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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 25, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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their brothers were waiting for them, because, let me remind you, there are quite a few scum who showed themselves in the war in syria, who showed their worst side, now in ukraine, we will find everyone and destroy everyone, when you tell us that, well, you are isis.
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whose meat i ate, but we don’t use these methods, so macron is cheering for the crime you committed in africa, here you can fly, the guys there are also serious, yes, there is such an american blogger, jack posobiec, that’s what he thinks , i believe that ukraine is moving into a new phase war. and i said specifically that we will see terrorist attacks by militants using false flag provocations, blaming someone else for them, saying that it was not us, our traces are not there. zelensky said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full brunt of this. victoria said this additional funding would provide putin with some unpleasant surprises. this is victoria when victoria promises unpleasant things. surprises, you
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get things like this just a couple of weeks later. typically, isis jihadists do not flee with terrorist attack sites usually do not want to become martyrs. they don't mention isis, suddenly an isis we haven't heard of has been accused of this for years. the us announced this immediately. this is amazing, you already know that it is isis, but you cannot tell us who blew up nord stream 2. so specific, but that's what he says. when the usa. britain and others quickly tried to convince me that it was isis who carried out the massacre in moscow. i automatically knew they were lying. and this is what i discovered. first of all, i discovered that no one, no one, has explained president barack obama's unannounced visit to meet british politicians. and
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security officials at 10 downing street. 3 days before this terrorist crime was committed. researching even further, i discovered that victoria nuland is the harbinger of death, this angel of death who, if he approaches you, you can be sure that civil war is coming in your country. saw her with my own eyes, she promised the russians some unpleasant surprises in the coming weeks and months, i will investigate further and discover that white house press secretary john kirvey announced that american citizens have been warned to stay away from crowded places, including shopping malls and theaters in the great.
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the islamic state claimed responsibility not once, but three times, first on the night after the attack with details that were not known at the time. in response to his statement, the second time when she published a photograph of the militants, the third time when she posted a video filmed by the participants in the attack. so everyone times when the russian narrative pointed to the guilt of ukraine, the islamic state took responsibility, it is not typical for them to take responsibility three times in a row, and each time with a lot of detail. there was also a message to us intelligence that russia was a target. we heard the propaganda of velayat kharasan that their goal is russia. we knew their intentions. tell me more islamic terrorists who would surrender, tell me another terrorist attack that was
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carried out in juma on friday, and more religious holiday, name me more islamic terrorists who were captured and who say that... they did it for money, naming the amount, name them for me, who didn’t say a word that they were coming, because for them this is a hut, well, they shouted alla akbar three times, what next, after which they began to whine about where and what they were doing, name me at least one case that would have happened like this, and so that they would not commit suicide, so that there would be no explosion so that they don’t fight to the end, so that they give up and run, i just want to ask, do you hear, uncle? a specialist from germany is generally speaking complete nonsense, because if we talk about the tactics of islamic
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terrorists, and these are very different organizations, or rather how their signs were different, then approximately everyone has a model... in the opposite direction from what is usual are being done by islamic terrorists, but i’ll tell you this, the version that the americans are pushing is very poorly developed, the most important thing that strikes me in this whole story is that it’s not even stitched together with white threads, it not at all...
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here he says: no, no, no, only this, only this. why are you so afraid? gentlemen , americans, the flood has very strange, unpleasant details, so they have already surfaced, there is nothing to be afraid of. if you are so sure of ukraine’s innocence in your own innocence, then let’s agree that, well, for starters, victoria nuland, and mark millet. and jack salevan will be interrogated by our investigative authorities, yes, this can be done not on russian formal territory, let's do it in a neutral country, well, for example, in belarus, you don’t want to, belarus confuses you, you have already inherited there so
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that you will be accepted there, well, let’s go to kazakhstan, i’m afraid that in kazakhstan you will have questions, but let’s find a neutral country, north korea, yes ...
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consequences, but then, this is propaganda pushing the only version, it becomes simply ridiculous, it looks narrower.
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the white house is not to blame, they look very strange, this is about the bowler hat,
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but we all understand where the terrorist weapon banned in russia came from islamic state, who created it, on the basis of whom, and excuse me, don’t believe podovich solovyov me, believe hillary clinton, who clearly said where the islamic state, islamic, came from? the state is the combat terrorist wing of the cia , everyone knows this very well, and the cia officers are based on the islamic state in the same syria and
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this is all still on the internet, and hillary clinton’s statements can be found, the same jack sullivan, correspondence in which he says that terrorist activities are actually prohibited in syria the organization at that time, from the point of view of the americans, is a terrorist state, it is in syria on our side, it’s all there, what do you want in washington, kids, so that we blink away all this and forget about it, what are you doing?
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that we are dealing with extremely dangerous, extremely cynical, extremely consistent, absolutely infinitely cruel, but absolutely unprofessional people who will try to cover up their unprofessionalism with blood, and this blood will be ours. well, please, first of all i would like on my own behalf, collective center of our foreign partners from more than 40 countries of the world to express sincerely. condolences to the relatives of the ubey victims, telegrams of condolences came, starting on saturday, from berlin, paris, rome, belgrade, beirut, damascus, tehran, the taliban expressed condolences, and , oddly enough, the anti-taliban opposition from vietnam, many caring people who perceived this tragedy as your personal one.
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operational and investigative activities are ongoing, we won’t get ahead of ourselves, there’s no point in fantasizing either. arrests are ongoing as far as we know today, detentions have even taken place in one of the foreign countries, which means these kids began to testify, for a reason, one of them spent time in turkey and the conversations when they committed their atrocities were a mixture of tajik and... arabic, apparently this person was in a different language environment for a long time, he was forced to apply this, and let me remind you that turkey is a nato country. turkey is a nato country, yes, the fact that these are not isis militants is evidenced by many factors, first of all, the fact that
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this was done in ramadan, on friday, real muslims never do this. they won’t go, the fact that it was a trained killer was said by the calmness with which they killed, someone said that they were recruited somewhere from the street, they don’t know how to handle weapons, i watched these footage many times, the one who took in the hands of a weapon he can clearly see how they walked, how they killed, whoever raises their hand on their own kind for the first time, their hands always tremble, but these hands did not tremble, and then they finished off the wounded with a knife, this already says a lot, then, that the tajiks were chosen, apparently the directors of this operation were counting on the fact that anti-muslim and anti-tazhi sentiments would be provoked in russia, today they called me from dushembe and said, we are very afraid that this could happen, i told them that the russians they don’t remember evil and the fact that these scumbags exist among all the peoples of the world, they do not yet belong to
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isis, which is also why isis members, as a rule... blow themselves up and kill themselves. on march 22, the same day, only at 8:00 in the morning in kandahar there was a queue at the bank to receive a salary of 150 a person, a terrorist militant, detonated an explosive device, resulting in 26 dead, 50 wounded, a self-detonation was carried out by a citizen of uzbekistan, assadbed mediarov. according to the taliban's main intelligence department, he was 2 months ago. underwent training in one of the camps in pakistan, after which he was thrown into the province of kandahar, where he committed an act of self-detonation; two were trained in the same camp.
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conclusions must be drawn from all this; first of all, migration policy must be put in order, we have spoken about this many times at in your programs, sergei aleksandrovich and i have repeatedly talked about this topic, we need to start with the local police officers, once upon a time the service of local police officers knew everything. all , now because of the small salaries, i don’t think that we have good personnel for such positions, scary, so, and then, what can a district police officer do, so the emphasis should
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be on the lower level, local police officers, the regional department of the federal service security, make good savings for these people, provide a normal social package, so that they only have a headache with the service, and not so much, how to get money for food, and unfortunately, we have a lot of wrong things. order must first be taught to us from ourselves. next, in migration policy , it is necessary to establish control over the entry of citizens and labor migrants into our territory, and how do they comply with this? it turns out that they come to construction sites, after a while from the construction site, they already look at them, they start delivering, some pizza, some doing something else, just not what they need, migrants who come here on a temporary basis should be banned , bring families, already... stricter requirements for those who want, who want to accept russian citizenship, we often begin to accept russian citizenship by people who do not know the history of russia, cannot speak russian, what
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duty to the country can they have, i don’t want to talk badly about all tajiks, the second pilot, the navigator of the helicopter that was hijacked by the traitor kuzminov, was also a guy from tajikistan, but he fulfilled his duty to the end, so there are a lot of decent people among the tajiks, all of course now.. . before this, a nato reconnaissance plane was cruising over the black sea, the question is why it was not shot down, this is the first question, the second question is why in the morning... the british ambassador was not summoned to the foreign ministry, he was not protested that british mines in sevastopol civilians were killed and
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infrastructure was damaged. why was the military action called by the ministry of defense, and also no protest was lodged against them? they, unfortunately, feel very well, make demonstrative gestures, go to all sorts of events with our oppositionists and completely. they are ignoring us, well, it’s time to restore order here in belgorod, how many blows have already been struck from these rzzos by a czech-made vampire, why is the czech ambassador still here, what should he do here, and czech beer, and czech beer, and much more, therefore, there are a lot of questions like why, we must finally understand, understand everything, that there is a war going on, a war of destruction has been declared on us, if we don’t pull ourselves together, don’t unite, then we won’t survive this war, we have no other , in conclusion, i want to say that yesterday was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the beginning of nato aggression against yugoslavia, i
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have very... a lot of connections with this country, well, already with the former yugoslavia, now serbia, i go there often, i will go there again in the near future, when i was there, i looked at all this and thought, god forbid, this will happen to us, and 25 years later it has now been repeated here in the belgorod region, in kushchina and in the southeast, on our new lands. the only thing i will express is an unpopular point of view, but i don’t have a question for the tajiks, i have a question for ours.
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who spoke for them, who are their sponsors , who brought them, who didn’t track them, what the punishment will be, we raised the question yesterday, and i will repeat it today, what is the diaspora, who is the leader of the diaspora, there should be no diasporas, no , please, let there be diasporas, no question, if this is a cultural and historical circle studying cutting and sewing and native languages, one question, that’s one thing, yes.
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and so that everyone knows, and the diaspora, so that they know when a tajik, a hero, i told about him, lost a leg, commands tanks, well done, his brother serves, we are proud of him, we we are proud of him, we are all soviet internationalists, but when i twist, i want to deceive, i am in charge here, who
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are you here, well, come here, what did she drink? a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness. well, well, go on, let's go. do you know that liskov is not an angel? creative nature, anything can happen. maybe he fell in love, which is what your intuition told you. vesnitsova. tomorrow on rtr. wall resources,
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big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making this room absolutely faceless three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i'm... in general a plant maniac, flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers , after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, viktor poltoranin, now
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i’m your upstairs neighbor. nightmare, it was i who called you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me. ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there’s some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr. russia,
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traditional, modern, technological , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. in hospitals and so on, and as orthodox christians, we pray for those who have left
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of this life, for those who are wounded , in general lent is now underway, and the first week is so intense, it is always a time of great trials, a time to think about the meaning, so to speak, and in general, as it were, about eternity, yes, what is called death, unfortunately, we are nearby , she is always nearby, so it’s like, well, this is also here, this is also, so to speak, a reason to think about how to live, so to speak, what to do , and so on and so on, where to be, so to speak, where not to be, this is the first, second, eh, but there is no need for any panic, yes, in any case, in any case case, so to speak, i think that here one should not fall into any kind of despondency, fear and that means trying to hide somewhere, but on the other hand, there is no need for some kind of brutal, as if incomprehensible aggression , such you know demonicness, that is, here you need to firmly, but at the same time... very soberly analyze the situation, stand firmly on your feet and act, act in the right direction, of course, the investigation will naturally find out, so to speak, who is how, where, what, and what concerns customers, well , even here it’s a simple thing, well, listen, look
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who benefits, here i have a program with iron logic to lead fm, that’s the most logical thing, it’s still very much loved by vladimir vultovich zhirinovsky, when sergevich always said, here you are, he said, heavenly, he said, so to speak, so, what is this, mikheev, your logic is not ironclad, it’s rusty, he says, it’s disgusting, but you have to listen, here, but, nevertheless, find out about the logic, well, the most logical thing is to look for those for whom it is most profitable, most profitable for today this is ukraine’s day, whether you want it or not, then, of course, we need details, then we need to, so to speak, we need to dig, because who went where there, this is important, but there may be different options, you yourself understand, yes, but nevertheless , today we ...
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organs, here , but nevertheless, we see, we see, so to speak, the performers, and you know, i have been raising the topic of migration for many, many years, as if yes, i said before, now i think that, of course, our migration policy, well, i i’ll say it very mildly, it requires very serious analysis and revision, i’ll start , as it were, a little from the other side, in general - this ideology of uncontrolled migration, the ideology, so to speak, of these flows of population from everywhere, that is, in all directions, is the ideology of the globalists. this, for example, is the ideology of the us democratic party, these are the ideologies of biden, the clintons, obama and everyone else. why? because from their point of view, these migration flows , firstly, destroy national states, secondly, they level out sovereign civilizations, as it were, and thirdly, where
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necessary, they create chaos or, so to speak, create the possibility of influencing the situation . this the ideas of the globalists, and more often than not, it is argued that these are simple things, money, this is profitable, you can earn money from this, and so on and so forth. this is exactly how this ideology came to russia in the nineties, and this is exactly how it is here, so to speak, to be honest, without any special changes, it is still present, now is the time to rethink these things, rethink...
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build, so to speak, as an illusion, and i think this is important, by the way, a question that also seems to me you raised an important point about the diaspora, my friends, power should be with the state, in our country political parties based on national or religious principles are prohibited by law, diaspora leaders de facto turn into political parties, well, let’s put it this way, at least into socio-political movements, they’re really not doing cutting and sewing, they’re starting to kind of show off their rights... yes
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, the state comes to them, we say, we’ll talk to the leaders of the diaspora, but why are you adding legitimacy to them when you’re coming to them talk, it looks like the state is bowing to them, that they have some kind of informal power, you know, like in the nineties, it means we had special people, including in the offices, who were responsible for communication with bandits from the upg and so on further and so on, yes, so to speak, they supervised these things, here you have to be very careful so that it does not degrade. in america, what is happening, look, this
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question has become a key one, so to speak, it is actually already bringing america to the brink of civil war, my friends, so if not to notice these things, you will be preparing similar situations here, so this requires a very serious analysis and elaboration of all factors, for example, say, the economic factor, in some places it is needed, but in others it is not needed, you need a completely clear, outgoing out of national interests, that means there is a program there... that means analysis and development of a methodology for what kind of migrants, in what quantity, we need, and which ones we don’t need, because again, being here on your site, i said many times , let's take a project approach, you for construction of a bridge, road, etc. , you need such a number of migrants, here you cannot find these people, but for this project, so to speak, you take responsibility for yourself, i mean business or someone, which means that they are brought here in such and such a number of migrants, you are responsible for them, they have finished working, they are leaving, they are leaving. that’s all, it ’s very simple, especially as it relates to
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the economy, construction, housing and communal services and so on, although i personally have questions there, but oh well, let’s assume, but you understand perfectly well and everyone knows that a huge number of these migrants work in a completely unproductive field, they are not moving russia anywhere, so to speak, innovative, they have nothing to do with technology, so to speak, and food delivery people, so to speak, taxi drivers, here’s one of these, as far as i’ve heard barber hairdresser, do you really think that? the russian economy really needs people, that without them there is nowhere, it seems to me that, to put it mildly, it’s some kind of distortion when they start talking to us about money, my friends, but with money we can then you can exchange everything, you can exchange national security, sovereignty for money , everything else that concerns , as for security, again i don’t pretend here , especially in the presence of so to speak , respected experienced people, to understand security issues, but the capital is that a place where it is decided politically... the fate of the state in moscow and
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the moscow region concentration, so to speak, yes, the largest, the largest, today are individual people, tomorrow it can be said by the political force that you, with which you it will be very difficult to cope, but it’s obvious, these are the basics, they say, you know, money, money, money, money, money, money, this money sells everything, buys everything, there are no pockets in a coffin, that’s the point , try to solve the problems that they create for money. nothing will come of this result, in the end we have learned to say the right words, let's move on to the right things, without hysteria, without aggression, without clashes, and so on. one more question, so to speak, right? except except for migration, of course, this means passportization, in america, in europe there are a lot of problems with migrants, but they don’t give citizenship there until you give citizenship to this person, you kind of lead this, as soon as you give him citizenship, he becomes a political force, he is a voter, hopes that these will become loyal voters, as the us democratic party
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is also counting on this, well, i will say this, this is very controversial, today they can smile at you, what will they think and do tomorrow? the big question is, can you handle it? i say, quite seriously, i don’t have any rejection, i worked a lot in the post-soviet space, i have many friends in central asia and the caucasus, but you can’t feed each other illusions and stories, otherwise when that very bell rings, you won’t know what to grab onto, because it will inevitably turn into a political force, and what will you do with them, and a full-fledged political force, and here , of course, the question is one that you also raised just now, so to speak, and that general seemed to be talking about it, terrible corruption be
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deprived, and you are aware that giving a bribe is a criminal offense, not only accepting it, but also giving a bribe, that is, hundreds of thousands of these people should , i assure you that this will play right into the hands of our enemies. yes, that’s all right, they would like to organize a civil war here, so to speak, which means there will be a division into the national one, well, let’s treat everything responsibly, because if you create the ground for it intentionally, unintentionally , then you
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are responsible for whatever their plans are may be realized, so this is who the main instigator of interethnic hatred is, for example, corrupt officials who issue passports for money. so they are the main instigators of ethnic hatred, they are the accomplices of russia’s external enemies, so just in case, it seems to me that this is extremely important, i think, you know, the time has come to actually look at these things seriously, but what do i want to finish, it may be strange, but nevertheless, as a russian i am addressing my people, so to speak, to the russian people, yes my friends, if you and i do not remember our faith, our traditional way of life.
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god forbid, don’t give in, but still, now is the time of lent, in fact, for the russian believer, this is a time of reflection on oneself, limiting entertainment, limiting, so to speak , you know some of these mass events, everything else, you want, don’t want it, it’s true, it’s true, so just remember about it, remember about yourself, otherwise it will pass, la-la-la-la-la, it will scroll, we’ll forget everything all over again, everything according to the new one, it’s as if we want to have everything, but we have nothing. for this it was not, this does not happen in life, last night i was driving home from the moscow region, it so happened that i drove almost all of moscow on all beats...
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the islamic state banned in russia has been done, and now this information is being accelerated so that they are even connecting not actually political figures, i always thought that after all, the minister of finance is a person who should deal with finances, but it turns out that the chancellor of the exchequer of great britain is capable of doing political statements, despite the fact that when on the one hand we are talking about, for example, a clear statement that it is isis who is the culprit, on the other hand it is necessary... it is said that in no case should we believe the versions of the russian state, in particular this is jamie hunt, let's show him, yes jeremy
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hunt, let's show him, the russians are talking about ukraine's involvement, how much should we believe them? i think we shouldn't trust anything the russian government says, we know they are creating a propaganda machine a screen to protect the absolutely evil invasion of ukraine. but this does not mean that it is not a tragedy when innocent people die as a result of terrible explosions, but i take everything that the russian government says with a huge pinch of salt, i understand a little physiognomy, but it seems that the face is a little stupid, but not everyone is a moral monster, a typical briton, yes, exactly like that, a typical british politician, this is a typically manipulative... practice that is resorted to every time it is needed, i will remind you a little of the situation in 1999, when
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the then prime minister of great britain was called clinton's poodle for his policies, and his policies were called the poodle's opposition, this is the opposition of bush, yes bush. naturally , because i have already confused clinton with the bombing, yes, yes, absolutely right , so, accordingly, what happened in 1999 on the eve of the bombing, what was happening in great britain, why did i remember the manipulative practices, the point is , what all the british media wrote in the month from february 24 to march 24, 1999, were simply dumbfounded. we counted the number of articles about kosovo albanians, how they are oppressed by the serbs, we conducted a study of 360 articles per month,
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which revealed crimes allegedly committed by serbs against albanians, but not a single article contained any mention of the rape of serbian women by kasovars, about the kidnapping of people by representatives of the so-called kosovo liberation army, other abuses on...
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intertwined yesterday on the day of national mourning in russia, the serbs mourned with us and remembered the victims of the start of the bombing yugoslavia, all the commemorative events that were pre-planned for this day began with a minute of silence in honor of the victims, in honor of the memory of the victims at crocus cityholi, and naturally, and people were chanting, a huge number of people were... in the street they were chanting the curse of nato , and it is very important to understand that the serbs were probably one of the first to experience the aggression, the horror that we are experiencing today. in general, it has already been said here several times that, of course, modern terrorists, no matter what their names organizations, no matter where all
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the headquarters are located, one owner is the creator, and... this is the collective west, but one can even say more precisely, the real think tanks for the creation of international terrorism are located in washington, london and brussels. this means that western politicians are not just participants in this process, they really are the brains of international terrorism, and moreover, they publicly admit to complicity in the creation of these structures, starting there from hillary clinton and ending there.
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a very important zone for training international militants who actively fought in the ranks of the same egil, by the way, and were trained on the territory of kosovo, which recognizes the collective west, as there is, say, a democratic state, about joining the eu, there is even talk, so that all these double standards, these cover operations, they will never leave us... no matter how indifferent and will not leave us in the understanding that this is all manipulation, we know who the real enemy is, and accordingly, how to fight him, here we have already said more than once, in my opinion, we don’t know who the real enemy is, well, okay, they destroyed the serbs in 1999, bombed them, well, we didn’t do anything, we didn’t do anything in 1999, yes,
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well, yes, they are now saying that... .. after that we stopped doing it, we all understand the pro-west, this is how it manifests itself, we are still looking for partners in them, we are still trying to understand what they will say about us, we still take part in everything organizations, we still do not respond to all provocations, they have not changed, they do not understand that we we twitch, they can’t... understand, why did we suddenly start behaving like this, everything suited us, we wanted to be like them, they didn’t change, it was we who started to change, we started to change, and why did we then we attach some claims to them, they have always been like this, they have always been systemic enemies, we are surprised by the british here when a british politician lies, when his lips move, they never, by definition
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, told the truth, this is his way of life, this. .. it’s just that there is no code for them to tell the truth, they won’t even understand what they’re talking about speeches that we present to them, they look at us and say: who are you anyway, are you a friend, are you already? everything that the west comes up with is aimed at limiting us, but not themselves; they consider themselves to have the right to manage our money. why
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did you decide that you can manage our money at all, why did we give it to you? why are we giving money to all those petty bastards who are now saying that we will take it away? did we somehow respond with dignity? personally against scholz. personally against bareli, personally against rusul and vonderlein, we opened a criminal case under the article of terrorism against milli, no, by the way, if we remembered the bombing of yugoslavia, of course we need to initiate an international tribunal on nato, but we cannot initiate anything, we have no one to do this with, because to initiate, because we we are still sitting on the dollar needle, we cannot initiate anything, we cannot even punish any czech republic, we cannot even impose normal sanctions against them, we cannot even carry out normal sanctions against the balts.
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there is speculation that a new one is brewing mobilization. so in russia they can further restrict civil rights; all this will or may have serious consequences for the war in ukraine. this means that the kremlin has long used terror as a tactic. why did he come to this conclusion? why against this scumbag armen köper. no criminal case has been filed.
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well, that’s right, and that someone will appreciate our nobility and advertising.


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