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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 26, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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our channel is a continuation of the detective series "vosnetsova". police major, mother of four children, veronika vosnetsova is investigating two mysterious crimes. murdered shpaholik housewife and street artist. well, in the meantime, the children of the heroine, and her role is played by anna mikhalkova, decide to open their own business. i wonder what will come of this? watch new episodes today at 21:20. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay! to the news of the special operation: the dnepr group inflicted massive fire damage in in the areas of the settlements of rabotina and nesteryanka, in the sky above the entire special operation zone, air defense systems over the past 24 hours intercepted more than 100 aircraft, over thirty rockets from hymers multiple launch rocket systems. vampire hurricane.
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about the actions of our fighters from the donetsk direction. report by alexander sladkov. the donetsk sector is one of the most tense in the nwo zone. moving to the front line only at night at high speed. drivers operate vehicles blindly. our armored personnel carrier falls into the enemy's line of sight. ukrainian the artillery is immediately trying to hit us. badrit, bdr driver. wow, this is the 150th division, 103rd regiment, the assault on st. george is underway, carefully, carefully, we duck down, who has a camera so as not to break it, yeah, so everyone came in, guys, it’s great, the ukrainian woman-yega pointed artillery at us, a big drone, already flies away, why did she fly away? dropped it. this is georgievka, right? yes
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yes yes. we got into such a pace that, roughly speaking, everything was on stream. the work is built, the work is on the rails. and she goes, goes, goes. people are trained, that is, each has his own task knows, does. and that’s why it seems like such a success. do you see any movement here? certainly. do they see movement in the marina?
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soldier in georgievka, the soldiers trust us , but they know, they have been fighting with us for several days, they have been through a lot, they understand that we will not abandon them, that we are doing a great job, the people who are here, well specifically here they are at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, they do everything so that the attack aircraft enters a house or basement in which there will be no enemy, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, kolovan also continues to watch these targets. and you just take off on the spot, they promised, listen, well, we almost never take officers prisoner, why? because they are not here, i’ll even tell you from my own example, when we took prisoners, we asked them a question, where is the commander? they say: i was the commander who left there, roughly speaking, 3 days ago, commander , i think it was the sergeant there who was there, he left 3 days ago, he said, i ’ll go there now and make a connection there, make something else there , batteries and more. didn't come here and we are here
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we've been without communication for 3 days. the 103rd motorized rifle regiment is a fighting machine, accustomed to hard work and success, it has entered into a rhythm and is moving forward. now there are no problems with vacations, in our country, that is, people have already reached the point where people are forcibly sent on vacation, that is, like this. are there people who have difficulty transitioning to peaceful life? no. i think it all depends on the person, if we are talking about me specifically, no, i don’t have any problems with this, i come home on vacation, and i don’t need time to come to my senses, in order to change something there, i come, that’s it, i ’m the person who was before the war, it’s harder for someone, it’s all given, it all depends on the person’s nervous system, who perceives everything how, who perceives it all through themselves endures, well, events, sometimes events are not easy, sibo, okay, give me four more, four more. in theory, there is a war
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of unmanned aerial vehicles, well, how can i say, on their part, at the moment, it can be called that, they are trying with these forces and means. there to hold us back, well , we, that is, cannot afford this, as if in any case, any war is infantry, until the foot of the infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered. today, russian troops are moving forward in all directions: alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, pyotr vyrypaev, to lead the donbass. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery. our fighters attacked militants and equipment. the ukrainian armed forces are conducting special operations in 142 areas at once. in the kherson section , the front now passes along the dnieper. and there, to the fore, in combat tactics drones come out. report by military correspondent ruslan bikbulatov. an aerial reconnaissance aircraft returns from behind enemy lines. as soon as one
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drone has time to touch the ground, another is preparing to replace it in the sky. eyes are needed 24x7. basically, that's what we do. at the launch point, paratroopers work quickly; in open areas they themselves are at risk.
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now someone is flying there, yes, it’s rising in our country, he inherited the call sign from his father, a veteran of the war in chechnya. dobryak, the youngest in the group, celebrated his nineteenth birthday in the northwestern military district zone. on the citizen somehow felt uneasy. in terms of the fact that you are sitting there, there are some holidays, other events, yes, there you eat, drink, with the understanding that you are here in civilian life, you have everything, and there are boys, your peers, 18-20 years old, sitting somewhere on the front line, somehow, well, not at ease.
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he found out after he provided first aid to his colleagues and pulled them to a safe distance, spent 2 weeks in the hospital and returned to duty again, the young soldier’s feat was awarded the order of courage. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, vyacheslav olinov, news kherson region. the militants visited kroku city hall 2 weeks before the terrorist attack, looked around and prepared. new details become known during the investigation and through witness testimony. arriving in moscow, the terrorists behaved quietly and carefully. operatives visited the apartments and hostel where they lived. vitaly kormazin with details. today we can already talk about which of the terrorists played what role, and even though their faces are hidden, it is very easy to understand who is where. here is twenty-five-year-old shamsiddin farduni indicates to other killers the direction
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of fire. he was generally responsible for the executioners’ route and escape routes. he knew the situation in the hall well, because back on march 7, in a noticeable brown jacket, he went here to another concert, got into the lens of a random photographer, saw him from... his behavior was strange, because all the people who came, they all immediately went to the cloakroom and handed over things, in my opinion, he didn’t even go down to the minus first floor, he just walked along the front floor and he looked a little suspicious, this is the same criminal who, during the arrest constantly shaking, he said that he agreed to the terrorist attack for 500,000 rubles, where did he get it so far? on social networks, he published photos of expensive cars, lunches in restaurants, lived in krasnogorsk, worked at a factory in podolsk. and so, in single file, fsb soldiers brought fariduni into the basmanny courtroom. he silently looked into the cameras and went to jail for 2 months. the second terrorist with a machine gun in his hands,
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thirty years old, is the same one who fled through the bryansk forests to the ukrainian border, but was caught by intelligence officers. when you were detained there was a machine gun here. in 2018, he lived in podolsk, here on industrial street, was silent in court, sat with a bow on his head, was sent under arrest, the period of his detention was set for one month and 28 days, the third terrorist, this one with a knife in his hands, was in blue jeans, thirty-two-year-old daller john mirzoev. after the terrorist attack began, the operation to capture them near bryansk, this killer climbed a tree in the forest and thought that he would not be noticed, but special forces surrounded the terrorist. already during the interrogation , he stated that he did not understand the russian language, he was provided with an interpreter, in his homeland four children, he himself just finished school,
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six months ago he lived in novosibirsk with a distant relative, worked as a taxi driver, a few weeks ago he came to moscow and rented housing. what address do you remember the hostel at? an inconspicuous door on the ground floor of an old brick five-story building, with a hotel sign above the entrance. it is in this hostel in the north of moscow. and the terrorists lived while they were preparing an attack on crocus. according to hotel employees, the criminals tried to behave quietly and not attract attention. in the hostel searches have already been carried out; neighbors in the building and lawyers say that all employees have been taken away for interrogation. you can’t tell me, they’ve already been visited in soboskoye, the terrorists lived here, you’ve seen them, these people, who, excuse me, no comment. they rented another apartment in krasnogorsk, and they saw a lot of shit there. they came to crocus in this car, and they left in it, the same daler john mirzoev, one at a time. according to the versions, while driving, he hit a child during his escape. during the trial, mirzoev was constantly twitching and leaning
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head glass. another driver was the fourth killer, nineteen-year-old muhammadsabir fayzov. it was he who took those terrible footage. and apparently, he carried a backpack behind his back, which contained flammable liquid for setting the hall on fire. muhammadsabir fayzov is 19 years old. recently he worked as a hairdresser in the ivanovo region, but quietly quit due to low wages. let's say he's calm. examinations, he demanded to study how
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security and evacuation of people were ensured during the terrorist attack. the investigative team has been tasked with continue questioning witnesses, including kroku city hall employees, as well as a detailed analysis of documents and other data that will allow us to establish how emergency warning systems were organized and functioned. did people have the opportunity to quickly leave the building with help? share exits. the picture of the crime is already roughly clear, how the terrorists entered, where they moved, and how they got out. the band's picnic concert sold out 6,200 tickets. at 19:55, four armed men at the entrance to the building opened fire, went into the hall of the third pavilion, killing people, moved along the faye to the concert hall, reaching it at 20:03. they escaped through the side doors, a whitewash hung over the killers, and they did not see those who were higher, they began to kill everyone. by that time, most of the spectators had left the hall through the left and...
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someone carried them out, these non-humans came for only one thing: to kill as many people as possible, their task was to intimidate, so the ukrainian trace, according to experts, is visible much more clearly , the terrorists tried to escape precisely on ukraine, they passed the turn to belarus and without even turning there, this can be seen on the maps, but here’s an interesting detail: ukrainian embassies in central asia periodically recruit local residents into some kind of defense legions, ukrainians carry out the same recruitment in europe, here is just a small list of such advertisements
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are being stopped, and those who took part in apprehending the killers have already been awarded. the governor of the bryansk region, alexander bahamas, noted the traffic police officers who rushed in pursuit of the hiding terrorists. ministry of defense also reported that the deputy commander of the leningrad military district , lieutenant general esadulla obachev, awarded the fighters in the border covering group. thank you for your service, i serve russia. vitali karmazin, maxim shchepilov, ivan muroshov and olga alenkina, lead. almost 368 million rubles have been collected to help the victims and families of those killed in the terrorist attack in
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crocus through the russian red cross. and a huge part of these funds is 227. this is an unprecedented case for such fees in recent years. the tragedy united citizens countries. as well as the spectators of crocus, the staff of the hall, the doctors who were the first at the scene of the tragedy and all those who risked themselves to lead visitors out of the fire. anna semyonova will continue. those who were here on march 22 are again coming to the surviving halls of crocus today. spectators are given their belongings. this is a very painstaking procedure for everyone. investigators are talking, because they all witnessed the terrorist attack. it is very important to establish what happened down to the last detail. these bags contain items that people left behind in panic while fleeing terrorists on march 22. on many packages, almost all of them, have four-digit numbers, these are the numbers under which they were in the wardrobe, i must say that someone even still has these
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wardrobe numbers, this is your 4 4469 yes, svetlana was saved thanks to her husband, he quickly realized , that... we urgently need to break through the stage and leave, when we were already running backstage, we had already heard that there was a burst of machine gun fire in the hall, i just thought of this very thing, put a chair and have my wife on the chair and throw the stage there, that’s it, behind us already on the chair people had already started jumping in, as soon as we got past this they were already starting to strip across...
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when the hall caught fire, irina lebed, a teacher at the russian technological university, was below, it was impossible to wait any longer. just a couple of weeks ago, irina took courses on how to act in emergency situations and brought out two dozen people alive. we crawled out of the hall in the hope that there was no one behind the doors of the hall, but ran out into the second floor hall, first hid behind the flower beds, ran downstairs, realized that the sounds were returning again, turned sharply around...
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along the escalator, in the center, also. among those who tried to escape via the fire escape was gleb. he recalls, a group of about 50 people , smoke begins to fall from above from the burning hall, but one of the crocus employees, alexey, was able to contact the ministry of emergency situations via special communications, blindly, in the darkness and smoke, they were led out remotely like that. we walked in some kind of post-blocks, a long corridor with pipes, everyone lined up two by two, we
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walked, they created a living corridor for us, we moved, moved after each other for a very long time. we got out, we got out on the minus first floor - in wardrobe area. ambulance paramedics were the first to arrive at crocus; 4 minutes after the call, the terrorists were still on the territory of the concert hall. the first person to come to us was a woman with a gunshot wound to her thigh. she came in, well, they began to look, there was a good wound, but she was in shock, she somehow held on, tried to hold on. a man approached, he also had two firearms in his shoulder, both. in addition to the fact that he had strangeness, he also began to become hysterical against the background of this, because people were upset, he says, next to i say directly that the first medical crew that arrives at the scene has a special task - to assess the situation so that those with... the most severe injuries receive help first, and this is all in an atmosphere of shock, panic and the uncertainty of the first minutes. anesthet vyacheslav sakharov was on duty in the special intensive care team that day. they brought
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a girl in serious condition into the car in their arms; she shocked the doctors. a very strong-willed girl said that her mother, father, and brother died. i tried to calm her down, i understood that the child was in a stressful situation, that the child was scared, tried to calm him down, in the opposite direction the child calmed me down on the contrary, with this phrase that... we must save everyone else, many patients are brave, many endure pain and fear, different things happen, but that’s exactly it, what crocus had, to be honest, i saw this for the first time in relation to patients, to the victims, and the people who took out other victims returned again for the victims, ran, well, honestly, i saw this for the first time in these footage vugar huseynov, he is trying to build a barricade of tables to protect himself from terrorists, vugar was always ready to help, just like his wife lilya. both died. well, he grasped everything professionally on the fly, well done. the main thing is that the man was good-natured, just a man
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of the sun, shining just like lily , who was also practically the same, they found each other. while in line to receive things , andrei and his wife were able to get out, but they are still searching and hoping that their friend, who is not on any lists, miraculously survived. he was sitting in the amphitheater above, now there is still no news from him. we are trying to find out... about 400 jackets remained in the wardrobes after the terrorist attack, less than 300 have been returned to the owners so far, even those who were not injured do not always find the moral strength to come to crocos again, in parking lots, including underground ones, there are about 300 cars left. anna semenova, vladimir avyarin, ekaterina cheryshova, nikita shchuchkin, maria dobroradnykh and philip nazarov, lead. while ordinary americans, residents of european countries bring more and more flowers are being sent to russian embassies in western reports. no longer sympathizes with the families of the victims, but with the terrorists. word to alexander khristenko. footage from the moscow basmanny court, where four suspected terrorists were taken, spread all over the world,
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but some western media, for example, cnn, even after such a monstrous terrorist attack, began to reproach russia for being too harsh. the first footage from the sudan hall is of the four men accused of killing more than 130 people in a concert hall near moscow. everyone had it. few visible injuries when they appeared before a judge. and not a word about the fact that after the massacre of unarmed people, the militants tried to escape, and law enforcement agencies carried out a special force operation to capture them. the traditionally russophobic german bilt seems to be making an attempt to make victims out of the executioners. large scratches on the face, bruises under the eyes, swelling. on the website of the british sky channel there are not only notes of sympathy for the arrested, but also some doubt about the official version, although there is already a lot of video evidence. the recording shows a group of people with knotted with eyes that are roughly dragged. russia says the men are suspected of committing a terrorist attack. one of the suspects has a clearly
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visible black eye. and, of course, from the first hours, when russian investigators had just begun collecting evidence, and the militants had not even been caught yet, the west had already decided on the version. ukraine is beyond suspicion, what happened was the work of a terrorist offshoot of isis kharasan. now this is repeated loudly. no, there is no evidence of ukraine's involvement, in fact we we know that isis kharasan is, in fact , generally agreed to be responsible for what happened. at the same time, the us vice president expressed her condolences. the president of france followed the same pattern. russia suffered from the isis terrorist attack. unfortunately, in recent years we have been faced with attacks by these extremists. i think it would be both cynical and counterproductive for russia and the safety of its citizens. take advantage of these circumstances to turn them against ukraine, the fact that the ukrainian special services carried out a whole series no one
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remembers terrorist attacks in russia, against civilians and objects, and even admitted to it. and in december last year , the washington post wrote that the former chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff, milley, during one of his visits to ukrainian special units, which were trained by american special forces, admonished them this way. there shouldn't be a single russian who goes to bed without thinking. about having his throat cut in the middle of the night, mili said, according to an official familiar with the situation, you must return there to create a company in the rear. it is appropriate to remember that the terrorist isis appeared after the american invasion of iraq, operated in syria, and the militants were then opposed by the syrian army, with which the russian army acted as a united front. the united states, in turn, supported the so-called syrian armed opposition, militants of all types. you know, isis reveres the president. he is the founder of the islamic state, he is its founder, he founded isis, i would say that the co-founder is the dishonest hillary clinton, she
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co-founder. russia and iran in the west in january claim that isis is again raising its head and could strike eu countries. the most obvious target is the upcoming olympics in paris. local media write that the level of terrorist threat in france has already been raised to the highest, and macron held an unscheduled meeting of the defense council in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the new york times says terrorists have global ambitions. a high-ranking representative of the western intelligence named three the main factors that could inspire militants and isis to attack: the existence of dormant cells in europe, the picture of war in the gaza strip and support from russian-speaking people living in europe. perhaps that is why macron today suddenly proposed strengthening cooperation with moscow in the fight against terror, although some politicians in washington, even after what happened, are against it. do you know the difference between democracy and authoritarian
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regimes? we inform countries if we see a threat to the population. russia and iran never would not have told us if they had information that there would be a terrorist attack in the united states. but it was russia, several months before the terrorist attack on the boston marathon in 2013 , that warned the us authorities through closed channels that specific, potentially dangerous people in the states were being targeted. putin personally gave the fsb command to share information with the united states, but there was no response from washington. some more time passed, bortnikov came to me, he said, they don’t answer, i said, write again, he wrote again, yes, yes, this is direct speech, he wrote again, in my opinion, on the second or third time we received an answer, they are citizens of the united states, don’t interfere, we’ll figure it out ourselves, that’s it, i said, well , okay, if so, well, well, a month or a couple of months later there was a terrorist attack in boston during the marathon, on march 7 of this year the american embassy in russia published a warning about the threat of terrorist attacks in moscow,
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according to data. according to tas sources, the data received by russian intelligence services from the united states had a general character, without any specification. today, the white house stated, quote: the united states does not intend to provide security assistance to russia after the terrorist attacks in the moscow region. the question of why, after the attack on crocus city hall , the terrorists fled towards ukraine is asked only by the chinese publication global times. although the islamic state group claimed responsibility for the attack, the russian investigation and interrogation of those arrested. suspects in the attack show the case is complex as the suspects reportedly tried flee from russia to ukraine. a representative of the chinese foreign ministry today published a post in russian about the tragedy in russia. our hearts are with the russian people. sofbes un observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed in crocus. on the air of the french channel bfmtv is the story of the heroic act of fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, who
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worked part-time in the wardrobe even after the start. an assembly of the interparliamentary union was held in geneva, in which delegations of the state duma, the federation council and western parliamentarians participated. the issues on the agenda are pressing, including ukraine. anastasia popova will tell you whether it was possible to establish a dialogue. the international parliamentary union is the second oldest organization on the planet. it has existed since 1879 and unites almost all parliamentarians in the world, except that the united states is not represented here, they
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were expelled for systematic... payment of dues they joke on the sidelines, the absence of washington allows the organization to work normally, even despite the desperate attempts of a group of european union and nato countries, which are called 12+ groups here, dictate their will and develop an agenda against russia. now the situation has changed. you know, now other geopolitical groups, there are five more of them in addition to 12+, almost all geopolitical groups do not hide their irritation with the actions of westerners, they all talk about the need.
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the second time is when the commission for mediation in the ukrainian conflict meets, the rest of the time they probably spend in stores, i don’t know where they are, but we don’t see them here, maybe they eat, the food is very good here , an interesting
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trend is that those anti-russian hysterics who shouted in the pass at the osce, quietly, by the will of their parliaments , they are moving here into the interparliamentary union, so that... for us, so that we don’t have time to miss them, so that we don’t feel bored, but here they don’t have a majority. the work of the assembly began with a general shock in connection with the terrorist attack at crocus expo. the chairman of the inter-parliamentary union released a statement to this effect that same night. the russian delegation prepared a written statement condemning terrorism. it collected signatures from dozens of countries. the netherlands and great britain expressed their condolences verbally. vietnam wrote in russian. nato member turkey also condemned terrorism. we generally oppose any terrorist attacks and actions of any terrorist groups around the world, no matter where terrorists attack innocent people, this is our principled position,
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the trend is obvious, it is time to build bridges - this is the topic of the current assembly. anti-russian stories are becoming a thing of the past, and the world community is gradually switching to discussing globally important topics and pressing problems for all humanity. russian nuclear scientists have begun testing production equipment.
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the teleconference with the world's first fourth-generation energy complex is a real sensation at atomexpo 2024 in sirius. the city of the future, which so interested the forum delegates, has nuclear energy adjacent to active residential development. here it is, a fourth-generation energy facility, downsizing. to a minimum level of emissions of harmful substances, if you look at the map from here to the center of education there are a few kilometers, it is clean and safe, so much so that it does not change the radiation balance of the earth, russian developments that can be useful to all
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of humanity, any restrictions in general, and especially in the nuclear sphere, are simply harmful, the sooner we move to common sense in building economic relations, in implementing high-tech projects. we have made quite serious progress, we are conducting a dialogue on this project with rosatom, and in the very near future we will come to an understanding of who we will work with both on the project in trakia and on the project in sinop. russian gas is currently being transited through turkey, which allows, for example, hungary not to worry
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about a possible cessation of supplies through the territory of ukraine, hungarian foreign minister petr szijjártó spoke about this today in sochi. he noted that hungary now receives sufficient volumes of gas, but if it needs additional supplies. she will turn to gazprom. we hope to be able to agree on investments by the beginning of the next decade and we would like to further improve and expand professional cooperation between hungary and russia. as well as between hungary and rosat, foreign the participants, including ceo magathe via video link, emphasized that nuclear energy cannot be achieved without russia. in the context of developing technologies necessary to secure the future, rosatom plays an important role, not only within its own country, but throughout the world. 75 participating states, guests from indonesia were impressed by the soviet carrier of technology, buran. i like sochi, it’s not as cold here as... moscow. a new product from atomexpo is the russian electric car
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amber a5 from the kaliningrad avtotor. and this universal battery for public transport from rosatom. its line includes not only components. the atom platform with a battery under the bottom is acquiring new modifications. light suv for personal use, taxi or commercial vehicle. these electric vehicles could appear on public roads as early as 2025. atomexpo surprises leaders for the thirteenth time. industry with new developments, they are moving forward the entire nuclear energy industry. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko and maria slyaguzova. news from sirius. graduates of russian schools today take the russian language exam ahead of schedule. this is the third subject that can be taken before mid-april. we have already passed exams in geography and literature. in total , almost 3.00 graduates in 6 regions of our country signed up to take the unified state exam early. how everything is organized in ekaterina. it’s almost 10 am in
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the school corridors, there is already complete silence, even we can only speak in a low voice. the early unified state examination in the russian language will begin any minute now, and the first one is already being heard in the classrooms. briefing the day of ppl exams is prohibited. do not complete examination materials independently. the general requirements for the exam have not changed. directories, dictionaries, and generally any foreign objects are prohibited. just a pen, a passport, actually. i write and read a lot, i have a sense of language, i am connected with the stage, therefore, in order to speak from the stage you need to have a good command of your language. in a series of early unified state examinations, this is already the second exam after combined literature with geography. in yekaterinburg , more than 100 people applied for him, those who did not will be able to take it during the main period, for example, due to sports competitions. taking the exam. there are basically two categories of participants: either they are college graduates who are already
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receiving their diploma and they need exam data, exam results to enter a university, or they are graduates of current years, current year of educational organizations who, for some good reason, the main period will not be able to take part in the exam. today, parents share all the hardships of the unified state exam with their children; at these moments, adult volunteers are trying to pass the exam on one of the most difficult subjects in russian history. a program for them. abbreviated, but generally gives an idea of ​​the level of difficulty of the tasks. the early period will end with exams in history and chemistry on april 12, and reserve days are also planned from april 15 to 22. albert musin, nikolay starostin, dmitry komov and elena goleeva, vesti ekaterinburg. and then we will conduct regional ones.
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in gorno-altaysk, veterans of the northern military district opened a center for training drone operators. excellent specialists are trained here in less than a month, capable of assembling a drone to perform a combat mission with its help. spare parts for copters are purchased by concerned residents of the region. report by alexander ababkov. win not by numbers, but by skill. it was these words of the great commander that became the basis for the activities of the patriot training center.
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will be sent to the zone of a special military operation directly to graduates of this training center. at the moment, this is the most effective drone for destroying enemy equipment and manpower. he is capable of lifting about three.
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military personnel who are on vacation, as well as those who are just about to sign a contract, communicate at the center; 17 drone operators have already been trained. in addition, the latest software and related applications make it possible to train operators for rescue and civilian occupations. it is now necessary to introduce civilian specialties here for training, to create a certified center there for training uav operators. a uav operator is not only a military profession, it is primarily a civilian profession. there is a standard, today there is a whole strategy for it, federal, yes, for the development of unmanned, unmanned aircraft systems. the unique skills acquired at the patriot center help military personnel not only effectively carry out assigned tasks, but also save their lives. alexander ababkov, artur samyrov, vesti, altai republic. a
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high alert regime has been introduced in a number of regions of the country due to spring floods. the water level in the rivers is rising rapidly. they fall into a flood zone. settlements . bridges and roads are going under water. on in case of emergency evacuation , temporary accommodation centers are prepared. elena pirova is monitoring the situation in the orenburg region. the account of a flooded car in the spring of 24 in buzluk has been opened. the minibus became a victim of homework, a river that in recent years was difficult to even call bodies of water, it was dry. and then she gave me such a surprise. we were not able to talk to the owners of the households; perhaps they evacuated or were simply theirs. at home, today even those who have lived here for decades don’t recognize their homework; we haven’t been here for 30 years it was flooding, on friday the water came close to the houses along the street on march 8 buzuluka, i have a car, look, there’s a parking lot, if you look, i park the car there , i wake up in the morning, 15 cm, the wheels were already in the water, at lunch i i came home from work, it turns out that she
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was already here, that is, she came to the neighbors, that is, roughly speaking, from 7 to 12 in 5 hours. she came out about five meters, there the house looked like it was under water, they brought the land, filled it up, blocked it off, everything, everything is fine, no water comes, well done , how could a few shovels protect it? the soil of the house located on the river bank is unclear, the following types of work have yielded results, the city authorities reported on the official website of the buzuluk administration that currently utility companies are clearing congestion along the riverbed. and indeed, by the evening of the next day, despite the increase in the amount and speed of water discharged from the domashkino reservoir, the city river returned to its now cleared bed. on social networks, the opinions of bozluch residents are divided; some believe that city services were not ready for the revival of homework as a river. others accuse those responsible
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for the operation of the reservoir of releasing water onto the icy crust of the riverbed. however, miliorator specialists say that they work in an approved one. above, schedules starting march 20. the discharge was limited to no more than three cubic meters per second, on the twentieth, on the twenty-first there are up to five cubic meters, according to the schedule we have no more than eight, this is the annual drawdown of the reservoir to create a reserve capacity and the flushing of the river bed, it will be will be carried out until the thirtieth day, with a flow rate of no more than seven or eight cubic meters per second, and from tuesday it will be expanded to... a full-cycle enterprise, fully automated, it is planned to produce products, including for export. for now, raw materials are supplied from the neighboring irkutsk region, but in the future
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the plant will have its own fields. report by alexander moslyakov. i was here 3 months ago. an empty room, during this time an investor from china imported and installed equipment, and today the moment has come to launch a new enterprise. the plant is capable to process up to 100 tons of raw materials per day, the director talks about the process technology, initially the grain enters this receiver. rabs grains will be served outside, it is heated here. to a certain temperature , then here we increase the temperature to 170°, then the raw materials are sent to the pressing workshop for... in the first batch , rabs seeds were selected, literally in 15 minutes the result is already visible, it goes along the conveyor, the grain goes
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to the press, the press grinds , squeezes, separates the oil and the short, that’s it, the oil goes away, filtered in one direction, shurot in the other direction, the company will immediately begin supplying its products to china, since rapeseed and linseed oil are in great demand there. the remaining cake is not thrown away, but goes into use. this is an excellent fattening supplement for cattle. at first, the plant will operate on imported raw materials from the irkutsk region, but in the near future the republic plans to completely replace it with its own raw materials. agricultural producers from torbogatai, mukharshibir and dzhidinsky districts have already this summer we are ready to start cultivating flax and spring ravs. the plant has already purchased the necessary equipment, seeds and fertilizers, as a result, already this year.
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reliable buyer, now the plant has become a buyer who is guaranteed to be able to purchase raw materials from farms. an investor from china allocated 200 million rubles for the construction of the first stage, and this is just a rough estimate. next he plans to begin deep processing. there are plans to launch the second stage next year by the end of the twenty-fifth, then there will already be 300 tons per day capacity of the next second total capacity, taking into account the second stage, and then there is a third stage planned. this is the opening of a transport and logistics terminal there for the convenience of importing raw materials and exporting finished products. exports of russian rapeseed
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oil are constantly growing. last year alone , russia sent about 2 million tons of this product abroad. after the launch of the plant in buryatia, these figures will increase significantly. alexander maslyakov, alexander lubsanov, vesti buryatiya. the ice is ready, now markings are being applied. builders of the curling center in vladivostok. we have reached the finish line, façade installation, finishing of premises and commissioning work are underway. maria ezhevskaya will tell you when the first athletes will take to the primorsky ice, and which ones have already settled in the new sports facility. like the first strokes on a white sheet, markings appear on the ice field. the new curling center in vladivostok will accommodate five lanes. now the builders are carrying out a multi-stage pouring of the ice heart of the complex. first it pours. yes it is leveled, because perfect concrete never exists, ice is painted, it is done background so that the field can be seen, now people
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are working on it, making markings, then it will all be painted, filled again, the total thickness of the ice will be somewhere around 25-30 mm, the finishing layer will be applied before the game itself, the ice will be covered with water from a specialized watering can, the drops will instantly freeze and during the game it is they who, under the friction of the brushes, form a thin film of water, which will increase... the path of the stone by almost 3 m. in the halls, gyms, locker rooms, builders are finishing the final work, but the flights of stairs are already full athletes drawn. the walls were painted by far eastern artist sasha epstein. the façade is being installed outside; workers have connected the sports complex with the mountain park. the curling center will become part of a large-scale project. it will include a viewing park, a rehabilitation center, the sports facility itself and new facilities. road infrastructure, but despite the fact that the builders have not yet crossed the finish line, the recruitment of athletes has already begun, all the children are waiting
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for the opening, so we started recording, we have about 80 children registered there in just a month, therefore, kurling is an expected sport; all our children will practice for free. the primorsky federation plans to train about 300 children; in addition , amateur, professional and corporate curling leagues will be created in the center, and athletes will be able to throw the first stones into the house. in just a couple of months, the first competitions will take place in may. maria izhevskaya, alexander kazantsev, lead primorye. in transbaikalia , a winter census of the number of dzerens was carried out. this is a red-listed antelope. environmental organizations have surveyed thousands of kilometers. experts are monitoring the dynamics of population recovery in russia as a whole and note that over the past few years , the habitat of the dzeren has doubled. report by vladimir lishenko.
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as the dzeren spread throughout the trans-baikal territory, that is, within the boundaries of its historical range, the work became more ambitious; if before the twenty-first year we provided estimated information on the number of dzeren, then starting in 2021, we laid linear transects. in places of distribution, that is, almost everywhere in the trans-baikal territory, precisely in the steppe zone, in this way the end points of migration are studied, respectively, the routes, and the spatial distribution of the mongolian antelope is established, including according to information from okhatologists. representatives of this department filled out special questionnaires
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based on visual observation. back in 2021, the area occupied by dzeron in winter was about 2500 km, but now the exact area on which it was necessary to carry out censuses during the winter spread was already 40 thousand square kilometers. february-march is the most optimal time for counting, the antelope is counted on... daursky is provided with financial support in carrying out such work by the bystrinsky grk and the charitable foundation, the conservation embassy. we have 10 routes, each car, each group covers about 500-700 km along
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the routes. 9-10 machines are being used, the censuses have been completed, in the near future scientists will process the data and be able to say how many antelopes are now in russia, however , there is no need to rush to conclusions that the number of dzren is growing, within the range of habitat north kirulen group, which in mongolia, in the trans-baikal territory , up to 90% of its population seasonally enters, only the depth of migration increases, and therefore... many see lops where they have never met, while a strategy has been approved for the conservation of the trans-baikal endemic, the red book dzeren ministry of natural resources of russia. vladimir lishenko, andrey strelnikov, read.
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let's look.
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kreysi, what is it, go ahead, go! who is there?
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hello, oh, hi, m, looking great, thank you, from you.
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then throw it away, since you trust him so much, oh, anton, hello, good morning, veronica pavlovna, do you want to spend a spa day, it sounds tempting, what’s the catch? you'll have to work, not far from the spa complex. they found the body of a woman without external injuries , the witness is blind, but claims that this is a murder, and how did he understand this, supposedly leading him from the dog, but then zaitseva latched onto this matter and demands that we deal only with him, i’m already going
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there, well, that means i’m with you, wait! then it turned out that they wore green dresses, and this dye is very fashionable, yes, yes, yes, made from arsenic, potassium and copper sulfate, they were killed by fashion, now it’s fashionable to eat and drink everything healthy and natural,
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you know, sveta, i look at this cute face and wonder if this is cardiotoxic poisoning, let everything lie here as is until veronica arrives, here i 'll check the tea, alexey matvevich volunteer, former captain of the engineering troops. sapper? yes, 7 years ago i unsuccessfully neutralized a shell, and since then my life has been completely different. sorry. do you live around here somewhere? yes, not far away at my sister’s house. yes. i'm almost here. every i've been walking all day, why did you decide it was murder? it’s not me, it’s gracie, she’s trained to give signals, it’s probably strange for you, but i understand her, what did she tell you, she
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growled, and i only heard such a growl once in my life, then i was almost killed by some thugs, they wanted to rob, a patrol was passing nearby, a good witness, smart, pitifully silent, right? the doctor told you to go home at 7 in the morning, and i’ll stay with you, why, they’ll take great care of me here, i’m worried, ilyush, when you get nervous, you start. tell jokes, it’s better not to make me laugh now, then i ’ll sit in silence, i’m sorry for disturbing you,
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but could you please get my husband out of here, we’re waiting for you cheerful and rested, daddy, you heard everything, sleepyhead, it’s so unfair here, you don’t have to yet should i say that i am a copy of my mother, because now i am a copy of yours. write to me about everything that happens, okay, i promise. yes, veronika palovna, i’ll be a little late, something serious, no-no-no, everything is fine, about the matter, what are the instructions, i need to track the dead woman’s car using the traffic police cameras, i understand everything, i’m working.
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hello, good, where is everyone? it’s warming up while i’m waiting for you, but aren’t you cold? let's get straight to the point: the victim, amalia loginova, housewife, husband, oleg loginov, engineer, invited specialist, couldn’t get through to him, told the company’s security service to wait for us at home, and what is this, a visiting specialist travels around the country, launches production at various... enterprises , probably an interesting job, well, yes, for him, of course, and his wife follows him from place to place, as a result, a young woman, no career, no girlfriends, yes, she has a hard life was, walks, shopping, i wonder what she drank, i suggest for...
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the game, if you like it, okay, we 'll probably go, otherwise we don't have much time, let's go, of course, all the best , goodbye, goodbye, yes he you're being mural now, maybe, yeah, but his hearing is really excellent, hello, hello, this is yours, generous, tart, herbal taste,
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stanine notes and a rounded honey aftertaste, we've already warmed up, it's not alcohol, there was siberian chainmail in the thermos that was killed , wow, we are sure, definitely, this is the second case in my experience of poisoning chain mail, is this some kind of newfangled tea for rejuvenation or is it an old barbaric method of terminating a pregnancy. deadly , yes, it can cause severe bleeding, upon autopsy, i’m sure there will be a myocardial infarction, this is very, very dangerous, so ilya, ilya, we are listening to you, veronika pavlovna, i tracked amali loginova’s car, basically, a week ago, in addition to the art studio, she only stopped at the pharmacy, bought a pregnancy test there for cash, well, thank you, ilya,
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there’s some kind of pendant hidden, oh, look, more one exactly the same, almost, gloves, more gloves, more of the same gloves, look, a bunch of identical glasses, cliptomaniac? some receipts, let me see, look. listen, she ’s a spikeaholic, she buys a bunch of identical , completely unnecessary things, a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness, she
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doesn’t need children, but she buys junk that is unnecessary in incredible quantities, yes, and she’s also our husband’s sitter, such an ordinary bored fool , that’s where the road is going, veronika palovna, you ’re overreacting somehow. i don't mean this at all, this it seems to me that you are reacting too cynically to the death of a woman, actually this is professional, i wonder if you may be experiencing professional burnout, this is what a person who recently told me told me, so what? well, continue, come on, no, no, nothing, i recently sat on my husband’s neck, went crazy from idleness, that’s what you wanted to say, but do you know that liskov, i’m removing you from the case?
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well, why are you listening, why is there nothing extra in the bag, promise about the clothes, she wasn’t a pedant. most likely some kind of creative nature, but i don’t know, maybe it’s just that her husband controlled her, i don’t know , he checked her pockets, read her correspondence, rummaged through her bag, your husband did that, lena, no, what are you, lena is not like that, although he
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still loves control, listen, nick, just honestly, are you all on edge today, because of him? this morning lenya slipped me some incriminating evidence about, well, one person, i just don’t know what to do with it, something serious, i don’t know, it’s sealed, so open it, if i open it, then luni will decide that it’s okay to continue so keep prying into my personal life, yes, then give it back to him envelope, and if there really is something serious there, then the situation. maybe he’s manipulating you, you’re lashing out at people , you have a bad influence on people at work, on anton, light, well, i ’m begging you, let’s go without the norm teachings, what kind of norm teachings , i just recommend it to you, take the envelope, put it in the freezer for 2 hours, then
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take it out, carefully you open it with scissors, take out the contents, read it, put it back, everything, but it’s not fair. it’s not fair, but to manipulate you honestly, bore, it will be necessary... your house and, tell me, how did she die? well this is exactly where we are now let's find out, and you're here and i'll take your
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fingerprints, what do you want me to do? you suspect, no, standard procedure, we exclude the acquaintance, we identify the unfamiliar, well, yes, this way it will be easier for us to understand who else your wife communicated with, but she did not communicate with anyone, you are just so confident. when you last saw her yesterday morning, i was on a business trip.
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amalia, was she expecting a child? no, i can’t have it, a donor, i don’t need someone else’s child, and anyway, why are we talking about this? well, i'm just clarifying the details. when did you find out that you can't have children? 5 years ago , then amalia became a hataholic, what does this have to do with it, yes, we had problems, but amalia gave up, i personally took her to therapy, thank you, well done, i wanted to say everything,
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what do you like most? art therapy works delicately, during work we talk, open up and fears, dear! just try, i’ll ask you to come out here, just wait.
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there is a lot to say about a person, for example, you are very kind, you went to this studio, no, only teenage pensioners go to kholmagor, no men, i personally checked, and in general, why are you asking about this? please introduce waders, so
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wait, wait, you are something, you are something, you know something, my wife has someone, no, never, she was only mine, we loved each other, no one. .. amali login, her husband was killed and works for the defense. he asked me
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to start, right? yes, and we must curb the activity of the machine until it poisons. “apologize to her, get back to business , i’m listening, anton, of course, i got excited, yes, i also apologize, everything is fine, what did i want to say, loginova went and saw on the witness, wait, that is, the volunteer was familiar with'. he didn’t say anything about it, and the dog whispered to him that it was a murder, i’ll take care of it, that’s nice.
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so alexey is a volunteer of galina’s sister, and he rents out his apartment, who is she, galina dobrovolskaya, i found her number in the newspaper of free advertisements, dobrovolsky never called on the phone. you and the sister are also a gentry promenade, they could have met there, okay, but i became an investigator, premiered on rtr, and will you ever marry me,
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independent, you don’t give me advice. me is drawn to you, i can’t do anything about it , tireless, i’ll come now, don’t drive me like that, just don’t drive me, indomitable restlessness, well, you and i rtr, our favorite songs are playing.
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words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian country, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or
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your boys? you are responsible for your time, beauty, rapping, on the platform let's look. office, yes, yes, i work here whenever i do, everything is so neat, everything is so.
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what's this? i have no idea. very similar to chain mail. we are forced to detain you on suspicion of murdering your wife. i loved mine, i changed it and you decided that i was dead. still better than with the other, that’s right, we were happy with her, she had a wonderful life, now stop working, even in the wartstudio they checked everything, yes, so that there was not one anywhere, and that as a result, no home, no children , no career, devoted her whole life to you,
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in return, shut up, shut up, where did you get this bracelet from? i don’t know, isn’t your name alena? i can hear in your voice that you are deceiving, i am married.
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i didn't know anything about her, do you think we 'll find anything? no, alena has never been to my house. galina matveevna, there are dried herbs, dill, parsley in the house,
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excuse me. it smells like dead tea, it's chainmail. i didn’t put it there, dried leaves
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of the siberian chain mail were found in the loginovs’ house in the house of volunteers and... leather fat, yeah, that means someone was not too lazy to put on gloves, i would say, new sterile ones medical gloves, amalia loginova, there is always someone you trust? i have you, and you have me, you ate, but what do the doctors say, i’m in control,
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sonya is in the hospital, or what? uh-huh, and why are you silent, but all this is not a concern, personally, it won’t affect work at all, listen, we are still normal people here, and then personal things, it always affects us. how many weeks is she, she’s already 25 weeks, what are you doing here, quickly in the hospital, this is an order.
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dobry. sorry if i'm interrupting you, nothing, nothing, and you really mean no more than 6 weeks, thanks for the info. we don't yet know who this person is.
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today, i was at work and ate, so i should be the one asking, not you, okay? hello, yes, hi, christian, what did you want? ilyukh, can you send me the contacts of car owners who live on the same street as the loginovs and the volunteers. of course, i can walk around all the houses with my feet, but i want to find it faster. job. have you checked
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loginova’s calls? you will be my beloved husband, and i will be your sweet bun. i eat candy, condensed milk, then one day you came home and saw how i - i caused a row in one restaurant, seriously? well, in fact
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, it was an undercover operation, but the guys killed the owner of one establishment, who had some connections with bandits, yeah, sorry, i got distracted, what are you up to, what am i up to, now we ’ll go to this kholmogorov and you... that you want to sign me up for art therapy, because it’s so wonderful.
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investigative department, please tell me, do you have a video recorder in your car, and can you send me the video, for us, my grandson can, great, give him the corpse, i i'll wait. hello, hello, hello, grandson.
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come on, i'm waiting, matskevich, why are you still at work? and i’m mastering digital technologies, lady nikolaevna, on loginov and dobrovolskikh streets, but i’m interviewing in real time, calling, asking for a video, that’s how, really, if. something sensible, i’ll make it official, yes, and have a conversation so that you don’t trust strangers on the phone and don’t share personal information. convincingly to dobryna,
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she again. ok, ok, that’s it, agreed, yes, that means thursday on the nail, friday on the eyelash, that’s it kisses, you're welcome, forgive me, we heard that your courses help people with
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addictions, classes will start tomorrow from 7 to 9, why? someone close to me died, it’s time, dad. you are so slender, so thin, not like
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you have other children, yes, the only one, great, mayarnetsova, testimony about what? you didn't show up, a hiding place with a nomad appears. if you run away, it means you are guilty.
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here you go, brother, you can choose any day for a day off, i’ll cover it for you, vernik na, but don’t , why, well, first of all, you... thank you. dear lawyer, ruined, but criminal you have the skills, you know how to break into other people’s houses, who is kholmogorov? you are not
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marriageable. so i drew up a will for zhanna, she’s a stranger to me, i didn’t know anything, well, before you, so yeah, i’m a fool myself. why don’t you leave, so i’m alone, a
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stranger in my own home, there’s money, paintings are being sold, people come. “there is a daughter, she has made all her life, she has a family, but i am completely useless, my parents died a long time ago, there are no relatives. a girl, mali dreamed of
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a child and a house, and a blast furnace, she was tired of moving, but spending his money on completely unnecessary things, etc. .. i, i inspired her the thought of getting pregnant from someone else, i really want to be a mother, will reverse the betrayal, it will be hell, where, you will be like a daughter to me, mi... why
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follow me, where to the notary, i can do it without you, you’re just a girl. “hello everyone , of course, zhanna heard everything, yes, zhanna could have known about it, because we called the notary and clarified why you were so attracted to amali?” "one saw where everything
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was going, she would have gotten into trouble, or become seriously ill, she needed to leave her husband, if i were her father, i would have given her exactly this same. follow, eavesdrop, yes, he divided the inheritance, so where?
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i knew where she liked to go in the morning. are you crazy?
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i ordered an advertising article from him, lo and behold.
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hello. vanya, what do you need, i came to tell you that soon you will no longer be invited to competitions, you won’t be allowed to teach children, they won’t trust you to take out the trash can. and your daddy won’t help you, what does my father have to do with it? dad, i'm sorry i'm calling at night, but
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there's something you need to know. you have to think, you always have to think, why?
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i'm sorry, i'm late. someday they will hang a memorial plaque on my house, where it will be written: he lived here, tried to work, an honored son-in -law of the russian federation, to take up old
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business, all plans have already been cancelled , a man was shot in an abandoned parking lot, yo? an artist, a computer game developer , his documents about this, he has no wife, no children, he has a mother, she lives in moscow, and this bikasov had a criminal record at the age of 15, at the age of 15, yes, it was necessary to do something like that, he painted himself . 3 more years, yes, snipe in this suspended sentence, so we urgently need to contact
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vikasov’s mother, the night was at the wrong time, she was driving a car, she had an accident, oh my god. if you dream of a stage, believe in yourself, russia 1 tv channel and the ars company invite you to the international popular music competition new, don’t miss your chance to become. star: a new wave will lift you to heaven.
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part-time jobs, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss, he is. appeared out of nowhere, all like this for an hour and a half, hello, people of different
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professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but unites their only thing is to caress the stubborn one, he loves, well done, well done, the parrot flies in, the stars are ready for anything. you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays
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at rt. witness storazh was sitting in his guardhouse, did not see the killer, and had not met the murdered man before. what is shown here? yes, it's just graffiti. the only thing that is clear is that this is in the circle - this is the tag of ivan bikassel. and
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tech is something like a personal signature. well, yes, maybe this is someone’s portrait, maybe, well, now i’ll check the social network, here. in general, i usually don’t give lectures at crime scenes, call at any time, hello, good afternoon everyone, wow, students, 5 minutes, and female students, so attentive.
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he's so businesslike and so fat, but what's wrong with that? look, it turns out that there are still no street artists on social networks. framed my best friend, ruined his life.
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yes. this is a chance to recover the murder weapon, perhaps i’ll go and say that the body can be taken away, wait, wait a second, what does it matter, maybe the young man
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always took care of himself, intuition suggests, and my experience suggests, that no manicures have anything to do with the investigation. michal leonevich, what are you doing? well, mikhail leonevich, how can one tolerate such a character, it’s normal in general. the shooter was standing somewhere here, well, there’s still no shell casing, size one, the killer could have worn
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a... larger size, yeah, well, or he could, okay, we’ll go to bikasovo’s apartment, let’s go, anyway, agata and i decided to start our own business, we...
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“artist, i decide, just don’t kill each other, here are the t-shirts, yeah, yeah, andrey, please tell me, this is the graffiti for you, oh, listen, this, what’s his name, vanka bikasov, yes, yes, i don’t remember, now,
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andrey, what? just like this, imagine, yeah.
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so why was he sentenced to another 3 years? listen , in general, uh, it turned out to be uh... moderate bodily harm, just like that , 39 months from call to call, tough, yes, life is a tough thing, this is a gift for you, thank you, and today, there is a surveillance camera,
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recording , yes, yes, of course, come on in. i didn’t leave here, yeah, we’ll need a copy, why don’t we, well, the apartment is very neat person. what kind of relationship do they have, oh, while vanya was in school, they each
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turned 17, she left, like that, like she saved her son from prison, but at the same time she lost her, he didn’t forgive her because of his comrades put him in jail, he was so nervous... look, what a cute brush, pipidaster, pipidaster. so, well, we’re confiscating the equipment, we’ll have to draw up a report, huh? can you
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draw up a protocol there? i just want to tinker with the computer. well, bureaucracy is not my strongest country. and you can write quickly, my series is about to start. and for me it’s time too, the gang won’t wait. 5 minutes of your patience, please, let’s go to the kitchen, i’ll do everything now. do you have your passports with you ? but no. on the topic of crime news - this is some kind of stupidity, on the contrary, mom will like it for our business to take off, hey, businessmen, calm down, go to different rooms, please, that's enough.
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beaches, sun, mangoes, oh, life from scratch, of course he accepted the offer, yeah, he even bought tickets, departure in a week, a game about two best friends.
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these two schoolchildren vandals were daria stanislavna rudneva, and 10 years ago she fell out of the organs, sent, stunned. the best tanguera in kaliningrad? we
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urgently need to tell the zaitsevs about this, and vityusha, i always imagine myself in vityusha’s place. i have one of the gifts for you, this is a man. it's over, lord, where is the man? on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday.
7:39 pm
lyosha, why are you scared, go on, get out of our whole life, yes.
7:40 pm
with nikolai baskov on sunday...
7:41 pm
alive, apartment 14, major vasnetsova, investigative control, rain. nick, can you hear me, the pistols that belonged to the former investigator, daria rudneva, years ago, yes,
7:42 pm
and what is the number, yes, we... just for your pistol, listen, i was so hoping that i would have peace of mind afternoon, no, my dear, i’m sorry, we’re waiting for you, well, i’m good. dari rudneva, well, with whom did she communicate most often with her partner patanga, vyacheslav mikhailevich, 60 years old, married, three children, six grandchildren, and lives in moscow, yesterday mikhalevich and rudneva performed at, and what at 60
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he has been participating in competitions for years, of course, he says. 99 years old, so the dance of passion prolongs life, this is very interesting, this mikhailevich, he stayed in moscow with his family, right? she had, had a lover or lovers, well, judging by the calls , no one at all stanislav olegovich rudniv, more
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calls. ok, hello, what’s so, well, apparently, they have ore, seriously. well, seriously, we need, no, where is he now? he is now retired and...
7:45 pm
she had it all this time, and it was probably with this pistol that she killed her ex-prisoner, this is why, with the evil dancer tanga, nature-creative anything can be in the head, well... the note is actually not proof, but the gun you have
7:46 pm
in your hand, the color, what the hell, it’s somehow clean too much, there are no prints, but so few. “to ivan bikas’s mother, you had an operation , since she will live, but you shouldn’t count on testimony, and i found this on social networks with a video with ivan, so, this is from a closed group of street artists, oh, vanyok, great, freak, guys they say you're leaving soon, you want a kick to the road, fuck off, you think you’re better than me, but i don’t rat out my friends, the boys need to get together to punch you in the face so that
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they turn you around at the border, what a joke it will be, god forbid you find out, at home dari rulnevoy, on the eve of the murder at 23 :40. so after that , darya called her father and stanislav olegovich came to his daughter, and i’ll set the bell to get shot, at 7:49, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon there was an attempt on rudneva’s life. vyrdnigo, wait, at the moment of bikasov’s murder?
7:48 pm
olegovich, just let me ask without sympathy, i don’t like it. "daria called you yesterday, she called and said that bikasov was threatening her, the clown finally decided, well , somehow you can’t be called a loving father. my daughter is the biggest disappointment in my life, come on, her mother was an investigator.
7:49 pm
divorced, she left , the point is, she just had to scold two loafers, screw their brains and let them go to jail to save one... it was, and did you ever ask, uh-huh, you've already
7:50 pm
made corrections, i i asked a question, yes, imagine, i ask, well, in principle , they tell me everything themselves. you want to do it, and this is ours superpower, or maybe you'll be in sync. mom, we continue our letter, in general , at first we almost all quarreled, but then we realized that after all, we are a team, and we really want to start our own real business, i will bake cakes, we will make
7:51 pm
jewelry in the form. whoa, oh, my, come on, uh, wait, wait, that's it.
7:52 pm
i have news, i’m an idiot and grapes slipped us a video of my relatives coming to their senses,
7:53 pm
we need to go to her, this is powerful. let's go, knock-knock-knock, hello, good afternoon, how can i help you, it's very nice, but yours are already came, i told them. he told me, but we still have a question, yes, ivan bikasov, did he draw prints for your store? and, probably, it’s just some kind of coincidence.
7:54 pm
what's the name? haven't figured it out yet? and i have something for your cat, who, daria rudnevy? and ore, yes, yes, yes, ore,
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7:56 pm
is it my fault? where did you learn to shoot? yes , your vanya had a golden childhood, masha constantly bought him clothes, computers for tutors, and i and i talked about all sorts of weapons, about survival, well, that’s okay, we’ll leave it aside. ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory, an evening with vladimir solovyov,
7:57 pm
do you want it to be controlled by some kind of master? we will deal with delays especially strictly, hello, margarita, is that her? i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, aka margarita, on friday
7:58 pm
on rtr. i was bold in a white suit, mark anatolyevich zakharov walked around and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told. everything is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now only everything fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, by timur
7:59 pm
kizikov, on sunday on rtr. i didn't mean to say, sorry, sorry.
8:00 pm
you get away from me, i want to dance, well , i was too afraid of my parents, will they support their daughter’s choice? well, i don’t know how everything will turn out, but at least i ’ll try to listen to her and understand, there was one guy in the colony and when... he came out, i already knew something, i leaked it.


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