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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 28, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

9:05 pm
tomorrow our army will fall, europe will calm itself down, you are great for stabilizing the front there, but there are no shells, but you are there, look, you are there, hold on, because russia is advancing, you mobilize more people, they generally have the key the question is, listen, give us more people, more people, why more people, because the logic is very simple, the more effective and modern weapons you have, the fewer soldiers you need on the battlefield, if you don’t have modern types of weapons, this must somehow... be compensated with manpower, now they are trying to do this, i ’m just leading to what, for some reason many people think that in fact ukraine’s mobilization resource is limitless, but i already gave a figure, 3.7 million people are those who remained on the territory of ukraine, we don’t take them there, sick, lame, blind, oblique, there with one arm or two arms, i don’t know, these are all those, all those, let’s say, men who fall under the age of 18 up to 60 years old.
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we will definitely reach 500-600,000. well, as i understand it, they are not on the territory of ukraine. they are more likely who left in total? no, these are the people who are on the territory of ukraine, including, but where are they? yesterday, vladimir , yesterday i was looking on the internet, a guy posted a life hack, it seems like i’m here in the mountain, well, sitting in the attic on the mountain, yes, well, it’s all just there, you know, it’s so visible. he doesn’t even go out into the yard, a guy sits in the attic, i don’t know how long he sits there in the attic, well, everyone hides, everyone hides their loved ones, as best they can, you know, people don’t want to go to war, here’s the main commander for us it’s over, we’re not here today tomorrow, if russia decides to attack, we’re all finished, he immediately says, no, you don’t need to mobilize people, well, how... you mobilize people, this is
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already impossible, well, it’s simply impossible, the month of march is ending for you , in fact, i would just like to summarize a few facts: the first fact: where is macron? no, i ’m asking you where comrade macron is, why am i talking about this with humor, probably because you don’t know the difference between a fact and a question, since the beginning of february he has promised four times or threatened to come to ukraine, came to brazil. they give, and now about the money , look how europe cheated ukraine, at first they said, we will give you 5 billion, they said so, but they don’t give, they said the first part of the money, we will first pay off what we paid for, arms supplies, there legal... services
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and so on and so forth, we will first pay off ours, we will not give it to ukraine yet, the second, from this russian money, which, that is, as in the famous joke, when a man won a million in the lottery, and they say , so what are you going to do, well, i’ll give away the debts, and the rest, let the rest wait, yes, the second , this, this money, the second is from seized russian assets, belgium suddenly said that no, no, no, no, no, we won’t even give the profit from this there, we...
9:10 pm
volodya, why am i saying these facts, because these are well-known facts, ukraine is being deceived, the americans are deceiving now. europe is starting to deceive, i’m not even talking about the poles, who are dragging the wind anyway, the first border was opened, and it seems to me that even then not completely, now about the affairs themselves inside ukraine, it is very important, mikhail mikhailovich said the right thing, about striking critical infrastructure, let me try to tell you what western ukraine received from russian attacks this week. army in western ukraine there is a generating company called west energo, it is one of the first that was privatized by mr. akhmetov, or not just mr., oligarch akhmetov, in this generating company the most important link was the so-called burshtyn island, this is a power transmission line corresponding to
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the quality of electricity to western standards, and the export of electricity went mainly along this line, bushtyn’s father is a golden and...
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a complex combination, i will write down a complex one, then i will translate the ukrainian language and send it wherever needed.
9:15 pm
4000, already passed at the beginning of january, you understand these numbers. they just increase when zelensky says 31,000, and the public says more than 400,000 burials - these are the dead, here are the statistics that kirill correctly said, and the statistics? they say, that is, poltava residents, the poltava military commissar says: i have 30,000 in on the run, ivano-frankovsky says: i have 40 thousand on the run, so these are not million-plus cities, that’s right, speridon pavelich you say, but if there are million-plus cities, dnepropetrovsk, odessa, kiev, the same lviv, i think it’s much , this figure is tens of times greater than this, what am i talking about volodya, against this background, the law on mobilization, the law on mobilization, was never adopted,
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it was just different, different, a little, a little different, the last video, yes, in davzhenko's studio in kiev, there are a lot, there are a lot of hangars, there are a lot talented directors who can do this with snow, without snow and so on and so on, that’s what this show is about, it continues, but no one believes in it anymore, even in ukraine, what a tragedy when you finally feel you will begin to speak of yourself as a russian person in ukraine. and that’s the right way to do it in ukraine, that is, if i say in ukraine, then who am i, then you’re a fan
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of taras shevchenko, and in general, by the way, that’s what he wrote, now there’s advertising, after it we’ll continue with a new lineup, conducting weeks without noise dust, put it on the shelves, lead the week with dmitry kiselev, sunday on... you are my best friend, just a friend, sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, lyosha, why are you scared, continue, get out of my house, immediately. where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is on trial, love can be the future, now
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our whole life is in your hand, yes, no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, a traitor that i love her, like this before that, my beloved friend. on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently.
9:19 pm
fact, watch twice a day, see you, today is the event of the year, premiere on rtr, this is my first, real case, are you serious now, yes, you will be an investigator, evgeniy pronin, you love me, how can i tell you if in 7 years the man didn’t propose to you, he needs to change.
9:20 pm
timaya neupokoyeva is telling the truth about you, what neupokoyeva wants, neupokoyeva gets, from monday on rtr. washington is trying to incite everyone it can reach against russia. to achieve this, the europeans are being intimidated by an imminent war, in addition to strengthening troops in the countries of eastern europe, the americans have transferred their bombers to spain. last night, vladimir putin visited the 344th state combat center.


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