of the terrorists confusedly answers the questions of the security forces. and again, give the patronymic surname. 1998 he arrived from turkey on march 4th. this time, accomplices were preparing for a terrorist attack, about a month ago, according to the terrorist with he was contacted via telegram, the curators offered to commit a mass murder , promising half a million rubles for the crime , part of the amount was immediately transferred to the card, the rest was to be paid after, in the first seconds of interrogation, on his knees, he
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says so, he killed for money, what he did in the crocus, shot, what shot, who, why people? why please put it on for money for money yes for how much money about half a million half a million what half a million rubles from whom i received it i haven’t received half of it i received it where i received it by card where did they get the weapons they delivered the place themselves they threw everything off they said specifically who to kill and what kind of people? four terrorists who directly participated in the attack and seven more of their accomplices were detained, the white renault in which the criminals fled was intercepted by security forces already in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine, the extremists were armed, tried to escape the pursuit, their car
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overturned, these frames clearly show that the rear window was shot through with urine, the bumper and fender were broken, one suspect was caught on the spot, others tried to escape through the forest without... successfully, to open up in the spring forest, the task is almost impossible, the snow has melted, the soil has turned into a mixture of mud and snow, it is very difficult to escape from the chase. employees of the fsb, the ministry of defense, the akhmat special forces, who are now protecting the borders of our country from ukrainian terrorists in the bryansk region, as well as the police and the national guard, took part in the arrest of the terrorists. the second suspect from the place of detention. they immediately take you for interrogation, first name, last name, in detail, yes , how, since yes, you had a weapon, where are you? they dropped it, here or there, you saw how they throw it away, yes, yes, where they threw it away, i’m a map, far from here, or here, here,
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according to the terrorist, they dropped the weapon along with their accomplices on the way to the bryansk region , detectives are engaged in searches, investigative actions at the place of detention. in that same white reno, security officers found several horns for a machine gun and pistols. gloves and a balaclava were found at the scene where the suspects were detained. apparently the criminals tried to stay. unidentified in order to evade responsibility, but they failed to do this ; their passports were found in the overturned car. another detainee , according to the investigation, it was he who led the group, gives testimony in a room similar to a gym, the bandit’s hands are tied behind his back, his legs are intercepted with several layers of tape, interrogation through an interpreter, the terrorist does not speak russian. so this is an acquaintance.
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igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti bryansk region. all four detainees suspected of committing a terrorist attack in crocus these are foreign citizens. now the fsb , together with migration services, is finding out how long they stayed on russian territory. according to the investigative committee, during the attack the militants used flammable liquid to set fire to the buildings along with the spectators. vitaly kormazin has a terrible chronology. the burnt hall can be seen hundreds of meters away. police officers are keeping the cordon at a fairly large distance; today none of the centers of the shopping complex
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are working and, apparently, will not work until they finish the terrorist attack there investigative actions by investigators and employees of the investigative committee. there are weapons on the floor, the same automatic rifles from which the terrorists fired. according to preliminary data, a twelve-gauge saiga and a 7.62 caliber boar were seized. such bullets are used in machine guns. the terrorists had impressive ammunition. designated and... these are automatic weapons and ammunition. investigators are reviewing cctv footage. according to preliminary data, most of the victims of the tragedy died from gunshot wounds and smoke inhalation. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the four detained citizens foreign states. investigators have already established that the terrorists lived in an aparthotel in the north. capital, inside there is a double bed, a refrigerator, a table and a small toilet room, all in a black
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special solution, the operatives took fingerprints, they showed, the fsb said that the terrorists were planning to escape from russia. after committing the terrorist attack, the criminals tried to escape, moving by car towards the russian-ukrainian border. it has already been established that the terrorist attack was carefully planned, the weapons used the terrorists had prepared it in advance in a hiding place; the criminals intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border and had the appropriate equipment. more contacts on the ukrainian side. here are the first seconds of the attack, footage taken by the recorder of a car driving past the crocus. this is a terrorist attack. the terrorists drove off from samkat, stopped on the road between the parking lot and the fourteenth entrance, opened fire there for the first time, then went inside, continuing to shoot. they purposefully walked to the left wing, where the concert hall was located. they got inside through the central entrance, they started shooting again. and then they set fire to the hall, they set fire to the hall, the hall is on fire, they set us
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on fire, they set us on fire, the killers did not make any demands and did not say anything , nothing at all, he just shot the people who decided, the spectators rushed, some to the emergency exits, some to scene, so most of the victims managed to leave the hall, some were hiding, the terrorists at that moment were already moving towards the exit, the terrorist attack was clearly planned minute by minute, at 19:50. five killers entered the crocus, at 20:01 eyewitnesses they started calling emergency services, at 20:03 the terrorists opened fire on the spectators in the concert hall, set it on fire, at 20:13 they got into the renault again, this...
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plan, unfortunately, they were not informed at all about the evacuation and there was no one there at all, in order to somehow indicate where the emergency exits were, we simply ran, to be honest, at random. people threw their outerwear, some left in cars, others ran to the metro. in the parking lot in front of the crocus city hall building you can see dozens of cars, and one can assume that all this transport of those people who still remain in the concert hall building, its roof was on fire. special forces were preparing for the assault, an operational headquarters was deployed on the spot, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin arrived here at night, he demanded a thorough investigation of the case. investigators and operatives are already working with those who were detained near bryansk. vitaly
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kormazin, natalya lundovskaya, natalya novgorodova, andrey netreba, matvey sidorov and dmitry dunaev, news. according to the investigative committee, 133 people died as a result of the terrorist attack. on saturday evening , rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations extinguished the last sources of fire in the crocus city hall complex. the rubble is being cleared. major work is now taking place on the site of the concert hall, where the roof collapsed after a fire. rescuers cleared a huge layer of the auditorium. tonight , heavy equipment arrived at the scene of the tragedy to... create an opening that will make it easier to access the concert hall, we will make a technological opening on the western side, in order to make access to the concert hall as easy as possible over the next 12-14 hours, the search operation will be practically completed, we must provide a convenient
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scheme that will allow us to transfer the property, including the car. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , instructed to present for a departmental award the young man who neutralized one of the terrorists crocus sitikholi, there are dozens of examples of genuine heroism; during the attack, many visitors were under bullets literally in a trap they helped each other survive. stories of mutual assistance and salvation from alexey glavko. these shocking seconds after the first shots, the beginning of the ninth, friday evening, but for those who were lucky.
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there was some kind of incomprehensible noise, then i saw that there were people following them, shooting, they were firing faster and faster at these doors. yaroslav and his pregnant wife anastasia recorded on their phone the moment when they managed to leave the building, went to the end, evacuated, and the shooting began. tickets for your favorite band were a gift, a surprise for the wives now understand how lucky they were that the seats were in the front rows, they ran to the stage, i begin to lift my wife, she is in our position, she is three months pregnant, i was more worried about her, i... opened it when we were leading, how could. the building began to burn, those who had their subscribers. we are on the second floor, hiding from terrorists, asking for help, help us, call an ambulance as soon as possible. street musician mikhail and his girlfriend natalya took cover from the shots in the women's toilet, the young man led several of people. the only person who saved me and the other girls, here he is sitting next to
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me, and i, of course, owe my life to him. i don't consider myself a hero. i believe that this is what must be done, what must be done, this is how the strong helped the weak to escape, men, women and children, we run, we all fall, i saved two families with small children, they were loaded, there was a wound, blood was flowing, they pulled her out into the street, and the first car that came across stopped, well done people took it, they drove the car quickly, together with the group there was going to be a picnic that evening protrude. symphony orchestra of the leningrad region, here is the story of their rescue, we heard the pop of gunfire, i looked out, saw people in camouflage and quickly returned to... one of the spectators entered into hand-to-hand combat with a terrorist, he defended his wife, we managed to find a hero who asked not to show his face and told about
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his action, ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun with his left hand, pulled him down, and with his right hand began to strike him on the head. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , instructed to reward the hero who selflessly neutralized one of the terrorists. and, of course, immediately after the news of the terrorist attack , people began to come to krok’s concert hall. to bring people left on the street without , passing motorists volunteered to wear outerwear, to take someone for free , if anything happens, you’ll take them, yes, yes, yes, yes, i’m first a person, then a taxi driver, and today, well, why not one day don’t work for free, that’s right, opposite the crocus across the river stands the st. nicholas cathedral in the pavshinskaya floodplain, late in the evening its rector, father vasily, opened the doors of the temple, to shelter the survivors, about 60 people came to our church, people
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apparently from the artistic group, because they were in costumes, it was indifference, the inability to ignore the grief of others, that saved hundreds of human lives on the evening of the terrorist attack, if the terrorists wanted to intimidate the multi-million people of russia, then obviously they did not achieve this goal...
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emphasized that they strongly condemn the barbaric crime of the heads of state, who intend to intensify anti-terrorist cooperation. on the need for closer interaction in in this area, recep tayyip erdogan also spoke. the president of turkey noted that in this difficult hour his country stands in solidarity with the russians. vladimir putin informed erdogan about the progress of the investigation. another telephone conversation with bashar al-assad, the syrian president strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the kroku network. they also discussed the situation in the middle east in syria, which is directly facing the terrorist threat. families who have lost
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loved ones will receive financial assistance from the state. the airlines will deliver relatives of the victims to moscow from the regions free of charge. banks will write off loan debts of victims of terrorist attacks. according to the latest data, 140 people were injured as a result of the tragedy in kroku city. the condition, you know, is serious, we are waiting for information , we are not ready to talk now, excuse me, the most victims now are vnisk lifosovsky, those patients who, of course,
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went through the operating room there with severe burns, yes, they are in a more serious condition, there are more lungs, so they are distributed, some in intensive care, some in the diagnostic department, the head of the medical department mikhail murashko and first deputy prime minister tatyana golikova inspect clinics where doctors are fighting for the lives of the wounded, we... actively interact with all medical institutions, now we are in the pirogov surgery center, where patients from moscow regional hospitals were transferred. all clinics employ full-time doctors, nurses, and those who simply consider it their professional duty to save people’s lives. there was an escalation in the strength of the means; specialists, leading countries, went directly to consultations and surgical care. and patients requiring additional attention were transferred to higher- level clinics after emergency care.
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and a few days later, therefore , muscovites and residents of the moscow region were asked, if possible , to take part in a common cause, donate blood, and people responded, this is our duty, we are here, if such simple help as donating blood can save someone’s life, of course , we definitely need help. lyudmila and her son are one of those who managed to escape from the terrorists in crocus cityhole. they ran, ran, miraculously found some exit, an emergency exit was closed, the men knocked down the door,
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they helped her and her child get out, today she considered it hers... blood. of course, this is a reflection of unanimity, the unanimous support of our people, the desire, well, to convey some piece of ourselves, our support. exclusive footage. football players of the russian national team on donor chairs. the procedure takes from 7 to 15 minutes. the plasma and other components will then be placed. they are in these cells, today the blood centers will work until they accept everyone who wants to help, doctors continue to fight for people's lives. olga mecheryakova, oksana maksimova, inna koshkin, egor bushuev, alexander smychek, lead. the whole country mourns those killed in the terrorist attack; a spontaneous memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack in corcus city hall in krasnogorsky appeared on the central square of vladivostok, despite
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the bad weather and wind, residents. vladivostok, the city of military glory, flowers and candles. in st. petersburg, thousands of citizens gathered on the palace square and wrote the inscription petersburg sorrows. lighted candles in donetsk, at the russia stele, in sevastopol and simferopol. residents of kemerovo bring flowers and soft toys to the chapel of st. george the victorious. a memorial service was held for the victims of the tragedy. the blagoveshchensk spontaneous memorial appeared on the embankment. petropavlovsky.
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it was a pity, of course, a tragedy for the country, it was difficult. in cherepovets, flowers are brought to the marmelad shopping center, the palaces of metallurgists and chemists. vozhige has become a memorial to the tragedy, a participant in hostilities and local conflicts, fresh flowers and soft toys are carried to the eternal flame in veliky ustyug, in the kaduya on victory square. consign you can have flowers at... the cultural development center in kirillov, at the monument to home front workers in tarnog, national flags are at half-mast on the buildings, even on the screens instead of advertising there are words of sorrow. for you have trusted in me, and i will deliver the coverings, for you know my name, funeral ponichids were held in churches near the worship cross, and prayers were said for the health of all the victims. i think that if there is someone close to those who are relatives,
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but here are the dead. those who are nearby, let them put up a shoulder so that relatives can cry on it, i don’t know what anymore say, because his own heart sank when i imagine what was going on there, children were dying, completely innocent people in general, i sympathize with everyone, news from the vologda region, we are receiving new reports of ours...
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everyone is in position, slavich, yes, vera, yes, gray, yes, barya, yes, kirya, yes, yes, group, we sit
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quietly, waiting for the command. situation, well, in such silence , the group wanted to roll back to the second point, i would like to get everything done, stagger, great point to cover your ass, commander, you were wounded, bitch. slach, what is this? lighter? no, throw away the cigarette. you remove two and take gerun. sweet, we need him alive. like two fingers.
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guys, it’s somehow too calm here, what the hell, is this? kirya, when the slach takes haruna, you cover, look at your duties and let’s eat without snot, commander. slas, slosch, the commander’s order, dig alive, but what do we
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need, but only the flower ends, and what do we need to twist, you are watching, while there is silence, don’t lie, i see how you sing the slot. now you 're going to sing me, bitch, how, how can it be, i'm strong, strong, hold on, hold on, commander, kiri is heavy, the evacuation is urgent, please hold on, dear, you have everything ready, that ’s right, everything is ready, let’s kick the assholes, look, faggots!
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“they were already waiting for us there, kira lost a lot of blood, most likely he won’t make it, everything is fine, brother, everything is fine, i want to go home, what are you doing, buddy, i want to go home, don’t be soggy, do you hear”? we'll arrive soon, photograph, photograph, in your pocket, masha, and masha, take care, yes.


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