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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 28, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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they destroy inside themselves, they destroy ukraine, although isis did it all. there is also such a small consideration here that it is quite possible, when they are still voicing isis, they are appealing to the former enemy, do not forget, yes, that we have been fighting international terrorism for almost 20 years and isis, in fact, won, the russian army won, inflicted he was the death blow to this state in syria, which was attributed to, well, everyone. president, obama defeated him, which means trump finally defeated him, biden also seems to have defeated him, that’s why for them these goals, they were quite logical, so to speak, and here it is clear that this is also, so to speak, well, i would say the third part of what was still developed under reagan, under reagan , the collapse of the soviet union, now these the directives are all on national security, they have already been published, they themselves posted them, but there were three directives that they outlined. plan for the destruction of the soviet
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union, late eighty-two, early eighty-third. first plan, first thing, destruction came first economy, in second place is the pressure on the soviet union in military terms, we fought with the dushmans in afghanistan there, and the third is the transfer of the struggle between powers inside the soviet union, and above all, the heating up of all conflicts in central asia, now i repeat the same thing .
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i’ll give you an example of an ordinary person, i won’t give his name, because i need to ask his permission, this is our student, our chinese student, his grandfather is a businessman, now he took and transferred a million rubles to help those affected by this terrible terrorist attack, you know, a person who , well, he is a foreign student, he pays from us, he studies with us generally for a fee, but nevertheless, such compassion in words, in letters that he receives...
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a long time ago - it has long since become obsolete and does not work, this is precisely what they did not succeed in the west, i think, but the fact that this was invested and is not being invested now, it was developed then under reagan, it’s just that they will apply this scheme time after time at once, now they are using the same scheme, it is no coincidence that i i agree that in america there is a military psychosis, but i don’t notice it, but in europe they gave birth to it, in europe there really is a military psychosis that is very... serious, you can treat macron as you like, but macron is now one of the oldest politicians european ones, he remained, the most experienced one turns out, yes, yes , the most experienced one, merkel, who was there all the time, so to speak, standing over him, holding him back, merkel, no, scholz, that’s in general, he doesn’t really care for him applies, so now he, orban, is probably experienced, if we we’re talking, well, against orban now, as you understand, and that’s what macron wants. occupy
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this niche, this happened last year , the abbreviation enp was actively used, now does anyone remember what it is, and this is the european political community, which is macron. lancer, strategic bombers , approached barintsev moi , which means they were met, they retreated to the base, do you think they will stay there constantly and not fly away, of course, of course, the question here is only in 3 days or in a week, so it’s like this, it’s crazy, this is it
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support for the most part, i know that before the attack on the crimea and sevastopol , the american reconnaissance team was stuck around for 8 hours, i don’t understand why we didn’t shut it down, yes. i just really don’t understand why we don’t bring them down, these are different strategies, they show what strategic bombers and i carry, nuclear weapons, they show, but we have to bring them down, that’s why the europeans have fully signed up for the american program, that’s it it was always amazing, every time...
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they fought stalin, that is, they will fight against any country that can unite eurasia. we have one country that is now laying claim to this, i just didn’t ask the question, no, okay, not a question when we talked about the chinese threat, that’s why, the second thing, none of the current states, modern states, lay claim to the dominance of world economic connections, and china has violated the place it occupied, so... china can develop according to certain patterns, it must fit into the american global economy, if it starts to leave here, then that’s it, it threat, and it is no coincidence that in every document they are the main threat for them, we also seemed to me, well, listen, we are
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the only country in the modern world that can turn the united states into dust, that is, to put it mildly, destroy it, yes china doesn’t have such capabilities now, it even does, antsar even has it, but the americans don’t, but they tried to carry out three launches, they had three failures in ’22, in september ’23 they postponed the launch, on march 17 they carried out, but the truth is there are no reports, no, no,
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and no, no, the report was about a successful launch, everything was successful before that, it’s another matter where it flew from, it’s from the b52, well , where is it, where did it end up, nowhere, that ’s... somehow they resisted, the same merkel, for example, advertising, my name is zoya, i
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’m from the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails. i'm sure you already have a theory, yes, it's revenge, she won't rest, i can't wait until she catches everyone. criminals, you made a mistake, that's it this still needs to be proven, but we will prove it, irrepressible, restless, so it was you, from monday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke. he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help
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, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to kasmi, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this a saucepan or frying pan of fried potatoes.
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nightmare, i got you started, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency , jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there’s some kind of catch here , my husband is for an hour and a half, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. russia - traditional,
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modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear for everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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there was a very strong emphasis, among other things, which was already kind of discussed here, regarding the americans who are behaving somehow strangely in connection with our tragedy in crocus, but you see, strictly speaking, their task now is very simple, to try get out, well, let’s put it this way, firstly, don’t let it slip, this is the first such moment, because in some places slippages in this regard are already beginning, and secondly, don’t catch yourself in a trap. even when they they will promote this idea with this, it’s not just that isis
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is banned in our country, isis ha, say this , this is veloyat kharasan, also by the way , the organization banned in our country tells it well , but the point is that it was reprogrammed several times with the americans because that they fought with the taliban in general is also not very good news for them, but when the new york times, in addition to what it says, that we actually didn’t tell the russians everything... it also says, but no less this means that the russian special services missed the whole thing, did not pay attention to the information that was transmitted there, and so on, you know, how to say? well, chab hummed, i can only say this in this situation, i’ll just remind you, 2013 boston, the most detailed information was transferred to the american country about the tsornaev brothers, what it would be, yes, they named a specific city, but they named something like that, that, as it were, the location of new england, who they are, where they are, photographs, that is , and with the presence of cameras, even then, so to speak, it was all studded with cameras in the large
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metropolises of the developed world, one could say, take it all, but... in general , it seems to me that all these discussions today about who the united states wants to destroy there, i it seems that they are already a little outdated, well, even many very american analysts are beginning to understand this matter, they are now really how they can cope with this acute phase of collapse, that is, in what form, in what form will they reassemble, so to speak, political elites, despite the fact that the europeans and them were so intimidated by these european managers that they will obey everything they are told,
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it is clear, it is clear who is for whom, there is not a single person who was not visible, who would sit like the spider was in charge there , this is really a situation in which x, so to speak, and they write in different directions, the political system of the west is falling apart, well, look at the current administration, the residents of the emerald city did not know who the great terrible goodwin was, so goodwin was simply smarter, he it was back when the west was not yet was falling apart, so to speak, and he needed glasses anyway, but here the glasses were broken by those around him, yes, yes. glasses yes hollywood is not coping with the role, by the way, pay attention to hollywood, pay attention, pay attention, i knew that you would like it, hollywood, hollywood also began to doubt and hesitate, films began to appear that did not know where, what to do with them, it is clear that there are some who follow the agenda, but completely different films have already begun to appear, quite rebellious ones, and not from such directors, like anyone you’d expect, like tarantin,
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quite or gayarichi, but here there are quite a few of these, so to speak, clearly proven guys, almost american. take this simply wonderful film that just turns everything inside out, the country is simply dead from the inside, it’s like it’s going to hell, it’s not like don’t look up, it’s not about politics, it’s about society, but in principle, but don’t look up either good film, of course, undoubtedly, undoubtedly, a good film, yes, i like it from there, this is the wonderful dicaprio, who is the president of the united states the united states is lying to all of us, well, take note, this is well... he told the truth, so, but the current administration, in addition to everything else that seems to be the president of the united states lying to all of us, it is simply the embodiment of the collapse of american politics and in general therefore, the western political system, because well, listen, what, what plans did people have, it would seem, well, firstly, they had to purge internal political opponents, and in such a way that nothing would grow there for a very long time, they had a plan from
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a number of reforms, and the new states are the district colombia and... migration reform , electoral reform, well, there were other little things to trim down, as a result of which the republican party would never have installed either its own president, or its own, and, moreover , no person like trump or even ronad would have arisen santis, vivykarami, none of the people who are against this line of the democratic party, these liberal-globalist circles, nothing happened, nothing, despite the fact that at first, the first 2 years they had a president, they would have
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because that then trump will completely have his hands are untied, it’s still unknown who will come for him, that’s the whole thing, now next is bidennomics, the economic component, which means the economy of the united west. and we are still touching them, so to speak, one more piece at a time, which is very dangerous in my opinion, because all of boydonomics is going down, their frequency of even
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using bidennomics in official speeches has dropped to just a few, before it was said hundreds of times in a month, because baydonomics is working, now it has now fallen, they calculated it themselves, it’s not even me, finally they suddenly began to quietly abandon the radical green agenda, because since the days of obama. as you know, nuclear energy was not clean enough for green energy, here the michiganders are going to re-open, no , they cannot build a new one yet, but they are, as it were, re-opening one of the auto-powered stations, so to speak, further on in the external arena, but in less than 4 years they have lost the whole world, well, except, again, these same managers appointed by them in europe, they have lost the whole world, now they are losing israel, now it is unknown what this will lead to, even if they manage to replace netanyahu with someone else.
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today, as far as i understand, or yesterday, through the elmandep strait , a shot of the pacific fleet with raised flags, babalmandebians, joyful, so
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to speak, peaceful babelmandebians proceeded through the elmandep strait, and this, by the way, leads us to the next such moment, because that in a situation where all this continues to fall apart, they will begin to have a serious civil conflict, it will not be easy, a quiet time where we will finally drink and have fun, so to speak. that means, freed from american imperialism , this will be the most dangerous thing for several decades, you really need to be prepared for this, because this entire global control system, together with all the high-tech half-assistance means that are, so to speak, on the move, afloat, and so on, will turn in a gathering of armed high-tech gangs, we must be prepared for this, for a long time we were engaged in the fact that we fought so that we would not isolated, but it seems it’s time to seriously isolate ourselves from this matter, because there is danger on one side. you see, the roman empire could afford to disintegrate for centuries , in our country there is, so to speak, disintegration,
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accelerating disintegration, just look at everything that is happening, how long it takes the guardian of prosperity, several months, everything failed, they failed their first steps at least a year in the biden administration, no, now everything has somehow become faster, and that’s it, it’s all now starting to collapse, this you just have to keep in mind, because protection from the american... we won’t be protecting ourselves from that, please, well, it’s quite likely that everything is really falling apart there, they’re really losing half the world there, but on the other hand, if you look at the same europe, this is a classic version of the success of soft power politics, yes, when you say that you are a friend, you are ready to support, so to speak, and at the same time you shift to europe almost all the costs associated with the conflict in... ukraine, you actually withdraw from europe, you create conditions under which a significant number of enterprises leave europe, its industrial potential decreases, that is
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, you practically create an insurmountable barrier to possible, so to speak, improvements in russia’s relations with europe, in fact, this was apparently one of the also important tasks of that operation, which the united states started, so well, here it seems to me, on the contrary, so to speak, a classic success of soft power politics, when... after all, the same thing is now happening with china, only not only soft power is involved there force, everything is involved, economic pressure is also involved, this is quite obvious, take a look at the latest figures for investments in china, which are catastrophically... falling, this is clearly happening under pressure, so to speak, from the ruling elite of the united states, this is also military-political pressure, this is absolutely obvious, yes, this is the creation of new military...
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they sailed back, they said that this was, so to speak, a decisive protest and that they would continue all these expeditions, the entire spectrum of countries supporting the philippines, naturally, they started talking together about what kanya georgievich spoke about the chinese threat, that all this is now visible, and why is it all being done, and this was done on purpose, because now 20 of the largest presidents of american companies came to beijing
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and this background was needed, you know, creating a background that china is an unreliable country, so , tomorrow, the day after tomorrow , any conflict could begin there, all your investments, all your agreements, because sijinping meets with them within the framework of this council on international cooperation, that all this , so to speak, is absolutely unreliable, and thus we see an absolutely clearly thought -out company, a company on the one hand preparing for a big war, in the future, on the other... country, a company that is associated with constant pressure to china, and, of course, with the expansion, dissemination and transformation into some kind of ordinary neologism, the chinese threat, that is , now really, quite correctly, the knees of gerevich, i want to say, even in asia, seemingly connected with china and knowledgeable chinese politics and so to speak, so on, even there this term has taken root, even there through control of a significant part of the media, in fact we are talking about the chinese threat, well, what kind of chinese threat
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is there to thailand? or what a chinese threat to the same indonesia, but these are all, so to speak , phantoms, but from this phantom the americans, with their propaganda, constant movement towards creating this information space around china, that this is an aggressive country, that it is unreliable country, these are also all options for preparing for a big war. and lastly, i want to say that i really liked, you know, such a very friendly reaction of the countries of southeast asia to... the attitude towards our country as a country that is very respected there, which is expected, there will be opportunities for cooperation with this region extremely promising, and i also
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want to say one last thing: i actually looked at many newspapers, and they almost all do not accept or accept with great caution this american version about - isis kharasan, if you say that this is what they are, the chairman of the party said, and many, so to speak, with great caution, in singapore, by the way, with great caution, because everything is beautiful banana-lemon. well, in banana-lemon singapore, you see, it’s interesting that today there was a publication by the south korean ministry of defense saying that bucha has not yet been proven, so there is no need to rush, this is even worse, today it was a clarification to the ukrainians at their request, because what the minister of defense said about this time, the ukrainians were told,
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which he said again. so i want to tell you that - so to speak, this tragic, this tragedy, it showed our true influence, our true capabilities, the attitude of a huge number of ordinary people towards russia as a friendly country, and this is even more important to me it seems that this is a telephone call from the general secretary of the party of vietnam, because we know very well
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what is happening in our eastern policy, so i want to say that the situation now cannot be said to be difficult for us and it’s hard, and this despite the fact that the united states is pursuing this consistent policy not only against china, but also against us, they monitor any of our attempts, any of our contacts, contracts, all this is under their control, and despite that, and despite all the propaganda they constantly put out there.
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for russia, it’s clear, they are important, for germany, first of all, but probably for europe too, there, of course, there are several things that are very important to simply explain why they are important, for example, for germany, not by chance, one of the newspapers already wrote today that the red lines have finally become clear to us, of course, we are talking about those words of putin when he talks about the f-16, when he finally explains, i say, finally, because .. that all the time this question was asked, well, where, where are these red lines, what is putin saying, what are the goals, what needs to be understood, these words are about how it was not we who were approaching nato, but nato was moving towards us,
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moving all the time in our direction, and we didn’t threaten, we were threatened, and what should we look for from you and what should we do from you, this is the answer to very many questions number one, which i think today are just discussions that are now... in different forums taking place in europe in germany, will give answers to these in these forums will receive answers to these discussions, will be to these questions that stand there, it will be clear, these are the goals , and the most, most important thing, of course, the red lines, for the first time, in my opinion, i don’t know, maybe i ’m wrong, but for the first time in recent months , vladimir putin said quite clearly, we we will destroy planes at those airfields. if they make flights from them, well, somehow i ’m not quoting exactly, but somehow, if they make flights from there to ours to participate in hostilities, these are the very red lines that finally... then, firstly, they saw, secondly,
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they heard not in words from someone, not from, with all due respect, not from peskov, nor from someone who interprets these words, they heard directly from the president of russia, and this is the important question that i think, or the... the most important answer that i think olaf listened to carefully in the first place scholz, because this very much resonates with his position and his behavior lately, when he says that he does not call the red line, but he said very clearly, before this, yes it was possible, you can interpret this participation in different ways in the war, not participation in the war, but in this case i’m talking about german military personnel on the territory of ukraine about the supply of taurus, he said categorically no, here putin said that in principle this position not only strengthens, it simply it does well unbending, absolutely clear, clear position , if someone criticized scholz today, it
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is very important to understand, now in germany there is such a struggle that can end not just with the collapse of the coalition, it can end with the collapse of a coalition of one creating another, which will lead a completely different one politics, if we say today that... germany is not pursuing the policy that a country should have pursued, which after the second world war did not have the moral right to participate in any war, then another one may appear coalition. and now putin says these words. of course, this is very understandable, this is very correct, because literally the day before yesterday the chairman of the commission or committee on foreign affairs of the bundestag, who is also a representative of scholz’s party, mikhail roth said: “i am resigning, i ... will serve out the end of my term, i will retire resignation, because in my own party they don’t understand me, he is, in principle, on the side of the war, he is a clear hawk, he is actually a partner of strack zimmerman, he says that we should participate, he is like the chairman
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committee on foreign affairs , on international affairs, on the one hand he defends the interests of germany, on the other hand he has party discipline, he has shown that party discipline is higher, he is ordered, he is forced and now to go to this... control he leaves resign, does this mean that scholz's party is thus becoming weaker, on the contrary, scholz's party is becoming stronger, because the chairman of the committee is in place. another who will carry out scholz's instructions without opposing it, which means that scholz’s line is receiving some definite continuation, a continuation , in my understanding, correct in the direction of non-participation or possible participation in the war, in this case there will be attempts to keep germany on that already on the edge, then the next step is already an abyss, so this is a very important moment, and in parallel with this, there is such a general as ben hodges. whom you all know very well, he once again made such an interesting
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statement, he said, if ukraine loses, then the first loser will be germany. well, i was very surprised, of course, by these words, firstly, what right does a retired general have, who is on the territory of germany, and should have been in the united states a long time ago, and yet he gives instructions and says, that germany will lose. today i understood what we are talking about, we are talking about hojisu. i would really like germany to lose, so he is pushing germany to participate, realizing that germany has no further chance to survive, germany only has a chance to survive one, if they pursue an independent policy, and he really wants this independent policy not to exist, today i read the information about the united states of america, maybe i’m wrong somewhere, but they are trying or will put into operation one of the mothballed ones. states of america, germany
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destroyed its nuclear power industry, they closed almost all of their nuclear reactors, they got away from it, moreover, they ruined their lives by refusing cheap gas from russia, they actually put everything on the americans, the americans said no, in crazy volumes... also, what is important for me, of course, is the question of what russia is for russians, but the comments that vladimir putin said are extremely important, because this is not the first time they are trying to tear russia apart along this line , well, probably everyone has already forgotten that quite recently... there were events in makhachkala, which , in principle, were aimed at exactly the same thing,
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that is, one small attempt, one small pogrom that could have happened then, fortunately did not happen, precisely because immediate some measures actually prevented the split of the country, i think that the split of the country could have taken place precisely along the lines of some kind of national enmity, one people against another people. the fact that putin voiced this today, i think that he meant, of course, both this and what is happening. in the crocus, he clearly outlined this, and it seems to me that it’s also important here, i don’t know if everyone will understand me, but when we always say russian, by this we mean not only russians of origin, not only ethnic russians, we mean all those who consider themselves russians, so there is even such an internal division in our conversations, well, you’re russian, but are you a russian tajik, or are you a russian jew, or are you something else? well, personally, i don’t like it, i would still
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get away from it, i myself, as an ethnic tajik or a jew, can call myself whatever i want, but when there are some public discussions, it still seems to me that we need to get away from this specification, because each individual person has his own understanding of who he, and let him remain that, but as a citizen of the country, he is russian, in this regard, you know, with me there, when various people argue there , including bloggers, when they are not told at all, well, whatever, well.. .now he’ll go to israel, well, yes, what will he do, he’ll go to israel, yes, and why don’t you go to israel, they ask me, why don’t you go to israel, that’s where my country is, take it higher to the states, now yes , i just always adore it, it means, well, my mouth is full of rotten stuff, but this concept is, of course, broader, it’s not connected with nationality, but this shows the weakness of opponents, and we are russian people, we are strong, and no matter what our nationality and religion. that's all, see you on
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hello, hello, i'm from arnold, you have an appointment, yes, for 2 hours, come on in, yeah.
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please, what do you want? you see, my boyfriend and i... nikolai, you have known each other for a very long time, and he proposed to me, literally before the wedding i introduced him to my friend, she, well , what do you want, she took him away, so what
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what do you want? let her feel bad, so bad that she dies, like this. do you know how much it costs, yes, when soon, hello! and why are we
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chilling, and zoey, zoey, why are you watching the old man again, just don’t tell me that i’m too jealous in vain to suspect him, look, that’s it, that’s it, and i don’t see anything like that, it’s us who never see anything under our noses, and these goats have been cheating on us all our lives, i’m sure that zhenya’s winemakers are leading you on too. the girl is also zoya, well, you’re not in his bed stepped in, so what? well, he’s like an operative with you, he needs to get information, maybe he was with his source, masa. what are you saying? well, what is the source? you are right, this is not a source
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, and staroseltsev is cheating on you, which is definitely, you know, none of your business, my husband, we do what we want, to the office, you go, you wait, wait for me, i’m with you!
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open, open, please, i changed my mind, please, oh, masha, i'm fine. staroseltsev, is this shvetsova? yes, are you old again? look, wait until zoya leaves you and he will do the right thing. listen, come on. so girl, what happened to you? i wanted
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to say what, what, what happened? i don’t know how to say, yeah, a person can die, in what sense? ok, go to the homicide department, and the homicide department is the third floor on... fyodor , well, i sent you one inadequate one here, i don’t know, maybe she’ll tell you something worthwhile, i personally doubt it,
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i’m like me , probably, i came to the wrong place, so we went somewhere, the most important thing is that we should be embarrassed now, it’s nice here , it’s calm, tea, coffee, a pretzel, that’s it well, i’m kidding, i, in general, i did a terrible thing, i ordered... my friend, she stole my fiancé and is getting married tomorrow, i ordered it, of course, if i were you
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, anyone would do the same, but excuse me, who did she order it for? here is the almighty sorcerer gennady bolotny. so , what do you mean, the killer pretends to be a sorcerer, or what? yes, he doesn’t pretend to be anyone, he just can pawn a person so that he dies, but it’s clear, they gave me his address, they’ve already contacted him, people actually died, i paid him 6.00 dollars, that is, that is, money holy shit, i later changed my mind. he doesn’t return the money, it’s clear, you don’t need to come to us, this is a scam, you need to go to the office,
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let’s go show you, it’s on the floor below. one floor below, room 214. uh-huh, thanks, is this the victim or the agent? by the way, this is the person who ordered the murder, yes, i see you didn’t waste any time, but sent her to write a statement, who is the perpetrator?
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so maybe then we’ll get the young lady back, prevent the murder, cut off the discovery, well , it’s more expensive to get involved with sorcerers, he’ll conjure up something bad or send inspectors or something worse, oh well, but what can he do? maybe it’s really good to talk, anton needs to be protected from zoya, but he made a stupid mistake, so let me either think about allibi or think about how we can make peace, because tomorrow we’re going to the wedding together, but some relative of her is getting married, and we... maybe we’ll involve zhenya, but what’s a normal idea, finally it’s a real, mental thing, i’m so tired of stabbing gopniks, where are my children, you freak, we’ll find them, you’ll find them , you have a brilliant intuition, indomitable, rest assured, from monday on rtr,
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detectives, different people are waiting for you here professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. fall in love with a white fluffy one? i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good! the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, or, so , to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after
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the performance, you're in a hurry, that's it guys, i have to feed the hamster, you're in a circle of friends, in a circle friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, uncle lyosha. why are you scared? go ahead, get out of my house, now. where friendship has become the past, it turns out that we are judged, there is a bride, love can become the future, now our whole life is in your hand. yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, i had my own life, give it to me. that i love her,
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convey the fact, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr, let's go, let's go, come here, no need , well, well, what happened, well, today you don't have to swear, but so, attention, attention, dear guests, now the bride and groom will come out, first we will throw pink petals, who will we have throw pink petals, who, who, here you are, here you are , we will throw pink petals,
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we understand everything, we are getting ready, and then what do we do, and then we shout, congratulations, so, let's start ivitira, three, four, congratulations, congratulations, well done, well done, well done, well done, well done. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, what's wrong with you, now, now, now, now, doctor, anyone?
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so soon i arrived only half an hour later, and they never pumped me out, but where is it, they call it death before arrival, 20 years old, young girl, cardiac arrest, horror, yes, poor boy... groom, i mean on the wedding day , i remembered my wedding, you ’re talking about the wedding, well, yes, but what have you already heard, yes, i read, everything happened right before your eyes, but that’s not all, the bridesmaid had a hysteria, she was fighting in convulsions and she said that it was she who killed the bride , wow, but how, well, well, just such a brat, at first he messed with her, then abandoned her, naturally, she went to the sorcerer and demanded the death of the homewrecker, and what is quite possible? i have a mother-in-law, so she brought my husband back into the family , went to see the dream seer lakshmevara , although she paid a lot of money, but her husband is still with her , listen, i beg you, i’ll find out with my mother-in-law, where she found this dream seer, and why
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not? look nowhere, i’ll show you anyway, marya sergeevna, can i have a newspaper, yes, please, here it is she has advertisements in every newspaper, here is the clairvoyant wara, the return of loved ones in the mirrored corridor, the ritual of... please take a break, give me the outdoors after lunch in court, i would like information about the state of crime for the last quarter, and i would like your certificate of serious crimes problems, what do we have here, a meeting, let's get to our jobs, uh-huh, marya sergeevna, nothing else urgent, certificates for a colleague, well, come with me. let's go for a ride in the city, what happened? let's go, give me moral support, masha, newspaper, listen,
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come on, hold on, goodbye. “hello, hello, i wanted to ask, can i find out the cause of death of rebinina and natasha, and who will you be? i, i just really need to know, well , since you really need it, then it’s to the expert who hid it, and where is this? come on, i ’ll take you with you!” let's go, well, we have a dissection room, they cut up corpses there, go to
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the end, then ask, yeah.


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