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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:50pm MSK

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all the shooters during the barbaric terrorist attack in the moscow region were detained, they were moving towards ukraine, this is news for the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, hello, look. how
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do we destroy terrorists on the approaches to the border? in the sky, near the state border, helicopters and russian armies are destroying enemy targets, and how are we progressing at the front? all the shells hit the target, victory will be ours, our powerful blows will be retaliated. death street, as this road is called in the serbian city of vranje, leads to the mountain that nato bombed with depleted uranium. 25 years of barbaric bombing of yugoslavia, what is this historical lesson about, we must do this, and so that it corresponds to the interests of russia. in america they are talking about the possible elimination of trump. is the threat serious? and how rich is the experience of political assassinations in the united states.
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where at least 133 people died. the search operation continues. all four shooters were detained on the first day and were moving to ukraine. on saturday , the head of state addressed russian citizens. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric a terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people. our compatriots, including children, teenagers, women , doctors are now fighting for the lives of the victims, those who are in serious condition. i am sure they will do everything possible, and even impossible, to preserve the life and health of all the wounded. special words of gratitude to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, and special forces soldiers.
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who were sold in the hospital, we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, the families into whose lives it came terrible misfortune, to the wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones, the whole country, our entire people mourns with you, march 24... i declare a day of national
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mourning. in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional measures have been introduced. executive terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were found and detained.
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from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. i repeat, investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details crimes. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack, with a prepared and organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people. the criminals are cold-blooded and purposeful. they were just going to kill, to shoot our citizens, our children, at point-blank range, just like the nazis once did when they committed massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to stage a show execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all perpetrators,
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organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment, whoever they are, whoever they are... with all its manifestations, terrorists , murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality, one unenviable fate awaits them, the retribution of oblivion, they have no future, our common duty now, our comrades at
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the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one ranks, i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing. cannot shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational society. russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but has become even stronger. this is how it will be now. chronology of the tragedy. in the crocus city hall concert hall near moscow was restored by vitaly kormazin. no one can hold back their tears. at crocus, where more than 130 people died. relatives are waiting for news about the missing,
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loved ones are bringing flowers. the parking lot in front of the building of the burnt hall is filled with emergency services vehicles, well, of course, they are working at the scene of a terrorist attack, and there are also ordinary civilian cars parked here. and here's the thing. horror situation, some of these cars have been standing here for several days, because they belonged to those killed during the terrorist attack, they were shot by these killers detained near bryansk, one of them is being led through a forest belt, he tried to escape, four terrorists, according to the ministry of internal affairs, citizens foreign states, the killers didn’t have enough time to cross the border, they immediately admitted that they carried out terrorist attacks on order, they said specifically who to kill, and what kind of people? you had a weapon, where are your insurers? reset, here or there? have you seen how they throw it away? yes, yes, where did they throw it, this is a map, far from here, or here, here, on friday, march 22, they opened fire on
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the spectators who came to the concert of their favorite picnic group. there were only a few minutes left before the third bell, but suddenly shots rang out. listen, these are not terrorist attacks. the first victims at the entrance to the fourteenth entrance of the exhibition hall, who accidentally arrived late for the concert, an eyewitness saw the following picture: holy crap, they are running there, they are running there with machine guns, a terrorist attack was obvious. well planned and timed to the minute. at 19:55, the killers left their car between the parking lot and the fourteenth entrance and immediately opened fire on the street. at 20:00 eyewitnesses began calling emergency services. at 20:03, the terrorists had already entered the concert hall and began shooting at unarmed spectators, then set the hall on fire. at 20:13 the criminals got back into their car. 18 terrible minutes. at first people started running quickly, there was some strange noise, then i saw it.
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i looked out into the faye, saw people in camouflage and he quickly returned to the stage, gathered the whole orchestra, and
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we left. not everyone understood what kind of sounds were heard in the hall until the terrorists burst into the hall. they shoot from a machine gun, they shoot at the crowd, they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, they set us on fire, they set us on fire. at the same time, the killers did not make any demands and did not say anything; the audience rushed, some to the emergency exits, some to the stage. crawl, yes. people hid in any utility rooms. yaroslav and his pregnant wife were in the hall, they were saved by a miracle, they ran up to the stage, i began to lift my wife, she is in our position, pregnant for three months, i was more worried about her, and covered her when we took her away as best i could. looking up, at that moment i saw that they were already entering. another viewer, he does not want to show his face in order to protect his wife, knocked the terrorist out of the hands of the weapon and ran around him.
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the wife was wounded, the blood was flowing, they dragged her out into the street, and the first car that came across stopped, the taxi drivers were ready to take people for free, in the st. nicholas cathedral, which is opposite the crocus, the rector opened the doors for the victims, about 60 people came to us to the temple, we gave instructions to turn off the lights in the temple and place people in safe rooms below, on the same evening a dance championship was taking place at the exhibition complex... corner, they tried to get out
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of here, there was a tournament going on on the parquet floor, but emergency services reacted immediately, an operational headquarters was deployed on the spot, the crocus building was on fire, the fire was engulfing more and more rooms, hundreds of pieces of equipment were working on the site, helicopters poured more than 160 tons of water overnight. people were evacuated using retractable ladders, aircraft took away the wounded, and soon provided psychological assistance to the victims, soldiers of the russian guard, lined up in a chain, combed the perimeter, inspected each car, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin arrived at the scene, each supervised their own direction, this is what we saw on the spot terrorist attack, when there was not even a cordon yet, in fact, it is clear that from... the shooting started right there at the entrance, the bodies of the dead people are still lying there.
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nearby, special forces were preparing for the assault, soldiers hiding behind an armored tiger, they put on protective armor, picked up machine guns and special shields. now you can see that special forces groups with heavy weapons, with machine guns, are preparing for an assault, they are dispersed around the perimeter of the building, someone is next to the very fourteenth entrance through which... the special forces entered the entrance, but by that time the terrorists we were already rushing towards the bryansk region, however, to get to the border.
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stopped only 100 km from the border, but isis has a different handwriting, terrorist attacks in the name of isis committed by suicide bombers who do not then try to escape. on the first results of the investigation: andrey romanov and igor pikhanov. these are the first shots from the place where the suspects were detained, a frightened look, a shaking hand. and he wrote on you, his assistant wrote to me. they were holding militants on the road to the russian-ukrainian border, in the bryansk region the police found a foreign car, when they demanded to stop, they just added gas and tried to escape, one of the suspects was caught on the spot, the other three fled into the forest. now the task is to hide in the spring forest almost impossible, the snow melted, the soil turned into a mixture of mud and melted snow,
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it was very difficult to leave, the chase began, the area was cordoned off, where were the weapons, where were the weapons in the capture operation. the killer was attended by employees of the fsb, special forces, akhmat, the ministry of defense, the police and the national guard. is your date of birth complete? you had a weapon, where did you drop it? if you ask. during the operation to neutralize dangerous criminals, the highway was closed. this was necessary so that other drivers and local residents would not be harmed. residents. now investigators are identifying the organizers and accomplices involved. to the monstrous terrorist attack that he did in crocus , he shot, that he shot, yes, who, why kazan, people, the suspects face life imprisonment, once again, last names, patronymic, year of birth, in a room similar to a gym, the criminal is guarded by dozens of security officers, the bandit's hands are tied behind his back, his legs are intercepted
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by several layers of duct tape, an acquaintance bought it, which means... later, after the tragedy, she appeared on in video footage from the video recorder taken at the entrance to the concert hall, several armed men got out of the car and shots were fired. in this photo, the terrorists are already leaving the crime scene in an obel renault. from this point , the consequences of the terrorist attack that took place in crocus city hall are clearly visible. part of the building was completely burned out and the roof collapsed. according to the investigative committee , it has already been established that the attackers used automatic weapons and an incendiary mixture. of course, all the forces of law enforcement agencies
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are now being thrown into investigating this terrible terrorist act. the fsb officially declared that there was a terrorist attack. it is possible that they could have accomplices. there is evidence that the bandits made several caches of weapons and flammable mixtures on the territory of the building and were well oriented inside. so in general, they already understood all this, where to go, where to enter, where to hide, where to change clothes, where to get out, so of course the investigative committee will, of course, sort this out in the near future. investigators will have to figure out why armed terrorists entered the area so easily. a facility where thousands of people were located, and most importantly, how they managed to escape before the arrival of the first crews of security forces, the terrorists made their way through the friday traffic jams on mkat and managed to leave the moscow region. apparently, the escape routes from the crime scene were also carefully planned, but the security forces managed to quickly track their route. as a result of
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the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies, 11 people were detained, including. taken on the territory of the bryansk region near the village of khatstsuneto, 30 km from bryansk, the detainee tells what to do the terrorist attack was suggested to him by a certain anonymous person, those who ordered the crime allegedly prepared weapons and flammable substances for them in advance, they delivered the weapons themselves, who are they? i don’t know, they wrote on telegram without a name, without a surname, without anything, the investigators have to identify the organizers of the monstrous terrorist attack, intense work is underway, the security forces are interrogating those detained with one of the terrorists, who... was wounded when he tried to escape. law enforcement officers talk in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. investigators have also already begun working with crime suspects
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who were detained by intelligence services and law enforcement agencies in the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine. there is still little information about the identities of the terrorists. the media reported that two of them lived in a hostel in the north of moscow, and another worked as a hairdresser in the city of teykovo, ivanovo region. who exactly?
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from abroad, chairman of the center for animal resources ella pomfilova speaks about the historical nature of the elections. this is something hugely political. an event whose results will greatly influence not only our domestic russian present and future, but also many processes that are taking place in the world. the record turnout of 77% suggests that there were no indifferent people; vladimir putin’s result was over 87%.
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we have our own position that we will develop and we will do it in the way we think is right. immediately after the polling stations are closed , putin arrives at his election headquarters, where his supporters, volunteers, and dozens of journalists have gathered. these elections were also marked by an extremely high turnout. with what does this mean, how do you explain it? this is due to the drama of the events the country is going through. this is due to the fact that we are forced to defend the interests of our citizens with arms in hand. our people, the ordinary citizen of the country understood, understood in his heart that he is in demand, the country needs him, the future of russia depends on him, later at a meeting with
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trusted officials, putin continued, after such a result , which indicates the great trust of the country's citizens in what we do, even you know, somehow a little bit a feeling, not anxiety, but... this is only a prologue to those victories that russia so needs and which will definitely come. many of vladimir putin’s confidants , such as the military correspondents of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, evgeny
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poddubny and andrei rudenko, are now on the front line in new regions. but all of them, and those who were in the andrevsky hall of the kremlin, saw the progress of the voting from the inside at all stages. people all over the country went to the polls to do their duty. whom has our enemy decided to intimidate, the russian people? multinational people of russia, there was no this will never and will never happen, even representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, difficult regions, and said, where are you going, you are not afraid, and such an adult turned around, i am russian, i will go where i need to go, actively voted everywhere, including in the belgorod region, where the threat of missile danger, cannonade, the whole russian people, you can’t scare them, did not stop, to spite their enemies, yes, yes. we will still be ahead, we will win. in the new regions , people also confidently and fearlessly walked to the ballot boxes, i want to make it better, i can add more,
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the people who came with... came to fulfill their duty, ordinary citizens, now you and i are damned to fulfill our duty to them, we still have a lot of all kinds of nonsense and injustice in the lives of our people, starting from the lowest level to the very, very highest, we need an update not even in specific people, we need an update in approaches to solving the problems that we
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all face, in order to achieve the maximum.
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needed as confirmation, she is detained by the police, work to order. for what were you detained by the police? because i was green, where are the tickets for, why did you do it, what prompted you? scammers called me and offered to write off all my loans in the amount of about 500 thousand. some spoiled the ballot, this is bad, because if you yourself don’t want to vote or or want...
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to trust the candidate you think needs it, or simply not vote if you don’t like anyone, that’s one thing, but if you decide spoil those people who came and considered it necessary for themselves vote, fulfilled your civic duty, and you don’t give a damn about their position, then this is bad, this is at least not democratic, a question from an american journalist, of course,
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in those days that have not yet ended, who is standing there and controlling? no one, they bought a voice for 10 dollars, and then bought thousands.
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we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in the current territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone, to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made. on the situation at the front, andrey grigoriev. retaliation strikes for shelling of belgorod, attempts to break through the russian border by ukrainian drgs. wow, that's a hit. the dams and the turbine hall of the famous dneproges, which supplies several large
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military enterprises with electricity, are burning. surveillance cameras recorded at least eight russian missiles flying in. the staff is not suffered. the most powerful. several substations in poltava and sumy introduced blackout schedules; in dnepropetrovsk, the russian army attacked the yuzhmash plant, where the unmanned aerial vehicle is produced.
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the russian army continues its offensive near avdeevka, suppressing the still combat-ready enemy forces with fire. we even have a counter-battery fight, there are hail, we exchange fire with any artillery. and here are the most serious losses among the enemy. equipment destroyed for the first time a polish m120 reg mortar, two german leopards, another american abrams, which was hit by a drone. the americans burn even hotter than any other tanks, so the delight is, in fact, very strong delight. the scouts even managed to visit it and shoot this video; there was almost no damage inside, so the trophy could be very useful in the rear. the crew tried to escape, but did not have time. having sat in it, i can say that it is worse than our t-90s. here a loitering landset flies in at a mortar battery of the armed forces of ukraine, and this drone called a ghoul knocks out an american bradley. western supplies are systematically destroyed. since the beginning of the year, four abrams tanks, five leopards, 27 bradley vehicles, six
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haimarc launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including five petriots, have been destroyed. in general, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces exceeded 71,00 people and 11,000 units of various weapons, which is almost three times higher than the same period last year. the artillery crew of a self-propelled gaubstas in the artyomovsk direction is hitting hangars with enemy equipment. our t-90 breakthrough tanks began to go out into the open more often positions. the uav control center, a shelter in which ukrainian drone operators were hiding, was eliminated. today we did housework. where drones and baba yaga are launched , in the reports of the russian ministry of defense liberated settlements are noted, this week this is the village of mirnaya in the zaporozhye region, in the dpr, the alabastrovaya railway station south of kleshcheevka, the village of orlovka
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and the thin western avdeevka krasnaya, in ukraine its called ivanovskaya near artyomovsk. in the zaporozhye direction russian assault troops take off the air fpv drone. with which they first undermine the enemy’s positions, directing them straight into the trenches, and then occupy the ukrainian armed forces stronghold itself. drones are the basis of modern technology. for rotation, there was no way to let them in, all such movements are closely monitored from the air, our helicopters, so the shift of the ukrainian military is covered with the k-52, and he immediately returns to the rear behind the fortification, which is also called the dragon’s teeth, the enemy is in no way the place is not good for them. get closer to the front line now doesn’t even need
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bombers. unique footage taken from the wing of the su-34. it drops fap-500 aviation land mines with a universal planning and correction module. the device allows you to control them like rockets, and there are also fap-3. there's a ton and a half of explosives alone. and then a funnel with a diameter of up to 50 m. the production of these was stopped back in soviet times, but now it has been decided to resume. to the minister of defense for now. which allows us to maintain a sufficient level of supplied shells to the zone
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special military operation, but even with those commissioned facilities that have begun their work, we actually have here an almost 2 -second increase in production volumes, and this allows us not to save on shells, even when we have to shoot almost every second when a tank column moves attack. andrey grigoriev, arina bogorodetskaya, during the week , the government discussed current tasks arising from the program announced by putin during his address. mikhail mishustin addressed his deputy prime ministers. there will be maximum accurately and effectively implement the tasks set by vladimirovich putin. each of you has your own range of responsibilities. and priority, of course, must be given first. initiatives that the president announced in his address
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to the federal assembly. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the president’s instructions must be completed in full on time. the overwhelming majority of our citizens supported his candidacy, and people trust our president. this voting result is a natural, obvious result of systemic work, in which the government took an active part as the president's team. this is the news of the week, next in the program. why did american television channels, which initially avoided reporting on the terrorist attack in the moscow region , suddenly come out with a single version? and who today misses the glory of the vlasovites? the fifth column perked up.
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vasiltsova in previous episodes, i am major vasnetsova, investigative committee of the kaliningrad region, i have a personal request to you, keep an eye on her. investigator veronika vasnetsova, divorced mother of four children, just such a mom. well, is that bad? she solves the most complex cases with ease. did you see something? why didn’t liskov figure this out? he was not driven by maternal instinct, but she has difficulties in her personal life. let's go buy it. with pleasure. yeah, like an ex. so, what is this? oops. and this is our anonymous paternity test. positive, i will repent, i
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will repent, why did you do this? vasnetsova! continuation, watch on monday on rtr. the first bomb fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable, right from the beginning. war, essentially in the center of europe. film by andrey kondrashov. every soldier repeats every now and then that as soon as victory over the terrorists is close, it may be necessary to intervene in the situation again. documentary investigation, long. at the age of 25, these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing, i saw everything with my own eyes, the city is alive, at that moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this living city. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance.
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the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 1922. no, there was one rule for them. that everything is allowed to them and that they can do everything belgrade premieres today on rtr, you are so businesslike, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife , we look at the weekend, advice and love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness,
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pain and compassion, as well as unity and will, these feelings unite today the whole country, mourning banners from the tragic... tyumen, novosibirsk, vladivostok, krasnoyarsk, magadan and other cities. as a sign of grief and compassion, people bring flowers to spontaneous memorials. this is in the moscow region.
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they light candles and bring flowers to the residents. those injured as a result of the terrorist attack in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, it is reported that the hospitals are fully provided with medicines and blood supplies, but already on saturday morning thousands of muscovites went to donor sites. report by olga meshcheryakova. thousands of people line up at donor centers, they stand silently in the pouring rain to support their own who are in trouble, to donate blood for the victims to save their lives. it's our duty, we're here. lyudmila and her son are among those who miraculously managed to escape from
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the terrorists. it seems to me that it is impossible to pay your tribute in any other way. in moscow alone there are about thirty donor clinics where you can donate blood, more than a dozen. milder, so they are distributed, some are in intensive care, some are in the diagnostic department, four victims are already being prepared for discharge, and soon they continue to enter territory and leave it, that is, the work of the institute continues, despite the huge number of victims of the terrorist attack, many were poisoned by combustion products, but even in this state people talk
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about what they had to endure, they stood there, exited, we went , but they saw us, one of them ran back and started. with this i fell completely, they did what they could do, and the girl. people do not stand aside, many, when they learned about what happened, went to the place to help in some way, i decided that my help is needed here, since i am studying to become a doctor, they called this hospital with a friend , we were told that help was really needed, come if possible, i am a yandex taxi driver, well, we came as volunteers, we first went. to crocus, they took an employee from there, took her home for free, and then came here, if suddenly someone comes out,
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high-tech help is needed from moscow regional hospitals. those who are transported to the capital's medical centers by helicopter. there are three people in intensive care here. victims, they were brought early this morning from khimki and krasnogorsk near moscow. the condition is serious and the doctors are fighting for them. all moscow and moscow region clinics also have full-time doctors.
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the leaders of dozens of states expressed condolences to russia and the russians in connection with the terrorist attack in the crocus network hall. wanting to honor
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the memory of the victims, people all over the world bring flowers to the buildings of russian embassies. words of condolences were heard on saturday during a telephone conversation between the russian president and his colleague from uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev. president of belarus alexander lukashenko was one of the first to respond to the tragedy, sending a telegram to vladimir putin. and on saturday, he once again expressed his condolences by phone. on friday evening , azerbaijani president ilham aliyev wrote in a letter to vladimir putin about his support to the people of russia. telegrams to vladimir putin with words of support were sent by pabriks colleagues from china, india, iran, brazil, south africa, egypt, and the united arab emirates. the countries of central asia and transcaucasia sympathize with russia in difficult times. condolences the russian people also received aid from many states in latin america and africa. the topic will be continued by dmitry melnikov. all over the world
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, national flags are flown at half-mast over russian embassies, and nearby people’s memorials of flowers, toys, lit candles, and notes with words of sympathy and support continue to grow. our compatriots and citizens of other countries are marching, from belgrade to otava, from mexico to chisinau. mourn together with russia, experiencing this terrible tragedy as their own, but it took the white house almost two days to finally to express what seemed obvious in such situations the position of the state, the monstrous terrorist attack in moscow, the united states condemns, the families of the victims and the victims immediately express condolences about isis, which is banned in russia, which the united states calls a common enemy.


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