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tv   Chuzhie deti  RUSSIA1  March 25, 2024 1:00am-1:46am MSK

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too quickly, the second group is ready, ready , waiting for the order, well, warrior, how are you in battle, honestly, i thought there would be more of them, don’t croak, so guys, don’t relax, keep your ears sharp, tell the second group to they attacked the terminal, did you remember the positions,
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hero, what do you have there? a! and
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the terminal is taken, the terminal is greeted, come on, come on, come on, we move out, we move out, terminal, crawl, crawl, attention, we have guests for an hour, stagger, vera, sludge, fire in the direction of the drive, showing like two fingers, they killed me.
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take it, they killed me, quietly, quietly, fodil , quietly, hold on, pee, what, pee, why, yes , bitch, piss, come on, they will force us here hard, they are trying to remove the terminal, there is blood, i don’t know, there is blood in the urine , no, no, give it to yourself, inject morphine, and screw it up, you’ll live, fighter, let’s fly.
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bitches, guys, in my opinion there are still a ton of them here, we can’t get through here, amir, attack!
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everyone is alive, shake, yes, yes, yes, faith, yes. yes, stagger, your sirb was beaten here, but he is holding on, handsome, where is betra? braznikov, make sure that people don’t throw themselves under the wheels, can i get out too, where the hell are you going to get out of, rudders , come on, well, look at the girls, yeah, be careful rudders, move out of the way, please, thank you, thank you, praise, move away, please,
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just look, the russian army is in pristima, we we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, i am still there in me, this is, let's say, my trophy. we then had hunger, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she brings this crowd, she says: baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that
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we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, support with a word , hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, let’s fly, fly! wow, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? what are you, and you don’t know bender well , you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, i don’t know that it
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was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony , no risks, no luck smiles , we will succeed, i will operate , i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you again that it's mine investigation, let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know,
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what is more difficult: to become a good person or to remain? the question is, of course, interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite. don't betray anyone, no matter what happens. live: the story of a mysterious disappearance. whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, leading documentarian.
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vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without, that’s all. on the rtr planet channel viktor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i’m the one who fooled you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time jobs, we now we're not just neighbors, we're kind of like colleagues and... processing. the blackmailer knows things
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that i have never told anyone about. all our clients receive the same letters. ivan oganesyan. i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere. he's so handsome, attentive, and courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband for an hour and a half. premiere. on saturday on rtr. hey, hero, why did they give the fair-haired one a lot of kicks, it didn’t hurt his beauty, quickly, come on, move, quickly!
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something is quiet, my ears are already ringing, in a quiet moment, there are devils, guys, i can break this silence of an excellent song, and it’s better to have an army of fighters than your singing, put it aside, we don’t relax from the buns, we’re squeezed by the buns, in a death grip, guys, did you hear?
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podil, padil, let's go, it's better!
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varya, move away, i’ll cover you. we need to retreat, now they will start again. go, go, go, fadil, go, fadil.
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i'm sorry brother, it's okay brother. quietly, slowly get down, okay, go, go, go,
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but what do we need, but only the light of the end. why do we dream that it’s over, gerey, gerey, gerey, come on, brother, don’t be silent, commander, gerey is dead, goodbye, gerey, bitch, where are ours, move away, soaring!
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you can begin, accepted, vera, working , vera, for 3 o'clock, urgent news came from kosovo, very difficult situation, i spoke with my russian colleague igor ivanov, linton's adviser on russia has arrived there to convince the foreign secretary, employees have been ordered to quietly leave. general somov, i’m listening, an order has been received from the presidential administration to immediately stop the convoy in kosovo, carry out somov. i have never carried out cowardly orders. in any case, the column will be stopped. general, you buried yourself.
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the column will enter the airport. vera, vera, vera, welcome, open, alive, vera, vera, guys, i wish i could help, she betrayed me, vera, be patient a little, eh! and fire on the hangar, remove the machine gun, vladov communications, arbat communications, the ataman is ordered to stop the column and
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wait for further instructions, but as they imagine it, carry it out, there is. attention everyone, i order you to stop the movement, i don’t know why you stopped, we’ll wait and see. that's it, it's time, gray one, are you freaking out? we haven’t even arrived yet, we need ours
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pull out, put everything down, i know, but first we need to resolve the issue with the mortars, what are you doing, get down, i’m solving the issue, forward, quickly, quickly to the hangars, forward, position, i’m under mines, i can’t cover, i need help, run, us squeezed, three-legged beech, heavy, i know that help is needed, i know, get along, shake barya, went to the mortars, well, god bless, ilyukha,
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comrade colonel, slatino is beyond the pass, we need to move, use the moment, comrade colonel, couple, couple , let him go. we are waiting for the mortars to finish them off. car, car, fire on the car, come on,
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hold on, fire! jump, come on, come on, elyuka, jump
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when there’s panic. see you soon, see you soon, how many people do we have?
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“shatai accepted, shatai, i’m leaving, the wok is covering, accepted, go to krimtsekh, this is serku, thank you, a real serb, guys, i ’ll help the serb, we’re working until the last minute
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. kill him, fire, fire, forgive me, brother. here, i’m shaking , i'm empty , motherfucker, it's not broken, we're working. hold on, i
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'm hooked, there's a fly, i'm ready to shoot, great, ready, okay, i'll be there soon, hide here, you got me.
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get ready to leave, let's go, let's go! empty, catch, ready, come on, empty, well, commander, he’s about to die,
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huh? ready, give me your hand, injection, in the car, injection, in the car, come on! let's go, i could.
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in general, there are four in total, empty. for what he died for the breed for the family he has no family for rust. creature, why did he die, you have two minutes to get out, do you hear,
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minutes, i brought your friend, come out, you have something personal on you, what about the civilians? this is war, forgive me, come on, get off me.
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running by yourself.
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are you ready to be beautiful? ready, posers, follow me, follow me, attention, column, concentrate at the terminal, the commander is ready for battle, ours,
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civilians, clean, quiet, quiet, quiet. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, the commander of the first army must ensure security at the airport, everything is fine, it’s all over, we are russians, do you understand what i’m saying?
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landing is impossible, there are some crazy people in a russian tank. if i had sat down in this government office and started my visit as an officer, i would have been a traitor to the very russian paratroopers before they arrived there; this became the line beyond which the break in established world relations. scared the entire western civilized world, i
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am very glad to transfer the airport into the hands of the russians, it is true, the command will be unified, first of all i must say that i am very pleased that russia is joining the kfor forces, i fully support this, i am glad, it was a good day.
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thank you for the invitation, i’ll come, goodbye, goodbye, who is she doing, this is the girl you were talking about, yes, that’s him, yes, it’s her.
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my planet tv channel presents.
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it was 40-50 years ago during the soviet years, so it is now, despite the fact that we have much more opportunities to relax abroad now, and don’t be surprised if , while walking down the street, you meet a familiar face from the screen, so you see, there are many streets with
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creative names, from time to time you come across signs telling about which famous people lived on these streets, lyubov polishchuk, viktor tsygai. here you can still meet relatives of igor moiseev. here is the well-known house of gabrichevsky and severtseva, as they say about it, consecrated by brodsky’s poems, and many, many literary salons where everyone can arrange your own author's evening. in general , the village is structured very interestingly; along almost its entire length there is a market where you can find anything. of course, the most popular product is magnets with reproductions of works by maximilian voloshin, on which only his favorite cocktail is featured.
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we are located at fort alexander i, also known as fort chumny. in 1896, more than 100 holocaust guns were removed from here, and after that things really began to happen here. creepy things. in 1897, a third pandemic hit the world. plague the terrible disease has not spared the country and the russian empire. it was urgently necessary to create a plague laboratory in which to experimentally find a vaccine, but where? this should be a place that is completely
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separated from the rest of civilization, a place that inspires not curiosity, but fear, so that god forbid, not a single person even comes close here, it does not resemble anything. fort alexander was simply ideal for these tasks. without thinking for a long time, they made a real plague laboratory here, experiments were actually carried out on large animals, mainly horses, but also reindeer and even camels. can you imagine how people began to feel about this place; they were afraid even of a breath of wind from the direction of the plague fort. the laboratory existed for more than 20 years, all of this. for a time it terrified the local residents, and when they learned that two doctors who had contracted the plague had died here, they
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were literally seized by panic, but let’s be honest, except for these two unfortunates, no one died here, the doctors coped well with their the task was to give russia a vaccine against the plague. thanks to the observations of seismologists and the work that volcanologists are constantly conducting, it is possible to predict an eruption, klyuchevskaya sopka is stable in this sense, it erupts almost every year, it is the most active volcano in kamchatka, but scientists monitor not only it, but all the fire-breathing mountains that enter into the so-called klyuchevskaya group. now yuri vladimirovich and his intern went to the flat
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tolbachik volcano, which began to erupt in november 2012. alexey, we are in a crater. it was impossible to rise, the spread of the bombs was colossal, 100-200 m from the krak and they would not have come out alive, so
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watch. tv channel my planet presents. this iconic building from the era of ivan the terrible still defines moscow. this is perhaps the most recognizable russian temple and probably the one. an image that for foreigners largely personifies russia.
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in order to preserve the sacred building as a single copy, tsar ivan the terrible ordered the architects to be blinded. such is the legend. allegedly, the autocrat showed special attention to the construction of the cathedral and personally supervised it . the question that they will be able to build such a temple, of course, the masters answered the royal then ivan the terrible ordered them to be blinded. in fact, it is well known that in the 16th-17th centuries, outstanding zochis were worth their weight in gold in russia. you and i know well that italian craftsmen were invited to build the kremlin. historians suggest that the legend
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of blinding was brought to russian soil by overseas guests back in... centuries. in medieval europe, stories of blindness masters were not uncommon. however, foreigners can be understood. it is difficult to speak about such an unusual structure in ordinary words. this legend is first found in the notes of tanenberg and oliarius. but nevertheless , they write about one foreign master who built the intercession cathedral. at the same time, we know well that the builders of the intercession cathedral are russian masters, postnik and barma. their names became known only at the end of the 19th century. be that as it may, it is thanks to the descriptions of foreigners who visited moscow many centuries ago that we
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today we know what it was and looked like... the cathedral was built over 6 years, from 1555 to 1561. later, its appearance was changed due to extensions, but the original idea looks original even in modern times. a round dance of eight churches around the highest central ninth in a row.
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there was no temple like this in russia.
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indeed, as planned, the cathedral was supposed to symbolize paradise, the heavenly city of jerusalem, promised in scripture. it is believed that this idea belonged to metropolitan macarius, and the masters tried their best bring it to life. hence such pomp and abundance in the decor. as eras changed,
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the idea of ​​what heaven should look like changed. in connection with this, the cathedral was transformed , but the main idea remained unchanged, each time the cathedral looked different, it... the main idea, like a heavenly paradise, a flourishing garden, in which there are grape leaves, flowers, something unprecedented on earth plants, can you imagine, in cold moscow, in the 17th century, suddenly people came here and saw these flowers, which do not exist on the ground.
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vladimir putin paid tribute to the memory of those whose lives were cut short as a result of the terrorist attack. everyone who was behind the bloody crime will be punished. the shortest path to salvation, all the new details of the heroism that happened and the mutual assistance of concert visitors during the attack. the czech rszzo airfield, vampires and
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military enterprises struck with high-precision weapons by russian forces against the infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. killed as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall increased to 137, this was reported by the investigative committee. addressing citizens, vladimir putin expressed sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. the head of state assured that everyone who was behind this bloody crime will suffer inevitable punishment. the head of the investigative committee heard reports on the latest results of the investigation right at the site of the terrorist attack. the difficult procedure of identifying the bodies of the dead has already begun. it will be conducted around the clock and will take up to two weeks. in crocus at the time of the tragedy there were almost forty regions, relatives of the victims will be delivered to the capital free of charge by major russian airlines and russian railways. the hotel booking service will pay for their accommodation. at the same time, rescuers continue to clear
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the rubble and search; words of consolation and support are now very much needed by people who still have not found their relatives, either in hospitals or on the list of dead. according to updated data from the ministry of health, 180 people in hospitals were injured as a result of the terrorist attack. more than 140 wounded remain, many in serious and very serious condition, for their lives and health in hospitals doctors in moscow and the moscow region are fighting. dozens of operations have been carried out, additional medical teams have been involved, and not only residents of moscow and the region are going to donate blood at 30. donor centers, but volunteers have already discharged two people from all of them, in a live stream in the regions of the country. vladimir putin paid tribute to the memory of those whose lives were cut short as a result of the terrorist attack. these are adults and children. people came to the concert with their families, with those who had lost loved ones, now the whole country. the head of state visited the church on the territory of gorev’s residence and lit a candle for his repose. dead. mourning. took place in all russian
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regions in the center of yekaterinburg, a spontaneous memorial appeared, a lot of flowers and children's toys, and people continue to come, lay flowers, and just stand in silence. in rostov , candles are also lit at the entrance to gorky park; entire families come to honor the memory of the victims. in the very center, in the very center of the capital of primorye, there are hundreds of candle colors at the stella of military glory. millions of people across the country empathize with this grief, the common pain is the hope that something like this will not... new details of the terrible tragedy in crucus cityhole are emerging, people are gradually coming to their senses and remembering the details of what happened. it turned out that a fifteen-year-old teenager, who worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant, saved more than a hundred people, and such a hero was not alone. read more sergey samokhan. this footage was taken a few minutes before the attack began. the crocus city hall is almost completely full. the filming is being carried out by the technical staff of the picnic group who were supposed to prepare it.
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report on the concert, and the next shots concert hall engulfed in flames. tatyana had to film the concert from the top point; she didn’t have time to leave through the technical exit and got stuck on the balcony. there was a man there who neutralized the terrorist who was on the scene, who most likely was supposed to be firing at the balcony. only thanks to this man, most of the people who were in the hall, including us, were saved. the only way to salvation is down the stairs. these short 2 minutes from the hall to the doors to many . when the first shock passed, it became clear that it seemed like an eternity, but thanks to dedication and a cool head , everyone in this group managed to escape. it doesn't matter on the street, everyone is over there. on the day of the tragedy, the teenager
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worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant at a concert . fifteen-year-old islam learned the layout of the building well in courses for administrators and led the victims out through the technical rooms for staff. there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction, to expo, to expo! many crocus employees helped find the shortest path to salvation, among them there are also dead, but if indecision mutual assistance of concert visitors, then there could be more of them. sergei samokha, valery stepin, after all! investigators continue to work on the grounds of crookus city hall. four sets of military ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles were found at the site of the terrorist attack. fsb officers were able to quickly identify those who shot at the sitikholi crocus, as well as their accomplices. 11 suspects were detained, including four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. during interrogations they admitted that went to mass murder of people for the sake of money. the basmanny court of moscow is considering the petition. about the arrest of the suspects,
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four have already been interrogated by the investigative committee. the investigation is personally supervised by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. security measures have been tightened near the courthouse. the streets are guarded by police and members of the russian national guard. a new strike by our long-range precision weapons was delivered on sunday against ukrainian energy facilities, the gas production industry, as well as assembly sites without crew boats. as reported by the ministry of defense, the attack disrupted the work of enterprises where military equipment was produced and... near lvov , the target of the aerospace forces was an airfield where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters. in the kharkov region, a czech rszzo vampire was struck, from which they were killed in residential areas. in the dpr , near krasnogorovka, aerospace forces pilots dropped a high-explosive air bomb on a temporary deployment point for ukrainian troops. in just one day, our military eliminated over a thousand mercenary soldiers. residents of dozens of people carry flowers in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. cities of the world. the southern one will offend. conveying words
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of support to all those affected. in damascus , a solidarity rally was held by members of the syrian student union, its participants expressed condolences to the victims and relatives of the victims and condemned the terrorist attack. in paris, flowers and drawings with touching inscriptions are brought to the russian embassy building as a sign of grief for the victims of the terrorist attack. in santiago, many people felt it necessary to come to the spontaneous memorial of the russian embassy. a memorial service for the innocent victims was held in the church. that trio in santiago. briefly about other news: severe floods hit brazil, downpours literally flooded the small state of piritu santo in the east of the country, on the street of the state capital, vittoria. turned into rivers. there is no information about casualties at this time. don't switch. a rare case in medical practice, novosibirsk trauma surgeons operated on
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a thirteen-year-old girl from krasnoyarsk with an almost hundred-degree spinal deformity. operation was successfully completed. the patient is also grew by eight. report by elizaveta malykh. after the operation, angelina stands confidently on her feet. in a unique case, the girl grew 8 cm in one day. doctors literally stretched the teenager’s spine. this is what the back looked like. more reminiscent of a horror movie, like the pain experienced by a child. i was tired, i was always at home, lying down. physiocorset exercise therapy did not help. spinal deformity 115°. it was impossible to delay treatment, but at the examination stage, doctors discovered serious problems. heart disease, a pacemaker was installed. conventional operation in this case, it is contraindicated, there are great risks: they decided to accept a difficult patient only through surgery, not even then, they used neuromonitoring. the device monitors the functions of the spinal cord, sensory and motor, throughout the entire operation;
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the further action of the surgeons will depend on its reaction. one wrong movement and complete paralysis, the second successful case of scoliosis correction in a patient with a pacemaker in the history of the clinic. if. the patient would not have been operated on now in a year or two, it would have been much worse there, and the effect that we now we have achieved, we might not have achieved , because with age the spine becomes difficult to correct, if scoliosis is not cured in time, the functioning of internal organs, breathing and movement will be disrupted, in the case of angelina, a metal structure will support her spine all her life, this is a breakdown of genetics , the lifestyle itself has no effect, the only thing is... at a certain rate of progression, yes, that is, before there were children, they spent their childhood on the street, and they ran and were actively engaged physical education, the children were healthier from a physical point of view. angelina has a long rehabilitation ahead, she is already doing physical education while lying in the ward and dreaming, after
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the operation the girl has a new one. i would like to become a doctor, probably a surgeon, some kind of pediatrician, i don’t know, a surgeon, or a pediatrician, or a surgeon. elizaveta malykh, andrey kuropatkin, lead novosibirsk. all news is always available on the media platform watch, stay on the russia channel. film series kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. in that there will be no war this year. what will it tell us about this? people's commissar of blacksmiths? we will not save the entire fleet, but the sailors, soldiers, women and children. big premiere. your husband violated.
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who decided to use the entire palette of colors on one canvas. in fact, these are rainbow mountains, multi-colored layers and the result of mixing rocks and minerals. well, what is there: sandstone, iron oxide minerals, colcite and dolamide, the play of light and shadow adds to the fantasy, the landscape looks especially surreal during sunrise and sunset. u for us in russia the sun has already risen, we want to know what the weather will be like in the coming days. in spring, everything changes very quickly.
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in the first days of the working week , localized rain will occur in the south of russia, and temperatures are expected to be moderately warm. in the second half of the period, the probability of precipitation will be small, so... the sun will warm up the air better, midday hours in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to +13-18. in crimea in kuban +17 +22. in
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the middle volga, sunny and dry weather will prevail, only on tuesday-wednesday the clouds will thicken and there will be rain. the prevailing daytime temperature is +4 -9. rainy days are a little cooler. in the north-west of russia at the beginning of the week there will be light precipitation only in places and even in the south of the region the thermometers will not rise. above +2 -7°, then the atlantic cyclone will make its way here, and thursday-friday, accompanied by light rains, turning into snow in the arctic in the north of the region, it will warm up to 0. +5, in the southern part to +8 +13. in central russia, the background atmospheric pressure will increase, so that clouds and precipitation will gradually dissipate will stop. and only on friday a new batch of rain clouds will break into the region. during the day it’s +5 +10. at the end of the working week it is 3-4° warmer. the urals will be covered by the cloudy fields of the cyclone. at
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the beginning, together with precipitation, it will bring warming to +5-10. but on thursday-friday the vortex will begin to pump arctic air into the region, so that in some places the rain may turn to snow, and the daytime temperature will drop to 0.5. air warmed by the golf stream will continue to flow into southern siberia, so the thaw temperature will remain here in the afternoon up to +3 +8. only tuesday-wednesday , a short-term cooling is expected here , the thermometer readings will become 4-5° lower, in the south of the far east it will be sunny for most of the working week, as a result, the daytime temperature in the amur region will rise to +2 -7, in the south of primorye to +5 -10 , but on thursday-friday the region will be covered by the clouds of an atmospheric front bringing cold temperatures. thank you, maria, well , you told us about the weather for the coming days, but we heard from nastya what we have. region in central russia promises weather for the weekend of almost +16°, and in general we already have night
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the indicators are positive, this is such a good sign that spring has already thoroughly come to us and even storks have arrived, which is also a very lucky indicator of spring, so we are already in such a good spring and the degrees will only increase for march, of course, abnormally, but let's see how everything really turns out, thank you, maria borisova told us about the weather for the coming days, thank you. let's see the crime scene, and then we'll go ask awkward questions, i love asking awkward questions. vosnetsova, premiere, today 21:20. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not give away our memory and do not renounce our words; we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov, today at 23:20 on the russia channel. the rain will help you remember everything. in cloudy and rainy weather, people's attention and memory improve,
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according to australian scientists. tests were carried out on volunteers, visitors to the shopping center. they had to remember as many toys as possible on display in different weather conditions. it turned out that on gloomy days people recorded three times as many items. most likely, a reduced emotional background encourages a person to peer into surrounding objects and think more focused. and the sun and high spirits help. this is true, but the rain really is very calming, buckwheat tea will help your general tone and health, a drink made from tatarian buckwheat seeds, rich in essential acids and vitamins, alena kashtanova was convinced that it is still delicious, which one to choose today, chocolate, with lavender, about alena’s passion all her friends know different types of tea by profession the girl is a perfumer, so the aromas of drinks are her weakness, today the choice fell on buckwheat, buckwheat tea. which i chose today was given to me by my friend, and to be honest, i really loved it, firstly, it is very beautiful,
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and secondly, useful, but people became interested in its properties only recently, after all, tea is not the most popular drink belongs to the cereals, it is prepared from the grains of tatarian buckwheat, a wild relative of common buckwheat, from which the well- known buckwheat is obtained, they differ in size, with our regular buckwheat, yes, which we use in our diet, these are small grains, and these grains grow. in asia they have a rapid ripening process; the growing season is much faster than that of ordinary buckwheat ; this is the difference. grass in russia was considered a weed, but in china they saw its value, where they began to cultivate it since ancient times. the grains were collected, dried, fried and brewed into a hot drink, the taste and color of which depended on the degree of roasting. today , russians have also begun to study the composition of tea. specialists. it is valued for its composition, unique composition, because it is a superfood. if. to compare with ordinary buckwheat, the content of
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the useful substance, polyphenol, is 10 times higher than in ordinary buckwheat. rutin is almost never found in grains. cultures and is not produced by the body, it strengthens blood vessels and participates in the normalization of blood pressure. another effect of the drink is antioxidant, thanks to polyphenols, which, by the way, retain all their properties when roasted. they hinder oxidative stress inside cells, prevent their premature aging, destruction and mutations inside cells, the formation of mutations. due to this, it has some anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. vernacular tea has a sweetish taste, reminiscent of cookies or cocoa. when brewing it, doctors recommend using water at a temperature of 90-95°, letting the drink brew for 3-4 minutes, then straining. even pregnant women can drink buckwheat tea, but there are still contraindications: the first contraindication is cereal intolerance, the second contraindication is gout, and the third contraindication is gastrointestinal disease in the acute stage. only
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you can’t get a boost of energy from a cup of buckwheat tea; unlike black and green tea, it does not contain caffeine. so for those who cannot wake up in the morning without invigorating drinks, it is better to choose other varieties. a time machine created using neurosec, melles from vietnam asked artificial intelligence to come up with a sketch of an unusual transport means, and then assembled an exact copy of it from wood, the result was something between an atv, a carriage and a tractor. the futuristic car is powered by two electric motors: it moves on four wheels, two of which are hidden from view. it took 3 months to create the masterpiece. test drive the car. caused a stir among kids, but who wouldn’t want to ride something like that? yes, but in order to drive a real car safely, you need to change tires on time, when it’s definitely time to change what to pay attention to when buying tires, ivan knows zenkevich. the time for spring re-shoes is coming and many are already puzzled about finding a set of tires, but good new tires are expensive.
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there is a solution, buy a used kit, the main thing is to know. how to choose the right one, we’ll talk about this today. start by checking the expiration date and don't be fooled by the good looks. the tires may not have been used and were in the garage, but over time their properties will still deteriorate. rubber loses elasticity, dries out and microcracks appear on the surface. experts do not recommend buying tires over 5 years old. typically, the production date is placed in an oval outline, and embossed numbers indicate it. most modern tires have special wear indicators, usually small bridges in the longitudinal grooves, here they are, as the tread wears, they become closer to the surface of the treadmill. winter tires
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may have additional indicators of fifty percent wear, while summer tires may have a drop designation. if they are almost worn out, then the tread can no longer fully resist the effect of aquaplaning, such you can't take the tire. to make it easier to find these indicators, a special triangular mark or the letters tvi are placed opposite them on the sidewall. you can measure the remaining tread depth with a regular ruler, according to traffic regulations, the minimum permissible value for summer tires is 1.6 mm, for winter tires - four. measure in several places. along the edges and in the center, if the car has problems with the chassis, individual parts of the tire can wear out with different intensity, uneven wear threatens us with the fact that during operation the car will be inadequate behave on the road and float and controllability will be impaired, and of course, you should not take tires with cuts, punctures and ruptures, it is better to look for their traces from
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the inside, but a hernia or damage to the cord can usually be noticed only after inflating the wheel or even already... movement, so used tires are always a certain risk; no one knows how such tires will behave in an emergency. it may be worth looking for a new kit from inexpensive manufacturers so as not to overpay for a well-known brand. and then, virtual reality against depression. we'll tell you in a few minutes how, thanks to our scientists, vr technologies will help people. a divorced mother of four children , just such a mom, well, is that bad, she easily solves the most complex cases, you saw something, but why liskovoysya, he was not
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driven by maternal instinct, but she has difficulty in her personal life. let's go and have some coffee, with pleasure, but as an ex, what else is this? oops, is this ours? anonymous paternity test, positive, i i’ll repent, i’ll repent, why did you do this, vosnetsova, continuation, we’re looking at rtr today, you’re looking like a hundred, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then... with a bulge. which character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? and how much will it be for a family to be eight? seven and
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eight? seven and eight? how many? who talks a lot and loudly at work? if you answer, then with humor. i would like to chop, not pinch. problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services. i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, sorry for falling like snow in the dark. he was declared dead, but now he has appeared. you should introduce me to my son. my answer is no. why do you think it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him? i feel like it's
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gern. everything will be fine. the main thing is to believe me. husband for an hour and a half. premiere on saturday on rtr. the closest one. time we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with: increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life and achieve your dreams, what to expect from the future. about this and more in our program. maladov, today on rtr. you.
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now we will make everything out of you. alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulyakova, evgenia loza. queen margot, friday on rta. dogs have been discovered to have a vocabulary. hungarian scientists conducted a test. that is, the memory of an object, when they hear it
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, what people say, that is, dogs activate the designation, this sharply increases the level of some objects, according to the words they recognize, about the intelligence of these animals. the discovery suggests that a dog has the ability to understand words in the same way as a person, and this is wonderful, but people can communicate better with each other and even fight depression . sergei has a vr helmet on his head, which means the little trip he is talking about takes place in virtual space, and this is not a recreational walk, a young man
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is testing a program to combat depression, we give him a task, you will see several rooms, these rooms will have different shapes, determine which room , what shape of room you are in, the session lasts about 15 minutes, all this time there is space around the user. in tests , scientists have found that such visuals have a positive effect on the cerebral cortex, regular sessions in... which is being implemented within the framework of the national project science and universities. so this year , 118 universities from 50 regions of the country are participating in the program, including 12 universities in
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the far east. in addition, 42 universities additionally received a special part of the grant for the development of science, the moscow innovator competition also supports the development, one of the projects that was supported by a grant is a simulator of interpersonal communication, you go directly to the virtual reality glasses, and first you download the mobile application on your phone, four types of scenes will be waiting for you inside the glasses, one of them needs to be introduced. with a new person, while in another, discuss accumulated problems with a computer avatar, after a virtual session, talk with a real psychologist. we are getting into the habit of communicating more and more not in person, not in person, but online , these are chats, we don’t even call each other, all this, of course, affects the fact that we are gradually, gradually losing the habit of communicating our skills are starting to be lost.
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developers. have already created courses for teenagers, students and young people under 35 years old. depending on age, program objectives may vary. in the future and if necessary, psychologists are ready to provide virtual assistance to older people. and then debts will not rush, but will help you get into new ones. what schemes do false lawyers use and how not to fall for their bait, we’ll ask an expert after the news. let's see the crime scene, and then we'll go ask awkward questions, i love asking awkward questions. vosnetsov, premiere. today at 21:20. the news will tell about the main things about russia abroad. in the studio of ver tarasov. hello. the death toll from
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the crocus city holly attacks has risen. up to 137 this was reported to the investigative committee. addressing citizens, vladimir putin expressed sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. the head of state assured that everyone who was behind this bloody crime will suffer inevitable punishment. the head of the investigative committee. the difficult procedure of identifying the bodies of the dead has already begun. it will be conducted around the clock and will take up to two weeks. there were residents of almost 40 regions in crocus at the time of the tragedy. relatives of the victims will be delivered to the capital free of charge by major russian airlines russian railways. the hotel booking service will pay for their accommodation. at the same time, rescuers continue to clear the rubble and search. words of consolation and support are now very much needed by people who still have not found their relatives either in hospitals or in list of the dead. according to updated data from the ministry of health, 180 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack. more than 140 wounded remain in hospitals. many are in serious or very serious
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condition. doctors are fighting for their lives and health in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. dozens of operations have been carried out, and additional medical teams have been deployed. at the same time, 32 people have already been discharged. not only residents of moscow and the region, but also people from other regions of the country are coming to donor centers to donate blood. vladimir putin paid tribute to the memory of those whose lives were cut short as a result of the terrorist attack. this adults and children came to the concert with their families, with those who had lost loved ones, now the whole country. the head of state visited the church. on the territory of the novo ogorev residence he lit a candle for the repose of the victims. a projection of flying cranes on the crocus building was lit in memory of the victims. this happened exactly at 19:55. this is exactly the time the terrorists entered the concert hall building. this tragedy will go down in history not only as a barbaric crime, but also as a fact of civil solidarity in a moment of trouble, when people shielded their naked neighbors from bullets.
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they threw their hands at the armed ones. we were preparing a video report about the concert, and the next shots were of a concert hall engulfed in flames. tatyana had to film the concert from the top point; she didn’t have time to leave through the technical exit and got stuck on the balcony. there was a man who neutralized the terrorist , who was on stage, who most likely should have fired at the balcony, only thanks to this man, most of the people who were in the hall,
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including us, were saved, i’m right there i really want to say a big thank you to this man, in these frames, the first minutes of the attack, hearing the sounds of bursts, people are fleeing, when the first shock passed, it became clear: many crocus employees helped find the shortest path to salvation, among them there were also dead, but if the indecision of mutual assistance of concert visitors, then they could would be more. sergey samokho, valery
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stepin, lead. investigators continue to work on the site of the terrorist attack on the territory of crocus city hall; four sets of combat ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles were found. fsb officers were able to quickly identify those who shot at sitikholi, as well as their accomplices. 11 suspects were detained, including four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. during interrogations , they admitted that they committed mass murder of people for money. the basmanny court in moscow is considering a petition for arrest; the four suspects have already been interrogated by the investigative committee. don't switch. in st. petersburg, the restoration of the cathedral is underway, one of the orthodox, historical and architectural pearls of the city, painting they plan to restore it by august, which is
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when the cathedral will turn 270 years old. with details ekaterina gritsienko. the picturesque vault was restored to its original appearance several years ago, now it’s time for the frieze with the inscription. on a blue background , an appeal to god with a request for mercy to all those who pray, so that these words shine again, first you need to remove a layer of dirt that has lasted for several decades, allowances wash it with a solution of baby soap and water, restore the inscription in the same gentle, gentle way, in some way letters, injections of special glue are enough to restore its former beauty, our gold has cracked a little, we pierce it with a special compound and strengthen it. along a crack, at a height of 40 m, imperceptibly, here under the dome it is clearly visible, the oil paint burst and came away from the plaster, again the restorers used glue to lay each piece, then exposure to high temperature, as if
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these cracks had never existed, such filigree work in the transfiguration cathedral required at every stage. this is an amazing temple, it never closed, it worked throughout the soviet era, and even during the five-year era of godlessness there, it always did. has always worked, so there is a very high degree of authenticity, decoration, and this, of course, is always very difficult, because authenticity must be preserved. the cathedral was erected at the behest of elizaveta petrovna, such was the gratitude of the empress, to the soldiers of the preobrazhensky regiment, the emperor and the empress came to the transfiguration, because we know that all male members of the royal family were enrolled in the preobrazhensky regiment from birth, but in 1825. there was a fire, the cathedral was restored by vasily stasov, an adherent of the strict empire style, the new church gained fame equal to the previous one, the architect's contemporaries said that there were two main buildings in the city - the kazan cathedral of the transfiguration of the savior. the powerful
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fence also became a real gem. the fence, designed by vasily stasov , was installed in honor of the victory in the russian-turkish war. the basis of the design is 102 captured guns. the cannons even retain the coats of arms of the ottoman empire. gun barrels installed with the muzzle down, they will never participate in combat. it is believed that stasov saved more than 1,300 rubles on the cannon fence. he received such a prize from the emperor; preserving history, legends, priceless architectural heritage is the task of current generations. katerina gritsienko, vyacheslav rakov, mark polukhinskikh, lead st. petersburg. microscopic magnetic conductors for restoring damaged nerves were created by scientists from tomsk polytechnic university. tomsk scientists came up with a special
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conductor, it’s called a conduit, which can reduce regeneration time significantly. it is impossible to tighten and stitch the ends of the peripheral nerve with such damage; there is a high probability of rupture in another place. the gold standard in the treatment of serious nerve injuries is autotransplantation, that is, transplantation of the patient's own nerve taken from another part of the body to the site of injury. however, tpu scientists, together with colleagues from leading russian universities, have developed. composite magnetic conductors or conduits for the regeneration of peripheral nerves. they are implanted into the defect area and contribute to restoration of the damaged nerve inside them. these conductors are biocompatible, unlike analogs existing on the market, and have additional bioactive properties. there is such a very promising direction in science, it is associated with materials that change their properties as a result of external influences. in this case, our conduit is a so-called smart material, which, when exposed to... the impact in this case is a magnetic field, stimulates the regeneration
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of nervous tissue, more effectively than others materials. today scientists are looking for the material of the conduit itself and a way to improve regeneration. temichi, together with colleagues from other institutes, improved the conductor with biocompatible magnetite nanoparticles sewn inside the fibers. they stimulate nerve tissue in an external magnetic field. magnetic particles directly stimulate tissue cells. due to the magnetomechanical effect, also in an alternating magnetic field. the conduit itself is implanted in the area of ​​the nerve defect. during the operation, the tube is inserted the ends of the damaged nerve, which is subsequently restored inside the conduit. this occurs due to its properties, composition, and microstructure of porosity. as the nerve is restored , the conduit dissolves in the body to form harmless decomposition products, leaving only the restored nerve in the area of ​​injury. prototypes have already been completed. in vitro studies and results showed that they are biocompatible. olesyava,
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anton sukhushin, lead tomsk. all news is always available on the media platform. let's look at application or website. stay on the russia channel. film series. kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year. what will it tell us about this? people's commissar of blacksmiths? we won't be able to save the entire fleet. soldiers of women and children, thank you abyss, great premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform let's look. hello, this is morning russia, denis stoykov is on air, i’m anastasia chernopravilna. march 25, monday. men use
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neural networks more often and have more faith in their future. survey showed that almost a third of the stronger sex generate texts using chatbots, and 36% help create an image. among women, these figures are 5-6% lower, and girls perceive artificial intelligence as temporary entertainment. but it’s interesting that young people use neural networks mainly for work and study, while the older generation. for social networks, creating music and improving photos. about some neural networks they provide advice on legal issues; they are better than pseudo-firms that just last year provided services to russians amounting to about 50 billion rubles. fraudsters offered clients to write off debts and interest on loans, but instead deprived people of their last savings. about new deception schemes. dmitry zaitsev. we will get rid of debts, cancel debts, write off all debts from such optimistic proposals. on the internet it’s already quite bright in the eyes, but in
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fact not everything is so rosy. natalya kulikova was convinced of this from her own experience. last year she took out a loan for treatment, but the amount turned out to be too much to repay. after watching enough advertisements on social networks, the woman decided to respond. proposals to write off all debts seemed too tempting. according to the contract, i paid 110. before i had to pay an additional 47. to pay for the services i had to take out a loan again, but only help from such professionals. she never achieved it, after receiving the money, the office closed, the phones are silent, but in the northern capital , law enforcement officers managed to catch similar scammers in hot pursuit, what exactly are your responsibilities, escort client by car and information consultation. the detainees admitted that, under the guise of a law office, they called potential clients and offered to cover all obligations to banks for free. the crooks convinced their victims that it was an expensive procedure. there is,
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there is an established bankruptcy procedure, during which the creditor and debtor compete with each other, each party presents its own arguments. indeed, such proceedings can drag on for years and the assurances of the so-called debtors will solve the question is quick without problems, a lie, nothing else, especially since since 2020, citizens have access to a simplified scheme through the mfc. in order to contact us for an extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure, it is necessary. so that the amount of debt is from 25 thousand to 1 million rubles. and a minimum set of documents is also required: a passport, a personal identification document, a tax identification number, and some certificates of debt. 3 days are allotted for checking all the data received, while the bankruptcy procedure itself will take 6 months, after which all these debts will be written off legally, with fraudsters,
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of course, cannot influence the work of a government agency or speed up the process with this approach. the regions have already begun to combat this kind of advertising of legal services; for example, in the tver region , dubious offers have already disappeared from the local media. the scheme is always approximately the same, that is, the company gives an advertisement in which it says that it is possible to get rid of debts, without disclosing anything, pretending, creating the impression among citizens that this service is really for them absolutely harmless the central bank and the prosecutor general's office plan to disseminate the experience of colleagues at the federal level ; the department proposes to amend the law on advertising, prohibiting any mention , including on the internet, of such services; it is expected that this measure will help protect citizens from dishonest pseudo-legalists. office we will continue the conversation with a member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, alexander bashkin. alexander yes, good morning. hello. good morning. well, it’s clear, we’ve already heard, that debts can be relieved either by the bank itself or by the state through bankruptcy proceedings. and there was a proposal at the end of the material that we should ban such advertising, that we would save
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you from debt. is it really possible to write whatever you want on banners and advertising, including fraudulent slogans? really. in modern legal relations there is no legal or painless way to get rid of it for a long time, so if they offer this, they are either trying to deceive you or involve you in crime. well, you understand that people they are still drawn to the temptation, because it’s easier there, yes, if they also write mfc, gov, sign, yes, that under the state this company, of course, a person will go, because it’s easier and faster, maybe after all they won’t tempt like that of people?


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