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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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clear. on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossio studio, hello, today is a day of national mourning in russia, the whole country will mourn the victims of the monstrous terrorist attack at crocus city hall. according to the latest data, 133 people were killed, three of them children, another 150
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people, including eight children, were injured. in memory of everyone whose life was tragically cut short, today state flags are lowered at half-mast, all entertainment events are cancelled, tv channels and radio stations have changed their broadcast schedule. addressing citizens, vladimir putin expressed sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones. the head of state assured that everyone who was behind this bloody crime will suffer inevitable punishment. the president also noted that terrorists and their customers will not be able to sow. discord in society, and russia will become even stronger. mourning events continue throughout the country today. in yekaterinburg, a spontaneous memorial was organized on the main pedestrian street, flowers are constantly being brought there. memorial services for the victims were held in the city's churches. in vladivostok on electronic banners there is a burning candle on a black background as a symbol of national grief. flags on administrative buildings are at half-staff. in yakutsk, a funeral meeting was held on victory square. memorial dedicated to the city's hero. in moscow
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is buried in red carnations, whole families come there, the tragedy has truly united the whole country, the flow of people who want to express support for the relatives of the dead victims does not decrease in makhachkala, krasnoyarsk and many other cities, it is very terrible, of course, a tragedy for everyone citizens russia, my condolences to those who have lost loved ones, it’s a pity, very, very pity, in general, i can’t even say... “we are one country, we are one family, pain, survival, yakutia together with moscow, with the moscow region, fortresses for all of us , so that we, as they say, can withstand this blow. the rescue operation in kroku city hall is completed, the search is still ongoing, the governor of the moscow region andrei varobyov announced this. at night , heavy equipment, tractors, bulldozers, screens were driven to the building, and not far from the crocus ".
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a rescuer to completely clear the rubble? irina, hello, the clearing of the rubble continues at this moment, work on the site of the winning concert hall was suspended for a while tonight, this is due to insufficient lighting, but nevertheless from the outside of the work. were actively continued by the rescuer - now the rescuers have been joined by large heavy equipment, let me remind you that for a long time specialists worked and sorted out the rubble virtually by hand, i must say that now specialists have begun to make a tunnel in the western part of the croco city hall, this will be an additional entrance to the concert hall , at the same time, the search operation continues, it must be said that there may still be people under the rubble, according to... the governor
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of the moscow region, vorobev, over the past 24 hours , 133 bodies were taken out from the basements, it was possible to preliminary identify the identities of 50 dead, today this work must be completed, just as the rescue operation has already been completed, it must be said that now it is already possible to conclude that there are no survivors from under the rubble, here, not far from the site of the tragedy , a spontaneous memorial continues to grow, people in a large stream - they come from the very morning, bring flowers, bring... candles, soft toys, i must say that this tragedy really united the whole country, we all need to be together today, together with those people who suffered, who can still be helped now , my relative died here, i can’t say anything, how can we be indifferent? when there is such grief in the country,
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in addition to the fact that people are dying at the front, fighting for the safety of our homeland with the nazis here... we witnessed how trucks one after another, they are taking out, well, everything that remains of the concert hall, huge piles of metal; in the past 24 hours alone, specialists have cleared out more than 90 cubic meters of rubble. it is worth noting that starting from today, personal cars
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and personal belongings will be issued, so we can see that the cars still remain at kroku city hall, and of course, victims are expected at the assistance center from 10:00 morning. psychological assistance was opened there at the foundation, on the basis of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. irina. thank you, ainur, from crocus city hall live was ainur valiakhmetov. during the terrorist attack in crocus , 152 people were injured, including eight children. 107 patients were hospitalized. in moscow and the region, the best teams of doctors are doing everything necessary to save their lives and health. the tragedy left no one indifferent. at the delivery centers. donor blood , the second day of a huge queue about the condition of the victims in the material by anastasia panko, she works near the botkin hospital. we are now working at the botkin hospital, some of the victims are staying here after the terrible terrorist attack, in total there are 93 people in city hospitals in varying
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degrees of severity, the best moscow doctors now continue to fight for the lives and health of these people. in total , everything has already been done for the victims who needed surgery, and... immediately after the tragedy, severe patients were placed in intensive care units of hospitals in krasnogorsk, odintsovo, dolgorudnova, khimki and moscow. patients requiring increased attention were transferred to a higher-class institution after emergency medical care was provided, according to the ministry of emergency situations during the terrorist attack in crocus tekole, 152 people were injured, including children, and 133 people were killed. yesterday a list of people hospitalized in moskovsky was published. hospitals, last names, first names and patronymics are indicated there , so that relatives can immediately find their loved ones, a hotline is open for them, by phone number you can find out about the condition of your loved ones, about which specific hospital they are in, here is the phone number - 8499 251 4503. at
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the moment there are 107 patients in medical institutions, three of them are children, one child. in critical condition and two children in serious condition. among adults, 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 are in serious condition. the necessary blood components, medicines, equipment, our doctors have all this, yesterday the minister of health mikhail murashko said that the situation for many patients is already gradually improving, stabilizing, just recently one patient was already discharged home after stabilizing his condition, a lot of people, those who even tries... to help simply on their own, for example, on the internet, on social networks of hospitals where patients are, people simply write, asking if they need any help, if they need additional doctors, volunteers, and there are a lot of people who want to donate blood; reception centers in the capitals are open from the very
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morning , despite the bad weather , there is a huge queue, yesterday there was a queue, today people continue to come, and there are also those who become donors for the first time, i think that our people... as always, have rallied, donating blood, uh, to to help those people who now find themselves in difficult the situation, of course, people have suffered , so we need to help, but this is within our power, so to speak, everyone’s help, why not, just yesterday more than 4,000 people came to the gavrilov blood center, and in addition to this place, there were eight more points in moscow there are now enough blood intakes and components of donor blood to cover all applications from moscow... moscow region hospitals, but they are not planning to stop accepting donors yet, but today the blood center continues its work, this will continue until everyone who wants to is taken blood. a day later, new details of the terrible tragedy in crocus cityhole appear. people gradually come to their senses and remember
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the details of what happened. so it became known that more than a hundred people were saved by a fifteen-year-old teenager, he worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant, and hundreds more were helped out of the building by the group’s engineers. they knew the layout of the hall well and maintained constant communication with each other. read more sergey samokha. this footage was taken a few minutes before the attack began. the crocus city hall is almost completely full. the filming is carried out by the technical staff of the picnic group, who were supposed to prepare a video report about the concert, and in the next frames the concert hall was engulfed in flames, that i didn’t rush for my backpack, there are documents, things, everything there, the cameramen and engineers of the picnic saved hundreds of people that evening, helping to find a way out of the building, knowing perfectly well the layout of the concert hall via a technical radio channel, they coordinated their actions and led the victims to the nearest exits, there the guys with the commands from...
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skom between the rows get out to the exit, then evacuation staircase , it’s impossible to get your bearings right away, the spectators from the balcony instinctively went up the stairs, because shooting was heard from below, there were dumb people, there were dumb people, down, when the first shock passed, it became clear that the path to salvation was only down the stairs, the first daredevils , having cast aside fear , they began to carefully make their way to the exit, leading the others with them, wait, wait, wait, wait, people, say that... these short 2 minutes from the hall to the doors seemed like an eternity to many, but thanks
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to dedication and a cool head in this the group all managed to escape. it doesn't matter on the street, everyone is over there. and on the day of the tragedy, this teenager worked as a wardrobe attendant at a concert. fifteen-year-old islam learned the building layout well in courses for administrators and led the victims through the technical rooms for staff. there, there, there, there, that's it! go that way, to the expo, to the expo! many crocus employees helped find the shortest path to salvation, and some of them also died. one guard is killed, the second is wounded. uh, these are not even security guards, we call them controllers, controllers, yes, a parallel fire and execution, a terrible tragedy, of course, from the point of view of universal human values, inexplicable. there were 133
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victims of the horrific terrorist attack. state flags were crumpled, entertainment programs were canceled on local television, people in churches prayed for the repose of the dead, as well as for the health of the wounded , state flags were lowered at half-staff, so in the border village of suzemki people organized a spontaneous memorial on the mound of glory, people carried there are fresh flowers, children's toys, and also lamps burning there, this is a terrible tragedy for all of us...
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for our professionalism and skillful actions. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova,
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vesti bryansk region. the detained terrorists, who had testified during interrogation the day before and confessed to what they had committed, will be taken to the investigative committee of russia. alexander sandzhiev works there now. alexander, hello, what is your situation like? irina, hello, yes, indeed, we are now on duty in the technical alley near the icr building. all the journalists are waiting to be delivered here suspects, investigators are already ready for interrogation, but so far there is no official information about when they will be here...
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the alleged leader of the bandits confessed during the arrest and said that he received the order for the murder from an anonymous person in the messenger. investigators must record this information during the interrogation. we will remain on site and will inform you how the detainees will be brought here for questioning. but the chairman of the uk, russia, alexander bastrykin, instructed his employees to establish.
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the flag was painted on the towers of abu dhabi and dubai, including the tallest burj khalifa. in berlin, despite the rain, our compatriots and germans came to the building of the russian diplomatic mission, who could not remain indifferent to the tragedy. in belgrade , dozens of candles were lit at the russian embassy, ​​and before the friendly match between red star and zenit, the serbian singer performed katyusha. then they announced a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. fans in the stands hung a banner. sorrow. people come to russian embassy in london, leaving bouquets as a sign of grief and sympathy. in beijing they bring soft toys, flowers and candles. in santiago, many chileans considered it necessary to come to the spontaneous memorial at the russian embassy, ​​and also leave an entry in the book of condolences. among the mourners are many descendants of the first wave of russian emigration to chile after the 1917 revolution. a memorial service for
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the innocent murdered was held at the church of the holy trinity in santiago. explosions that night sounded in the central western regions of ukraine, where military infrastructure facilities are located kyiv regime. according to local publications, missiles and drones attacked the khmelnitsky, ternopil, volyn and kiev regions, as well as the ukrainian capital. the locations of the vysu mercenary soldiers, weapons and equipment warehouses were destroyed. near lvov, according to preliminary data , an airfield was hit where they were preparing to receive western troops... the fiery glow was visible tens of kilometers away. in the northern direction of the special operation, our military, during a counter-battery fight, knocked out an italian howitzer. the lancets burned the american cannon. on the same section of the front, scouts disrupted the rotation of ukrainian units. the tula paratroopers struck a detachment of militants with a spear using a grenade launcher. tankers
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from the vostok group attacked a militant stronghold in the south of the dpr. in the vdeevsky direction , artillery liquidated the vysu detachment. who was hiding in an abandoned house, the air defense forces also intercepted a babayag heavy attack drone. in the kherson region, our paratroopers destroyed a sabotage group that tried to cross the dnieper, in liberated mariupol sappers are still working, clearing the area from nato shells. report by ruslan bikbulatov. footage taken by our aerial reconnaissance officers, under the cover of darkness , the ssu hopes to cross the dnieper, but the attempt is an instant blow. here's another defeat for the boat. the enemy's account in it was destroyed as soon as they managed to set sail from their shore. the enemy behaves as usual, that is , he tries in different places in small reconnaissance groups of three to five people to cross the dnieper to find a weak link in our defense in order to try to gain a foothold there, since we detect it in a timely manner and destroy it on its way, all its
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attempts fail, and if applied to the dnieper, it drowns. they were simply hardened, they were tested by battles , they held back the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the zaporozhye front, each of them had a feat under their belts, marked by military awards, one day we had such that at 6 in the morning there was a rush and that is, we moved out, me and the commander moved forward to strengthen, and that is , there was a battle for 10 hours, i held, that is, the entrance to the trench,
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so that they would not go there to ours, fighter call sign tim, awarded the order of courage, was fond of biathlon, became a professional sniper, it’s a little different there, everything is at a pace, on the pulse, here everything is calmer, calm, stability, a sober head, calculation. the same kind of work in a pair of grenade launchers, a specialist and a baker, in the recent past, a driver and a car mechanic , american bradleys were stopped by rpg shots, the first time was unexpected , somehow it becomes scary anyway, but then you get used to it over time, it seems like nothing, the strip leaves the forest, well, from 3-100 meters, 400 you practice on them, 3-4 shots are all. marines of the black sea fleet hold defenses along the dnieper, always on high alert for any action. apu. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, ekaterina bakhtova. news kherson region. two people were injured as a result of a terrorist attack by ukrainian
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armed forces on belgorod. the militants opened fire. it was dark, and the air defense went off. according to the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, 10 air targets were shot down on approach to the city, and over a dozen were damaged. houses and cars. rescuers are currently verifying the number of victims. last night at the border. they claim that the soldiers fired at people waiting for food. the humanitarian situation in the enclave is critical. tel aviv has not allowed convoys of the un middle east agency to pass there for 2 months. hamas claims that one of the hostages died from lack of food and medicine. report by alexander bilibov. for the past few years now.
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dehydration and malnutrition, malnutrition is now common, only in this the hospital receives more than 50 patients a day with malnutrition, but a total humanitarian
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catastrophe and famine threaten the entire sector, secretary general antonio guterres spoke about this at the rafak checkpoint, which is located on the border of the palestinian enclave of egypt. here from this crossing we see all the heartache and heartlessness of what is happening, a long line of blocked trucks with humanitarian aid on one side of the gate. the long shadow of famine, on the other hand, is not just a tragedy, it is a moral outrage. any further attack will make the situation even worse, worse for palestinian civilians, even worse for the hostages and for all the people in the region. speaking of a further attack, general sequon, of course, was referring to the ground operation in rafah, which israel has already officially announced but has not yet launched. not only washington and brussels, but also its own citizens are convincing tel arif not to do this. in the town of maj al-kurmsh, in northern israel. for the first time since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, a demonstration was held at which people demanded to stop the operation in gas altogether; in tel aviv, protesters have already traditionally gathered at the general
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staff building. the main demand from israeli citizens to their authorities is to return the hostages, but the netanyahu government has so far been unable to do this, and the patience of the relatives of the hamas captives seems to be running out. for 160. nine days now i have been worried about my father, this worry makes me do everything possible so that my father, along with all the other hostages, return to us here, but time passes, and along with him the strength to continue to go on fighting goes away. bye we will not return all the hostages until hamas is eliminated and ceases to exist, we must continue. but on the other hand, i think the government should be held accountable, which is why we need to go back to elections again. i think prime minister netanyahu has been showing that he leads for many years now.
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still no, now all the attention of the world community is focused on the situation surrounding the resolution of the conflict in the rafah gas sector, but it is already clear that if israel nevertheless launches a ground operation there, it will have the most serious consequences for the entire region as a whole. bolotvina. news: middle east. in the amur region, rescuers are preparing to launch a camera into a mine where 13 miners remain trapped under the rubble. in a few hours , the drilling of the first well at the pioneer mine will be completed. all necessary video surveillance equipment is already in place. at the same time , three more wells are being drilled. more than 200 people are involved in the search and rescue operation. now they are preparing access roads to install the pump directly in the quarry bowl. this will allow
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start pumping out water. well, in order to prevent the rock from collapsing again, one of the three waterproof dams has already been built. work continues. relatives of eight miners are in temporary accommodation centers. another family left for the amur region. psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations provide psychological assistance to relatives. and now let us return again to the condition of the victims during the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. the number of wounded, according to the latest data from the ministry of health, has increased to 154 people. 32 of them are now on... there are patients with burns, including respiratory tract, some have undergone surgery, and some are being prepared for discharge. today we are preparing a fairly large discharge, these are mainly patients with poisoning, combustion products, who were admitted, they feel well and are already asking to go home, from those patients who were in an extremely serious, serious condition, little by little there is also
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a positive dynamics, we have at this moment only one patient remains on artificial ventilation, all the details and first results of the investigation terrorist attacks on crocus city, as well as the main events of the last 7 days, will be in the news of the week with dmitry kiselev, watch today at 19:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday, all those who shot at crocus city have been arrested.
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not left, but absolutely amazing things have been preserved that will never be sold, unexpected observations of sergei. news of the week, sunday, 19:00. we continue to monitor developments, stay with us. nato-style shells and weapons are found by builders in dilapidated houses in mariupol. there are many dangerous objects in the azovstal area, where zelensky’s militants have equipped an entire fortified area. sappers inspect the area every day. report by irina efremova.


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