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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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capital, which even many states consider as tools in solving their problems, you will remember all these climate agendas there, limited resources and so on, that is, this is all imposed on the world, the model that was needed by a limited circle of people, and of course they are today interested in continuing, well , illegal actions against russia, why? yes, because russia has challenged all this, it is building a new order, it has found allies who may not have decided on something and would have been or their efforts were are insufficient, and today under the flag... in russia today everything is being redrawn, the whole world is being redrawn, not only politics , ideology, economics, but in general new civilizations are appearing, russia, china, india, and of course, the west does not accept this, it he is ready to unleash not only this kind of war , he is ready to go to the most difficult and cruel events, just to prevent russia from winning, so of course there is an answer to the question, and our answer, that’s why i say that if we are talking about the highest degree of struggle against them, then this is just...
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the formation of russia as quickly as possible, we must be here, we have already taken shape ideologically, today we understand perfectly well that we see the future of russia, we invite the whole world to support this, today we understand perfectly how the government of the country should be organized and structured, we show this, but we still have a little bit left, we must economically correspond to the fact that the west finally feels its defeat, including in the economic and financial sphere, when we talk about all this, we thereby we formulate russia’s attitude to everything that is happening, because... the most important thing is that it is not the consolidation that occurred or was demonstrated during the presidential elections, it also occurred in this terrible event, we saw that society is consolidated, that it is common the trouble is that there is no division there, everyone is worried and still continues to worry, and what ’s nice is that i personally received a huge number of foreign, well, messages from telegram channels from people who had previously known me from europe, from asia, who... sent
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what they are with us, this means that russia’s ideas are making their way today, moreover, we don’t see today the opportunity not even to be confused, the west is confused, after all, this is the syndrome of the performer , they first instructed ukraine to fight with us, they brought it to the point where it ceased to have subjectivity, that is, there is still no, there is no state of ukraine , what is a state, a state is, when there are, i apologize, not only borders , but the ability to guard borders when there is economics, when there is management, there is nothing . there is no economy, no armed forces , in fact there are only mercenaries, and accordingly there is still no opportunity to make a decision about the armed forces, i would not forgive, you know, how i urge you to be very restrained in the phrases that they are running out of people and have nothing to shoot with, then that i saw that they are recruiting people there to shoot at, they have something to shoot with, i ’m talking about the fact that statehood is not from the point of view that we have already won everything, we have to work hard in order to the syndrome of the executor, who was entrusted to ukraine, is not being realized. they
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still cannot carry out what the west has planned on the battlefield, so naturally they are moving in the direction of terrorist acts, because they are trying to do this, but again they are there, well, again, also the performer, they are trying to take away from themselves responsibility, again they use completely untrained or poorly trained specialists, but this is all this horror, it is still being built by the hands of those ideas whose actually located. this is america and europe and we must understand that all the decisions that will be implemented in the near future are there, of course ukraine is important to us, and of course the ukrainian people are important to us, and of course we need to put an end to all these leaders of today’s ukraine, these nazis, but by and large this entire ideology is formulated and fed, of course, in other places, and there the main issue will be resolved, and there russia will accept the capitulation of these countries in relation to these events, russia and this
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the terrorist attack, despite the horror, showed the power of russia and the power of the people, yes, conclusions just need to be drawn correctly, for example, yes, everyone is talking about diasporas, yes, but i have such a simple question, which diasporas and how they help isu, you know what a question, can i return the question to you, what is a diaspora, now i’m getting to this, why is it needed, here i am a purebred armenian, i have no idea what the armenian diaspora is, where it is located.
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but if the diaspora is people who come to law enforcement agencies and try to corrupt in order to obtain citizenship in a cunning way, in order for one’s own, then this must be. and as soon as such a person came up and said something to someone, it was done, he should be in prison, the one who listened to his request and fulfilled it should be in prison. therefore , the question is simple, those people who call themselves the diaspora, who regularly present themselves as someone, what you did, the war, your homeland. russia is now your homeland at war, what have you done for the northern military district? but my main question is for our government. it is necessary, in my opinion, to create a ministry that will deal with migration issues, it is necessary to return structures, separate units that
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work on ethnic crime, that know languages, are deeply embedded, are well versed in this issue, absolutely right. consider this as a threat, yes, we are all soviet internationalists, we are people of different nationalities here, we don’t need to be taught our homeland to love and respect people of different nationalities, we have that, but don’t notice that thanks to some efforts here, some telegram channels there, you can bring out tens of thousands of people, send them in any direction, not see it as a threat, but we understand what time we live in
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, yes, secondly, they can use small arms, yes, well, first, what kind of small arms, not a saiga carbine, they even varani or somewhere sought the opportunity to find military, small arms, they do not use such weapons at all by definition, third, even if they use it, it is ultimately after ammunition runs out, they again shahekhids blow themselves up with these belts, they have never been captured shaking before. so that they give up, forget the language and something else, they undermine themselves, this is their brand, as they say, second, third, now, when they show a new video, allegedly filmed on the telegram channel of the islamic state of the kharasan veloyat, it means the faces of terrorists are there
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closed, an islamic state, not the old one, not the current one, this is considered to be their branch, in fact, well, it’s a little more complicated, yes, it never hides the faces of those who do this. terrorist attack, so no nothing has to do with this , apparently, the united states came up with it, this is purely america, why are they now pushing the media everywhere to convince this islamic state, they figured out how to deliver a painful blow, and so that they wouldn’t think about them , it means that this operation with an islamic state was invented, but the execution was entrusted, as you said, not to the brothers, yes, but not the brothers in this matter, apparently, are not very advanced , they did it this way: for some reason i i think, although i could be wrong, that all these performers of course, they have combat experience, it was clear that they know how to kill people, you know, you have to go through a certain, so to speak, school, they were recruited from those who had some kind of combat experience in idlib in northern syria, this,
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by the way , is confirmed, among other things, by the revelation from them, which says that i arrived through turkey, yes, because this is the very same, other control zones, there is definitely a lot there now... who will pay more where and so on, they are moving from one organization to another, recruiting them there is no problem and not telephone and not for rubles, yes there are, listen, people who work with them , you can dial basically any amount there, yes, that’s why this operation happened. there is no doubt about it by the special services, i don’t know which ones, which special services of the united
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states specifically, perhaps the cia, perhaps someone else, but it was felt very clumsily by those who they found, as you said, nonsense, that’s what actually happened, now there is another lesson for us, you look, this organization cannot be underestimated in the islamic state of the velayat kharasan, here trump is speaking, he says, the godfather, clinton, obama, well, he proceeds from his political ones. consideration, he forgot , in general, the godfather speaks, this is bush jr., so to speak, yes, what are you then al-qaeda - no, this is no longer, no, no, no, don’t distract me, no, no, in that sense , that all these organizations were created by the americans, in connection with the war in afghanistan and so on, there were different godfathers, no, i’m just referring to hillary clinton’s expression that they were behind it even then, well, that’s a little others, clinton was not there yet, kharasan
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is mr. biden and his administration, what happened, just so you understand, is very similar to what happened in iraq when the americans left, and this is a danger for us, i will now tell you why, were leaving afghanistan, they left a lot of their former charges, well, for example, there was this... in reality, no one was going to imprison them, the absolute majority of them went to
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the islamic state of velayat kharasan, and some went to other organizations, people's front, the national front for the preservation of afghanistan, this is the son of ahmatshah, whose emisars were running here and there in some, including institutions, so to speak, yes, what it does, it does what happened in iraq, is itself a religious structure, what it was not, it is worth nothing, it is weak, everything can crush it, but when they pour into it... professionals who know what special work is, what intelligence is, what it is, it means to organize a cockroach, how to organize fighting, she becomes completely different, it also happened in iraq when the americans came, that’s why the most important godfather bush jr. said, but the officers of the special services and the iraqi army were not hired anywhere, they were forced to work with these islamists, which means that the cooperative created such... terrible organization , discipline, structuring, professionalism, we see the same thing now, happening in
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afghanistan, yes, plus an increase in numbers, the number has grown two, three times, the danger for us forces us to follow, while they have worked several tasks regarding iran for the chinese representation in kabul, well, the representation for china was not worked through the islamic movement of east turkestan, the uyghur organization, which at one time gave bayat an oath of allegiance to the islamic state, worked very harshly, it’s just ours... this was not covered much by the death people, injuries and so on, now they have worked several times in iran, the largest terrorist attack on reminders of sulaymaniyah, an attack means on a mosque in shiraz and so on, now they will promote this, the degree of controllability of this the organization on the us side is huge, you understand that this does not happen when you train a security specialist, and then you are there and you stop contacting him, this does not happen. personal and other contacts arise, in this regard, they will widely use them, now seeing that it was not the brothers
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who could not work as they planned, they themselves will carry it out and they themselves say, what does this have to do with us, this is a terrorist organization that this is all being done, it’s extremely important now, they ’re trying to hint, here’s the first one the isis terrorist attack and subsequent terrorist attacks are supposedly also isis, also yes, well, more successfully. but they made a lot of mistakes, even in this video they allegedly mixed up the hand that needs to be raised by isis, that is, there’s not much image there , the video is ridiculous , well, the video sucks, they posted it later, when they realized that they had pierced themselves and needed to be pulled out, well, that’s all the americans are doing the islamic state never uses camouflage when attacking when committing a terrorist attack, and even with
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some kind of backpack, this simply does not happen, they also somehow dress as the main the mass of the population, there’s camouflage and... that is , well, in general, they broke the woods and so on, then the islamic state came to hate it , what kind of organization, will never commit a terrorist attack on friday, which means during the maghrib prayer on the eve of iftar together with god forgive me for ramadan, well, this is it, well, someone was in a hurry or something ramadan began on march 10, maybe that’s why we went and looked at it on march 7, no, there was no point in making it before ramadan, of course, everything was march on the eighth. it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, they and how well, according to the principle, yes, let's not, then i think it turned out that, what does it mean, the ukranazis intercepted the communication, they said: okay, americans, it’s difficult for you, let’s screw it up, we’ll do it right, budanov, yes, because once failure, two failures at budanov, but with the landing on the spit it failed, they put them in odesan, with belgorod it failed,
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it failed here, now let’s correct ourselves, we’ll show that it can, by the way, it’s high time to kill this creature. it’s high time, we need to return to sudoplatov’s methods, therefore, this is what happened in reality, so we should not now under any circumstances say, what will happen next, no, it will continue to get worse, they will just do it themselves, and the organization is big, now what do we need to do, we need to do the fact that in general, whoever is fighting with them now, one organization is fighting with them, excuse me, maybe someone won’t like it, the taliban, that’s it, no one else is fighting. on the territory of afghanistan, yes, that means, therefore, when they even say that their headquarters is located in kabul, and absolute lie, there is no headquarters of the islamic state of velayat kharasan in kabul. the headquarters of the islamic state of velayat kharasan has been sold in the north of afghanistan, presumably the province of badakhsh, well , to put it mildly, i am well versed in the geography of this area, where everything is located,
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yes, so, if they are not destroyed there, we will get a big headache, but i'm not talking about ours there. either allies, or i don’t know what to call central asia sometimes, but we ourselves will get it, which means we are now we, iran, are interested, with all the complexities of relations between iran and afghanistan , and china is interested in destroying this organization there, because the pro-american organization that the united states and the west will use against us, among other things. advertising.
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we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, the fact sheet frame should have its own
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tablet, where to look for help, you only need five. ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information from the most competent sources, forget about your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday , nart. you know, for 20 years we haven’t had such terrible attacks, like the last one was dubrovka, nordost, 2002 and beslan 2004, i
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won’t repeat it, i’m absolutely sure that this is not egil, semyon arkaevich, now i put everything in order, my only comparison is what happened, for example, at dubrovka, but these were ideological terrorists with specific political demands, with the taking of hostages. that is, everything is fine and isis is probably also acting. here the goal is completely different. here the goal is to kill as many innocent people as possible, no hostages, no political demands. uh, margarit simonova said that the operation lasted only 14 minutes, so she had chrome footage. there are many here, very many now comments that there were almost some kind of shepherds there, you know, in slippers, unprepared with some kind of berdankas with molotov cocktails, i don’t know, that’s what was possible, there was a little
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video, but what i was able to see, i think that these are trained, professional, within 9 minutes of being in the hall, uh, put a certain number of people, plus set fire to this building with... was there something soaked there in advance,
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spilled, well, that is, the investigation is underway, that is i didn’t find out because it still broke out there envy, as i understand it, in particular, there is envy, there is a seat, they deliberately set fire to a soft chair, after all, any fire extinguishing system is designed for the fact that the wiring will shorten, which is an accident, machine gunners, yes, i just want to remind you, i don’t either specialist that one schoolboy , fifteen years old with a machine gun, kills dozens of people alone, not with a machine gun, with his father’s berdanka, and we have seen this many, many times, so it seems to me that we are a little grist to their mill when we say that that's great prepared, they are not super, but they are ponies prepared, but this is not, but these are not shepherds, they got into the same car to leave.
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sorry, there is already information, the ambassador to afghanistan, the former director of the sbu, was recruiting these tajiks for, i’m sorry, in tajikistan, not in afghanistan in tajikistan yes yes.
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now there are two main directions. the first main direction is the commission of terrorist attacks against our country, any, any terrorist attacks, starting with the shelling, so to speak, of our peaceful cities, belgorod, kursk there, and, uh, there are these air assault groups , terrorist attacks, in our large cities, the second main direction is what, what he spoke about... so to speak , macron will not say by night that we need to prepare, so to speak, forces of invasion into the territory of ukraine, the fact that he is there with all sorts of options on the russian-belarusian border in order to free up a group there, which , by the way, is 100,000 there, just in case, try to replace it, or place it there along the dnieper coast, that’s what from macron, but if we say that by and large, he has
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foreign legion.
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a fairly broad practice used by the americans and the israelis, yes, we don’t want to destroy, kill civilians there, civilians, but they announced that this area, there, this settlement, 48 hours, well, like the israelis in rafah, for example, 48 hours for the civilian population to leave this city and then turn it into dust. in my opinion, a certain leading solovyov proposed doing this, not so long ago, and vladimir rudolfevich, yes, he said a year ago, when belgorod was hit not for the first time, i already said then, declare kharkov 24 hours to evacuate , wipe it off the face of the earth, well, wipe kharkov off the face of the earth, probably, so to speak, it will take a lot, a lot, so to speak, of what, but more, but what’s that, we have a number , what we removed from combat
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well, there the question is in the carriers, there the question is in the carriers, because the su-24 has a carrying capacity - the structure so that civilians do not die , but for the purposes of a special military operation, i think this is reasonable, and if there is already a war going on, then it is necessary go to methods already the military, well, above perkhmedov’s military,
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especially since the enemy has a lot of drones on the front line, with a variety of repeaters, they have now created mobile teams of women controlling the drones. a lot of ukrainian women are now doing this, using a variety of methods, besides the traditional ones there, which we know, they have already started using a single shot, that is, they are constantly developing , we are developing, but they are also developing there, there is so much unmanned vehicles that if you go with detector, it just beeps all the time, then there is at some point in time you just start not to react to it, the squeak is constant, no, this is not a category, this is a category so that it doesn’t appear that everything is over there and there is nothing.
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they raised a white flag that they wanted to surrender , they were immediately attacked by the ukrainians, that is, they are immediately buried so that such an example would not exist, plus they terrorize their families, that is , all this must also be understood, so yes, our hero, yes , our fellows, yes, ours give, but let me remind you that we still have numerical superiority.
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well done guys in the north various controlled carts, they put a spark there and there an operator sits a few meters away, a machine gun comes out of the park, practices, also remote mining, besides, everyone thinks, everyone thinks, but rap is needed constantly, constant updating, we do it every day, that’s everyone day we need to introduce innovation every day, please, i was just flying out. from berlin here there was already a control there, and the german woman is a complete stranger who doesn’t know who i am or what i am, but just sees the destination, she asks me: are you flying to russia? i say: yes, she says:
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you know, we are in a lot of pain, it’s just important that you understand that we are very sympathetic to what is happening there, that is, it is not political at all. some kind of step, here is the most ordinary employee at the control at the berlin airport, this was yesterday, and this is , of course, a striking contrast with what you see today in german politics, when you listen to german politicians, who, in principle, find, of course, some then they come up with a lot of words, so i’ll allow it today it’s a little bit like playing the role of such a profiler, but there are certain models according to which they work, well not only... the special services, according to which they work, all these plans are made, and these plans are always built in such a way that these terrorist acts, as well as the one that happened in moscow is a kind of proxy terrorist attack, that is, they were really done like...


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