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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 26, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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2021, what sonya said then , how she lives, what she thinks about, attention, this is how we live 100%, and no more, no less, and i don’t need anything, i have a large pension, i have a title, that’s all they gave me, here is my husband, here is my king sitting, vyacheslav vasilyevich bobrik. i feel amazingly good now, i'm ready to go on stage now. stuka, ugilomiro, vashtuka, u gilamira.
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we will still have fun days, let's get together and drink like this, guys, i promise you, for real, yes, well, here we are, sonya, we are here in this studio to discuss your quiet an unnoticed departure, like this caravan in the film gypsies, which is going on, and this music that sounds today brings everyone back. in the days of my youth, and today, today, i want your voice to be heard once again at the finale of our program, which is loved and of course remembered, take care of yourself and your loved ones, even though you are with me, guitar, the soul
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is burning, only you, al night like this, may, uh, hra, bish, bish hamgo, all times, again, many, many more.
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“catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose a place, it’s suitable, have you ever wondered why people think fats carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, fantasy? can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes. yes, yes, yes. once again, yes. every person in any region of russia , can make your diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts your mood. that's for sure. food formula. on saturday
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on rtr. look. love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look. do you wanna take a look? look. let's watch. look. well, look at the screen. look at me. look carefully. let's see. agreement, sign. we sign at the same time one, two, three, we sign and look. let's see. maybe we can go to my place? just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, life and destiny.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, live, special edition of the program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, the number of victims of the terrible terrorist attack in prokus reached 139 people, 137 died on the spot, two people died in the hospital. 40 people died from gunshot wounds, all the rest died in a fire or suffocated from carbon monoxide. the issue of security measures in
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krokuta in this regard, about the serviceability of the alarm system and fire extinguishing system, is now also being studied by the investigative committee. two people became victims of cut wounds, one of the terrorists wielded a knife, as if following the instructions of the former commander of the us joint staff, four-star general melly, who on december 5, in a column for the washington post, said that ukrainians should work in the russian rear, to make sure that every russian did not sleep peacefully, knowing that his throat would be cut. the perpetrator of the terrorist attack has been found, it is important to find the customer, and this will happen. let's listen to the president. those who planned this terrorist attack hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but were met with unity and
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determination to resist this evil. we know that the crime was committed by radical islamists with ideology. but this is an atrocity against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. during the joint work of our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, we need to get answers to a number of questions. for example, are radical, even
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terrorist, islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, which today stands for justice? solution to the aggravated middle east. and how radical islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing so-called pure islam, commit serious atrocities and crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims. one thing is absolutely clear: the terrible crime committed on march 22 in the capital of russia. this is an act of intimidation; the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 at the hands of the neo-nazi kiev
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regime, the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially...
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all is not lost, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out the command from washington and ...adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler juganda, in a new edition of it, of course, get new weapons and additional money for this, a significant part of which can be stolen, put it like this found in ukraine today in your pocket. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which. then joined the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer
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the question: why did the terrorists try to go to ukraine after committing the crime? who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. it became this is known. chronology of the terrorist attack. the head of the investigative committee, bastrykin , reported to putin that militants broke into the city hall building at 19:58. they left the building at 20:11 minutes, that is, it took 13 minutes from the first shot to the last to carry out the inhumane terrorist attack. the terrorists arrived at crocus city hall about an hour before the start of the concert. sat in the car, watching the audience gather for the concert. the total number
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of those arrested in the case and the terrorist attack has reached seven people; information has just appeared that the investigative committee is asking basmanny court to arrest the eighth accused, his name is alisher kasimov, the database publishes the first photograph. according to preliminary data, thirty-two-year-old... kasimov rented out the apartment to the terrorist fariduni, the same terrorist who, during his arrest, said that they were promised half a million for the bloody crime. the turkish publication hariet, citing its sources, reports that ankara has already transferred information from the crocus terrorists to moscow. two of them before committing a crime. actually flew to turkey from moscow, and after came back, where they lived and how
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they prepared the attack, the latest data, we look. the first footage from the apartment of fariduni, a twenty-five-year-old terrorist who said that the mass murder was estimated at half a million rubles, was registered in the village of putilkovo near moscow, exactly 5 km from his house to crocus pamkadu. exactly a month before the concert brass attack , he went to turkey, flying from moscow on february 20, 3 days later. february. eight photos and videos from istanbul appear on his social networks. fatih mosque, selfie
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inside, and this is a turkish breakfast. cucumbers, tomatoes, several types of cheeses and halal sausage. and here is a photo of a bugatti sports car, worth almost 120 million rubles. before traveling to turkey , i worked as a loader in klimovski for about a month in oreduni, but i couldn’t even pass the probationary period. according to the employees of this factory, and here the main production is located, he worked as a loader, a laborer who carried the products of this factory on pallets, as he is remembered here, a completely calm, unremarkable person, that is there were no signs of aggression and one detail, according to the factory employees, shamsidin spoke russian well, otherwise he simply would not have been taken here; it was on fariduni’s tip that an accomplice, a native of tajikistan, was recruited. thirty-three-year-old amenchon islomov, the eldest of the two detained islomov brothers.
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several years ago, islomov worked in tver as a minibus driver and received several fines; it was amenchon who transferred 45,000 rubles to fariduni for a trip to turkey, where he allegedly received instructions from his curator. back in moscow, the last 2 weeks before the terrorist attack, the militants lived together and camped in the north. the cost of the car, according to the purchase and sale agreement, is 250,000 rubles. the seller, the younger brother of aminchon, a twenty-five-year-old businessman islomov , originally from dushanbe, holder of a russian passport, was a taxi driver, accepted orders through a well-known application, judging by social
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networks, regularly resold cars, here is an advertisement for the sale of a chinese gray lifan and according to the investigation, he also knew about preparation of a terrorist attack. at 21, he stole two chocolate bars from a tver store. then he got off with a fine of 1,000 rubles. he has now appeared in court accused of aiding and abetting terrorism. father israil islomov , 62 years old, unemployed, is involved in the case and is still in the status of a suspect. choose a preventive measure for the accused fayzov mukhamatsabir zakirchonovich in the form of detention. the other attacker, sajdakram raja balizada, had been in turkey since january 5. both returned to moscow on march 2 on the same plane, despite the fact that there are over 50 flights scheduled every day
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, departing approximately every 20 minutes. representative turkish security service reported that the militants are from tajikistan. perpetrators of the deadly moscow attack briefly entered turkey to renew their residence permits in russia, but insists their radicalization did not occur there. there were no arrest warrants for the attackers, meaning they were free to move between turkey and russia, the official told reuters on condition of anonymity, adding that the attackers had long lived in moscow. two suspects left turkey and went to moscow on the same flight on march 2, the agency’s interlocutor said. the leader of the merzoev gang. last year he lived with relatives in novosibirsk, where he received temporary registration, was professionally involved in mixed martial arts mma, worked part-time in a taxi, but left novosibirsk at the beginning of twenty-four and moved to moscow, krasnogorsk. he lived with me in the same microdistrict, the zatulinsky residential area,
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and also went to the zeus sports club for mma. handwriting raises more and more questions. and then tried to run away cowardly, which is not at all similar to isis suicide tactics. the austrian publication hoyd cites the example of immigrants from tajikistan arrested in germany at the end of 23, who were also planning to carry out terrorist attacks and also came from ukraine. it is quite possible that the moscow... had connections with like-minded people who were on the territory of ukraine. secret services believe there are a large number of suspects who are said to have reached europe via ukraine. this also coincides with the results of the investigation police regarding terrorist suspects from vienna who were arrested on the morning of december 23, 2023 at the refugee center on thalyastraße. the investigation showed that the detainees were planning to carry out
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a terrorist attack in the large shopping center shtefel, armed with kalashnikovs and explosives. the fact that after. services of people on the territory of russia for the last 2-3 years, especially recently, that is , how it was done on the internet, how it was done for money, what specific plans were given, where, where they were sent, where to get weapons and so on, everything else will become clear as the investigation progresses. according to updated information from the investigative committee, the terrorists
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arrive an hour before the terrorist attack, at 18:54, a white man parks near the concert hall, terrorists. they sit inside and observe the situation at 19:58 , 2 minutes before the start of the concert, they burst into the swaths, open fire, at 20:11 they go outside, exactly 13 minutes pass from the first to the last shot. the fire in the auditorium occurred as a result of the actions of the accused, who spilled gasoline they brought with them onto the chair and walls and committed suicide. in this regard, we are investigating the possibility of violating the safety requirements of the fire extinguishing system in the concert hall is being checked; for this purpose , the remote controls have been removed.
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when the terrorists started shooting, he was one of the first to evacuate, along with the rest of the visitors. some on telegram channels wrote that the man was allegedly an employee of the canine service of the ministry of internal affairs and they even saw a chevron on him. in fact, it was a chop employee in a video taken shortly before the tragedy, which showed the same security guard. and a dog that checks the belongings of all visitors, and no chevrons for the man in the end it won't be discovered. the search operation in
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krofus will be completely completed today, at 17:00 moscow time, said the governor of the moscow region, vorobyov. every square meter of the concert hall will be freed from rubble, the head of the region laid down the total area of ​​the collapse at a meeting with the president. our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov is working at the scene of the tragedy right now. ainur, hello, we welcome you, what
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is happening now on the spot, what is the latest data on clearing the rubble, what services are available? place? olga, hello, well, as you correctly noted, rescuers have now eliminated more than 90% of the collapsed structure. there is literally one section left, exactly the one that should, one section is a balcony that should be dismantled and we have some problems with communication, ainur, i can’t hear, if you can hear us, then we can hear you too, you on the air, please continue to talk, ainur valiakhmetov is working right now at the site of the terrorist attack, where hello, clearing out the rubble continues. ainur, we
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hear you, now our editors will try call back, and we will return to the scene of the terrorist attack. the footage that you see right now on your screen is what is left of the concert hall, these are exactly those very places, that... the very place where the chairs were located, the hall burned out completely, as they say, flared up like a match, this right now it will become a separate subject of investigation by the investigative committee; the day before, the head of the investigative committee, bastrykin, announced that remote controls from the scene of the terrorist attack, fire extinguishing system control panels, and control panels had been confiscated.
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ainur, you are on the air, please continue well, once again, yes, i repeat, rescuers have already eliminated more than 90% of the collapsed structure, there is only one, well , probably the most difficult section left, this is the balcony of the concert hall, where the largest rubble is currently located, in parallel, work is underway to dismantle and remove metal structures, let me remind you that this work is what they are doing now as rescuers.


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