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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  March 30, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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ask the question first, which second , if the answer to this is yes, then these questions, if no, then these questions, if this, this is no, and this is yes, then these questions, these are right in the textbooks, these are in the methodological instructions, because that behind all this is the fate and health of people, which means that our job is to interrogate you correctly, and your job is to answer honestly, well, remember my dad’s interrogation, the conversation between the doctor and the patient, this is equivalent in meaning and expression.
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growth and fat are coming, but this did not happen, and we were thinking what to do, and i made an appointment with endocrinologist, took a lot of tests, constantly took some measurements, conversations, and as a result, i was prescribed a diet, which i followed for about six months, but there were no changes, doctor, please tell me, is there any possibility to change my weight? lose weight, anything you want, please, thank you very much , teska, why are you going to endocrinologists, introducing some conversations, everything is banally simple, in order to lose weight, you need to eat right and move a lot, two components, respectively , you should limit calories per day to less than 2.0 calories, 1800 calories per day, against this background you can do fasting days, reducing calorie intake to 100 calories teach.
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count calories, eat right, don't eat anything white, no white sugar, no white bread , no white rice and no white pasta and so on, your half a kilo of vegetables, half a kilo of fruits, fish, vegetables and so on, don't stick to some exotic diets, chum salmon, some other intermittent fasting, no, just watch what you eat, limit it calories and move, if you feel hungry, then carry it with you. carry an apple with you, have a snack, don’t let hunger develop, i have books on this topic, buy them, just download, open and read, everything is written, i just want to say, diet alone will not help, since you definitely need to move, aerobic physical activity is five once a week, 40 minutes a day, an hour is better , two is better, but an hour is good, only these two components, one will not work, the third, understand, no one will help you, this is your weight, no endocrinologist will help you, but he can you according to...
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my mother is 78 years old, hypertensive since youth, takes medications every day prescribed by a doctor , over the last 3 months her health has worsened, she constantly calls an ambulance because her blood pressure jumps to 190-210 mm, she starts pounding, an injection is given, a little pressure subsides, the condition improves, after a while everything starts again, that is , the pressure, especially... in the evening and at night
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it also rises again to 190-210 mm, please help, tell me what else can be done, what other treatment can be prescribed so that improve health moms? you see, this is a standard mistake, here she is, a hypertensive patient with youth, undergoing treatment, somehow not being treated, no matter how, suddenly she starts having these crises, with increased blood pressure, with colic, and so on, what do you do? you call an ambulance. the ambulance arrives, rushes to all places, the pressure drops and writes a referral to the clinic, you either go to the clinic or don’t go, until next time, until the next ambulance appointment, because sooner or later it will all end badly, or the ambulance will not arrive, such sharp manipulations with pressure, they’re not doing anything good, you can see for yourself that something happened, something happened, what aggravated it, what are the options, option number one, she’s an elderly person, she has clogged... vessels, the plaque could have settled,
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she’s sits in the vessels of the heart, causing a heart attack, in the vessels of the brain, causing a stroke, it could sit in the vessels of the kidneys, here ’s a change in hypertension, maybe the situation has changed something else. what has changed in food, what has changed in water consumption, maybe she just needs to sharply limit salt, what has she started eating, maybe could she be on any other medications, many medications increase her blood pressure, what’s wrong with her memory, does she take medication, does she live with you or what? you look, she takes medications or she forgets to take them, i won’t do that, it’s the round one that makes me sick, and i’ve been drinking for 20 years, i’m not interested in this, we need to figure this out, it just doesn’t happen, you need a competent a doctor who... will sit down, take everything apart, weigh the treatment, excuse the jargon, shovel it, give a new one, this is not what emergency doctors do, this is not for you, let's move on, hello, alexander leonidovich, my name is mikhail, i am from
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samara, 5 years ago i quit smoking and switched to electronic cigarettes, and in the last six months i have started to have a strong cough, especially for chickens, i clear my throat very much. cough with phlegm, tell me, maybe this is caused by electronics, just when i switched to them, they told me that the smoke from them is harmless, or for some other reason i can cough like this, and please tell me what cough suppressants will help with my in case, thank you, well if you are an experienced smoker, a long-term smoker , by the way, i’m surprised that you didn’t mention that after you quit smoking, a cough immediately starts when a person quits smoking, but... i almost said in childhood, in when i was young, i smoked in graduate school, i quit , and then i probably would have started again, if this cough hadn’t arisen, okay, cough , phlegm of some kind of black-green color came out, and so much came out, i thought,
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god, how much in i was sitting in disgusting conditions, i was suffocating, i suffered with this macrota, then especially what kind of expectorants there were, that i don’t even remember there, it was a million years ago, but the fact that it’s something like a smoker’s cough, especially when a person quits smoking, by the way, it lasts for maybe months, but this is quite accurate about electronic cigarettes, yes, electronic cigarettes are much less harmful than real ones, yes, and we even use them to help a person quit smoking, but well , it’s been 3 years or however long you’ve quit there, until now sit on them, it’s not harmless either, they less harmful than real cigarettes, but still not harmful. remember, our very first program was dedicated to vaper disease, people who smoked e-cigarettes got sick, died with a good mortality rate, then covid started, and everyone forgot about it, while very interesting work was going on, if i’m right, then this is how you have chronic bronchitis,
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provoked by smoking, in particular, and so to speak, we know the classic portrait of a smoker, by the way, if your cough changes, streaky macrota appears blood. don’t hesitate, go for a computed tomography scan of the lungs, there may be iraq, remember that smoking is the only product that kills, well, almost half of 40% of its consumers, well, first of all, what i want to say is that it’s not just expectorants , because the treatment of chronic bronchitis, especially caused by smoking, uses bronchodilators, sometimes even corticosteroids, and sometimes even antibiotics, this is a very complex system, there is not one disease, what it is associated with, and so on and so forth, but mucoid, yes, if there is phlegm there if it clogs the bronchi , but i probably won’t show you here, because macrota accumulates not in the lungs, but
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in the bronchial tree, respectively, if it is thick, breathing becomes difficult, there behind it, behind this a piece of sticky... all sputum, the ventilation is completely different, so an infection breaks out there, those bacteria that live there, and they live, we used to think that the bronchial tree was sterile, which means now we know that it also has its own microbiome , infections may break out, why am i talking about antibiotics, so until we uncork the passage, there is little we can do here, that is why mucolytics are so important in the treatment of this case, what kind of colic is it, remember i said that in my time there were no such things, now new ones have appeared, now they have appeared. .. of the new generation, here he is, probably the last of this category, when taking mucus, sputum can become less viscous and less dense, and accordingly, it passes through the respiratory tract more easily, and the person begins to breathe freely, which is good,
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he has additional means, he relieves inflammation in the bronchi, thereby clearing the airways, has a certain antioxidant effect, improves... local immunity in the lungs, which prevents further progression of the disease. in general, i hope i enlightened you, the only thing is history. do yoga with such a diagnosis , thank you, yes, i think it has nothing to do with yoga, let him do it, yoga is
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useful in all respects, accordingly, many people have a hernia, but no one does yoga, so let’s do yoga anyway say, it will improve everything, but a hernia, it happens that we operate, but there are four types of hernia, this is the most common, which 80% of people there are just drugs like ameprazole, i’m for yoga, with questions... that’s it, let’s go tighten up, we have physical education pause, if you want to review us, app or website,, then, products with gluten, for whom are they really dangerous, and does a gluten-free diet really help you lose weight, why is everything in russia? more obese people and what role does plastic play in the appearance of excess weight?
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dishes? and today we’ll talk about gluten, do we even need it? gluten - you see, it gives him these papillae, they begin to die, there is also a predisposition to type 1 diabetes, why have you all lost your mind? a lot of people write that you can lose a lot of weight on a gluten-free diet, is that true? indeed, if you give up gluten and you become cheerful and active, why is russia growing wider? this is the problem, if you see a fat person, but from a medical point of view, we are under threat, you have a chance to be six times fat , 5 million people die from obesity every year, what about covid, and i became an investigator, premiere on rtr, will you ever marry me, independent, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it , well, who? irreplaceable, i'm drawn to you, i can't do anything about it,
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tireless, i'll come now, don't drive me like that, just don't drive me like that, irrepressible restless, well , if you want, you and i will get married, all that from monday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking , the big ones arrived. changes for the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we go from this room to a completely faceless one, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, the plans are changing before our eyes into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, from the living room of our heroes... real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and
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dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday. yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out , he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have my
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own, tell me that i love her, and tell me, my beloved friend, sunday on rtr, in this studio. thank you for staying with us, thank you
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for watching russia-1, there is time, well, our regular column from... today we will talk about gluten in gluten-free products, because everywhere you look, gluten-free, gluten-free, gluten-free, and we actually need him and in general, another conversation, because well, not all our doctors knew about celiac disease, about this problem, suddenly it became somehow fashionable, now everywhere you look, i’m on a gluten-free diet, i don’t eat gluten, i buy the product gluten free only. let's see how much it is needed, and so gluten is a protein contained in cereals, in particular wheat and so on, rye, and so on and so on, here is a piece of dough, now i would
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like to brown it in the oven, you see gluten, he gives it to him such elasticity, so, as we already understood. glethen is a protein found in cereals, like any protein, it is useful, but during the war, world war ii, a dutch doctor, i think, was suddenly surprised to see that his patients, who as children came to him and suffered from abdominal pain, weight loss, stool, diarrhea , indigestibility, suddenly they said yes, everything is bad, but... our symptoms have gone away , we should eat something and the body eats everything, i apologize for the jargon, it turned out that the problem was that there was no bread , there was poor nutrition, they were artificially put on this gluten-free diet, well then all this we went and began to figure out what was going on in general, the fact is that some people
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have a genetically determined intolerance to gluten, that is, they have a sort of... allergy to it, and it is interesting, immunity, both acquired and natural, begins to show up, now, if we look at the intestines from the inside, we look there, there are these villi inside, here the microbiome lives, the microbiome, teeming with bacteria, these are the papillae that are absorbed, these are the papillae...
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which react to gluten, but people with gluten intolerance, somewhere in in childhood, 1% manifests itself, and gluten-free, that’s what is written, it is written for everyone, there is another problem, there is an allergy to cereals, there is non-cyleokine gluten intolerance in the form of another... mechanism - in the form of also an allergic reaction. the fact is that celiac disease is akin to many autoimmune diseases. the gene in which gluten intolerance occurs - celiac disease, is located in the same gene antenna and predisposition to type 1 diabetes mellitus and some other
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diseases, thyroid disease, trophic gastritis. and in fact , it’s clear that we have cereal gluten, but there are products where it’s unclear, there’s as much gluten as you want, because what sausage, sugar, salt, soy, flour is made of, the only thing is that there’s no meat, i don’t know what they add there that it’s so delicious, for me personally, it’s delicious, that’s all, i’m no longer interested in rice, i’m not interested in meat, i’m not interested in anything, i want sausage with ketchup, even though it’s gluten, at least. “am i a trembling creature or do i have the right that man and habit are stronger, but
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remember when you quit smoking, of course man, well, now i have a question for you, 1% of the population has intolerances. why are you all crazy, i’m gluten-free, but gluten-free, and what do i have here on the cards, why people are afraid of gluten, severe allergies develop from gluten, products with gluten cause cancer, modern wheat is much more gluten than before, if you eat foods with gluten, you will grow old faster, foods with gluten cause heart disease, it’s all nonsense, it doesn’t cause cancer, you will get old, well, listen, with your way of eating, you still have to get old, you know, i duh... we were tired of something else there,
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but we need to excite, gluten is the enemy, come on, gluten-free, we will teach you how to live, how to eat, scare you with gluten, then we will help food industry, gluten-free products, develop this science, but it’s as always, without artillery training you won’t go forward. so this is artillery training, there are gluten-free products. so, a lot of people write that you can lose a lot of weight on a gluten-free diet, is that true? well, what do you mean, if you don’t eat bread, pasta, all this, and white rice, there, but it's not about gluten. now there are shampoos that say: gluten free, should you trust them? but if you don’t squeeze shampoo into the anus like that so that it sucks there, listen, right? that people don’t get it, but really, if you give up gluten, you will become cheerful and active, being cheerful and active depends on your physical condition, it has nothing
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to do with gluten, once again, if you generally give up bread made from varnish, which by the way , in vain in vain, because once again, wild rice, products made from strong grains are extremely healthy, and if you buy this bread for gluten-free, firstly, there is still gluten there, but it’s good and not, because if , of course, you sell it to a person who really... whole grains, that’s all it will be bad , but in your attitude this is nonsense, how can i understand that i have gluten intolerance, there are symptoms that i wrote, malabsorption, abdominal pain, diarrhea, iron deficiency anemia, weight loss, you go, do a certain analysis, they tell you whether you have it or not, gluten intolerance can develop with age, no, this is a genetically determined disease, but an allergy to cereals can, is it worth it? those products border on gluten, no , only those who have celiac disease, that’s all , this is a marketing ploy, those for whom gluten is contraindicated, they are diagnosed with celiac disease,
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those who are allergic to cereals, they also know about it, just like that go, try and overpay for a gluten-free product, i don’t understand rational grain at all, except it’s a scam, it’s a scam, let’s move on, the main topic of our... today's program is why russia is growing wider, and not about what you thought, we are talking about the fact that more and more russians are suffering from obesity, in america, europe, australia, a certain number of years ago it was 40% overweight people, 40%, in russia at that time, this percentage was 15, this was only 20 years ago, today we have.
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of a person, it’s clear that he’s fat, it’s clear that, in general, what’s the problem there, if you see a normal person, well , as a rule, he’s also normal, there’s a difference between them the concept of body mass index is weight in kilograms, if you count 100 kg, divided by the square of height in meters. that is, 2 by 2 = 4, that is, 100 by 4 = 25, here is a body mass index of 25, 25 dash 29.9. this is the middle
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, this is already more than thirty body mass index, this is understandable, this is the norm, although there is a nuance here, these people are like me, my body mass index is somewhere here, we seem to be not quite fat, well, it’s clear, there is something , of course, it would be nice, but from a medical point of view, we are under threat, we live less, we get sick more often, namely... people like you and me, when, yes, of course, there is something superfluous here and this is a problem, the fact is that if we look at the mortality rate of obesity, then it is like this, here is the mortality rate, and here is the body mass index, here is the normal body mass index,
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here it begins to grow slowly at first, but you already see, well, here if you’re 30, 35, the mortality rate increases like this, but here they are thin, their body mass index is less than 8, their mortality rate also increases, this is the curve, so you need to be of normal weight, so... did you know that 70% is excess weight is to blame for genetics, if you have one fat parent and the other thin, you have a six times greater chance of being fat than...
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10 times more than those with thin parents, there is no escape, but the problem is that since you know your...
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when they died, yes, an awful lot, there are 2 million people a year, 5 million people die from obesity every year, what kind of covid, covid is already over, it was before, and this is every year, in twenty in the fourth year it will be so much, in the twenty- third so much, that’s it for the children, in our time we teased one with poles for school, he ran around, in each class there are now three poles, and you know what this is, this is a schoolchild’s menu, i really couldn’t believe it. listen, they have dumplings every day, they have buns, white bread , nuggets, this is generally poison, there is, you know, ultra-processed food, that is, food in which you cannot find a ready-made component, you don’t know what’s there, but if i don’t know, in dumplings, we know there is meat, something else, here we don’t know what, everything here is so processed that it’s difficult to figure it out by bolecules, there are no components, of which there are so many,
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some types of yoghurts are like this and so on and so forth, these are sweet cereals, they are exactly sweet, mm, yes, they are delicious for children to eat, dumplings, compote, in this compote, as we know, for 300 g there are 10 pieces of sugar, why it is so tasty, it is sweet, it is a sugar solution, the children drink it with their own, then they fry it. they have weak bones, and then as in that question, remember, young man, i ’ve been fat for so many years, what should i do, i went to an endocrinologist, what endocrinologist, while we are at school officially, listen, well, in this respect, you know, in the same america, ugh, i don’t like it myself, but carbonated sweet drinks are prohibited from being sold not just in schools, but to be sold within a certain radius around the school, it’s poison, especially for children it’s
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poison, but here we have this they give it at school, so i went to do some pull-ups, then i’ll tell you really a lot of interesting things, about the paradoxes of obesity, maybe? to be fat and healthy and so on and so forth, i promised to tell you about plastic, does it cause obesity, do you want us to review this application or the website, so, further, what role do plastic dishes play in the appearance of excess weight, why sometimes fat people live longer than thin people, quotes from the great commander alexander suvorov, which... will help you rethink your life, start taking action, you know how much food we eat per year, that is, it turns out to be a little overeating, tiny, it accumulates over the years, accumulates, we say that obesity is an adenovirus, there is plastic, it
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causes, but this is a separate situation for those who have a higher body mass index, there is a paradox of obesity, in addition to body weight, you we must measure, the more comforts, the less health, our most important enemy naturally and provenly dies earlier and gets sick more, keep your head in the cold, your stomach in hunger, and your legs warm, if you didn’t forgive from your youth, you wouldn’t give yourself this, would they have been brought up, destroyed, would they have been different people, forgive me for falling like snow on the ground, and being declared dead? now he has appeared, you should introduce me to my son, my answer is no, why do you think that it was your ex- husband who kidnapped him? i feel like this is herm, everything will be okay ok, the main thing is to believe me, husband for an hour and a half, premiere, today on rtr, good morning
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, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you... wait for me through the rains, blessed flowers are still preserved for now, fiction has been living in me , some kind of morning mail with nikolai baskov on
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sunday on rtr. you are so businesslike , i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice and love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, everything, everything, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have choice, he needs you, asya. you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s consider this to be a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, i love him too, today
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on rtn, i have 10 above. education, why do you want to get a job as a pizza delivery person? i have always admired people without complexes, he is clearly in love, i love only myself, he is such a great hero , height is 152 cm, weight is 43 kg, erakal, i believe that some man will finally removed from me the crown of ugliness, parade of humor, premiere today on rtr. according to research by scientists from norway, chemical compounds contained in plastic enhance the synthesis of adipose tissue in the human body. what does dr. myasnikov think about this? should i give up
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plastic utensils? we continue the conversation about why the number of obese people is growing in russia. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia 1. we continue the conversation about obesity, once again i bring you back to the pictures of mortality, mortality is increasing after a body mass index of 24, and increases sharply , and accordingly, for very thin people too, you know how much food we eat per year, british scientists have calculated that from 20 to 65 years old , in a period of 40 years, we eat 6 tons of food, well who cares, i definitely ate more, but on average. from 20 years to 65 years we eat 6-7
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tons of food, while on average we gain 10, 25 kg, that is, it turns out to be a small overeating, tiny, this accumulates over the years, accumulates, imagine how much we have eaten. we say that obesity is an adenovirus,
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yes, there really were works that showed that adenovirus is associated with excess weight, we say plastic, yes, plastic today is this, you think, this is plastic, this is not plastic, this is ugh on it, this is the plastic that we have , billions of tons of plastic, these are tires that wear out, a billion masks a day that are thrown away from plastic, a billion, well, during covid. these are washing machines that wash, this rubber is released into the atmosphere, this is atmospheric plastic, there is plastic, it causes cancer, it bites environment, this is a separate problem, because we can’t do anything but weld obesity onto plastic, when this is how we feed our schoolchildren, go eat the way you eat, i beg you. i immediately thought about
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bariatric surgery, but this is a separate situation for those who have a body mass index greater than 45, i promised about metabolically healthy, there is the concept of a metabolically healthy obese person, that is, overweight, but he has normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, normal sugar , normal acid, everything is normal, we looked. at first they thought that they lived the same as thin people, now they look, just longer, no, their mortality rate is statistically higher than that of those with normal body weight. there is another question: there is a paradox of obesity, it is mainly associated with cardiology, if an already fat person gets heart disease, his prognosis is better than that of a thin person, this
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applies to insufficiency, to some pulmonary diseases, even to the immunodeficiency virus, well there where the skinny one dies, the fat one dies, why we don’t know whether these are toys of statistics, games of statistics, or adipose tissue, when a person gets sick , some kind of peptides are formed, i don’t know what , i don’t know, i won’t lie, doctors don’t know, i don’t know, then also, remember, i told you all the time about central obesity? that in addition to body weight, you should measure your waist size. 102 cm for men, 88 cm for women, if it’s more , you’re at risk, well, this should be measured by those who have a body mass index of less than thirty, if it’s thirty, moreover, it’s more dangerous if it ’s just like a ball, because if you.. .like this, you have the same risks, and if you are thin, but
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with the stomach, these are other risks, and this is more dangerous than this, because there is no purity of insulin and so on, they carried out work, compared the mortality of these and these, and even adjusted for body mass index, it’s still with this... form obese people die more often and get sick more often. and i also want to say, even if you are overweight, do physical activity. you will say, oh, listen, you are tired of everyone with your physical activity, maybe a person who engages in physical activity has a risk of dying almost half as much as those who do not, sits on his butt exactly in front of the tv , it is interesting that the same applies to overweight, large people with excess body weight, if they exercise, but do not
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lose weight, but continue to exercise, they live longer, get sick less, and who cares, i have there are links to these articles, well, you see, we’re actually starting to finish the topic here, but unfortunately, our time is up, in the end the conclusion is sad, but logical, we see that in the 22nd century the trend towards increasing life expectancy continues, the conclusion of scientists , mathematically proven, having simply miscalculated the speed situation. obesity, with the problems of its treatment and so on, they calculated that in just a few literally years, due to the fact that obesity is growing so rapidly, and this is a disease, not a condition, an increase in life expectancy, which has been observed over the past 50 years in the developed world, it will end then there will be a decline
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if we do nothing and eat as before as we do... the life of war is so unique, by the way, it is very close to some aspects of bashido, and the japanese samurai code, we decided on this to talk, in general, just give us a topic. so, the more conveniences, the less courage. i say it looks like bushido, but it
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says if a samurai has wealth, or whatever. the hike is decent, he will not be brave, the rich cannot be brave, he has something to lose, the same thing, the more conveniences, the less courage, not only courage, we have surrounded ourselves with very comfortable things, we have elevators, we have cars, and today you want an electronic recording somewhere, we surrounded ourselves with conveniences, and okay, courage. brave people, now you know where, here are people who have surrounded themselves with conveniences, the more conveniences, the less health, 100%, our most important enemy is the sofa, the number one killer, not dumplings, not vodka, just the sofa,
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that’s it this is sitting on your butt straight, you know, now there are jobs, well, abroad , in any case, where everything is organized, so that you... work standing up, because a person who sits throughout the working day naturally and provenly dies earlier and gets sick more, well, it’s just medical famous: keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm. well, you know, how suvorast understood exactly in this regard, because the campaigns that he made. then only napoleon repeated this , both of them took care of the soldiers, this is suvorov’s idea of ​​keeping your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs warm, this is straight advice from military medicine, do not overeat, and you know
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that the largest number of defenses american soldiers had it in vietnam, where + 25 is the coldest time or plus... 30, they are wet, water, wind, cooling, these problems, so, from a young age, learn to forgive the misdeeds of your neighbor, and never forgive your own, 100%, i have not condemned anyone for a long time, but i can only condemn for betrayal, for direct betrayal, for direct meanness, but weakness, i will probably understand cowardice , and maybe i won’t justify it, but i’ll understand. i will understand a lot of things , in general, you know how, don’t judge, lest you be judged, you can’t forgive your own mistakes, well, at least because yes, we learn from them, but once you ask... forgive twice, when we forgive their own misdeeds, even not mistakes, mistakes are one thing, but misdeeds are another, we agree that this
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is permissible, and we do it again again, well , in fact, many people develop their character, their personality this way, they would not forgive from youth, not if they gave themselves this, they would educate them, they would destroy them, they would be different people, so alexander vasilyevich, oh, discipline. the mother of victory, well, yes, but remember this, the macedonian phalanx, or let’s say the same soovor, and then napoleon, no one ran to wave a saber individually, showing their courage, you know, it’s like a pistol in a modern war, it is not needed, they know, they can only shoot themselves in order to avoid captivity, that’s the way it is, they won with that. but she won with discipline, the soldier had to stand under fire, remember war and peace, how andrei volkonsky’s regiment
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stood throughout the battle of borodino, lost more than half of its strength, standing still under bombs, andrei balkonsky himself was mortally wounded while waiting for the regiment to move, when you’re going on the attack, why use a drum, not to dance to it, so they beat it to get you going? they walked step by step, that was discipline, they kill a neighbor, kortech cuts ranks, you go , this is discipline, well, needless to say that in everyday life , discipline is the mother of health, when you do gymnastics in a disciplined manner in the morning, there or when you do it, eat right, go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time , you live longer, in general all our problems are the inability to discipline yourself. keep a daily routine, for children , we teach them the daily routine, and we, oh, doctor, when the routine, i left for work, came,
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my arms hurt, my legs hurt, i want to sleep, everything is torn, i still have to cook, do the laundry and so on, i understand , but you know why you got into this, life pulled you in, maybe you got married for the wrong reasons, maybe you chose the wrong profession, maybe you changed jobs at the wrong time, it ’s not that simple , went with the flow, went to where you are, excuse me, but here we are , heroism wins over courage, patience , speed, reason, intelligence, work, laziness, and the history of the newspaper, well, yes, about media problems, then it was , but this is already from bushido, don’t be afraid of death, then you’ll probably win, you can’t have two deaths, one cannot be avoided, this is absolutely true, go to battle, i think you are already dead. then you have a chance, so let's be disciplined, which means brave,
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let's forgive others for their mistakes, but not ourselves, then everything will be fine with us, dr. mesnyakov was with you, i say goodbye to you, until our next ones with you meetings, fortunately they are not just around the corner, oh, i didn’t spin the wheel today, but i wanted to, oh well, next time, goodbye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittel, hello! “minister of defense sergei shagub inspected the defense industry enterprise in the altai territory. everything must be plowed in three shifts.


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