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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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blood 139 people were treated with a bruise under the left eye, the journalist. the criminal resisted arrest and even tried to open fire, they didn’t say anything about the arrest and what happened next, they appeared in court from...
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called them terrorists, just to check if they really were criminals, swelling, and hematomas under the eyes, one of the men's ears is bandaged. very many russians supported this decision, it is also kind of different if something similar happened in the united states or other western ones. they would say that
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the attackers got what they deserved, but still they don’t do that in a civilized society, in a civilized society the principle of the rule of law applies, in a civilized society suspects, even if they are most likely guilty, are still treated humanely with respect. in russia they don’t do this and absolutely don’t understand it. moreover, i am convinced that if you ask russians on the street, whether the suspects deserved such treatment during their arrest and subsequent ones. officially legalized torture is the only such country on the planet, the simplest beating here is guantanamo, much more sophisticated than waterboarding, when a person is interrogated in a wooden manner. slurped, this
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torture, this method, yes. extended methods of interrogation, interrogation in relation to terrorism, but this is apparently the norm, civilization, yes, as they tell us, the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine has completely failed, the russian army holds the initiative along the entire line of contact, putin stated this.
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all attempts made by kyiv. gradually withdraws forces from bogdanovka to in the donetsk direction, russian fighters are expanding the zone of control near krasnoye. in order to inflict maximum damage to both fortifications and manpower, they are preparing a line of defense in the vicinity of novobakhmutovka
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, the ministry of defense reported successes in the yuzhnodonetsk settlements of malinovka, staromaisk and... soldiers of the fortieth separate brigade of the pacific marine corps, personnel of the abolition of defense, military personnel of the first donetsk.
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photocopy, he filmed how the evacuation team and this footage from our reconnaissance armed forces of ukraine was dumped into prints. command goes to hide the real numbers of losses, well , for sure, these were ukrainian a year ago.
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ends, ukrainian soldiers began to spend more and more time in dugouts, the enemy has an abundance of ammunition and drones, it is now too dangerous to be outside. many of the soldiers in this bunker have been at the front since the very beginning of the war, as this soldier told us, he was tired, like most ukrainians.
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getroffen werden können the new goal of ukraine. internet terminals mask, apparently in russian hands. there are drones and five starlinks in the store. next the consignment. "we compared data on the east and south of the front line, the ukrainians said that
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as he maneuvers in the direction of the ukrainian target, the ukrainian commander said that the power of the starlinks had dropped greatly, until the new year their speed was.
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then they fly very close to
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the alliance border. about what specific distance are we talking about, what is considered close and what is far? the deputy minister did not specify. risks escalation. budapest again spoke out against the expansion of the ukrainian conflict. the minister of foreign affairs in hungary clearly stated that the dangerous the announcement of western troops being sent to ukraine brings a terrifying risk closer to home. be careful, but emmanuel is eager to fight. french scouts are patrolling defiantly. explain: we are following the russians on their television, the lci channel, for the first time,
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the script, and the last, you won’t believe it, the last, fifth. the working version of the script is an important part of the mission to show that we are not intimidated.
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department there are many statements confirming the possibility of sending soldiers to ukraine. would be a real coup, and i think the ukrainians like it, but obviously
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five possible scenarios for the deployment of french troops in ukrainian lands, from the easiest to the most difficult. the first scenario: france is building factories in ukraine, factories both for the production of weapons, and this option will require the presence of only a few engineers, escalation.
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territory, but would not move to the stage of complicity, which would be regarded as active participation in the conflict. the third scenario is the defense of odessa, the goal here is more economic, because we are talking about protecting the city’s three ports and the ukrainian grain route. french soldiers may have been deployed, but primarily to provide work.
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only selective operations outside france and those in the field of logistics, but it is not capable of waging a high-intensity war for months, against a battle-tested enemy, it cannot be approached, the detachment line. our special correspondent aino is in direct contact. olga, hello, once again i will carry out the search work
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mechanized, that is, with the help of specialized heavy equipment, here we are literally in the morning we witnessed construction cranes, precisely , apparently, in order to bring them into the future ... of course, next door there is that same hundred-ton colossus, a hundred-ton crane, for a minute it should also be in this concert in total , more than 900 cubic meters of the structure were dismantled and removed, the examination was carried out using... specialized robotic complexes, the most difficult part was probably today, just the balcony of the concert hall, these are the very personnel who are now
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they send the ministry of emergency situations of russia, they have already attracted them. they began to strengthen the supporting structures, because in the future they will launch heavy equipment in the end. it was expanded, the glass fencing was removed in two ways, this is from the western
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part of the crocus, where they made a tunnel, from the main part, well, the crocus itself, of course, of course the hall itself has changed, it was very burnt out and simple. ahead is a check of those structures that were supposed to protect the concert ahead, we
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know, unfortunately, that many people died in a fire or suffocated by carbon monoxide gas. the attack killed 139 people, including a combination of gunshots and stabbings. 160 forensic
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and genetic examinations are ordered and carried out to determine the cause. well, today personnel networks have appeared on personnel. that very moment when people run away from the hall, try to escape, evacuate, one of the first to evacuate, as it seemed to many, was an employee of the ministry of internal affairs along with a dog, an employee of the canine service, today it became known, no, this is not an employee, he was evacuated, for what reason he i didn’t help people, that too. it turned out that there is a presence on his lapel, this is a departmental employee, and he is related
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to the ministry of internal affairs, today. an enterprise that checked people’s personal belongings before the concert began, well, of course, the times are completely different. not simple, well, i mean, these are radical islamic groups, really.
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it was western imperialism and the united states that created this international terrorist international, and the emphasis was always on islamic radicals, look, which means...
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a colossal conflict in the middle east, aggression in afghanistan and iraq, yes, that is, in fact, this terrorist attack in which civilians, americans, died, they used to promote their interests, and in the nineties our country, precisely in the northern caucasus, we remember representatives of these... in the east, i in no way want to justify who created hamas, these are the american intelligence services and israeli special forces.
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under the supervision of the united states and mi6, like all these gil, negil and so on, all this terrorism, they became a link in the commission of certain atrocities, the nazis there.
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with the russian people, these are the shelling of civilians of our residents of the belgorod region, today gennady andrevich dzyuganov speaks in the state duma, he spoke about this, when the nazis are defeated at the front, they move on to test attacks, belgorod region, these.


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