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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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love, now our whole life is in your hand, yes ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have my own, traitors, that i love her, tell her like this, my beloved friend, in sunday on rtr. russia - traditional, modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. you are my
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last hope, otherwise i will close this salon, damn mother, we have a wonderful salon wonderful masters, but you will destroy all this, martynova needs to be fired , science will be different, she cannot be fired , there are no irreplaceable workers, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no, except for her, sit down, anatoly, i won’t i. sits nowhere, what are you making of me? now we will make everything out of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulikova, evgenia loza. queen margot, friday on rtr.
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on friday on rtr. so, the white house’s attention to ukraine at the end of last year decreased significantly - reports an unpleasant zelensky's news from politico, the publication's journalists analyzed it carefully, studied all the speeches and press releases of joe biden. having made your way through the jungle of his old age , did you do it before the conflict began?
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israel and hamas. last october , the us president mentioned ukraine 32 times a month. then there was a sharp decline by january. the number of mentions of ukraine fell exactly twice . it turns out up to 16 times. but already in february , rapid growth began again, trying to convince congress to give zelensky money, biden spoke about ukraine as many as 38 times in month. despite all the efforts of the white house to persuade the republicans to give money, it has not been possible to this day. against the backdrop of a lack of supplies from the united states, against the backdrop of a shell famine. a sticker from the ukrainian defense forces of the south, gumenyuk reports that russia has accumulated dozens of zircon hypersonic cruise missiles in crimea and is preparing for a massive hit of targets, as she put it, including in... by the way
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, zircon from crimea flies to kiev in 3 and a half minutes to odessa 1 minute and 5 seconds. well, on the front line, bandera’s followers continue to harass our uavs, like this loitering ammunition lancet. the 238th artillery brigade destroyed a ukrainian armed forces howitzer in the area of ​​kurakhov, a city located west of marinka. and this video was shot a little.
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this is definitely some kind of reset. typically , russian bombers drop guided bombs, but over the past few weeks, the soldiers of the national guard's 13th operational brigade have been telling a lot more. insidiously, now there is another air threat. this is mavic. in this footage, aerospace forces pilots launch a missile strike on ukrainian positions in the lnpr. target su-25 attack aircraft - an accumulation of manpower and equipment, which was reported by intelligence. here, su-34 fighter-bombers take to the skies against the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine in the south of the dpr, working with 500-kilogram factories. here is footage of objective control.
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air combat footage from the kherson front, a russian fpved goes to ram a ukrainian drone, lancet burns an ukrainian armed forces tank at artyomovsky. direction in the armored vehicle , the ammunition is detonated. fierce fighting is going on right now in the vicinity of chasov yar. paratroopers break through enemy defenses in deciduous forest area. we managed to advance a kilometer along the railway and highway. a representative of the twenty -sixth artillery brigade of ukraine , kalashnikov, calls the situation critical and reports that the city of konstantinovka, the next city after the hour of fire, is already under threat. ukraine's armed forces desperately need new troops to stem the russian offensive, but authorities' efforts to recruit young men are hampered by politics, demographics and a growing reluctance among ukrainians to join the military, and if at the beginning of the war ukraine could count on volunteers, now there are
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simply none. those men who have not yet fled abroad continue to evade conscription by all possible means, from bribes to a complete refusal to go out while recruiters literally catch them with ukraine suffering from a shortage of ammunition, writes the british magazine "economist". kiev has included almost one and a half billion dollars in the budget for 24 for the purchase and development of weapons in its state. this is 20 times more than before the outbreak of hostilities - reports associated press agency in total , the current authorities of kiev spend approximately 57% of the state budget on defense and security.
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they refused to give exact dates, tentatively by the summer. the russian ministry of defense shows new footage of the destruction of western equipment. this time the target was the british fh70 gun. the german vmp marder also becomes a trophy for the units of the group of forces.
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a thirty-ton vehicle gets stuck in a dummy, our soldiers pull it out and drive it to the rear. soldiers of the first slavic brigade captured another one. eastern part, the enemy crossed in a counterattack, as is usually customary, they began to throw people into meat assaults, and this machine was captured one on one in one such counterattack, the trophy is the only one so far and the first , well, the first only example of such a machine so far, the machine is fully operational, fully on track. is literally trying to strengthen the front while the russian army is developing an offensive to the west, the british economist writes, according to the magazine, anti-tank ditches, dragon teeth, minefields began to appear too late, there are no excuses for zelensky for the delay in construction. ukraine is entering the most
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dangerous phase of the war, as a result of which the country may cease to exist, in principle, politico believes. according to the publication, zelensky’s army, in addition to manpower , is critically short. the soldier, under the law of mobilization, was literally stuck in the verkhovna rada. losses in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine will grow exponentially due to a lack of qualified personnel.
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noted the russian guards who are serving right now in new regions of russia and ours areas bordering the war. rosguards have been protecting russia’s borders since the first day of the special military operation. only in the belgorod region. russian guard. last year, they seized 30 weapons, almost 7,000 ammunition and more than 160 kg of explosives. that's for sure. kherson region, employees
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of the national guard together with police officers found a cache of ukrainian militants in a former grain elevator; a service dog named watson helped locate the ammunition. dangerous finds included artillery shells and shots for an anti-tank grenade launcher. look report by my colleague nikolai dolgachev , i heartily congratulate you on the holiday, the special forces intelligence of the russian guard is now working in the outermost populated area, where abandoned houses and enemy collaborators may be hiding. read after read, such work takes place regularly, such special events. carried out in the rear, in front-line areas,
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the russian guard groups are accompanied by aerial reconnaissance, we observe the territory of the plant, look carefully, looking for signs of vital activity, one of the goals of the russian guard is to identify hiding places from the caches, unfortunately there are quite a few of them , ammunition was found, american grenades, spent , of the russian ministry of defense type, now underway, checking the area continues during the inspection of the place, it was discovered in an abandoned house, in the basement, a suitcase, the so-called one, on which there was foreign ammunition production, in particular an american grenade, a hand grenade, a german grenade, here is footage of the discovery of a large cache of 78 mines 119 grenades, cartridges, house bombs, the enemy planned to carry out major sabotage, these plans were thwarted by the fighters...
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mobile posts have been set up on all roads adjacent to the special operation zone. good morning, checking documents, passports. the checkpoint is the basis of the control and barrier system, which ensures the safety of civilians, military personnel, we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs. on the side of the road, as local residents reported, there is a large shell, that too. work for the national guard, no fuse, yes, safe for transportation. if necessary
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special equipment can be used to clear mines on site. to minimize personnel losses and if we do not know which explosive object to protect ourselves from, we work with the help of a robot. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and calm in the rear, but sometimes... you have to engage in battle with the enemy regularly, new items arrive almost every day, something is updated, everything is new, well, roughly speaking, let's just say we are not falling behind, well they threw
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fire at them again... they used water cannons and sprayed democratic tear gas. the internet was blown up by footage of such an epic battle, literally a battle of two elements or giants. a police water tank , a peasant dung tank, and a machine for pumping out feces came together in battle. it is still unknown who emerged victorious in this fight. the farmers held their protest on the day of the meeting of the council of ministers of agriculture of european countries in brussels. the agrarian demands the termination of the free trade agreement with countries outside the european union, in particular, dissatisfied with the duty-free cheap goods entering europe ukrainian products. it is very
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difficult for farmers to compete with it due to the environmental requirements of the european union and restoration rules. to block the streets entrance, however , everything that came to hand was used, and european farmers have been organizing similar aggressive protests for several months now, they demand to increase prices for their products and deal with bureaucratic red tape, we will protest as long as they will not change taxation in agriculture, young farmers will have at least some prospects. we in europe have so far
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heard nothing but promises, but we want something to change now. and just a few meters away from the protesters , politicians were taking these urgent measures that farmers are demanding. some of the environmental regulations that farmers had to comply with in order to receive subsidies can now be forgotten. the green minister of agriculture of germany, however, will have to perform a balancing act, because germany will also be forced to implement this package of urgent measures. we should think about the consequences of such a step, but no one does this. for reducing red tape, but this should not be an excuse for eliminating environmental regulations. politicians have been trying to appease farmers for several months and are making concessions to them. they do this, however, at the expense of an ever-increasing reduction in environmental standards. but now on the streets of brussels it is clear to everyone that this will not be enough for farmers, and the protests
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will therefore most likely continue, even despite the fact that the eu again made further concessions to farmers. well, i don’t see anything unecological here, organic fertilizer, no mineral fertilizers , no pesticides, a return to nature, one might say, is happening before our eyes on the streets of brussels, well, i’ll still try to move closer to us in ukraine and look at that the situation in which kiev now finds itself, indeed kiev now has what is called in chess, well, that is , no matter what steps you take, it still turns out worse than one of these steps is very...
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what are these, these are missiles, as was said here, which fly from crimea in 3 minutes to kiev, and i must say, from the bryansk region they fly in a minute, and
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it would seem, well, there are daggers that also fly in a minute, well what do zircons change, and they change a lot, because when the daggers are launched, it is clearly visible the launch, first of all the launch of carriers, these are fighters. zircons from crimea were launched from ground-based launchers, well, this has now been confirmed by the ukrainians, because there was no air raid alert, and what’s worst is that the ukrainians confirmed, for themselves, not for us, that zircons are real hypersonic missiles without any, but with an active air-breathing hypersonic engine, this means that this missile can carry out any maneuvers, if the dagger is a quasi-ballistic missile, which flies largely due to its... inertia, then zircon can carry out any provo maneuver to break through any defense, this was clearly demonstrated during the strike this week, when
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a building was hit literally, well, with a pinpoint needle strike specific in a specific street, on a specific , as they say, site in kiev, that is, not a single buried bunker, not a single dugout there, all this will immediately turn into a grave for those who make the decision, and he said about this, well enough...
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where are my children, you freak? we will find them, you will find them, you have brilliant intuition. indomitable, restless. from april 1 on rtr. catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place. have you ever wondered why people count proteins fats as carbohydrates? here's my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain
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decreases, can it be beneficial, can it be pleasant, is it fantastic, can the science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes. yes, mm , m, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formulas. on saturday on rtr. you are so businesslike to me. i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, we look at the weekend, advice and love in sadness in joy, in health and... painful, i
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don’t know that it will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations it doesn’t happen, i always believed in you, we will consider this to be a miracle, we no longer need your services. i realized, i love him too, on saturday on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be informed about what’s going on animals are simply dying,
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donetsk was heavily shelled. but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, come on let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me. look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength, the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young, gifted performers to take part in an international popular
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music competition, but... registration, online submission of applications on the website, don’t miss your chance become a star, a new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. president putin just had telephone conversations with the president of the republic of congo, sasunge, and the head of... the transition period of malia, asimi goeta. both african leaders expressed deep condolences over the terrorist attack in krokhuse, they condemned the monstrous crime, the victims of which, according to the latest information , were 139 people, the number of victims increased to 360 people. well, in france they gloat, that is, they behave like scum. this is exactly how such actions were characterized
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in our kremlin.
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to say that if it was the ukrainians, then this is an absolute master class, i’m not saying that it’s exactly them, but i believe that if it were them, then it would be a complete phenomenal revolution, let’s not forget that in what sense, but if they were ukrainians, which means they were able to penetrate russia enough to organize such an attack, this is phenomenal, the day after that terrible terrorist attack in batoclan, the russian army... launched a massive attack on a terrorist cell in syria in memory of the victims in france, well now that time has passed, modern france behaves completely differently. please, comrade general. yes, the fact that the ukrainians have switched to terrorist methods of waging war is absolutely obvious, we must be prepared for this, we must respond to this, this is unambiguous.


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