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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 26, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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the search operation has been extended, rescuers are manually dismantling the crocus structures, and most of the work has been completed. three more defendants were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. the investigative committee continues to interview the center's employees. the tanks
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and armored vehicles were disabled, our units advanced in the avdeevsky sector and the donetsk direction. this is news, we will tell you about the main thing, in the studio of iver taratsov. hello. vladimir putin held a meeting on measures being taken after the terrorist attacks at crocus city hall in krasnogorsk near moscow. chapter the state once again expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims , thanked everyone who saved people, showing. measures of genuine solidarity and mutual support. putin noted that the criminals hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but were determined to resist this evil. i drew attention to the fact that the investigation should be carried out without any political bias. i ask you, we know that the crime was committed by radical islamists whose ideology is islamic the world has been fighting for centuries. we also see that the united states
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, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data, there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who is in favor. the president heard reports on the progress of investigative actions and operational search work to identify all those involved in the terrorist attack. chapter investigative committee alexander bastrykin reported that the full chronology had been restored and named the latest data on the victims of the tragedy. 137 people died at the scene of the terrorist attack, two died in medical institutions, 40 people died from gunshot wounds, from a combination. under the influence of the high
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temperature of combustion products, 45 people died, 182 people were injured to varying degrees of severity. almost 1 billion rubles were collected to help the families of the victims and victims, the deputy prime minister announced this tatiana golikova. the first payments have begun, pensions for the loss of a breadwinner and relatives have already been assigned. victims who come to moscow to identify bodies or search for their loved ones, provided with everything they need. today, rescuers must complete the removal of the rubble at the site of the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall; the day before, 90% of the structure was dismantled; the search operation was extended, since much of the work is carried out manually, hundreds of people are involved in it; the stage, porta and balcony of the concert hall have been completely cleared. now i'm ready to start analyzing special hundred-ton crane. in the shopping center itself, the issuance of personal belongings, as well as cars, continues. were left in
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the parking lot, at the spontaneous memorial, an endless stream of people found the strength to come to the place of terrible events, those who themselves fled from bullets and fire. the basmanny court of moscow arrested three more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus tetikholi; they will remain in pre-trial detention until may 22. presumably they were responsible for transport and logistics. with their help, the attackers acquired a white symbol, which they tried to escape from pursuit in the bryansk region after a terrorist attack. the day before, four suspects ... detained in the bryansk region were also placed under arrest until may 22. two of the likely perpetrators admitted their guilt. for participation in a terrorist attack with a large number of victims, according to the law, they face life imprisonment. over the past 24 hours, operational-tactical aviation, drones, artillery and missile forces defeated enemy personnel and military equipment in 140 regions. according to the ministry of defense in the donetsk direction, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 200 militants. our advanced units. took more advantageous
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positions, a tank and two armored vehicles were disabled. six more tanks were destroyed in the avdeevsky sector. our units also advanced there. ukrainian neo-nazis tried to counterattack 10 times, but... unsuccessfully, air defense systems destroyed more than 100 ssu drones, intercepted three dozen khaimars missiles, and a vampire hurricane. in other news, the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft docked with the international space station on board the crew of the twenty-first expeditions. russian oleg novitsky, american tracy dyson and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, opened the hatches and moved from the ship to the station. the broadcast was broadcast live by roscosmos. they were met at the iss by russian cosmonauts oleg kononenko, nikolai chup, alexander grebenkin, as well as four american astronauts. the docking took place as usual. the rocket with the ship launched from baikanur on march 23. the un security council adopted a resolution demanding an immediate
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ceasefire in gaza for the duration of the holy day. month of ramadan. at the meeting, 14 out of 15 council members voted in favor. the united states abstained. this is the first time when advice. security managed to pass a resolution on the middle east since the beginning of the escalation. the text of the document also demands the immediate release of all hostages without preconditions. meanwhile , the military operation continues. over the past 24 hours, 107 people have died in the gas sector. the total number of palestinian casualties is 32,333 and almost 75,000 more wounded. residents of manklav continue to drop off humanitarian aid on parachutes. the israeli side is blocking the passage of trucks. heavy rains hit mozambique. the capital of the country, the city of maputo , was seriously damaged, hundreds of cars, the first floors of houses were flooded, people were floating in the streets in whatever way they could. public transport is not working, the water level has not yet subsided, and the cause of all the troubles was a tropical cyclone.
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the authorities are creating temporary accommodation centers for those left homeless, and schools are closed. in india, an elephant festival was held in the state of kirala. this vibrant event lasts 2 days and is dedicated to to god. shiva, according to legend, all indian deities gather for him. elephants are an indispensable attribute of the holiday and for this reason they are very richly decorated. the event is organized by several temples in the city of trisur. these days , many tourists flock to the city. this is a message, don't switch. at the progress mine in donetsk tarez, a new longwall with a large supply of high-quality coal was put into operation. this will allow over a thousand tons of black gold to be released to the surface per day. about tasks and prospects in the report by alexandra podoprigora. the miners' shift began
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a few hours ago, and work is already in full swing at the mine face. we get a self-rescuer lamp, give the descent token at the entrance to the ice. there is a path underground ahead. the descent takes 7-8 minutes, that's it. horizon zero at 1213 the main horizon is our worker. we get to the landing site on foot in small electric locomotive cabins and go into the very heart of the mine. 260 million rubles from the enterprise’s funds were invested in equipping the fourteenth southern longwall, and it was prepared in 7 months. the production face, the quality of which was assessed by the commission as excellent. miners continue to actively develop. it will take several weeks to reach peak production. the combine bites into a thick layer of rock and... coal rises in the mountains, it is impossible to do without manual labor, the quality of the coal in this face is high, ash content is about 20%, low sulfur content, excellent performance for use in the energy sector, this will ensure a stable supply
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of coal products to the starobeshevo mine, and will also create new jobs for residents city ​​of torez, it is planned to conduct this year at state enterprises. five production faces. working with two longwall faces will allow progress to increase production volumes, reduce the cost of mined coal, and also increase salaries for miners. the only problem of the enterprise today is the lack of personnel, especially miners and miners, but in the near future an investor will come to the mine, the situation will change for the better . and then people will come and there will be salaries, there will be coal, everything will be fine, it will be, the city will develop as a whole in general. bye what they plan to produce from the new lava. more than a thousand tons of coal per day to the surface; at this rate, the production face will work stably for about a year, after which the next section will be taken into development. alexander podoprigora, denis vedyaev, conduct donetsk, tres. all news is always available on the media platform look, in the application or on the website, stay with us and
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welcome the morning on the russia channel. what's here? premiere on russia channel. what was she drinking? a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness. well, well, go on, let's go. you do you know that liskov is not an angel? creative nature. anything is possible, maybe he fell in love, what does your intuition tell you, vasnitsova, today at 21:20 on the russia channel, good morning, hello, tuesday morning, denis stoykov meets vera krasova, the calendar shows. march, 6. going to an exam is like going to a carnival. in the philippines, students are asked every year to create creative
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hats that block vision and prevent you from cheating on your neighbor. some people don’t bother and wear simple salamante hats with large brims or motorcycle hats. helmets. but there are schoolchildren who should get a higher grade for their image. for example, a hat in the shape of a robot, bird or chainsaw head. well, also, in order not to cheat on exams, you can turn to... but as practice shows, finding an effective teacher is not so easy, what you need to pay attention to, let's figure it out. 3 from 5 - how much? 15, 15, so how do we write? five, we write, one we remember. well done, lera and i are able to solve problems - the merit of anyone, but not the tutor with whom she studied for the whole six months. the girl’s father, alexander, says that they found a teacher in mathematics and the russian language thanks to word of mouth, but the teacher with
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extensive experience did not live up to the good reviews. lera often spoke about the teacher’s hard look, or if she asked for clarification again, the teacher did not always agree to it. perhaps lera’s handwriting and russian language really improved, perhaps she became a little more diligent, but as for academic success, unfortunately there was none. this, by the way, is the main complaint parents. but not the only one. russians also complain, for example, that the teacher is unable to find an approach to the child or does not communicate correctly enough with the student. the fact that there are a lot of such complaints today does not surprise experts. the great demand for tutors has led to the fact that quite a lot of random people have come to this area to find an effective specialist, now tasks with an asterisk. a modern tutor must first of all be professional and educated, so it is not enough to have a diploma indicating that you are a teacher any direction, you. must constantly study in some courses, and self-improvement, self-education.
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experts also add that a tutor must have a teaching system. it is not necessarily a unique author’s approach, but a certain structure of classes must definitely be present, otherwise it is almost impossible to achieve effective results. yes, a child may understand something in a particular lesson, but it is unlikely that this knowledge will linger in his head for a long time and will affect his school success. solving problems, setting goals certain ones must be followed. in a specific direction, quite strict , quite structural, it is the system that provides this structural, strict and productive channel, mathematics tutor inna sobakar has it, a teacher with almost thirty years of experience developed her system several years ago, that is , we divided the area of ​​​​a large area into four learned the area of ​​an inscribed small triangle, this is understandable, understandable, there are systems and a method here, parents can see them and even try to apply them. which means evaluate objectively, and not from the words of the teacher. in this simulator, the child sees the problem, he
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understands what is given, what needs to be found, he uses special assistant cards that help him solve the problem on his own, so he solves the problem and the task is solved in seconds. checking the teaching method is the only objective criterion, so it is worth spending very little time when choosing a tutor so that time and money are not wasted. meanwhile, the picture of today. you have more than half russian schoolchildren are afraid of mathematics, experts from the russian academy of education have calculated, and only 47% of fifth and eleventh grade students do not have mathematical anxiety, a feeling of tension that prevents them from solving problems using numbers. why do modern schoolchildren have problems mastering the subject and how to help them, let’s ask the semi-finalist of the first season of the show, a cool topic by mathematics teacher anton nezovtsev, anton yuryevich, good morning, hello, anton yuryevich, anton yuryevich, where did... modern schoolchildren get this fear of mathematics, why this subject is so difficult to understand that
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almost everyone needs to hire tutors. i think this is primarily due to the abstractness. there is even a study, yes , that our brain, from a biological point of view, is not designed to perceive such abstract categories that are used in mathematics, modern mathematics for literally several hundred years, and before that, humanity developed without it for tens of thousands of years, and what we demand from children at school is what i demand from children in in particular. this seems to come into some kind of conflict with their biological nature, one might say, so difficulties really arise, maybe we need to change the approach, maybe we give some difficult tasks to children early, what? there aren’t enough teachers , for example, i remember when i was at school, and it was there in the early 2000s, the end of the nineties, we constantly had problems about the youths, i didn’t even understand until the seventh grade who the youths were, i didn’t knew, i was not interested in solving problems about them, who they are, i don’t understand, it seems to me that on at a basic level, this subject should be modernized, some more interesting tasks should be done, maybe insert some memes or something like that, then children will be more
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drawn to it, how much should a blogger invest in promoting an account, so that he has it worked out.
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this opinion is incorrect, but according to the residual principle, unfortunately, our graduates enter such universities and often do not take their studies very seriously, and accordingly, not very serious graduates often enter pedagogical universities, this needs to be solved precisely with this comprehensive approach to the fact that children must understand that education is cool, it is necessary to explain that we really have a fundamentally excellent mathematics education in russia, you can get it, you can specifically improve your standard of living, i it seems that this will be better than reasoning about the queen of sciences, thank you. thank you, thank you. we talked about how to instill a love of mathematics in schoolchildren with the semi-finalist of the first season of the show, a math teacher, anton nizovtsev. may be enough should i be punished for one single mistake? i miss. the indomitable restlessness. premiere from april 1 at 21:20. amazing people,
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amazing seventh season. this. whether it is given or not, it is given to you, you are an amazing person, on friday at 21:30, without leaving your place, now you can feel all the delights of off-road driving, us engineers have created a driving simulator over bumps and gullies based on real cars, just put on glasses virtual reality and forward, those who have tried this attraction say that it is practically impossible to distinguish the proposed conditions from the real ones impossible, well, plus this is an excellent and... dangerous way to hone or master extreme driving skills, well, our auto expert ivan zenkevich will now talk about new electric cars, among which there is a representative from russia. electric sedans are one of the current trends in the automotive industry. many people try their hand here, from well-known world brands to young startups, some models
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are being mastered here, but first things first. one of the world leaders. electric car market, chinese company bioid presented an updated version of the han evi sedan. the five-meter model received a new processor and additional exterior and interior colors, but most importantly, the battery charging speed has increased. the car is capable of receiving current up to 155 kw and replenishing the reserve up to 80% in just 25 minutes. there are several engines to choose from, ranging from 204 to 517 horsepower. power reserve from 506 to... the first models have already arrived in showrooms in china, and the restyled version is cheaper than the previous version. in our country, at the lipetsk enterprise motorinvest, have been in production for over a year. electric sedan evolute ipro, but soon it will have a serious competitor, the russian brand amber cars. the koleningrad avtotor plant has already begun
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assembling the a5 model, this is a c-class four-door with an electric motor with a capacity of 160 horsepower. the 60.2 kwh battery provides a range of up to 520 km, and is guaranteed for 8 years. the pilot batch of cars will go on sale only in kaliningrad. to quickly collect feedback from owners. and finally, the luxury electric car brand carma after major reset introduced the second model. moreover, the premiere of the jsr sedan took place at the international concours of elegance. most of the body panels of the five-meter car are made of carbon fiber and aluminum. inside there is a large display, touch buttons and an original push-button gear selector. two electric motors on the rear axle produce a total of 590.8 horsepower, the battery provides a range of 402 km, and promises that the jar's circulation will not exceed 2.0 copies. pre-orders are already open, but production will start only at the end of 2025.
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and this year, several chinese brands intend to bring their electric vehicles to the russian market. some well-known automakers are completely announcing a complete abandonment of internal combustion engines. it seems electric cars are after all. win, then bags under the eyes, where swelling actually comes from in the morning and how to deal with them , we’ll tell you soon, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready , explore, nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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try it, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, charmer knife is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, victor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, nightmare, i called you, i’m ready fix it but you don't want to work for me? colleagues and overtime,
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the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere, on saturday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk on all issues, hurry to post, i...
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to the end, what is his image of victory for you? will destroy the gang in the head, zelensky, yana is a shaker, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, you are so businesslike, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife. look at the weekend for advice and love in sadness in joy in health or illness where everything is... i don’t know
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that it will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness , you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, we will assume that this is what it is miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, understand? i love him too, on saturday. on rtr. the meteorite turned out to be real estate. a lawsuit over rights to a celestial body has ended in sweden. in november 2020, a rock from space weighing 14 kg crashed onto a private property near stockholm. a month later, researchers found him and
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gave him to one of the local museums. u... having learned about this, the owner of the site decided to sue. at first, the law sided with those who found the meteorite, but the owner of the land filed appeal at a new hearing, they came to the conclusion that what fell on private territory is considered real estate and rightfully belongs to its owner, like ordinary stones. while meteorites are being divided in sweden, cucumbers are being collected in sochi. local farmers are aiming for a record harvest this year. only one of the farms plans to harvest up to 1.
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depending on the weather, if it’s warm and sunny, then they grow very quickly. currently, cucumbers are being harvested in two greenhouses, each one hectare in size. for now , the harvest is harvested every other day, from two to 5 tons per shift, but soon they intend to reach daily work schedule. with our sowing time, we should get about 28 kg per square meter for the first turn. vegetable growers intend to harvest more than 80 tons of cucumbers in march, and one and a half times in april. more than 140 tons. the farm grows two hybrid varieties - athlete and reformer. they are in particular demand at the markets and fairs of the resort. on this farm, cucumbers are grown only with natural fertilizers without chemical treatment of pests. to do this, they use a biological method of protection - entomophages. this allows grow organic, clean vegetables. these cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks. beneficial insects help vegetable growers. entomophages destroy pests.
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they feed on them. bumblebees pollinate the plants; bees will come to their aid in may; they plan to purchase them to enhance the pollination effect. cucumber seedlings are already turning green on another hectare. during the night, the top of the plant grows by 10-15 cm and gives a new shoot. we have built a new greenhouse, there are currently 25,000 plants here, by the end we plan to get a harvest from here in a month. in mid-summer, when the first rotation of vegetables is completed, new cucumbers will be left.
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today at 21:20. the news will tell about the main things about russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. vladimir putin held a meeting on measures being taken after the terrorist attacks at crocus city hall in krasnogorsk, moscow region. the head of state once again expressed deep condolences to the
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relatives of the victims and thanked everyone. saved people, showing an example of true solidarity and mutual support. putin noted that the criminals hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but were determined to resist this evil. and he paid attention. that the investigation should be carried out without any political bias, so i ask you, we know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamists, whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries, we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world is that, according to their intelligence data on the kiev trail in moscow...
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reported that the full chronology had been restored and named the latest data on the victims of the tragedy. she died at the scene of terrorist attack 137, two died in medical institutions, 40 people died from gunshot wounds, two people died from a combination of gunshot and stab wounds. as a result of the fire, 45 people died due to the high temperature of combustion products.
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90% of the construction, the search operation was extended, since much of the work is carried out manually, hundreds of people are involved in it, completely the stage, stalls and balcony of the concert hall have been cleaned, and now a special hundred-ton crane is ready to begin dismantling. the shopping center itself continues to hand out personal items, and there is an endless stream of people at the spontaneous memorial. the basmanny court of moscow arrested three more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. since may 22, they were allegedly responsible for transport and logistics; with their help, the attackers purchased a white symbol, which they used to try to escape from pursuit in the bryansk region after the terrorist attack. the day before, four suspects the terrorist attack detainees in the bryansk region
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were also put under arrest until may 22, two of the likely perpetrators admitted their guilt. for participation in a terrorist attack with a large number of victims , according to the law, they face life imprisonment. over the past few years , operational-tactical aviation, drones, artillery and missile forces have defeated enemy personnel and military equipment in 140 regions. according to the ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 200 militants in the donetsk direction. our advanced units took more advantageous positions and were withdrawn the tank has two armored vehicles out of action. six more tanks were destroyed in the avdeevsky sector. our units also advanced there. ukrainian neo-nazis tried to counterattack 10 times, but to no avail. air defense systems destroyed more than 100 ssu drones and intercepted three dozen. active projectiles khaimars, vampire hurricane. in other news, french authorities have strengthened security measures at key facilities in the capital. this decision was made after the terrorist attack in the russian crocus city hall. a day earlier, president macron held a security meeting, which resulted in
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there was a decision to raise the level of terrorist threat in france to the highest. as the media write, western officials also fear terrorist attacks during the olympic games in paris, which will be held in july-august. in brazil, the number of flood victims has risen to 27, with the state of espiritusanto in the east of the country and the city of rio de janeiro hit the hardest. a nursing home was caught in the flood zone. the water in the area rose to the level of the second floors of houses. almost 800 people were left homeless and found shelter in temporary shelters. not switch. a blacksmith from the kolyma village created a machine for weaving camouflage nets; the design cut the production time in half. the inventor’s assistants are schoolchildren who are learning
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blacksmithing from the master; volunteers from belgorod and khabarovsk have already become interested in the invention. report by ekaterina isaeva. at the same time, five children and three adults are working on the machine that will help volunteers weave nets. our girls, volunteers who help the front, we saw how they weave all these networks, in in a half-bent state, someone is lying , someone is sitting, someone is standing, and they decided to help make , well, a frame so that it simply simplifies the weaving itself, all the nets are sent to the zone of a special military operation, for oleg zakutnev, donbass is family places, lived and worked in kramatorsk, son misha was born in donetsk, the family moved in 2014. to kolyma.
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the hottest and most responsible job is for misha's son. he is responsible for the stability of the machine. i needed to weld the seams so that this design would be reliable and the drum would not fall. the shadow machine developed for volunteers was appreciated in magadan and is used in the village of sokol. this design is expected 300 km away in the village of arman. of course, every blacksmith has his own secrets in his work, but from the project of a machine for making camouflage nets. none. they don’t do it, they are ready to share the scheme ; volunteers from belgorod and khabarovsk are already interested. the progenitor machine does not stand idle, the craftswomen laid the seventeenth camouflage net on it, and although the kolyma spring has not yet arrived, the colors were changed to summer, the result is wonderful bow, you see, additional camouflage , as if it were grass, there is a sewing workshop right there , boloclavas are cut out according to proven patterns, this production has already been put on stream, it came to the aid of volunteers when their son was mobilized, her front of work is gauze
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napkins, from one roll it turns out 12 thousand. you need a lot of dressing material, so my work, my type of work, never ends. gauze bandages, dry showers, boklavs are already ready to be sent to the special military operation zone, three meters camouflage network, the volunteers finished in front of the news film crew, this is a targeted package for the mobilized from... working in tandem with artillery crews made it possible to finally and irrevocably
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gain the initiative on the front line. every day , with the help of drones, our fighters hit dozens of enemy strongholds, moving the front line forward. we have a lot of drones appearing, and for any application, be it reconnaissance drones, be it combat drones, or loitering strike munitions and etc. that is, this is already beginning to allow us to break through the defenses of, well... the enemy in rap conditions, and accordingly, work on targets much more accurately. training of uav operators takes place in special centers, first training on simulators, so pilots master the basics of the art of flight, then practice at the training ground. a good operator must also understand the technical structure of a drone, the principle and features of its operation, and be able to repair drones; fighters are trained in this together. workshop. experts here don't just fix things.
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drones, but show real miracles of trench engineering. the input includes spare parts from a variety of models, but the main thing is that the donors are often enemy uavs shot down by our soldiers. this, for example, is one of the largest, the so-called baba yaga. at the moment, it has already been completely repaired and is ready to serve for the benefit of the russian army. a fighter with the call sign johnny is in charge of the repair process. it is thanks to his efforts that it is possible to use it. the combat unit is now operational. each such
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downed drone is not just local success, but a valuable resource that brings the long-awaited victory closer. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. all news is always available on the media platform. let's see. stay on the russia channel. they got into real trouble. this is one of the strongest performances on our show, but they love it. that's it, we're ready. marvelous. good morning, hello, march 26, tuesday, wake up with us, and we will provide you with a boost of energy. denis stand, vera krasova. difficulties in translation. half of russians
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encounter problems when writing a resume. every third person finds it difficult to list their achievements. every fifth person has their own skills; about the same number cannot cope with a description of their work experience. some have difficulties with the formatting, just as many do not like to list their responsibilities, well, the vast majority compiled their resumes on their own and only every tenth turned to friends or the internet for help. what will help avoid morning swelling? they are believed to occur due to excess salt, alcohol and water. but doctors say that there is a problem. in completely different factors, which we will now find out. bags under the eyes, a stale appearance and even weight gain, every fourth russian is faced with problems of morning swelling, for some it simply spoils the mood, but for others it becomes a real tragedy. i'm naturally pretty, but i'm only temporarily pretty because i walk around with a puffy
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face most of the time. and it’s even worse for men, they think that i constantly abuse. the usual picture in in the doctor’s office, the patient complains of swelling of the face and adds reasons. a sallow face can be a sign of serious health problems. if swelling appears every day or every other day for several weeks, this is a reason to be seriously examined. this is the cardiovascular system, the urinary-vegetative system, and in some cases it is varicose veins. in order to exclude edema, you need
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to consult a general practitioner, who will prescribe a general blood test, urine test, biochemical blood test, and to eliminate... heart disease, kidney disease and other diseases. another common cause of edema is poor nutrition and again we are not talking about excess salt. it turns out that simple carbohydrates retain fluid in the body the most. 1 g of carbohydrates retains up to 5 ml of liquid; refusal of animal protein in the diet will lead to no less sad consequences. when we don't eat enough protein, the body will also retain water. this is the most basic thing that manifests itself in case of deficiency. the main provoking factor that will influencing fluid retention is precisely its insufficiency, yes, when we don’t drink regular fluid, yes, regular water, so we eat properly with vegetables high in fiber and portions of fish or meat, and don’t forget about water. doctors advise drinking at least 35-40 ml per
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kilogram of weight during the day. the last common cause of edema is not following the daily routine, that is, a person should sleep 6-8 hours and go to bed today and wake up. tomorrow, this is very important, in a comfortable position, in a facing position into a pillow, in a position when the vessels are pinched, when lymph flow worsens, this can also lead to edema. if all recommendations are followed, the swelling should recede, but self-massage of the face can be used as a co-medication if there are no contraindications. what recommendations can be given to those who are solving the housing problem? analysts from one of the online real estate search platforms came to the conclusion that today in major cities of the country it is much more profitable to rent living space than to pay a mortgage. the amount of the monthly mortgage payment for you can rent a full-fledged two-room apartment on the secondary market. we will discuss what this could ultimately lead to with the head of the commission in the field of housing policy of the public council under the ministry of construction and russia, nadezhda kosareva. nadezhda borisovna, good morning. hello. well, today the
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mortgage payment on the secondary market is on average 2 and a half times more than the rent payment. this is the situation in kazan, st. petersburg, moscow. in other smaller cities, in other regions is the situation the same? well, all over the country one key rate is 16%, and the mortgage rate on the secondary market without subsidies, it is also correlated with the key rate, so on the secondary mortgage market there is 17, 17.5%. therefore, this is the case throughout the country; perhaps a way out and a solution to the problem would be to create something like this long-term. long-term rental housing fund at a subsidized rate. a bill is currently being prepared to create such rental houses for social use on the basis of public-private partnership.
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viewed provision of land conditionally for 1 ruble for the construction of such rental houses, that is, i think that gradually such an affordable rental fund will still be created, because without it it is very difficult to solve, for example, the problem of waiting lists, and if, for example, the developer has unsold apartments, but suddenly theoretically, they could transfer this housing stock to the state, so that the state could also include these apartments in the city’s stock.
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so let's say in our fund and the state the problem of unsold apartments is probably a little exaggerated, it is clear that there is benefits for a new building, but in the secondary market the interest on mortgages is from 16 to 19%, this is at least a person who took out a mortgage, overpays for it, well, there are three times the cost of an apartment , the state can do something in this direction , provide some subsidies, for example, i , i support the idea when...
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maybe he fell in love, what does your intuition tell you? vasnetsova. today at 21:20 on
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the russia channel. until march 31, with the support of the national project, small and medium-sized businesses in the country are undergoing the final stage of the olympiad in financial literacy for schoolchildren from first to ninth grades. more than one and a half million schoolchildren have already taken part in the olympiad. however, we are also ready to help adult entrepreneurs within the framework of the national project program. "the abc of entrepreneurship, supervised by professionals, will be told here, taught and helped to take the first steps on the path to success. last year, galina decided to change her profession as an accountant and open something of her own for the soul. after completing a course in the basics of entrepreneurship , a mosaic workshop appeared in novosibirsk. i requested the maximum amount is 500,000 rubles. and as part of the co-financing, i paid 167. these 500.000 were like a grant for a social enterprise, now even young people come to the section clubs where they collect handicrafts, in general, a lot of
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children go to the workshop, even more, probably than adults, children from 6 years old go to the group of young mozychists; they helped open their own business in the my business center, now there are more than 430 of them throughout the country and new representative offices are opened every year, these include training programs, these are trainings, seminars, round tables, these are individual services, yes... for the production of a trademark, we help in the certification of goods, we help in the production of landing pages, in promoting products in general. for example, the barnaul my business center recently completed a training program in human resources management. course graduate olga is just getting ready to assemble her first team. i will need to employ at least one person, but i will need him in any case, and i also plan to employ three employees in the near future, and two per point of sale is. borista sellers and at least one other pastry chef. olga always dreamed of having her own pastry shop, baking something very tasty in her home kitchen; she fell in love with her mother as a child, and so
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the hobby turned into a life’s work. i clearly just knew that i was. i want, what i need, what i need money for, what i want to get in the end, plus i was provided with advice, after completing an intensive training course at the center of my business, the girl received a state grant as a young an entrepreneur is planning to open a small production facility; in addition to a confectionery, he plans to open a coffee shop; this is another example of scaling his business. in total, over the past year, thanks to the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, more than 550,000 entrepreneurs and self-employed people received financial, educational and consulting... support in the my business centers, this is 110,000 more than the result of 2022. however, not only adults, but also children learn the ropes of the financial market. within as part of the national project, the financial literacy olympiad has started for schoolchildren. interactive tasks develop business skills, teach you how to plan a budget and assess risks. the educational portal has dozens of quick-witted tasks.
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the topics are varied, from the nuances of budgeting to identifying financial fraud. every time. we also touch on some new topics, for example, in this olympiad we introduce even the youngest participants to the concept of securities or insurance, and also present them with the opportunity to become entrepreneur. based on the results of testing, schoolchildren will receive either a participant certificate, a certificate of commendation, or a winner’s diploma in their personal account on the platform’s website. the organizers are holding the olympiad for the fourth time and note a keen interest among children in such topics. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, it's a dangerous fairytale
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animal, but when it comes to fleas, i'm out competition. there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking one small , a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, yahoo opa, and five on one, on saturdays on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes.
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come. to the international exhibition forum russia, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look , look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we we sign simultaneously for one, two, three. subscribe, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov,
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today on rtr. what's here? premiere on rtr. what was she drinking? a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness. well, well, go on, let's go. you know that liskov is not an angel. creative nature, anything can happen. maybe he fell in love, which is what your intuition tells you? vasnetsova today on rtr. this is skatov's dinner. a german photographer captured impressive footage of predators hunting at night off the coast of hawaii using a drone. but for this i had to attract surfers. they
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attached lanterns to the bottom of the boards and froze on the water, waiting. first , the plankton swam in, and then those who liked to profit from small fish arrived. from above it looked like a slow, mesmerizing dance of people and marine life. well, what about looking at the heavenly? angels can be seen at the exhibition in kolominskoye, where unique icon exhibits were brought from the karelian museum of the keizhe nature reserve, which will tell the tragic story of the ceiling painting of the most famous church in the russian north, preobrazhenskaya here we see the image of an angel, yes, just that messenger of heaven. to see angels, apostles, and saints, parishioners only had to raise their eyes to heaven; that was the name given to the ceilings in the trees painted with biblical scenes. churches of the russian north, once such a picturesque iconostasis was in many churches, now there are no more than a couple of dozen surviving ones, the most famous church of zaonezhye, transfiguration, during the great
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patriotic war, during the finnish occupation, lost its ceiling icons. the heavens of the transfiguration church, they were stored in one of the buildings in the city of petrozavodsk, left there with a note, according to one version they were burned for firewood. the tragic story of the loss of a unique monument of russian church art forms the basis of the kizhi exhibition heavenly message, which also tells visitors that this story will definitely have a happy ending. several years ago, artists, restorers, and scientists took on a grandiose project of recreating the transfiguration skies. restorers, researchers, mm find e by icons close to the time, and from the surviving zanezh chapels. these icons are the main exhibits of the exhibition, looking at them you can imagine what the ceiling painting of the transfiguration church looked like. in the center there was a similar round medallion with the image of the trinity, and from it huge, almost five-meter-tall icons spread out like rays.
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the faces and subjects depicted on them can be judged from the surviving black and white photographs, but , unfortunately, they do not convey the colors, but this unique one gives a hint to restorers exhibit: an icon with the prophet avakum, the saint on it was an eyewitness. all the events that happened with the transfiguration church, because it was part of its iconostasis. some sources say that the clothes of the pratzians were salmon-pink in color, and we understand that in the lost heavens there was the same color that we see on this icon, and this is not the only discovery that visitors to the exhibition will have to make, a truly fascinating journey into the world of church art of the russian north awaits them, as they built a temple, a wooden homeland , probably an icon, that is, it’s as if all this is very unusual, we don’t know very much about this, so it’s very interesting to come and see, check how the exhibition in kolominskoye will affect you on any day of the week,
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except monday. well, any day of the week, even monday, we can meet with you in the telegram channel, and of course, here in our studio, any day except sunday. yes, that’s absolutely right, that’s all for today, we say goodbye to you, good luck to you day, tomorrow morning... that's all for now, hello, this is the news from the studio alexander efrekov, briefly about the main topics of our issue: russia will find and punish those who ordered the terrible terrorist attack - a statement by vladimir putin. three more suspects in organizing the attack on crocus have been arrested. what was their role? the first victims have been discharged
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and more than 150 people remain in hospitals in the moscow region. the debris in the concert hall is being cleared, an opening has been created through which a powerful crane will be brought inside. high-precision weapons hit targets in kiev, causing devastating strikes. strengthening the militants in the kherson direction. new data on the progress of special operations. start of testing of equipment for the production of the latest nuclear fuel dan. what promising projects were presented at atomexpo in sirius? the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole is. an act of intimidation, it can be beneficial to those who are fighting with russia with the hands of the kiev regime, said vladimir putin, the president discussed with the government and intelligence services the progress of the investigation, measures to support the families of the dead and wounded, the work
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of medical and social services. russia knows the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks sithole, but she is interested in who ordered this crime, vladimir said, to establish all the circumstances, not only the perpetrators, given kievsky kiev there is allegedly no trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work of our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, we need to obtain. answers to a whole series
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questions, for example, whether radical, even terrorist , islamic organizations are really interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict, and how radical islamists position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing the so-called... pure islam commits grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. so, by whose hands the monstrous crime was committed is known, but as in any atrocity, it is important to understand who is behind its organization, in other words, who exactly now benefited from organizing a bloody massacre in the russian capital, opening fire on unarmed, peaceful people. the question is: who
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benefits from this? this bitterness may be only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime. and the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals. especially today when their much-touted counter-offensive. has completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone, it is not disputed, the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to stabilize the front do not bring success, hence the attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using systems salvo fire of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects,
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at the same time to show its own population that for the kiev regime it is not yet everything is lost, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, obey the command from washington and pass a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler jugand in his new edition, of course, get new weapons and additional money for this, that means...
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it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. the basmanny court of moscow sent under arrest three more suspects in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. according to the investigation, they were members of an organized criminal group and could provide assistance to the direct perpetrators, for example, in matters concerning.
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no later than january of this year, the main organizer of the terrorist attack, shamsiddin fariduni, involved aminjon islomov in the criminal group , elect the accused islomov , amenchon israilovich, in the form of a prison sentence, establish a period of detention for one month, 29 days, and on march 11 of this year,
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dilovar islomov, that’s dilova roslomov , this is the youngest son, was the owner the same regan in which... the terrorists were driving, some time ago they bought a car from dilovar, and despite the fact that he himself appeared with pavin, nevertheless today a preventive measure was also chosen for him in the form of detention for 2 months, to give the accused delovaruilovich a measure of intersection in the form of detention, establishing the detention in the present case for one month 29 days, that is, until may 22, 200. their father israil tried to hide their faces, but nevertheless, now the investigation has established the roles of all of them v
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organization of a terrorist act, therefore , even for the father, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention for 2 months ; a preventive measure was chosen for the suspect ibrahimovic in the form of detention. thus, we are witnessing the discovery of the entire terrorist cell that participated in organizing the terrible terrorist attack in crocus city. dmitry petrov, ivan panomarenko, andrey verishchagin, news from the building of the basmanny district court. the death toll in crocus has risen to 139 people, 75 have been identified. in hospitals near moscow 96 people remain, 23 have been discharged. 76 victims continue to be treated in the capital's hospitals, 16 were sent home for... outpatient observation, this is data from the ministry of health. doctors are doing everything possible, given the complex nature of the wounds and extensive burns. report by olga mishcheryakova. the working day of doctors has already lasted for four days, the famous ski lift, where they can literally pull out seemingly hopeless people,
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is preparing the first patients for discharge. most of the victims were brought here down klifosovsky immediately after the terrorist attack, 29 people, in mostly severe, but there are also those whose condition no longer... causes concern among doctors; in the general ward, ekaterina moroz, transferred from intensive care around noon, says, as if watching from the outside, she still cannot realize that this happened to her and her daughters, the eldest is 21 years old, will soon be discharged, the youngest is 11 in a coma, we sat down, hid behind a chair , when the shots stopped ringing, we got up, went out to the lobby, it was we who ended up on the evacuation stairs, we were going up, there was no way out ,
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on the non-standard nature of bullet wounds a damaging bullet of irregular shape strikes everything that comes in its way, that is, almost all organs and systems that exist. vladimir filimonov, one of the first ambulance workers who was at the scene of the terrorist attack with rescuers , took part in the evacuation. when the rescuer is carried out. patients from a burning building, they are also somewhat disoriented in the current situation; here it is extremely important to communicate between rescuers and available ambulance teams. felcher oleg oleshkov arrived at the krasnogorsk hospital after working an 8-hour shift, packed a backpack with medicines and bandages, the kind he
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supplies in his free time for the north military district soldiers, sending them to the front line, and offered his help to the krasnogorsk hospital , and the hospital was deployed and mobilized, it was a real hospital itself, which was ready to meet . well, that is , there was everything for any number of patients, there was blood for transfusion, there were cassettes for an x-ray machine, already consumables, bandages. krasnogorsk doctors were the first to take the blow; 20 wounded were brought here. olga managed to go outside and get to the ambulance, which was already there. bullet wound in the thigh. at olga's request, we do not show her face. we were already running away, when i turned my head, we saw these terrible people who just... it’s terrible for all the people who survived this, i sympathize with those who died. 101 people remain in hospitals, the list is published by the ministry of emergency situations, 61 are in outpatient treatment,
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more than twenty have been discharged. olga mishcheryakova, oksana maksimova, polina gomzikova, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, news! at the scene of the tragedy, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations dismantled more than 90% of the collapsed structures, dog handlers continue to examine every meter, work continues around the clock. our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov managed to get inside through the second tunnel. which were made specifically for the installation of a crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons, here is the report: this is the entrance directly to the stage of the concert hall, right now we can see that the removal of rubble continues, we can see that more than half has already been cleared, the appearance of the crocusihol is changing every hour , all that was left of the concert hall was a black island, with the help of heavy equipment rescuers made... the western part of kroku sitiho another tunnel, this is an additional entrance to the concert hall. right now we can
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see how dump trucks are bringing sand there and preparing the site for the static crane. the giant colossus is also already here, waiting in the wings, only this crane will be able to lift large-sized structures, dozens of them throughout the hall. the site for installing a 100-ton crane will be located right on the stage of the city hall crane. we see how the concrete blocks were installed right now, the builders are delivering tons of sand, piles of roofing metal, rescuers are now leading out from two exits, the process has gone faster, the search operation continues, there are still bodies of people under the rubble, dog handlers are working. the stage, stalls and balcony have already been cleared, in some places right down to the concrete. the structure of the entire hall consists mainly of metal. a lifesaver right now. the main pillars that held the stage of the concert hall are being sawed by hand, we see how much
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the basement has been exposed, the area of ​​the roof collapse in crocus is almost 7,000 km, now the hall has turned into a giant funnel. concert the kroku hall of cityhall has completely burned out, the roof is gone, it’s difficult to understand where the spectator seats were, the rubble is being cleared around the clock. ainur valakhmetov, magomed otsaev, sergey velichko, mikhail vikulin, nikolay. sokolov, news. parliamentarians from various countries express support for russia in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region. vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev spoke about this. the deputy chairman of the upper house heads the delegation of our country at the assembly of the interparliamentary union, which is taking place these days in geneva. questions there are pressing issues on the agenda, including the ukrainian crisis. at the same time, the discussion is constructive, perhaps because there are no american congressmen among those present. reporting by our own correspondent anastasia popova. the international
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parliamentary union is the second oldest organization on the planet. it has existed since 1879 and unites almost all parliamentarians in the world. except that the usa is not represented here. they were expelled for systematic non-payment of dues. on the sidelines they joke that the absence of washington allows the organization to function normally work. even despite the desperate attempts of a group of eu and nato countries, which are called groups here. actions of westerners, everyone talks about the need for greater coordination. the topic of ukraine at the meeting was reduced to the level of a specially created working group to promote dialogue between moscow and kiev. the efforts of all geopolitical.
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the chairman of the interparliamentary union released a statement on this matter that same night: the russian delegation prepared a written statement condemning terrorism, it collected signatures from dozens of countries, the netherlands and great britain expressed condolences verbally, vietnam wrote in russian, and nato member turkey condemned the terror. we are generally opposed to any terrorist attacks and actions of any terrorist groups around the world, no matter where terrorists attack innocent people, this is our principled position. the trend is obvious, it’s time to build bridges, this is the theme of the current assembly. anti-russian stories are becoming a thing of the past, and the world community is gradually switching to
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discussing globally important topics and pressing problems for all humanity. now about the progress during a special operation in the kherson direction , the dnepr group inflicted massive fire damage in the areas of the settlements of rabotina, nisteryanka and tiginka. and as the ukrainian press reports, a series of explosions occurred in kiev. journalists, citing the sbu, confirm that the target was several buildings where senior management was located. security. in other words, we are talking about one of the decision-making centers. according to unconfirmed reports, fragments of hypersonic zircon missiles or supersonic onyxes were found at the site. besides, the position area of ​​the patriot air defense missile system, near the zhulyany airport, was eliminated. there, according to some reports, two installations of the american complex were hit. the hunt for western-
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made weapons is now going on throughout ukraine. here is the defeat of a wheeled armored vehicle with mine protection. in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different
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functional zones from this room in absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into... an object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look , let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. victor poltoranin, now i am your upstairs neighbor. nightmare! i’m the one who convinced you, i’m ready to fix everything. would you like to work for me? job vacancy for husband for an hour,
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cleaning agency? a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job. we are no longer only. we're neighbors, we're kind of like colleagues, and we're overworked. the blackmailer knows things that i have never told anyone about. all our clients receive the same letters. ivan oganesyan. i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere. he's so handsome, attentive, and courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband for... an hour and a half premiere on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white
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tuxedo, and i start, floriso. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i , as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, i have a job for you. how can you not understand that this is a beauty salon, beauty, do you want some, some foreman to manage it? do you even understand, beauty, we will deal with delays
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especially strictly, everything is in place? martynova is not here, what is her name? margarita, hello margarta, she’s a master, i’m a bad master, right? you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you’re a martinet, can’t tell me where to start, first show everyone that you’re not a robot, but a human, i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, margarita, aka queen, i have gathered you all to announce to you about our platform, i i realized that i love another man, queen margot, on friday on rtr,
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broadcast news, we continue the release. in the amur region, a criminal case was opened for negligence after a rock collapse in the pioneer mine. investigators were able to establish that the pokrovsky mine operated with gross violations. on suspicion of committing should. the basis of the crime , the managing director was detained, but the investigation is still ongoing, at the same time, rescuers are trying to get to the people trapped underground. drilling is currently underway on three exploration wells, the work of specialists inside has been suspended due to a security threat. the day before, at a depth of 243 m , we managed to go into the workings using a video camera and conduct an inspection; water was found there and the danger of a repeated breakthrough of the rock mass was confirmed. under the rubble with no communication now.
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medicine, biology, physiology and remote sensing of the earth. together with novitsky, she will stay at the station for 12 days, but dyson’s mission will last until september, after which she will return together with oleg kanonenko and nikolai chub. unique equipment for the production of innovative nuclear fuel, projects of new floating nuclear power plants, the use of nuclear technologies in medicine. these are just a few of the projects that rosatom presented at the international atom forum. the expo, which opened on the territory of sirius , according to the organizers, became a record number of participants; representatives of 75 countries came to discuss the current state
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of the global nuclear industry and the vectors of its further development. details from pavel melnik. dozens of film crews from all over the planet are waiting for fabrication modules to the tests are ready, i ask for your permission to leave. in the closed city of seversk , testing of equipment and... an innovative plant for the production of nuclear fuel begins, the first facility of the breakthrough project begins operation. the teleconference with the world's first fourth-generation energy complex is a real sensation at atomexpo 2024 in sirius. the city of the future, which so interested the forum delegates. nuclear energy coexists with active residential development. here it is, a fourth generation energy facility, reducing to a minimum level of emissions of harmful substances. if you look at the map from here to the center of education, it’s a few kilometers away, it’s clean and safe, so much so that it doesn’t change the radiation balance of the earth, russian
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developments that can be useful to all of humanity, any restrictions in general, and especially in the atomic spheres, are simply harmful, the faster we will move on to common sense in building economic relations, in implementing high-tech projects, including in nuclear energy, the faster we will move into this... bright future, about which today they said he will come. the largest nuclear projects of the iranian and chinese delegations at the negotiating table are born here. in partnership with rosatom, there is no doubt about the agreements reached.
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for example, hungary should not worry about a possible cessation of supplies through the territory of ukraine, hungarian foreign minister petr szijjártó spoke about this today in sochi. he noted that hungary currently receives sufficient volumes of gas, but if it needs additional supplies, it will turn to gazprom. we hope we can agree on investments by the beginning of the next decade and we would like to further improve and expand professional cooperation between hungary and russia, as well as between hungary and rosatom. foreign participants. among whom general director magathe was via video link, they emphasized that it is impossible to do without russia in the nuclear energy industry. in the context of developing technologies necessary to ensure the future, rosatom plays an important role, not only within its own country, but throughout the world. 75 participating states, guests from indonesia, impressed by the soviet carrier of technology, buran. i like sochi, it’s not as cold here as in moscow.
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new from atomexpo, russian electric cars. amber a5 from kaliningrad avtotor, and this is a universal battery for public transport from rossatom. its line includes not only components. the atom platform with a battery under the bottom is acquiring new modifications, a light suv for personal use, a taxi or a commercial vehicle. already in 2025 these electric vehicles may appear on public roads. atomexpo surprises industry leaders with new developments for the thirteenth time. they are moving forward. the entire nuclear energy industry. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko and maria slyaguzova. news from sirius. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website and by this time that’s all. we are monitoring developments. see you.
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what's here? premiere on rtr. what was she drinking? a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness. well, well, go on, let's go. you you know that liskov is not an angel. creative nature, anything can happen. maybe he fell in love, which is what your intuition tells you. today. on rtr.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka,
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not only songs are performed in this program. but also a desire, my mother -in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi, also, play oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, me they are stored through the rains. wedding flowers still live in me, it’s fantastic! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. you are so businesslike, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife. let's see on the weekend. may you live happily ever after. and in sadness, in joy. and in health and
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usefulness. i don't know that it will be so difficult. you have a choice. “he needs you, asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, we will consider that this is a miracle, we are no longer at your service we need it, i understand, i love him too, on saturday at rtn. on march 14 , the famous gypsy singer passed away..." actress , star of the film gypsies sonya timofeeva, she was known and loved by millions, she was accompanied on her last journey by only three people. widower sonya timofeeva found a mysterious note. sonya writes that she will bequeath to him the most precious thing, what she has, and her grave will tell the answer. did timofeev
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manage to preserve the khmilev family heirlooms , why did sonya keep this secret for so many years. malakhov, today on rtr. we are all waiting for general chipping, rumors and fears about such a possible future periodically excite the minds of russians, while for the famous russian scientist mikhail lebedev, experiments on introducing chips into the human body are already a routine. just 20-30 years ago, many of today’s technologies seemed fantastic: computers, the internet, mobile phones, robots, couriers on the streets, but most of all , humanity dreamed of learning the secrets of the brain
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, learning to control objects and devices without hands, with the power of thought alone. and you marvel at how perspicacious they turned out to be our science fiction writers. who you are? i am your god. even in soviet times, many asked questions: would the scientific discoveries of the future become dangerous for the person himself, you will enter austria and blow it up, in half an hour you should be there, go! progress does not stand still, and today neurotechnologies and bioprostheses make life easier for people with disabilities, and elon musk’s recent statement about the first success with the life of neurology. into the brain of a paralyzed person has become a real sensation, what opportunities this area of ​​science and medicine opens up for our civilization, and how to still overcome anxiety among people, that a chip in the head will turn a person into
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an obedient cyborg, and part of these concerns and fears, about how far russian science has advanced in the field of implementation of chips, i want to talk with mikhail lebedev, a world physiologist with a worldwide reputation. this is the life and fate of mikhail lebedev, in fact, in fact, mikhailavich, i have a feeling that this is the life and fate of all humanity, what we will talk about today, good morning, dear, well, here i am, well it the human brain, what you do practically all your life, we meet you at the moment, well, of course, at the same time, with... scary, well, sacred getting into some kind of another secret, elon musk installed a chip in the human brain, really, about this kind of thing, yes, yes, exactly this kind of thing, yes, yeah, that is, no more, no less, this is it, yes, this is a very
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correct size, yes, exactly that, and where he put it, which means i don’t know, on the left side or on the right, but most likely, here approximately here, you say, most likely, because here, because it is marked red here. the so-called primary motor cortex, which controls movements, and as he told us, an implanted person can control a mouse on the screen, that is, he conceives a movement and the mouse moves, which means from this we conclude that most likely the electrode ended up in the primary motor cortex, apocalypse today, well, you can call it that, well, it’s really a spocalyptic picture, let’s... figure it out, and since you've been doing this seriously all your life, first of all, why, what did he do from a scientific point of view, that's just what it's for, why here, but... first of all, uh, we have a brain, that's the most important thing an organ of our body
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, because it determines what we are, what our sensations, thoughts, our soul, if you like, are, accordingly, the brain needs to be studied in order to understand how it works, how it determines us, who we are, and also it needs to be treated when some problems happen to it, to restore some function, for example, a person is paralyzed, yes, he cannot move
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his arms, legs, the idea is that we take a chip, implant it in the brain, read signals from there, the electrical activity of the brain, then transform it and send it , for example, to a prosthetic arm, and the person thinks, and the prosthetic arm moves, controlled by brain signals that we record. let's say a person has a spinal injury, he is paralyzed, we bypass the affected area, send a signal to the prosthesis, and the person gains the ability to move, i know you have approached the disease, which was considered incurable for centuries by parkinson's, yes, yes, yes, what have you done, with parkinson's disease in these places, pathological types of activity begin to be generated.
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there is a video of how this
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simulator works on a sick person , put it in the park, now we press the turn off button, oh, it’s better not to, so anatorius will appear to us beautifully, now there’s still some time, yeah, let’s turn on the stimulator, what a - the number of minutes will pass before you earn money, now, now, well, you can already see, that the stimulant has already started. gain momentum , now we’ll add a little bit, well, in principle, it’s already clear that the otremar has stopped, some more time for oh, yeah, it’s completely back to normal, the signal calms down, yes, it seems to calm down this pathological activity , it removes it, what other diseases can be treated today thanks to such invasions in the brain, call any disease nervous. system, it can be treated using neural interfaces, stroke,
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for example, yes, this is brain damage, this is a very serious, very common story, unfortunately, a stroke is a very serious lesion, well, let's say, in the simplest version, a person has a paralyzed arm, we give him a simulator, the simulator moves this arm, the robot moves the arm, now we do this , what a person generates, yes, yes, that ’s exactly what we see on... the screen is a video, a person generates a command, synchronously with this brain command the hand moves, and since such synchronization of these signals occurs, plasticity arises allows the brain to heal itself, well, okay, but what many people face, i don’t know, in old age, dementia, dementia, still a professional, you can see right away, you can even look at a person’s illness like this from a distance to understand that well, i’m... not a bit of a professional, but even when i look at
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the current president of the united states, it seems to me that i’m also becoming a little bit of a doctor, and this chip would help him, as you think, that’s for sure. well, it would help, yes, by the way, we invite him to our experiments in alfactory, i think they will be useful here, let's send an official request, that we are ready to help you, here is russian science and so on, let's collaborate, yes, well, you are still a doctor, a scientist, and elon musk , about whom we started talking, you need to understand from the very beginning that he... in general , is a businessman, an entrepreneur, and you know in a good way, we talk so much about him around the world, but well, it’s worth it, you know you are professionals about what this guy is doing because of some kind of american novels, i have a generally
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positive attitude, because i have been working in science for a long time, and there the approach was a little different, there it was not... so practically oriented, but to do something practical, business here is still effective , but here we come to the most important thing, a businessman is always interested, he is always pragmatic, when these technologies end up in the hands of people who are trying to establish control over society and people who are trying to benefit from it, i get scared, this thing at the same time, well well, she helps restore some functions there, and she...
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put it, look here, here is the control area, explain, the one who created nia wanted her to be an obedient automaton when exposed to... this area, she's losing control of herself, are you sure about that? yes, all i need to do is select the radiation parameters,
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i’m getting goosebumps now, because this future has arrived, i’m right. in principle , yes, the possibility is quite real, but it’s not as simple as pressing a button and a person obediently performing some actions, hacking a chip, for example, to read confidential information, there is personal data and understand everything about a person, it will be possible, it is possible, and hackers will do it, quite obviously, because they love to do it.
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i don’t deal with ethics issues professionally, there are already people who deal with this , a lot has already been analyzed, so there is a certain basis for all this. returning to where we partially started, you know, i’m now reading a book by the outstanding scientist professor luka voin isenetsky, surgeon, laureate of the stalin prize, he has a book , spirit, soul, body, and there he very convincingly substantiates the thesis that in general the brain is not what we think, roughly speaking, ours, that is, there are some thoughts - then our simple ones are there at the level of reflexes, you say, motor skills, these are...
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as it were, both levels of consideration, they will only benefit from some kind of interaction, well, i inevitably, mikhailovich, cannot at the end of our conversation, although i realized that we are only at the very beginning of long conversations, it’s impossible to quote the lines that keep popping up in my head every time we touch on the topic of artificial intelligence, development... when i look at this little thing, these are some of the last lines of the book that we already recalled today here in the bible, remember, he
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will do this that all small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark or the name of the beast or the number of the name him, it's written. in the apocalypse black in white, that every person will be chipped, the mark will be on everyone, the only thing i hope for when i look at these things is that these things will be in the hands of people like you, then it will be a real benefit for society, and not by the number of the beast, but something tells me that prophecy tends to come true, and we are heading towards this, inevitably, there is no escape from prophecies, but let’s hope for the best. exactly, thank you very much, this is life and fate, in fact,
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mikhaela lebedeva, but everything, well, our common the fate of all humanity. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, so he comes and you’re good, pet the stubborn one, he loves to grab there with his claws, well, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done! well done, warm up a stray,
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a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, all the talk, guys, to me feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays, on rtr viktor poltoranin, now i am your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i got you started. ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues and overtime. the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, do all our clients receive the same letters? ivan
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oganesyan, i am now my own boss, aka appeared out of nowhere, such a handsome man, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we start, he will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan potatoes for lard, sleeps, that's how a child sleeps. but i don’t advise you to do this: a doctor who can be trusted 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. you are my best friend, just a friend. on sunday. is this a girl from a boarding school? lyosha, why are you scared? go ahead, get out of my house, now. where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, love can become the future. now
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our whole life is in your hand. yes, them, no need to come here, uncle finds out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, tell me that i love her, it’s a fact, tell me, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr. poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on march 26. the music of giya kancheli and alfred schnibke will be performed in the zaryadye concert hall by the yurlov symphony orchestra of cinematography and the russian choir chapel, conducted by sergei sklipka. the entire travinsky project
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continues in the tchaikovsky concert hall with the participation of the symphony orchestra of russia named after. svetlanova. artistic word - yulia khlynino and evgeny tsyganov. conductor, alexey rubin. yusif eyvazov sings in the large hall of the verdi gala conservatory, denis vlasenko is at the helm of the moscow symphony orchestra. the theatrical art studio presents on the small stage the premiere performance of sergei tonoshev, a long happy life, based on the script and fragments of prose by gennady shpalikov. and the theater school of konstantin raikin is showing a performance by sergei tonyshev and layali based on the novel at the theater center on strastnoy knut hamsun kolod. in the jewish museum and tolerance center there was a project whose theme was the origin and development of jewish modernism as a phenomenon in the art of the twentieth century. the exhibition includes more than a hundred paintings and graphic works by marc chagall, nathan altman, david shterenberg, el lisitsky, robert falk, alexander tyshler and other masters. on two floors of the omsk city art museum there is a personal exhibition of alexander kapralov,
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called metal life, metal love. graphics on display. painting and more than 100 sculptures that the master creates using a unique welded sculpture technique. the premiere at the omsk drama theater by georgi tskverava staged the play fruits of enlightenment based on the play by leo nikolaevich tolstoy. this is a comedy, it arose in such an interesting way that it seemed out of character for tolstoy, he made some sketches, his daughters found it and decided to make a home performance. and in general, this performance arose, played on his estate, played by his children, friends before. acquaintances and so on, that is, such a kind of modern skit, as it were for him then for that time, when i re-read it, i thought it was interesting, a lot of the action. for the troupe, when they are busy and so on, well, they decided to make some noise. at the trans-siberian art festival, the world premiere of kuzma bodrov's second violin concerto performed by vadim repin and the novosibirsk symphony orchestra
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conducted by dimitri sabotinis. the krasnoyarsk drama theater named after pushkin continues the theatrical spring festival with a performance by oleg rybkin based on friedrich schiller's drama perfidy and love. at the st. petersburg theater of musical comedy, the opera by agana strauss and die fledermaus , directed by igor konyaev. musical director and conductor andrey. alekseev. ilya del plays the main role in the play profidot sagittarius on the stage of the lensovet theater. the fairy tale by leonid filatov was staged by fyodor pshenichny. the ballet call of the steppe to the music of kuat shildebaev, renat gaisin, tole gen mombekov and carlos pino quintana is shown at the astana opera, choreographed by patrick de bana. hamburg ballet presents john neumeier's ballet, anna karenin, based on the novel by leo tolstoy to the music of pyotr ilvich tchaikovsky and alfred schnittka. in paris. the exhibition egyptian pharaohs is open in the digital space of the atelier of light until the end of the year. on an area of ​​3.00 km , there is a large-scale video installation demonstrating three millennia of the history of the egyptian pharaohs, from the birth of
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the ancient egyptian kingdoms to the decline of oblivion. good morning, the doctor says, showing me, we are starting the program, you will find out the most important thing, watch us, it will be interesting. today in the program about the most important thing, gastritis, what medications can provoke it, from whom can you get gastritis, and is it true
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that this disease is caused by the absence of soup at lunch, there is chronic erosion, here it is, yes, yes, yes, it’s in the acute stage, did you know about this, no , what kind of allergies a tick bite can cause and how carbonated... he knows, well, even from the procedure to my left, it’s clear that the topic now will be gastritis,
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myth and truth, we’ll ask people what they think on this topic, so, in the meantime, doctors are doing gastroscopy for people who have symptoms suspicious of gastritis, at the end we will ask them how and what, we can... see on camera how it all happens, and just like that inside you, what did you think? ok, let's first question: the lack of soup in the diet, as well as excessive consumption of coffee, citrus fruits and spicy foods provokes the development of gastritis, i think yes, especially you know, drinking instant coffee, you should drink less coffee, eat soup every day, without the first one you can’t it is forbidden. it’s all gastritis, it’s getting worse because it turns out to be an ordinary snack for a person, without proper nutrition, yes , i think, yes, soup is the main torture, yes, no, i think food has no effect, but,
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for example, in hot countries, there they eat spicy food and drink coffee all the time, and no one complains about any gastritis, give me a microphone, what is the cause of gastritis, i am for... well, as far as i know, these are bacteria, helicobacter, you see, the first person immediately said correctly, gastritis and gastric ulcer are a chronic infectious disease, so if you do not have this infectious agent, heleobacter pyri, which in most cases is the cause of gastritis, then no matter what you eat or drink, you may have unpleasant sensations, you may have stomach pain... but you will not have erosion, ulcers, or inflammation of the stomach, for this you need to have holeobacter , pylori, these little closing bacteria.
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and can lead to fatal bleeding, when a person is admitted, he is vomiting coffee grounds, he has black stools, and we understand that there is bleeding, this doctor begins to look, he sees the ulcer begins, if the ulcer, he cauterizes it, yes, yes, it happens very often when people take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs uncontrollably, especially older people, and especially if they are positive for heleobaktor pylori, that is, does this work out? straight into the stomach , these things happen, antibiotics, no , antibiotics are the opposite, we take them to treat gastritis, antibiotics can cause some discomfort in the stomach, in general , don’t confuse gastritis, erosion and ulcers with dyspepsia, dyspepsia is when i have this the doctor says everything is fine, how is she, everything is it good or haven’t looked yet, the first patient has acute erosion and helicobterus pillary, who is this? did you know about
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this? no, what does this mean? this means that you have to get ready, go to the doctor, tomorrow the day after tomorrow, when you make an appointment, he will prescribe you a two-week course of antibiotics and other medications, you will have to drink them, if you don’t do this, the ulcer will end in the stomach bleeding, this is serious stuff , here, but there could be a different situation, the doctor said, but we didn’t find anything, it could be, it could be, then we say, dyspepsia.
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yes , gastritis can even be transmitted through a kiss, i think so, yes, it’s possible, so it’s better not to eat in canteens or where you are not sure of the cleanliness of, say, the dishes , it’s unlikely, no, no way, no, gastritis, they earn it themselves people to themselves, but how to get infected , perhaps now everyone is just passing diseases from one to another, yes, i think not, i’m already glad that...
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it’s as if the protective wall of the stomach mucosa is being gnawed by the acid that is in normally in the stomach, it begins to corrode the layers of the stomach further, this does not happen to everyone, but who smokes, they are at greater risk, those who take anti-inflammatory drugs are at greater risk, they take aspirin, they are at greater risk, that there is mild gastritis, superficial, hilicobacter too, accordingly we are waiting, most likely it will be negative, is there? in
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general, in general, and what is there, pain, stomach, it happens, it feels like some kind of heaviness, it’s clear, well, okay, so, let’s continue, chewing food thoroughly. reduces the risk of developing gastritis, i agree, yes, food will be digested and absorbed better, food must be chewed thoroughly , there is no rush, the absence of teeth, it just increases it, it doesn’t matter whether a person chews food thoroughly or not, gastritis occurs for other reasons, it is bacteria that contributes to the occurrence of gastritis, no, this does not affect, i think not, i doubt it, because my brother eats quickly, thank god he doesn’t have gastritis, i think no, it depends on what kind of food it is, remember, ilf and petrov, by chewing your food thoroughly, you help society, but you know, i i don't think, what exactly is the effect on gastritis,
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since, as we have already said, this is an infectious disease, another thing is that for the subsequent absorption of food, this formation of a food bolus is very important. therefore, you need to chew food, specifically, it will not lead to gastritis. go ahead. coated tongue, morning sickness and bad breath are the main symptoms of gastritis. i think so, because the body is already telling itself that something needs to be done. yes, i heard about this even from my parents. i think not, because still, the main symptom is stomach pain. yes, i agree with this. this. mouth, but the teeth, let’s say, well, i don’t know, the main thing is, perhaps there are some problems in the cavity , not the main thing, but one of the oblique signs in the mouth is, no, well, a coating on the tongue,
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morning precision, not a pleasant smell from the mouth, a hangover, for example, well, and many others, no, that would be...
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and the exact erosions of the bulb 12 are clearly visible, well, of course, here too there will be a positive pyloria gelebaktor, here the patient also needs to take antibiotics, take proton pump inhibitors, a drug like meprazole, you see a fairly simple procedure, you can do it, look how in the field and the information is quite rich, remember that meleobacter pylori is the main cause. such an infectious disease as erosive gastritis and stomach ulcer. well, that's all, we move on. next, what kind of allergies can
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a tick bite cause and how carbonated drinks affect bones. questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season, with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we create
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three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, i chose the right place, when you don’t wonder why
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do people count fats as carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, we have a big day today. day, big holiday. hey, it's been a while since we 've seen each other. daring. you know, but for every cool fighter, he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. the period of combination, there were songs that seemed to write the biography of the country, the era, the time was
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so daring and we were wildly interested in take it all in head first. alena apina. if they told me now, if i had gone through the same path, i wouldn’t have dared. a difficult combination of her fate. you went after love, after a man, set priorities and parted with the group, and at its peak. i decided then to get married. and decided to start all over again, i myself didn’t understand anything about what i was doing, i just stupidly followed some hormonal, emotionally feminine processes that were taking place in my body, from head to toe. those 25 years that we lived are wonderful 25 years, a joyful picture, life is completely different, and now i will show you my other life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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time for the section, questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, but if you have watched our programs, then you probably know the conditions, come out, let's talk, whoever is ready, raise your hands, well, let's start with you, here, how your name is, and my name is daria, i’m a psychologist, a psychologist, great, cool it. so daria is a psychologist, something else, some the questions are boring, well, yes, no , well, seriously, here it’s at least more fun, but he’s a couple of young people, let’s put him back in, alexander leonidovich, you specifically want me to do nothing, well, at least it’s interesting, here’s a tick bite, for example, yes, can it provoke? development of allergies psychologist, well, if
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he couldn’t, if he couldn’t, he wouldn’t write, yes, okay, the second question is, what is he allergic to, is he allergic to what, he is allergic to a specific substance, to a specific substance, i now need to explain my the answer is yes, good. no no, nothing is needed, you already answered, you answered correctly, i’ll even say, moreover, but i’m just curious, i showed you, they wrote, yes, maybe you know, you’re not a vegetarian by any chance, no, you love meat, i adore it, would you go? yes, did ticks bite? was. it’s interesting that the mite contains a substance that can cause an allergy to meat in the future, and you will then eat meat, break out in a rash, have swelling, and so on. and these are all the consequences of a tick bite.
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breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, means. well, here, yes, what to explain, breast cancer, pregnancy, breast cancer was once called a disease, nun, so confidently goes, and carbonated drinks can destroy bones?
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this is the rate of bone mass gain, children who move little, eat a lot, drink sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, they do not gain bone mass, so after 40 years all this decline occurs, well, what difference does it make to fall from here or fall from here, they haven’t gained enough, their bone is destroyed faster, so roughly speaking, they
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do not directly destroy, as you correctly wrote, but lead to the development of osteoporosis. in postmenoposal age, of course , it matters, it’s interesting, let’s go choose a prize , well, you got all three keys with my help, you took one in total, well, that’s right, psychologist , i still have three, i have them in turn, you never know right from the first times now, well, you see. anyone who follows our programs knows that there is an absolutely clear trend: whoever dresses in the color of the key gets it right the first time, come on, it’s almost a rule that we take, so, i’ll take a book for my dad,
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for dad, yes, because he watches your program, 57, yes, this one. so i would like you to sign for him, because now he also told us all that coffee can be drunk by a hypertonic, and he drinks it himself and it’s good for the liver, he says, that ’s what the doctor butcher says, so alexandrevich, and my dad name is alexander too, teska, yes, here you go, dasha. thank you, you want to reconsider us, we look at the platform, the application or the website,, and we move on. pain throughout the body is how people describe fibromyalgia. we have many times
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have you talked about this disease? do you remember anything? how many points on the body does fibromyalgia hurt... who gets it most often, men or women, what medications help get rid of pain from this disease? let's answer these questions together, our laboratory technician in the studio checks viewers who complain of pain throughout the body, as well as those who have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, we'll soon find out why! many years ago, when i came here...... i asked, who knows, can answer the question, what is fibromyalgia? by the way, i’ll ask now who knows, one, two, will you? give me a microphone, what is fibromyalgia? hello, i think it’s osteochondrosis, that’s more, but i
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think it’s muscle pain, muscle spasm, muscle spasm, who else raised their hand? i also have osteochondrosis, the same thing, okay, okay, let’s do it differently, whoever has osteochondrosis, raise your hands, but this is a different matter. these people tell me that i don't know what fibromyalgia is, in fact, try to remember, because it can change a lot in your life, here you all have osteochrosis, what do you mean by ostachandrosis , well, the body hurts, everything hurts, it hurts here , the lower back hurts, it hurts here , i can’t raise my arm, it hurts here, here it hurts, here it hurts, yes, plus i wake up in the morning, didn’t get enough sleep broken. like the tram moved , and that is, there are some lymph nodes, here are the enlarged city, i sleep poorly, my throat hurts,
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some kind of weakness in the throat, it’s familiar, yes, yes, but apparently the problem is that it’s not you who need to know about fibromyalgia, yours doctors, because all our doctors have the answer, osteochondrosis, then there is a disease that does not exist. in the medical world, in terminology , this is because any pain in the body is decomposed into a muscle spasm, a pinched nerve, for example, if it is pain in the lower back, rheumatic pain, polymyology, there will be a separate broadcast about polymyology, because it’s just funny , but older people 60 + 70 +, she comes , describes the symptom to you, i say, i can’t raise my arms, my muscles hurt, i don’t rash, i can’t s...
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a normal illness, yes, and yet, every fifth woman suffers from it, yes, it does women mostly, this is a very common thing, well, it’s understandable, because everyone who raises their hands says that they have sochodrosis, well, you, someone has a spasm back and forth, and more than half have fibromyalgia, why is it important to know this , well, yes, the criterion is this, come here. who can suspect fibromyalgia , this is a common pain, the whole body hurts , the lower back never hurts, or your joint hurts there,
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or your elbow hurts there, or your gap hurts, you can’t open it, that’s it the whole body hurts, this is common pain, it feels like you were beaten, or you did a lot of gymnastics, the next morning you wake up, your whole body hurts. second, we usually see the points here before, how many pain points , it will be written eight, before they had to be dialed in a certain number of points, necessarily, how many are you according to the criteria, today it’s a little different, a person is divided into nine parts, head, right hand, left hand, counts 3, 4, 5, chest 6, 7, 8, 9, in each of these areas we find pain points, they are in typical places, usually we find them, right here, and how to press, i can certainly press so much that it will hurt her,
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no? i press so that my nail bed turns white, it turns white, which means it’s not very strong, but it should be painful, there on the hips, these are usually we know these points, sit down, then, what provokes the development of fibromyalgia and how dangerous this disease is, getting married, having children, feeding, working all this with pain, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. you now seriously, right? you will follow. evgeny pronin. do you love me? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna ardova. i called all my friends. they are nowhere to be found. all three of my nephews are missing. vladislav vetrov. denis will help us. oh boy, like
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this. zoya, my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible, restless, what they say about you is true, what restless wants, restless receives. from april 1, on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea have you drunk?
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i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i have a job for you, how can you not understand that this is a salon beauty, beauty, you want it to be controlled by some kind of creature, do you even understand, beauty, we
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will deal with delays especially strictly. everything is in place? martynovo is not. the name of? margarita. hello. margarita, she is a master. am i a bad master? yes, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you’re a soldier. can you tell me where to start? first, show everyone that you are not a robot, but a human. i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot. margaret. she is the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our platform, i understand, that i love another man. queen margot on friday on rtr.
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she left on march 14th. in her life, the famous gypsy feather and actress, star of the film gypsies, sonya timofeeva, she was known and loved by millions, was seen off on her last journey by only three people. sonya timofeeva's widower found a mysterious note. sonya writes that she will bequeath to him the most precious thing she has, and her grave will tell him the answer. did timofeev really manage to preserve the khmilev family heirlooms? why did sonya keep this secret for so many years? malakhov, today on rtr, program. about the most important thing continues, we talk about fibromyalgia. why do we, i keep saying that we must be attentive to this, because unlike rheumatological diseases, when there is inflammation, in contrast to - spasm, when there is a spasm, in contrast to a pinched nerve, when there is still swelling and inflammation of the nerve around. fibromyalgia is a different mechanism. there
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is no inflammation, in principle, this is an absolutely normal, healthy person in everything, which is why, by the way, fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exception. because it is characteristic of her, as i already said, fatigue, weakness , or maybe you have an early manifestation of lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus, or maybe you have flying pains, rheumatoid arthritis begins, and so on, that is, you must first exclude all possible causes when the same symptoms occur , this time, further, when we excluded all this, but i must say that along with this disease, there is often chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, here this is wrong, which means it is often confused, it can be confused when you know what we are talking about, but if not a single person knows what it is, how can he be confused, there are doctors in the room, believe me, i
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have repeatedly asked doctors about fibromyology, well, if someone has heard, that it’s something in the nose, like somewhere, well, yes... the question is, what to do about it? after all , doctors believe that this is a type, this is a chronic pain syndrome, that this is a reconfiguration of pain receptors, for some reason, often genetically determined, after some kind of exposure, this can illness, injury, infection, stress , pain receptors on the body, before... are adjusted and normal stimuli are experienced as increased and signal pain, that is, this is a notification failure, but it’s like smoke detectors, but
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you can make it so simple from one cigarette there will already be smoke in the entire building of the fire, this rain will come, which will extinguish, it all depends on the sensitivity, this is the pain... receptor that signals pain about the condition, it is stuck in the on position, on, it needs turn it off, but we can’t turn it off, and it’s constantly drives, drives, drives, drives, these , but the problem is that you are really sick, that it really hurts, it really hurts, it’s really that the person is depressed, it’s really that he can’t get enough sleep, it really hurts him throat, you go to the doctor, what can he say, you have fibromyalgia, we don’t know what’s wrong with you. of course, osteochondrosis , of course, osteochondrosis, well, all that stuff , what else is the problem, conventional anti-inflammatory drugs don’t really help, because there is no application, there is no inflammation, there is no inflammation, but since
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there is no inflammation, of course they work much worse, so the drugs of choice are those that treat neuralgia, these are anticonvulsants, these are amitreptyline, antidepressants.
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to eat, to work, all this with pain , here you have to somehow find it, find this one, find this middle ground, just remember that it exists, remember that our life is such that we often have to put up with the state of things, because that if we can cure something for us, we don’t mind, but there is a condition with which you must understand them essence and exist together, trying to somehow relieve ourselves. so, what did you find there, i examined nine people, almost all of them had six points, more than eleven, no one, in which regions, mostly a cervical brother, thank you, well, you see,
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11, that’s exactly why these criteria were released, earlier it would be necessary to collect 11 points, but this was something quite a long time ago, in my opinion, the tenth year, this is a swede, those days are counting points, now it is important that... that it is a common pain, that the pain points are all over the body, but it turns out like a little pessimistic, but there is a disease , and what we don’t know, how to treat, we don’t know, but you... everything will be fine with us, on the air there is a section for questions for the doctor, this time for the doctor, raise your hands those who have these questions yes, good morning, good doctor, and i was diagnosed with cystabaker, under the knee, yes, knee, after an ultrasound, i went to the clinic. with his hand they said there was no cyst, and there was just
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a doctor there, a very good neurologist, he felt and said there was nothing there with his hand without any ultrasound, but it bothered me, and then a year passed already, this doesn’t bother me, that is, i have practically not been treated in any way, what is a cystabaker, where does it come from, and in general, you know, a cystabaker is just a pocket of a composite bag, when there is bursitis, when it comes out here or here, you feel it here... any swelling hurts, if it goes back, it can hurt here, why is it important to know, sometimes we have pain here in the lower leg, and we think if there is thrombosis of the internal veins here, it is very important, because if there is a becker cyst , so god bless her, and if we miss thrombosis, it can shoot a person in the lungs and kill, that's why she's on the lips of doctors, but she's not there, she's not, what is she, maybe she's gone, you could take three tablets there - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, she...
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probably up to 7 mm 7 -10 mm is precancer, and 10
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and above is already such a serious precancer, so a polyp is not a stone, a polyp of this size must be removed, thank you, yeah, good morning, doctor, for a long time i have been drinking kombucha in the morning on an empty stomach , but lately i noticed after eating, when i eat, i get heartburn, maybe this is caused by the tea flu, you know, we had a program about kombucha, how to cook it, i snuck a copy with me, put everything as it should be, brewed it, i’ll start taking it now, i ’ll tell you, maybe it can help, does it improve immunity, i also heard that it says it increases it, but i don’t know, maybe it causes heartburn, but i think it didn’t happen before , no, it didn’t happen before, i’ve been drinking for 2 years now , nothing happened, maybe age, who do you drink, well, mushroom, kombucha? when did it arise? well, just recently, literally i’m talking about the flu
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you say you’ve been drinking for 2 years and i’ve been drinking a glass, maybe i’ve increased the dose, understand this, now someone turned on the tv and sees you, let’s say your boss, and you say, i’ve been drinking a glass for 2 years already, he says, wow, i think it’s not related, i think you have another reason, probably there. the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus closes completely, and from the esophagus there is still increased acidity, maybe from increased acidity, this is all this, i don’t think, there is kombucha here, which you have been taking a glass for 2 years, but you know how to do it cook, then you support him , yes, yes, they need to give him something, and people drink and nothing, we just had a program about it, here is katya ekaterina baranova, she has so many good things about her, and i also remember in i drank all the time as a child, that’s why i actually took away the starter, right now. that's it,
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that's all with the questions, i hope that i answered them all, i wish everyone good health, next in the program, women's health, what is the reason for the lack of collagen? and how to replenish it? what's here? premiere on rtr. what was she drinking? mistress he's going crazy with idleness, well , well, keep going, come on, you know that liskov is not an angel, he's a creative person, anything is possible, maybe he fell in love, what does your intuition tell you, vasnitsova, today on rtr, you dream about the stage, you believe in your forces,
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russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part. participation in the international popular music competition new wave registration, submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. victor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor , a nightmare, i called you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency,
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a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors , we're kind of like colleagues. and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he came out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe here there is some catch, the husband is for an hour and a half, the premiere is saturday. good morning, my beloved , my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me
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a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, borscht what the hell have you done, how are you? morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. good morning. hello. when the simplest actions, such as climbing stairs, getting out of bed, or even just walking, cause a feeling of discomfort, this may be due
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to joint diseases. joint disease is a fairly common cause - a lack of collagen in our body. collagen is a very important protein, a building protein that forms the basis of the connective tissue of our body. what could be causing a lack of collagen, and how can it be replenished? this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer ekaterina contacted us. let's find out her story. good morning, the program is about the most important things. my name is ivanova ekaterina. i'm 53 of the year. i play sports and am active. way of life, i go up to the fourth floor without using the elevator, i walk a lot , recently the joints of my arms and legs have started to hurt, for example, when i return from the store and carry one light package, my arm starts to ache, mom, how
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i went to the store, oh, my hand was aching again, i could barely carry the package, it became more difficult for me to bend over and... sit down while cleaning on tv on the internet, i heard about the benefits of collagen, please tell me, is it true that collagen can help with my problem is how to choose it, how long to take it? thank you very much for the answer. ekaterina, today in our studio , please come to us, good morning, good morning, good morning, ekaterina, don’t be alarmed, you ’re great, you play sports, watch your diet, you’re all so slim. beautiful, thank you, what's bothering you? my joints began to ache and my arms and legs hurt, i used to do more than ten squats, but in general it’s very easy, now i’m doing five, my knees are starting to ache. i was also, you know, very frightened by the fact that before going to bed i usually, well, like all of us women, yes, we take care of our hands
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, i just apply the cream, i’m starting to ache here, i feel some changes in my body, the skin on my face begins to tug a little, some dryness appears, i’ve been on tv more than once i heard about the benefits of collagen and i want to understand how much collagen can help, everyone has heard. but no one knows what its norm is, whether it can be somehow checked, whether it can be exceeded, in addition to unpleasant sensations in the joints, discomfort in the joints, the following symptoms may indicate a lack of collagen: this a violation of the oval of the face, this is the deepening of the nasolabial folds, this is the appearance of additional wrinkles under the eyes, this is the condition of the hair, because collagen is a structural protein that is part of the hair cuticle, the hair becomes. dull , brittle, body weight increases, and the rapid development of caries, tooth decay, and this is not only associated with age,
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in order to figure out what kind of collagen is needed, how much of it is needed, i want to invite an expert doctor, elena igorevna korshun, to the studio , candidate of medical sciences, gerontologist, nutritionist, expert in the field of anti-aging medicine, elena igorevna, good morning, good morning, elena igorevna. how to determine that there is not enough collagen why does a lack of collagen cause so many unpleasant symptoms? the fact is that by the age of 50 , unfortunately, 1/3 of collagen is lost in our body; this is the main component of connective and skeletal tissue. in addition, with each decade , collagen production decreases; by the age of 80, this figure can reach 75% of collagen loss compared to the age of twenty-five, especially the most. sensitive to the loss of collagen - these are women, because after menopause, at the time of menopause, collagen is lost even
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more during the period, so called collagen pit, in addition to the fact that the amount of collagen is lost, its quality is also impaired, that is, collagen fibers become rigid and this can lead to limited mobility of the joints, the so-called stiffness, which reduces the quality of life, several other factors influence, this is primarily a violation... a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, foods rich in carbohydrates and carbohydrates precisely contribute to the synthesis of abnormal collagen, brittle, which does not provide the function for tissue organs that provides, strictly speaking, elasticity, and of course, the negative impact of stress, which, in principle, affects our body to put it mildly, it is unfavorable, but it is the synthesis of collagen, especially here one cannot help but mention bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking. of course, they also affect the quality of the produced, synthesized collagen. it is very important to maintain
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intact connective tissue in a timely manner and replenish the missing amount of collagen. how to do it? what foods can increase collagen levels and will this be enough? you will find the most collagen in meat, offal, skin and cartilage of animals and fish, but unfortunately, the collagen molecule is large in size... due to this, collagen from food is absorbed very little by the body, in our fifties we have many gastrointestinal diseases, this also violates digestion of protein, therefore it is recommended to additionally take dietary supplements based on it to prevent age-related changes, as well as to maintain collagen levels. of course, you need to remember that when collagen enters the body , it is transported to those organs that need it most. and in order to
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completely replenish the missing collagen content in our body, we need up to 1000 mg of collagen. at the same time, you and i will get another beauty effect. with this dosage, we have collagen left for hair, nails, skin, not only on the joints and ligaments. it is said that there are different types of collagen. second, third, they say that a certain type is better for joints than another, how do you even choose the right collagen? perhaps this is the most misunderstood and truly myth-ridden problem in the collagen industry today, the fact is that the types of collagen are related to the source of raw materials, that is, collagen of the first type is mainly found in the skin , type 2 is mainly found in the joints, but all collagens that are now producing...
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they are all formed in the same way; when they enter the body, these peptides can improve the synthesis of its own collagen. in other words, your response to the use of collagen peptides is the production of precisely those necessary types of collagen that are currently in short supply in the body. and accordingly, the most important thing is the quality of the peptides, as well as the absorption capacity of these peptides, rather than the original type of collagen. is there a difference at sea? animal, plant, this collagen, which is closer, most tropic to the human body, is fish or sea collagen, so in comparison with animal collagen, protein obtained from fish shells, fish bones, fish skin, has a greater ability to penetrate deep into the epithelium to ensure restoration processes, yes, that’s right, the degree of processing of collagen is extremely important, the most popular collagen today is - this is
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hydrolyzed collagen, already 6 hours after taking... hydrolyzed collagen is found in the blood and tissues of the entire body. and when choosing, of course, it is very important to take into account that the product does not contain foreign impurities, toxic impurities, for example, titanium dioxide, zinc. these include salts of heavy metals, such as lead and talc. these include genetically modified products, which can also cause allergic reactions. they try to use sugar, artificial colors and flavors. mask collagen of rather low quality, and if you see vitamin c in the composition, then this will only bring benefits, because vitamin c itself is capable of stimulating the production of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid. and , of course, there must be a certificate of state registration. such products are usually sold in pharmacies, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about marketplaces. yes, indeed,
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there are now a very large number of jars with foreign names for collagen on marketplaces. but as a rule, they do not guarantee authenticity and what kind of collagen is unknown, and also these products may not have passed state registration in russia, so give preference to russian ones manufacturers with a well-known brand, who have been working on the market for a long time, comply with all certification standards, and also work according to international quality standards. such manufacturers carefully select collagen and provide pharmaceutical quality for everyone... thank you very much for coming to us, i really hope that our advice will help you continue to lead such an active lifestyle, you look great, thank you very much, thank you thank you very much, elena igorevna, thank you very much, my friends, today we talked about such an important substance as collagen, about its effect on our
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body and of course about how... to replenish its content, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things . hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. russia will find and punish those who ordered the terrible terrorist attack. statement by vladimir putin. how is the investigation into what happened at crocus city hall going? the death toll rose to 139, 2/3 of the rubble was cleared. created in the building
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an opening through which a powerful crane will be brought inside. smart bombs are destroying the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, artillery is actively working in the avdeevka area, and the city receives target coordinates from reconnaissance drone operators. bashkiria is preparing for a large-scale flood. there are more than 300 settlements in the risk zone, rescue meteorologists and hydropower engineers have developed an action plan. the terrorist attack in crocus city hall is an act of intimidation, it can be beneficial to those who are fighting with russia through the hands of the kiev regime, vladimir putin said. the president discussed with the government and intelligence services , the progress of the investigation, measures to support the families of the dead and wounded, the work of medical and social services. about the most important thing, my colleague, andrey grigoriev. the tragedy at crocus cityhole
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hit the whole country hard.
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causing more and more doubts, the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data , there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in. who is the customer? in the course of the joint work of our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions, for example, are
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radical, even terrorist , islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict. and like radical islamists. positioning themselves, by the way, as true believers muslims professing so-called pure islam commit grave atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. it would be more likely to suspect involvement of the western intelligence services or their subordinates in ukraine, which is even more likely, the kiev regime, who benefits from this, is an atrocity.
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the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all efforts undertaken by the enemies of the world to stabilize the front do not bring success, hence the attempts to enter to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, in attempts at missile attacks on the crimean bridge. and the peninsula itself, bloody acts of intimidation such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow quite logically fit into this series. the investigation is in full swing,
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the suspects have been arrested and there is every chance of finding the masterminds and organizers of the crime. the goal, as i said, is to sow panic in our society. and at the same time , show your own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime. you just need to carry out the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian , carry out the command from washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler juganda in its new edition, of course, knock out new weapons and additional money for this, a significant part of which can be will steal and put, as is customary in ukraine today.
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i don’t want to be accomplices to terror sponsors of terrorism, but there are really a lot of questions. investigators already know in seconds what happened in the concert hall.'
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objects, this was prevented thanks to the work of firefighters and rescuers. tomorrow the search operation will be completely completed, and accordingly, every square meter of the hall and ground floor and balcony, and the floor above, will be dismantled. at the time of adopting new safety standards, this is already being done. russian prosecutor general. the scale of the terrorist attack turned out to be many times larger and incomparable with the provisions legislation on safety at such facilities. taking into account the significant increase in the level of terrorist threats, the executive authorities of the constituent entities need to update the safety passports of facilities with large numbers of people. we will do this in the near future. a decision was made to provide financial assistance to the families of the victims in the amount of 3 million rubles. hard.
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take control of all the people who need support, because different life situations occur, someone even lost their breadwinner, and so on, therefore, it is imperative to analyze everything related to this terrible crime, and be sure to help people, approach this informally, i ask you very much, look at this matter with such a professional, human eye and support those who need it. this
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help support. many volunteers and doctors arrived at the scene on their own initiative, barely learning about what happened. i would like to express my deep gratitude to our medical workers for the help they provide to the affected citizens, our caring citizens, for showing themselves in this way in this difficult hour, coming to the aid of people in trouble, once again proving that... our country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together, and passers-by and medical workers who are not directly related to emergency services and employees of other services, unquestioningly, simply immediately found themselves where they should be, helping people, this, of course, demonstrates the maturity of our society and the willingness to defend their interests and fight for themselves.
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there are almost hundreds of people in moscow, including children. doctors are doing everything possible, given the complex nature of the wounds and extensive burns. the victims were transported not only by ambulance, but also by helicopter. they landed at the botkin hospital one after another, and this saved the lives of dozens of patients. about 40
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people have already been discharged from clinics. at the site of the tragedy in crocus cityhole, debris is being cleared around the clock. emergency situations ministry specialists do not stop working for a minute. involved. more than 300 specialists, robotic systems are used, we managed to break through tunnels in damaged structures, heavy equipment entered the complex, piles of metal roofing, rescuers are now removing them from two exits, the process has gone faster, today a powerful hundred-ton crane should begin work, the area of ​​​​the collapsed roof was more than 7,000 km, the size of a football field. now only 2/3 of the crocus has been cleared, the search continues.
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assault detachments support ours and the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 142 districts of the northern military district. artillerymen. they are conducting counter-battery combat with crews of mstas self-propelled guns. artillery acts as quickly as possible and does not give the enemy the opportunity to organize counterattacks. precision strikes destroy both fortified areas and warehouses with equipment and ammunition in the ssu.
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they used unguided aerial bombs with a special planning module, which allows them to deliver precise strikes without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. having received confirmation from intelligence that the targets had been destroyed, the planes returned safely to the departure airfield. you are watching the news, stay with us on the russia channel. hello, dear friends. yours on the air favorite program 60 minutes 60 minutes today on rtl,
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention. heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain
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power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, darling, it's just incredible. beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes run wild, how everything is delicious, as my mother says, eat your mind, this world is worth seeing, smiy caster, this is the oldest profession in india, they say it’s done right. the bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. you are my best friend
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, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, give lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of... my house, immediately, where friendship has become a thing of the past, it turns out, it is judged there is a bride, the future may be love, now in yours our whole life in our hand, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, tell me that i love her, and tell her,
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we survived, only ours can, honor and praise you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, on air, we continue to broadcast sofbes, he adopted a resolution demanding immediate cessation. fire in gas during the holy month of ramadan. at the meeting, 14
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out of 15 council members voted in favor. the united states abstained. this is the first time that the council security managed to pass a resolution on the middle east first escalation. the text of the document also demands the immediate release of all hostages without preconditions. meanwhile, the military operation continues. over the past 24 hours , 107 people have died in the gas sector. total number of victims. among the palestinians there are 32.33 and almost 75 more wounded. humanitarian aid to the residents of the enclave continues to be parachuted. the israeli side is blocking the passage of trucks. in the capital of jordan , security forces clashed with demonstrators who tried to besiege the israeli embassy. several thousand palestinian supporters chanted anti-israeli and anti-american slogans and demanded that the jordanian government cancel the peace agreement. large-scale
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farmer protests have reached london for the first time, with dozens of tractor drivers coming to the city of london to protest the rules and trade agreements that were introduced after britain left the european union. according to farmers, their incomes have dropped sharply because of this. farmers said the govt. the congestion has caused traffic jams, with pedestrians welcomed the action. heavy rains from slow-moving machinery in the city center hit mozambique. the capital of the country, the city of maputo, was seriously damaged, the streets, the first floors of houses were flooded, people move around by whatever means necessary, public transport. works, the water level has not yet subsided, the cause of all the troubles was a tropical cyclone,
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the authorities are creating temporary accommodation centers for those left homeless, schools are closed. in bashkiria. are preparing for one of the worst floods in years. according to according to forecasts, more than 300 settlements may be in the flood zone. murat zaripov, more details. fima rescuers now have to walk up and down the belooya river almost every day. fans of winter fishing are in no hurry to end the season, even despite significant warming. the ice is washed away from below, and under the snow it is powdered on top and these melting spots are not visible. with every day of ice. the cover on reservoirs is becoming thinner, changes in river levels are monitored not only by meteorologists and rescuers, but also power engineers will be one of the first to know about the beginning of the spring flood at the reservoirs; we monitor the operation of the reservoirs and control the inflow and flow. now the water inflow is a little more than 100 cubic meters per second, the figure is the same as in winter, but soon it will increase
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several times. over the winter, the water level in the pavlovsk reservoir has noticeably decreased and is now at the level. 132 m, in about 2 weeks it will begin to increase within a month during the spring flood it will grow to 140 m. it is the reservoir allow for a smooth passage of the spring flood. over the winter , repair work was carried out here, and now preparations for the flood are almost finished. currently there is only one hydraulic unit operating, by the beginning of the flood we will slowly, well , add more one by one, we will turn on the hydraulic units, we plan to reach maximum load. up to 200 mv. according to forecasts, the level of the largest rivers in the region will begin to rise in early april. this year , more than 300 settlements in the region will be at risk. therefore, residents of those areas where flood water may come are starting to prepare now. the task is annual, so the scheme has been worked out: lift things from the cellars, check the watercraft. we pumped up
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the boat, we are lifting things, that is, if we don’t get flooded, maybe our neighbors will too, if we can help. therefore, spring floods in the region are always ready this year, expected to be higher than the long-term average values, which is due to the snowy winter and the depth of soil freezing. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, lead: bashkiria. a new twenty-first expedition has arrived at the international space station. touches, the indicator is connected, the coupling is there. the crew consists of three people: roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novidsky and nasa astronaut. tracy dyson and marina vasilevskaya, the first female cosmonaut from belarus. participants in the flight from the union state will have to complete a scientific program of five studies in the fields of medicine, biology, physiology and remote sensing of the earth. together with novitsky, she will stay at the station for 12 days. a dyson’s mission will last until september, after which she will return along with oleg
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kanonenko and nikolai. celebrations are starting today in india. poly bright festival of colors, a symbol of the spring revival of nature. different regions of a large country have their own legends about the origin of these festivities. the general meaning of the holiday is that colors blur boundaries, there is no difference between the castes of society. everyone is having fun, dancing and sprinkling colorful powder on each other. as holly notes, our correspondent evgeniy davidov saw us in the holy city of varanasi. so much indian exotica probably not anywhere else. the holy city of varanas, known as the city of the dead, celebrates the most vibrant and vibrant festival of all: holi. holly is a spring festival of colors, when everyone sprinkles colored powders and douses each other with colored water. explosions of firecrackers filled with multi-colored powder over the heads
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of thousands of people, thick smoke from colored powder. this day is important because everyone... in northern india, for followers of krishnaism, holi is primarily associated with the name of the god krishna.
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narrow streets of old delhi, paint everywhere, clothes that you don’t mind throwing away, a good mood ahead. it is almost impossible to remain undecorated on this day, but this is not accepted. this is the day when everyone in india is considered equal, historically , colors hide caste and class, so only a palette of colorful fun, paint equalizes everyone. evgeny dadonov and maria. latvina news from india. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us.
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favorite songs are played in our studio: let's go, birthday, favorite music! words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and
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russian countries, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. victor poltoranin, now i am your upstairs neighbor. koshvar, i called you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, everything do our clients receive the same emails? ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there
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is some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere, saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, a special edition of the 60 minutes program is live, and the most important thing in the kremlin was reported that putin is about to hold a meeting with the security forces on the results of the investigation into the terrible terrorist attack in the moscow region, which killed 137 people, the numbers are inconclusive, we are waiting presidential statements, emergency situations ministry employees have already dismantled 645 cubic meters of collapsed
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structures. former concert hall. the main task now is to finally clear the rubble to make sure that there are no people left under it. the military operation was extended until march 26, until tomorrow at 17:00 moscow time. 82 people have still not been identified. complex genetic examinations lie ahead. investigators are working at the scene. they have to find out why armed terrorists entered the facility so easily.
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with the help of heavy equipment from the western part croco cityhall rescuers have made another tunnel, this is an additional entrance to the concert hall, right now they are bringing sand there to prepare a site for a hundred-ton crane, this is the entrance directly to the stage of the concert hall, right now we can see that the removal of the rubble continues, here we can see that... more than half of the concert hall has already been cleaned, rescuers have already cleared the stage stalls and the balcony, in some places, right down to the concrete, everything needs to be done down to the last chair in order to make sure exceptional events in the search for bodies, now my personally with the rescuers with a block
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have gone through all the chairs. the stage, stalls and balcony have been cleared of about 2/3 of the total area, right down to the concrete, the rest will be cleaned, we have extended the period of the search operation until the next day, until 17:00, in order to fully make sure that there are no bodies, we understand , what is the potential... people are calling on the countdown, after all, we must continue to search, right now the rescuer is sawing by hand the main racks that held the stage of the concert hall, we see how much the basement is exposed, the site for installing a hundred-ton crane will be located right on the stage of the city hall, we can already see how concrete blocks have been installed, right now
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the builders are bringing in tons of sand. the kroku city hall concert hall burned down completely, the roof is gone, it is difficult to understand where the spectator seats were, the removal of the rubble is going on around the clock, that night the basmanny court of moscow examined the cases of the perpetrator of the sidi terrorist attacks behind closed doors, all four terrorists were arrested until may 22, at these personnel deler john merzoev, 32 years old, wife four de. he is not a citizen of russia, like other militants. he had a temporary registration for 3 months in novosibirsk, but it expired. russian, he does not know, speak through an interpreter. it was mirzoev who was removed from the tree during his arrest , where he tried to hide, but was discovered using a drone equipped with a thermal imager. another terrorist with a bandaged ear, rachaba, lizada. murarad
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ali, also speaking through an interpreter, does not speak russian, 30 years old, married, has a child, temporarily unemployed, and this is the third terrorist, fariduni shamsidin. 25 years old, married, has a child, the terrorist was officially employed in podolsk, as a laborer at a parquet factory, officially registered in krasnogorsk, he also asked for a translator telegram channel shot with reference to his and... they report that it was shamsidin who was the leader of the terrorists. after the investigative measures, it turned out that it was shamsidin when he was in turkey. the masterminds of the crime came out, it was with him that a certain assistant of a certain preacher abdula, whose lessons he studied on the internet, contacted the preacher allegedly ordered the massacre and developed a plan to commit the crime.
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the last to be brought to court was terrorist muhammad sabir fayzov. he was taken directly on a hospital gurney, accompanied by a doctor. with a tether and a urinal, during arrest he resisted and was wounded. a nineteen-year-old militant filmed a video of an attack on crocus, which would later release resources believed to be related to egel, which is banned in russia. all terrorists were charged with committing terrorist attacks as part of a group of people - a life sentence. in a relationship. there is a moratorium on the death penalty in our country; according to the investigative committee, two kalashnikov assault rifles, four sets of military ammunition, and more than 500 rounds of ammunition were confiscated from the scene of the massacre, see.
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since the evening of march 23, iron fences have been placed along the entire perimeter , security measures have also been strengthened inside, amon’s detachment lined up at the door of the courtroom itself, about 200 journalists arrived at the basmanny court building by 9 am, but the trial, for unknown
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reasons, was started only late in the evening duty judge timur vakhrameev work we don’t break questions; we don’t ask questions on the first command. we leave the gift of the court hearing , to the exit, to the exit, to the exit, to the exit, to the exit, we are all leaving, the meetings, as expected, were held behind closed doors, the investigation asked for this,
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motivating their petition, we find in the case materials documents that do not support public disclosure, petition about the arrest of daler john mirzoev, said kramirach balizada farituni shamsidina, muhammad sabir faizov, the representative of the investigation indicated that... all of them are accused of especially serious crime, therefore remaining at large , knowing that they face severe punishment, they can hide, destroy evidence, conspire with accomplices who remain at large to destroy or falsify evidence, or otherwise try to obstruct the investigation. in addition, the investigator noted, the defendants do not have russian citizenship, reside temporarily in it and can go abroad. the court granted all requests from the investigation. please stand up.
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that today the basmanny court will arrest three more accused in the terrorist attack case, these are two brothers and their father. islomov, aminchon islomov, dilovavar slomov israil. in total, by this moment, let me remind you, 11 participants in the terrorist attack have been detained. well , today new details have emerged about the preparation of a terrorist attack in krokos. back in february, one of the terrorists visited istanbul and posted on his social networks, look, photos of food, mosques, etc. with expensive cars, there is information that faridun shansadin and another militant received instructions for an upcoming terrorist attack in moscow, precisely in turkey on the territory of russia shamsi. appeared on march 4, and the media also
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had information that the promised 5,000 rubles. for a terrorist attack, this is the amount for all four, that is, 125 per militant for the mass bloodthirsty murder of people. it also became known today that faridun shamsuddin and muhammad sabir fayzov visited crocus at least twice in order to organize a future attack, that is, they memorized the layout, looked at where the security posts were located, and chose the best escape routes. this picture was taken by a photographer on march 7, who was clicking ordinary visitors. by cruel irony the photo was taken against the backdrop of a concert poster for the band picnic. possible targets of the attack could have been the lepso or shaman concerts, which took place in crocus on march 8 and 11. about opportunities and terrorist attacks. it was on these dates that the american embassy in russia warned, but
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no assistance was offered in the possible prevention of a terrorist attack by the americans in moscow. shot writes that in those days the terrorists abandoned their plans to carry out a terrorist attack due to increased security at the events, the terrorists were detained in hot pursuit, they were brought in all the way to bryansk, believing that they could lead to accomplices. when it became clear that the killers were rushing to the ukrainian border, fire was opened on the white renault, the car overturned, one was detained on the spot, three went on the run, and they were caught up. once again, give the surname and patronymic of sidin, year of birth 1998, the first frames of the interrogation, the terrorist has just been caught in the forest in only a t-shirt, lies on a piece of cardboard and says that he has come to kill. what did he do in the crocus, did he shoot, what did he shoot, who? people, why,
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for money, money, how much money do you have half a million, half a million, which, half a million rubles, the terrorist received only the first 25,000 by transferring the second part to the card, they promised after the terrorist attack, the customers contacted the militant through an assistant. in these frames, the very detention through the forest through
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the ravines, security forces, together with dogs, are following the trail of the murder. goto is a tramp. the second terrorist, wearing only a t-shirt , took off his outerwear to make it easier to run, rolling on the ground and screaming. the terrorists were detained in the bryansk region. in the village of kotsun, 150 km from the ukrainian border. white renault is not stopped at the request of employees. the driver pressed the gas, and these are the consequences of the arrest. the car, registered in the tver region with code 69, overturned, the wheels were shot, the rear windows were broken. a pm pistol, a magazine for an akm assault rifle and a passport of a citizen of tajikistan were found inside. the first terrorist was detained on the spot, the rest set off. running, the second was found in the forest in
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the morning at 3:50 moscow time. a surveillance camera records how he and the terrorists are driving away from crocus city in 2017. car several times caught by traffic cameras. the criminals discarded most of the weapons along the way and were able to drive 595 km along the expressway. no, they threw it out there before the arrest, yes, but
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when you left moscow, you ran away, you had a weapon, where did you dump it, here or? somewhere on the road, look, you threw it in these surroundings, or there near moscow you threw it. at the scene of the terrorist attack , modifications of boar and soiga hunting rifles, hundreds of cartridges, magazines were found, and they were tied with tape to quickly reload machine gun, the weapon was prepared in advance in a hiding place. four sets of combat ammunition were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. unloading, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles, which the attackers were armed with. during the inspection of the crime scene , no mined bodies or other traces of mining were found. all the detained foreign citizens find the third and fourth participants in the massacre in the forest in the morning. one of them
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hoped to hide by climbing a tree, but was discovered using a copter with a thermal imager.
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through an interpreter, he explains how he received documents in russia, at the airport they gave him, at the airport they gave him, yes, for how long they gave him, how he was registered as a worker or as a tourist, in these shots the same muhammad sabir works in the ivanovo hairdressing salon, gives an excellent haircut and knows russian, the hostess also said that terrorists are imitating their inability to communicate in russian. hotel where the killers had been living since the beginning of march. in the room where the militants settled, all the furniture is now covered in black solution. operatives took fingerprints. mistress the hotel said that upon check-in, the men presented tajik passports, were quiet, and did not attract attention. fayzov knew russian
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better than others, but during interrogation he did not remember it. the militants studied the site of the terrorist attack in advance. one of them is sitting in the middle. even falls into the lens of krohu city photographers. the shooting date is march 7, 2 weeks before the fight. after committing the terrorist attack, the criminals tried to escape, moving by car towards the russian-ukrainian border. it has already been established that the terrorist attack was carefully planned. weapons used terrorists, was prepared in advance in a hiding place. the criminals intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. on the day of national mourning in our country, the official representative of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, chin, wrote her post on social networks in russian. our hearts are with the russian people. xi was one of the first world leaders to express his condolences and condemn the attack.
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scholz and macron spoke in writing on social networks and quite sparingly. president biden remains silent. karine jeanpierre accuses. isis is completely prohibited in russia, which suggests that they are trying to reveal the real organizers who ordered it. at the same time, about the abundance in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine of militants associated with the banned gil. a year ago, the western media themselves reported. for example, the danish tv channel drtv, in its report from the front line, showed a ukrainian armed forces militant on the shoulder of a ukrainian terrorist. look, chevron with a flag. egel, a banned islamic state, but the west itself now he’s most worried , you won’t believe that the terrorists are allegedly being treated cruelly, they say they were detained with dogs, two of them have black eyes, while there is a video from israel where palestinians were stripped,
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treated like dogs, crushed by tanks, dragged bodies by armored personnel carriers and everything this was filmed and was not commented on in the west. this is different. the editors of the german belt have a different task right now. look at the headline isis terror in moscow, in large letters, so that no one, no one.
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march moscow region, nothing, silence. in one of the most popular concert halls in moscow. the us issued this intelligence warning that extremists could be planning attacks in russia targeting concert halls and public places. we all saw the video report from moscow, this brutal shooting in a building that looked like a shopping center, i can’t say much. in detail, this all happened shortly before i came in here, we are trying to get more information, you could also see i hope you saw the state department our embassy sent out
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notices to all americans in moscow to they avoided crowded places, concerts, going to the mall and things like that for their safety, they should stay where they are, stay tuned for updates from the state department, i'm afraid that's all i can say about that. did the us know about this attack in moscow in advance, given that the us issued a warning. i am not aware of any prior knowledge of this terrible attack. on march 8, the embassy warned of an impending attack by extremists in moscow. i'll let the state department talk about it. i don't think it had anything to do with this particular attack. you receive information about an attack in moscow. do you think this might have something to do with it? with the conflict in ukraine. at the moment there is no indication that ukraine or ukrainians are connected to this shooting, but again this just happened, we are still watching,
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but i would assure you now that there is no connection to ukraine. kiev issued an angry denial: don’t try to blame it on us. ukraine is absolutely definitely not has nothing to do with this incident. ukraine is waging a full-scale war with russia and will solve the problem of russian aggression on the battlefield. regarding the history of russia, i can say that we cannot throw away the theory that the russians themselves may be responsible for these situations, because, unfortunately, russia has such a history. of course, grief and horror reign here; all this will or may have serious consequences for the war in ukraine. this means that the kremlin has long used terror as a tactic. is president putin going to use this attack as an additional incentive to change strategy in ukraine? but
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he appears to be laying the groundwork for accusations against kiev in some way, manner or form, and this fits into his long-standing plan, which he continues to implement. he has provided military supplies to his troops and now he needs to strengthen the desire and desire of the russian public to continue this, no matter what actually happens in this room. i think we shouldn't trust anything the russian government says, we we know that they are creating a propaganda screen to defend their evil invasion of ukraine, but that does not mean that it is not a tragedy when innocent people are killed in terrible explosions, but i take everything that the russian government says with great skepticism, one would assume that putin is using this as a pretext for escalation.
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the isis unit is responsible for what happened, the isis militants left behind the lives of people in crocus city hall, a huge complex on the outskirts moscow, built as a place for entertainment, today it was completely on fire, its
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roof had collapsed. i said that ukraine was moving into a new phase of war, and i said that we would see terrorist attacks, militant attacks using false flag provocations, blaming someone else for them, saying that it was not us. zelensky said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full brunt of this. victoria said this additional funding would provide putin with some nasty surprises when she promises nasty surprises, you get things like this just a couple of weeks later. i was amazed that ordinary isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs, this is surprising, and interesting about america, you already know that it is isis, but you cannot tell us who blew up the nord stream.


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