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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the answer is no, why do you think that it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him, i feel that this is german, everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe me, husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i am maria sitta. hello. today is national guard troops day. for more than two centuries of history, they have always guarded the country of the people. you fight without fear, risking yourself. they can handle the most difficult work; on holidays they are always at work.
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historical event at the vostochny cosmodrome, there, the first flight rocket, the angara a5, was installed on the launch pad. it is planned to launch it in early april. minastiya in sochi, a strong wind hit trees, several planes and someone's trousers went to alternate airfields early in the morning. well, in talyat the rains broke fifty-year-old records. the streets and first floors of houses went under water. and we'll tell you about the winners of the festival. film debut in khantemantsiysk, authors are the basis of cinema. the main prize went to kazakhstan. more than 800 militants were eliminated in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. on in the donetsk direction the enemy suffered the greatest losses - 400 people. our units
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have improved the situation along the front line, 10 combat vehicles and artillery pieces have been disabled, including the american seven. and so our artillery crews are destroying the positions of militants in the areas bordering the belgorod region. this time , hail shells hit strong points, concentrations of military equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. and on the artyomovsk sector of the front behind...
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drone operators are always located somewhere near the assault units, according to essentially, these are their eyes and most importantly, they provide fire support. it is almost impossible to dodge such a bird with ammunition, because it flies at a speed of over 100 km/h. these mobile crews, vostok groups , repeatedly came under return fire. when enemy reconnaissance detects a drone operator, they do not spare shells on him. the fact is that a small drone poses no less a threat than a tank. it can fly to places where a tank cannot go to work, it is maneuverable, very fast, and with proper control , you can dismantle a two-story building if you hang the right projectile. the drone operators jokingly call themselves ornithologists, the fighters are preparing the next bird. kamis drones fundamentally changed the course of military operations. such a bird with a suspension can fly away at a distance of about 5-6 km. the hit accuracy is almost one hundred percent. the operator sees everything that happens on the field in real time. combat and, if necessary, can
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adjust the flight path. depending on the purpose, different ammunition, drones with the so-called carrot are sent against heavy equipment, this is a shot from a grenade launcher. if you need to hit enemy infantry, they hang up pencils and fragmentation shells. we work on targets - this is the enemy’s manpower, also lightly armored equipment, heavily armored equipment and the shelter itself, that is, dugouts, both fortified and of a lighter type. drones are on par with heavy weapons. clearing the way for our infantry, here is footage of the combat work of the assault unit on the front line, these are attack aircraft of the forties marine brigade of the pacific fleet, the soldiers understand each other from word to word, all actions in the group are brought to the point of automatism , they stormed the navumika, everything was worked out to the smallest detail, every minute was worked out as planned, everything was done instantly, they just raised their hands right away . they surrendered, where they have everything
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, it’s worth it, rap, just a perfect storm, even after taking the opornik , you can’t relax under any circumstances, the cleanup is underway, a good cleanup, everything is being checked, everything is a...
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scary, risking yourself, protect the lives of civilians citizens, carry out bold, daring operations, destroy enemy sabotage groups, help ensure the cover of the state border, the reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units. we will always remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. employees of the russian guard. to whom the president’s special words were addressed are greeted by the holiday on the front line, and those who are carrying out combat missions today are greeted by a report by our military correspondent nikolai dolgachev. special forces, the russian guard intelligence is now working in an extremely populated area where houses are abandoned and enemy collaborators may be hiding. raid
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after raid, such work takes place regularly, such special events are carried out in rear and front-line areas, the far corner is clean. the russian guard groups are accompanied by aerial reconnaissance. we observe the territory of the plant. look carefully. we are looking for signs of vital activity. one of the goals of the russian guard is to identify caches from caches. unfortunately, there are a lot of them. ammunition, american grenades, wasted, mine domestic sample. the area is being checked now. during the inspection, the place was found in an abandoned house, in the basement. the so-called suitcase, which contained foreign-made ammunition, in particular an american grenade, a hand grenade, a german grenade, residents of the front-line zone recently became russian citizens, but the national guard
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is already actively helping. during the survey of local residents who remained, thanks to them, not without, not indifferent, as we say, to the population of their... settlement they pointed out a suspicious place, long abandoned, located on the outskirts. here is footage of the discovery of a large cache, 78 mines, 119 grenades, cartridges, house bombs, the enemy planned to carry out major sabotage, these plans were thwarted by russian guard soldiers and their assistants, such as the brave thor, this is the call sign of a combat metal schnauzer who finds caches almost every day. give me the ball, it’s really not difficult, the main thing is to do it correctly and just pay a lot of attention. this is spent on this, here is the torus, smelling the smell of wasted, sat down, this means a find, then they work sappers, another cache was found on the roof of the house, more than a dozen grenades, 18 grenades, one ergdashka,
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mobile posts were set up on all roads adjacent to the special operation zone. good morning, checking documents, passports, let's take a look from the back door and trunk, the russian guard soldiers are providing. a reliable barrier on the roads is controlled by all passing cars in the front-line zone, all the best along the way , a mobile checkpoint is the basis of a control and barrier system that ensures safety for the civilian population of military personnel , we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs, on the side of the road, as local residents reported, there is a large shell, this is also a job for the national guard, there is no fuse, but safety. during transportation, if necessary , special equipment can be used to clear mines on site in order to minimize personnel losses, and if we do not know which explosive object
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to protect ourselves from, we work with the help of a robot. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and calm in the rear, but sometimes you have to engage in battle with the enemy regularly. operators. unmanned aircraft from the russian guard have a large list of destroyed enemy equipment on their record, new items arrive almost every day, something is updated, everything is new, well, roughly speaking , let’s just say we are not falling behind. russian guardsmen are at work on any holiday; for such a service , weekends are often more active than weekdays; on their professional holiday, the unit also continues to carry out combat missions. nikolai dlagachev, magomed bashir aliev, maria bulgakov, news. 34 victims of the terrorist attack in kroku sithol have been discharged from moscow hospitals, leaving 60 people for treatment. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin announced this today. according to him, doctors are doing everything possible, the most severe patients were stabilized. the relatives of the victims were assigned 32 pensions for the loss of a breadwinner; they will be
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paid by the social fund. psychologists are working with the relatives of the victims and those who survived this tragedy; hotlines and centers also operate to provide prompt assistance. accepting applications, they provide advice on a variety of issues: payment of benefits, loss of documents, payment of sick leave. on the fifth day , flowers and toys are brought to the spontaneous memorial near the concert hall and candles are lit. among the lamps you can see wardrobe numbers and paper figurines of cranes. early in the morning a memorial service was held at the memorial. the victims of the tragedy were 139 people, including three children. an updated list has been published on the ministry of emergency situations website. 120 bodies were identified. since the tragedy, work has been carried out around the clock,
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more than a thousand specialists and 300 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the fire; almost a thousand cubic meters of damaged structures were removed from the crocus. russia needs to increase the volume of geological exploration and at the same time make maximum use of russian developments. mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a meeting with the head of rosnedra evgeny petrov. as the prime minister noted . we are talking not only about expanding the possibilities of mining, but about deep processing of resources and the mineral base. required research and work in this direction are already being carried out by the nationality, it is very important, you head the department that is responsible for the natural resources, for the subsoil of the country, this is gas, this is oil, this is coal, metals, groundwater, all this constitutes our national sovereignty, very it is important that... we not only engage in accounting and monitoring of our subsoil, but also develop new deposits, as is the case today
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with the work of your department, we are actively working today in new, in new regions, mainly, as you noted here, we work for groundwater for water supply to populated areas, because today there is a shortage in a number of populated areas, which we are trying to eliminate today. more than a thousand schools across the country will be modernized this year as part of. the secretary of the general council of united russia visited one of the renovated schools, the program, implemented on behalf of the president, combines federal and regional funding, this will make it possible to repair and equip more than 700 educational institutions, one of the most correct decisions when... funds from both the federal budget are accumulated under the federal program, and the region adds its own funding
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so that the school has a finished look, because for us the main thing is not only the walls, not only the roof, not only the repair itself, the main thing is the filling, the maintenance of the school, laboratory, educational equipment, and additional opportunities for the development of children, landscaping of the territory, you watch further on our broadcast about the spring vagaries of the weather, maru tolya ulyanovsk was covered with melt water. the managing director of the mine was arrested pioneer. he knew that there was a quarry with water nearby. and in hantamansisk the results of the international spirit of fire festival were summed up. more on this in a couple of minutes. the girl was sitting here looking at the road. the merchant came up and strangled her with a bicycle chain. question: where is the murder weapon? vasnetsova. premiere. ta-dam. today on rtr.
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the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we create three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, serving. real stone flowers will soon bloom for our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on prt. you are so businesslike,
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i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice and love, in sorrow in joy, in health and in sickness, see you, see you, i don’t know that it will be so difficult, you have a choice, you are needed. asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s consider this to be a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, i too i love it, on saturday at rtn.
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today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. you're serious now, right? will you follow? evgeny pronin. do you love me? how to say to you? if in seven years a man hasn't done anything to you proposal, it needs to be changed. anna ardova. i called all my friends, they were nowhere to be found. my nephews are missing. all three. vladislav vetrov. denis will help us, oh, guy , like this, zoya, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible, restless, about they
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tell you the truth, what the restless one wants, the restless one gets, from april 1 on rtr. you look at the news, we continue: after heavy rains , roads and sidewalks immediately went under water. several cities of the volga region. in ulyanovsk , almost a month's worth of precipitation fell in 12 hours; cars stalled in the middle of the roadway, floating along the streets of samara and talyati, where an entire district was left without electricity due to bad weather. the elements are resisting the blow, now sochi too. at night, a powerful storm hit the coast, and there was a snowstorm in the mountains. about the consequences of bad weather. reports by artyom morin and pavel melnik. these shots show the consequences of the spring flood in talyati. the entire city plunged into the abyss of water. in samara people their knees in the water cross the roadway to catch the tram. cars from the factory collapse began to drive en masse onto sidewalks
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and lawns. such a lake was formed at the site of a public transport parking lot in samara. yesterday. it was raining with sleet all night in the samara region, the air temperature in some places reached 10°c, these mountains of snow began to melt, at the moment it continues to rain in the samara region, wind gusts sometimes reach 20 m/s in the region, from - due to weather conditions announced yellow level of danger, however, the consequences of the disaster are already being eliminated using special equipment. some streets were flooded almost waist-deep along with parked cars, passengers got off at the bus stop straight into a deep substation, an entire area was left without electricity. the state traffic inspectorate asked citizens to refrain from traveling and... to use personal transport; the flood situation worsened sharply in orenburg; rainwater was added to the meltwater, which led to the flooding of highways, underground passages and residential buildings. meanwhile in
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in ulyanovsk, more than 26 mm of precipitation fell in 12 hours, this is almost a month's norm, local authorities organized water pumping, rescuers remind motorists to be more careful on the roads in bad weather conditions. artyom morin, lead. emergency, sochi, the waves are completely raging, the crushing force of the sea wave is breaking the concrete of the adler embankment, a particularly dangerous natural phenomenon when whirlpools right off the coast covered the resort at night. so, here on the shore, especially, it was impossible to approach the beaches, stones washed ashore, in the city the wind tore down the traffic lights and... in the mountains there was an atmospheric charge of precipitation, about 60 mm of snow
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in a matter of hours - that’s a lot, road services spent the whole night on the route. sochi found itself at the epicenter of a whole range of adverse events, the peak of which is already behind us, but rescuers recommend remaining vigilant. during strong winds , it is necessary to avoid being present. sochi international airport even had to temporarily adjust the arrival and release of aircraft. the harbor operates according to actual weather, but it varies by to the best. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko and vladimir minyailov. news from sochi. meanwhile, in the murmansk region, where there is still a serious disadvantage, a fisherman stuck in the tundra was miraculously saved. he drove off on an all-terrain vehicle, away from the bustle of the city, but along the way the equipment came out. while building, the man found himself alone in the middle of an icy plain, without food. for 3 days he tried to get home on foot, when his strength was completely running out, he managed to contact the ministry of emergency situations,
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a rescue helicopter was sent to help the fisherman, and the victim of severe frostbite was taken to the murmansk hospital. the blagoveshchensk court arrested the managing director of the pioneer mine alexey beryukov. he is accused of violating security requirements. according to investigators, the accused. approval for mining operations near a reservoir, which led to a large-scale rock collapse. the head of the enterprise faces up to 7 years in prison. new footage of the consequences of the collapse, which occurred more than a week ago, has appeared on social networks. 13 miners are now trapped underground, their fate is unknown, and searches have been suspended due to the threat of another collapse. at this time they managed to drill three exploration wells until they discovered only water and ice mass at depth. work continued. the israel defense forces have eliminated the leader of an islamic group in southern lebanon that is closely associated with the hamas movement. well, in lebanon
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they insist that the target of the israeli missiles was a medical center and many civilian casualties . three more palestinians died in rafah in the south of the enclave. israel does not stop shelling this city, where there are now more than a million refugees. report from our own correspondent in the middle east east, alexandra belipova. in the gaza strip , the southernmost city of the rafah enclave continues to remain under massive bombing by the israeli air force; this morning alone, six residential buildings were destroyed here, and more than thirty people became victims of the strikes. meanwhile, the israeli command continues to prepare for the offensive, the plan of which was officially approved by prime minister benjamin netanyahu weeks earlier. the notorious operation in rafah, although it hasn’t even begun yet, is already backfiring on israel. relations with the main ally washington and tel aviv are getting worse day by day. the white house accuses netanyahu of deliberately provoking a crisis in relations with the united states.
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netanyahu cancels an israeli delegation's visit to washington after states failed to veto a un resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. instead , the israeli minister of defense flew overseas. however, at a meeting with an american colleague, everyone spoke about their own things. today we will discuss the events in gaza, the means of achieving our goals, the destruction of the hamas organization return of israeli hostages to their homeland. we will talk about alternative approaches to combating elements of hamas, we must also plan for israel's security after the end of this conflict, and this includes renewed cooperation with the palestinian authority. israel intends to continue its military operation in gaza until all hostages held by hamas are released. the israeli defense minister once again repeated this at a meeting with antony blinken. in response, the us state department stated that a military operation in rafah will lead to
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israel's isolation and distance in relations. with his long-time partners, meaning, first of all, of course, himself. while you may achieve the goal of fighting terrorism on the battlefield, ultimately, when it comes to winning the larger battle, you must offer a political path. the fact that israel , despite the death of tens of thousands of palestinian civilians, was unable to achieve its strategic goals through military means, was once again reminded to the world by the leader of the hamas politburo, ismail khane.
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spirit of fire. the main prize was won by a film from kazakhstan about the traditions of the nomads. the "silver taiga" award was given to the russian film "tilt angle", its heroine was moscow, the bronze taiga. spirit of fire, famous director imir kustorica. it is very important that there will be authors, that there will be that you will have authors who, the most important element of cinema, there is no star, stars will always be without the spirit of fire, but in the spirit of fire, i think.
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the clues in the new episodes, starting at 21:20. and at 16:30 watch andrei malakhov’s program. the police restrained the sixty-one-year-old ex-gang leader andrei volov, nicknamed little. loud arrests in st. petersburg in a case that lasted 27 long years. according to investigators, the leader of one of the bloodiest gangs, lomonosovsky, suspected members of his gang of stealing large sums of money and ordered them to be brutally dealt with. how
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did it happen that the residents. settlements in the leningrad region did not even realize that the man who called himself pop nikolai was a member of a bloody gang. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. modernization of air harbors is underway in several districts of the khabarovsk territory. construction of an all-season runway began at chikdamyn airport. due to the characteristics of the soil, the old runway can now only accommodate aircraft in the cold season . what economic prospects open up along with transport gates, elizaveta yarova visited a large construction site. incessant almost unison work.


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