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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 28, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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how vulnerable is the modern us infrastructure, especially in the field of transport logistics, one small push, a container ship froze in place, a bridge collapsed, well, more than a kilometer of spans collapsed into the water, what does this mean, this means that during the design, and in general in principle , when assessing modern ones. threats, the americans seem to underestimate these things, against this background , even the plans being hatched regarding the russian, crimean bridge, we see that even those individual manifestations of terrorist activity did not lead to such consequences, which means that our school of design, our understanding of risks and threats, is, of course, significantly ahead of our geopolitical military opponents, and the reasoning of ben hodges...
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the former commander-in-chief of nato's combined armed forces in europe, where he recognizes , that even taurus and atacoms missiles will not be able to lead to fatal consequences for the crimean bridge, this is also my confirmation, as he said, we will damage it, but we will not be able to destroy it, well, that is, they counted and understood, no, well then there they are are discussing this topic. we'll be back. today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. you're serious now, right? you will follow. evgeny pronin. do you love me? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna artova. i called all my friends, they were nowhere to be found. all three of my nephews are missing. vladislav. denis will help us, oh,
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guy, like this, zoya, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i don’t i can wait, irrepressible, restless, they say the truth about you, what you restlessly wants, restlessly gets from monday. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere , strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here they come, oh you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws. well, let’s tame the biting one. voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw,
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well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, stars ready to do anything for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. you are my best friend, just a friend. on sunday. is this a girl from a boarding school? fuck, lyosha, why are you scared, continue. get out of my house. immediately. where
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friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, love can become the future, now our whole life is in your hand, yes, no you have to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, not your own, tell me that i love you, tell me, my beloved friend. sunday on rtr, the period of the combination, there were songs that seemed to write the biography of the country, the era, the time was so daring and we were wildly interested in plunging headlong into it all. alena apina, if they told me now, if i had gone through the same path, i wouldn’t have dared, it’s not an easy combination. you went after love, after
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a man, set your priorities and parted with the group, why are you at your peak. i decided then got married and decided to start all over again. i myself didn’t understand anything about what i was doing, i just stupidly followed some hormonal, emotionally feminine processes that were taking place in my body, from head to toe. those 25 years that we lived were wonderful 25 years, the picture is joyful, life is completely different, and now i will show you my different life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i have a job for you. why don’t you understand that this is a beauty salon, beauty salon, you want it to be managed by someone, someone ran it, what are you doing? in general, you understand, beauty, we will deal with delays especially strictly, everything is in place,
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martynova is not there, what’s her name, margarita, hello, margarita, she’s a master, i ’m bad. master, yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you are a soldier, can you tell me where to start, first show everyone that you are not a robot, but a person, i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot , margarita, she is the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our trip, i realized that i love another man, queen... margot on friday on rtr. at first breaking news: 84 bodies of those killed in the attack have now been identified, including
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five children aged 9 to 16 years. to identify another 56 people , molecular genetic testing is required. the death toll today has increased to... 140 people. the person wounded during the terrorist attack died in hospital. still in serious condition. there are still 19 people left, including children in intensive care. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, has just arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack. one of the main issues now is also fire safety in crocus, which blazed like a match. and it literally burned to the ground. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia held an operational meeting and monitored the work of investigators at the site of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the head of the department was reported on the progress of the implementation of the criminal investigation plan. investigators and forensic experts continue to examine the scene . using the latest
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forensic tools , investigations are carried out of a vast area that has been subjected to thermal effects and destruction. material evidence is confiscated relevant to the investigation. also. as part of the criminal case , the issue of ensuring anti-terrorism and fire safety in the building is being comprehensively studied, the investigation is analyzing the defendants’ use of the internet to plan and commit a crime, and information seized from various technical devices used by terrorists is being studied. the investigative committee of the russian federation received 143 statements from victims about the disappearance of their relatives or loved ones as a result of a terrorist attack. act. currently identified. putin just arrived in torzhok, tver region, talked with local residents, the president's motorcade stopped in the central square
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of the city, putin left the aurus and approached the people. the head of state was greeted with applause and shouts, some had posters in their hands, putin and the first. russian national guard troops day it was on this day , march 27, 1801, that emperor alexander ii signed a decree on the creation of an internal guard inspection. for more than two centuries she has repeatedly changed its name and has now become the national guard troops. this is how the special forces soldiers of the russian guard celebrated their professional holiday. they made demonstration parachute jumps in the air in the moscow region and unfurled the flags of russia, the national guard troops and the special forces center in vits. the president of russia congratulated the employees and veterans of the russian guard on their professional holiday. putin noted that the russian guard is now fearlessly fighting in the special operation zone, providing reliable work, communications and a safe rear for army units,
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protecting civilians in new regions of russia and border areas. first of the special operation, 11 officers of the russian guard were awarded the title of hero. let's listen to the president. the russian guard solves significant, responsible tasks. this is the fight against crime, terrorism, extremism. protection and protection of the most important strategic, including industrial, transport, infrastructure facilities, effective control in the field of arms trafficking, i especially want to mention our comrades who serve in the donbass in novorosiya, in areas located in close proximity to the combat zone . i know that you fight fearlessly, risking yourself, protecting the lives of civilians, carrying out brave and daring campaigns. you destroy borders, reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units , enemy sabotage groups, help provide cover for government
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and units. we will always remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. well, russia’s successes at the front, as well as the unexpected replacement of the head of the national security and defense council , caused a stir in kiev, reports. german spieger, publications are worried that russian troops are putting increasing pressure on the ukrainian armed forces. for several months now, ukrainian militants have been on the defensive, largely due to what they believe is a lack of ammunition and the dominance of the russian aerospace forces in the air. these shots show the abolition of russian defense, the work of our paratroopers. northern solidars, scouts of the tula guards airborne forces discovered a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry. which was on the front line for rotation, apparently
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a guided missile from the fagot atgm flew at the militants. and this is the work of our uav operators, like this the loitering lantset of the 238th artillery brigade destroyed a galbitsa in the ukrainian armed forces in the kurakhov area. this is a city located west of marinka. and this video was filmed a little further north in the avdeevsky direction. drones. rovers are dropping controlled aerial bombs, but the last few weeks have been told by soldiers of the thirteenth
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operational brigade of the national guard, much more insidiously, now there is another air threat, this is mavik, in these frames vks pilots launch a missile strike on ukrainian positions in the lpr, the target of attack aircraft su-25 is an accumulation of manpower and equipment , which was reported by reconnaissance, here su-34 fighter-bombers take to the skies on... captured after large-scale fire preparation fortifications of the vcu assault tarnik our this is ours yes yes ours something there equipment is equipment . air combat footage from the kherson front: the russian drone is going to ram a ukrainian drone, lancet
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is burning a ukrainian armed forces tank in the artyomovsk direction. ammunition in the vehicle's armor detonates. fierce fighting is currently taking place in the vicinity of chasovo yar. paratroopers break through enemy defenses in the deciduous forest area. we managed to advance a kilometer along the railway and highway. representative of the twenty-sixth artillery brigade of ukraine. ukraine's armed forces desperately need new troops to hold off the russian advance, but the authorities' efforts to recruit young men are hampered by politics, demographics and the growing reluctance of ukrainians to join the army, and while at the beginning of the war ukraine could count on volunteers, now there are simply none , those men who... abroad continue to evade conscription in every possible way, from bribes to a complete
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refusal to go out, while recruiters literally catch them in the middle of the boat and send them to the front line. ukraine is suffering from a shortage of ammunition, writes the british magazine economist. kiev has budgeted for the twenty -fourth year almost one and a half billion dollars for the purchase and development of weapons in its state. this is 20 times more than before the outbreak of hostilities. reports the associated press agency. in total, defense spending on ensuring the security of the current kiev authorities spend approximately 57% of the state budget on the social sector and education.
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ukraine can receive one and a half million shells as part of the czech initiative, says the head of the czech foreign ministry. paris can supply kiev with 78 caesar guns, french defense minister carnu said. both declined to give exact dates. by the summer , the russian ministry of defense is showing new footage of the destruction of western equipment, this time the target was the british fh70 cannon. the german marder infantry fighting vehicle also becomes a trophy for the units of the group of troops. 30 ton machine gets stuck in the mulyak, our soldiers pull her out and drive her to the rear. soldiers of the first
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slavic brigade captured another brainchild of the german military-industrial complex, mardor. entry into the west, the british economist writes, according to the magazine, anti-tank ditches, dragon teeth, minefields began to appear too late, zelensky has no excuse for the delay in construction. ukraine is entering the most dangerous phase of the war, as a result of which the country may cease to exist, in principle, politico believes. according to zelensky's army,
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in addition to manpower, there is a critical shortage of soldiers, while the law of mobilization is literally behind... - states the washington times newspaper. this stage of the war, in which we have now entered, in your opinion, will not end with the borders of the ninety-first year? no way, we don't have that many resources. and there are no borders for the year 22 either. we don’t have so many resources, we missed this moment, we just received personnel from the trash, vladimir putin is making his first work trip to the region after the elections, on his way to a business event, we see that the president stopped, stopped the cortege came out to the people, a woman approached putin, whose son is right
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now fighting for russia in avdievka, let's see.
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cool, it’s hard to imagine any other modern leader who would be greeted by his people like this, incredible shots, especially of course the guys who climbed somewhere to also see and... also take their photographs, but also the woman from avdiivka, words are worth a lot, everything is fine with us, god grant that everything will be fine, i ask our the president.
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but not a little later, then macron went overseas, well, maybe in another place to try his diplomatic talents, something he didn’t show anywhere this time. a three -day visit to brazil, well, it is obvious that macron is trying to use some of his non-existent charm in order to try to pull brazil away from the balanced position that it occupies, well , to move it to the side of the west, brazil does not supply weapons, does not sell them, maybe like... try to encourage her in this, i think that it won’t work out, does macron have any trump cards, well, perhaps that besides, as he believes, a lot of charm, he has only
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one trump card, bridget also thinks so, well, yes, well, i’m talking about economic goats, since 2019, the process of signing a trade agreement between the european union and the latin american trade blog mercasur has not been completed, well, maybe it will be some kind of... decency, which is sometimes not found in big politics, that is the net benefit with russia today the moment is much more profitable brazil, like switzerland, and a more non-neutral state, well, in switzerland,
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olya, since you remembered this, we can know for sure the suicide of the swiss banking system, if a decision is made to confiscate assets, the swiss parliament is an activist here, then what kind of banking secrecy, what kind of desire to invest money there from other countries can we talk about , it seems to me that the americans have a share of cynicism, who are pushing switzerland first, to violate something, to kill something, well, from which its well-being is largely based grows. and now about the americans and the same macron. bloomberg writes that supposedly some high-ranking american military personnel are very concerned about his very statement about sending troops into the territory. let's listen. with the uk no longer in the european union and the german government in tatters. controversy macron has emerged as the de facto head of the continent's foreign policy, but not all of his allies are confident he is the best candidate to champion their interests. according to a senior official,
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familiar with discussions between the allies, his controversial comment about sending troops into ukraine prompted a swift, very public rebuke from german chancellor olaf scholz and angered u.s. officials, who privately say such a move could even trigger a conflict with moscow. the source said macron's hints were intended to confuse the russian president ... putin, but officials familiar with nato discussions on ukraine say the french president could have the opposite effect. confused by macron's words. this blomberg material is so unique and provocative. on the one hand, one cannot but agree that the entry of troops of the european union, nato, and france into the territory of the former ukraine could provoke a war with russia. this is a fair concern. but i beg to differ that the americans are afraid of this. usa. continue to push for war in europe, increasingly distancing themselves from it, at least in financial terms and in terms of statements, this is precisely where barel’s statement that he
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said yesterday is just a cry from the heart, well, this is a war in our interests, well, let’s quickly allocate money, because the americans are slowly, little by little, little by little stepping aside , but so to speak, today we are talking about the economy, the last cherry on the economic cake, like the west in general...
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they don’t give it away, they keep it for themselves just in case, why do they do this? not because they are so good or thieving, they just very cunning, they understand that it only takes a penny to withdraw from these accounts somewhere, and the same suicide that we are talking about in the form of the swiss banking system will occur in the global financial system, the confiscation of other people’s assets has begun, which means that they need withdraw, so their task is to ensure that this money does not leave this bank, this euroclear at all, then they will be able to save... face to say, and you know, this is just a different account, but this is still the same, we will someday we'll give it back if you do the same the most we want from you for a long period is that they deceive everyone, and macron is sent to try to deceive brazil. let's be back in a minute, it's caught everywhere, gas stations, then in the corridor, where to go and what to do? in general, there is no need to ask anyone,
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beg, humiliate yourself or extend your hands. they will have to reckon with us. so, lift off the ground, take off. this technique is beautiful. how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. what do you like best? herring under fur coat or olive look. alexander grigorievich. there are no forces that could hold him back. after your interview, many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than the others, thank you very much, come again on sunday to rtr, you are so businesslike with me,
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i am with such a wife for sure. disappeared, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, i don’t know, that it will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice , he needs you, asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself... the fact that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s assume that this is a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, i love him too, on saturday at rtn, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here
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is this. to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in i mean, of course, a bear when he said this: stinky little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, yaho, five for one, on saturdays on rtr. film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov
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too young, he doesn’t have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? kuznetsov? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, great premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznets. already on the platform we look, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on me from above, one bullet to is still in me, and this, let’s say , is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she takes this kurba to the shelters, saying: baby, feed
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the dog. to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent. “hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, in kiev i’m dissatisfied again by his western patrons, the minister of agriculture of ukraine solsky. in an interview with fft , he said that the eu infringes on ukraine. there is indeed an intensified debate in the european union about whether or not to introduce additional restrictions on the import of ukrainian goods. the main supporters of restrictions are france and poland. solsky said that the new
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restrictions will reduce kiev's revenues. in general, he calls on european politicians to choose who is more important to them: kiev farmers or their own. to ensure that officials make the right decision, the belgians on the day of the meeting of the council of ministers. they staged an interesting action in the center of the eu capital: 250 tractors blocked the passage, bonfires were lit and fireworks were set off near the european commission building. the police were pelted with beets, eggs and manure. in response, security forces confiscated several tractors, used water cannons and sprayed tear gas. the internet was blown up by footage of such a confrontation, literally a battle of two elements. the police clashed in battle. vodomed and peasant manure honey, a machine for pumping out manure, as you understand, who emerged victorious in the epic battle, look,
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allez bagar, yours. tractors from european farmers, this time 250 cars again flooded the government quarter of brussels to block the entrance to the streets, but everything that came to hand went. and european farmers have been staging similar aggressive protests for several months now, demanding higher prices for their products and clearing out bureaucratic red tape. we will protest until they change taxation in agriculture, young farmers will have at least some prospects. we in europe have so far heard nothing but promises, but we want something to change now. and just a few meters away from the protesters , politicians were taking these urgent measures that farmers are demanding. some of the
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environmental regulations that farmers had to comply with in order to receive subsidies can now be forgotten. the green minister of agriculture of germany, however, will have to perform a balancing act, because germany will also be forced to do so. we should think about the consequences of such a step, but no one does, i'm all for reducing bureaucratic red tape, but this should not be an excuse for eliminating environmental regulations. for several months now, politicians have been trying to appease farmers and make concessions to them ; they do this, it is true, by increasingly lowering environmental standards, but now on the streets of brussels it is clear to everyone that this will not be enough for farmers and that is why there are protests. most likely will continue to go further, even despite the fact that the eu again made further concessions to farmers. so, dmitry gabetich, who are you for? for a new launcher or for a water cannon? well, both of them are supplied from the budget, so, as it were, and this
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is actually a big problem is that the deficit is growing, for example, in the same france, as in germany, the problem is that, as it were, these are funds as if from one component, they either subsidize some or subsidize others, as if there is no extra money there yet, which is the problem. prepared the data today on the twenty-seventh, or rather on the seventh , in the corresponding european economy, the problem is that there will be slight growth this year, next year the growth will be very small, that is, most likely most economies will balance around one, that is, some to 1 ,3, that is , the maximum, its highest growth rate will be spain, everything else will be, the whole entire core, as it were, is germany, by the way , which this year, judging by the data of the most relevant institutions in germany, will be grow by 0.1. for the whole year, respectively , france, italy, that is, as it were, the basic economies, they will accordingly be around one, that is, the problem is that there will be very little money, as it were, in volumes, as for macron, he is now dealing with how it’s not paradoxical
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for france to take revenge on biden, i’ll explain why, the fact is that on the second day he ’s going to actually just launch his third submarine, france accordingly has a kind of construction project diesel submarine trays are exactly the same ones, they have already built the third one and are just launching it. what else did they agree on? they agreed to build a nuclear submarine, which should enter , as it were, be accepted by the fleet in the thirty -sixth, approximately thirty-seventh year, that is, not soon, but why did they decide to build a nuclear submarine there? but because they were forced out of australia by their american colleagues, respectively, with whom they concluded an agreement at the time, saying this would be the first time in the history of countries not nuclear club, which will build itself a nuclear submarine, by the way, the big question will be, who will build it faster, australia, respectively, or brazil at this pace, this is a question of who violates the sanctions, by the way, the limitation on the expansion of nuclear weapons actually concerns including submarines, so they seem to have some peculiarities there, that’s why from this point of view, but it is with a nuclear reactor, but not with nuclear missiles, but a reactor. well it's all the same really there is a division
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of materials, moreover, accordingly, the boat itself will be built by the french, and the nuclear reactor with the installation will be built by the brazilians directly, this is about the question of how this is a military transition to a military component, it will not just be like our american colleagues, not it’s just that they do it completely turnkey, they actually assemble it, then there will be cooperation, and so the peaceful component of the delvi is not very original, that is, they assume, accordingly, there is a very serious military one there the developer's component is actually here. therefore, from this point of view, macron is looking for somewhere to realize his military potential, i remind you that sarkozy confused him, in fact, this deal began with sarkozy, he then , accordingly, sold brazil 50 helicopters, this submarine, and there , accordingly, there is still a whole series of military initiatives, they are still, speaking of, cooperating, so it seems that, by the way, brazil is one of the largest suppliers of products, including in the same france itself, they recently killed the agreement as a free trade zone in order to stabilize their farmers accordingly, but it is still remarkable how great a leader macron is. that he is still called sarkozy, well, it is believed
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that sarkozy signed the most interesting agreements with brazil, in fact, that’s why everyone seems to remember it well, but as for the situation as a whole, it is clear that in the background, as it were, such economic uncertainty, the most important factors are electoral components, as i understand it, that this will be discussed separately later, but here an important factor , as i would like to note, is precisely the situation with certainty in candidates that has appeared in the american direction, so to speak, in fact, there are some peculiarities there, firstly, the story with this long-suffering baltimore, firstly, because it is actually quite a large port, it handles 250,000 containers, but the most important thing there is not this, the most important thing there is something else, because it supplies coal, and the most important thing is export from there goes according to the american automobile industry, this is one of the largest export directions , including fords, here they have, if you look, this bridge, there are a lot of terminals at the back, he said that they will not restore it until the end of 24, the problem is in another, when they clear out this part, because behind there is... all this is the main thing that now will be, as it were, limited, this limitation
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will be a problem, moreover, the problem is still in the next one in maryland, which accordingly, baltima is the capital , there is a democratic governor, so they spent a very long time on this matter - there was a lot of talking, because investments should have gone into infrastructure, into infrastructure facilities in order to improve them, this is the only bridge, by the way, it seriously complicates travel from north to south in the future, and in general now in principle, which is why this is a problem that will affect coal, the automobile industry, and everything else. by the way, biden is going to it will be financed from the budget, that is, he is now going to meet, respectively , with the lower and upper parliament and the house of parliament and agree on financing. the average cost of restoring the bridge is estimated differently; it is 1.4 miles, i think, and from 2 million from 2 billion, the insurance company insured this entire wonderful vessel for about three, plus or minus two or three , depending on how you calculate it, this is it to the question that the total damage that will be inflicted now is already more than insurance, apparently, this is part of these funds are directly from the federal well... the federal budget will pay , so it is extremely important for biden
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to respond very quickly to such stories, because this is of great importance now, because now the most important part of the election campaign is beginning, they are now starting as if they are already fighting with each other, they have a third candidate who will now collect signatures, the bidens are fast, this is aksyu moro, well, trump also doesn’t accelerate like that for a long time, but in any case, they will now have a very serious as if there will be a clash in the near future, including on the issue of additional funding, most likely just closer to april, when everyone returns from their easter holidays. everything is correct, except for one thing: the capital of maryland, of course, is annapolis, not baltimore. let’s go back to how she’s dressed, what her hairstyle is, how the table is set, as if it’s some kind of date. vosnetsova. what happened? how did this all happen? we are just now figuring everything out. she was able to become an investigator. who's great, i'm great, but how
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can she avoid becoming a victim of crime? it happens, it’s quite possible that you’re disturbing me, from the very beginning you’re meddling in my affairs and ruining everything, please give me the pistol to the urgent group to capture kofezanov vosnetsov in the final episode, today on rta. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go.
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it takes two decades before it manifests itself, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, and the most important thing from monday to friday on rtr is... well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday. it's been a while since we 've seen each other, dear. you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one.
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they fell in love. who is good to you, your wife or the boys, don’t ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. alena apina, me sang ksyusha's song, but that's just...
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nightmare, i'm the one who fooled you, i'm ready to fix everything, but you don't want to work for me, a vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency, a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, now we 're not only neighbors, we seem to be colleagues, and overwork. the blackmailer knows things like ... i didn’t tell anyone at all, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganisyan, i’m now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe here there is some catch, my husband is for an hour and a half, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, we are working in
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the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. ex-congresswoman staggered gyabart in an interview with an american journalist, you know him, tucker, said that in the states practically no one...
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hillary clinton said the other day that she talks to white house representatives every day, so this is not a surprise or secret, who is behind the foreign policy
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that is now emanating from the white house? it was forbidden to talk about biden's dementia in the united states; the white house press secretary before voters in north carolina suggested biden raise taxes on the rich to help zelensky.
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trump may not win , what happened to you, good evening, evgeniy, olga, well, in fact, of course, it’s difficult to make predictions now, because there are still many, many months before the elections, and as we know, everything in america may change, it’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as october surprise, various black swans appear on...
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the voter, the economy is always the number one issue, so biden began to catch up with trump, in wisconsin, he even beat him by one percentage point, in pennsylvania they were equal, in the rest of the swing states he narrowed the gap, well, the only state where trump continues to confidently lead is georgia, and of course, this is also a direct consequence of those trials that have been launched in... as traps against trump, like traps set on him, negative media background, everything this
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contributes to the democrats’ strategy, and yes, we can probably talk about at least one important thing, unless some kind of force majeure happens, which in general can also be talked about in connection with biden’s cognitive state, then rather in all likelihood, he will be the candidate from the democratic party, it’s all because of the numbers. of course, but the economy remains important and this was generally manifested in the latest story with the collapse of a bridge in the baltic sea. valentin, the words about the butcher, well, firstly, we already heard this from biden, and secondly, this impresses someone, touches their heartstrings, can you still get some ratings from this? apparently, no, moreover, biden thus demonstrates both his main weakness and his main vulnerability, it is obvious that he is very hurt by what
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is happening in ukraine, the concept that he built for himself is going to hell, because biden, the only place where he has been relatively successful as a politician all these years is in the sphere of international relations, here are the most important failures, well, firstly, afghanistan. now ukraine can, as he says even the environment itself and representatives of the american security forces, ukraine could turn into a second afghanistan , biden’s obsession with the figure of the russian president is visible, and age, apparently, makes itself felt here, often an elderly person has little control over himself, this is not the first time biden has made boorish behavior statements coming out not only. beyond the limits of diplomatic some kind of elementary political etiquette, but simply interpersonal communication, all these epithets,
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all these characteristics, well, in general, they, of course, characterize biden, as he said putin, who... calls names, is called that here , but here it really is, because it’s not biden who’s here to remember, but who is behind these or those murders, we know that the democrats were involved in more than one operation, completely illegal from the point of view of international law and which brought tens of hundreds of thousands of victims, everyone now remembers the events in yugoslavia, but there were other... operations, ukraine, in general, is another evidence of what those really do who runs the american foreign policy and the united states in general. thank you very much, valentin, exhaustive, valentin bogdanov, head of our american bureau on direct communication from new york. please, speaking of america, they say zelensky has promised to
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continue destroying bridges in the united states until he is given money. in general, i would like to start not about zelensky, but about macron, today they called him the white knight of ukraine, i asked, they also joke on the internet, why they are now giving money in america, the bridge has fallen, we are starting to destroy the bridges of ukraine, well, here is the white knight ukraine in nato, well, in general, for nato countries this is some kind of white racism, i would say blue, blue would be accordingly, now i remember, there was such a zhang, this is the minister of foreign... musalini’s efficient son-in-law during the second world, and he wrote in his diaries in 1943: the damn french managed to create three governments, one in the case of a german victory, and the degaul government in the case of an allied victory , and the pitein government, if there is a truce between the parties, then damn macron, he decided everything in himself, but he manages do a photo shoot, where he makes foreheads
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, looks for some way to peace, and then where they draw his biceps, he is there... russia is winning, now he is even discussing some kind of truce there during the olympics with russia, but what russia i refuted it, that is , he decided to stand three in one, and such a big knight appeared in nato. in ukraine, of course, everything is stable, well, firstly, they began to build lines of defense, speaking of ukraine, we saw our president, yes, when the mother of a fighter from avdievka approached him, everything is fine with us, you know, when i looked at these footage, i just imagined that zelensky’s mother, savdeevka, a bsu student, was approaching him, but it would have been a meeting, probably completely. different, that is, there would be hatred, not love, like for our president, just now zelensky was there today, he was there, at the construction of the defense line, and there the general reported to him how they pulled out the teeth of the russian dragon, there so they begin to build, but of course these are all fairy tales for beautiful speech, i just look at this construction at those figures that are there now present, there was such a kirill timoshenko, he was yermak’s deputy, this is the one who was responsible for the great construction,
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the great budevnitsya, in ukraine he was called the great kradivnitsev. that is , they called it a big theft and these kickbacks went through kiril tymoshenko, there the kickbacks reached 40 to 60%. well, that is, in the new territories , yes, it’s all zelensky, there was a lot of construction there, now there is probably the russian ministry of construction onodi, well, they say no one has done anything there for 30 years, but the money was stolen, that’s it or right now from the line of defense, kirill tymoshenko has now been expelled, first for a corruption scandal from the presidential office, now he has already appeared in the ministry of defense, when he appeared in the ministry of defense, everyone has already started then, probably, a big one will begin... construction is here there , yes, it has already begun, now they will shoot videos about all this, but in fact, well, we still need to take very seriously the creation of fortifications for our opponents, because any of this is a trophy an obstacle in the way of our fighters, this is certainly true, but i mean that they will steal money from this in any case, of course they will build something, then of course they will have an excuse when this territory becomes russian,
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well, who will check, yes, that is, i just remember that back in 14-15 they wrote off the money, and before the commission came to put it into operation, they paid the money to the dryers 500 dollars, yes, they gave the coordinates, and then transferred directly, well, you see, we have restored everything, although no one i didn’t do any work, these donetsk separatists took everything and destroyed it, they will steal the same thing, i’m sure from... but of course, of course, they will build something that will interfere with progress, they report that this is the sumy region , the same region with the territory that is being attacked on our long-suffering border, including the belgorod region, that is, zelensky right now is on the territory that we have been talking about lately as a necessary territory for creating
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a sanitary zone, in a strange way . not applied blow, but also as for the famous ukrainian show-off, that is, zelensky is shown some good fortifications, and what appears on the internet is... kherson region, you see, someone dug up something, they called the defense lines, what is it reminds, correctly, a mass grave for ukraine. we'll be back. today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first real deal. you're serious now, right? you will follow. evgeny pronin. you me? how can i tell you that if a man hasn’t proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna ardova, me i called all my friends, they are nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav
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vetrov, denis will help us, oh, guy like that, zoya, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev. your children will be found, they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait , the irrepressible restlessness, they say the truth about you, what the restless one wants, the restless one gets, from monday to good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats just for you nardinka.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov. in sunday on rtr. you are my best friend, just a friend. on sunday. is this a girl from a boarding school? why are you scared? go on,
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get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, love can become the future, now our whole life is in your hand, yes. ir , there’s no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, tell me that i love her, so tell me, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr, she’s giving birth, i’m shaking! off the wall, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation , a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different
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functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object , there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally... a disgusting maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you are my last hope, but whose... close this salon, damn it, we have a wonderful salon, wonderful craftsmen, but you will ruin it all, martynova needs
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to be fired, others will have science, she can’t be fired, there are no irreplaceable workers , it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, except for her, sit down, anatoly, i won’t sit down anywhere, what are you making of me, now we’ll make everything out of you. alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulikova, evgenia loza. queen margo. on friday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke , he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train , how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take it correctly medicine, always? will support, a bowl
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of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, not happy i guarantee that your health will definitely increase.
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putin took several selfies and kissed the child, see how it happened.
11:00 am
to conduct a special military operation , our fighter with the call sign scythian, the eleventh separate guards airborne brigade , unloaded the flag of the airborne troops in the village of krasnoe, this is just a couple of kilometers from the eastern borders of chachovo yar, the largest stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. watch the news right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye and see you tomorrow! thanks friends! hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour.


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