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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 29, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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margarita, she’s a master, i’m a bad master , yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you ’re a soldier, don’t tell me where to start, first show everyone that you’re not a robot, but a human, i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, margarita, aka the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our platform, i understand. and that i love another man. queen margot, today on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? russia-1 tv channel and ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition, new wave. registration submission of online applications. on the website
9:56 am don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. and zelensky just said in an interview with cbs that the russian army is preparing a new big offensive by the beginning of summer; the dry land will have nothing to defend itself with. not enough . artillery shells not anti-aircraft missiles. according to us state department special representative james rubin, kiev is deliberately hiding the bitter truth about the real state of affairs the ukrainian army at the front, at a minimum, limiting reporters’ access to the combat zone . reading politics: a senior american diplomat responsible for countering disinformation believes that ukrainian president vladimir zelensky should be more open in terms of providing information about the progress of the war in ukraine. the advice
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comes as fighting intensifies , russian advances in key areas, and international attention to the conflict waning. james rubin said that sometimes ukrainian the government may resist the freedom of information that is normal for us. he also added that sometimes military reporters report on things that do not always meet the interests of vladimir zelensky. they must understand that war reporters cover war, even if they report bad news from time to time. this environment is more acceptable. while ukrainian western journalists.
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last year, that they have nowhere to go except i spoke about this back in november-october , how to expand the circle of participants in this conflict on the territory of ukraine, or to expand and expand the conflict territorially, and unleash a terrorist war against our country, this is what is happening, so to say that this will stop, no, the terrorist war will increase and intensify, because it is simply different they had no tools left. regarding the statements of western leaders that they are not going to participate in the war, but this is a public statement that confirms the simple fact that western society does not want and is not ready for war with russia, and what the tsdf newspaper gives, which gave information that in a private interview the question is discussed that, including from stolpi, that they will have to fight with russia, this is also a fact, because they have nowhere to go, therefore
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... we must understand that we are only at the beginning of a very serious military conflict that will expand, and of course i ca n’t help but mention in this regard expanding with the participation of western countries, yes, yes, yes, that’s why the appearance of fighters in 16 naturally, our president’s warning that we will strike the territory of those countries from which the planes will take off, this is an absolutely fair and correct statement, for the simple reason that it... exactly corresponds to international law, because if planes take off from some territory to attack the territory of the country, then this country is a victim of aggression from the country from which these planes took off, we have every right to hit this plane, they showed the chryzonthema anti-tank missile system, i can’t remember in this regard, the creator of this complex is a brilliant designer , invincible, his surname invincible is very
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correct, it is unique in its quality, in its potential it is comparable or maybe even superior to the carnet, since it has armor penetration... the main game of the british, and here stands me6 and the cia and the main player there is me6, it has always been to sow national hatred, they select performers accordingly, yes, these are tajiks, ethnic tajiks, but this does not mean that all the migrants who
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are present here will be potential terrorists, this is not so, are now deliberately pitting us against the bulgarians, declaring that the bulgarians allegedly betrayed us, no, the main one... today i interviewed a bulgarian journalist and political scientist, asya zuan, she was just talking about this, so we can’t to follow the lead smarter, we must clearly understand, the enemy , no matter what nationality he is, he is the enemy, he speaks russian, kyrgyz, chinese , mongolian, so, if he is a terrorist, he has no nationality , this is fundamentally important and... ethnic strife in our country. other the fact is that the western government , including bulgaria, despite the fierce resistance of supporters of normalization , otherwise we will get what the west wants, relations with russia, continues, firstly,
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to produce weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, and to transfer old soviet armored personnel carriers to party they. the armed forces of ukraine need to say clearly that today we are not fighting against western peoples, today we are fighting against global transnational corporations and their proteges in western power structures. we agree. the breaking news is that right now the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in crocus were taken to the concert hall for investigative actions. we are waiting for details; evidence of the connection between terrorists and ukrainians has been officially received. nationalists, the investigative committee said. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm that the terrorist attack was planned , carefully prepared, and also financed , including from ukraine. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data that
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the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received from there significant sums in cryptocurrency. another suspect has been detained during the investigation. will petition for his arrest. the latest news on the progress of the investigation is in our report. in these frames, the first investigative experiment of the terrorist mukhammat sabir fayzov during his arrest, it was he who resisted and was wounded, and was brought to the moscow hostel on dmitrovskoe highway, where he lived until march 22. here he is sitting on the bench during. fayzov still moves on a sedentary stretcher, and he was brought on it on march 125 with a catheter and a urine receiver similar to in this way, he is taken today to putilkovo, to the apartment where the alleged leader
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, twenty-five-year-old fariduni shamsidin, lived , surrounded by police in helmets with machine guns . fayzov is taken out on a gurney from a paddy wagon, he has already shown where and how he was kept. weapon. the next investigative point is the concert hall itself in crocus. the very day of the attack - sources in the ministry of internal affairs say that the terrorists were under psychotropic substances. four were under the influence of drugs . what kind of drug or psychotropic did they use? the examination establishes - said the agency's interlocutor. he did not rule out that they took prohibited substances not only on the day of the terrorist attack. did you offer money? he offered money. that these shots suggested exactly the consequences of the use of narcotic drugs by terrorists . oridunisham sidinin is literally shaking during interrogation. this phenomenon among drug addicts is called withdrawal.
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blood was taken from four direct participants in the terrorist attack during their arrest. tests showed the presence of narcotic substances that change the perception of reality and turn off fear. in this is also explained by this. a speed of 140 km/h, with which the terrorists rushed towards ukraine, without responding to the police, in parallel, throwing away evidence at the 157th kilometer of the highway... the m3 kalashnikov was found in a ditch without a shoulder strap, but with a magazine of cartridges. in the kaluga region, in a ditch on the m3 ukraine highway leading towards bryansk, traffic police officers found a kalashnikov assault rifle, which could have belonged to the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall. this was reported by a source in law enforcement agencies. the find was found on the territory maloyaroslavets district in the area of ​​157 km of highway. the machine gun lay not far from the fence of the shoulderless track. but with an attached magazine with cartridges. along the terrorists' escape route, at the 338th kilometer
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of the m3 highway, shells for a pog 17 30 mm caliber under-barrel grenade, one 25 caliber 40 mm wok and one m6 head fuse were found. the weapon is thrown near the village of nelboch in the kaluga region in a forest belt 4 meters from the highway. the heads of departments reported to the president regardless of the time. were mobilized, and parts of the military instantly, they saw it, so they turned away
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and went to the section of the ukrainian border, the ukrainian-russian one, well done, guys, bortnikova, well done, he was mark and the number of the car in which the terrorists arrived at the crocus, and then fled, they could only find out by pulling them out of the fire with risking the life of a server with surveillance camera recordings near the concert hall. together with... the federal security service , we climbed the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, broke down the door, looked at the recording from the cctv cameras, they identified the car in which the criminals escaped, which made it possible to establish the route of their movement, to detain them, for which they were detained, you know, answer me at the tas agency, with reference to the ministry of internal affairs, they report that four supporters of the terrorists, the islomov brothers, together with their father, the owners of renault, their... accomplice kasimov, who rented out an apartment to the terrorists , were aware of the preparation of the terrorist attack,
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despite the fact that islomov, the eldest, today tried to appeal his arrest, relatives in the tajik village are asking the terrorists to forgive, president rahmon himself and the special services, while are assisting the russian investigation, i urge you to take into account the young age of my son and extradite him to his homeland, perhaps he did not realize that... cryptocurrency funds from ukraine,
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the perpetrator of the terrorist attack, significant amounts of money were used in preparing the crime. another suspect has been identified and detained. he was involved in a terrorist financing scheme. the public monitoring commission for the protection of human rights said that nothing good awaits the terrorists. for the rest of their lives they will be located in the so-called coffin, chambers with an area of ​​4 km. terrorist. they move around the prison in a bent position, with their arms up behind their backs, this is exactly the order, for example, in a special regime colony there is a black dolphin. the prisoner is under constant video surveillance; they sleep with the lights on ; the cell itself is a cage within a cage. massive steel bars separate the terrorists from their window doors. after getting up at 6 am, lying and sitting on the beds is strictly prohibited until... evening; exit from the cells is only under the escort of three security dogs. until the end of my life
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during their life, they will be in a so-called coffin, this is a 4.6 km chamber, they will have to move only in a bent position with their hands behind their backs, they will not be allowed to contact. state department speaker miller, after the words of fsb head bortnikov about the involvement of britain and the united states in the terrorist attack on ukraine, publicly rejected this version. if you have. ukraine was not behind these attacks, the uk was not behind these attacks,
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the united states was not behind these attacks. the day before the us embassy in moscow issued a rare update about a possible... attack by extremists, the cia broadcast a private warning to russian officials via a local channel, which included at least one additional detail. the alleged plot involved an offshoot of the isis group. according to officials, during the monitoring, which used electronic
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interception, human informants and other means, us operatives received quite specific information about the cook. the white house defends the version of the direct involvement of the prohibited russian isis to the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole.
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in general, it’s really amazing what an abyss, how rapidly the west is sliding into, it has always been believed that if a man kisses a woman, and this is not pleasant, then the slap that is immediately given shows that it is unpleasant, everything, everything becomes clear, there are
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some sitting... then three or four times there is some kind of prosecutor, at least he is. ever kissed, well , it’s clear that this can no longer be, by the way, carmenna is already banned, the plot is spanish, however, the text is french, but there are continuous parishes, harassment, yes there are 90% european, european literature should be banned, that in general minors , thank god, ours will not be touched, since they are at the bottom... but in their own country they will ban regarding changes to these easter non-easter ones , here is the impression that these are harmless, for some, harmless things , the symbolism is very significant, first they force you to change your symbol to some neutral one, well
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, it will stop there so as not to offend anyone, no, it will never stop, the next one... this neutral symbol will force you to change it too symbol of faith, only different, always the same path, with ideologies, with faith, always the same path. well, if someone enjoys living in a mythologized world, they will soon simply ban the word easter, no, this is understandable, because it will traumatize someone, for sure, but i’m just saying, this is what you talked about today, about that these are by no means jokes and not the blessings of stupidity, which... you can brush them off, but this is a mythologized consciousness, and in general people love myths, fairy tales, these are also myths, by the way, they also need to be banned for the most part parts of a fairy tale. european and , apparently, will soon force the people to use all sorts of make-up there, or at least add inclusivity to the fairy tale , which is already being done, but when still
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social psychology turns into public political mythology, then it’s all screwed up, this society may perish, well, god forbid it died on its own, they will also drag others away, they are trying to drag them into the grave, so... the mother says to the child, it’s clear that i’m not going to rip his head off, i don’t know, but
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for some reason it seems to me that i’m going to cut him off throat is not a typical expression in the american lexicon, let's listen, no, in english, i say, i don't listen, during one of his visits to wiesbaden, mark mealy talked with... ukrainian special forces who worked together with the american green berets , hoping to inspire them ahead of operations in enemy-held areas, there should not be a single russian who goes to bed without thinking about having his throat cut in the middle of the night, mealy said, according to an official with knowledge of the event. you must return there and organize a campaign behind the front lines. that's exactly what i meant.
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accordingly, i have a doubt that the americans, who today say that they want to destroy russia, destroy its military potential and generally do god knows what themselves, and tomorrow some cia officer , a brave fighter for peace there, calls his this captain, with whom a russian fsb officer or a friend from the svr, with whom they once met at a conference, is told, well, keep in mind that there, well, that’s also nonsense, that is, for...
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what arguments to defend too, it saddened our family, our relatives, our neighbors, and in general it saddened all of us, if you want to achieve even the salvation of someone who has done something, well, at least think about what you say when you are trying to achieve this, they are coming... there are accusations in our direction, some former strategists, these same prima donnas, are making god knows what. by the way, if we talk about the tajiks, they are part
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of the persian ethnic group in general, they are one of the oldest nations in the world, one of those that we know for sure, with a gigantic culture, everything the persian great poets we know, saadi, ferduassi. this is all considered and tajik poets, well, in principle, this was one culture in ancient times, even with a history of a unique statehood, but for some reason those who come to us here or perform here on various occasions, they themselves apparently don’t know this, they don’t ferduassi is quoted and not hafiz, they say such strange words, and then he begins to tell us something about something... this is indeed where no condolences were expressed, nothing was said about the dead, it was recorded in their homeland, yes, in tajikistan, that is, well, i don’t know,
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maybe i was there. they gave the full texts an excerpt, so i didn’t talk about it, they wrote it down to the agent and doriche, it’s also still unclear how they interpreted the words, but nevertheless, we note that there were no words of compassion, sympathy was condolences , the only thing that was said was that our family and neighbors are suffering, and two or two more phrases, but if i had been there half an hour ago in the studio, i would have reacted immediately, but... i’ve also heard this so often lately time and not from the lips alone, it means that the french are speaking out, ordinary french people are saying, no, this is the french government, the leadership is one thing, and the french people are another, the bulgarians, the bulgarian government is one thing, and not the russophobes, but we are the bulgarian people for you, shipka there and so on, skobelev, and so on
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, i hear this all the time, listen, you either tell us then, if you ask them, there is democracy in bulgaria, in france there is democracy, more democracy than in russia, they will say, of course, well, naturally, in france it’s more democracy, but then if your people are for one thing, and the government is for something completely different, well then you will say that you do not have democracy, well, it’s so easy to say, it’s so obvious, otherwise they at the same time convince us that they have there is democracy and that the government does what the people don’t like, what the people are against...
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in their own words borel ursula fonden also a number of baltic uh wanted to say how they called themselves genos, but uh sum in terms of the amount they are really lexicons phrases, they remind goebbels hitler, wordlessly, in words, you are a fat lion, there is such a vulgar
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saying, yes.
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sources there stated that investigators have completed checking evidence at the site of the terrorist attack in croc city hall, we will return with details, my name is zoya, i am from the investigative committee. premiere on rtr , look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails, i'm sure you already have a theory, yes, it's revenge, she won't calm down, i can't wait until she catches all the criminals, you made a mistake, all this can still be proven, and we will prove it.
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inexorable restlessness, so it was you and monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 millionaires here. and mopeds, try the taste, oh , your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, the mind is clear, this world is worth seeing, the smiy caster is the most
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ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became hereby a talisman for its owner, a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr , this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them , who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for
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your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look . and decided to start all over again, i myself didn’t understand anything about what i was doing, i just stupidly followed some hormonal-emotional female
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processes that were taking place in my body, from head to toe. those 25 years that we lived were wonderful 25 years, the picture is joyful, life is completely different, and now i will show you my different life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. victor poltoranin, now i am your upstairs neighbor. nightmare! i got you started. are you ready to fix everything? would you like to work for me? job vacancy: husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job. now we are not only neighbors, like colleagues and recycling workers. the blackmailer knows things that i have never told anyone about. do all our clients receive the same emails? ivan
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oganesyan. i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere. so handsome, attentive, courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? my husband is on the premiere for an hour and a half, on saturday on rtr. shocking investigation of our program, masseuse, whose services were used by the whole city, was found dead under the windows of her own house. the parents of the tragically deceased girl are sure that their daughter was killed by the man whom she had been supporting for the last 3 years. live broadcast today on rrt. you are mine. best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, uncle lyosha, why are you scared,
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go ahead, get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride has a criminal record, maybe the future.. become love, now our whole life is in your hand, yes ir, don’t come here come, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine. tell me that i love her, tell me so, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr, cover economist, disheveled monalisa headline, the european economy faces a triple shock. the publication notes that over 10 years the eu economy has grown by only 4%. since the end of twenty-two ,
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there has been no economic growth in either the eurozone or britain. three reasons: the energy crisis, a sharp increase in imports from china, a possible return to the white house of trump, who will introduce huge tariffs on european exports. british politicians are afraid that donald will also leave nato along with the united states, and will not send americans to die for zelensky. british hawks propose in this case to spend up to 7% on defense. the parliamentarian spoke about this, criticizing british politicians who intimidate third countries with the power of the us army, he compared them with the italian dictator musaleni, who allegedly also threatened the whole world with hitler’s hordes. the truth is that our country is in very real danger of falling into a trap musalini, who went around the world threatening the people of the german army. our politicians are traveling around... american soldiers to die for kupinsk
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or for the zelensky regime in kiev, he does not intend to continue the war in ukraine, and i heard one senior member of the house of representatives say that if america leaves nato, we will have to increase our contribution up to 5, 6, maybe 7% of gdp. these people seriously imagine that they will continue to exist. this is true. will ukraine lose? so simple?
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it's far from simple. represented the joint headquarters of the united states. here original article and his statements. do not have any doubts that they will be chewed up. throats, original, it all happened, in the middle of the night , please, in the middle of the night they will cut their throats, this is his clear quote, he didn’t just threaten that this was in some kind of open battle, but those sleeping, as if without waking up, they will simply cut their throats, refutations there wasn’t, in december last year it was said at a meeting in ramstein, as a washington post source writes, and yes, indeed, now analyzing zelensky’s answer, there really is no money for...
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in fact, zelensky is mainly supplied economically and militarily by the european union. and of course, these attempts to at least ensure supplies at the level of 2023, they look, well, carried out by the european union, to put it mildly, unconvincing. the last initiative we heard was the initiative of the czech president petr pavel, who said, i brought, as they say, victory, but this victory took the form of a million shells. 155 and 122 mm, well, in fact, now this
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initiative, which was presented like some kind of surprise, secret, that’s all it is, some kind of buying up all over the world of this ammunition, it takes on flesh and blood, it turned out that there is not so much flesh and blood, de facto, now peter paul managed to find half a billion dollars, as he says, but the problem is that now everyone a shell already costs at least 4.00 dollars, that is , peter pavel found for ukraine... for the whole of 2024, 125,000 shells, i translate this into pieces, of course, such a quantity is absolutely not enough, not just for some kind of offensive, but even for conscious... defense, i remind you that even in conditions shell famine ukraine now fires 2-300 shells every day, that is, these 125,000 will last until the summer at best, but not until the end of the year. the same goes for f-16 deliveries. it’s not for nothing that our president said that attacks would be carried out on the airfield, this is
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not just an airfield from where they will launch, this is not just some abstract international one. legislation, this is the gag convention on the status of neutral powers, which was signed by everyone, by everyone, even before, of course, long before nato, and which says that the use of any infrastructure of a neutral state, be it a port, well , there were no airfields then, but everyone understands perfectly well that this applies to airfields, immediately transfers the neutral side to the category of a belligerent party, these are all these attempts to hide because the leopard is not german... the tank is ukrainian, they are already running out, because the only fate of the ukrainian f-16 with a ukrainian pilot who lands at an airfield in romania, for example, is the internment of this pilot leaving this plane at this airfield without movement, that is
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, it is not even possible to refuel it so that it can fly somewhere further, and indeed in a situation where there is simply no military solution for ukraine, we see a transition. to a terrorist war, and here, of course , the risks for the western world are growing exponentially, let me remind you that it has now become clear that two of the terrorists who are now passing through, those are just the four who were in the crocus center itself, are fariduni and racha balisoda, they were in turkey, they were in turkey for throughout, fariduni was there for 2 months , the second one, who had his ear torn off, vangoh, he was there for 2 weeks and... they lived there for a second in the fatih district, the fatih district is the very center of istanbul, there, excuse me, in a hotel room costs 100 dollars, that is, all these stories that they did something there for half a million rubles are, well, fiction that have nothing to do with reality, and already in turkey it’s
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practically a political scandal inside, because today the speaker ruling justice party amar chilik has already... frankly said that in such a situation it is absolutely clear to everyone that a foreign intelligence service is behind the terrorist attack in this crocus city center, as he put it, but an even more, of course, comical statement was from the taliban representative in qatar, who said that kharasan is leading, which allegedly they were tied to this terrorist attack, he does not now have any organizational capabilities to carry out terrorist attacks, because on the territory of afghanistan he...
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information from where, what money was sent to whom and from where, now the most important thing is to get to not just the perpetrators, not just the organizers, but precisely the customers who ordered this terrorist attack in order to turn the war into a terrorist regime, they will inevitably find customers and organizers, the accounting chamber of the united states, which has just recommended that the state department better monitor the funds allocated to kiev, quote, the department does not have a systematic and comprehensive approach to this matter, in general, blinkin got hit on the head by the accounts chamber, great, we’ll be back, those who want to be in the know, watch the news of the week, the program for
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advanced, conduct weeks with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, but what will norcom kuznetsov tell us about this? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, great premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform. look, you look at the stoma, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then it’s a tricky one. which character from everyone knows about pushkin’s works, how many there will be
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7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if noted, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don't know what else. algebra , physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache , god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, masha, i love you very much, on sunday, dima, do you know each other?
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the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance,
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you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. he needs you, asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i
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always believed in you, we will consider that this is a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand , i love him too, on saturday on rtr, this studio plays music from popular soviet films of the eighties. and provided russia with detailed data on the threat of a terrorist attack, white house communications coordinator john announced this at a briefing
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kirby, just 6 days ago the same kirby stated that he had not received any information about the upcoming terrorist attack. at the same time , the new york times claims that american intelligence withheld parts of information simply because it was afraid of compromising its informants. but the official representative of the state department, matthew miller, has already completed his investigation. i think the russian government knows that these allegations are categorically false. ukraine was not behind these attacks. the uk was not behind these attacks, the united states was not behind these attacks. the united states warned russia in advance about the possibility of these attacks because we wanted to see if the attack could be prevented. and this is another example of how president putin and the rest of his team are using a national tragedy to try to justify an illegal one. our staff correspondent dmitry melnikov on direct communication from the american capital, dmitry, hello, we see that
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the authorities of the united states were already confused. testimony regarding those handed over to russia data, but now the new york times also claims that some of the data, at least washington, was hidden from moscow. hello, evgeny, indeed, we see the development of this massive information campaign, which began last friday, almost simultaneously with the attack on the cityhall crocus, and today john kirby actually said that the united... states issued a warning about a possible terrorist threat in russia in writing on march 7th. according to him, the united states tried to help prevent this terrorist attack, and this indeed exactly repeats the statements that were made the day before from the state department. but it’s true, indeed, if in the first minutes after the terrorist attack the same kirby said that the united states had no information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in russia, then
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the official line of the west was approved, so to speak, that involvement in the terrorist attack was prohibited. in russia, the islamic state was repeated as a mantra about the non-involvement of ukraine, only a few days later the statement began to be made for the first time that the us intelligence services knew everything and even warned russia about preparations. well , as for the sensational new york times article, it really develops this topic, adding some details. the article itself is presented as an investigation based on interviews with european, american officials and security experts, in particular they claim that... a certain local cia office in moscow, which in itself, of course, sounds strange, back in early march, on the eve of publication of this warning on the websites of western embassies to its citizens, conveyed to the russian side a certain private warning , which contained information, including about the so-called veloyat-kharasan, that is, part of the islamic state banned in russia, in addition, the authors claim that
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american intelligence was closely monitoring for several months. .. of this group in afghanistan and tajikistan, including their use of electronic interceptions, the use of informants and other means, american operatives, in principle, had a completely complete and objective picture of preparations, as they claim, for terrorist attacks in moscow, while the public statement, as we remember, on march 7, which was published on the embassy’s websites, concerned only 48 hours, that is, in fact, those long weekends in march, but the most important detail is... indeed , probably appearing for the first time, it is that the americans conveyed only part of the information about the preparation of the terrorist attack, that is, the data that us intelligence received before falling into the hands of their russian colleagues was probably censored in order to really hide and the sources themselves and the methods that the cia used to obtain this information, that is, a political pretext was actually used in connection with the current complex
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relations between moscow and washington. which probably did not make it possible to obtain complete information about the preparation of the terrorist attack in moscow. eugene! thank you very much, dmitry melnikov, our staff correspondent from washington, and of course, we need to check the message that came from the united states, of course, our special services will do this, perhaps this is also part of some special operation by the cia station to replace the real one with some private message. the united states receives information about the plan of the perpetrators of the time and place of a terrorist act outside
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the territory of the united states, this is information. united states national security committee. security, but in any case
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, it was biden who decided how much of this information to transmit. there is an established channel, within the structure of the american embassy in moscow. employee, his affiliation with the cia in advance was known to us, this is made known, well, not to the general public, open residents - this is always a surname, part of the embassies, there is a surname and a first name, just like there is an open representative mishest at the british embassy, ​​i could name these surnames, but for reasons, i won’t... do this, because it’s a violation of the rules, so the information that the americans gave us was in the nature of a cover-up for a future terrorist act, no
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specifics, except look, there will be something somewhere, but look for it like a needle in a haystack. let me remind you that when we, our special services , became aware of information about who was preparing the terrorist attack on the boston marathon, all this information was transferred to the americans. in full, in the same way, the perpetrator was called an american, in the same way, let me remind you, before the start of a special military operation, the cia handed over to the fsb complete data that made it possible to prevent a terrorist attack being prepared by terrorists in st. petersburg. therefore, if the president of the united states did not deliberately authorize the transfer of this information to us, well, it turns out that joe biden is one way or another. accomplice in this terrorist act , no matter how monstrous it may sound now , as for monstrous, how many people were killed by the hands and words of biden, hundreds of thousands, as
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for the protection of sources, well, firstly, in such matters, i think the americans read the correspondence in telegram or on the darknet, the capabilities of the usa allow this to be done. that is why american intelligence officers are prohibited from using telegram at work, accordingly, the united states had all the data, all that remained was to make a political decision, prevent the terrorist attack and hand it over; if they didn’t hand it over, it means that ukraine was behind this terrorist attack; the americans categorically did not want to expose it in advance. let's go back, today is the event of the year. premiere on rtr. this is my first, real deal, you are serious now, you will follow, evgeny pronin , you love me, how can i tell you, if in 7 years a man has not proposed to you, he needs
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to be changed, anna artova, i called all my friends, they are nowhere to be found , my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, a guy like that. zoya, my university student comrade. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, the irrepressible, the restless, they say the truth about you, what the restless wants, the restless gets. from monday on rtr.
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let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind the bear, of course, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is program five against one, five against one on saturdays on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today
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is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, cheap, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one in them. i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, the period of the combination, there were songs that seemed to write the biography of the country, eras, the time was so daring and it was... difficult for us combination of her fate, you
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we went after love, after a man, set priorities and parted with the group, and at its peak. i then decided to get married and decided to start all over again, i myself didn’t understand anything about what i was doing, i just stupidly followed some kind of hormonal emotional.
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some kind of rogue, do you even understand, beauty, we will deal with delays especially strictly, everything is in place, martynova is not there, what’s her name? margarita, hello, margarita, she’s a master, i ’m a bad master, yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, but you can’t tell a soldier why start, first of all, show everyone that you are not a robot, but a person, i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, margarita, she is the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our platform, i understand that i love another man, queen margot, today on rtr. so, the verification
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of evidence at the scene of the terrorist attack with one of the terrorists has been completed for today, the investigative committee reported, and most importantly, the investigative committee has received evidence of the connection between the terrorists and ukrainian nationalists. it was 60 minutes, all the details are in the news, goodbye. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i, maria sittal, hello, the last one.


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